HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.6 RightOfWayFallonRoad AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 19, 2005 CITY CLERK File # D~~~-~[Ql 8/l.o - ?o SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: Establish Right-of-Way Lines for Dublin Boulevard between Keegan Street and Fal10n Road, and for Fallon Road between Bent Tree Drive and 1-580 Report Prepared by: Mark Lander, City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: 1) Location Map 2) Roadway alignments for Dublin Boulevard and Fallon Road and related land uses in the 1997 Planned District Zoning 3) Proposed roadway alignments for Dublin Boulevard and Fallon Road and related land uses 4) Planning Commission Resolution 05-32, adopting a Negative Declaration and detennination of General Plan conformity of the location, purpose and extent of the proposed Right-of-Way Lines for Dublin Boulevard between Keegan Street and Fallon Road, and for Fallon Road between Bent Tree Drive and 1-580 5) Draft Ordinance to Establish Right-of-Way Lines for Dublin Boulevard between Keegan Street and Fal10n Road, and for Fallon Road between Bent Tree Drive and 1-580, together with Exhibit A: Legal Description of Proposed Right-of-Way Lines RECOMMENDATION: I) Open public hearing 2) Receive Staff presentation 3) Receive public testimony 4) Close public hearing 5) Deliberate 6) Waive Reading and Introduce Ordinance to Establish Right-of- Way Lines for Dublin Boulevard between Keegan Street and Fallon Road, and for Fallon Road between Bent Tree Drive and 1-580 FINANCIAL STATEMENT: D\lblin Boulevard and Fallon Road improvements are included in the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee (Segments 10, 26A and 27). The frontage improvements for each of the adjacent properties, except for the park site, will be the responsibility of the adjacent -- ~- - - --- ---- -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --- -- -- -- -- -- ~- - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - --- -- - - - -- COPIES TO: Affected Property Owners lðb~ ITEM NO...6..6.. G:\DEVELOP\Dublin Ranch\Infrastrucnuc\Fallon Road & Dublin Blvd Prl;cì~c: Alìgnment\City Council 2nd meeting\Agst_estab intention row.ðoc ~ property owners to construct when the respective properties are developed. DESCRIPTION: The Gcneral Plan Land Use Element Map and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan depict roadway alignments and land use designations for existing and proposed development within the Specific Plan bO\lndary. Designations within the Specific Plan are not exact, but rather, approximate. The Specific Plan allows for flexibility in the location of roadway alignments as necessary when individual applications for development are submitted. The City of DubJin Municipal Codc allows for the establishment of right-of-way lines to reserve sufficient right-of-way for future road construction. Adoption of right-of-way lines will not result in the immediate acquisition of any property, but will prcelude property owners from constructing structures within the f\lture right-of-way areas. The legal descriptions and plats (Exhibit A of Attachment 5) for the proposed right-of-way lines include land on four properties. Two of the properties are part of the Lin Family's D\lblin Ranch (APN Nos. 985-054-004, 006, 007 and 985-027-009). The remaining two propcrties are owned by the Lowell A. Jordan Trust Fund (APN 985-0027-007) and Royal-Formosa, Inc. (APN 985-0027-002). The rights-of- way on the latter two properties would not be needed until Fallon Road is widened to its ultimate configuration. ANALYSIS: Fallon Road between Bent Tree Drive and 1-580 is currently a two-lane road within a 60-foot wide easement. To accommodate projected traffic needs, Fallon Road is planned to be six lanes between Bent Trcc Drive and Dublin Boulevard within a 140-foot right of way, and eight lanes betwecn Dublin Boulevard and 1-580 within a I 75-foot right of way. The right-of-way will be wider than the 140- and 175-foot widths at intersections to accommodate turning lanes. Dublin Boulevard does not currently cxist between Lockhart Street and Fallon Road, but is plarmed to be six lanes within a I 50-foot right-of-way. Roadwav Alil!nments Dublin Ranch Areas B-E Planned Development (PD) Zoning: In 1997, the City Council approved a PD District Rezone for Dublin Ranch Areas B-E via Resolution 141-97. The land use and circulation exhibits for this Stage 1 PD Zoning show an alignment for Fallon Road that is east of the home located on thc Jordan Property, and an alignment for Dublin Boulevard that intcrsects Fallon Road approximately 700 feet north of 1-580. These land uscs and roadway alignments are shown on Attachment 2 of this Staff Report. The currcnt proposed right-of-way lines will impact the PD Zoning land use configuration within a I49-acre area containing Area B south of Central Parkway and east of Lockhart Street, and all of Area C. The 1997 PD Zoning land uses for this 149-acre area are summarized in thc Land Use Summary Table on page 4 of this Staff Report. Fallon Road Alignment: