HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.01 Draft CC 07-19-2005 Min R£GULAR M££TING - JU Ý 1 2005 A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was he d on Tuesday, July 19,2005, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The eeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m., by Mayor Lockhart. · JtQLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Hildenbrand, McCorm' ck, Oravetz, Zika and Mayor Lockhart. ABSENT: None. · PLEDGE <;>F ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited by th Council, Staff and those present. · {1tOCLAMATION 7:04 p.m. 3.1 (620-50) Mayor Lockhart read a proclamation declaring Tues ay, August 2, 2005 as National Night Out in Dublin and called upon all citizens of ublín to join the Dublin Políce Services in supporting the City's 13th annual Nation I Night Out. The proclamation was presented to Commander Ga Thuman, who stated this is very important to our community; it gives us a chance to trengthen relationships insofar as crime fighting. · SPECIAL PRE$ENTATION TO CITY CLERK Mayor Lockhart stated a new item was being added the agenda, Item 3.A. She then presented a bouquet of roses to City Clerk Kay Keck, nd thanked her for her 23 years of service to the community. Kay was the third emplo hired when the City incorporated in 1982 and she will be retiring next month. This is her last City CouncH meeting. · CITY COUNCIL MI VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEE ING July 19, 2005 PAGE 284 4.1 PRESENTATION BY COMMUNI1Y DEVELOPMENT JEPARTMENT ON CUlUŒNT DEVELOPMENT IN THE CITY 7:10 p.m. 3.2 (420- 10) Building Official Gregory Shreeve made a presentation related to current development in the City, including single-family home construction, new multi-family projects, and Senior Housing. The City also has several new Com» ercial/Office and mixed-use category projects which have recently been approved or are under construction. . CONSENT CALENDAR 7:21 p.m. Items 4.1 through 4.10 Cm. McCormick pulled Item 4.2. On motion of Vm. Zika, seconded by Cm. Oravetz, ar d by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: Approved (4.1) Minutes of Regular Meeting of July 5 2005; Accepted (4.3 600-30) improvements under the Art stic Services Agreement for the Dublin Senior Center Art Project "Wisdom Through rhe Ages"; . Approved (4.4 600-30) an Agreement with the Tri- 'alley Convention & Visitors Bureau and authorized the City Manager to execute; Authorized (4.5 600-35) Staff to solícit bids for Con mct 05-09, Street Light Pole Replacement, Phase 4; Adopted (4.6 600-30) RESOLUTION NO.1 0 - 05 APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH BERLOGAR GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS FOR GENERAL GEOTECHNIGAL SERVICES CITY COUNCIL MIl'I UTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEET NG July 19,2005 PAGE 285 Adopted (4.7 600-30) RESOLUTION NO.1 1 - 05 APPROVING AN AGREE ENT WITH RBF CONSULTING FOR ENGIN ERING SERVICES Accepted (4.8 600-35) General Fund Reimburseme ts in the amount of $5,000 from an ABAG Grant for Contract 05-01,2004-05 Annual Si ewalk Safety Repair Program; approved a Budget Change in the amount of $3,755; nd accepted improvements and authorized the release of retention after 35 days if th re are no subcontractor claims; Authorized (4.9 350·20) Staff to distribute Request or Proposals (Sealed Bids) for Building Permit System replacement; Approved (4.10 300-40) the Warrant Register in th amount of $1,735,891.29. em. McCormick pulled Item 4.2 related to a parcel split or OUtback Kestaura.nt and the lla.disson Hotel and askedif this mt!ll11S they can now pu up fences between the two properties? Public Worb Director MeliSSll Morlan explained that th 's would create two separa.te parcels. It basica.lly al/ows for separate ownership of the two parce s. Any fencing proposed would require Staff reVIeW and we don't anticipate this. Cm. Oravetz asked If they wil/ get separate f8x bJ7ls and Ms. Morton stated yes two separate pa.rceJs would get se 'Ste tax bills, but she did not bebeve it wil/ be l'CIlssessed City Mwa.gcr Richard Ambrose stated if it changes own ilip, it will be reassessed. On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Cm. Hi! enbrand, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted (4.2 410-40) RESOLUTION NO.1 2 - 05 APPROVING PARCEL (OUTBACK-RADIS . CITY COlJNCIL MI VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEET NG July 19,2005 PAGE 286 PUBUC HEARING LANDSCAPING & UGHTING ASSESSMENT DlSTRI 83·2 (TRACI' 4 719 ~ STAGECOACH ROAD) 7:23 p.m. 6.1 (360-20) Mayor Lockhart opened ONE public hearing for all 5 of the intenance Districts. ssment