HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.04 TVCVB AdminSvcs CITY CLERK File # D[~H7J1[l'lH3]fID- AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 19,2005 SUBJECT: Agreement with the Tri-Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau (TVCVB) Report Prepared by: Christopher 1. Fon' Economic Development Director 1. Draft agreement with the TVCVB 2. TVCVB FY 2005-2006 Budget 3. Administrative Services Report RECOMMENDATION: ~ Approve the proposed agreement and authorize the City Manager to exccute the agreement. A TT ACHMENTS: FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The TVCVB funding of $56,555 was approved in the FY 2005-2006 budget. DESCRIPTION: For the past several years, the City of Dublin has provided financial support to the Tri-Vallcy Convention and Visitors Bureau's (TVCVB) efforts to market the Tri-Valley to convention and tourist travel. The TVCVB serves the cities of Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton and San Ramon as a liaison between potential visitors to the Tri- Valley and the hospitality businesses that will host them, and acts as the information clearinghouse, convention consultant, and promotional marketing agency for the area. The proposed agreement with the TVCVB (see Attachment I) formalizes the expectations of the TVCVB and addresses responsibilities in several areas, including financial record keeping and reporting, annual audits, and oversight responsibilities of the TVCVB Board of Directors. The proposed agreement calls for the preparation of an annual Program Budget (see Attachment 2) and detailed monthly financial reports, as well as an annual audit of the TVCVB's financial records. The proposed agreement also provides for City representation on the TVCVB's Finance Committee to review the organization's finances. The City will also disburse funding twice (July and January) each year. The agreement (Section 2) also calls for a report by the City's Administrative Services Director, which has been included as Attachment 3. StafT believes that the proposed contract and its financial controls will protect the City's interests in assuring that the services for which the City of Dublin contracts with the TVCVB will be delivered. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council review and approve the proposed agreement with the Tri-Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau, and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. ____________~______________~__w__w.___________________-___________________________________W~M_~~___._________ COPIES TO: 11/(:e-form~/agdastmt.doc ~Ob\ ITEMNO.~ \'bZ~ AGREEMENT WITH TRI-VALLEY CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this _ day of July 2005, by and between CITY OF DUBLIN, a-municipal corporation (hereinafter refened to as the "City"), and TRI- V ALLEY CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU, a non-profit corporation (hereinafter referred to as "TVCVB"). WI TN ES SE TH: A. TVCVB has qualified to receive City funds to providc community services as stated in this Agreement. B. In the judgment of the City Council, it is appropriate and advisable to provide möney to TVCVB for fiscal year 2005-06 to assist it financially in providing specified community scrvices. C. The Tri-Valley Convention and Visitor's Bureau (TVCVB), formerly known as the Pleasanton Convention Visitors BUTeau (CVB) has expanded its services to include businesses in the Cities of Livermore, Dublin, and San Ramon. The City of Livermore, the City of Pleasanton, and the City of San Ramon, have agreed to participate in the TVCVB. Each city has separate contracts, agrcements, and conditions. The City and TVCVB agree as follows: NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, the parties agree as follows: I. TVCVB's Services. TVCV)3 shall attempt in good faith to provide services andfurnish the neecssary materials, supplies, facilities, and personnel to promote thc City of Dublin by increasing convention and visitor trade· in Dublin, encouraging Dublin hotel use, supporting special events in Dublin, and perforn1Îng services that assist Dublin businesses. The TVCVB has the right to act independent1y regarding funding and related contract issues. A. The TVCVB has adopted tbe following goals in Fiscal Year 2005-06 for the City of Dublin and other parts of the Td-Valley Region it serves: I. Sales Goals: Generated leads: I70 Finn leads: 60 ii. Membership Goals: Overall membership: 310 New memhers solicited: 40 B. The TVCVB will submit quarter1y written reports to the CITY on its service accomplishments during FY 2005-06 covering at least the following categories: L No. of new TVCVB mcmbers from City; ii. No. of sales leads generated for TVCVBmember hotels/meeting facilities in CITY; iii. No. of sales leads booked into CITY hotels/meeting faeil-ities; iv. Projected economic impact to CITY in FY 2005-06; l-let-05' "f. '+ Attachment I ZÞb2-,!> v. Location and estimated attendance of TVCVB events held at CITY member venues; and vi. Location of community, business and other TVCVB outreach events and activities attcnded in CITY. 2. Suffieicncv of TVCVB's Services. The City's Admínistrative Services Director shall monitor and review the level of funded services provided during the term of this contract and shall submit an annual review of the TVCVB's services to the City Cow1cil. 3. Tenn. TVCVB shall attempt in good faith to providc such services stated above during -. City of Dublio's fiscal year, July 1,2005 through .Tunc 30, 2006. 