HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.2 DubRchAreaHWaterQualty CITY CLERK File # []{fJ[]~-~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 20, 2005 SUB.IECT: ATTACHMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: fv¥ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: PUBLIC HEARING PA 05-005, Dublin Raneh Area H Stage 2 Development Plan and Site Development Review for Water Quality Control Detention Basin ¡vp ~ Report Prepared by: Mike Porto, Consulting Planner~ L 2. 3. 4. Ordinance adopting a Stage 2 Development Plan Resolution approving Sitc Dcvelopment Review Project Plans, Spiral Bound Applicant's Submittal Package Planning Commission Rcsolution 05-47 recommending City Council approval of an Ordinance adopting a Stage 2 Development Plan Planning Commission Resolution 05-46 referring decision-making authority and recommending City Conncil approval of Site Development Review, with conditions Planning Commission Staff Report dated August 9, 2005, without attachments Commnnity Developmcnt Director's hearing staff report on Tcntative Parcel Map 8640 dated August 10, 2005, without attachments Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of August 9, 2005 Community Development Director's Resolution 05-09 on Tentative Parcel Map 8640 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Open Public Hearing Receive Staff Presentation Receive Public Testimony Close Public Hearing Deliberate Waive reading and introduce Ordinance adopting a Stage 2 Dcvelopmcnt Plan for PA 05-005 Water Quality Control Detention Basin in Dublin Ranch Area H Adopt Resolution approving Sitc Development Review with conditions for PA 05-005 (project plans attached as Attachment 3) for the Water Quality Control Detention Basin in Dublin Ranch Area H 7. No financial impact. __________________________________________________._______________________________________~._______________w_ COPIES TO: Applicant Property Owner (p.~ G:\PA#\2005\OS-OOS Wa(et Quality Pond Area II\CC\CCSR 9-20-05 ill comments.doc ITEM NO. 'lJb'ð PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Baekl!round The Dublin Ranch Mastcr Dcvelopmcnt Agrecmcnt, approved in 1999, covers 1,119 acres. The Dublin Ranch property is owned by members of the Lin Family and is being sold incrementally to developers for implementation of the Master Plan. Area H, along with Areas F and G, was the subject of a Gcncral Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan land use amendment approved in March 2000 by Rcsolution No. 35-00. A Stage 1 Development Plan and Planned Development zoning for Area H (P A 98-070) was approvcd by Ordinance No. 6-00 in 2000. The Land Use amendments and Stage I Development Plan established three dcvelopment sitcs within Arca H for General Commercial, Campus Office, and a combination of the two uses with the ultimate (non~residential) building area ranging from 950,479 squarc fect to 1,244,945 square feet. No residential uses are proposed. The development of Area H would become a component of thc Tassajara Gatcway as shown in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. Area H generally is located south of the proposed extension of Dublin Boulevard and north of Interstate Highway 580 (1-580), generally between the proposed extensions of Brannigan and Kccgan Streets, two north-south collector streets. Arca H, including the WQCB site, currently is vacant grassland formerly used for hay fanning or grazing livestock. It generally is flat with a gentle slope to the south and southwest at a grade differential approximately four feet. Thc WQCB site is located in the southerly central portion of Area H which abuts 1-580. The site area has been extensively filled. Tentative Parcel Map 8640, approved subject to conditions at a Community Development Director's hcaring on August 10, 2005, would divide Arca H into three lots. The two sites (A & C) along the westerly boundary of Area H established by the Stage 1 Development Plan and shown in Table I, below, generally would be combined to form Lot I of Parcel Map 8640. The I 1.1 93-acre WQCB site (Lot 3) would be carvcd from thc southwest comer of Site B, designated for Campus Office. The remaining 28272 acres would become Lot 2 of Parcel Map 8640 and would wrap the northerly and easterly boundaries ofthe WQCB site. The properties are separated from 1-580 on thc south side by a box culvert drainage channel, known as the G3 channel, along the north side of 1-580. The proposed Water Quality Control Basin (WQCB) or water quality pond is an advanced form of Dctcntion Basin which allows for an innovative, aesthetic, and ecological approach to addressing storm water runoff from new development in Dublin Ranch. The site for thc WQCB encompasses 11.193 acres of the 66.303 acres comprising Area H of Dublin Ranch. (See pages 3 & 4 of the Applicant's submittal package). General Plan/Specific Plan/Zonin!!: Thc Amcndments to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, including the Stage 1 Development Plan, adopted in 2000 generally established three development sites within Area H. Tentative Parcel Map 8640, subject to approval of the Stage 2 Development Plan, would divide Area H into these developmcnt areas as follows: Lot Area ··Pero ntá e P !Q .åfi:Us$ .. . Lot 1 26838 ac. 40.5 % General Commercial/Cam IUS Office Lot 2 28272 ac. 426 % Cam us Office ._~~,~-~-~ ^~.- Lot 3 11.193 ac. 16.9 % Storm Water Quali Pond/Detention TOTAL 66.303 ac. 100.0 % 2~"2 The use and development as proposed for a Water Quality Control Basin or detention pond would be consistent with the Dublin General Plan, the Eastem Dublin Specific Plan, and the approved Stage 1 Developmcnt Plan in that it is a condition of approval, mitigation measure, and a requiren1ent by the Rcgional Watcr Quality Control Board for dcvelopment on the surrounding and related properties. Stal!e 2 Development Plan; The Stage 2 Development Plan essentially is the Planned Development zoning establishcd for thc site. The Stage 2 Development Plan establishes: I) proposed uses, 2) general design concept, and 3) developmcnt standards, including landscaping. Thc proposed use of the site as a water quality contro] pond or stormwater Detention Basin, along with maintenance by a private propcrty owncrs association, limits its land use designation to private open space or other privatc facility. The facility will include limited public acccss as an opcn spacc amenity in the form of a pedestrian trail system and public art space. The proposed development standards call for a minimum sctback of 20 feet from the top slope of the Basin to thc propcrty lincs. Howcvcr, in most areas the Basin area is substantially widcr to accommodate trails, access road, and landscaping. The Basin is a passivc opcn space area with the primary purpose as a privately-managed stormwater treatment facility; therefore no public parking has bcen provided on site. The Stage 2 Development Plan is an attachment to the draft Ordinancc. Site Development Review: The Zoning Ordinance requires the Site Development Rcvicw to address issues related to: a) general dcsign, b) exterior architccture, c) parking, d) circulation, e) landscaping, and f) signage. The dctails of this discussion would be used to support or reject the findings that are required to approve a Site Development Review. As stated above, the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) has established a rcquirement for the Dublin Ranch project to submit and implement a Storm Water Managemcnt Plan (SWMP) as part of its approval. This requirement is stated in the "Transmittal o/Order No. R2-2003-0032, Water Quality Certification and Waster Discharge Requirement, Dublin Ranch Project" dated April 22, 2003. Thc proposed project would address the storm water treatment issues and comply with these requirements while functioning as a state~of-thc-art facility and presenting an aesthetic open space element for the community. In the case of this project, no buildings are proposed. However, the structural elements proposed to be installed are intended to channel, filter, and discharge stormwater runoff and drainage in an unobtrusive and environmentally sensitive manncr supportcd by a system of maintenance roads and paths. Pnmping equipment near the outfall along the westerly boundary of the site is proposed to be located below grade with manhole access. The integration of the facility with the surrounding area will be its innovation to provide visual relief and open space while complying with the water quality requirements and conditions of the RWQCB. These objectives would be accomplished through specialized landscaping, a limited pedestrian trail system, and space for public art. Parking The project site is currently several hundred fect away uom on-going development in Area G. Pedcstrian access isn't currently available. Vehicular access for construction and maintenance will be uom Northside Drive, a ueeway uontage road. The Developer is constructing the project in its entirety which will include the pedestrian trail/maintenance road. Until such timc as development is constructed adjacent 30(,-$ to the water quality pond, there will be no need for parking. The Developer has providcd an cascmcnt along the northerly side of the Basin for a potential roadway and landscaping to acccss Campus Officc uses which surround the Basin on the north and east side. Additionally, proposed development to thc west, General Commercial or Campus Office uses will provide large expansive parking arcas. Oncc development occurs adjacent to the Basin, adequate off-street and on-street parking will become available. At that time there will be ample opportunity for pedestrians to access the pedestrian traillmaintcnance road from the surrounding businesscs will reduce the nccd for potcntial parking. Approval ofthe Final Parcel Map and Site Development Review has been conditioned to requirc the submission of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) rcgarding maintenance of all common areas and facilities. Access for passivc public rcercation, maintenance, and emergency vehicles will be establishcd through conditions of approval and for recordation of the final map. Proposed Use: Within the 11.196-acre Detention Basin site, the uses are more specifically dcfined as: Use Stormwater Treatment Area tI1~lntenance Access and Fr.o..n~¡¡9'? Road Access o en s ace, Pedestrian trails, and recreational use Total .--~~,-_.-~ Area! 6.8 ac. 1.2 ac. 3.2 ac. 11.2 ac. _.~,.,..,""'.",..~--~~~~--~,~~~ Storm water Treatment - In accordance with the Stormwater Quality Managcmcnt Plan, the water surface area will be 4.1 acres with a volume of 19.5 acre/feet and holding time of 48 hours to promote the settling of particles and debris. Thc Basin features and stormwater treatment parameters are the primary elements in accomplishing the purpose of this facility. The storm waterrunoffwill be channeled from two locations: 1) from the north along Grafton Street parallel to Tassajara Creek, and 2) from the east in the G3 channel. Then it will be diverted by gravity flow into the Basin from two inlet structures located along the south side of the site and discharged into two sedimentation forebays located near the southeast and southwest comers of the site. The forebays will be separated from the main Basin by gabion structures and 6 to 8 foot berms stabilized with rock and riprap to prevent erosion. When water within the forebays reaches a certain level, it will fall into the main Basin area and meander through low flow channels to the permanent pool. The permanent pool is equipped with a gravity flow outfall through which the water will be pumpcd and discharged back into the G3 channel where it would continue westward. The shape ofthe Basin landform along with a variety of slopes will be designed to create visual interest while being efficicnt and maintainable. Thc sedimentation forebays, approximately 150 feet by 50 feet each, will be permanent pools ringed by native plants. A variety of side slopes and elevations within the main Basin will provide filtration trough for vegetation as wcll as a biochemical process. The main Basin floor will be graded to create a series of islands 4 to 8 feet above the minimum pool level. The low-flow channels would have a minimum depth of 4 feet and a maximum depth 8 feet. Bottom width would be from 4 to 8 feet with the top width varying between 16 and 30 feet. The design is intcnded to allow a minimum required holding time of 48 hours. A verage depth within the main Basin, excluding forebays and permanent pool, will be 5 feet; however, during a 100-year storm event the average depth maybc as high as 16 feet with the forebays and permanent pool potentially being deeper. From the low-flow channels, the water wonld flow into the permanent pool through a number of oxidization zones over series of weirs. In addition to adding a visual 4~2 water element to the Basin, the weirs provide continuous movement and aeration helping to prcvcnt the growth of algae and invasive plant species. The permanent pool, ncar the northwesterly boundary ofthe site, will have a surface area of approximatcly I 1,000 squarc fcct. It will be separated from the scdimcntation forcbay ncar the southwcst corncr of the site by a landscaped divider ridge to reduce the visual scale of the Basin area and eliminate the appearance as a large, single depression. Thc actual dcpth and elevation of the penllanent pool will depend upon the groundwatcr Icve\. Maintenance and Access - In addition to the landscape buffer, a road or pathway with a minimum width of 15 feet encircles the Water Quality Control Basin. Portions ofthc route are accessible by maintenance vehicle. Primary access for maintcnancc vchiclcs will be from an existing gated entry at the southwest corner of the site where the end of a cul-de·sac is located on an existing freeway Irontage road used to service CalTrans right-of-way for 1-580 and the G3 flood control channeL This maintenance road forks into access roads to each 0 f the two sedimcntation forcbays on cither side of a pedestrian overlook. A second IS-foot wide path, with gated access offthe perimeter path, also provides maintenance vehielc access to two sides of the permancnt pool; a vehiclc turn-around area is located at the end of path. The Basin floor also is accessible at three points from the maintenance roads. (See page 5 of7 of Applicant's submittal). Limited public access to the site will be made available in the form of pedestrian paths, eight fcct in width, around the full perimetcr of thc sitc. Pcdcstrian acccss points will be located at the northwest and northeast corners of the site with a stabilized crushed stone surface suitable for walking, jogging, cyeling, dog-walking, or general use. A 5-foot high security fence will be uscd to idcntify public open space and limit access to thc Basin. This type offence will be an open mesh system between posts with effects similar to ranch walls or equestrian corrals leading through oak groves and woodlands. Appropriate signage limiting use by pedestrians and the public would be posted. (See "Parking" discussion above). A second type of fencing would be located along the northerly property line adjacent to a pedestrian promenade and would include a design feature along with a second overlook point. Due to its visibility, this fence presents an excellent opportunity to incorporate public art and an interesting pedestrian edge. Thc dcsign of this "Art Fencc," as it is refcrred to may include custom panels or graphics which would he coordinated with City staff. The specific art applied to the wall panels would need further coordination, but might fcature clemCllts related to stornl water management, wildlife habitat, weather, and seasonal themes. The pedestrian circulation system also would include lighting along the promenade and "Art Fence" and within the two overlook areas. The 6-foot high chain-link fence adjacent to the {-580 CalTrans right-of-way would be maintained as is. In addition to clean out activities related to maintenance, mosquito abatement and vector control program have becn coordinated with the appropriate agencies. This facility was required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) as a condition of allowing development to continue. RWQCB wants to be assured that maintenance of the facility will bc on-going in perpetuity. The Applicant has provided a maintenance plan (Appendix D of Attachment 3) which has been reviewed by RWQCB. To fund the perpctual maintenance, the requirement to maintain the pond has been placed with an Association which will be formed prior to land sales of property adjacent to the pond. The Developer/Applicant will be required by RWQCB to maintain the pond until the proper Association is in place. The City has placed a furthcr condition (Page 8 condition 26) prepared by the City Attorney which requires the Association CC&Rs to contain financial mechanisms to assure pcrpetual maintenance. Landscaninl! .. Thc Basin largcly would bc screened by low land forms and tree plantings along the easterly, westerly, and southerly edges. The east and west edges are partially screened by oak plantings to 5~1.o create a park-like enviromnent and to screen potential parking areas from eventual commercial dcvclopmcnt on either side. The frontagc along 1-580 has been dcsigned to screen the Basin from view and provide passing vehicles with an attractive but subtle landscape buffer. The intent is to crcatc a forcground for distant views to thc surrounding hillsidcs. Thc pcdcstrian promenade along the north edge of the Basin will provide a transitional buffer for future development on the adjacent property within Area H. In keeping with the Storm Water Management Plan, the landscapc and planting design will include a variety of nativc spccics, grasscs, woody shmbs, and trees, as well as selected non-native species in distinct areas along the Basin top perimeter. The top of the slopes and perimeter plantings would bc morc formal and uniform for compatibility with thc strcetscapc of futurc dcvclopment anticipated for Area H. The side slopes of the Basin would be planted with a mixture of native grasses, shrubs, and trees to create an environment similar to the regional hills. The lower part of the Basin would bc plantcd with a variety of native plants with a naturalistic condition similar to a stream corridor. The planting design along the low-flow channel and within the Basin floor aims to maximize water treatment functions while establishing a self-sustaining riparian habitat. The level and type of vegetation managemcnt and maintcnancc will bc by zone aecording to thc typc of plantings and the image to be created. (See Sheet L 3.00 of Applicant's submittal package). The proposed project will not impact views on surrounding and adjacent properties. The proposed landscaping has bccn designcd to bc compatiblc and complementary to the type anticipated for the adjacent properties within Area H. On"site landscaping combined with compliance with strcetscapc standards would provide continuity of the proposed use with the surrounding sites and create a visitor- friendly environment. Planninl! Commission Action At a public hearing held on August 9, 2005 the Planning Commission heard a request on the Stage 2 Development Plan and Site Development Review. (See Attachment 7). Planning Commission adoptcd Resolution 05-46 recommending that the City Council adopt a resolution approving a Site Development Review and adopted a Resolution 05-047 recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinance approving a Stage 2 Planned Development. The Planning Commission requested a condition of approval be added to the Tentative Parcel Map (reviewed and approved by the Community Development Dircctor on August 10, 2005) requiring that landscaping along the northerly property edge be designed and installed in conjunction with the adjacent parcel (Parcel 2). Additionally, the Planning Commission required that wireless antennae sites be prohibited in the zoning. Thc Stagc 2 Planned Development was amended accordingly. The Planning Commission Staff Report (Attachment 6), Tentative Parcel Map staff report (Attachment 7), Planning Commission Minutes (Attachment 8) and Community Development Director Resolution 05-09 (Attachment 9) arc includcd for revIew. Environmental Review An Initial Study was prcparcd for PA 98-070, thc Stage I Planned Development approval for Area H (SCH #99-1120412), and a determination was made that the project is within the scope of the Eastcrn Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment, for which a Program EIR was certified (SCH #91- 103064) in 1993 including revisions to Part I of the Responses to Comments relating to the Kit Fox, the Addendum to the DEIR datcd May 4, 1993, and a DKS Associates Traffie Study dated December 15, 1992 ("Eastern Dublin EIR"). The City also adopted a mitigation-monitoring program, which ineluded 6 ~'B numcrous mcasures intended to reduce impacts from the development of thc Eastcrn Dublin area. Thc timing for implementation of these mitigation measures is summarized in the adopted Mitigation and Monitoring Program matrix. The Initial Study prepared for PA 98-070, the Program EIR along with all subsequent Supplements, and adopted Mitigation and Monitoring Program adequately address anticipated environmcntal impacts resulting from the proposed project for the purpose of compliance with CEQA. The project: a) is consistent with the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and