Senior Administrative Analyst Ginger Russell present the Staff Reports. This assessment district funds the maintenance of str t side landscaping along Stagecoach Road and on the interior slopes of the Du !in Hills Estates development. This action would approve the Engineer's Report and aut orize the levy of assessments for 2005-06. HTING MAl 7:26 p.m. 6.2 (360-50) NTDI T 3-1 This assessment district funds the mAintenance of th City's street lighting system, except for lights in Dublin Ranch and Tract 7067 (Clifden arc). This action would approve the Engineer's Report and authorize the levy of assessme ts for 2005-06. The proposed assessment of $16.84 per single-famíl home is the same as the Fiscal Year 2004-05 Assessment. PUBUC HEARING LANDSCAPING NANCE CT 97-1 - SANTA RITA 7:27 p.m. 6.3 (360-20) This assessment district funds the maintenance of st Rita development area, which is generally bounded and Tassajara Road. This action would approve the of assessments for 2005-06. t side landscaping within the Santa y 1-580, Gleason Drive, Arnold Road ngineer's Report and authorize levy CITY COUNCIL Ml UTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEET NG July 19, 2005 PAGE 287 The recommended 2005-06 assessment is $549.86 1.5% higher than the 2004-05 assessment and belo under the terms of the Engineer's Report. r acre, which is approximately the maximum assessment allowed PUBUC HEARING LANDSCAPING & UGHTING MAINTENANCE ASS MLLAGES (ã} WILLOW CREEK} 7:29 p.m. 6.4 (360-20) This assessment district funds the maintenance of st t side landscaping along portions of Dougherty Road and Amador Valley Boulevard an certain common area landscaping within the Ví1lages at wí1low Creek development. is action would approve the Engineer's Report and authorize the levy of assessme ts for 2005-06. The individual assessments are calculated at $142.22 per single-family home and $71.12 per multi-family parcel. This is a 2.4% increase abo e the 2004~05 assessment, which is commensurate with the Consumer Price Index rate 0 increase for April 2005 and is allowed under the terms of the Engineer's Report tha was approved in 2001. PUBUC HEARING DUBUN RAN H TUG 99~1 7:30 p.m. 6.5 (360-20) This assessment district funds the maintenance of st t side landscaping along portions of Dougherty Road and Amador Valley Boulevard an certain common area landscaping within the ViIlages at Willow Creek development. is action would approve the Engineer's Report and authorize the levy of assessme ts for 2005-06. The proposed assessment, $21.10 per single-family me, is $6.00 per lot or 40% higher than the 2004-05 assessment, but is less than the m ximum allowable assessment established by the initial Engineer's Report for this D strict. Vm. Zika pointed out these assessment amounts are Cm. McCormick asked about funding to paint the fe ce for District 86~ 1. City Manager Ambrose stated funds are not availabl in the reserves. CITY COUNCIL MI UTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEET NG July 19, 2005 PAGE 288 Mr. Ambrose stated there are a lot of improvements i that district. He pointed out that the City Council had a policy of no assessment inc for about 10 years. Mayor Lockhart stated she felt when it gets to a certa n point, we will have to go back to the people in the neighborhood and increase the asse sment. Mayor Lockhart closed the public hearing for all five Maintenance Assessment Districts. On motion of Vm. Zika, seconded by Cm. Hildenbra d, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted s painting the most. The fence is quite a while. The assessment Ms. Russell stated the idea is to catch the part that n almost 2 miles. Some of it isn't seen. It has been the went up a fair amount 2 years ago. RESOLUTION NO.1 3 - 05 APPROVING ENGINEER'S REPORT, CO FIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT AND ORDERING LE OF ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF DU LlN LANDSCAPING & LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 83-2 (STAGECOACH R AD) RESOLUTION NO.1 APPROVING ENGINEER'S REPORT, CONFIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT, AND ORDERING LE OF ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF DUBLIN STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE AS ESSMENT DISTRICT 83·1 RESOLUTION NO.1 5 - 05 APPROVING ENGINEER'S REPORT, C NFIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT, AND ORDERING LE OF ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF DUBLIN LANDSCAPIN MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 97·1 ( ANT A RITA AREA) CITY COUNCIL MI UTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEE ING July 19, 2005 