4. Allocated Funds: The City's financial contribution to the TVCVB is based on a formula by which each member City contributes its share based on the number of that City's hotel rooms compared to the total hotc\s rooms in the Tri- Valley area. City has allocated for fiscal year 2004-05 the sum of $56,555 to the TVCVB. City funds shall be disbursed twice each year (July and January) and these funds are not be used for any of the following without the expressed written consent of the City: Donations Political Contributions Gifts Non-business related travel Non-budgeted items Depreciatioll expense of equipment Funding for projects requiring matching funds or projects presently supported in part by City funds that would, in effect, result in duplicating City funding. 5. Financial Records and Reports. A. The TVCVB shall be responsible for preparing and maintaining accurate and adequate financial records on a timely basis. B. All financial records shall be made available to the City's Administrative Services Director (or his/her designated representative) upon request during normal working hours. C. The TVCVB's Chicf Executive Officer will prepare or cause to be prepared a monthly financial report to the Board of Directors oflhe TVCVB. D. The Monthly Financial Report shall include at a minimum the monthly check register, copies of the most eWTent month's bank statements, and a worksheet containing montWy and year to date, actual line itcm revenues and expenditures compared to budgeted line item revenues and expenditures. E. The TVCVB' s Chief Exeeutivc Officer will prcpare or cause to bc prepared an annual Program budget for consideration by City members by March I of each year (Section 5, Article IX of the TVCVB By-Laws). The proposed budget will be reviewed by a committee made up of City Managers, or their designees, from each contributing city no later than March 30 of each year. Thc review of the budget will suggest the level of funding each City Manager will recommend to his or her City Council during the regular budget process, should such funding be recommended. '3~ þ ~ 6. Audit. A. The TVCVB wiJI contract annually with an Indcpendent Auditor for a financial audit. B. The TVCVB wiJIprovide the City with a copy of the audit by October 1 following the dose of the fiscal year on June 30. 7. OversÎ!!:ht Responsibilities ofthe Board. A The City and TVCVB Board recognize and agree that with the mllumurn staffIng of the TVCVB, thc Board must playa signifIcant role in the internal control structure of the financial operations, and must help ensure the proper use and reporting of City funds. B. The TVCVB shall have in place a Finance Committec at all times. C. The Finance Comnúltee will consist of the Board Treasurer, the Chief Executive OffIcer, and at least two other Board members. One or more City staff representatives (ex. Administrative Services Director), including Financial OffIcers, may (if one or more City wishes representation) also serve on the Committee. D. The Finance Committee wiJI meet no less than twice per year to review the annual budget, the financial audit, and fInancial records as necessary and prudent, and to help ensure appropriate internal controls. 8. TVCVß's Status. In the performance of the services set forth in this agrecmcnt, TVCVB shall have the status of an independent contractor and TVCVB shall not be considered to be an employee of the City for any purpose. All persons working for or under the dircetion of TVCVB arc its agents, servants, and employees and are not agents, servants, or employees of the City. 9. Termination of A!!:rcement bv City. The City may terminate. this agreement at any time by mailing a notice in writing to the TVCVB that the City wiJIno longer provide funding. . The agreement shall then be dcemed terminated, and no further funding shalJ be required to be allocated by the City for TVCVB. The money allocated to TVCVB may be apportioned either by the number of months or services provided by TV CVB, if thc. funding is terminated. 10. Indemnifv and Hold Harmless. TVCVB shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless, the City and its ofj'¡eers, and cmployees from and against alJ claims, losses, damage, injury" and liability for damagcs arising from errors, omissions, negligent or wrongful acts of the TVCVB in the performance of its serviecs under this Agreement, regardless of whether lJ1e City has reviewed and/or approved the services which have given rise to the claim, loss, damage, injury or liability for damages. ] 1. Notices. All notices herein required shall be in writing and shall be sent by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, as foJlows: Citv of Dublin 100 Civic PJa:"a Dublin, CA 94568 TVCVB 260 Main Street Pleasanton, CA 94566 12. Conformance to Applicable Laws. TVCVB shall comply with all applicable Federal, Statc, and City Jaws, rules, and ordinances. No discrimination shall be made by TVCVB in the ~'b"1-~ employment of persons to work under this contract because of race, color, national origin,. ancestry, sex, or religion of such person. 