Planned Development z.oning; b) will occur within the Dublin City limits OJ] a site that is planned to be surrounded by urban uses; c) has no existing value as habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened spccics; d) will not rcsult in any significant negative cfrects relating to tramc, noisc, air quality, or water quality; and e) will be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. Development Al!reement Area H is subject to thc Mastcr Dcvelopment Agreement for thc Dublin Ranch Project between the City and the Lin Family. That Agreement recorded in July 1999 was amended recently in June 2005 (PA 05- 023). Area H also is included in a Supplemental Development Agreement adopted in April 2000. Development Agrccmcnts arc a rcquirement ofthc Eastcrn Dublin Specific Plan and Master Development Agreement for the Dublin Ranch Project. A Development Agreement specific to PA 04-042 also will be a requirement. It will be based on the standard Dcvclopment Agreement prepared by the City Attorney and adopted by the City Council for projects located within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area, and morc specifically to the Dublin Ranch Project. It will be drafted with input from City Staff, the project developer, and their respective attorneys. Noticinl!: 1n accordance with Statc law, a public noticc was mailcd to all property owners and occupants within three hundred feet (300') of the proposed project to advertise the project and the public hearing scheduled for September 20,2005. The public notice was also published in the Valley Times and posted at several locations throughout the City. CONCLUSION: This application has been reviewed by applicable City departments and agencies and their comments have been incorporated into the Project and thc recommendcd conditions of Project approval. The proposed Stage 2 Development Plan is consistent with the General Plan, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and the Plam1ed Development zoning and development standards approved under PA 98-070 of which the proposed project is a part. A Detention Basin of this scope and in this vicinity is a necessity for implementation of the Dublin Ranch Mastcr Plan. Geotechnical investigations and an independent report concluded that the soils conditions, stability, and topography of the site are suitable for the proposed use. The proposed Site Development Review is consistent with the Stage 2 Development Plan proposcd with this application for PA 05-005. By treating the Basin as a landscapcd open space area to the maximum extent feasible, the proposed design successfully integratcs water quality function, visual and usable open space, and ecological benefit. The project is an example of creative and imaginative design that promotes amenities beyond those typical for the proposed use and utilizes design features to achieve compatibility with the surrounding and adjacent uses. 7 ~;¿ swr_=rnd' "'" mo Ci<y Coun,il <) open publi, h~'n, 2) =0'" SmIT p"'w","", 3) ,=,,, Public testimony; 4) elose Public Hearing; 5) deliberate; 6) waive reading and introduce Ordinance (Atl~bro'n' <) "proving ",go 2 D,.dnpmw' Ploo, ~",h,d " """bil A, ood 7) ""'P' R~lntinn ("",brow' 2) "pro,in' Sil' D,.d_oil Ro"'~ fll' PA OS,005 fll' )ohlin Rwoh AM H, W,,~ "",lily Cnn""l Dclrnlinn ."in wbmittod hy J=Œ Tong un hohm' nf Ci<oog Su", Lin, Hung Y w Lin ood Hong Lirn Lin In impl=W' !ho ~ditiou' nf ,ppro.m fll' mo d~dnpmoil nf Duhlin """h ood satisfy tbe requirements of the Regional Water Quality control Board. RECOMMENDATION: 8~~ lOb \0; ORDINANCE NO. XX - 05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ** * * ** ** *** *** ** ***** * '* '* ************* APPROVING A STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE 11.196-ACRE PROJECT KNOWN AS THE STORM WATER QUALITY CONTROL BASIN WITHIN AREA H OF DUBLIN RANCH (JAMES TONG ON BEHALF OF CHANG SU-O LIN, HONG YAO LIN AND HONG LIEN LIN) P A 05-005 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section I . RECITALS A. By Ordinance No. 06-00 thc City Council rezoned the approximately 66.303-acre area known as Area H of Dublin Ranch to a Planned Development Zoning District for General Commercial and Campus Office uses and adopted a Stage I Development Plan. B. This Ordinancc adopts a Stage 2 Development Plan for a portion of Area H known as thc Storm Water Quality Control Basin. Section 2. FINDINGS AND DETERMINA nONS Pursuant to Section 8.32.070 ofthc Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council finds as follows: I. The Project, known as the Storm Water Quality Control Basin within Area H of Dublin Ranch (Lin Family), Stage 2 Development Plan meets the purposc and intent of Chapter 8.32 in that it provides a comprehensive development plan that is compatible with and scnsitivc to the surrounding uses by virtue of the layout and design and would creatc an aesthetic, innovative, and ecologically appropriate use for a facility required as a condition for implemcntation of the Dublin Ranch Master Plan. 2. Development of the Storm Water Quality Control Basin within Area H of Dublin Ranch (Lin Family) under the Stage 2 Development Plan will be harmonious and compatible with existing and future development in the surrounding area in that thc land uses and site plan integrate a required storm water treatment facility with passivc rccrcational space, open spacc, and thc natural environment. Pursuant to Section 8.l20.050.A and B of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council finds as follows: I. The Stage 2 Development Plan for the Storm Water Quality Control Basin within Area H of Dublin Ranch will be harmonious and compatible with existing and potential development in the surrounding area in that the land uses and site plan integrate a required storm water treatment facility with passive rccreational space, open space, and natural environment and provides an effective transition to surrounding development. ATTACHMENT 1 :t'~ ~ 1'2. q ·2.0 -oS' L- D'b \01 2. The Stage 2 Development Plan for the Storm Watcr Quality Control Basin within Area H of Dublin Ranch has been designed to accommodate the topography of the Project site which typically is characterized as vacant, flat land suitable tor the development of a storm water detention basin enhanced with passi ve recreational open space areas and natural habitat and thercforc physically suitable for the type and intensity of the proposed Stagc 2 Development Plan. 3. 1l1e Stage 2 Development Plan will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity or be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare in that the Project will comply with all applicable development regulations and standards and will implement all adopted mitigation measures. 4. The Stage 2 Development Plan is consistent with the Dublin General Plan, Eastem Dublin Specific Plan, and the Stage I Development Plan tor Area H of Dublin Ranch (Ordinance No. 06-00) as it is in confOl1nance with the land usc dcsignation of Planned Development Campus Office and General Commercial that allows thc proposed use. Pursuant to the Califomia Environmental Quality Act, the City Council finds as follows: I. In 2000 an Initial Study was prepared for P A 98-070, the Stage I Planned Development approval for Area H (SCH #99-1120412), and a determination was made that the project is within the scope of the Eastem Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment, for which a Program EIR was certified (SCH #91-103064) in 1993 ineluding revisions to Part I of the Responses to Comments relating to the Kit Fox, the Addendum to the DEIR dated May 4, 1993, and a DKS Associates Traffic Study dated December 15, 1992 ("Eastern Dublin EIR"). Thc City also adopted a mitigation-monitoring program, which ineludcd numerous measures intended to rcduce impacts from the development of the Eastern Dublin area. The timing for implementation of these mitigation measures is summarized in the adopted Mitigation and Monitoring Program matrix; and 2. The Initial Study prepared for P A 98-070, the Program EIR along with all subsequent Supplements, and the adopted Mitigation and Monitoring Program adequately address anticipated environmental impacts resulting from the proposed project for the purpose of compliance with CEQA. Section 3. MAP OF THE PROPERTY, Pursuant to Chapter 8.32, Titlc 8 of the City of Dublin Municipal Code, the Stage 2 Development Plan applies to the following property ("the Property"): 11.196 acres comprising Lot 3 of [Vesting] Tcntative Parcel Map 8640 for PA 05-005 (currently a portion of APN 985-0009-015) of Area H in Dublin Ranch between the proposed extension of Dublin Boulevard on the north and Interstate Highway 580 on the south and generally between the proposed extcnsions of Brannigan and Keegan Streets on the west and east. A vicinity map showing the area for a Stage 2 Development Plan is shown below: 2 3 0'olOJ .-- VlelNITY M~P -,._,_._._.__.~, ..mm~·""_"_·__"·'"'' ".,--_..",.,._._,.,~'~._'."-". _.,'-_."='~- ....~,,_..__""w " /~. /'¡'~þl ! 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Stage 2 Development Plan for a the 1l.196-acre portion of Area H in Dublin Ranch known as the Storm Water Quality Control Basin This is a Stagc 2 Development Plan pursuant to Chapter 8.32 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. This Development Plan meets all the requirements for a Stage 2 Development Plan and is adopted as a zoning amendment pursuant to section 8.32.030.B of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. The Stage 2 Development Plan consists of the items and plans identified below, many of which are containcd in the Stage 2 Development Plan, dated July 22, 2005 ("Stage 2 Development Plan"), which are incorporated herein by reference. The Stage 2 Development Plan booklet is on file in the Dublin Planning Department under project fÏle PA 05-005. The PD, Planned Development Zoning District and this Stage 2 Development Plan provide flexibility to encourage innovative developmcnt while ensuring that the goals, policies, and action programs of thc Gcneral Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and provisions of Chapter 8.32 of the Zoning Ordinance are satisfied. J. Statement of Compatibility with Stage 1 Development Plan. The Stage 2 Development Plan for the Storm Water Quality Control Basin which occupies a portion of Area H in Dublin Ranch is compatible with the Dnblin Ranch Master Plan in that it is a requirement of the Regional Water Quality Control Board to continue with implementation of the Dublin Ranch Master Plan. The proposed Project conforms with the development regulations established under the Stage 1 Development Plan. 3 Ii Dü\Q1 2. Statement of Permitted Uses. Only one use is pennitted under the Stage 2 Development Plan and that is for a Storm Water Quality Control Basin. This use has been designed to include three component uscs for passivc rccrcational and open space (with limited public access), storm watcr treatment, and landscaping. 3. Stage 2 Site Plan. See "Site Plan" Sheet L 1.10 from the Stage 2 Dcvelopment Plan booklet. 4. Site Area, Proposed Densities. The site area is 10.1 7 acres. Therc arc no proposcd structures onOsite. The entire sitc will bc maintaincd in open space. 5. Development Regulations. The Applicant's Stage 2 Development Plan and Site Devclopmcnt Review booklet contains the defining details of this project. As the site is primarily open space, Landscaping Development Regulations are not applicable. See Stage 2 DevelopmCllt Plan booklet. 6. Architeetural Standards. Architectural Standards are not applicable as no buildings or structures arc proposcd. Thc sitc will be maintained in open space. 7. Preliminary Landscaping Plans. Sheet L 3.00 and 3.20 comprise the Preliminary Landscape Plan for this projcct. See Stage 2 Development Plan booklet. 8. Applieable Requirements of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Except as specifically provided in this Stage 2 Development Plan, the use, developmcnt, improvement, and maintenance of the Property shall be governed by the provisions of the Dublin Zoning Ordinancc pursuant to section 8.32.060.C. Scction 5. EFFECTIVE DATE AND POSTING OF ORDINANCE This Ordinance shall take effect and be in forcc thirty (30) days fiom and after the date of its passage. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause the Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY thc City Council of the City of Dublin, on this _ day of 2005, hy the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G:\PA#\2005\OS-ú05 Water Quality Pond Art:B H\CC Ordinance.DOC 4 5'" 6b \01 Stage 2 Development Plan Stage 2 Planning Development (PA 05-005) DubHn Ranch Area H, Storm Water Quality Control Basin Chang Su-O Lin, Hong Yao Lin & Hong Lien Un (currently a portion of APN 985-0009-015, and ultimately Lot 3 of Parcel Map 8640) This is a Stage 2 Development Plan pursuant to Chapter 8.32 of the Duhlin Zoning Ordinance for Dublin Transit Center Site B-2, located at the southwest corner of Dublin Boulevard and Iron Horsc Parkway. This Development Plan meets all of the requirements for Stage 2 Planned Development review of the project. This Development Plan includes plans for the Site, Circulation, Landscaping, Grading & Drainage, Open Space Plan , and other elements prepared by Conger, Moss & Guillard, landscape architects, dated received July 22, 2005 referred to as Project Plans labeled Exhibit A to the City Council Staff Report, stampcd approvcd and on file in the Community Development Departmcnt; and, thc Applicant's written statement. Thc Planned Development District allows the flexibility necded to encourage innovative development while ensuring that the goals, .policics and action programs of the General PIan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and provisions of Section 8.32, Planning Development Zoning District of the Zoning Ordinance are satisfied. The Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning district Development Plan meets the requirements of Section of the Zoning Ordinance and consists of the following: 1. Zoning 2. Permitted Uscs 3. Conditional Uscs 4. Temporary Uses 5. Accessory Uses 6. Dublin Zoning Ordinance - Applicable Requirements 7. Density & Affordability 8, Development Regulations 9. Parking & Security 10. Site Plan and Architecture (Design Concept) 11. Preliminary Landscape Plan 12. Compliance with Stagc 2 Planned Development Plans Given the proposed use of the property as a storm water quality control basin, several of thc following categories typical to a Stage 2 Development Plan are not applicable, as identified herein. Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning District Development Plan 1. Zoning This property is located in portion of a PD, Planned Development Zoning District designated for Campus Office and General Commercial Uses. The proposed Storm Water Quality EXHIBIT A Slage 2 Devdnpment Plan PA 05-005 Slunn WtJ.t~ Quality Contrul Dasi¡¡ Dublin fumel) Area II lD. ~ \01 Control Basin is a facility required by the Regional Water Qua1ity Control Board for the development of Dublin Ranch and implcmcntation of the Dublin Ranch Master Plan. 2. Permitted Uses Permitted use shall be Stonn Water Quality Control Basin as required by thc Regional Water Quality Control Board for treatment of storm water runoff related to thc dcvelopment of Dublin Ranch. The property shall also include: a) open space and passive recreational use (including a pedestrian trail system), maintenance facilities, landscaping, wildlife habitat, and space for public art in accordance with the approved development plans. 3. Conditional Uses Conditional uses shall bc eva1uatcd on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinancc. 4. Temporary Uses Temporary uses shall be evaluated on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. 5. Prohibited Uses Wireless antennae and cellular telephone antennae locations are specifically prohibited. 6. Aceessory Uses Accessory uses shall be evaluated on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. 7. Dublin Zoning Ordinance - Applicable Requirements Except as specifically modificd by the provisions of this Stage 2 Development Plan, all applicable general requirernents and procedures of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance shall bc applied to the land uses designated in this PD, Planned Development Zoning District Development Plan. 8. Density & Affordability - Not Applicable, as residential uses are not permitted. 9. Development Regulations Unless otherwise stated below, all development regulations in this Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning district arc subject to the requirements of the Campus Office (CO) Zoning District. 2 Stage 2 Devdùpme:mt ÞlaTl PA 05·005 Storm Water Quality Cmltrùl Dasin DuhliTl Rançh Area H 1 Öb IOl Development Standard Storm Water Quality ControlBasin (ineluding OpenSpaee, Passive RcereåtiolÍål Arèa with LimitedPlÏþfic UseLl!nd Wildlife Häbität ±I I .196 acres (net) no further subdivision Lot Area: ~~ ~~", ".,"'''.' '~"..~~. Lot Dimensions: .~-'--_._'_..~_._. . ,.. Setbacks: ~-----..."-"'.'.._---¿",' Hei ht Limits: Re uired Parkin Lot Covera e: none not a licable no structures 10. Parking · On site parking is not required. Maintenance and emergency vehicles will have access to maintenance and emergency access roads. Security · Maintenance and emergency access roads will be gated and accessible via locked gate. · Areas with limited public access will be clearly designated and posted to show permitted hours of use. · Police and Fire Department will have 24-hour access. 11. Site Plan and Architecture This Development Plan applies to approximately ± 11.196 acres comprising Lot 3 of Parcel Map 8640 located north of 1-580, south of the proposed extension of Dublin Boulevard, and in general between the proposed extensions of Brannigan Street on the west and Keegan Street on the east. Since no structures are proposed for the site, architecture is limited to the structural clements of the storm water quality control basin. Design Concect: . Stormwater Treatment - In accordance with the Stormwater Quality Management Plan, the water surface area will be 4.1 acres with a volume of 19.5 acre/feet and holding time of 48 hôurs to promote the settling of particles and debris. The basin features and stormwater treatment parameters are the primary elements in accomplishing the purpose of this facility. The storm water runoff will be channeled trom two locations: 1) from thc north along Grafton Street parallel to Tassajara Creek, and 2) from the east in the G3 channel. Then it will be diverted by gravity flow into the basin from two inlet structurcs located along the south side of the site and discharged into two sedimentation forebays located near the southeast and southwest corners of the site. 3 St.age"2 DcvcJopmcnt Plan P A U5-005 StOIT11 Water Qualit.y Control Has;n Dublin Ranch Area H ~~\Ol The forebays will be separated from the main basin by gabion structurcs and 6 to 8 foot berms stabilizcd with rock and riprap to prevent erosion. When water within the forebays rcaches a certain level, it will tàll into the main basin area and meander through low flow channels to the permanent pool. The permancnt pool is equipped with a gravity flow outfall through which the water will be pumped and discharged back into the G3 channel where it would continue westward. The shape of the hasin landlorm along with a varicty of slopes will be designed to create visual interest while being efficient and maintainable. The sedimentation forebays, approximately 150 feet by 50 feet each, will be permanent pools ringed by native plants. A variety of side slopes and elevations within the main basin will providc filtration trough vegetation as well as a biochemical process. The main hasin floor will be gradcd to create a series of islands 4 to 8 feet above the minimum pool level. The low-flow channels would have a minimum depth of 4 feet and a maximum depth 8. Bottom width would bc from 4 to 8 fect with the top width varying between 16 and 30 feet. The design is intended to allow a minimum required holding time of 48 hours. Average depth with in the main basin, exeluding forebays and permanent pool, will be 5 feet; however, during a 100-year stornl event the average depth maybe as high as 16 feet with the forebays and permanent pool potentially being deeper. From the low-flow channels, the water wonld flow into the permanent pool through a number of oxidization zoncs ovcr serics of wcirs. In addition to adding a visual water element to the basin, the weirs provide continuous movement and aeration helping to prevent the growth of algae and invasive plant species. The permanent pool, near the northwesterly boundary of the site, will have a surface area of approximately 11,000 square feet. It will be separatcd from the sedimcntation forebay near the southwest comer of the site by a landscaped divider ridge to reduce the visual scale of the basin arca and eliminate the appearance as a large, single depression. The actual depth and elevation of the permanent pool will depend upon the groundwater level. . Maintenance and Aceess ". In addition to the landscape buffer, a road or pathway with a minimum width of 15 fcet encircles the Water Quality Control Basin. Portions of the route are accessible by maintenance vehicle. Primary access for maintenance vehicles will be from an existing gated entry at the southwest comer of the site where the end of a cul-de-sac is located on an existing freeway frontagc road used to service CalTrans right- of-way for I~580 and the G3 flood control channel. This maintenance road forks into access roads to each of the two sedimentation forebays on either side of a pedestrian overlook. A second IS-foot wide path, with gated access off the perimeter path, also provides maintenance vehicle access to two sides of the permanent pool; a vehiclc turn- around area is located at the end of path. The basin floor also is accessible at three points from the maintenance roads. Limited public access to the site will be made available in the form of pedestrian paths, eight feet in width, around the full perimeter of the site. Pedestrian access points will be located at the northwcst and northeast comers of the site with a stabilized crushed stone snrface snitable for wa1king, jogging, cycling, dog-walking, or general use. A 4-foot high security fence will be used to identify public open space and limit access to the basin. This type of fcncc will be an opcn mesh system between posts with effects similar to 4 Stage 2 Dtvt:lopmt::nt Plan P A 05-005 Storm Water Qu~1it.y Controll:J.asin Dublin Ranch Ar~a H q 0b '01 ranch walls or equestrian corrals leading through oak groves and woodlands. Appropriate signage limiting use by pedestrians and the public would be posted. A sccond typc of fcncing would be located along the northerly property line adj açent to a pcdcstrian promcnadc and would ineludc a design feature along with a second overlook point. Due to its visibility, this fence presents an cxccllcnt opportunity to incorporate public art and an interesting pedestrian edge. The design of this "Art Fence," as it is rcfcrred to, may include custom panels or graphics which would be coordinated through the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation. The specific art applied to the wall panels would necd further coordination, but might feature elements related to storm water managemcnt, wildlife habitat, weather, and seasonal themes. The pedestrian circulation system also would include lighting along the promenade and "Art Fence" and within the two overlook areas. The 6-foot high chain-link fence adjacent to the 1-580 CalTrans tight-of- way would be maintained as is. In addition to clean out activities related to maintenance, mosquito abatement and a vector control program have been coordinated with the appropriatc agcncics. See attached project plans and exhibits prepared by Conger, Moss & Guillard, landscapc architects, dated received July 22, 2005 referred to as Project Plans labeled Exhibit A to thc City Council Staff Report, stamped approved and on file in the Community Development Department and the Applicant's written statement. Such proj ect plans are incorporated by reference. Any modifications to the project shall be substantially consistent with these plans and of cqual or superior matcrials and dcsign quality. 