PAGE 289 RESOLUTION NO.1 6 - 05 APPROVING ENGINEER'S REPORT, CO FIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT, AND ORDERING LE OF ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF DUBLIN LANDSCAPING & LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 86-1 (VILLAGES @ ILLOW CREEK) RESOLUTION NO.1 APPROVING ENGINEER'S REPORT, CO FIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT, AND ORDERING LE OF ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF DUBLIN STREET LIGHTING MAl TENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 99-1 (DUBLIN RANCH ND TRACT 7067) . PUBLIC HEARING ESTABLISH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES FOR. DUBLIN BETWEEN KEEGAN STREET AND FALWN ROAD, FALLON ROAD BE N B NT TREE DRIVE 7:36 p.m. 6.6 (670~40/820-90) Mayor Lockhart opened the public hearing. City Engineer Mark Lander presented the Staff Repo This is the first reading of an Ordinance to adopt rig t-of-way lines for Dublin Boulevard and Fallon Road pursuant to Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 7.68. The Ordinance will establish right-of-way alignment for Dublin Bouleva between Keegan Street and Fallon Road to accommodate six lanes, and for Fallon Road een Bent Tree Drive and 1-580 to accommodate six and eight lanes. ULEV AIID FOR - 0 No testimony was entered by any member of the pub ic relative to this issue. Mayor Lockhart closed the public hearing. On motion of Vm. Zika, seconded by Cm. Oravetz, a d by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED an Ordinan to establish the right-of-way lines. . CITY COUNCIL MI UTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEET NG .July 19, 2005 PAGE 290 CT 7:47 p.m. 6.7 (720-GO) Mayor Lockhart opened the public hearing. Assistant to the City Manager Julie Carter presented t e Staff Report. This is the second reading of an Ordinance which w uld amend the City's Retirement Contract with the Board of Administration of CalPE to implement a 2.7% @ 55 retirement formula, effective August 20, 2005. No testimony was entered by any member of the pub ic relative to this issue. Mayor Lockhart closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Híldenbrand, seconded by Cm. M Cormick, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and adopted ORDINANCE NO. 18 - 05 AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT 0 THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBLIN AND THE B ARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYE S' RETIREMENT SYSTEM . NT LOAN FROG 7:49 p.m. 7.1 (470-50) Economic Development Director Chris Foss present the Staff Report. Mr. Foss explained that the City has invested a great eal of time and money over the last several years in the revitalization of the City's Centra Business District (CBD), or Downtown. During that time, projects ranging landscaping and street furniture to public art and new bus benches have been complet . In addition, the City Council has taken several pro-active steps through the adoption f 3 separate specific plans (West CITY COUNCIL MI liTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEET NG July 19, 2005 PAGE 291 Dublin BART, Downtown, and Village Parkway) to e sure that the area is properly zoned for new, more intensive development to meet present and future needs. During the Goals & Objectives process, the City Cou il directed Staff to look into the possibility of establishing a Commercial Façade Impr vement Loan program for the City's Central Business District. The elements Staff proposed for the program were di Eligible Activities, Annual Funding, Grant/Loan Am Administration. o cities and stated the loan ith some loans up to nearly ed by Staff, all but one was funded ency. Mr. Foss reviewed information received from nearly amounts generally ranged from $5,000 to $75,000, $300,000. Of the loan programs received and revie through the respective community's redevelopment ussed, including: Purpose/Goals, nt, Target Area(s), Security, and Mr. Foss summarized that despite the apparent lack f interest in the program by the property owners on Village Parkway between Dubli Boulevard and Amador Valley Boulevard, Staff believed that the City Council shoul consider the proposed program as a means to revitalize the CBD, focusing on Village Pa kway. If approved in conceptual form, Staff would prepare the necessary documents t market the program and to accept applications from interested parties. Mayor Lockhart commented maybe we found a solut on without a problem. Vm. Zika stated you can take a horse to water, but y u can't make it drink. He saw no reason to do anything more until somebody exp some interest. City Manager Richard Ambrose