13. Scone. of A!!"reerneot. This writing constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties relative to the services and modification hereof shall not be effective unless and until such modjfieation is evidenced by a written amendment signed by both parties to this Agreement. THIS AGREEMENT cxeeuted the date and year first above written. ATTEST: CITY OF DUBLIN Kay Keck, City Clerk By: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager Elizabeth Silver, City Attorney LEY CONVENTION AND S BUREAU APPROVED AS TO FORM: · f;' 'b ¡,. ~ PIt:as;i1¡HOn . LiY~l'n"JOre Dublin ¡, San R:1mon March 4, 2005 Mr. Richard C. Ambrose City Manager City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, California 94568 ;EIVED C'" DUBLIN MAR 0 3 2005 CITY lyiJ\jW\G.ER'S OFf¡œONVENTION & Vlsrroi('$ BUREAU FILM & VIDEO COMMISSION RE: Funding Request for Fiscal Year 200S-2Ø06 Deaf Mr. Ambrose: The Tri- Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau's budget request from the City of Dublin for the upcoming fiscal year beginning on July 1,2005 is $56,555.00. This number, which is identical to our budget request for last fiscal year, equates to 12% of the $471,291.00 requested from our fourfunding cities. As a reminder, each city's share is based on the number of hotel rooms in each city divided by the total number of hotel rooms in the four funding cities. The remaining budget wiJI be derived from membership dues ($66,000.00), projected program income (ticket sales, booth sales, newsletter inserts, etc. tötaling $18,100.00), a small amount from Capital Reserves ($28,000), and a grant requested from the County of Alameda ($20,000.00). Projected EconomicImpact and ßenefits The budget proposed is designed to implement and manage the sales and marketing of the Tri-Valley region, which provides additional revenue to the four cities that they would not have without CVB support services. In this fiscal year -tö-date the CVB has generated 98 Sales Leads resulting in 49 confirmed bookings (2,418 room nights) representing a projected $972,036.00 in generated revenue to the valley.! In this same period the CVB has also generated 62 Group Event Sales Leads resulting in I8 confirmed bookings (1,995 attendance) representing an additional $181,545.00 in generated revenue.- Additionally, the CVB brought a large event (6"' Annual California Independent Film Festival) to the Tri-Valley area resulting in an extra $86,400.00 in Event Attendance revenue.1 Combined, these three areas represent a total of $1,239,981.00 in economic impact back to the cities of Pleasanton, Livermore, Dublin and San Ramon in this fiscal year-to-date. ! This number is based on total room nights multiplied by 1.5 people per room multiplied by average spending generated per day ($268). Formula updated by <'-'VB Board in January 2005. Sources: InternationaJ A.s<.>ciation of Convention & Visitor Bureaus (IACVB) Foundation, Tmvellndu"lry Association of America (Travel Price In de,), U.S. DepartnlCnt of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (Consumer Price Index). See attachment "Convention Income Survey" for hrcakdown of costs. ~ The creation of a Group Evcn~' Sale" Lead is a compHmemary service provided by the CVB to thO$O people looking for an evcnt ioeation and event services (rcst.i:lL1rants~ caterers, event facilities, wineries, florists. DJs. etc.) thal do not require sleeping rooms. With the Board's approval, the CVB began soliciting and tracking GESLs in August 2004. Based 011 attendance multiplied by $91.00. Source: lntemational Association of Convention & Visitor Bureaus (IACVB). f A new category to capture day aip spending by visitors in conjunction with eVB sponsored events and/or events brought to thc Tri- Valley through the effort¡; of the CVB. Past examples include the Shriners, the Professional Women Bowlers Association, and other citywide evCnts. With the Board's approval. the CVB began tracking Event Attendance in October 2004. Based on Day Trip Spending ($60) x Day Attendance. Day Attendance - Total Attendance - Room Nights. Source: Western Association of Convention & Visitor Bureaus (W ACVB). Attachment 2 lo"1J -2, ~ Tri- Valley evB FY 05-06 Program Budget Letter Page 2 of 5 Projected Economic Impact and BenefiL~ (Continued) For Dublin, the evB generated 70 Sales Leads fiseal-year-to-date resulting in 12 confirmed bookings (369 room nights) representing a projected $148,338.00 in revenue. The evB has also generated 41 Group Event Sales .Leads for Dublin resulting in 4 confirmed bookings (205 attendance) representing an additional $18,655.00 in generated revenue. Additional, qualitative benefits of affiliation with the evB inc1ude increased "brand recognition" of the Tri- Valley region through advertising and promotional efforts and press coverage, as well as numerous member benefits - promotion in the annual Visitor Guide; free listing in collateral produced by the Bureau; representation at all trade shows, sales events, and promotions managed by the CVB; a visitor center to display member brochures and flyers; networking opportunities with industry professionals to enhance the members' bottom line; inclusion in continued marketing and promotional programs; and a free listing and link on the CVB web site. The Tri-Valley CVB has also partnered with the Livermore Valley Winegrowers Association in its "Experience Livermore Valley Wine Country" campaign. For your reference, I've attached copies of our most recent advertising, promotional pieces, and press coverage, as well as a list