In March of 2004, via Resolution 47-04, the City Council approved a General Plan Amendment and Planned Development District Rezone for Dublin Ranch Area F and the portion of Area B north of Central Parkway. To avoid red~legged frog habitat and to establish the boundary for the Fallon Sports Park, the 2004 Gencral Plan Amendmcnt and PD modified the Fallon Road alignment to be situated along the existing roadway. The modified Fallon Road realignment results in minor adjustments in the land use areas in Dublin Ranch Area B, south of Central Parkway. Dublin Boulevard / Fallon Road Intersection: The 2002 Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Eastern Dublin Property Owners (EDPO) annexation and Stage I Planncd Development --- Page 2 Jt:f> states that thc Dublin BoulevardlFallon Road intersection would operate at Level of Service F. The Environmental Impact Report further states that the EDPO developers shall pay for studies to assess the feasibility of locating the intersection farther north to allow for a signalized intersection between 1-580 and D\lbJin Boulevard, and that the EDPO developers shall implement this mitigation measure when traffic impacts from individual projects are determined to trigger the need for this improvement. Thus, if the Dublin Boulevard/Fallon Road intersection is not moved north, the only practical way for the EDPO developers to meet this mitigation measure would be to severely reduce the commercial and retail land uses on approximately 50 acres between D\lblin Boulevard and 1"580 east of Fallon Road. Dublin Boulevard Alignment: To mitigate the above traffic impact at the Dublin Boulevard/Fallon Road intersection, the current proposed alignment for Dublin Boulevard is approximately 400 feet north of the location shown with the 1997 PD Zoning for Dublin Ranch Areas B-E. This alignment will accommodate an intersection between Dublin Boulevard and 1-580. The proposed Fallon Road and Dublin Boulevard alignments and resulting land use shifts are shown in the Land Usc Summary Table on page 4 and on Attachment 3. Land Use Open Space: The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan adopted in 1994 designates a series of low-lying knolls that run parallel to 1-580 as Open Space. The objectivc of preserving these knolls as open space area is to provide a natural visual backdrop to proposed development along the rreeway and to serve as a buffer screening devclopment to the north from rreeway views and noise. Three of the knolls are west of Fallon Road and five are east within the EDPO development. The 1997 proposed alignment of Fallon Road through the Jordan property would have significantly altered the land form of the knolls on both sides of Fallon Road, whereas the current proposed aJignmcnt of Fallon Road along the existing roadway will alter the two knolls just west of Fallon Road. The proposed plan is to use the cut material from the grading of Fallon Road to reconstruct the two knolls into onc knoll approximately 150 feet south of the existing knolls. The new knoll would be shaped to match the contours of the existing knolls and hydrosecded with native grasses and wildflowers. The 1997 PD Zoning allowed stcep artificial slopes and walls on the backside of the knolls for the development of the medium high density residential area. With the proposed reshaping of the middle knoll, natural slopes on the north side of the knoll can be maintained with developmcnt in the medium high density residential area. The proposed plan provides open space on the northwest corner of the Duhlin BoulevardlFallon Road intersection, providing vistas of the knolls rrom the interscction and thus better fulfilling the objectives in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. While there is a slight increase in the gross acreage of open spacc, the net acreage will slightly decrease due to the increased length of open space along the Fallon Road and Dublin Boulevard frontages. Medium High Density Residential: The 1997 PD Zoning contained 8.6 gross acres of medium high density residential land use on thc north slope of the knolls. With the proposed roadway alignments, this land use area would increase to 10.6 gross acres; however, most of the increase is due to the additional Fallon Road rrontage. Medium Density Residential: The proposed plan contains 23.2 gross acres for medium dcnsity residential land use. This is a reduction of 4.0 acres rrom the 27.2 gross acres in thc 1997 PD Zoning. Stream Corridor: To meet the Army Corps of Enginccrs Permit requirements with the current configuration of the sports park, the stream corridor will need to extend approximately 1,000 feet south of Central Parkway resulting in 2.4 gross acres, which is an increase of 1.1 acres from the area contained in the 1997 PD Zoning. -- Page 3 t1() ~ Neighborhood Square: The neighborhood square remains at 2.0 acres. General Commercial: With the realignment of Dublin Boulevard, approximately 9.2 acres of the general commercial area would be moved from the north side of Dublin Boulevard to the south side. Approximately 3.3 gross