12. Preliminary I.andscape Plan The basin largely would be screened by low land forms and tree plantings along thc casterly, westerly, and southerly edges. The east and west edges are partially screened by oak plantings to create a park-like environment and to screen potential parking arcas from eventual commercial development on either side. The frontage along 1-580 has bcen designed to screen the basin from view and provide passing vehicles with an attractive but subtle landscape buffer. The intent is to create a foreground for distant views to the surrounding hillsides. The pcdestrian promenade along the north edge of the basin will provide a transitional buffer for future development on the adjacent property within Area H. In keeping with the Storm Water Management Plan, the landscape and planting design will inelude a variety of native species, grasses, woody shrubs, and trees, as we]] as selcctcd non-native species in distinct areas along the basin top perimeter. The top ofthe slopes and perimetcr plantings would be more formal and unifonn for compatibility with the streetscape of future development anticipated for Area H. The side slopes of the basin would be planted with a mixture of native grasses, shrubs, and trccs to crcate an environment similar to the rcgional hills. The lower part ofthe basin would be planted with a variety of native plants with a naturalistic condition similar to a stream corridor. The planting dcsign along thc low-flow channel and within the basin floor aims to maximize water trcatment functions while cstablishing a self-sustaining riparian habitat. The level and type of vcgetation management and maintenance will bc by zone according to the type ofplantings and the image to be created. See attached project plans and exhibits prepared by Congcr, Moss & Guillard, landscape architects, dated received July 22, 2005 referred to as Project Plans labelcd Exhibit A to the 5 Stage- 2 Development Plan PA 05-1.105 Stmm Water Quality Control Ha!iin nublin Ranch Arc:::a H IOlJQ 101 City Council Staff Report, stamped approved and on file in thc Community Development Dcpartmcnt. 13. Complinnce with Stnge 2 Development Plnn The project shall substantially comply with the project plans and exhibits prepared by Congcr, Moss & Guillard, landscape architects, dated received July 22, 2005 referred to as Project Plans labeled Exhibit A to thc City Council Staff Report, stamped approved and on file in the Community Development Departmcnt; and, the Applicant's written statement. Such project plans are incorporated by reference. Any modifications to the project shall be substantially consistent with these plans and of equal or superior materials and design quality. 6 \\Gd01 RESOLUTION NO. XX - 05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ****** * **** *** *** * * * * ***** *** ** ***** **** *** APPROVING A SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION FOR A STORM WATER QUALITY CONTROL BASIN ON A PORTION OF THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT KNOWN AS DUBLIN RANCH AREA H LOCATED WITHIN THE EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AREA NORTH OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 580 AND SOUTH OJ<' THE PROPOSED EXTENSION OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD P A 05-005 WHEREAS, the Applicant, James Tong (reprcscnting Chang Su-O Lin, Hong Yao Lin & Hong. Lien Lin), submitted an application for a Site Development Review for an Il.193-acre lot located within the area known as Area 11 of Dublin Ranch in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area. The project site is known as the Storm Water Quality Control Basin (WQCB). The application also includes a Stage 2 Dcvclopment Plan; and WHEREAS, the Project Site generally is located north ofInterstatc Highway 580 (1-580), south of thc proposcd cxtcnsion of Dublin Boulevard and between the proposed extensions of Brannigan and Keegan Streets in an area designatcd as Tassajara Gateway in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan arca; and WHEREAS, on August 9, 2005 the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 05-047 recommcnding City Council approval of a Stage 2 Development Plan; and WHEREAS, in 2000 an Initial Study was prepared for PA 98-070, the Stage 1 Planned Development approval for Area H (SCH #99-1120412), and a dctcrmination was made that the project is within the scope of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment, for which a Program EIR was certified (SCH #91-103064) in 1993 including revisions to Part I of the Responses to Comments relating to the Kit Fox, the Addendum to the DEIR dated May 4, 1993, and a DKS Associatcs Traffic Study dated December 15, 1992 ("Eastern Dublin EIR"). The City also adopted a mitigation-monitoring program, which included numerous measures intended to reduce impacts from the development of the Eastern Dublin area. The timing for implementation of these mitigation measures is summarized in the adopted Mitigation and Monitoring Program matrix; and WHEREAS, the Initial Study prepared for P A 98-070, the Program EIR along with all subsequent Supplements, and the adopted Mitigation and Monitoring Program have been determined adequately to address anticipated environmental impacts resulting from the proposed projcct for the purpose of compliance with CEQA; and WHEREAS, a staff report, dated September 20,2005 and incorporated herein by reference, dcscribes and analyzes the Project; and WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed the staff rcport and previously prepared environmcntal documentation at a duly noticed public hearing held on September 20, 2005, at which time all interested partics had thc opportunity to be heard. ATTACHMENT 2 12. é"bl01 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby make the following findings and determinations rcgarding the Site Development Review (PA 05- 005): A. Approval of the storm water quality control basin is consistent with the purpose and intent of Chaptcr 8.104, Sitc Devclopment Review of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. B. The storm water quality control hasin, as conditioned, is consistent with the policies of the General Plan, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, the Stagc 2 Development Plan PA 05-005, and with all other requirements of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. C. The storm water quality control basin, as conditioned, will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare because the developmcnt is consistent with all laws and ordinances and implements the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and Dublin General Plan. D. TIle proposed site development, including site layout, vehicular access, circulation, setbacks, height, walls, public safety and similar elements, has been designed to provide a desirable cnvironment for the development. No structures or on-site parking is proposcd. E. Thc subject site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of the proposed storm water quality control basin because it is a level site with area and dimensions that will accommodate the proposed use. F. The storm water quality control basin will not impact views becanse the proposed projcct conforms with the Eastern Dublin Scenic Corridor Policies and Standards. G. Impacts to existing slopes and topographic features are addressed because the property is flat and there are no significant topographic features. H. Architectural considerations, including the character, scale and quality of the design, the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, including color and building materials and colors, screening of exterior appurtenances, exterior lighting, and similar elements have been incorporated into the project, and as conditions of approval, in order to insure compatibility of this development with the development's design concept or theme and thc character of adjacent buildings anticipated for Area H.. L Landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage of plant materials, provisions, and similar elements have been considered to ensure visual relief and an attractive environment for the public. J. Thc approval of the Site Development Review for a storm water quality control basin is consistent with the Dublin Gcneral Plan and with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby find that the proposed Site Development Review: will be harmonious and compatible with existing and future development in the surrounding area. 2 \~ °b'01 will occur within thc Dublin City limits on a site that is planned to be surrounded by urban uscs~ will not displace habitat for endangered, rarc, or threatened species; will not result in any significant negative effects rclating to traffic, noise, air quality, or watcr quality; and; is an improvement that will satisfy the requirements of the Regional Water Quality Control Board to implement a storm water management plan.. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council approves the Site Development Review application, PA 05-005 for Stonll Water Quality Control Basin Dublin located within Area H of Dublin Ranch as generally depicted on the plans prepared by Congcr, Moss & Guillard labeled Attachment 3 to the September 20, 2005 Staff Report dated received July 22, 2005 stamped approved, and on file with the Community Dcvelopmcnt Department; and, the Applicant's written statement, subjcct to thc following conditions: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building permits or establishment of use, and shall be subject to Planning Dcvartment review and approval. The following codes represent those dcvartments/agcncies responsible for monitoring compliancc of the conditions of approval. rpL.] Planning. rBl Building. [POl Police, [PW] Public Works [ADMl AdministrationlCitv Attornev. [FINl Finance, [F] Alameda Countv Fire Department. [DSRl Dublin San Ramon Services District. [COl Alameda Countv Department of Environmental Health. [Z71 Zonc 7. CONDITlQN TEXT. ·ItESPON. AGENCY :WN}!:N ~~Q'D PriOI".t ): SOURCE 2. RA.L - SITE DEVELOP I VIEW Site Development Review approval. Approval of SDR I' A 05-005 is subject to the approval ofthe recording of Final Parcel Map 8640 and a Stage 2 Development P1an Review for Lot 3 of Parcel Map 8640 (pA 05-005). Thc Applicant shall comply with all standard site development review conditions, if applicable, attached hereto as Exhibit A. Permit Expiration. Construction or uSe shall commence within one (1) year of Permit approval, or the Permit shall lapse and become null and void. Commencement of construction or use means the actual construction Or uSe pursuant to the permit approval, or, demonstrating substantial progrcss toward commencing such construction or use. If there is a dispute as to whether the Permit has expircd, the City may hold a noticed public hearing to determine the matter. Such a determination may be processed concurrently with revocation proceedings in appropriatc circumstances. If a Permit expires, a new application must be made and processed according to the re uirements of this Ordinance. Time Extension. Thc ori nal a rovm decision-maker ma PL On-going Planning GEN 1. PL On-going DMC 8.96.020.D 3. I'L On- oin DMC 3 \~ co \Ol -- RESPON. WHEN SOJJ!RCE . CONbITION TEXT . AGENCY REQ'Þ . . . ..... . '. ". 1:trior tø; --'. upon thc Applicant's wri tten request for an extension of 8.96.020.E approval prior to expiration, and upon the detennination that any Conditions of Approval rcmain adequate to assure that applicable findings of approval will continue to be met, grant a time extension of approval for a p~Tiod not to cxceed 6 months. All time extension requests shall be noticed and a public hcaring or public meeting shalt be held as required by the particular Penni!. n",,~w_~. 4. Revocation of permit. The permit shalt be revocable for PL On-going DMC cause in accordance with Chapter 8.96 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms or conditions of this pennit shall bc subiect to citation. PROJECTSPECIFIC -.SITE;l)EVELOPM:ENT.RJì,~.Iijjj»' .""""""./;"" .>, . 5. Clcan up. The Applicant/Developer shall be rcsponsiblc for PL On-going clean up and disposal of projcct related trash and for maintaining a clean, litter-free site. 6. Controlling Aetlvltles. The Applicant /Developer shalt PL On-going control all activities on the project site so as not to create a nuisance to the surrounding businesses and residences. 7. NoiselNulsanees. No loudspeakers or amplifìed music shall PL On-going be pennitted to proiect or be placed outside of the building. --. 8. Accessory Strnctures. The use of any accessory structures, PL Installation of such as storage sheds or trailer/container units used for storage Accessory Or for any other purpose, shall not be allowed on the site at any Structure time unless a Temporary Use Pennit tS applied for and approved. 9. Fees. Applicant/Dcvcloper shall pay an applicable fees in PL Construction effect at the time of building pennit issuance, including, but not limited to, Planning fees, Building fees, Traffic Impact Fees, TVTC fees, Dublin San Ramon Services District fees, Public Facilities fees, Dublin Unified School District School Impact fees, Alameda County Fire Services fees, Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage and Water Connection fees; or any other fee that mav be adopted and applicable. 10. Public Art Contribution. Applicant/Developer shall work PL On-going with the City's public art coordinator towards the installation of public art. II. Rcqnirements and Standard Conditions. The PL Issuance of Applicant/Devclopcr shall comply with applicable Alameda Building County Fire, Dublin Public Works Department, Dublin Pennits Building Department, Dublin Police Serviccs, Alameda County Flood Control District Zone 7, Livennore Amador Valtey Transit Authority; Alameda County Public and Environmental Health, Dublin San Ramon Services District and the Califomia Department of Health Services requirements and standard conditions. Prior to issuance of building permits or thc installation of any improvements related to this project, the Developer shall supply written statements ¡¡-om each such agency or department to the Planning Department, indicating that all applicable conditions 4 \5" 0VID1 RiEJSPON. WHEN ,'_._~-~ . CONDITION TEXT .SOURCE ·~GI!;I!iCY RECrD . .... . ...... .. Prior t!l":_.. rcq uircd ha vc bcen or wi 11 be met. ..- ~~,__.w.~,,'~ --- 12. Required Permits. Applicant/Developer shall obtain all PL Construction necessary permits required by other agencies (c.g., Alameda County Flood Control Districl Zonc 7, Alameda County Health Agency (if necessary), State Water Quality Control Board, etc.) and shall submit copies of the pmmils to the D<;p!,~~,!.,:!fPublie Works. - 13. Ordinances/General Plan Policics. ApplieantIDcvcloper PL Through Planning shall comply with the Subdivision Map Act, City of Dublin completion Subdivision Ordinance, City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance, Public Works Policies, and thc City of Dublin General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Sp~.~ific__ Plan. .- 14. Removal of Obstructions. ApplicantlDeveloper shall remove PL Construction Plmming all trees including major root systems and other obstructions from building sites that are necessary for public improvements or for public safety as dircctcd by thc soils engineer and Director of Public Works. IS. Geographic Information System. Once the City PL Planning Engineer/Public Works Director approves the developmcnt project, a digital vcctorized file on floppy or CD of the Improvement Plans shall be submitted to the City and DSRSD. Digital raster copies are not acceptable. The digital vectorized files shall be in AutoCAD 14 or higher drawing format Or ESRI Shapefile fonnat. Drawing units shall bc decimal with the precision of 0.00. All objects and entities in layers shall be colored by layer and named in English, although abbreviations are acceptable. An submitted drawings shall use the Global Coordinate System of USA, California, NAD 83 California State Plane, Zone III, and U.S. foot. Said submittal shall be acceptable to the City's GTS Coordinator. 16. Gradlng/Sltework Permit and Security. Pursuant to PL Grading Planning §7.16.620 of the Municipal Code, the Applicant shall obtain a Grading/Sitework Pennit from thc Public Works Department that governs the installation of required site improvements. Said permit will be based on the final set of improvement plans to be approved once all plan check comments have been resolved. As a condition of issuance of said petmit, Improvement Security shall be posted to guarantee the faithful perfonnance of the permitted work. Such security shall be in the fonn of cash, a certified or cashier's check, a letter of credit, or a permit bond executed by the applicant and a corporate surety authorized to do business in California. The amount of the security will be based on the estimated cost of the site work (excluding the building). The applicant shall provide an estimate of these costs for City review with the first plan submittal. 17. Improvement Plans. The Applicant !Developer's Engineer PL Construction Planning shall prepare final improvemcnt plans for review and approval by the Director of Public Works. Said Improvement plans shall be based on the Site Plan and other preliminary plans in 5 .... .. CONDIrtON TEXT ..., 18. ._---,-,,-_. .. .. Exhibit A and inc1ude, but are not 1imited to, plan and profile, storm drainage, utility, striping, nCw pavcment sections per the approved project soils report, and details for the project to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. The ApplicantiDcvclopcr's Engineer shaH ohtain the City of Dub1in's On-Site Check List ¡¡-om the Public Wqrks Department and shall addrcss any and all items applicable to the project. Said Check List shaH be part of these conditions of approvaL Emergency Vehicle Aecess Easement Dedications. App1icant/Developer shall dedicate all nccdcd emergency vehicle access easements from each adjacent public street to all fire access roads surrounding the site and buildings as detíned by Alameda County Fire Department and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Construction Noise Management Program/Construction Impact Reduction Plan, Applicant/Developer shaH conform to the foHowing Construction Noise Managemcnt Program/Construction Impact Reduction measures: a. Off-site truck tranlc shaH be routed as directly as practical to and ¡¡-om the freeway (1-580) to the job ,Üc. Primary route shall be from 1-580 to Tassajara Road to Dublin Boulevard. An Oversized Load Permit shaH be obtained ¡¡-om the City prior to hauling of any ovcrsized loads on City strects. Truck traffic shall be restricted to outside the peak traffic hours. b. The construction site shaH be watered at regular intervals during all grading activitics. Thc frcquency of watering should increase if wind speeds exceed 15 miles per hour. Watering should includc aH cxcavated and graded areas and material to be transported off-site. Construction equipment shaH use rccycled or other non-potable water resources where feasible. c. Construction equipment shall not be left idling while not in use. 19. d. Construction equipment shall be fitted with noise muffling devices. e. Mud and dust carried onto street ,urfaces by construction vehicles shaH be cleaned-up on a daily basis. f. Excavation haul trucks shall use tarpaulins or other effective covers. g. Upon completion of construction, measures shall be taken to reduce wind erosion. Replanting and repaving should be completed as soon as possiblc. h. Aftcr grading is completed, fugitive dust on exposed soil surfaces shaH be controlled using the following methods: I) Inacti,:e portions of the construction site shaH be 6 RJ¡:SPON. AGENCY PL PI. WHEN REQ'D .. ... Prior to: On-going ,ø__ Through comp1etion \ l.Q e:v I 01 -~~~~..""'