of industry events and trade shows the evB has attended. Alternative }'unding Option Being Explored The CVB appreciates its funding cities' continued support but realizes that alternative funding sources need to be explored to ensure the organization's long-term viability. It is important to noie that the eVB is actively pursuing the formation of a Tri- Valley tourism business improvement district. The creation of a new multi-city district and assessment on rented room nights would provide the evB with a self- funding model and alleviate the cities' of th.eir current level offÙnding obligation. As an example, if a $1.00 assessment were placed on each rented room night from Tri-Valley properties, and a conservative occupancy of 50% is factored in, the dollars collected would amount to more than $700,000. Our hope is that this funding mechanism would be in place for fiscal year 2006-2007 (beginning July 1,2006), with collections starting January 2006 to provide a six-month reserve of funds to begin the new fiscal year. Introduction Per requests from our funding cities, and to better demonstrate where city funds are going, a program budget has been created detailing our expenses for services in the following tbree programs: 1. Membership & Events 2. Sales & Marketing 3. Program Administration Support The program budget for fiscal Year 2005-2006 includes a comparison to Fiscal Year 2004-2005. \¥here applicable, I've added comments eXplaining changes versus last year's budget. íDf>(..~ Tri- Valley CVB FY 05-06 Program Budget Letter Page 3 of 5 Membership & Events As its name suggests, this program covers programs and services re]ated to membership and the events hosted by the CVB. "Hosting Events" is the largest portion of this program's budget, which has remained consistent with last year's budget number. Because two of our four events also have ticket and booth sales, we have· historically been able to generate income to help offset the additional costs, as we expect to do again next fiscal year with an estimated $18,100.00 in projected program income. Our events provide current and prospective members with wonderful networking opportunities throughout the year, a chance to Jearn more about the CVB' s services, and allow the CVB to partuer with other local organizations (Chambers of Commerce, etc.) on regional events. In January our largest event, the Tri-Valley Regional Mixer, was a huge success with record attendance of 630. The "Board Retreat" budget has remained nearly the same. This year we continued to "keep it local" to help offset additional costs. By using a membcr facilitator and venue/caterer, we also helped provide economic support back to our own community. My plan is to do the same next fiscal year. Following discussion at the Retreat this year, the Board identified its top four areas offocus, which have been reflected in the budget structure: 1. External - Sales & Marketing · Ideas for additional business including Wedding and Motor coach Tours, niche marketing, and continued Wine Region marketing 2. Internal - Membership · Promotion/education of benefits of CVB membership, Member-to-member business 3. PolitieslEdueation · Educating Council/mayors on CVB, Documentation/reporting resuJts of CVB 4. Alternative Funding Options · BID Formation, Review CVB Membership Fee Structure The "California Independent Film Festival" is a CVB-sponsored event held late Fall ;n the Tri-Valley. This year the CVB partnered with the Livermore Valley Winegrowers Association, CVB member wineries, restaurants and venues, the Livermore Chamber of Commeree,.and Livermore Downtown to bring over 1,500 visitors to our region to enjoy the best in independent films, great food and wine, and area attractions. It also brought lots of celebrity stlr power to town, from Sfllr Wars's Mark Hamill and TV's Cathy Lee Crosby, to Marty Ingels, Shirley Jones and Rich Little honoring their friend, legendary actor Tony Curtis, with a Lifetime Achievement A ward. As a result of our efforts, we received lots of favorable press, which increased awareness of the TrÎ- Valley area and Livermore Valley Wine Country, as well as over $86,000 in economic impact. As this event has grown in scope, we've upped the budget number slightly. The budget for "Membership Solicitation/Maintenance" has remained fairly consistent, though we've created a new category called "Local Membership Trade Shows" to capture costs associated with attendanec and exhibition at community and Chamber trade shows. We currently have 319 members, 39 total in Dublin, which breaks out to 32 business members and 7 city members. So far this fiscal year we have solicited 5 new Dublin members. For your convenience, I've attached a listing of our Dublin membership. ,. ßùQz..