acres would remain on the north side of Dublin Boulevard. The total area of General Commercial would remain at 41.2 gross acres. Commercial Office: The total area of Commercial Office would remain at 44.6 gross acres. LAND USE SUMMARY Arl;l" B $ol,Jth of Cent...1 P"rkw"v "nd Are" C 1997 PI"nnl;ld Development 2005 Prl;lcise Alignment Med High Residentiai Med Residential Gross Açrl;lS 8.6 27,2 35.8 12.5 28.7 41.2 44.6 24.3 Gross Acres 10.6 23.2 33.8 3.2 38.0 41.2 44.6 22.7 2.5 2.0 2.4 29.6 149.2 Subtotal residential Gen Commercial (north of DUblin Blvd) Gen Commercial (south of Dl,Jblin Blvd) Subtotal commercial Commercial Office Open Space Open Space (east of Fallon) Neighborhood Square Streambed Corridor Subtotal open space Tot,,1 2.0 1.3 27.6 149.2 Planning Commission: Change Gross Açres 2.0 (4.0) (2.0) (9.3) 9.3 (1.6) 2.5 1.1 2.0 As required by Government Code §65402, the Planning Commission rcviewed the proposed ultimate right-of-way lines for Dublin Boulevard and Fallon Road at a meeting held on May 24, 2005. After considering all testimony, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 05-32, affirming that the proposed alignments are in conformance with the City of Dublin General Plan. The Commission also adopted Resolution No. 05-33, recommending that the City Council adopt a Resolution of Intention to Establish Right-of-Way Lines for Dublin Boulevard between Keegan Street and Fal10n Road, and for Fallon Road between Bent Tree Drive and 1-580. Resolution of Intention: A Resolution of Intention was adopted via City Council Resolution No. 149-05 on July 5, 2005, that set July 19, 2005, at 7:00 pm, as the date and time for the first of two protest hearings. Said resol\ltion was also published and posted along the street where the right-of-way lines are proposed as required by the Municipal Code to give interested parties notice ofthe first reading of the proposed Ordinance. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: A Negative Declaration was prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act and adopted by Planning Commission Resolution 05-32. The establishment of Right-Of-Way Lines scts precise alignments for roadways currently depicted on the General Plan and do not substantially change the Page4~Ç acreages described for each land use designation. Thus, this action does not change the analysis, conclusions, or mitigation mcasures ofthc 1993 Eastern Dublin Specific Plan EIR. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council Waive the reading and Introduce the Ordinance to Establish Right-of-Way Lines for Dublin Boulevard between Keegan Street and Fallon Road, and for Fal10n Road between Bent Tree Drive and 1-580. G:\DEVELOP\Dublin Ranch\lnITafltructuT!:\Fallon Road & Dublin Blvd Pret1Se Alignment\City Council 2nd llle;eting\Agst_estab intention row.doc Page 5 UO ç d 7wlt1-0S'" 14, iD A'l'rACmNT I. Location Map Attachment 1 t \ I - -- w.1:Jõ"';-~ '\T~ ~Dn I o , ~1 I I 0.2 0.3 , 0.4 , ~. , 0.' ~o. 1 Inch equals 700 feet I~'l.\ 985-0027-007 Lowell A. Jordan Trust Fund 985-0027-002 Royal-Formosa Inc. . Ñ ~ N 3 - 8 seeJ'v' l ::Iue~ u!lqna aUOZÐ}:I ¡uÐwdola^ao pauueld L66~ ~.Jt:I!............ß~""" ....ØJiIii ....~ Mt . q!JI1N i----n-J ~ If:JUVN Ullqna i: ~ --.--. . . . . rn ~ «'> OBS- pue a^!Ja aaJl ¡uag uaaM¡aq peQH UOlle:l pue peoH uOlle:l pue ¡aeJ¡S :µel ) :>0l UaaM¡aq pJeAalnog U! qna - sJuawu6!1V as!:>aJd gOOZ pasodoJd .IOJ ..\101' .DIII.~ .. ~~ qaut1}l u!lqnå~ ~~ ...."'....... . , . LtJ[) "21 RESOLUTION NO. 05 - 32 · A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBUN ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND DETERMINATION OF GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY OF THE LOCATION, PURPOSE AND EXTENT OF THE PROPOSED RIGHT- OF-WAY FOR DUBLIN BOULEVARD BETWEEN KEEGAN STREET AND FALLON ROAD, AND FALLON ROAD BETWEEN BENT TREE DRIVE AND 1-580 (PA05-033) WHEREAS, the City of Dublin has proposed the establishment of Right-Of-Way Lines for Dublin Boulevard and Fallon Road in accordance with Municipal Code Chapter 7.68; and WHEREAS, the effected segment of Dublin Boulevard is between Keegan Street and FaIlon Road; and 1VHEREAS, the cffected segment of Fallon Road is between Bent Tree Drive and 1-580; and WHEREAS, the proposed Right-Of-Way Lines conform to the lines previously established with the Final Map for Tract 7281 for the northern segment of Fallon Road; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin General Plan was adopted on February 11, 1985 and subsequently amended in March of 2004 by City Council Resolution 47-04 and December of 2004 by · City Council Resolution 233-04; and WHEREAS, the properties through which the proposed Right-Of-Way Lines passes are within the boundary of the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and therefore will be encompassed by, and consistcnt with, the General Plan; and WHEREAS, California Government Code §65402(a) states, in part, that if a general plan has been adopted, no real property shall be acq\lired by dedication for street purposes \lntil the location, purpose and extent of such acq\lisition