stated those busines Wendy's are already moving on their own and maki incentive. ed the property for a long time their monthly cash flow with no Cm. Oravetz discussed changes once BART gets here nd stated he surprised there was not more interest. Mr. Foss stated the overriding issue was most have 0 and it is easier for them to do the improvements fro strings attached. like KFC, McDonalds and improvements without any CITY COUNCIL MI VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEE July 19,2005 PAGE 292 Mayor Lockhart stated she felt that as businesses ren ate, other businesses will take a look. She doesn't see a need to tie this money up unn ssarily. It will have to be the building owner, not just one tenant. She stated she as all for saying adios to the program. Cm. McCormick stated she felt we may be ahead of t e curve. When big changes start coming to that district, they will have to do somethi or lose business. Mr. Ambrose advised that we received notice from million in projects the City identified. Many were s rogram is viable? At some point in llocate the funds. It can be Mr. Ambrose stated the question is do you think the the future if it becomes viable, the City Councíl can revisited in 4 or 5 years or whenever necessary. Mayor Lockhart stated we could take the money and 0 some improvements ourselves on the street, in the streetscape or landscaping, etc. We an be creative. TC that they will fund up to $3 tscape and landscaping projects. Mr. Foss stated he wil1let the City Council know if h gets several people inquiring. On motion of Cm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Mayor the Council agreed to defer action on this type of pro business community. khart, and by unanimous vote, am until there is interest in the . 8:02 p.m. 8.1 (430-20) E DISC Planning Manager Jeri Ram presented the Staff Repo In April of 2003, the City Council amended the Zoni Ordinance to allow for garage conversions with a conditional use permit to be hear by the Planning Commission. Since that time, Staff has processed six applications £ r garage conversions. Four were approved by the Planning Comnússion; one was den ed by the Planning Commission; and one approved by the Planning Commission was ove rned on appeal by the City Council. There is currently one garage conversion ing looked at. During the deliberation of the above appeal, the Ci Council requested that Staff place an item on a future agenda to discuss garage conver ions in general. CITY COUNCIL MI UTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEE ING July 19, 2005 PAGE 293 Staff requested that the Council provide direction. Cm. McCormick asked about the one in the pipeline nd if any action tonight would affect that one. Ms. Ram advised that any action tonight making cha es would have to go back to the Planning Commission and then to the City Council ~ r public hearings. Mayor Lockhart stated she felt the report received p ves that the Ordinance works. Some are approved and some are not. If you change t so there is no opportunity at all, there is not anyone form that fits every home in our ity. The CUP process works. This is a chance anybody takes when they go for a CUP. Vm. Zika stated he felt for the same reasons, this is n t working. Once the conversion is done, it's done. If someone moves in with several ve ides, this creates problems. Houses could turn over at any time. He has been against thi Ordinance because it looks at a property at a moment in time, and it can change. Cm. Oravetz stated he thought there would be a lot ore conversions than have occurred. He felt the aesthetics of the neighborhood an be changed and then people move. He is not against garage conversions, but felt t is somewhat like false advertising. He will again support Vm. Zika's point of view. Cm. McCormick stated she supported this and still lieves in the concept. It provides a real service for a middle income family. This only af ects a small portion of our community for people to add some space to their ho se. If someone wants to bring their older parents in, this is a way to do it. In concept sh really supports this; however, she can't quite seem to get around the CUP. The guy wh came before them, she felt it was unfair. If you really do everything right, why do the have to come before another body and then get shot down. Those older neighborhoods have been changed over and over again. She supports the concept, but not the Ordina ce the way it is written. We pride ourselves on fairness and to her this was not fair. r pie who obey the rules and do it right should be able to go ahead and get their conve sion without risk. She asked if we can change