HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.2 StLightMaint 83-1 r (c~iJV (cl[E~~ !Fmle # Dba][~[Q]a~ ~o til\ (G IE ~ [D) til\ ~T til\ TIE ~ IE ~ T enr" <C(Q)llJl~<C~l ~lElET~~G !D)A1J"1E JlUl~1? llSJ, 2lOllOl5 8lUlBJEC'f A 1'1' ACHMEN'f8 RECOMMENDA TION ~ ~ FINANCIAJL 81' ATEMEN'f Pubhc Heanng Citywide Street Llghtmg Mamtenance Assessment Dlstnct 83-1 Report Prepared by Melrssa Morton, Publrc Works Director 1) ResolutiOn approvmg engmeer's report, confirmmg diagram and assessment, and ordenng levy of assessment Engmeer's Report and Assessment Diagram 2) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Open pubhc heanng Receive Staff presentatiOn Receive pubhc comment Close pubhc heanng and dehberate Adopt resolutiOn approvmg engmeer's report, confirmmg diagram and assessment, and ordenng levy of assessment 2005-2006 Sources and Use of Street Llf!ht Maintenance Dlstnct Funds Revenues Total Amount Proposed to be Assessed Estimated Interest Revenue Estimated PrIOr Year CollectIOns and Penalties Reimbursement for Publrc Damage Less Estimated CollectIOn and Delinquency Cost Net Total Revenues $222,199 4,273 4,100 5,000 (5.998) $229,574 Expendllures Contract Maintenance and Utllrtles Capital Improvement Project AdministratIOn and Engineering Total Operating Expenses $208,083 75,000 8.665 $291,748 The $62 174 difference Will be pald by use of reserve In this Dlstnct An estimated balance of$108,664 Will remain as afundfor future street lrght pole replacement The proposed assessment of $1684 per sme:le-famdv home IS the same as the Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Assessment g \assessdlst\83 1\83 1 staffrepthrg2005 COPlIlES 1'0 rrEMNO~ l<t 2- ~ DESCRIPTION: This assessment district funds energy and maintenance costs for the City's street lighting system, except tor the lighting installed in Dublin Ranch and Tract 7067, which is funded through the Dublin Ranch Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District. Tn 1983, the City Council formed a Citywidc Street Lighting Assessment District to replace the County of Alameda Lighting Service Area. On August 13, 1984, the City Council approved the annual Engineer's Report and ordered levy of assessments for the first time. In 1995-1996, the City of Dublin and other agencies in Alameda COUl1ty took possession of PG&E-owned street lights il1 order to reduce maintenance costs. The 1996-1997 assessments were reduced by 30% ITOm the 1995-1996 level of$19.34. For 2002-2003, the assessmel1t was il1creased ITom $13.26 to $16.84 in order to fUl1d il1creased utility costs and the first two years of a phased six-year Capital Improvement Project to replace deteriorated street light poles in older subdivisiOl1s. The first phase of the pole replaeemel1t project was completed in Fiscal Year 2002-2003 at a cost that was less than originally anticipated. The second phase of the project, which was included in the proposed Capital Improvement Program for 2003-2004, was also fUl1ded from this Street Light Mail1tel1ance Assessmel1t District. While the third year of the pole replacemel1t project was funded entirely by the General Fund, it is proposed to allocate $75,000 from Assessment District 83-1 Í\mds to pay a portion of the cost of the fourth al1d Í\l1a] year of the project in 2005-2006. A reserve of approximately $108,664 is projected to remain at the end of Fiscal Year 2005-2006. This reserve is less than the amoUl1t allowed by State Law, which permits a reserve of up to 50% of the opcrating cost for the District. StatI recommends that the City Council conduct a public hearing, deliberate, al1d adopt the resolution approving engil1eer's report, confirming diagram and assessmel1t, and ordering tevy of assessment. Page 2 rJQ '2-- " \~~ RESOLUTION NO. -05 A RESOI,UTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN *.*... APPROVING ENGINEER'S REPORT, CONFIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT, AND ORDERING LEVY OF ASSESSMENT CITY OF DUBLIN STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 83-1 WHEREAS, by its Resolutiol1 No. 035-05, a Resolution Directing Preparation of AnI1ual Report tor City of Dublin Street Lighting Maintel1al1ce Assessmel1t District No. 83-1 (the "District"), this Council desigoated the City El1gil1eer as El1gil1eer of Work and ordered said El1gil1eer to make and file a report in writing in accordance with and pursuant to the Landscaping al1d Lighting Act of 1972; and WHEREAS, said report was made al1d filed with the City Clerk al1d duly considered by this Council and found to be sufficient il1 evcry particular, whereupol1 it was determined that said report should stal1d as El1gil1eer's Report for all subsequent procecdings UI1dcr and pursuant to the aforesaid Reso1utiOl1 and that July 19, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublil1, California, was appoil1ted as the time al1d place for a hearil1g by the Council 011 the question of the levy of the proposed assessment, 110tice of which hearing was published and posted il1 accordance with the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972; and WHEREAS, at the appointed time and place, said hearil1g was held, al1d all persol1s il1terested desiring to be heard were givel1 al1 opportunity to be heard, and all matters pertail1ing to said levy were heard and considered by this Coul1cil, al1d this Coul1cil thereby acquired jurisdiction to order said levy and confirmatiol1 of diagram and assessmel1t prepared by and made a part of the report of said engil1eer to pay the cost and expel1ses thereof; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City COUl1cil of the City of Dublin does hereby approve that (a) The property oWl1ers oWl1ing more than fifty percel1t of the area of assessable land within the District had 110t, at the conclusion of said hearing, filed written protests against the said proposed levy, or against the Engineer's Estimate of costs and expenses, or against the maps and description, or against the diagram or the assessment to pay for the costs and expenses thereof; (b) The public interest, convenience, and necessity require that said levy be made; (c) The District benefited by said improvemel1ts and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof, al1d the exterior boul1daries thereof are as shoWl1 by a map thereof filed in the office of the City Clerk, which map is made a part hereof by reference thereto. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of July, 2005. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: Ci ty Clerk 7-1'9 -o~ Qi'JO lu n'w1 lie. ;.l. "2 øt> '1 CITY OF DUBLIN STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1983-1 FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 ENGINEER'S REPORT ,," ... 11 '. , ,. .; . '/y- .. ...... 6'V-:;u,M~ PifÖ1lt" iD1 Qtr&Æ,Ù 3~4 TABLE OF CONTENTS I ENGINEER'S LETTERltilil.............II.................."'...........................11..11...........3 2 ESTIMATE OF COSTS ....................."...."......................................................5 ¿J lI1r~Jr1jbffjÞJr) t)Þ~ ~~jfJ~~~Jr~1\flt1r~J\f~.................."..........................................4) 4 CERTIFICATIONS.I...................................................................................... 7 ~q I ENGENEER'SLETTER WHEREAS, on March 15,2005, the City Council of the City ofDubJin, California, pursuant to the provisions of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, adopted its Resolution Directing Preparatiol1 of Al1llual Report for Maintenance Assessment District 1983.1 for the acquisition and maintenance of improvements more particularly thereil1 described; and WHEREAS, said Resolution directed the undersigned to prepare and tile a report pursuant to Section 22565, et. seq., of said Act; NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned, by virtue of the power vested in me under said Act and the order of the Council of said City, hereby make the following assessment to cover the portion of the estimated cost of acquisition of and maintenance of said improvements and the cost and expenses incidental thereto, to be paid by said District_ nmmarv 0 ssessmen (1) (2) (3) As Filed AI; As Finally Preliminarily Approved Approved Cost of Maintenance $210,498 $210,498 Capital Improvement Project $75,000 $75,000 Incidental Expenses $/20,9/2 $120,912 TOTAl. COSTS $406,410 $406,410 Estimated 2005-06 Interest Income Applied to 2005-06 Operating Costs ($4,273) ($4,273) Prior Year Collections and Penalties ($4,100) ($4,100) Reimbursement for Public Damage ($5,000) ($5,000) Estimated Surplus from 2004-05 Fiscal ($170,838) ($170,838) Year SUB-TOTAL ($184,211) ($184,211) AMOUNT TO BE ASSESSED FOR $222,199 $222,199 FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 S fA t 61fb ~ As required by said Act, a diagram is hereto attached showing the exterior boundaries of said street light maintenance assessment district and also the lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel ofland within said landscaping maintenance assessment district as tbe same existed as of January 1, 2005, each of which lots or parcels having been given a separate number upon said diagram. T do hereby assess the net amount to be assessed upon all assessable lots or parcels of land within said street light maintenance assessment district by apportioning that amount among the several lots or parcels in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by each such lot or parcel rrom the acquisition and maintenance of said improvements, and more particularly set forth in the list hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof Said assessment is made upon the several lots or parcels of land within said street light maintenance assessment district in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by said lots or parcels respectively rrom the acquisition and maintenance of said improvements. The diagram and assessment numbers appearing herein are the diagram numbers appearing on said diagram, to which reference is hereby made for a more particular description of said property. The scope of work includes the cost of energy and maintenance of street lights within the City of Dublin, excepting street lighting within Street Light Maintenance Assessment District 99-1 (Dublin Ranch). The scope of work shall also include the cost of purchase or installation of street lights. Each lot or parcel of land assessed is described in the assessment list by reference to its parcel number as shown on the Assessor's Maps of the County of Alameda for the Fiscal Year 2005-2006 and includes all of such parcels excepting those portions thereof within existing public roads or rights of way to be acquired in these proceedings fOf public road purposes. For a more particular description of said property, reference is hereby made to the deeds and maps on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Because the names of the several owners are unknown to me, I hereby place the word "unknown" opposite the number of each lot of parcel of land assessed, the amount assessed thereon, and the number of the assessment. Dated: 7!t,/ð,S I ' ~~~~lf?~ Me· sa A. Morton, P.E Public Works Director ÚI"Jb .?¡ 2 ESTIMATE OF COSTS The estimated cost for the maintenance of improvements described in this Report for Fiscal Year 2005/06 is as follows: Maintenance (1) Electric Energy $158,500 -, (2) Contract With Alameda County $42,500 (3) California Street Light Association $883 (4) Other Repairs and Maintenance Costs $6,200 (5) Capital Improvement Project $75,000 (6) Administration $2.415 $285,498 Incidentals (I) Engineer's Report and Proceedings $6,250 (2) Cost of Collection (County of Alameda) $3, 777 1-'-,-, (3) Delinquencies @ 1.0"10 $2,22/ (4) ContingenciesIReserve $IOB.664 $120,912 Total Estimated Costs $406.410 .--- 3 1~&f METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT The assessments shall be spread using a method of "factor rates" assigned to different land uses. The establishment of the apportionment of a factor rate of" 1" will be calculated by dividing the total assessment of the year by the sum of factor rate numbers assigned wherein the factor rates are assigned as follows: Use (x = any single digit numher) Factor Rate (multiplied by.5 if vacant) Ox Ix & 73 22 23 24 3x 4x 5x 6x (except 65) 7y, (except 73) 8x 9x 65 xx9 Exempt Single Family Residential & Condo Duplexes Tri-Plexes Four-Plexes Commercial Industrial Rural Institutional Apartments Commercial Commercial Cemeteries Common Open Space o 1 2 3 4 5.5/ac. 5.5/ac. 0.5 5.5/ac. 6 5.5/ac. 5.5/ac. o o The assessment of each parcel shall be established by multiplying the fàctor rate for that parcel by the apportionment for a factor rate of I. '6'q)tt 4 CERTIFICATIONS I, the City Clerk of the City of Dublin, California, hereby certity that the foregoing Engineer's Report, including Assessment, in the amounts set forth in Column (1), with the diagram thereto attached, was filed with me on June 2 I, 2005. I, the City Clerk of the City ofDub1il1, California, hereby certity that the foregoing Assessment, with the diagram thereto attached, was preliminarily approved and confirmed by the City Council of said City by its Resolution No. 119-05, duly adopted by said Council on June 21, 2005. I, the City Clerk of the City of Dublin, California, hereby certity that the foregoing Assessment, with the diagram thereto attached, was finally approved and confirmed by the City Council of said City by its Resolution No.~.05, duly adopted by said Council on July 19, 2005. I, the City Clerk of the City of Dublin, California, hereby certity that a certified copy of the Assessment was filed in the office of the County Auditor of the County of Alameda, California, on August 10, 2005. ~hl ~.¡: Ii,.,!.. ~§1:1!! ,,"OEm ü(J.¡ št"j uh Sj!!~& .~ --1;~ ~ I~~~ ~~2ì!- o.ßH!! ~ "¡,;- ,II~' t",. :Eõ ü 1; ¡:I :¡¡ X!)o,!Ii¡:¡:¡ '~..D is III 11 ;:~1Ii C..l: & ¡] Hd~ ~~~ c:::J ~ ~ " " "0 "0 <= <= ::! ::! 0 0 .Q .Q ~ ~ Ë <h , 0> CO 0> ~ Õ Õ E E ~ VI VI If is is D -- ., -I I;; '" ... :J: If> 0 !z II.j :::;;- ~O' "" Z"'oo .; -W"" ~::¡'": ~o:(o :JII.jZ I-UI- WZ~ E Wo:(¡!: · ; ¡!:ifj", "'izQ ~ "'< ~<- Z ",Z _ >-0:: -''''..10 mO<!!. ::::)UU...I C <n< ...<;;:0 OO¡gu. II.j 0 ~:::;;~w -:5 I- U "'< o:(:¡¡t; ð " 0 >- <D rI) Z 0 ¡¡; 5> ill 0: '" ~ ~ D 1! 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