has heen reported upon by the planning agency (Planning Commission) as to conformity with the adopted general plan; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act próvides for a Negative Declaration when there is no substantial evidence that the project will have significant effects on the cnvironment; and WHEREAS, the five properties through which the proposed Right-Of-Way Lines pass lie within the corporate limits of the City of Dublin, and include thc following Assessor Parcel Numbers (property owncrs): 1. APN 985-054-004, 006 & 007 (Chang Su-O Lin) 2. APN 985-027-009 (Chang Su-O Lin) 3. APN 985-027-002 (Royal-Formosa Inc.) 4. APN 985-027-001 (Lowell A. Jordan Trust Fund) · WHEREAS, the improvements to be constructed in the future along the proposed Right-Of- Way Lines will provide for public access, and will be consistent with City standards; I ATTACDT LJ. · · 6Ob"2.1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Dublin Planning Commission does hereby find that: find that: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINED: ATTEST: A. The Planning Commission has reviewed and considered the Initial Study and Negative Declaration (available on file in the City of Dublin Community Development Department) and finds that this document reflects the independent judgment of the Planning Commission and the City as lead agency. The Dublin Planning Commission does hereby find that no ncw environmental impacts could occur as a result of proposed Right-Of-Way Lines and no new mitigation measures would be required. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Dublin Planning Commission does hereby A. The General Plan of the City of Dublin is applicable to the property through which the proposed Right-Of~Way Lines pass. B. The Traffic and Circulation Section of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and Gencral Plan depicts both Dublin Boulevard and Fallon Road as arterial roadways in locations consistent with the proposed right-of-way lines. C. The proposed right-of-way alignment passes through properties that are within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The proposed Right-Of-Výay Lines modify the current roadway locations depicted on the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; however, the General Plan and Specific Plan allow flexibility for precise roadway and land use locations at the time of development. Thc proposed right-of-way alignment will only cause slight modifications to the locations ofland uses depicted on the General Plan and Spccific Plans and is therefore the proposed Right-Or-Way Lines are in conformance with the City of Dublin General Plan pursuant to California Government Code §65402(a). PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 24th day of May, 2005. Chair Schaub, Cm. Biddle, Fasulkey, and Wehrenberg Cm. King Planning Commission Chairperson · Planning Manager G:\PA#\200.5\05-033 Precise Alignment COI' Dub1inFallon\PC fe-SO contormity row.doc 2 (gOb 2 I ORDINANCE NO. - 05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES FOR DUBLIN BOULEVARD BETWEEN LOCKHART STREET AND FALLON ROAD, AND FOR FALLON ROAD BETWEEN BENT TREE DRIVE AND 1-580 The City Council ofthe City of Dublin does ordain as follows: WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution No. _~05 on July 5,2005, calling for a public hcaring pursuant to the provisions of Sections 7.68.080 through 7.68.100 of the Dublin Municipal Code on July 19, 2005, at 7:00 pm, in the City Council Chambers, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, to hear protests and objections to the establishment of right-of-way lines for Dublin Boulevard between Keegan Street and Fallon Road, and for Fal10n Road between Bent Tree Drive and 1-580; and WHEREAS, notice of said public hearing was duly given; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Dublin finds and does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 7.68, the ultimate right-of-way lines are hereby established for Dublin Boulevard between Keegan Street and Fallon Road, and for Fallon Road between Bent Tree Drive and 1-580, according to the Legal Descriptions, attached hereto as Exhibit A, said Exhibit hercin incorporated. SECTION 2. Section 7.68.150 (Previously establishcd right-of-way lines) shall be amended to include: Dublin Boulevard. from Keegan Street to Fallon Road,. Fallon Road. from Bent Tree Drive to 1-580. SECTION 3. The effect of said right-of-way lines shall be governed by the provisions of Dublin Ordinance No. 44-87, as amcnded. 1 ArrAUIDIENT s. .. --. ..... SECTION 4. 1Vb-¿.1 This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after its final passage and adoption by the City CO\lncil. The City Clerk of City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State ofCalifomia. SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall have a certified copy ofthis Ordinance rccorded with the County Recorder's Office. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of July, 2005. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G:\DEVBLOP\DuhIìTl Ram:h\Tasslljara Road Alignment\orditlance_ estab row,doc 2 11,267-16 'Þ1JÎ-' May 12, 2005 Page 1 of14 EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION CHANG SU-O UN PROPERTY All that certain real property being a portion of Rancho Santa Rita, Township 3 South, Range 1 East, Mount Diablo Meridian and being also a portion of Lot 4 as shown and so designated on that certain Tract Map 7453, filed in Book 273 of Maps at pages 52 to 56, Alameda County Recorders Office, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north right of way line of Dublin Boulevard at the most northcrly tcrminus of that certain course described as North 04°24'22 West 158.00' in the deed to the City of Dublin, Doc No. 2004258876, recorded June 10,2004, in the Alameda County Recorders Office, State of Cali fomi a; thence leaving said point of beginning and entering said Lot 4 along a curve to the left, of which the radius point bears North 04°24'22" West from said point, having a radius 00,318.00 feet, and a central angle of 6°57'38", an arc distancc of 160.12 feet to a point of reverse curvature; Thence along a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 114.00 feet and a central angle of 16°01 '28" an arc distance of 31.88 feet to a point of rcverse curvature; Thence along a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 86.00 feet and a central angle of18°34'28" an arc distance of27.88 feet to a point of compound curvature; Thence along a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 1,327.00 feet and a central angle of22°55'02" an arc distance of 530.77 feet; Thence North 53°09'58" East 292.64 feet; Thence along a tangcnt curve to the right having a radius of 1,273.00 feet and a central angle of 17°54'22" an arc distance of397.84 feet to a point of compound curvature. Thence along a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 1458.00 feet and a central angle of 16°32' 12" an arc distance of 420.81 feet; l11encc North 45°09'41" East 36.55 feet; Thence North 00°26'33" East 8.64 feet; Thcncc along a tangent curve to the left having a radius of] ,308.00 feet and a central angle of 07°43'22" an arc distance of 176.30 feet to a point of reverse curvature; K:\Projects\112(¡7\doçU111cnt5\]6\L~GALS\Exhjbit ^ 5~12·05.doc 11,267-16'1 uif' May 12, 2005 Page 2 of 14 Thencc along a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 243.00 feet and a central angle of 10°00'33" an arc distance of 42.45 feet to a point of reverse curvature; Thence along a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 220.00 feet and a central angle of 14°12'44" an arc distance of 54.57 feet to a point of compound curvaturc; Thcncc along a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 1,318.00 fect and a central angle of9°20'45" an arc distance of214.99 feet; Thcnce North 20°49'45" West 119.42 feet to a point on the northerly line of said Lot 4, said point also being the southwest corner of parcel 16 as shown on Tract Map 7281, med in Book 277 of Maps at pages 82 to 88, Alameda County Recorders Office, State of California; Thence along said northcrly line South 88°30'52" East 167.32 feet; Thencelcaving said northerly line and entering said Lot 4 South 23°56' 13" East 51.98 feet; Thence along a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 1312.00 feet and a central angle of 14°33 '33" an arc distance of333.39 feet to a point of compound curvature; Thence along a tangcnt curve to the right having a radius of 1568.00 feet and a central angle of7°29'53" an arc distance of205.20 feet to a point on th.e centerline ofFallon Road, 60.00 feet in width, also being the easterly line of said Lot 4; Thcnce along said centerline of Fallon Road South 02°07'21" West 1088.99 feet; Thence leaving said centerline and continuing along the easterly line of said Lot 4 the following three courses; North 87°53'11" West 42.00 feet; South 02°06'49" West 220.19 feet; North 88°58'58" Wcst 95.75 feet; Thence leaving said easterly Jjne and entering said Lot 4 North 00°26'33" East 1052.79 fcet; Thence NOIih 50°26'51" West 34.88 fect; Thence along a non-tangent curve to the left whose radius point bears South 00° 17'00" West from said point, having a radius of 1102.00 feet through a central angle of 19°12'40" an arc distance of369.50 feet to a point of reverse curvature; K:\Projects\11267\düc\lments\16\¡.!::(]ALS\Ex.hibit ^ 5·12r05.(!oç 11,267-16 loql \ May 12,2005 Pagc3 of 14 Thence along a tangcnt curve to the right having a radius of 393.00 feet and a central angle of9°39'00" an arc distance of66.I9 feet to a point of reverse curvature; Thence along a tangent curve to the left having a radius of357.00 feet and central angle of 19°05'48" an arc distance of 118.99 feet to a point of compound curvaturc; Thence along a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 1123.00 feet and a central angle 0[8°27'34" an arc distance of 165.81 feet; Thence South 53°09'58" West 292.64 feet; Thence along a tangent curve to thc right having a radius of 1477.00 feet and a central anglc of32°25'40" an arc distance of 835.94 feet; Thence North 04°24'22" West 1.00 fect to the most southeasterly corner of Dublin Boulevard as described in above said Doc. No. 2004258876; Thence along the easterly right of way line of Dublin Boulevard North 04°24'22" West 158.