~ Tri-Valley evB FY 05-06 Program BudgetLetter Page 40f 5 Mcmbership & Events (Continued) The budget for "Local Events", which contains all event attendance fees and related expenses, also remains fairly consistent with last year. This category will help track the costs associated with attending our local partners events, luncheons and mixers. Tbe CVB produces a "Newsletter" six times a year to help communicate with our members and provide them an opportuntity to advertise. Again this year we were able to save money by using a Bulk Mail permit and mailing our newsletters out via Bulk Mail instead of using first class, metered mail. In an effort to communicate more immediately with current and prospective members we've used an electronic newsletter format, "Broadcast E-mail". This technology allows the CVB to provide color photos, enhanced graphics, and copy and links about local news and events. It also tracks who has read the e-mail; how many times they've read it, and which links they clicked on for each campaign. Our community outreach effort includes consistent costs for mileage for "Speaking Engagements", and supplies for "Visitor Information/Servicing". Sales & Marketing "Trade Shows" is the largest portion of this program's budget, comprised of nine shows to pursue th.e Association, SMERF (Social, Military, Education, Religious, and Fraternal), Wedding, Government, Corporate, Sports, and Tour & TravellLeisure markets. These trade shows often allow members to co- op booth space to gain additional salcs contacts and further stretch sales & marketing dollars. These contacts are then passed on to the entire CVB membership. Formerly combined, the categories for "Small Trade Shows" and "Sales Blitzes" have been split. We've found that many smaller, regional trade show opportuntities crop up during the year that we want to attend. Additionally, we've increased the frequency of our Sacramento area "Sales Blitzes". The creation of these two, distinct categories helps capture these important Sales-related activities. Also new in the budget this year are separate categories for "Local Property Visits", "DOS (Director of Sales) Meetings", and "GM (General Manager) Meetings", all valuable outreach vehicles. We've again designated a significant portion of this program's budget to "Advertising", which includes design fees and placement in publications targeting Association, SMERF, Wedding, Government, Corporate, Sports, and Tour & Travel/Leisure markets. Our budget for "Brochures" has remailJed consistelJt, while the design fees for our "Web Site" have decreased overall, though still allow for web- related upgrades, This program's budget also includes administrative costs such as "Supplies", "Promotional Items", "Dues & Subscriptions", "Meals & Entertaimnent", "Mileage", and "Professional Industry Conferences" which are necessary to market our region, as well as maintain industry relationships and keep up with trends. Cf'õ v Tri- Valley CVB FY 05-06 Program Budget Letter Page 5 of 5 Program Administration Support The final program deals prÜnarily with occupancy and operational expenses for the CVB. The most noticabIe changes from last fiscal year are the increases in rent and computer services for database maintenance. The Budget Summary page breaks out all revenue, projected income, and expenses by Program. In . addition, I've included a Staffing Costs comparison and estimated percentage of rime by staff member, for each program. Conclusion I've attached our proposed budget that details our programs and services for Fiscal Year 2005-2006. For your convenience, the budget includes a comparison to last fiscal year's budget. You'll also find related attachments and sonree material for the return on investrnent figures I've quoted within this letter, as wej as a list of hotels and rooms per city, which is the basis for determining each funding city's share. We respectfully seek your support and look forward to continuing our regional partnership. Thank you for your consideration. hest ards, ~//. ~.0 . l/ 2:'¿-- Amy R. Blase a Executive Director Attachments Tri- Valley CVB FY 2005-2006 Program Budget Convention Income Sun-ey Hotel & Number of Rooms Count FY 2004-2005 CVB Dublin Membership List Sample of CVB Advertising, Promotional Pieces and Press Coverage CVB Industry Event~· and Trade Shows for 2005 cc: Christopher Foss - Economic Development, City of Dublin ID 1:> 'J 3> Program Budget for Trt-Valley Convention & Visitoro Bureau FY July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006 .""""""" ZQOHS : ' 2004::u~ '. ".;;",0;"'. :':~ .- :·'Su"'.' ........ _FY:' - 1. MBrnbeœhIp 4 ~ Ht;I$ting ÞmtJ 13rO~O_DO 13,OSO.OO 0.00 cva LlIl'ICneón Tic::k~t sõil~ h~lþ oPf=t C:[]5~ ($4,OOO) Rental Charg~ 300.00 Catering 3,000.00 PrDlTlç¡til;ln;¡¡llmTis: -'100.00 prorl!!!ls-itil'lõlIServi=s 500.00 SI.I¡Jp iG:O: ~,SOO.OO Mi~~1: 1 DO_DO Fall ËdU!:;BtIo1"l31 MI)(et Rental Charges 150.00 Cilte-ring 100.00 ~upplieS :mOD MlIE!agè 20.00 Regional p.,;h:er TIcket !l311!'9 help o~t cœts ($10,000) Rl!ntaIC~r¡;¡@s 500.00 Booth Bales help offset cœt9- ($3.S00) C¡rtc.rin!J 5,000.00 SUpplies 150.00 Mileage 30.00 Spring Educõl[lon;\! Mlxél' Rental Charges lSD.QO Ç..;¡tering 100.00 SiJpplie:!:: 30.00 Milesge 20.00 -- 3,694.00 3,600.00 84.00 Profc~~iQn.. ~rviœs l,B50.oo Rent;:. Ch;:¡¡ge; 350.00 CatElnng f;iOO.OO Promotiemlllltems 600.00 Supplll!!9: Z34_00 Mile¡¡ge 50.00 Caifumi& Indepgndønt AIm F9BIiwI 2,500.00 l,90Q,00 600.00 nr.~*5c:d l:;Iud~t ~~ ~\I~nt h¡;¡:¡ gn;lwn Adv~rtising PI¡;¡~m~n1; 1,000.00 ih~~ Dt!5igr1Ft!~:!I; 200.00 Supplies l,oOO.O(] . M~..I~ .!:o Entc:rt:¡¡inmlSnt lOU.CJC Mi!~õlg~ 200.00 Membef!lhlp SoIidt:at:JonIMaJnterrano! 3,050,00 4,000.00 (950.00) Moved trade -show feas out to new, SUppHI!t5 2,ooa.a(] ~~P¡;¡~~ ç:¡;¡tegcry¡ im;re¡;¡5~d M&e; Mil~;¡ge 300.00 to beu~r ~nt!cr ;:¡~tu;:¡l~ AdII~r'ti5in9 PI;:¡œm~nt. 400,00 Design Fee!l 150.00 Mc:¡¡ ¡; & Entc:rt¡¡inml!nt 200.00 i..bcal ~~~ShO.Im Tool! Show Fees: l,lOC.ao 1,~50.00 0.00 1,350.00 w¡;¡~ p..rl of Membe~hip Solicitõllticnl Mi~:¡¡gCl 100.00 MõIIll'lten3ti~1! ~IDIJ~ y Me.d5&Enl.el'tãlinml!nt. 50.00 ::;upp le~ 100.00 I.0<;oI,...... 