the appeal process. Mr. Ambrose stated the language and required findi s has a certain level of subjectivity. The language was originally to be a way of providin flexibHity. What looks good to Staff may not look good to the Planning Commission or the City Council, or vice versa. CITY COUNCIL MI UTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEE ING July 19,2005 PAGE 294 · City Attorney Elizabeth Silver stated the City Council could change the Ordinance to take out the CUP requirement if they wanted to. They have some discretion and can make it a matter of rights. Mayor Lockhart suggested saying something like, if y)U have room for x number of cars off street and you retain the look of the home, you CaJ.l automatically get it approved. Ms. Sílver stated the grey area seems to be whether t~ e garage door remains as a garage door, or has landscaping in front of it. They could sa·T the garage door stays period. Mayor Lockhart clarified that her point was just that hey have a garage door and looks like every other house with a garage door in the neig 1borhood. Cm. Hildenbrand stated she has many concerns with this. She supports individuals with whatever needs they may have. One concern being the parking issue. If it gets sold, how can people deal with it in the future. The majority 01 people don't use their garage for cars. The other issue is the appeal process. If we keep this Ordinance in place, she would like to see it say you must keep the garage doo~ in place. She could support this, but she has more concern over the parking issue and what happens in the future when those people move out. Mayor Lockhart stated she did not feel this is a big enough issue to sink anyone from using their garage space as an office or other use. . There are times when it's really important for people to use that space for their home If they don't have the space for their c~s off street and if they can't leave the garage door, then don't apply for garage converSIons. Cm. Oravetz commented on a scenario of putting in I pad beside a house, and asked if this would require a curb cut. Mr. Shreeve stated this would be considered flat work: and no permit would be required. Cm. Oravetz discussed cars out in the street and off- treet parking requirements. Cm. McCormick stated she felt somehow some way, lNe should come back with a better Ordinance. Mayor Lockhart asked why not talk about changing t instead of throwing it out. CITY COUNCIL MU UTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEET NG July 19, 2005 PAGE 295 Cm. Hildenbrand stated we need consistency. We n to send a message to the Planning Commission that garage doors stay and say this is w t the City Council has in mind. Homes would remain the same outside, but changes ould be made inside. The appeal process will kill a lot of people's plans after they've s nt money. Mayor Lockhart asked why not say change the Ordin nce to preserve the integrity of the home as it stands before you convert it and you must provide a minimum of 2 spaces off street. Say it still has to be a house with a garage r. Vm. Zika stated he felt this is still subjective. Repeal he Ordinance and have Staff work out an Ordinance that is not subjective. Cm. Hildenbrand asked what type of mechanism or ow would an individual go about reporting someone who has 6 cars on the street? at recourse do they have? Staff responded as long as the cars are licensed and oved regularly, none. Cm. Hildenbrand stated a lot of people can go to thei homeowners associations, but what about those who live in an area where there is 0 HOA? The aesthetics of their street is just as important as the aesthetics of their ho se. When you have multiple cars on the street, some of which could be in the garage,' becomes an issue. Some people can't get their garbage picked up because the garb company can't get to it. Mayor Lockhart stated part of this is just being respo sible neighbors. Mr. Ambrose discussed another city that had a requi ment for a filming permit that homes within a 300' radius had to sign the permit. e has not seen this used in this type of a situation. This could create neighborhood confl ct if one neighbor doesn't want to SIgn. Cm. Oravetz felt parking on the street on a regular y is problematic and you then throw in converted garages and you have a bigger p blem. Mayor Lockhart asked if we could request that peopl who want to do this have to get comments from their neighbors just like someone w uld have to get permission from a HOA. Can we require this? City Attorney Silver stated she hasn't seen this done i this context. She would want to take a look at this from a legal standpoint. CITY COUNCIL