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 13.63 acres, more or less. Portion of A.P.N. 985-27-009 Prepared By: .../ /' ../ ßdç5 Dalc End of Description Prcpared By The firin of MACKAY & SOMPS K:\Proje.cts\! J267\documents\16\LEGALS\P'"hibìt A 5-t2-05.döe 1I~ 14'12'44" L-54.57' R-220.00' 1I-10"00'33" L~42.45' R-243.00' 1I-7"43'22" L'" 176.30' R-1308.00' N00"26'33"E 8.64' N45'OQ'41"E 36.55' N88"07'13"E R N50"26'5rW 34,88' .) A~ ~~ PARCEL 15 TR 7281 277 M 82 N88"30'52"W 1577.82'..../ N88"30'52"W 167.32' ./ N20"49'45"W 119.42' N23'56'13"W 51.98' 1I-9"20'45" L"'214.99' R~ 1318.00' LOT 4 TRACT 7453 273 M 52 PORTION LOT 4 (TR 7'&u) 13.83:1: ACIÚIS A~6"57'38" L~160.12' R-1318.00' A~22"55'02" " L-530.77' A~ 16"01'28 R-1327.00' L-31.88' R·114.00' 1I~ 18"34'28" L~27.88' R~86.00' A~9"39'OO- L~66.19' R~393.00' 1I-19"05' 48" L~118,99' R-357.00' A~32"25'4Q" L~835.94' R-1477.00' N87"53'1 rw 42,00' 20.00' Doc. No. 2004258876 ~ LOT 4 TRACT 7453 273 M 52 N88"58'58"W 95.75' 1" =300' PAGE 4 OF 14 w . N ;... o "" o z z !z 8 ~ ~ r... ",'--1:> 11 n II -"'- /,.I'I(..JoI~ --"~<..,.I ""'''''-'' b~~ q U\ R ¡;:j o w ¡.., '" "" ~ ~1~tLI19 TR 7281 ,t.i-IS· ¡f) d)1< ~~\.. II',O~,~O~ I',IGD ~~i ",'--1:> I 1\ 1\ 1\ -~~ "'",...., g',¡..,"'!. b~t; q ~ ø= 30' "" co 60' '" ~ -. 10 .g ø= U :;;cj . <:e"" CI'i lL.(})C '" 0 0 8 (j)::E'< ' £::¡C>::<O ZDl ) «"-'<0 -II'< ' -I", ~I D"" ¡:¡,:co 13 ¡:¡,: "" (/) C.Ro:4.k r EXHIBIT "A" PLAT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION DUBLIN BOULEVARD AND FALLON ROAD RIGHT OF WAY LANDS OF CHANG SU-O UN ET. AL. CITY OF DUBLIN CALIFDRNlA IDAIKAY' sa.'1 INFRASTRUCTURE: QROUP ENGINEERS . PLMlÞ«!:IS . suRVEYORS SAN RAMON. CA i-4!83 (g2~) 901-11VO Rt:~~J9'f~ ~?=~ ~~~fiW'~E2: ~PI{[~~~ ~ SCALE: '-.300' DATE: o2-02-0~ JOa NO. 112ð7-16 THE BASIS OF BEARING IS RECORD PER TR 7281 (277M82) THE DISTANCES SHOWN ARE GROUND DISTANCES. U!iPI-"bIf 111 11:i.~· :!ï ,œo fW.( M/IYt; U2II'I\ I PIiII TII~~ 12 J'b2.1 11,267-16 May 12, 2005 Page 5 of 14 Exhibit A DESCRIPTION CHANG SU-O UN PROPERTY FALLON ROAD All that certain real property being a portion of Rancho Santa Rita, Township 3 South, Range I East, Mount Diablo Meridian and being also a portion of Parcels 14, 15 and 19 and all of Parcels 16 and 17 as shown and so designated on that certain Tract Map 7281, filed in Book 277 of Maps at pages 82 to 88, Alameda County Recorders Office, State of California, described as follows: Parcel A Beginning at a point on the northerly line of said Parcel 14 at the most westerly terminus of that certain course shown as North 89°04'14" West 77,80 feet on said Tract Map 7281 common to the southwest corner of Parcel 17 as shown on said Tract Map 7281; Thcnce easterly along said northerly line South 89 04' 14" East 77.80 feet; Thence leaving said northerly line along the easterly line of said Parcel 14 South 6°19' 16" West 66.68 feet; Thence continuing along the easterly line of said Parcel 14 along a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 399.94 feet and a central angle of 14°52' 18" an arc distance of 103.81 feet; Thence westerly along the southerly line of said Parcel 14, common to the northerly line of parcel 16 as shown on said Tract Map 7281 South 84°01'51" West 55,99 feet; Thence leaving said common line and entering said Parcel 14 North 5°25'06" West 177.65 fcet to thc POINT OF BEGINNING, Containing 0.25 Acres, morc or less. Portion of A.P.N 985-054-004 K:\Projects\11267\documçnts\16\LEQALS\Exhibit A 5·]2~05,ðoc 11,267-1613"b '2 \ May 12, 2005 Page 6 of 14 Parcel B All that certain Parcel 17 as shown on said Tract Map 7281. Containing 3.34 Acres, more or less. A.P.N. 985-054~007 Parcel C Beginning at the northwesterly corner of said Parcel 16 as shown on Tract Map 7281; Thence along the northerly line of said Parcel 16 North 84°01'51" East 55.99 feet to the easterly line of said Parcel 16; Thence along said easterly line, along a non-tangent curve to the left whose radius point bears North 81 °26'58" East, having a radius of399.94 feet and a central angle of 29°19'44" an arc distance of 204.72 feet; Thence continuing along said easterly line of Parcel 16 and the easterly line of said Parcel 19 of Tract Map 7281 South 37°52'46", East 103.45 feet Thence leaving said easterly line and entering said Parcel 19, along a non-tangent curve to the left, whose radius point bears North 71030'11" East having a radius of 1288.00 feet, and a central angle of 5°26'24" an arc distance of 122.29 feet; Thence South 23°56'13" East 219.76 feet to the southerly line of said Parcel 19; Thence along said southerly line and the southcrly line of said Parce1 16 and ParcellS, North 88° 30' 52" West 167.32 feet; Thence leaving said southerly line and entcring said Parcel 15, North 20°49'45" West 216.73 feet to the wcsterly line of said Parcel 16; Thence along said westerly linc, along a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 1470.00 feet and a central angle of 14°51 '36" an arc distance of381.25 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. K:\Projccts\1. 