..~'--,-- SOURCE Planning Planning ·- . CONDITION TEXT ... .. .. sceded and watered until grass growth is evident. 2) All portions of thc silc shall be sufticient1y watercd to prevent dust. 3) On-silc vchiclc speed shall be limited to 15 mph. 4) Use of petroleum-based paHiatives shaH meet the road oil requirements of the Air Quality District. Non-pctrolcum based tackifJers may be required hy the City Engineer/Public Works Director. ,. The Department of Public Works shall hand1c all dust complaints. Thc City Engineer/Public Works Director may require the services of an air quality consultant to advise the City on thc scvcrity of thc dust problem and additional ways to mitigate impact on residents, including tcmpomrily halting project construction. Dust concerns in adjoining communities as well as the City of Dublin shall be addrcsscd. Control measures shaH be related to wind conditions. Air quality monitoring of PM lcvels shall be providcd as required by the City EngineerlPublic Works Director. J. Construction interference with regional non-project traffic shaH be minimized hy' I) Scheduling receipt of construction materials to non-peak travc\ periods. 2) Routing construction tramc through areas ofJeast impact sensitivity. 3) Routing construction traffic to minimizc construction inlcrfcrcncc with regional non- project tramc movement. 4) Limiting lane dosures and detours to off-pcak travel pcriods. 5) Providing ride-share incentives for contractor and subcontractor pcrsonneL k. Emissions contr01 of on-site equipment shall be minimized through a routine mandatory program of low- emissions tune-ups. 20. Security During Construction. PL a. Fencing - The perimeter of the construction site shall be fenced and locked at all times when workers are not present. All construction activities shaH he confined to within the fenced area. Construction materials and/or equipment shall not be operatcd or stored outside of the fenced area or within thc public right-of-way unless approved in advance by the Public Works Director. b. Address Sign· A temporary address sign of sufficient size and color cop!rast!o he seen during night time hours with 7 .$PON. . AQENCY \"1 0b \01 ~~.~-~~ WHEN SOURCE REQ'D Prior to: __~__ Through completion Planning It¿ cbl01 .i.1 CONOITfON TEXT RESPON. WHEN SOURCE ,\(;.ENCY BJi)Q'Þ ... ... . .. ..... ... Priort\>.: existing street lighting is to be posted. c. Emergency Contact - Prior to any phase of constmction, Applicant/Developer will file with the Dublin Policc Department an bnergcncy Contact Busincss Card that wilJ providc 24·hour phone contact numbers of persons rcsponsible for the construction site. d. Matcrials & Tools Good security practices shall be followed with respect to storage of building materials and tools at the construction sitc. e. Security lighting and patrols shall be employed as neccssary . 21- Construction Hours. Standard construction and grading PI. Through Planning hours shall be limited to weekdays (Monday through Friday) completion and non-City holidays between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. The Applicant/Developer may request reasonable modifications to such dctcnnined days and hours, taking into account the seasons, impacts on neighboring propcrtics, and other appropriate factors, by submitting a request fonn to the City Engineer/Public Works Director. For work on Saturdays, said request shall bc submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. the prior Wednesday. Overtime inspection rates will apply for all after~hours, Saturday, and/or holiday work. 22. Construction TrashlDebris. Measures shall be taken to PI. Through Planning contain all construction related trash, debris, and materials complction on-site until disposal nf-site can be arranged. The Applicant/Developer shall keep the adjoining public streets and properties free and clean of project dirt, mud, and materials during the construction period. The Developer shall be responsible for corrective measures at no expense to the City of Dublin. 23. Construction Fencing. The use of any temporary PI. Installation of Planning constmction fencing shall be subject to the review and fencing approval of thc Public Works Director and the Building Official. 24. Addressing. Address will be required for the electric service PI. Planning to equipment. Provid!: location of equipment and service. 25. Constrnction Drawings. Construction plans shall bc fully PI. Construction Planning dimensioned (including building elcvations) accurately drawn (depicting all existing and proposed conditions on site), and prepared and signed by a California licensed Architect or Engineer. All structural calculations shall be prepared and signed by a California licensed Architect or Engineer. The site plan, landscape plan and details shall be consistent with each other. 26. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. Prior to PI. Planning commencing construction of the Stormwater Quality Basin, Developer shall prepare and record against Developer's property south of Dublin Boulevard CC&Rs that ensure that 8 IC\ ~ 101 ~,~_._,.,,~.~_.. ..... .. ... RESPON. ¡:.W:fïIi1N .... CONDITION TEXT SOURCE . ...,,\¡GENCY 1····þ)1;O'1> . .... .. . ... I ~Ì'ior to: the Stonnwater Quality Basin and thc associatcd amcnities, including landscaping, are maintained m perpetuity. The CC&Rs shall contain financial mcchanisms, such as deed assessments, enforceable by thc City that are necessary to cnsure that the property owners are obligated to pay the costs of maintenance. The CC&Rs shall also includc provisions that requirc lhc property owners' association to pay the City's attorneys' fees in the event that it is enforccs thc Property Owners' Association's obligation to fund maintenance of the Stonnwater Quality Basin. The CC&Rs shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer and City Attorney to ensure compliance with this conditi~!:~L~PP~9vaL 27. Clarlfleatlons and Changes to the Conditions. In the event PL Through Public that there needs to be clarification to these Conditions of completion Works Approval, the Directors of Community Development and Public Works have the authority to clarify the intent of these Conditions of ApprovaJ to the Applicant/Developer by a written document signed by the Directors of Commurity Devc10pmcnt and Public Works and placed in the project fiJe. The Directors also have the authority to make mlllor modifications to thcse conditions without going to a public hearing in order for the ApplicantlDeveloper to fulfill necded improvements or mitigations resulting from impacts of this projcct. (PW) 28. Maintenance Plan. A Maintcnancc Plan shall be prepared PL Through Planning and subjcct to approval by thc Director of Public Works and complction the Regional Water Quality Control Boa~d. 29. Deed of Trust. Immediately upon filing the finaJ map, PL,PW Filing of Planning Applicant will obtain from City and rccord a partial Final Map reconveyancc of the City's existing deed of trust recorded against the proposed project which secureS a $4.5 million loan sO that the deed of trust will affcct the remainder narce! onlv. BtJ:tLDlNØ DIVI$ION..> . ... ...... .».... ..... ...... .. 30. Bnilding Permits, Codes and Ordinances. The B Construction Building ApplicantlDeveloper shall obtain all necessary pennits from the Dublin BuiJding Department. All project construction shall confonn to all building codcs and ordinanccs in effect at the time of building pennits. 31- Building Permit Application. To appJy for building permits, B Issuance of Building the ApplicantIDeveloper shall submit cight (8) sets of Building construction plans togcther with final site plan and landscape Permits plans to the Building Department for plan check Each sct of plans shall have attached a copy of thcsc conditions of approval with notations as to how the condition is being satisfied. The plans shall clearly indicate how all conditions of approval will be, or have been complicd with. Construction plans will not be accepted without the annotated conditions attached to each set of plans. Thc Applicant /Developer will be responsible lor obtaining the approvals of all participating non-City agencies prior to the issuancc of building pennits. 9 "ZD Db \01 CONDITION TEX'f"-^'-- '^ RESPON. WfllN SOURCE AGENCY R]]1Q'U ^^.^... . ... Prior 'to: .. FIREPREVENTlON DIVISIQN . .,. ..... . ........ 32. Fire Codes and Ordinances. A11 project construction shall F Through Fire conform to a11 fire codes and ordinances in eITcct at the time of completion "~uildjng pennits. __^"" . -- 33. Access roads. The access roads shall be able to support the F On-going Fire weight ofthe fire apparatus. - "~, 34. Knox boxcs. Provide Knox boxcs at thc gates. The Knox box F On-going CFC 902.4 shall contain a key that opens the gate. Order fonns for the Knox box are available at thc firc prcvention ontce. The key can be placed In thc box during the Fire Departm~'I1t inspection. PUBLICWoAKS, .. . ............ .:.... . .... . ." .. . ........ ..... ., 35. Subdivision policies and Ordinances. The PW Through Public Applicant/Developer shall comply with the Subdivision Map completion Works Act, the City of Dublin Subdivision, Z.oning, and Grading Ordinances, the City of Dublin Public Works Standards and Policies, and all building and fire codes and ordinances in eITect at the time of building permit. .u,~~. 36. Indemnifieatlon. The Applicant/Developer shall defend, PW On-going Public indemnify, and hold hannless the City of Dublin and its agents, Works officers, and employees rrom any claim, action, or proceeding againstlhc City of Dublin or its agents, officers, or employces to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Dublin or its advisory agency, appeal board, Planning Commission, City Council, Community Development Director, Zoning Administrator, or any other department, committee, or agency of the City related to this project to the extent such actions are brought within the time period required by Government Code Section 66499.37 or other applicable law; provided, however, that the Applicant/Developer's duty to so defend, indemnify, and hold harmless shan be subject to the City's promptly notifying the Applieant!Developer of any said claim, action, or proceeding and the City's full cooperation in the defense of such actions or Pfoceedinlls. 37. Grading Pernúts. Applicant/Developer shall obtain a PW Grading Public GradingiSitework Pennit rrom the Public Works Department for Works all private gradiní!: and site improvements. 38. Other permits. Applicant/Developer shall obtain an pennits PW Construction Public required by oth~T agencies including, but not limited to Alameda Works County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Zone 7, California Department of Fish and Game, Anny Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Board, Caltrans and provide copies of the permits to the Public Works Department. 39. Plans and maps. An submittals of plans and Final Maps shan PW Submittal of Public comply with the requirements of the "City of Dublin Public plans and Works Works Department Improvement Plan Submittal Requirements," final maps and the "City of Dublin Improvement Plan Review Check List." 40. Digital vectorized flle. ApplicantfDeve10per shan provide the PW Public Public Works Department a digital vectorizcd file of the Works "master" files for the project when the Final Map has been approved. Digital raster copies are not acceptable. The digital 10 CONDITION nXT vectorized files shall be in AutoCAD 14 or higher drawing fonnat. Drawing units shall be decimal with the precision of the Final Map. All objects and entities in layers shall be colored by layer and named in English. All submitted drawings shall use the Global Coordinate System of USA, Califomia, NAD 83 California State Plane, Zone III, and U.S. foot. DU8L1N:OßCE SERVICES 41. Compliance. The Dcveloper shall comply with all applicable City of Dublin Non Residential Security Ordinance re uirements. ,-,~-""",- 42. Emergency rcsponsc. Pathways around the site shall be dcsigned to support the weight and width of emerg~T1cy response vehicles to aid in police patrols and emergency response situations. 43. Locked gates. Lockcd gates will provide for emergency vehicle access. 44. Restricted areas. Restricted areas will be osted as such. 45. No graffiti. Thc Dcvcloper and/or Property Owner shall kccp the site clear of graffiti vandalism on a regular and continuous basis at all times. 2\0"0101 REstON', AGENCY WHEÑ REQ'D Prior to: SOURCE PO On-going Police PO On-going Police PO On-going Policc PO On- oin Police PO On-going Police vote: PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 20th day of September, 2005 by the following AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: City Clerk G:\rA#\2005\05-o05 Watt=r Quality P'and Arell. H\CC\CC Reso 9·20-05.doc 11 Mayor · · · · · · · · .¿" .'. ..":', " ' "," , <. /~ , "~ . ..... , ': / '1.- ~ t/~ ¡I,'· '"I,' -;;5-\0'A¡~1;.....'II'/>. "¡'"O" .J> f'- "( .,I"J¡~¡~. i,. op',.." .. 22ùb\O-¡ , 1'~ '¡ ',- "n>,""""", ~-¡¡ ..-" ~~-.. .~".,_,. _to . .... ..,.. { '.7;'j"" 1:"}/.- ~7) ';, , (. ",-' ,~ ~'i·., ,. .Ill'-, (""l , .r"':"' .....,. "~ ^ .'b" , ':....\... ~- " ...,. ..~ .' c', · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ATTACHMENT ;¡, ~; Dublin California, July 2005 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · f)uhli,.¡ Ranr:h Ar~a 11 Water ()/J.alitv Ümlml BtiS'in TAßLE OF CONTF,NTS 1. APPLICATION PORM.S Plan"ing Applkatlotl Form 2. PROJF:CT REFERENCF: Vici,,¡fy Ma[J Conlexf Plan 3. STAGE 211EVELOPMENT PLAN - PRO.mCT IIESCIUIYrION Introduction Background F,xisl1t1g Latld Use and Site Conditions Desigtl Concel)t / Theme Proposed Oses SHe Areas/Setbacks Waler QualUy Trea/:metlt Parameters ßasin Features Maintenance and Emergency Access Pedestrian Paths Fcnc,jng Lighting/Power Service Public Art Component La'Hlscape and Planting Design irrigation Sysl:em Ownershil) and Maintenance Vector Control - MOSllllito Abatemetlt Project Phasing 4. STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN - PINDINGS STATF,MF:NT 5. SITE DEVELOI>MENT IŒVIEW Projcct Description Drnwing ltedllctions z-::' l>2-. \ ' .. .Jl1ntlGrV 2005 - ·-"1 J Wat{~r Quality Control H(lSin Ttlhle ~~rContenrs -Page ¡ ol) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 'ZLf U)-, \, --) nuhlin R(Jnf.'h Area /I Water (Jualirv C'ontrnl Hmin lf1nuayv 200') SHEET .INDEX L 0.01 COVER SIIEET LLOO ILLUSTRATJVE PJ,AN L 1.10 SITE PLAN L 1.20 STREETSCAPE CONCEl'T l'LAN L 2.00 GltADlNG I llRAINAGE PLAN L 3.00 l'LANTING SCHEDULES I, 3.10 TREE PLANTING I'LAN L 3.20 GROUNCOVER AND SEEDING PLAN L 3.30 nUUGATlON PLAN L 4.00 SITE SECTIONS L 5.00 SITE RENDERING KEY L 5.10 SITE I'ERSl'ECTlVE VJF:W J L 5.20 SITE PERSPECTIVE VIEW 2 L 5.30 SITE PERSPRCTlVE VIEW 3 L 5.40 SITE I'EltSI'ECTlVR VJF:W 4 L 5.50 SITE PERSPECTIVE Vn:W 5 1_ 6.00 SITE DETAILS L (dO SITE l"UltNITUlŒ AND LANDSCAPE PRECEDENTS L 6.20 STREF.TSCAPE DETIALS 6. l'IŒLIMINARY TITLF. REPORT (previous(V .mbmi/ted) 7. PüBLIC NOTJCE MATERIALS (previously .mbmitted) Appendix A: Detailed I'lanting lIesign Description Appendix B: F.mail CorresJ}ondencc frolll Keith H. Lkhten, P.F.. , Acting Section Leader San Ii'randsco Bay Regionat Water Quality Control Board, regarding general approval of revised basin design. Appendix C: Alameda County Mosquito Abalement District Review Letter. Appendix II: Maintenance and Operations I'rogralll Wat({r Q7J(lli~y Control Hasin table a/Contents .,Page 20I2 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ..-' ,r,'( __-. __. co\.\ ~_____" . 0':>\1;:--"··'( ",ll>" C ,,-". 1J1'i\ C()~_ __' \;üi'- \,0 ___.-- ."I..J\~\ --' ---./"1" ~. \ ~Io ~I": 6!O --L \~_5~~ \~-- ¡ - '"O~\'"-- - -"'- ~ §" ~/rf'" / \\~ ~;:; \¡ o..~ \\, ªo 1 PLEASANTON DUBLIN ~ CMG CONSER MOSS GUILLA,qO Ian dsçapBa¡ç~iI--;;cttJrB DUBLIN RANCH ORIYE' -------3-liA,I() 01fìiff-N CEN1RAL PARKWAY DUAl_IN l30UCEVA~-fiò" ~,' - ~.- ff'-<"/ ;t ~ ;t-'V ~"\~ ~o I \ 25 ~\l'J ,--- -- -- -- -- k ,. -1, 'r/)~O, -'1(NI --~ " . J rnÆU)"",": N.roNë_1 WAY \ -- i , 00 --'< ,<0 ,,-'" AEEA ([ -.---.--.-- DUBLIN RANCH WATER QUAI11Y CONTROL BASIN VICINITY MAP S'rACE :2 DEVELUPMENT PL.\N/ ~m: !I!<:V¡':!.IJ!'MF:NT HEVIEW Dublin, CalifOmia .!amUJi 2m5 ~ CMG · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · -0 '" o ¡:,: 1 l I l - - /;,." .-.. - -¡ l,(' C;b I: ~ J_L,~.,., AreaH Area C " -.....--....-.. -~~--- Water Quality Basin DUBI1N RANCH WATEE QUALITY CO;\lTEOL BASIN CONTEXT !v[AP ~TAr:E :" DEVEUJPMENT PL\N! slm DEVEUJPMENT m:vww Duhlin, CalijOmia CONGER MaSS GYiUAJI/J landscape a.,cf¡,lectllre January 2fX)5 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 27 Db \Ot nub/in Ranch Area H Watf':r 01./tlliJv C01!trol ß(J.Çin -. '}i.rh./ianJ 2005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION for DUBLIN RANCH - REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BASIN Stage 2 Development Plan/Site Design Review Introduction The Regional Water Quality Control Basin (WQCB) is requircd by the California Regional W"tcr Quality Control Board (RWQCB), according to the tcnns 01' Tt'f1n.\'miual of Order No. R2-200j,· 0032, Wat"t' Quality Certification and Waste Di.\'charg" Requirements, Dublin Rr1flch Project, dated April 22, 2003. The WQCD is the primary ,10m. water treatment feature idcntiGcd in the Storm Water Managcmcnt Plan (SWMP) lor the Dublin Ranch Projcct. Approval of a Stage 2 I'D rC;WnC application tor the WQCB projcet is required by Section fU2.030B ofthc Dubli" Zoning Ordinance. The WQCB is located in Area 1l of Dublin Ranch betwccn Tassajara Road to the west, Fallon Road to the eaRt, 1-580 to thc south, and Duhlin Doulevard to the north. The Hastern Dublin r;"neral Plan, Specific Plr1fl, and I'D designate thc proposed silc area as "Campus Office." lhc arca directly to the west of thc p.lanncd development is designated as Gcncral Commercial. The Stage 21'lanned Development Rezone covers 1]. I 3 acres. This submittal includes a listing of propos cd uses, data on site area, ami textual inrormation suHkient to establish consistcncy with the Fastern Duhlin Gencral Plan and Specific Plan. Back¡:round Subscquent to the development of the SWMP, sehcmalic plans for thc WQCB wcre developed and reviewed by the RWQCB. The s(:hematic plans serve as thc fl"l('tional hasis of the proposed devclopmcnt plan. The location and landscape dcsign or the WQCB have been further relined based upon existing storm water infnist.ruct.U.I'e, site characterist.ics, water quality treatment parameters, and compatibility with potential development of adjacent areas. The revised plans were 8ubmittcd to the RWQCß staff in September 2004, to confirm ongoing compliancc with the pcnnit. The WQCB design has been further refincd as part of an integratcd planning elfort tor "djaccnt p"rts or Are" II, to ensure compatibility wilh access, circulation and site design. Rxisting Land Use and Site Conditions The St"ge 2 PD area is currently vacant land. No residences or othc.· Slmemres exist within thc boundarics oUhe Stage 2 PD area. The existing topography across the site is vcry flat, sloping from south to north at approximately 0.5%,. Elcvations range between elevation 343.00 and 340.00, with exception ofa low landfonn al clcvation 347.00, crcatcd above the recently completed 03 hox culvcrt on the sOlllhcm cdge of the site. Thc adj"eent grades in the development area will be r"ised to clcvation 347.00 as pmt of Ihe grading of the basin. 