2,770.00 2..870.00 (100.00) Reduœd Mileage I;:vent At~nd..m:~ 2,500,00 MIIe:J.ge ZOO.OO M~al:g. & Ëntert3lnment 50.00 Tr..~1 20.00 Newsletter (6xlyear) 5,0510,00 5,090.00 0.00 A¡;Iv~rti~ing ¡n5m:;. ¡;JfO'o'id0 o~tting Printing 1,SOO.00 lric:eme ($600) Shiþping/Po~t~ (Bulk M;]/I) 1,000,00 ~uppliE!s Z.~OO.OO Milr.:¡¡ge 90.00 Tri-Võ'llley ÇVB PrcgrIln1 Budg~t FY July 1, zOOS - June- !Ie. 2:006 .",,1 ;:..'~' ..z<iÖ~..... .....~... .:~:,~:. ~~.,'. ~1"I'iBt8. .......... .-.....,... ~:FY 1. Mørnb8r1iHp &: Event&. (cootinuød) ._E-moiI 600.00 600.00 0.00 Profe:ssional SÐrvicQS GOO.OD -""- 50.00 SO.OO O.{)O Ml1e3ge 50.00 VbitWl~ 200_00 200.00 0.00 SU~Ìè!; 200.00 5tbtDtBI Mømbtnhlp 3. Evwnti: ~ ~~,374,ao 31,$90.00 984_00 ~~Staftl¡ng~ 1M,aOO.OO BO,825_00 28,975.00 Ta1::8I MømbønIhIp & E:Y8ßt:i Expønøøs:: 142.,174.00 , 12,Zl;i,OO ~9,959.00 Tri-V;:¡lley CVB progrsm Budget rY JUly 1. 2005 - June: 30, 2006 Pi!;l~2 \1~;)7 ".~ ......... ~S;a~.Mlilrillitih!il r_,"""", D;¡¡~ TI;IITIY eridill F';re Tr'õld~ Sl1l;1wF~ Pl'ùrnotlon;!lrlt~rtl!: Meals & EntertaInment Mijçilg~ Supplies 600,00 4:20.00 40_00 20.00 ~O_OO C '1J~SpI1~~ (forma1y !'ITA) Tr.;¡d~ St¡DWFe~ Tf"3vel Supplias Me.;¡ls & ¡::nter1;:;;r,inlT1enf. 2,300,00 .2..200_00 200.00 JOO.OO TEAMS Trade Show Feeg ìravel (2 ppl. x 5 days) PromotiDnalltams Me;;¡l~ & Entertõjlinm~ '1t Mlleilge 2.,90Q.00 4,500.00 400.00 500.00 25_00 Cõl!5A!:;. S;;II;:r¡mentQ (C;¡¡lifcrni;;¡ Sm:iety ef h;.,'õ(!l:i<!tien (j)¡el;u!;:jv¡::;) Tr.;¡de ShewF= !;ISO_DO Traver] .20_00 Sl)ppli~ 100,00 Promtll ol'l;!lllt~l'fI~ 650_00 Meals & Entertainment 2.5_úO Rçntõl! Ch..~ ;;: 50.00 Mile:'9~ 75_00 MQ>içm I3ri¡;l¡¡ Fili~ TI:.d~ Show F~ PromQ1;iQn.\l! tern~ Meal~ &. Emertainmt!nt yIil~~ge SlJpµlll!!'~ 850.00 50,00 40.00 20,00 50.00 NÇCMPI (Nor't.nem Çill. Tr::.de Show Feeg. Travel S\Jppli~ Promotien:;;r,1 Ilems Me¡¡¡l!¡ & E...!~rÌ'õ!itlmel'lt R~rn~1 Lklr'ge~ Mlle!lge Chõlpœr or Meeting Profe~~ienõll:; Int'l) 800_00 20.00 150,00 200_00 -10.00 100.00 30.00 SF I~e:;;pilõllily Expo (fonnerly M..yf¡ ir) Tr::.de S1'"Io'v'.'F'!!es Trólve.t Mile;~ge Meil¡~ & Er'lten:ilinment 500.00 30.00 3~_OO 2.ú.oo HS~A (Hospit;¡¡Ji1:y Silk.:; & M..rk~ting As:;oçiilticm IntefTIõltienil!) Tr;;¡d~ Shew Fees ~,5DO.aD Trall1:!l 700.00 Supplies 200.00 Promotional Itcm~ 1 00.00 M(':;;¡I::; & Entert:;¡inlT1~nt 150.00 Rer'lLõIIl Ch; r'~5 300_00 Mileage GO.OO Additionill Tr'ãlde Shew T8D ïrade Show Fees Pr\;Imotionilllt~rrrs Meõlls & Entert;;¡jnm~nt M I'!!ag~ Supplies 800.00 2.00.00 40-00 50_00 100_00 ~.oo~ ....... 24.860_00 200+--0S' '. IIüdgÓt 24.615.00 TriNillkty CVB Prof;l'ram .eud~ FY J\J1y 1 I 2005 . June ~O, 2006 "'go' <:hÓÒoo..,. lmItFY.,. .~ 245.00 121Z-" 13COZ7 """"""'" ZOO5..,. 2.0C*0S '~~ ". COrmnønta:', , - ØÛCIÍIOt 'øudoet .. .... Ft' z......a_(_ Sm&II Tnide .!ìhaw3 -480.00 0.00 "'BO.ao N~ç¡¡t~1}" Tr:;It!¢ $l1owFees 400.00 5upP¡h!:!I 50.00 Mileage 30.00 -"- 620.00 760.00 (140.00) RelT'loved Small. TnIde 5humlfees from "."" 40,00 this category, cre8tcd now ~cfY Promotiol1:alltsm5 JDO.(() MClilbõ So: En~rtõlinment Be.CO "~"9" 200.00 '-_VIOItS 4.50,00 Q,OO 4~O.OO New category Supplies. SQ,QO Mi~ 100.00 Prt:m-KJtlon; lteti'l! 300.QO IJOS Meeting:!! 70.00 0.00 70.00 ~~~I}' ~h.. ppl~~ $0.00 Mn!!"'9~ 20.00 ""- 270.00 0.00 270.00 MIIw 1;;:¡~ægQrY Supplie~ 70.00 Mi~õI!3e SO.OO "&Ë 150.00 - 46,500.00 45.2.:30.00 270.00 Oe~jgn Fe~ 5,500.00 Advertising P\&C'ement 41,000.00 -- 14,500.00 14,5(10-00 0.00 [)esignFoes 04,500.00 Printing 10,000.00 W.._ ß.300,OO 12,300,00 (4,000.00) Computer Services (MiJint. & Hosting) 4,300.00 Pðsign Fees 4,COO.CO _eo..., 24,155.ClO 22,43.5.00 ',720,00 Added M&E, ¡~~!ied !l;upplies budget Suppli= 3.S00.00 ?romotlon&1 Items a,ooo,OO Dues & Sutx;.~ription:; 7,500.00 M&' 300.00 MuO;!age 350.00 r>rof, Indl-!~try Confe~nc~ Aff¡Ij,¡;¡~icn EV~l1t.:¡ PIC Fee~ 1,500.00 PICM&E 8~5.0[) Pit Mlle3ge 760.00 PrCTr:;¡v~ l,:¡ .:m.OQ SubtœaI Sal8!l &. MIrto. Expenses: '120,205,00 1 ~O,a~o.OO (535.00) ~SWffing~ 14!1,::ISO.OO 1 58,762,.00 (IS,41~.OO) Tot¡( ~'MIrtg..~ 263,555.00 279,60~,OO (16,047.00) Tñ-Võ1ll~ tvB Program Bud~t FY Jul}ll. 2005 - JunlJ 30, 2006 Pilg~4 ·. ,~ z~s.œ ~~$ a.....o... .~' . . ....... ......... Ust'"Fi" 3..Progr;JrttAdmi~~ Rent/Storagø Feæ .$4,11;;:.00 S, ,502.00 2,610.00 Telephone 7,SOO,00 7,500,00 0.00 R~õI~ ill1d M..irrtl:n:¡¡nçc 5,700.00 S,7oo.00 0_00 ~;i~d Equipnierrt: 16,000.00 1 5,000.00 0_00 Utilities 6,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 Mi!eliglll 300.00 250.00 50.00 .suppl ~:s 7.500.00 7,500.00 0.00 Shipplng./Þostage 12,500,00 , 2,500,00 0.00 Al;çol.lntin!f~1 7,::;00.00 ~,5CO.OO 1,000.00 Ç.Qmpu~r Servil;~ S,DOO.OO 2,500.00 2,.500.00 r~fI'~_ Servk.~ 500.00 500.00 0_00 HR Advertising 300,00 300,00 0.00 Pro~~iQn'i\l Services (AnI1U1iIl Audit) 5,.200.00 04,SOO.OO 700_00 li15ul':õIl't¡;e (WDr c~r·.$ Cgn'lp, Di~tQr..;'. & Liab¡I~) 1 ¡ ,000.00 , 4,000_00 (),OOO_OO) HI.Jfr"I3I'1 R!!SI)IJ~ EdUC::ItJeli 2:;100.00 2.,500.00 200.00 C3p1tal ~panditure 3,000,00 3,000.00 0.00 BanI:: Chargaa/E-commerce Fee 1,000.00 ',000.00 0.00 -....- 145,812.00 140,752.00 5,060.00 Elit:imøtedStilffingCoatB:: Sl,aSO.Q( .49,072.00 2,778.00 T....""'"__._ , 97,662..00 1 a9,B24.00 7,838,00 ,. Tn-valley CvB Pro¡jIr.am Budget rY Jui)", 2005· JI,J"~ 30, ZOOG PoIge5 (4~-¡~ ;~ R"nt inç1'8l1SC¡ ir1!;:!