2.6 7\dQç\JmCllts\ 16\LEGALS\Exhibit. A 5-12-05,doc Containing 1.66 Acres, more or less. All of A.P.N 984-054-006 Portions of; A,P.N 985-054-005 and 985-054-009 Prepared By: End of Dcscription Prepared By The firm of MACKAY & SOMPS K:\Pmjec:ts\11267\doclImeiUs\16\LEGALS\Exhibit A 5-12-OS.doc 11,26H6 HIJb2-! May 12, 2005 Page 7 of14 Š(¡¥o~ Date N28"15'OO'E R R-887.00' t>-28"5T18' L-448.2S' -......:--.. ,yO". P..4.t ~J';><1 ~()Q'Jr I .;;:«l,OJl;.:.9· I <r b'- I I <ro<4.Ù I I "I / 'Tf'1 I PARCEL 18 , TR 7281 I I i R-1064.00' I t>-I9' 30'05' I L-362.1S' I I N77'09'04' E R I I I I i if¿ i 10 f I~ I:;!, b ~ to J t::: 0) ( m If;¡ I "" "" I 10 10 I :- ¡" I 9: I I '5Ob'2 , PARCEL 8 TR 7281 277 M 82 R-218.00' t>-10'42'OS' Lm40.72' " .... R-242.00' 11- 10'42'DS' L-4S.2D' N06'19'16'E 64.23' R-1479.00' t>-S'23'30' L~139.18' PARCEL 14 N89'D4'14'W(R) n.80' TR 7281 ~ N05'25'O~ ~.~ __ -- - - YPOB(A) ...- -- pARKWA /' /' C;~'t?-~ -- - - - -POB(C)- /' /' -- N84'OI'51·E(R) 5599' ./' ....... . /' R-1470,OO' /' ~Ifil~~ ./' L-381.2S' /' PARCEL C P~~Cf~815 PARCEL 16 ITR 7281 1.66:1: A.CRES N20'49'45'W 216.73' LOWELL A. JORDON TRUST SERIES NO. 82-061343 PARCEL B PARCEL 7 rTR 12611 3.34:1: ACRES PAGE 8 OF 14 N06' 19'1 ~ E 66.68' PARCEL A PORTION PARCEL 14 R-399.94' rTR 1281 11-14'52'18' 0.26:1: A.CRES L-103.81' 1 N81'26'S8'E R R-399,94' R-399.94' 6-29' 19' 44' L-204.72' N37'S2'4~W 103.45' N71'30'1 I'E R R- I 288.00 t>-5'26'24' \ L- I 22,29 ,,'- N23'S6'I.J"W \'-" 219.76' PARCEL 19 ~_ TR 728.2.. _ _ _ ""'''\\\- -- \ \ \ \ \ 1"=300' --~~ ----~ -~---~ LOT 4 TRACT 7453 273 M 52 N88"30'52'W 167.32' EXHIBIT "A" PLAT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION FALLON ROAD RIGHT OF WAY LANDS OF CHANG SU-O LIN ET. AL. CITY 0' DUBLIN cAumRNI¡\ THE BASIS or BEARING IS RECORO PER TR 7281 (2nM82) THE DISTANCES SHOWN ARE GROUND DISTANCES. 1lAC1CAY. SOIlPS INFRASTRUCTURE aROUP E"~G NE:E:RS . PlANNERS ill SURl/E'l'QR$. SAN RAMON. CA 9"~8.3 ('2!5) 90 1-1 1 gO Rt:PRQD~rJl~:\ '&c~~~I~ ~t«:~lfW~li!~ ~rJ~'~ ~[I)Ã scALE: ¡"""300' DATE: o2-Cl2-0! .,Ioe NO. 11267~ 16 usca; ..-- 12. ~ . It.(!,..".. rntW.(; K.'\ 11.21 I iIIvI IIIgI.nmtl 11,267-16 \ IoGbt../ May 12,2005 Page 9 of 14 Exhibit A DESCRIPTION LOWELL A. JORDON TRUST PROPERTY FALLON ROAD All that certain real property situated in Alameda County, California, being a portion of those lands of the "Lowell A, Jordon Trust" as dcscribed in Doc No, 82-061343 Alameda County Recorders Office, Statc of California and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing on the Westerly Hne of said lands of Lowell A. Jordon Tmst, said line being the centerHne of Fallon Road, 60.00 feet in width, at the most northerly point of Parcel 19 and common with the easterly line of Parcel 16 as said point is shown on that certain Tract Map 7281, filed in Book 277 of Maps at pages 82·88, Alameda County Recorders Office, State of California; Thence along said westerly line and said center Hne South 37°52'46" East 1,85 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING northerly along the westerly line of said Lowell A. Jordon Tmst, common to the easterly line of Parcel 16 as shown on said Tract Map 7281 North 37°52'46" West] 03.45 feet; thcnce continuing northerly along the westerly line of said Lowcll A. Jordon Trust, common to the easterly line of Parcels 16 and 14 as shown on said Tract Map 7281 along a tangcnt curve to the right having a radius of399.94 feet and a central angle of44°12'02" an arc distance of308.53 feet; Thence northerly along the westerly line of said Lowell A. Jordon Trust, common to the easterly line of Parcels 14 and 17 as shown on the said Tract Map 7281 North 06°19'16" East 1043.74 fect to thc most southerly comer of Parcel 18 as shown on said map of Tract 7281; Thence leaving said common line and entering the lands of said Lowell A Jordon Trust along a non-tangent curve to the right, whose radius point bears South 77°09'04" West from said point having a radius of 1 ,064.00 feet, and a central angle 0[2°47'58" an arc distance of 51. 99 feet to a point of compound curve to the most southerly corner parcel 18 as shown on said map of Tract 7281 ; Thence along a tangent C\lfve to thc right having a radius of 1 ,2 I 2.00 feet and a central angle of 16°22' 14" an arc distance of346.29 feet; Thence South 06°19' 16" Wcst 454.29 feet; Thence along a tangent curvc to the left having a radius of 1,330.00 feet and a central angle of 14°46'05" an arc distance of342.8] feet to a point of compound curvature; K:\Projects\ 112.67\òo~ul11!:!nts\ 6\LEGALS\ExhibiL A S-12·05,doc 11,267-16 \1~? I May 12, 2005 Page 10 of 14 Thence along a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 1288.00 and a central angle of 10°02'59" an arc distance of225,92 feet to !be POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 1.91 acrcs, morc or less Portion on APN 985·27-001 Prepared By: End of Description Prepared By The firnl of MACKAY & SOMPS K:\Projects\1 J267\dOCUI11cnts\16\LP.GALS\Exhibit A 5-t2-05.doc 5¡'VÞ! Date .... ......... ~......... '),4?' "........."