MI UTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEE ING July 19, 2005 PAGE 296 Cm. McCormick asked if there has been neighbors re ponding to the conversions we've allowed. On motion of Vm. Zika, seconded by Cm. Oravetz, a d by majority vote, the Council asked Staff to prepare an Ordinance repealing the ex sting Ordinance. Mayor Lockhart voted in opposition to the motion. Cm. McCormick stated her vote was with a stipulatio that we come back with another Ordinance. Cm. McCormick made a motion to bring back an Or inaflce with hard and fast rules of what they can and can't do. She also doesn't like the appeal process. Look at a tighter Ordinance. She was uncertain about having the gar e door on or off. She wants something people can feel comfortable with. Cm. Hildenbrand suggested we include looking into sign off by the neighbors. She supported having garage doors in place, and deal wi h on~site parking. Mr. Ambrose asked about the cur process and if the still wanted an appeal to City council. Ms. Silver clarified that the motion was to have Staff ring back something to repeal the Ordinance. Cm. McCormick's comments would rela e to bringing back an Ordinance in another form. Mr. Ambrose asked if they want two reports at the s e meeting? Cm. McCormick stated she would like to see them b Mr. Ambrose advised that they can repeal the existi Ordinance, but that a new one wouldn't be effective until it has two readings. Cm. McCormick stated she would like them to be at he same time. Mr. Ambrose advised the City Council that we are se erely deficient with regard to Planning Staff right now. This project would compe e with all the other planning projects on the board. Mayor Lockhart stated she would hate to see this for the community. me a marathon project, especially CITY COUNCIL MI UTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEET NG July 19, 2005 PAGE 297 Cm. McCormick suggested they give it the priority it eeds and get on with it. On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Mayor khart, and by majority vote, the Council directed Staff to report back with a draft 0 inance which would consider elements such as: 1) amount of off-site parking; 2) s bjectivity; 3) garage door has to remain; 4) look at legality of sign-off of radius of nei hbors; 5) scope of the appeal process; and 6) whether conversion requires a CUP. m. Zika and Cm. Oravetz voted in opposition to the motion. .. CITY COUNCIL APPOINfMENT OF AN ALTERNA: TO TIiE TRI-V Y TRI LE TIJDY POLICY 8:56 p.m. 8.2 (I 10-30) Public Works Director Melissa Morton presented the Staff Report. The Tri-Valley Triangle Study will develop a long-ra e transportation plan for improvements on 1-580, 1-680 and route 84. In Feb arY Z005, Mayor Lockhart and Cm. Hildenbrand were appointed to the Policy Advi ry Committee. Along with the Cities of Livermore and Pleasanton, as well as Alam County, each jurisdiction will now consider appointing an alternate to this Commi to ensure representation at all meetings. . Mayor Lockhart asked about the voting situation if t e alternate was there but neither of the representatives were able to attend. She then no inated Cm. McCormick as alternate. On motion of Mayor Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Ora etz, and by unanimous vote, the Council appointed Cm. McCormick to serve as alte te on this Committee. .. OTHER BUSINESS 8:58 p.m. Mr. Ambrose advised that as part of the long range nda review, currently we don't have items for the September 6th City Council meeti g and asked if the City Council was interested in canceling the first September meeting. is is the Tuesday following Labor Day. CITY COUNCIL MI UTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEET NG July 19,2005 PAGE 298 The City Council agreed to cancel the September 6, 2 05 City Council meeting. Vm. Zika thanked Kay Keck for her long years of se 'ce starting out over at Dublin Station with Mr. Ambrose and Sgt. laPerle and not m nyothers. Cm. McCormick stated she will have a special tribut Mayor Lockhart advised that former LAVTA General in Dallas by the American Public Transit Association transportation hall of fame. Congratulations to Mr. an honor for this Valley. Mayor Lockhart thanked Kay, who was the City's 3m mployee, for all she has done for Dublin's residents. nager Vic Sood is being honored nd being inducted into the and his family. This is certainly . @JQURNMENI' 11.1 There being no further business to come before the uncil, the meeting was adjourned at 9:01 p.m. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ~ CITY COUNCIL MI UTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEE ING July 19, 2005 PAGE 299