1-580 fonns the southern edge of the area. A Phase I <Old 2 Environmental Site Assessment of thc Stage 2 PD area and surrounding arcas has L1ccn ""ndueted by Uerlogar Ocotcchnical Consultants to determine thc prcsenee of any hazardous waste and suhstance sites. lhc findings or I.hese smdies indicalcd that nO prohlem sites Wafl..!r Quality Control BaÚn - SJilg(.: 2 Jl/mtned Development Pmji:'r:( Di;'w.'riplÜm -Page 1 C!j"7 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · '-2' c·~ \ 0" -, ,<..J t)- , 't Dubli~ RarJr.h Arell /l Waler Oua/itl} (òntrnl Bardn - !llntuirV 2005 were found. Geote<,hnical investigations of the Project Are« «nd snrrounding areas h«ve been conducted by ßerlogar Geotedmi<,al conslIllants to determine th<, ,oil condition and stability; thc studies indicated no a.rCa.S of concern within the project arC~i. The recomnlendations and conclusions of the srudy are referen<,ed in the GMt"chnica/ Report: Dublin Ranch - Pao - Y eh Lin Propel1y d«ted August 30, 1999. Design Concept/Theme The beauty ofthc exisÜtlg rolling topography ,md n«tun,1 countryside is thc b«sis for the Duhlin Ranch landscape concept and pl;'nÜng lheme. The primary goal or the WQCß design con<,ept if; to integrate the basin int.o t.he :;urrounding area as an open space arnenity. The dcsign concept is to create a park like environment hased upon lhe pict"resque qualities of the regional California landscapc, <,ombined with ecological «nd IJ;,mralistic aesthetic,. The water quality functions and infrastructure are intcgn'ted into a picturesque la",bcape with rolling, sculpturallandformö alai distinct groupings of trces, which create a sen,c of depth and enable distinct views. Site improvements will have a contemporary but r",tic quality. The dcsign concept antieipales public access associ«led with future Area H uses, by including walking paths, ovcrlnoks and seating areas in dlC design. The overlook areas "rc (ramed by rustic, dry laid boulder walls, which create a sense of place and COT>lrast with the rolling topography. The north edge of the basin h«s bcen developed as a pede,trian promenade with a morC urban park character compatiblc with 1,¡lure adjacent streetscape and uses. The hasin is largely screened by low landforms and tree planting on the cast, west and south edge, whilc a frontage I¡mdscape has been developed along the I~580 corridor, The frontagc landscape provides visual rclicf and continues the picturesque Ihcme with low sweeping land[otlTls and rows of trees. By treating the baS1n as a. designed landscapc, and COT1sidering its locatiun, layout, and visual qualities, the proposcd design successtully integrates water quality tunction, public opcn space, and ceological value. Proposed Uses The Development Plan covered by this Stage 2 I'D proposes 234 acres of opcn spacc with puhlic acecss, 7.16 acres of open spa<.:c [or Slorm water treatment, ¡md 1,18 acres of open space associated with the 1-580 frontage, The project will providc 1<." maintenance accCss assoeiMed with ongoing landscape maintenancc, vcclor control, and storm walcr f"cililies. The project includes a below grade pump 8tMion, accessed by a manholc. Open spacelrcerealional areas are provided in lmtieipation of the future adjacent development Open Spa<.:c areas wilh pnblic access ineludc designated paths and ovcrlook scating areas along the uppcr cdges or the basin. These arcas will cnable passive recre¡¡tional uses such as walking, jogging, picnicking, cycling, and dog walking. A public (lCceSS e'l~ement will not be placed ovcr tbe property hut the public will be allowed to use die pcrimcter trail system subjcct to certain restrictions. rnblic use will be restrictcd bctween dusk and dawn. Wafer QU(JlÍ~V Control Basin -. Stage 1 p/a¡-med 1)({!}f.'iopmCI1.I Project DeSCrljJ1Ùm -/)agi? 2 C!l7 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · LC¡ 0b \1:')] lJuhlin Ranch Are{lll Water fJmrlitv Contl"tÛ Hmir¡ .fant/an ]()()5 Site Area Open spacc - Publie Aceess: Open space - Storm water Area: Open space - 1-580 Frontage landscape Total Site Area: 2.34 Acrcs 7.16 Acres 1.18 Acres 10.17 Acres Pereent Landscaping: 80% Site Area Oial!ram "LI~~\:""~\. -.-----.,,- ßI!'S::...~.;¡.,~_......c-- OS·PUBLlC ACCESS -----.!.~'!:¡':.~ ~¡¡ ~ ( < '0, .'._"'. '1 I, i i I" I .. . ,-" :.,~ . . ..-..- .:-- .. . . . . . .. . . oS.8:fQRMWA TER .. -<.. I I. ,. I' ! < 1 j, J I i \1 , ~,\ 0 , I I -. i ~~. ____~..-. ------. ·~i ~)~~~-'~-~=-~.. '~:::::;:',:,:;~~-:/-~~:~-}-~-~~~~~~5~~~TAGE~ ._~.-... -·~~_L._ ....-::. ._--"-,- --- --. --- -'-.._'.- __._.~.(D I·INI"E~( -_..~ Setbacks: The top slope of the basio is set back a minimum of approximately 20' from thc proposed parcel boundary. The opcn space area at the top of thc basin creates a buffer zone, which will be plantcd with trees. Wafer Quality Control ßarin - Stage 2 Plam~l!d Dev,,-~/opmenl Pro;eä Ð({.w:rÎ.plÙm -Page 3 oI7 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .30 l~~ Dublin Ranch Area J-/ Wafer (),jalitv Contral Bfl\'in Janl.i.f1rV 2005 c,' Wuter Quulity Treatment Parameters Water Ouatitv Treatmcnt Volume: In accordance with the Storm Water Management l'hlll (SMWP), the proposed design meet, the watcr-q'lality treatment volumc of 19.5 acre"t;,et, with a t.~rget holding time of 4R hour,. Required Surface Area: As per the SMWI', the minimum surface area set aside for the waleI' quality trcatment portions of the hasin will be approximately 4.0 acres at an elevation of 333.00 teet. The proposed development plan providcs a water quality surfacc arc" or 4.0 acres. OperatingJ?-"lli!1; As pcr thc SMWP and schematic plans, the avcragc lowest elevation of the b"sin 1100r (outside the permanent pools) will bc approximately 328.00 feet. î'his will give an average water quality depth of 5.0 fcct at elcvat.ion 333 .00. For the brgc andlor elosely spaced storms that completely Jill thc watcr quality volume. Once thc watcr q,lality volume has becn reached, the dcpth of thc hasin will continue to increase at a rcduced rate to a maximum elcvation of 344.00, associated with thc 100-year stonn event The average depth at this point. will he 16 fcet, with deeper areas associated with the forcbays, low !low channel, and pemmncnt pool. Basin Features Inlet Dcsign: Two diversion structures direct gravity flow through 48" pipes to the basin. The design of the diversion structures allows thc requi"cd treatment volume to cntcr thc basin until the basin fi11s to the flowlinc of the main storm drain line. At that point, thc majority of runotfnows directly into the G3 channel hYI,assing the hasin. For largc "nd/or elosely spaced stom1S, stonn !low will continue to now into the basin ..fter the waleI' quality volume and elevation are reached, however most or t.he water will now directly to the G3 channel. The inlets will bc surroUTlded hy concrete headwalls as needed. nasin Side..~JgTIes,.i!nd Grading: Thc grading design creates a sinuous la"dle"'nL A variety of sidc slopes arc created with maximum slopes of3H: IV, with exception to a stabilizcd 1.5H: I V slope "dj"cent to the permanent pool to allow for the olll/'11l stmcture. Thc shapc of thc basin landforms creates visual interest while bcing c11íeicnt: and maintainable. Sedimentation Forcbav:): Storm water will enter the basin a.t two inlct. points. and discharge into the tOrebays. The sedimentation forebays will be permanent pools ringcd by native plants. The forebays are approxirru'lCly 150 leet in length and have a bottom width of 50 feet The forcbay watcr surI,'ee is determined by a weir at elevation 324.00. The side slopes of thc liJrebay are 2V: 11-1 and thc depth is set at5 1eer to minimize invasive emcrgent: growth and allow for sediment. deposition. The forcbays are separated fì'om the main basin by a 6 to 8 foot bem1 which is rimmcd by a 3'x3' gahion structures or rip rap t:o provide long term stability. Water flows to the low flow channel from thc forcbays over ,I rcirdorced 6-foot wide wcir. Gravel access roads with a maximum slope of 15% pwvidc direct maintenance access. Thc aCCeSS road is edged by a gabion rcu~ining strucmre to prevent the gravel surfacc on t:hc inside slope ofthc forcbay from eroding. Pennancnt Pool and Channels: The permanent pool and t:hannc1:; promote a variety of uxidation zonCs shown to enhance pollutant removal. Thc pool will have a minimum surfacc ""ea or approximately II ,oon squarc fccl. Watcr entcrs lhe permanent pool ¡¡-orn the low-flow channcl and tlaws. over a series ur low weil's, The weirs wî1l provide conLtnUOHS rnovement and a,çnil.ion Wàter Quality Omtm/ Belstn - Slap..' 2 I'fl1fUud Vevdopmel'lt Pmjt-.'d /)e.w.'riptÙm -Page 4 (!l7 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .31 ÓÒ ¡OJ Dublin Ranr.h Ar(!(lFf Watl~r ()TJtllilv Conti-vi BCl.."¡rJ .!artuarv 2005 of the pool, helping 10 prevent algal blooms and invasivc emergents. The weir also serves as an economical, low-maintenance, watcr feature ,HIding visual interest to thc basin. The lorebays are connected to thc pCITll"nCT1!. pool by low flow channels. The low 1101'1 cbannel< bave a minimum deptb of 4 feet and a maximum of 8 feet. Thc bottom width of the channels v"ries betwcen 4 to 8 feet; thc top width or lhc channel varies between 16 and 30 fCct. Side slopes will vary. The final elevation and depth of the pcrmanent pool will be adjusted bascd upon groundwater levels. Pump Controlled Outlet Structurc: Outflow from the basin will be controlled by a pump station, which will includc more than one pump to providø rcdundaney as necess31Y. The outfall structure is sct into" stabilÚcd rip-mp slope I.SV:IH on Ih" southern edge ofthe permanent pooL From the permanent pool, water Hows by gravity through the outfan structure to thc pump station. Final dcsif,'fl details will be updated as the design procccds and will naturally be subject to review and approval by the City of [)ubhn and I:he RWQCB. Main Basin Area; A diversity of elevations is maintaincd jr, the main basin arca to providc filtration through vegctation as wcll as biochemical processes. Thc basin 11001' is graded to create a serics of ish.nds ronr to eightlcet above the minimum pool elevations so that the highest points are inundated at the wat"r quality clevation or 333.00. This will significantly increase the liltoral (edge) arca, thereby increasing the IiItration zone of the basin. A divider ridge, between torebay I and the permanent pool, prcvents water f'rom !lowing directly from thc rorebay to the outfall stn,dure. Thc divider ridge and islands are planted with a mix or native trees to create groves and reduce the visual scalc of the basin area, sO that it does not appear as a single large dcpression. Maintcnanec and Emergency Access An cxisting gated ent.ry at the existing frontage road cuI de sac provides access to the maintenance and ell1urgcncy .î.U';'CCSS loop aronrHt to the basin area. This açccss. po1nt. may he moved 10 Ihe NW corner of the site if the cui dc sac is removed in the future as a rc",1t o[ widening t-580. The maintenancc a"cess loop around the top of the basin is 15 feet wide and will a.lso sCrve pedesLrian cj 'culation_ The existing 03 ma.intcni:lI1CC access road on the south cdgc of the hasin wi1l be retained and rcsur/""cd with stabilized crushed stonc paving as part. of the loop. Thc basin floor is accessiblc from the maintenance roads at I.hree gated locations. Knox box hardware wi1l be insta1led at all maintenance access gates for emergency access. A IS-foot wide path providcs accC" to two sides of the permanent pool to provide açcess for 111aintcnancc ft.n(j vect.or contt'oL A turn around area is provided f'ot' rnaintenance vehicles at the end of the pool maÎntemmcc road. In addWon, rnaintenance access r,amps. with a maxirnum s.lope of 15% arc providcd [or ma;r1tcnançe access to the pennanent. pool ar1d forebays. A1l road/path will have a standard 2% cross slope for drainage. All access roads and pedestrian paths will be designed to carry light truck accCss [or rnair1tenance and emergency purposes. In addition, cmcrgcncy access to the site will he available from streets on the north, east, and wcst cdges of the basin when the adjacent dcvclopment is complete and people are usiog the area. Class 2 basc rock will bc used for the access roads and paths. The maintenance aCcess roads will not accommodate H-20 loading. Pcdestrian Paths Pedestrian access will be providcd allhc NW and NE corners of the site ar1d inlegrated with futurc dcvelopmenl of adjacent. areas. The pedestrian path, will be paved with an ADA- compliant, stahilized crushed stone surruce amcnablc to walking and jogging. The crushed stone Wa{/,'r Qualify Control Basin ... Stage ,? Planned f)/.,·lltdoprhi.'Yll Projl.!.ct Descripti()l1-P(Jjt(:'.5 rJ/7 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 3;)" èb \OJ Dublin Raitch ArNJ H WaÜ~r (')¡la/ilv G:mtrv[ Büsii1. .- lmUJorv 200"j surface will be placed ovcr the Class 2 aggregate base. The grades on the path vmy from 0% to a maxinHnn of 5% to allow tor pedestrian use. Scvcral, smaller, W wide, stabilizcd crushed stone redestrian paths are also provided for general use and access to ovcrlook seating areas. 11encing A 5-toot fencc willlirnit aecess to the interior of the basin. Thc intcnt of the fence is to elearly idcnUly puhlic oren space areas and prcdudc acecss to the interior of the basin. Signage will be postcd to indicate that the hasin is "oil limits." Access gates will he provided at each cntry point to the interior of the basin. '['he fcnec layout is varied in plan antI elevation to e"care an effect similar to stone Jilrm walls or horse fences. The proposcd fenec layout moves gently up and down the has in side slopes to meet the vehicle access gates where rcquired and stay helow sight lines where possiblc. Because the fence changes elevation it is irnpo ·tant to select a fence systcrn that ean I,)]low the slopes smoothly without abrupt Icvcl changes hetween panels. Thc fence also needs to be non-dimbablc according to city requiremenls. Bascd on these considerations as well as initial and long"term costs we are proposing a green vinyl coated chain link fence with I" orenings and a top wire to rcduee elimbing and visibility. The existing 6-foot chain link fenee will be maint.ained on the current cattrans right of way. The fence laYO\Jt insures that inundation lcvels "bove the fence will not exceed 18 inchcs. The maximum water surface for rhc I OO-ycar storm event is elevation 344; thcrefore the lowest fencc elcvation is .142.50. The top edge of the basin rangcs in elevation from'347.00 to 351.00. The fence is set 5' below path gradc8 whcre possible to minimize visu"l impad ofthe fence from adjacent areas and pa.thwa.y~. Lighting The Water Quality Basin ìs nl0St. $.irnilat' to natura] park areas grccnways, and st.rearn corridors. Good preecdents inclllde the stream corridom managcd by homeowner's associations at Dublin Ranch and the golf path, m"n"ged by t.he golf cluh. These areas arC "cccssible but are not illuminated because thcy arc not intended for nighttime usc. Thc ba,in will be located in an i,olalcd líeld with no direct puhlic access until adjaccnt «rcas are developed. Thc basin l",s been designed to allow limited public accCSS around rhe upper perimeter. Howcvcr, this access should be deterred until adjaceut dcvelopmcnt is completed and adjacent properly owners, the police departmcnt, and the public can monitor the area. Lighting the basin area prior to completion or adjacent development will draw unnccessary attention to the basin and could draw unwanted visitors. We propose adding lighting along the north edge of the basin as part of f"ture streetscape improvcmcnts associated with Area H. Final selcclion olríxtnres and layout will be dcvcloped as part of the planning revicw pro"C8' lor that area. Refer to the Phasing dcscription and 8trcetscape improvement "onœpt p!'lll'. The basin is not a residential arCa and thcrcfore the I fc level required by the rc,idcnti«¡ sccurity code should not apply. The proposed I ighting would meet IESN A standard of 0.5 tC tor pedestrian park paths. This lighting would supplcmcnt reqllired street lighting and ",cate a pedc,trian scale along the edge of tJ]C b"sin. In onler to deter night use of the cas I, west and south edges these area, would not bc illuminated. 1/(1/(.,>r Qtü.dity Control Basin - Staw~ 2 PlamJ~d Di:'I!.f'JopineM PMject LJesc:ripti()/'I ,·Page 6 {}f? · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 33 i)b 10J Dublin RW1Ch Area f{ Wat~r O/Ja/itv Confrol ßl.1\'jn - Ja,1tJarv )n{)5 Power Souree Final powcr scrviec connections will depend on construction scquence. Two options are being considered. The fírst option is a connection to existing power service on thc Caltrans 1- 580 Ii-ontagc, thc sccond option is to provide service Ii-om Dublin Boulevard. The optimum connection will depend on further coordination with PG&E and sequencing of Area II construction. Public Art Component The applic"nl will develop a pnhlic art component for the project. Artist selection, type, and funding wHl be Jbrther coordinated with the Dublin Fine Arts Poundation. Landseapc alld Planting Design In kccping with the SMWP, the design will include a. v"ricty ornative emergent species, grasses/forbs, woody shrubs, and trees, as. we]] as selected non-na.t.ive species in distinct areas a.l' I.he lOp of the ha<in. The tollowing section providcs thc r"tionale bchind the plant associations "nd plant specie< palettes for thc Watcr Quality Treatment ßasin planting zones. Thc pbnting de<ign aims to maximize water treatment functions and aesthclies while maxirnizing natural wctl.a,nd, rjparian, woodland and grassland habitats. The overall objectives of the planting desi¡,,'Il arc; · 10 facilitate contaminant filtration oflocal runof[w"tel' · to provide aest.hetic value and Olltdoor oren space for ,adjttccnt bn~iness, otÌìce~ and re<idential centers · to n1iniulizc nlaint.cnançç rcqui t'cmenlS to sustain the vegetation · to promot<: vedor control · to providc wildlilc habitat These ohjectives will bc achi<:wd through the establishment of a self-sust"ining rip"rian habitat "long the low-now channel on the basin t100r and managed upland plant communities around the area's perimeter. Top of slope areas will bc planted with more formal and uniform planting'< compatiblc with futurc dcvelopment. streetscapes and open spacc areas in Area I L This will cr<:atc a c:ohesivc park like environment around the more natural a"ea< that fall within the basin. The side slopes of the basin wil1 be plantcd with a mixmre of native mea<low grasses, <hmbs and trecs, to ere"te ,Ut environment similar to the regional hil1s. The lower parts of the basin will be planted with to. varicty or nativc plant communities and wil1 evolvc into a naturalistic environmcnt sirni ¡'r 10 a stream corridor. The level and type ofmainten"nce will be managed by :wne accordingly to achieve a combinat.ion ofplcturcsque and naturalistic arC¡is. Ninc pl"nling wncs are proposed hased on elevation, hydrology, and aesthetic consid<:rations. PI: Perennial Emergent Wetland, luw !1ow channel and pool edge P2: Willow Riparian, low !1uw channel 1'3: Seasonal Wetbnd, upper d'''nnel slopc< and pool edges (clcv"tion 320 - 324) (clcv:>tion .UO - 328) (elevation 324· 348) Water Q1.Ia!i~y Cmz(ro/ Rosin ,.., i·"lage 2 J1fanned 1.>evelop'm~nt Pmjt::d J).p.sl.'ription -Page 7of7 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ,3L) 6b J C'J f}T.Jhlin Ranch Area H Watpr Oualitv Contml ß,Hin Jam/an; 2005 P4: Faucultive Wctland, Basin Floor P5: Mixed Riparian, Basin Islands P6: Slope and Upland Grassland, Basin Slopes P7: Oak Woodland, Selected areas of basin slope P8: Valley Oak Savanna managed gt'assland, Top of Basin P9: Upland Slope, side slopes of park landforms (elevation 338 - 330) (elevation 330 334) (elevation 330 ·347) (elcvali.on 330 - 347) (elevation 345 352) (elevation 345 - 352) Refer to appendix A lor a dctailed description of each planting zone. lrri¡:ation System A permanent automatic irrigation system will be installed in at'eas above the typical storm water detention surface elevation of 333.00. In addition, temporary irrigali.on will provided as nee<lcd to establisb plant materia] in areas bclow elevation 333.00. Refer to the irrigation systcrn notes and the Irrigation c,hibit L .'--10 in ¡]Üs submitt"l for system zones and p"r:.melcr,. Ownership and Maintenanee A property owners' association(s) comprised of owners of the Area H General Commercial and C,m1pus Ollice parcels will be created for the Project Area and surrounding areas, and a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (Declaration) will be prepared and recorded. The Declaration will cstablish easements and othcr rights necess3lY for the association(s) to fulfilllheir responsibilities. The DCclaration will require thc associat.ion(s) to own and/or .naintain the lands in accordanec with the maintenancc and operations plan required by the Rcgional Water Qual.ity Control Board order, and the Storm Water Management PI¡m. The maintenance will be the responsibility of the current landowncr prior to the creationofthc POA. For a detailed outlinc ofnlonitoring and maintenance activities rcfcr to the attached maintemmce summary documents. Vector Control - Mo>quilo Abal<'menl Storm water detention facilities can become mosquito sourceS i I' they are not properly designed and Iru.intained. The basin has been designed 1.0 prevent mosquito source development and allow for both maintenance and abatemcnt procedures. In addition the design team has consulted Wilh the Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District 10 discuss the design and address these concems. The abaleT)tenl. district addresses vcctor control issues through source reduction, sourcC prevcntion, larvaeiding, mosquito fish, and monitoring. Mosquito brceding rcq,iires still, standing water for more than a few days. Balance Hydrologics Jne. has measured low flows for storm dt'ain pipes flowing to the basin and has estimatcd thaI the basin will have a signilíeartllow ¡low through out the ycar. This low flow is thc result of groundwater seepage i1110 lhe storm drain system a¡; well as irrigation runoff. The low flows will providc a continuous stream of moving wntcr through the pemmncnt pool and pump syslcm. The slopc of the low ¡low channcls has bccn max i mized to incrcasc Ilow velocity ,md minimize the risk of standing water. Thc pennancnt pool will also support mosquito tìsh habitat and a food chain to prevent mosquito brceding. To avoid mosquito breeding associated with detention of water for tn'almcnt p"rposes the basin will bc drawn down over a maximum or 72 hours. Water Qua¡¡~r Con/rot Basin Stage. 