~ ~Dr.;¡91 1 fe~ AntJclpaUJ incr§j;8 CDntilj~ AU. mlltl3~ (non-bulk) mi il ~51'1Q~ !=:Cl1t; ¡in Ahnt.!¡ AiJ( lt'rees O;a;~b~t\'tIit'lœlT.lll'It~ Ann¡¡¡;¡1 Audi~ fe~ h¡¡ye itK:l'e;~ ~'rti!r~fI~t!;aetua!s \ $'"iIQ '2 ., -- ZOOS""" ZOOifOS ~:vi"· ~',; ';, ~' """"'" ....... ""'FY .. BUIJG¡¡f ............ ~1TTIOI1t ;added I-IorKby Inn &pr= (92 roDrr "'" ........ ~~ r;itv cera:ntllDe chance¡¡ ~ L y. City or P~~;u~tCf1 30" 179,090.00 183,803.00 (4,713.00) R~(.Jœdby 1% City of UvellT'lOl'I!r 26" 1 ~2,';;JJ5_00 117,823_00 -4,7,~.oa tncraa:!l:l!Idby 15G City of Dublin 12" 56.555.00 55.5'sS.OO 0.00 Same "ss I,.Y Ci~ cf S;iln Rimon 24" 113,110.00 113,110.00 0.00 S"~~õlSI.Y Contrtbutlon ftom~J ~ 28,000.00 11,000.00 17.000.00 To ~'nt:!ln ~y 04-05 levels or city funding -"'YR_ AJ.ameda County ;¡¡!O,OOD.OD 20,000.00 0.00 Me'f11~n;hip D~ G6,OOl1.o0 155,000.00 1.0011.00 prcjected Pn;ujlr¡¡m Im::OfI1~* 18,100.00 14,350.00 3,750.00 'n~d ti;w:/l;IoQ~ fur~;c.11õI.1 Mi¡¡= TMaI~ 603,::!91.00 S61,541_00 21,750_00 ~~~~ ticket 531b - L.1Jn::heDn ($40 )[ 1 00) ticket Salea - Regiolõllll ($20)( 500) Booth Sales - ~egiofl3l ($175 x 2.0) New.¡;'ct~er Imflrn {SSO !!:a I 12} 4,000_00 lO,ooÖ_OO 3,SOO.Oö 6.00.00 18100,00 TotBI ~ by Pmgnm " Men'l~r:¡;hip & E\!tm~ ~. S:..I~~ & Mõlrk~ting ::!. rrogl1lm Administration :5upport 142.,174.00 Z63,S5S.í)O 197,155"2.00 112,Z1S.00 :i1.75!,60~,OO 189.824.00 Z9,955!.OO ( 115,047.00) 7.B3.9,00 Tau<.."...,., ê03.::!91.00 581,641.00 2.1,750.00 """""""'''' 5_ """" By Prog.... 1. M~mb~rship & ¡::~nl:s 2. Ssles-&: M:'Irketilig 3, ProgIõlJ11 Ad 11ini~tr.l~ion SlJpport 109,800.00 143,350.00 S1,850.00 60r8~S,OO 158,762.00 49,072,00 Zf3,975.00 (15.41:::.00) Z,na.OD TotBIStaf'flngCosts.:It 305.000.00 2Sa.,659.00 16,341.00 ·Int:r'e':"~~ d~ [0 COLA Ir'lt:re;:¡=~ .:..nd ri5~ in I'19Jlh c;;¡~ t:œ.-t5 EstJmMed ~ olt'lrnt! M " E TDbIIs:: 2t8 5&.. Þrog. Admin. Supp. 40 20 9 , 00 , .0 1 4' 1 5 7S 2.' .. 47 17 b~cutive Oi~çtQr 40 Dir«;lc( ot M~mbelT.hip &: év~nl:5 90 Sõlll~ M::¡naget' 9 (2.I1d) ~sles Msn&gl!r 9 Sill~8itorCoordlnator* 50 Admin. A=t../Offn:e M.;m;;¡ger'" ~O r~""""o.&"I:f'o'Df~fhl1U(:MI!!I~progl"iill'Jt ~6 "'Pilrt til11l!"e-mplo}'1!*; 1ri-Valley CVB Progl1l1Tl B\ltlg~ FY July 1, 200S ~ Juno- 30, ~006 ....6 ., '" .... ctI '"0 Q. =:! T'" <:> <:> N >-z wQ .... 1- <f "Ò ='Z (f)=> wo :;¡;u. o'è; ü(j Z<e( Z o I- Z W > Z o U .,~,~- ---- .- . ~ tJ I.. '" ;:,. " -. - \] I.. ~ 2. ./'! t: Jj "'" '" . ~ o a~~~ ~~ .... ~ '" "- "V <1> "§ '" c: <1> <!J [J) c: -0 0: <1> a. (f) g~~~ ~.... .... ~~~~ ~.... .... ~~~~ .... .... . I- Z W > w a~ þj ~ ~.... .... g~EÞ ~.... CO If> ~ <1> D- D ,Ð ~ <1) c: <1) o 0> c: D <C <1> 0- (f) ~<J) >m", Çrr::.~ro r-~ 0; ~'"~''' 0) ()') u;> ~~ co . r--- "" ."" !:n C D -<:: ~ '" (¡,o. ~(f) " '" ctI . .... '" 0 ,"!, I- 0>2 c ctI 0)'- t::I): c"Q '" .- <:: -0 q) Q; t:: Cl. <1) (J) <:J 0. t: (f) C 0 0._ ID:;::¡ ...... ..... nJ r: ro -~ Il> 0) '-' > ~ g r:: <1> co 0 0<0::<-1 ~m '" .... ~;;J; '" .... ~~ "" ~~ ... ~~- ~ '" ~§- ,- ... ~~ ~ ... ~'" QW o ~ .... '" C q)~ ~ t: '" m " a. ~ rn ~ - ~E -0 g'f- ~2 <:: '" '" '" 0. m WID gC ~ .J:) 0 .I::..<:; ¡ijrJ> '" ~~ Q~ . ~ o ~<,>""';"''''<'><'>~''''''I'--'''''''''''' NMC'I1WWW~NW~tfJ-~"'<:t ,....-{ß-tß- ~ N ... .... ~ '" (L 'P '" ~ ro ~ '" c <1> <!J [J) C 'P C <1> a. (/) ~~MoOl('")(f)Cf},!",,"I.(")I.DCO",¢cotl"- NCfJ"''b'7W~~NWEß-Eh~,,¢, ..........æ-~ W C\I W .... ~I'--N(1)\o<,><,>~"''''I'--'''''''''CO ~C"}N*W-WWNWf:F.þ{fl~M r-wtß- tt7 ('\I ~.... .... ~ '<t ~ 0> \0 '" N ~ '" ..,. .1'-- .... cot. ~ 'T"'" ("') N WEF.Þ'{ðWN''ß#)tFJ-W~fi) r-thffi- '-'9- {\., ... ... . ~"""'~(,,)I.O<:CO:)cry'¢"'1" f'-,..oCl'),-f:R't:ß~"""'-c-' M.......tß-~ çA-~ ... .... N"'~'" "'~ '" "".... I"- ... I- Z w -~ (iJ ~~ ro~LOcQro('/')u:)"'<j- mm'r-99Wf.17r---...-- Wt>'7Ç'7 b'7~ <")"'~'" N__N"'<1" """" I"- ... ~ q> D.. "D Q' õí '" C '" o '" C "D C '" 0. (f) 851~ ~lf> i.DO)l.f)d;)tütl')(D("")NN m ¡;o "I""'" E:A-lf:}b':!oJ'"--"'-- ('.J wtr.\'f0>'7 /:>'7W~(:fl ~<D '" ~ I"- ... ~<,,)"'<D ,,0><0 a (0"') f:77 b9 _ æ -q-cor---N~(",)Glr- -r-~f;:0'7-wt--........Ç". r- W E:A-u:l-l:f7b1? ~w N m W U) 0) c " c: '" 0. W '" '" t%12 '" <= ã)~ 0,::; 'õ c c: 3: o "D .Y '" '" ~ m '" '" 0)0) ro ro ~ (¡¡ ~ :> '" '" mm "D"t:J C C "t:J '" ro C"D"D ro 0 0 o 0 g' LL U." O)(þ ~ -g Õ Of: ...JI: .8 ill '" ~ 2 ro '" .c f- "' Ë :::> ill 0)", r-:::J c,f) æ ¿: ë fJ) 0 <l) IJ'J :C~LJj~ .~c£O)~ if) (1) ~ ..... (f) --- U) [Q >- ~ 'ë ~.~ ~ 0""0 (þ a.. w I-<e(ocwcr: £- '-' C <1> > '" _;;:< c ro ~";:::.E ~ (.3'~ r.n........~ :::> C tn 8..~c: cá>:g ,2 L: ro ~:.2a.... t::=: - o~~ 0..........- 0 ~31- ~ ~ ID h 0::.5 '" 0 ü o ...J 'c' ª ...J ~< "'f- £0 01- o "' :::> ro <l9 t(oat '2-p ~ ~ .3 ï::: :0& ~ OJ " OJ ~. u "' X ",:....,Œ) ",D D C '" '" '" u cry&. ~ ( ) "" E '" " "(} ~ o 0 ~o ~D ~~ iu u .. ": '" " ;> '" ~ f-- ( ) ~::D ." '" '" u rol3.. """, '" oJ ( ) " :So ~-g .C '" 0>", "ë: ...0 ~ D <=> '" ,,.j ro 0= II L ~ ~ 1i)~ Õ E .c OJ _ C 0> '" .,,0 o '" ':' 0> çr, ¡<>", ",,,, Æ '" o ~ D '" " o LC ill ~ >- /D o E ~ ~ '--7 c '" '" 0 ~ -g ~ ~ - {1) 7:J (ÎI () [î:¡.g :g oD.. ~ :~ 9¿,ð) >~o ""f--.o c--"j ,Q :'!- ~.- 0 ~ (¡) ::) ;> E '" §..:( ~ oõtiJ Õ § ~~ L.'- 0 o -[ê..o ;.