«1.;0# :-.... ( '" -.....;......... ~04IJ / " '\..:" I \ \"~ PARCEL 1 8 ~ " TR 7281 \-"~ I ,0" \ I ",-,~ II \ ';1' ,.> \ I N77"09'04" E R \,.> -' I I \ \~ I I~ I ;!: I I g i 1- I l,¡J ! ên . N I:'? I ..¡ . on ~ I 'It I !b I w ž' I to 1 I I ¡;; .!ZI I tOI I [g ~I I 2; T~! i J- I i -- I I PARKWAY I , ___~_I \ .- \ ~Ò R-399.94' \ ,J [1.-44°12'02" ~ \ R~1288,OO' -\ \ [I.-1(),02'59" L-308.53' \ \ L~225.92 N37"52'48"W I \ J P.O.B. 103.45' I)., \~>\ N37"52'46"W SEE DETAIL----'" ~ \~ 326.87' \ --'?:) ~ \ \ -¡O ~ \\ \ \ R-399.94' \ -' <' \ \ ~\ ð-10'23'54" \ ';}..... \"" L-72.58' - - - - - _\,.>O'---\~ '\ \ PARCEL19 - - -_ PAGE'1 OF 14 \ \\. TR 7281 EXHIBIT "A" PLAT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION FALLON ROAD RIGHT OF WAY LOWELL A. JORDON TRUST PARCEL 8 TR 7281 1.85' P.O.B. \ \ \ \þ 1\ \~ ~I \"'" 1\ ,,~ PARCEL 19 ~ nEIAIL 277 M 82 PARCEL 14~ TR 7281 -- --- //~~~- --- /'" ./ ./ - - PARCEL 15 TR 7281 --- -LOT4-- TRAcT 7453 273 M 52 CITY 0, OU8l1N R-l064.00' ð~2"47'58" L~51.99' R~1212.00' ð-16'22'14" L-346.29' 1'&b2 LOWELL A. JORDON TRUST SERIES NO. 82-061343 LOWELL A, JORDON TRUST 1.111:1: ACRES R-1330.00' ð~ 14°46'05" L~342.8' ] ''''''300' CALiFORNIA lIIeDY'Samps INFRASTRUCTURE QROUP E:/I GI~EER!S . F'LANNE:~S . suMYORS SAN RAÞ.4ON, CA. 9493 (925) 901-1190 Rt;~=J~of¥~ ~"3Lr~~I~ ~~~':tËF~2: ~R~~~~ "E~ $CAI.E: '-.300' DATE: 02~02-0~ JOB NO. 112ð7 15 THE BASIS OF BEARING IS RECORD PER TR 7281 (277M82) THE DISTANCES SHOWN ARE GROUND DISTANCES. vR:1t;~ 1 I¡ y1~.~.1~12JW, flLEllWÆllt,\· 1I:Ifi I ~ 11,267-16lq~~1 May 12, 2005 Page 12 of 14 EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION ROYAL-FORMOSA PROPERTY FALLON ROAD All the certain real property bcing a portion of Rancho Santa Rita, Township 3 South, Range 1 East, Mount Diablo Meridian and being also a portion of those lands of Royal- Formosa Inc as described in Doc No, 83-245554, Alameda County Recorders Office, State of Cali fomi a and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning on the westerly line of said lands of Royal-Formosa Inc, said line also being the centerline of FalJon Road, 60,00 feet in width, at the southerly terminus of the most easterly line of Lot 4 as shown on that certain Tract Map 7453, filed in Book 273 of Maps at Pagcs 52-56, Alameda County Recorders Office, State of California; thence leaving said point of beginning along said westerly line and centerline of Fallon Road North 02°07'21" East 1088.99feet; Thence leaving said westerly line and entering said Lands of Royal-Formosa Inc, South along a non-tangent curve to the right whose radius point bears South 88°07'13" West having a radius of 1568.00 feet, a central angle of 0°3 1 '52" an arc distance of 14.53 feet; Thence South 05"25'14" East 219.27 feet; Thence South 00°26'33" West 400.00 feet; Thence along a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 315.67 feet and a central angle of 9°53 '33" an arc distance of 54.50 feet to a point of reverse curvature; Thence along a tangent curve to the ]eft having a radius of289.67 feet and a central angle of9"53'33" an arc distance of50.01 feet; Thence South 01Q27'13" West 170.03 fcct; Thence South 00°26'33" West 183.13 fect to the easterly projection of the southerly line of said Lands of Royal-FoDllosa Tnc; K:\Pr(ljects\11267\ðQçl,.ll1l~nt! \16\LEGALS\Ex:hibit ^ 5-12"05.doç lI,267-16t~ "]., May 12, 2005 Page 13 of 14 Thenec along said southerly line and the projection thereof North 87°53' 11" West 42.86 fcct to thc POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 0.81 acres, more or less Portion of APN 985-27-002 Prepared By: 4Z/Os Date End of Dcscriptiol1 Prepared By The fIrm of MACKAY & SOMPS C:\Documcnts and Sc:t,tings\bchan\J..(Ical Sl'::llingR\Tcrnporary Internet FÎlcs\OLK69\Bxhibit A 5-12-QS.doc " \ .-0\\\ -,,7 \\\\ \,o';Q \ PARCEL 19 PARCEL 15 -->.1. \\\y TR 7281 . TR 7281 \'" \ \ . 277 M 82 ~6> \ \ \ - - - - - - - - - - - -'----- \~\ \ - \'\\------ \ \ \ \ \ I II 60' \ 71 f-..::: \ \h pO' \ II :\/ : J II I 6-0'31'52' L-14.53' R-1568.00' - ___- I I tiJl , 01 ~I I ....-- /' ../' /~\) ..____---ì / $'¥ / / o<\') /" / ~~ / ./ ~~V / \) /' / /"' LOT 4 TRACT 7453 273 M 52 LOT 4 TRACT 7453 273 M 52 î.1tt)21 -~-~ LANDS OF ROYAL-FORMOSA INC. SERIES 83-245554 DEC. 30, 1983 N05"25'14'W 219.27' P.O.B. LANDS OF ROYAL-FORMOSA INC. 0.8U: ...CRIB m m oô co <> w . '" .... <> ~ Z: ~i I I 6-9"53'33" L-54,50' R-315,67' 6-9"53'33" L-50.01' R-289,67' NOI°27' 13"[ 170.03' N00'26'33-[ '63.13' N87"53'11"W 42.00' N87"53'1 ,"W lE!Jô~' " 0%", "" ~ \\ '-----.. \ \ --. )\ 14 1"=300' PAGE , I I I I I 14 OF EXHIBIT "A" PLAT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION FALLON ROAD RIGHT OF WAY LANDS OF ROYAL-FORMOSA INC. CITY OF' DUBLIN CALIFORNIA IDAIIAY Ik la..1 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP £~Gt~EERS . PLAN~e:RS . suAvEYMS SAN RAMO~. CA 94~ (9:i!S) 901-1190 I!t~~·~~~~'H~[~~ACC;~t~ ~~~ YEtM SCAL.E: '-.30{]' OATE: 01 :¡!O o~ JOB NO. 112(17 HI HE BASIS OF BEARING IS RECORD PER TR 7281 (277M82) THE DISTANCES SHOWN ARE GROUND DISTANCES. -- "'-'" ~ 12. iI* . ~~ IlI\nK I ... '-