2 PI(JJ' fJl:!d J)¡.,'vdopnu:"nr Project De.<,'{:rip(iol1 -I't.lgl' 8 of? · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 32> ()/ / O-¡ Huh/in Ranch Arelllf Water Oualitv Corttrol RmÙ"¡ -- lm"IfJt1rv )()OS In addition thc maintcnance access roads provide açcess to all areas of the basin floor to provide (or ongoing vegelmion maintenance to reduce breeding habitat and allow lor larvaciding if required. The Uesign team met with John Rusmisel of the Alameda County Mosquito Abatement Di,triet on 5119/2005 to revicw thc basin plan. See the attached letter outlining his review and approval of the plan. Project Phasing Implementation of the Water Quality Basin will oœur in thl'ee phases of construction. The phasing plan has bœn dcveluped 10 addrcss overall grading operations, regulatory rcquirerncnts, technical issues, and adjacent development. Thc fir,t phasc is scheduled for completion in summer - fall of 2005. Phase 1 Rough Grading and Infrastructare: The first phase of Basin construction will inelude rough grading and installation of primary storm drainagc infraslruelUre. The hasin side slopes and accc", roads will be graded 10 cont.our. The hottom of the basin will be graded flat with even cross slopes to drain. The site will be hydrŒecdcd with an crosion control seed mix. Constl1lCtion documents for phase I basin constructiun will bc submitted to the City as part ofthc Grading l'el1nit application. Outfall pipes will be capped at the diversions structurcs and the Uasin will not be operational at tlÜs 'tage. Phase 2 Fini,h GradinR, Site Imprm'ements and Lundscapi/lg: The second phase of construction will includc rcmaining basin drainage infrastructure; site improvemcnls including t.h~ baS1n overlook waJIs? fencingj site fumiturc~ access toads and path:); as well as.¡ finish grading, soil preparation, irrigatior1 arId planting. The sediment torebays, low flow channels, gabion struCl.ures, and pcrmanent pool will also be complet~d in this phasc. With completion of this phase the hasin will be connected to thc ,lOnn drain system. The connection of the basin will be coordinated with upSl.ream earthwork operations to avoid hcavy scdirncrll.al.iOrl of I.hc basin and to mccl. RWQCß permit requirements. Phase 3 North Edge Streetscape Impr()vemmt~·: The third phase of constmction will be cornpcted in accordance with future Area H improvemcnts and wi 11 include construction of the landscaped pedestrian prorrlcnade, ovcrlook grove, additional site fumiturc, comcr phl:tas, and pcdestrian path lighting. The proposed design will be refincd ill sequence with Area H development plans and submitted to thc City for rcvicw as part of the planning revicw proccss. A streetscape improvemcnl cascmCllt has been included on the parcd map 10 aeeommodatc construction of future improvements. Refer to sheet L 1.20 in this ,ubmitlal for the concept plan. Water Quality Om(rof IJIl.'iin Stage 2 Planned Vcvdopmenf Proj(>(.'l [Je~'(.'r¡ptÙm -P(jge Y of! · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 3 Lc Lr.) C'-¡ ~j T>uhlin. Ranch Area 11 Wãter OunUtv ronfm! Ba..:rin ··-,la'i11Jal"V 2()n~ l<1NDINGS STATEMENT for DUBLIN RANCH - REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTltOL BASIN Stage 2 DevelOl)lnent Plan/Site Design Review The following findings relate directly to the specific questions listed under thc written statement secnon of the City's application submiual"equirements for a St".ge 2 Development Plan. A. Describe how the propo..a/ will be hlfr1llonious and e01llplftible with existUt/? and future develop1llellt in the surr() tnding area? The WQCI3 has becn designcd to create a park-like cnvironmcm similar to the larger opcn space p"eserves in the Dublin Ranch area. Each edge of thc b"sin has heen designed to addrcss current and I,¡tme development in thc sur"Ollnding area. 1'0 thc south, 1-580 rrontage has been designed to screen the basin from vicw and provide passing vehicles with an altracnve but subtle frontagc landscape, which are intcnded to creatc a foregt'OlInd j,)I' distant views to surrounding hillsides. Thc north edge of the basin has been configured to creMe" pedestrian promenadc nlH'ting tuture devclopment. Thc cast and wcst edges are partially scrccned by low landtòrms and oak plantings to ereatc a park environment and to screCn potential parking areas on cithcr side. The sculpted sidc slopcs within the basin create a graeclilllransition from the upper at'ca to the more natural area in thc boltom or the basin. B. Is the site physically suitable for the type and intensity of the zoning district being propo..ed? The hydrologic requiremcnts aIllI existing storm water infrastruclme dictate the location and size of thc proposed WQCn. The existing topography, soils and adjacent usc, at·c physically suitable r..1r the proposed zoning district:. Geotedmical investigations of the Projcct Area "lid surrounding areas have bcen conductcd by ßerlogar Gcotcchnical consultants to determine t.he soil condition and ,t"bili\y; the studies indicated nO al'eas of conccrn within the project area. The recommendations and condusions of ¡he study arC referenced in the Gcotechnieal Report: Duhlin Raneh l'ao" Y ch Lin Property datcd August 30, 1999. C. Will the proposal adversely affect the health or slffè(v of pI't.wns residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the ImhUe helflth, safety and welfare? The proposal will not advcrsely alfect the health, sa.fcty, or welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity. Measures have becn incorporated in thc proposal to address public saLdy issues associated with visibility, access, nuisance bchavior, and mosquito abatement and vector control conecrns. The public access ''''ca will be clearly dclirnilcd and signed to deter nuisance activity in thc basin and ensure public ,,,rcty. Mosquito abatemcnl and vector control issucs h".vc been addressed in the pmposal and coordinatcd with appropriate agencies. The proposed project: is (oonsistent with the Eastcm [Jubli" Specitìc Plan and any related municipal ordinances addressing publi" health, safety and wdfarc. Additionally, no noxinu.:; odors, ha.zardow; ma.tcriab or excessive noises wíll be produced by the projcd_ Woter Q¡H.lWy Conlrol Bash! Stage) Plmmed f)ewdopment Findings Statement -/)age 1 ol2 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ..:37() ./0'7 , f)1Jhlir¡ Ranch Area. H Water {)1Jnlitv Cnntrol Ra\'ìn .!anuarV 2005 With respect to arcas subject. to nooding, FEMA has i"ucd a Letter of Map Revision (Number 0607050002B dated August 27, 2004), whieh indicates that no developahle areas ofthe projcct sile arc within a IOO-year flood h:",ard area. D. I., the proposal consistent wilh all elements of the General Plan and any applicable Specific Plans of the City of Duhlin? The proposed regional w:¡tCI' quality hasin is consistent with the policies of the Dublin Geneml Plan and Eastem Dublin Specific Plan with I'Cspect to water quality treatment practiccs as well as location of public inlhstmcture elements. In pal1ieular, it is consistent with Specific Plan Policy 9-9, which requi"es ¡hat the project "plaD r,'eihties and select management pmctiçes in the Eastem Dublin Spceilie Plan area that protect and enhance water quality". The proposed facility is intended to provide trcalmcnt. I<Jr surface water runoff for a significant portion ofDublio Ranch. In addition, t.he proposed facility is consistent with Specific Plan policics pcrtaining to open space hy providing a signi licant open space area that has hoth visual and physical access. More spœi rically, the project complies with Specific Plan Policy 6-3 by providing ~"convenicnt accCss from developed areas to JC$.igr!al.ed oren space area and trails"; Policy 6-4 hy preserving "views of (le&ignated open spaœ "Jcas" and Policy 6-5 by cnsu.I'1ng Hadequate access to open space areas for Ina.int.çIlan~~c and managernent purposes.~~ E. How does thi,5 project sati.<Jý the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.32 "Planned Development" of the Municipal Code? The project is requircd by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), according to the temJS uf Tmnsmittal o/Order No. 82-2003-0032, Water Qua/ity Certific(1(ioll wuj Waste Discharge Nequirenumts. Dublin Noneh Project, dated April 22, 2003. This requirement is consistent with thc provisions described in the Easl Dublin General and Specific Plans. The project provides for effective development or [acili\ics and services serving thc cnt.ire Duhlin Ranch project arc". The project includes creative and iuwgina.t.lvc design? which promotc~ ~tTT1cnit.ies beyond those expected in conventional dcvcloprncTlts and utilizes design fcatures lO achieve developmentth"t is compatible with the surrounding arca. F. How does this project satisfY the purpos" and intent of Chapter 8.104 "Site f)ev"¡"pment Review" of the M/miâpal Code? Thc project satisfíes the purposc and intent of the Sitc Dcvelopment Review by crcating an orderly, attractive and harmonious site devclopmcnt compatible with the [acilit.y program and individuiil environmcntal const,-¡'¡nls. The landscapc design and theme, pedestrian and mainteniince <iCCCSS, and visual impacts h<ivc been cflcctivcly addressed. As a regional, water qUiilily facility thc projcct promotes the gcncral welfare. Wale,- Quality Cm¡trol ßt1sÙz·- .)'lilP: 2 J1/amwd Developmml Fìndings S({11erNet/l -Page;: oI2 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ",'3B c\)·, /07 , ,) Dub/in Ranch Ar..,.17 H W(]t~" ()rJllJitv COtiln)/ Hasin ..- Tm11Jarv 200"i 1'lWJBCT IIESCRIPTlON for HIlBUN RANCH - REGIONAL WATER QIJALlTY CONTROL BASIN Site Design Review The following [¡ndings relate directly to the specific qucstions ];sted under the written statcment &ctt.ion orlhe City's application submittal rcqui"cmems for Site Oevdopmcnt Rcview (SOR). For Inore in[onna1.lon on the are..:"t covered here~ see SDR { rawing reductions in this section. A. What type of business., at:tivity or u..e are you proposing? The Dcvelopmcnt Plan covered hy this Stage 2 I'D proposes 2.34 acres of open spacc lor pub];c access, 7.16 acres of open spacc for SlOrm water treatment, ,md 1.18 aCI'CS of open space associatcd wilh thc '·.')80 frontage. The project will include storm water infwstructurc associated with the water quality JÜnc!:ion including an undcrground pump station. ß. How many employees will you have or propose to haw'? Not applicablc. C. What arc the proposed hours and days of operatioll? Public aœCSS will he allowed by the I' .O.A from dawn to dusk. Commercial-typc uscs will not be permitted wi thin thc projcct area. D. Are there allY ways in whit:h your bu.<ille...., activity or use have a negative effect on the health or safety of per..oll.. re..iding or working ill the vidnÜy, or be detrimental to the public health, ..afety or general welfare? The planned activiti.," and usCs will no! have a negative effcct on thc hcalth or safety of persons residing or working in thc vicinity, nor are they dctrimcntalto the public health, safety or gcncml welfare. E. De..cribe how the design of the project including ..ite layoat, Slrlœture.., vehicular acæM, circulation and parking, etc. will provide a desirable environment for the future development? The WQCß has been designcd to creMe a park"like environment similar 10 the larger open space preserves in tbc Dublin Ranch area. Each edgc of thc basin has heen designcd to addrcss current and IÙtme development in thc surrounding area. To the south, thc I"';80 Ü'onlage has heen designed to scrCCn thc basin fmm view and providc passing vehicles with an att:ractive hut sub tic frontagc landscape, which is intendcd to crcat.c a loregmund for distant vicws 10 SllI'mllnding hillsides. The north cdgc or the hasin has been configurcd 10 el'cate a pedestrian proll1Clll"Jc fronting linure development. Thc C(fst and west edges have neen partially scrccncd by low land lorms and oak plantings to crcat.e a park environment rVà1t:r Q/¿(di~}! Gmrro/ Basin-SUe Ðevf:!0l'me,¡t Review, Proje.-:..'t Descf'1i~ti(/n - Page 1 of 3 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ..39 c:)J /0 Î l._ Duhlin Rl7m'h Area /I Water {}ualitv Control R(Hin -...!alttJarv 2005 and screCn pOlential parking area, to cither side. The sculptc,1 side slopes create a graccful transition from thc uppcr r,rca to the more natural arca in the bottom of thc basin. F. Is the "ite physically suitable jor the type ami intensity of development propo..ed? The hydrologic: rcquirements and existing storm water infrastructurc dictate the location and size of the proposcd WQCB. The exi.sting topography, soils and adjaccnt uses are physically suitablc lor thc proposed zoning district. G. Describe /IOW the propo""d development may impact .'iew.5? The Project Area ,Iocs not coo\ain any of the City's (Iesignated visually sensitive ridge lands a, outlincd in the ¡¡astern Dublin Specific Plal1. Therefore, development will not bc visually obtrusive to thosc views of ¡he Tassajara Hills. The Project Area is situa\cd in the flat low lying area along 1-5RO and is designed to create a landsc"ped foreground with view corridors t.o the Tassajara Hilb beyond. Views from adjacent edges and 1-580 have been addressed witl1 gcntle landforms and tree plantings unique to each edge of the basin. Vicws in\!) the basin are designed in a comrolled manner to crc,,\e" pi.cturesque cffccl. H. Describe the physical characteristics of the site including existing ..lope.5 and topographie featllre.5 and any proposed change.5 to the.5e features? The Project Area is currcntly vacant land. The existing topography across ilic site is very flat, sloping from south to north at approxim"\ely 0.5%. Elevatio,," range hetween 343.00 and 340.00, with cxccption to" low landform at elcvation 347.00 created abovc the rccently completed (Ì3 hox culvert on thc southern edge of thc site. The adjacent gradcs in the dcvelopmcnt area will he raised to elevation 347.00 as part or the basin grading operations. 1-5RO forms tllC southern edge of the arCa. The WQCI3 wil1 be cxç,w,Üed to create sculpled bndforms from approximately elevation 347.00 to " low point of elevatiun 318.5. The final elevation and depth of the permanent poul will he adjusted ba¡;cd upon groundwater \cvcls. Low bndforms wil1 also be C"c"ted ahove the G3 box culvert from elevatiuo 347.00 - 352.00. L Describe the architf!ctural desigll/theme of the development including character, scale and quality of the d"sigl1., alld f!xplain how the project will relate to and be compatible with the existing .5ite and the character of adjacent buildings, nf!ighborhood,. alld uses? Not applicablc. J. De..cribe how the lal1dscape features ha.'e been designed so as to im-ure vi5ual reliefa"d an attracti.'e environment for the public? Thc bcauly ufthe existing rolling topography and natural countryside is the basis fur tl1e Dublin Ranch )"ndscape concept ,md plan ling theme. The primary goal of the WQCB design concept is to integrate thc basin inlO the surrounding (irea as an open spacc amenity. The design concept is to create" park like environmcnt based upon the picturesque qualities or the regional Ca1ifornia landscapc, eomhined with œulogieal and naturalistic acsthctics. The water quality functions and infrastructure are intcgrared into a picturesque Water Quality C01'/tm[ l?i.Isin Sire Lkve!(Jpment R({Vlf!W. P"-(~iect Vescriptfo1! -P/~W: 2 (~( 3 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · '-10 Ôt /C") Duhlin Ranch Area R Wf1t~r 01l(]liJv Omtml Ba.'Ìin ,'}(1111JflYV 200'1 land&cape with rolling, ,culpturallandforms and di,tinet. groupings of trees, which create a sense of depth and enable diMinct views. Site improvements will havc ,¡ cont.emporary but rustic quality. The design conccpt anticipates public aCcess a&&ociated with future Arca H U&eS, by including walking paths, overlooks ,md seating areas in the dcsign. The overlook arCas aTC framed by IllStiC, dry laid boulder walls, which crcatc a sen&e of place and conlraSI with the rolling topography. The north edge of thc basin has heen developed as " pedc,trian promenade with a morc urban pat'k character compatible with furure adjacent streetscape and uscs. The' Art fence' propo,cd for thi& edge of the project will add a layer of visual interest The remainder of thc fc"ci"g will be an opcn rncsh fence &ystem to crcale a continuous and tran'parcnt ribbon, moving through oak woodland groves along the ba&in slopes. Thc bMi" i& largely screened by low landforms and trcc planling on the east, we,t ,md south cdge; while a frontage la"dscape ha& been developcd along the 1-580 corridor. The frontage bndseape provides visual relief ,;nd continues the picturesque theme with low sweeping landforms and rows of trees. By treating the basin as a desigT.cd land&cape, and considering it& location, layout, "od visual qualities, thc proposed design &uccessfully integrates water quality function, public open space, and ecological valuc. Water Quality Control Basin -Site Devdopmf:nt J(pview, jJroject Description -Page 3 olJ r- c' ~j ~---. r;G -- -:j- ...............--'- ,...." ""'" ~ ¡¡ ::e ~ ~~ czq . o· , '~I¡ ""~:;¡a ~:~:~}, "\ . 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'" ........................................... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ~c L'O lO~ì Dublin Ranch Ar~flll Wntp.r Owllitv Control Râ..dn ... .JtlltUflnJ 20{)'i AI'I'ENUlX A DETAILFD PLANTING DESIGN DESCRIPTION for DlJBUN ItANCH - REGIONAL WATER QIJALITY CONTROL BASIN Site Dèsign Rcview PLANTING ZONE P1: Perennial Emergellt Wetlalld Associatioll The P I planting zone includes lhe bQno'" and slope of the low-flow channel alOllg lhe bottom of lhe basin. The low-tlow channel is expected to havc perCllnial flow due to "nuisance" summcrlime runoff from the develupment and duc to groundwater that may bc inlcrccptcd by lhe channel. Therefore, thc channcl hydrology will support the establishmcnt or wetland and obligak riparian plant specics known to irnprove the removal effií..~ícm.:y of nutrients. (nitrogen and phosphorus), heavy mcu,h and pelmleum hydrocarbons associated with slurm waler. In addition, vcgetatiun planted immediately a,ljaeent lu the channel will enhance the aquatic habi",. value of t.he channel by providing shade and delritus lor the aquatic foud chain. Thc channel will then be valw,blc to wildlit.;, species associated with local wetlands and riparian forests. The riparian wetland vcgCl.itlion will a.ls.o reduce channel bank cro~ion, whllc 'improving channel water quah1.y (c.g. luwer water i:emperatures, lower turbidity, highcr dissolved oxygen levels). To a""omplish these goals a mosaic uf ripa"ian, percnnial emergent and seasunal wetland associations will be planted in designalcd areas based on exposure to light and slwdc tolerance. The perennial emergenl we,land plants will he interspersed with thc riparian association plants, along cdges oflhc sonthern channel bends, in ordcr nollo bc over shaded. Planl specic, in the perennial emergent wctland associarion t.olerate trequent Hooding, provide habitat for riparian bird species, and tilter contaminants in the channel waler. PLANTING ZONE P2: Willow Ri]Jariall Association A woodcd riparian hahitat will be established along cdgcs of ¡he low-tlow channel at thc bO!lom of the basin, spœiJically along northern bends in the channcl. Plant species in the riparian association toleratc frequent tlooding, provide shelter for ripa';,,,.} bird species and create aesthctic stlllcture within thc basin as well as contrihuÜng to watcr quality iTTlprovement and erosion conlJ'OI. PLANTING ZONE P3: Seasonal WeUalld Associatinn Thc scasonal wetland association will be locatcd '.'.1 a slight.ly higher elevation thml the ripa"ian and perennial emergent wClland associatiuns. Plant species in the seasunal wclland association tolerate !loading and also survivc whcnlhc water tahle elevation rcccdcs. Planl species in the seasonal wClbnd association provide habitat for riparian bird species and i.ncrease sediment depos1tion and contamina.nt. filLnillon ¡is W¡it.cr in the channel rises and recedes. Watef" Qua.ti~y L'onlr()/ Hasin AppendixA - p(Jg~ I 0(3 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · éc /60 IC'") Dublin Ranch Area 11 Wnt~r nlJalitv COr/lml ßa.