-;¡"(} 1'0 _~ o...J g~ò ~.q:: "E ..:( (:-a.! -v.;E "',,10 " "D '" g.sg-g ~"ã) () 1'0 "- -,.. . è- 2 rn (/) ? .s~:j ~ æ ~ " " . ! u; '" t' OJ o (/) x '" "D " '" u ." n. \l1ß-Z~ Hotels & Number of Rooms FY 2004 - 2005 As of 1/21/05 Pleasanton Candlewood Courtyard by Marriott Crowne Plaza Evergreen B&B Guest House Inn & Suites HiJton at the Club Motel 6 Ramada Inn Residence Inn by Marriott Sheraton Four Points Sierra Suites Summerfield Suites The Rose Hotel Wyndham Garden Hotel 126 I45 242 4 34 294 76 102 135 214 112 I28 38 171 ~----~-------~--------------------------------------------~-~ 1821 Livermore Comfort I no Courtyard by Marriott Del ValJe Lodge/EI Dorado Doubletree Extended Stay America Hampton Inn Hawthorn Suites, Ltd. Hilton Garden Holiday Inn Express Livermore Inn/rown House Motel Motel 6/ All Star Inn Palace Motel Ramada Hotel Residence Inn by Maniott Sands Motel Springtown Inn 60 I21 25 125 122 80 62 97 92 20 102 15 60 96 26 125 ---~---~~---~---------------------~--~--~-------------~~---- 1228 . , \~OQ 1-"? Hotels & Number of Rooms FY 2004 - 2005 (continued) As of 1/21/05 Dublin AmeriSuites Hotel I28 Extended Stay America 122 Holiday Inn Express 91 Radisson Hotel 234 ----~-~------------~------------------------------------~-~~- 575 San Ramon Courtyard by Maniott 137 Residence Inn 106 Homestead 147 San Ramon Marriott 368 San Ramon Valley Conference Center 119 S i en-a Suites 142 Extended Stay 128 -----------~--~--------------~-~--------~-~~-~--------~------ 1147 , TOTAL HOTEL ROOMS: 4771 Room Allocation: . . City Rooms for % Rooms for % # of Rooms Change % Change vs. FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 vs. Last Year Last Year Pleasanton 1825 39 I821 38 -4 -I Livermore 1145 25 1228 26 +83* +1 Dublin 578 I2 575 12 -3 0 San Ramon 1140 24 .1147 24 . +7 . 0 - . TOTALS 4688 100 4771 100 +83 0 * Added Holiday Inn Expre~'s in Livermore (schedu led to open February 2005) " ~ ~ ~ ~ :5 ;;.. a oIj ~ ~ .... '<: fI) ¡¡ 00 ~ " § ~ \.) ~ ;;;>¡-. '" " ~ ~ "i: ~ õ;¡>¡ I,.. Ii¡ j ~!I p' ~ ¡... S "J ~ § -.,: "J f::1 ~ ~ .." "" 8 = :õ ;:I c I '" .. <II .CI E II ::;: III > U > .!! ft > , ï: I- ~ '" '" " ~ 11: E ~ 0; ~ "' ~ '" t: "' ~ ¡:: v '" )( '" .... a <'oJ '" .. '" 0 ~ 6 ..b ~ 0 <'oJ <: '" ... a '" '" '" .. <'oJ <'oJ '" '" ~ '" ~ .... .. '" .i! > ~ ~ æ .. .. e ." ~ '" '" '" v '" "" 12 u "' ¡¡¡ :; o '" E :0 => c a ~:¡:¡ '" " ....c ~ a o -¡¡; '" · i" a "'- · a z - ~ B · i" '" " E U o u u "" E ~ .. 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Section 2 of the agreement states that "the City's Administrative Services Director shall monitor and review the level of funded services provided during the term of this contract and shall submit an annual review of the TVCVB's services to the City Council." Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Review The purpose of the Tri-Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) is to increase tourism in the Tri- Valley, which in turn supports enhanced economic vitality for our community. As a member of the CVB, the City receives benefits that include: increased "brand recognition" of the Tri- Valley Region, promotion in the annual Visitors Guide, listing in materials produced by the Bureau, representation at all trade shows, sales events, and promotions managed by the Bureau, a visitor center to display member brochures and flyers, networking opportunities with industry professionals, inclusion in marketing and promotional programs, and a listing and link on the Bureau's web site. For fiscal year 2004-2005, the City of Dublin's contribution was $56,555 of a total TVCVB budget of $581,641, or 9.72 'Yo. At fiscal year's end (June 30, 2005), the TVCVB had 43 Dublin-based members, 10 of which joined the TVCVB during fiscal year 2004-2005. During fiscal year 2004-2005, the Tri- Valley CVB was active in the promotion of the region as well as the individual communities. During fiscal year 2004-2005, the TVCVB booked the following leads for City of Dublin hotels: LEADS GENERA TED: LEADS BOOKED: PROJECTED TOTAL ATTENDANCE: PROJECTED ROOM NIGHTS: PROJECTED ECONOMIC IMPACT: 112 17 1,399 535 $215,070* "'This number is based on tota] room nights multiplied by 1.5 persons per room multiplied by the average spending g~T1~r.a~~d p~r day ($26f~). ~tHlr(;t:S: International Association of Convention & Visitor Bureaus (IACYß) Foundation. Travcllndustl)' Association of America (I'ravel Price Index), U.S. Department of Labor,l:h1fCi'HI of Labor Statistics (Consumcr Price Jndex), Attachment 3 ~ ~ Z"~ The Tn-Valley CVB also booked the following group leads for City of Dublin hotels: GROUP EVENT LEADS GENERATED: GROUP EVENT SALES LEADS BOOKED: TOTAL ATTENDANCE: PROJECTED ECONOMIC IMPACT: 67 5 355 $32,305** ...'" This number is b~scd on the att.cndôH'lcc: mu1tiplied by $91 .00- Sl1urue: Ink:malional Association ofConvcntiol1 and Vi~itor¡¡ Hu~aus (IACVB) Fuundntion. Administrative Services Staff (Fred Marsh, Finance Manager) also attended bi-monthly Finance Committee meetings of the TVCVB, during which financial topics were dealt with, such as accounts payable, payroll, financial statements, accounts receivable, fixed assets, and "spot audits". The Finance Committee also reviewed and made recommendations on the TVCVB budget proposal, auditor's report, and the proposed Tourism Business hnprovement District. Staff found that the TVCVB continued to make progress in improving its accounting practices and administrative procedures. RECOMMENDATION: That the Fiscal Year 2004-2005 examination of the Tri-Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau activities be noted and filed. G:\Chris\Trj·V.alley CVD\Admin Services Director R.eport 2005.doc