\'Ù1. .Io.nl.l.t1rV 200'5 VLAN'fING ZONR P4: Faueultivc Wetland The P4 planting znne is located along the basin floor, at clcvatioTJ& above planting zones 1'3. This zone ineludcs higher elevation mounds that wj]l he planted with the woody mixed dparian association plants. Areas sun'ounding the raised mounds will consist or seasonal wetland herbaceous and grass species that will be cstablished rrom seed. A seed mixture of faeultati vc wctland and uph'nd grass and f(>rb species will he sown hetween the wood cd mounds. Thc wetland and upland herbaceous species will cstablish ".Iong thc environmental gradients in the basin noor. These species have been selected to control erosion in the area, enhance contam'inant and nutrient rell1oval, and will provide sca.somil açS1.hC1.ic:; during hloorning tinIes as well as wildlife hahitat. PLANTING ZONE P5: Mixed Rip"..ian Assodalion Thc mosaic orwoodcd and herhaceous areas will create an aesthl'tic fcaturc along the hasin Iloor. The mixed riparian association will be pl"nted on thc highcr clevation mounds. These mounds will bc flood cd during wintcr rainfall cvcnts, and will he dryas the water t"ble rccedcs in thc summer. The species seleetcd for this "ssociation tolcratc flooding. In addition, the Fremont C<JlIonwood (Po{Julusfremontii) has been selected for this "ssoeiatiOIl hecause it survives when the water table has rccedcd below ground surf;,cc elcvation (during summer months). The trce alld shmh speeics within this association provide food and covcr for wildlife species as well as st¡,bilizing soils along thc b,,,in floor, PLANTING ZONE 1'6: Upland Grass Association Planting zonc 1'6 occurs on the hasin slopes. This zone travcrscs the lowcr limit.s ofthe normal flood zone (0 the uppcr slopes of [lIe basin. Plant associations Ü, zone 1'6 will integrate with those Ü, 1'7 to form a continuum of wooded and gTlissland arcas. A seed mixture of upland grasses and forbs will bc plantcd bctwcen thc Oak Woodland association. Thcsc spceics havc been selected to tolerate infrequent flooding as well as drought conditions between flood events. Thesc opcn arc"s will provide a secniç vista acr",s the basin incre,,,ing the acsthclic valuc of the area. PLANTING ZONE P7: Oal, Woodland Association The Oak Woodland asso<oiation in 1'7 "oTlsiStS primarily of Valley Oak (Quercus lobata) intermixed with other native species. Valley Oak ,,'" adaptcd 10 Hooding, and have been seketcd as a dominant species on the lower slopes of thc b"sin where winter flooding will rcgularly occur. Othcr !lood tol Cran I shrubs will add In the stmcture of the woodland. Thcsc nativc species provide food and cover for wildlifG spccics. ^ sced rnixtnrc ofnpland grasses and forbs similar to the Oak Woodland seed mix will bc planted on slope arcas between the oak groves. PLANTING ZONE V8: Valley Oak Savanna/Native G..assland Association Planting zone PH is " continuation of zone 1'7, thc pt'i mary ditrerence being that the planting, in zone 1'4 will b" on a widcr spacing 10 ercatc a savanna, rather than a woodcd, l"ndseape. Thc Valley Oak or /,Onc 1'3 will he partially replaced by the less flood tolcrant Coast Live Oak (Q. agrifolia) species in zone 1'7. The savanna consist, 01' native oak trees planted in small groups, or Water Quality CO!1fml JJ(lsin Appendix A - Pag/! ? (?l3 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (rZ ó(ì 10') T>uhli11 Rt1nrh Areflll Wat/-:',. {)ualitv Control Basin ,Januarv lOOt¡ individually, separated by open spaces of native grasses. The oak and associated shrub 'pecics have been selected to optimize the aesthetic value by providing shade and architectural plant forms to create an intcrcsting landsl'ape for the people who live and work in the area. A seed mixture of nati ve gwsses has been sclcl'ted 1.0 11 II areas between the widely spaced trec pbntings. These grasses have been sclccl.cd Iè." their ability to compete with weedy species and thereby minimize maintenance requirements. Depl'nding on thc suite of grasses selected, maintenanl'c will includc cither irrigation or wecd rcmoval within the grassland areas. Additional 8hmbs may be addcd to this association to provide seasonal intcrest. PLANTING ZONE P9: Upland Grollndl'ovcr The 1'9 planting zone is ,,,so(;Ìal.cd with stecp side slopes on landfonns in the upper arcas of the project including the frontage landscape. These slopes will be planted with a continuous mass of low growing evergreen gt'oundcover 1.0 minirnÓ:e maintenance requin;.n1l.:nts and crcalC tt vÌ::;oal comrast with surrounding grasslands. SOILS Thc soils atthc site will be vilalto meeting thc objectives of the water quality basin. The infiltration of water into the soil Îs. a. prima.ry ¡nee-hanism ufcont.arninant and nutrient filtration in alidition to sedimentat.ion. This is inflllenced by both soil permeability and the pcrcenl of clay and organi" mailer in the soils onto which contaminants ,md nutricnts are absorbed. Suil£lble topsoil is also critical to thc success of establishing tile proposed plant associations. On-site soils havc bccn assesscd Iè.lr suitability of water q\)ality improvement and phmt establishmcnl. ^ soil preparation plan will he prepared as part of the final construction documcntation. W(l(~r Qwllity Confro' Basin Appendix A - Page 3 c!l3 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · éD3 c6Ic/) !Jublin Rahch A¡'~11 ¡.¡ Water {)1Jl1lifv Control Rmin - !anu{JrV 2005 APPENOTX ß San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, Preliminary Approval of revised design, Email Correspondanee for OlIßUN RA NCH - REGIONAL W A TlèR QIJALITY CONTROL ßASIN Marry, I Iere is an emad regarding the proposed Dublin Ranch Water Quality Pond. Tharlk you ii,r your patience on it. I undcrstand thc City of Dublin is lookirlg li>r something written--even just int(>rmal, slIch as this email--to see that we concur with the conceptual dcsignofthc pond. So, this email is intended toprovideourconceptua1wncurrcrlecwith the pond's conceptual design, as presemed in CMG Landscape Arehiteerure's submittal of August 10,2004, which indudes a written nanative ("Dublin Randl, Kcgional Water Q""lily Control Hasin, Schematic Design Updatc" and sel of 11 x 17 plan sheets. If you would, please I(,rward this 10 your consuhatots al ¡IT Ilarvey and CMG. Ovcrall, we remain excited to see this proposal and are very hopeful thaI it will simulu'rIcously provide a bcnefil 10 w"ler 'l""lily while also providing an aesthetic and open space benefit to Ihe surrounding land users, and pcrhaps even a visual bcncJíl to those driving by on the adjacent interstate. Additionally, wc have the rollowing questions and (:ommenls on the submittal. (2) Water Quality Treatment Volume This section indicates thai thc curænt Ircatmenl voluTllc in the I,ond's design, 22.42 ac-ft, will be decreased to the design water quality volume of 1'1.5 ac-ft as dcsign pr<I(:ee<b, To I.he extent possible, pleasc seck to açcomplish this by reducing temporary ponding depths, rather than shrinking the ponding surface area. This will help promote settling ofpollutanls and red lice transport of non-settled polllllants to the outflow poin!. (5) Inlet Design This indicates that flows will divcrl into thc basinllntil tbc trcatmcnt volume has been reached, and thai. Iherealkr, !lows will go down the G3 channel. I had recalled (probably incorrcctly) that at SOniC point there was a proposal to also use this basin for flood flow storagc. Can you reassure me that the submittal's statemcnt (which indical.cs thc basin will not be used to detain flood flows above I.hc WQV) is cotl'cel? (7) Sedimentation forcbays Thank YOll for I.he detail on the design of I.hese 1'OI·ehays. Would it make sense to line the botlorn of the forebays to help maintenance? Ordinarily, wc would seck 10 maximize the open earth arca, 10 '.'8si,1. with infíltra!.ion, help vcge\..~!.ioT\ grow, and maximize pollutant removaL However, some of thc prcscntations we've seen On dctcntion basins in wetter climates (e.g., Seattle) whcrc I.here is yc,,,-·round rain, have suggesl.ed thaI. maintenance may be helped by a somewhat harder bottom. In this case~ since we have a. dry summer; during which onC would assurnc rnaint.enance would typically take place, Ihat m"y not be such a ,igni lícant issue. So, we would hope to sec the design remain as proposed, but were just curious whether this issuc camC up lor you during the design process. Waler Quality COI'Ilf"ol Basin -Appendix A .. Page lof3 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ¿PY 6è' I C() Dublin Ranch Area f/ Water OUlJiUv Control ß(1\'in far/tu.lrv]()()5 (8) Permanent Pool and Channels Thank you for the description of the proposed permanent pool design. Has thc issue been looked at as to whether this design will provide sufficient aeration of the pond? Is thcrc pumping proposed to circulate the water over the watcrfall/weir? p.9 (last page) states that H.T. Harvey is developing a soil plan and is taking a look at on-site soils. Can you let us know if this work has been completed? finally, just fyi, I'll forward (via email or regular n>ai!) some pictures of Jens Jensen's lagoon in Columbus Park, on Chicago's Wesl Sidc. While I certainly defer to your lirm's design capabilities, this recently restored lagoon design is an e,ampic of a native stone design (ofcou,"c in a dilTerent climate and area) that remains striking and frequently visited more than 100 years after its origin'" construction. Perhaps it might serve as a point of inspiration for certain aspccts of the design, if they are not already completed. Rcg",rds, -Keith H. Lichten, P.E. Acting Section Leader San Francisco Bay Regional Water Q""lily Control Board ISIS Clay Street, Suite 1400 Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 622-2380 direct (510) 622-2460 tax kl ich ten (mw aterboards.ca. gO v Marly, I should have noted in my earlier cmail that we are commenting On the submittal as a concept.ual submittal that we have received as a part of the basin design process. That is, we would still expect to rcceive a tìnalized submittal, acceptable to the Executive Offker, prior' to thc beginning of construction, as required in the Dub1in Ranch Order and rclatcd submittals. Regards, -Keith H. Lichten, P.E. Acting Section Leader San Francisco Hay Regional Water Quality Control Board 1515 Clay Street, Suite 1400 Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 622-2380 dircct (510) 622-2460 fax klichten@watcrboards.ca.gov »> Keith Lichten 12/22/04 03:40PM »> Water Quality Control Basin - Appen.dix A - Pa¡;({ 2 of 3 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ~5'6Ò ;(\7 Vuhhn Ihfl" (":/¡ Ar~o H Wlltel' nllalitv Control Ba:.in Jamult\.l :wo~ Response to Keith H. Lichten's comments (12/22/04) (2) Water Quality Treatment Volume The Storm water Management PI"n fInd Schematic Design included a 4.1 acre surface area fInd 19.5 ac-ft of treatment volume, with temporary ponding depths of approximately 5 feel. The revised design included" 5.6 acre surf"ce area and 22.42 ac-ft of treatment volume with temporary ponding depths of approximately 5 feeL The difference in volume is related to the enlarged surf"ce area. The only practical and efficient way of reducing the volume and fitting the basin within the designated land area is to reduce the surface area to the 4.1 acre minimum designated in the Storm water Management Plan and schematic plans. (5) Inlet Design Your understanding is in fact correct. The design of the diversion structures allows the required treatment volume to enter the basin until the basin fiils to the flowline of the main storm drain lines. At that point, the majority of runoff flows directly into the G3 channel bypassing the basin. For large andlor closely sp"ced storms, storm flows will continue to flow into the basin after the water quality volume and elevation are reached, however most of the water will flow directly 10 the G3 channel. Once the water quality volume has been reached, the depth of the basin will continue to increase at a reduced rate to a maximum elevation of 344.00, associated with the 1 OO-year storm event. (7) Sedimentation fore bays The Storm water Management Plan and Schematic Design included a 4.1 acre surf"ce are" and 19.5 ac·ft of treatment volume, with temporary pondlng depths of approximately 5 feet. The revised design included a 5.6 acre surface area and 22.42 ac-ft of treatment volume with temporary pondlng depths of approximately 5 feet. The difference in volume is related to the enl"rged surface area. The only practical and efficient way of reducing the volume and fit the basin within the designated land area is to reduce the surface area to the 4.1 "cre minimum designated in the Storm water Management Plan and schematic plans. (8) Permanent Pool and Channels We anticpate a constant low flow through the system from forebay to permanent pool. The low flow volume and rate anticipated from irrigation runoff, and groundwater seepage into the storm drain system is estimated to be adequate to provide constant movement and aeration over the weirs in the permenant pool, this flow will be pumped out of the permanant pooi through the outfall, providing constant circulation. The soils work has been completed and incorporated in the soils and planting design. The results of the soils analysis and recommended soils treatmenl will he included along with detailed planting plans and specifications in the package submitted to the RWQCB prior to construction. Walt·,'r (}uali~}! Control Basin - Appendix A - P(1ge 3 0/3 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Ù7U öb IO"'} APPENDIX C Junc 14,2005 Mike Porto, Planning Consultant Planning Departrncnt City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Suhject: Dublin Ranch Water Quality Controlilasin Dear Mr. Porto: I met with Ed Hallman of Balanec Hydrologics, Inc. and Chris Guillard of CMU recently to rcview plans for the Duhlin Ranch Water Quality Control Basin. Overall, I was pleased with the amount of planning that has gonc into the project. Therc arc a number of adaptivc management tools available to manipulatc thc water level in the lowcr pcrmanent pool to prcvcnt vegetation growth that can develop into mosquito sources. Cattails can bccome a real prohlcm in this type of basin so the vcgctation maintenance called IÙr in the managemcnt plan should be fÖlIowcd. Our District technicians will need aCccss to the basin to inspcct and treat any mosquitocs that devclop. Thcrc arc several locked gates to thc access roads; wc will need keys to thc lock or pern1ission to add our lock to the g¡lle. Since the twol{)rebays and pcrmancnt pools may havc water throughout thc ycar, we will want to plant mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, to provide long tcrm biological control of mosquito larvae. If thc mŒquitofish do well in thc pools we would harvest fish on occasion to augmcnt our fish stock which we provide to rcsidcnts throughout thc County. The vector control section (3.9) or thc draft opcrations ¡l11d maintenancc manual states that thc use of chemical control methods should bc avoidcd to the extent practical and consistent with public health and salCty. We would use two naturally occurring bacteriallarvacidcs, Bacillus thuringensis var. israe/ensis and Bacillus sphaericus ¡IS well as Mcthoprcne, an analog of an insect growth regulator as the pesticides of choice for mosquito control on thc basin site. It is important to have a nurnbcr of tools available as part of our integrated prognnn to avoid future prohlems with pesticide rcsistancc. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 67 Ô?J /01 The vegetated low How channels from the forebilYs to thc pcrmanent pools have the highe~t potcntial for producing mosquito larvac. Ifthc flows are too slow, watcr may form isolated pockcts that produce mosquitocs. This problcm could be reduced during low flow periods by · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · JAS I (.Y7 w (1/.... ~ L/ mowing the vcgetation to allow water to dry out quicker and providing our technicians with bettcr access. This is addressed in the adaptive management plan. We would like to bc supplied with the name and phone number of person (or agency) charged with managing the basin so that wc can alert them of potcntial problems and request action to prevent mosquito emergcnce. If the Basin should bccome a continuing source of mosquitoes that requires numerous inspections and treatments during a ycar, we would seek a servicc contract to pay for thc treatments or considcr legal abatement if a service contract is not secured. The eost analysis in Table 2 ofthc draft operations and maintenance manual has funds allotted for controlling vegetation and rodents, a line for mosquito control should be addcd to this annual maintenance budget ($1,000 should be sufficient) Again, we appreciate the opportunity to rcview and commcnt on the plans prior to construction. The plan dcvelopers have added numerous improvcmcnts to this water quality control basin compared to others that wc have seen in our County. If' you have any questions regarding my commcnts, you can contact me at (510) 783-7744 or via email at acmad(äJ.mosquitoes.ori¡(. Sincerely, John R. Rusmisel District Manager Cc: Ed Ballman Chris Guillard · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Attachment D: 1.£¡0¡Ö(Ji07 Dublin Ranch Water Quality Basin WATER QUALITY BASIN MAINTENANCE TASKS ....- -,,- .........---.---- Maintenance Description --. .-. ..-- --- .-. I. BASIN HYDROLOGICAL MONITORING & MAINTENANCE' -- 1. Routine Hvdroloqical Monitorinq Tasks 2 Routine Hvdrological Maintenance Tasks 3. Non·Routine Monitoring & Maintena.Il~t!J:~§ks ___._ Subtotal ....---. -- . ---.... ..-.-..n.".'.. -."..- ------ II. PLANTING & IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE -----... .... --. A. FRONTAGE LANDSCAPE 1 Mowing (3 per year), Weeding, Irrigation Maintenance i u.._."."'... ......-..-. --. Tree Work .----..-..----.,. ...----...-...-...- ....-. Subtotal 1--.--.. --=----0.---'='0-.--------..--.. ---.". B. UPPER AREAS -...----- , -_.... ,....- Regular Mowing, Weeding, Irrigation Maintenance, Leaf Collection & 1--.- 1. Removal ..-..."....--.. .. . ......---...... .-.-..-... 2. Tree Work -..----..-- ---- -..........---.."'.---. .--..".------...-".---..-..-..-.. .-.,. Subtotal n..._._.___. .. ..........,._ ._.. .....___.m ...----....--.-..-- C. BASIN SLOPES ----.. ---- .- _........_____o__u ........_.u. ..____._ o. 1. Mowing (3 per year), Weeding, _.'I!ig.ation Maintenance 2. Tree Work .-..--.. .. .. .- __.________._ n_ " .- Subtotal ---".---.,.-. n__..._. _ . .. ..n ---..-- III. PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE' _..___.u.""'.__._.. .. -.--..-. .n.. .. ..-..-....--.-..-- 1. ~ravel~c"'~s Road Resurfacing .-- 2. Crushed Stone Pedestrian Paths - replacelreqradinq of 1/3 of area CMG Landscape Ilrchiteçturee 1 5/18/2005 · 7tJóå ¡ () 7 · · · · · Water Quality Basin Hydrological Monitoring and Maintenance · First-Year Routine Monitoring and Maintenance Activities · Monitorinfl Tasks · Water level and drawdown time · Water S~Jrface elevation checks Drawdown time · Over.1I pend Integrity · Side slopes and embankments Presence of rills, Slide5, piping, etc. · Inlet structures E;vidence of erosicn · Inl€lt stn)çture integrity · Presence of litter éònd co¡:¡r:?f;! debri~ in PQnd Pump intake structure · Intake ~tructure integrity · PresencG of vagetQtion and debris arQund inlet. trash rack cleaning Pump station · Pump and emergency power testing · Pump house malntenêll'lce Check valve ;;:Ind f!apgate integrity and operation · Sediment a.ccumulation in ponds · History of sediment removal and testing activities AS::;eas.ment of sedimentation and neccessity ùf r¡;::prhoval · Vegetation control in pond~ · Assessment of trp.es, shrubs, weeds, and woody plants wIthin pond Access and fencing · Açcess road Integrity and repi:l.ir · Perimeter fencing integrity Levee Integrity · Side slopes and embankment::; · F='resence of rills, slides, pipIng, etc:. First-year storm eV9nt~ · Storm-event monitoring · Maintenance Tasks · Inlet and intaka structures Cleaning of inlf;!t structures · RBmoval of litter and eúarsc debris in ponds · Cleaning of trash r¡::¡ck5 Other routine maintenance · Vegel'lion contrelln pends · Removal of trcr:)s, shrubs, weeds, and woody plal'1ts (rcl,ltine trimming) Levee system · Routing repair of rills and erosion · Control of vegetation and rodents (as needed) · · Post First-Year Routine Monitoring and Maintenance ActivitieS" · Monitoring Tasks · · · · · 1/ t.lÒ It · · · · · Water Quality Basin Hydrological Monitoring and Maintenance · Maintenance Tasks . · Estimated Post First-Year Annual Total · · Non"routine Monitoring and Maintenance Activities' · Repair of major structurøs (infrequently, if evert · Inlet or pump station repairs, pump replacement · Repair of access roads and fencing · Estimated Total · Sedim.nt removal (approximately every 10 years or yreater) Labor · Sediment testing · OU-haul (2000 yd' x $12/yd') · Estimated Total · Large-scale vegetation removal (approximately every 5 years. as needed) Labor · Off-haul (1000 yd' x $12/yd') · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · '.ì ~l 72~ /07 RESOLUTION NO. 05 - 47 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING TUA T TIlE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A ST AGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR A STORM WATER QUALITY CONTROL BASIN ON AN 11.196-ACRE SITE WITHIN AREA H OF DUBLIN RANCH LOCATED IN THE EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AREA NORTH OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 580 AND SOUTH OF THE PROPOSED EXTENSION OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD P A 05-005 WHEREAS, the Applicant, James Tong (representing Chang Su-O Lin, Hong Yao Lin & Hong Lien Lin), submitted an application for a Stage 2 Development Plan for a I I .193-acre site located within Area H of Dublin Ranch in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area. The Project Site is known as the Storm Water Quality Control Basin (WQCB) (or detention basin). The application also includes a Site Development Review in accordance with the proposed Stage 2 Developmcnt Plan; and WHEREAS, the Project Site generally is located north ofInterstate Highway 580 (1-580), south of the proposed extension of Dublin Boulcvard and between the proposed extensions of Brannigan and Keegan Streets in an area designated as Tassajara Gateway of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area; and WHEREAS, in 2000 an Initial Study was prepared for PA 98-070, the Stage I Planned Development approval for Area H (SCH #99-1120412), and a dete011ination was made that the project is within the scope of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment, for which a Program EIR was certificd (SCH #91-103064) in 1993 including revisions to Part I of the Responses to Comments relating to the Kit Fox, the Addendum to the DEIR dated May 4, 1993, and a DKS Associates Traffic Study dated December 15, 1992 ("Eastern Dublin EIRU). The City also adopted a mitigation-monitoring program, which included numerous measures intended to rcdnce impacts from the development of the Eastern Dublin area. The timing for implementation of these mitigation measures is summarized in the adopted Mitigation and Monitoring Program matrix; and WHEREAS, the Initial Study prepared for PA 98-070, the Program EIR along with all subsequent Supplements, and the adopted Mitigation and Monitoring Program adequately address anticipated environmental impacts resulting from the proposed project for the purpose of compliance with CEQA; and WHEREAS, a staffreport, dated August 9, 2005 and ineorporat~ herein by reference, describes and analyzes the Project; and . WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the staff report IIIId previously prepared environmental documentation at a duly noticed public hearing held on August 9, 2ooS, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this resolution. ATTACHMENT It 73 ÕÖJ01 A. The Planning Commission of the City of Dublin finds that the proposed Stage 2 Development Plan: Îs consistent with the: a) General Plan and Eastern Dublin Spe<;ific Plan, b) the zoning district of Planned Development Campus Office ad General Commercial, and c) purpose and intent of the Stage 1 Development Plan for Arca H of Dublin Ranch PA 00-070. will be harrnouious and compatible with existing and future developmeut iu the surrounding area. will occur within the Dublin City limits on a site that is planncd to be surrounded by urban uses; will not displace habitat for cndangered, rare, or threatened species; will not result in any significant negative effects relating to traffic, noise, air qnality, or water quality; and; is an improvement that will satisfy the requirements of the Regional Water Quality Control Board to implement a storm water management plan, BE JT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Dublin reçommends that the City Council approve the ordinance attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference, which adopts a Stage 2 Development Plan, based on the above-referenced findings. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 9'h day of August, 2005 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ¿y'ð!~_' Planning Commission Chair ATIEST: '~ ~ ~- Planmng anager (:ì:\PAtI\1.00S\O.:5-QOS WII.1e:r Q1.1ality PQT1d Arca H'\PC ~ cl: ¡-ecotnn'ledldalion.DOC 2 'ILl 5b 101 RESOLUTION NO. O~ - 46 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE A SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION .'OR A STORM WATER QUALITY CONTROL BASIN ON A PORTION OF THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT KNOWN AS DUBLIN RANCH AREA H LOCATED WITHIN THE EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AREA NORTH OF INTER..'>TATE HlGHW A Y 580 AND SOUTH OF THE PROPOSED EXTENSION OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD PA 05-005 WHEREAS, the Applicant, James Tong (reprcsenting Chang Su-O Lin, Hong Yao Lin & Hong. Lien Un), submitted an application for a Site Development Review for an 11.193-acre lot located within the area known as Area H of Dublin Ranch in the Eastern Duhlin Specific Plan Area. Th" proj"cl site is known as the Storm Water Quality Control Basin (WQCB). The application also includes a Stage 2 Development Plan; and WHEREAS, the Project Site generally is located north ofInterstate Highway 580 (1·580), south of the proposed extension of Dublin Boulevard and between the proposed extensions of Brannigan and Keegan Streets in an area designated as Tassajara Gateway in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area; and WHEREAS, on August 9, 2005 the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 05- recommending City Council approval of a Stage 2 Development Plan; and WHEREAS, in 2000 an Initial Study was prepared for PA 98·070, the Stage I Planned Development approval for Area H (SCH #99-1120412), and a determination was made that the project is within the scope of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment, for which a Program EIR was certified (SCH #91-103064) in 1993 induding revisions to Part I of the Responses to Comments relating to the Kit Fox, the Addendum to the DEIR dated May 4, 1993, and a DKS Associates Traffic Study dated December 15, 1992 ("Eastern Dublin EIR"). The City also adopted a mitigation-monitoring program. which included numerous measures intended to reduce impacts from the development of the Eastern Dublin area. The timing for implementation of these mitigation measures is summarized in the adopted Mitigation and Monitoring Program matrix; and WHEREAS, the Initial Study prepared for PA 98-070, the Program EIR along with all subseqnent Supplements, and the adopted Mitigation and Monitoring Program have been determined adequately to address anticipated environmental impacts resulting fi:om the proposed project for the purpose of compliance with CEQA; and WHEREAS, a starr report, dated August 9, 2005 and incorporated herein by reference, describes and analyzes the Project; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the staff report and previously prepared enviromncntaJ documentation at a duly noticed public hearing held on August 9, 2005, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard. ATTACHMENT $ 755ò 107 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Dublin docs hereby make the following findings and determinations regarding the Site Development Review (P A OS-ODS): A. ApprovaJ of the stann water quality controJ basin is consistent with the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review of the Dnblin Zoning OrdiTJance. B. The storm water quality control basin, as conditioned, is consistent with the policies of thc General Plan, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, the Stage 2 Development Plan PA 05-005, and with all other requirements of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. C. The storm water quality control basin, as conditioned, will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons rcsiding or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety, and genera] welfare because the development is consistent with all laws and ordinances and implcments the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and Dublin General Plan. D. The proposed site development, including site layout, vehicular access, circulation, setbacks, height, walls, public safety and similar elements, has been designed to provide a desirable cnvironment for the development. No structures or on-site parking is proposed. E. The subject site is physically suitable for the tyPe and intensity of the proposed storm water quality control basin because it is a level site with area and dimensions that will accommodate the proposed use. F. The storm water quality control basin will not impact views because the proposed project confomls with the Eastern Dublin Scenic Corridor Policies and Standards. G. Impacts to existing slopes and topographic features are addressed because the property is flat and there arc no significant topographic features. H. Architectural considerations, including the character, scale and quality of the design, the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, including color and building materials and colors, screening of exterior appurtenances, exterior lighting, and similar elements have been incorporated into the projed, and as conditions of approval, in order to insure compatibility of this development with the development's design concept or theme and the character of adjacent buildings anticipated for Area H" I. Landscape considerations, illcluding the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage of plant materials, provísions, and similar elements have been considered to ensure visual relief and an attractive envìronment for the public. J. The approval of the Site Development Review for a storm water quality control basin is consistent with the Dublin Gencral Plan and with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Dublin does hereby find that the proposed Site Development Review; will be harmonious and compatiblc with existing and future development in the surrounding area. 2 will oecur within the DubIin City limits on a site that is planned to be surrounded by urban uses; 7~5QJ01 will not displace habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species; will not result in any significant negative effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality; and; is an improvement that will satisfy the requirements of the Regional Water QuaJity Control Board to implement a storm water management plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission hercby rccommends that the City Council approve the Site Development Review application, PA 05-005 for Storm Water Quality Control Basin Dublin located within Area H of Dublin Ranch as generally depicted on the plans prepared by Conger, Moss & GuiI1ard labeled Attachment 1 to the August 9,2005 Staff Report dated received July 22, 2005 stamped approved, and on file with the Community Development Department; and, thc Applicant's written statement, subject to the following conditions: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Unless stated otherwise. all Conditions of ADDfoval shall be comvlied with prior to the issuance of buildinl! vennits or estabIishment of use. and shall be subiect to Planning DeDartment review ant! !!1m.roval. The fOllowing codes represent those devartmentslaltencies responsible for monitori!1g comvliance of the conditions of apvrovaL rPL 1 Planninl!. fBl Building, rPO] Police, (PW] Public Works ADM Administration/Ci Attorne FIN Finance F Alameda Conn Fire D artment. ,D_R Dublin San Ramon Services District. rCO] Alameda County Deoartment of Environmental Health. rZ7J Zone 7. ~ CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN SOURCE AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: GENERAL - SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW I. Site Development Review approval. Approval of SDR P A PL On-going Planning 05·005 is subject to the approval of the recording of Final Parcel Map 8640 and a Stage 2 Development Plan Review for Lot 3 of Parcel Map 8640 (P A 05-005). The Applicant shall comply with an standard site devdopment review conditions, if applicable, attached hereto as Exhibit A. 2. Permit Expiration. Construction or use shall commence PL On-going DMC within one (I) year of Permit approval, or the Permit shall 8.96.020.D lapse and become null and void. Commencement of construction or uSe means the actual construction or use pursuant to the permit approval, or, demonstrating substantial progress toward commencing such construction or use. If there is a dispute as to whether the Permit has expired, the City may hold a noticed public hearing to determine the matter. Sueh a determination may be processed concummtly with revocation proceedings in appropriate circumstances. If a Permit expires, a new application must be made and processed according to the reQuirements of this Ordinance. 3. T,ime EX~on. The original approving decision-maker may. PL On~2oin!! DMC 3 '. - CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN SOURCE AGENCY REQ'D Prior to, upon the Applicanl's written request for an extension of 8.96.020.E approval prior to expiration, and upon the detennination that any Conditions of Approval remain adequate to aSSure that applicable findings of approval will continue to be met, grant a time extension of approval for a period nO! to exceed 6 months, All time extension requests shall be noticed and a public hearing Or public meeting shall be held as required by the particular Permi!. 4. Revocation of permit. Then p<:nnit shäÜ bc rcvo~äble for PL On-going DMC cause in accordance with Chapter 8.96 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the tenns or conditions of this permit shall be subjcct to cit~tion. .. PROJECT SPECIFIC - SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 5. Clean up. The Applicant/Developer ::;hall be responsible for PL On-going clean up and disposal of project relatcd trash and for maintaining a clean, litter-frcc site. .... 6. Controlling Activities. The Applicant /Develope"- shan PL On-going control all activities on the project site so as not to create a nuisance to the sUITi:!unding businesses and residences. 7. Nolsc/Nuisances. No loudspeakers Or amplified music shall PL On-going be permitted to project or be placed outside ofthebuildinSl. 8. Aeeessory Structures. The use of any accessory structures, PL htstallation of such as storage sheds Or trailer/container units used for storage Accessory Or for any other purpose, shall not be allowed on the site at any Structure time unless a Temporary Use PeITßit is applied for and approved. .. 9. Fees. AppIican1lDeveloper shall pay all applicable fees in PL Construction effect at the time of building peITßit issuance, including. but not limited to, Planning fees. Building lees. Traffic Impact Fees, TVTC fees, Dublin San Ramon Services District fees, Public Facilities fees, Dublin Unified School District School Impact fees, Alameda County Fire Services fees, Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage and Water Connection fees; or any other ree that may be adopted and applicable. 10. Public Art Cuntributlon. ApplicantlDeveloper shall work PL On-going with the City's public art coordinator towards the installation .of public art. .-. II. Requirements and Standard Conditions. The PL Issuance of ApplicantlDeveloper shall comply with applicable Alameda Building County Fire, Dublin PubJic Works Department, Dublin Permits Building Department, Dublin Police Services, Alameda County Flood Control District Zone 7, Livcnnore Amador Va1ley Transit Authority, Alameda County Public and Environmental Health, Dublin San Ramon Services District and the California Department of Health Services requirements and standard conditions. Prior to issuance of building pennits or the insta1lation of any improvements related to this project, the Developer shall supply written statements fÌ'om each such agency Or department to thc Planni¡¡g Department, in£!icating that all applicable conditions í7 ô{) 101 4 CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN SOURCE AGENCY REQ'D . Prior to: required have been or will be met. 12, Required Permits. ApplicantJDeveloper shall obtain all PL Construction necessary permits required by other agencies (e.g., Alameda County FJood Control District Zone 7, Alameda County Health Agency (if necessary), State Water Quality Control Board, etc.) and shall submit copies of the pennits to the Dep.artment of Public Works. 13. Ordinllnees/Genernl Plan Policies. ApplicantlDeveloper PL Through Planning shall comply with the Subdivision Map Act, City of Dublin completion Subdivision Ordinance, City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance, Public Works Policies, and the City of Dublin General Plan and the Easte".. Dublin Specific Plan. 14. Removal of Obstructions. ApplicantJDeveloper shall ",move PI. Construction Planning all trees including major root systems and other obstructions from building sites that are necessary for public improvements Or for public safety as directed by the soils engineer and Director of Public Works. 15. Geographic Information System. Once the City PI. Planning Engineer/Public Works Director approves the development project, a digital vectorized file On floppy or CD of the Improvement Plans shall be submitted to the City and DSRSD. Digital raster copies are not acceptable. The digital vectorized files shall be in AutoCAD 14 or higher drawing format or ESRI Shapefile format. Drawing units shall be decimal with the precision of 0.00. All objects and entities in layers shall be colored by layer and named in English, although abbreviations are acceptable. All submitted drawings shall use the Global Coordinate System of USA, California, NAD 83 California State Plane, Zone ill, and U.S. foot. Said submittal shall be acceptable to the Ci!y's GIS Coordinator. 16. GradlnglSitework Pennit and Security. Pursuant to PL Grading Planning §7.16.620 of the Municipal Code, the Applicant shall obtain a GradinglSitework Pennit /Torn the Public Works Department that governs the installation of required site improvements. Said pennit will be based On the fmal set of improvement plans to bc approved once all plan check comments have been ,""solved. As a condi lion of issuance of said permit, Improvement Security shall be )Qsted to guarantee the faithfull'erfonnance of the permitted work. Such security shall be in the fonn of cash, a certified or cashier's check, a letter of credit, or II permit bond executed by the applicant and a corporate surety authorized to do business in Califorma. The amount of the security will be based on the estimated cost of the sile work (excluding the building). The applicant shall provide an estimate of these costs for City review with the first plan submittal. 17. Improvement Plans. The Applicant !Developer's Engineer PL Construction Planning shall prepare final improvement plans for review and approval by the Director of Public Works. Said hnprovement plans shall be b~sed on the Site Plan and other preliminary plans in ,ß (~ ID7 5 CONDITION TEXT Exhibit A and include, but are not limited to, plan and profile, storm drainage, utility, striping, new pavement sections per the approved project soils report, and details for the project to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. '¡he ApplicantlDeveloper's Enginecr shall obtain the City of Dublin's On~Site Check List ti-om the Puhlic Works Department and s]¡al! address any and all items applicable to the project. Said Check List shall be part of these conditions of approvaL 18. Emergency Vehicle Aecess Easement Dedic'ltions. PL ApplicantlDeve\oper $hall dedicate al! needed emergency vehicle access easements ti-om each adjacent public street to al! firc access roads surrounding the site and build;ngs as defined by Alameda County Fire Department and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 19. Constrnction Noise Management Program/Construction PL Impact Reduction Plan. ApPlicant!Deve\oper shall confonn to the fOllowing Construction Noise Management Program/Construction Impact Reduction measures: a. Off-site truck traffic shaH be routed as directly as practical to and from the freeway (I-580) to the job site. Primary route shall be from 1·580 to Tassajara Road to Dublin Boulevard. An Oversized Load Permit shall be obtained from thc City prior to hauling of any oversized loads on City streel$. Truck traffic shall be restricted to outside the peak traffic hours. b. The construction site shall be watered at regular inleTvals during all grading activities. The ti-equency of watenng should incrcase if wind speeds exceed 15 miles per hour. Watering should include all excavated and graded areas and matenal to be transported off,site. Construction equipment shallll.~e recycled or other non-potable water resources where feasible. c. Construction equipment shall not be left idling while not in use, d. Construction equipment shall be fitted with noise muffiing devices. e. Mud and dust carried onto street surfaces by construction vehicles shall be cleancd-up on a daily basis. f. Excavation haul trucks shall use tarpaulins or other effective covers. g. Upon completion of construchon, measures shall be taken to reduce wind erosion_ Replanting and repaving should be completed as soon as possible. h. After grading is completed, fugitive dust on e"posed soil surfaces shall be controlled using the following methods: !L..1nactive portions ofthe construction site shall be 6 RESPON. AGENCY 7q Db 107 WHEN REQ'D Prior to: On-going Through completion SOURCE Planning Planning CONDmON TEXT seeded and watered unti] grass growth is evident. 2) AU portions of the site shall be sufficiently watered to prevent dust. 3) On-site vehicle speed shall be limited to 15 mph. 4) Use of petroleum-based palliatives shal! meet the road oil requirements of the Air Quality District. Non-petroleum hascd tackifiers may be required by the City Engineer/Public Works Director, L The Department of Public Works shall handle all dust complaints. The City EngineerIPubHc Works Director may require the services of 8n air quality consultant to advise the City on the severity of the dust problem and additional ways to mitigate impact on residents, including temporarily halting project construction. Dust concems in adjoining communities as well as the City of Dublin shaU be addressed. Control measur"s shall b" related to wind conditions. Air quality monitoring of PM levels shall be provided as required by the City Engineer/Public Works Director. J. Construction interierence with regional non-project traffic shal1 be minimized by; I) ScheduJing receipt of construction materials to non-peak travel periods. 2) Routing cOnstruction traffic through areas of least impact sensitivity, 3) Routing construction traffic to minimize conMruction inlerœrencc with regional non- project traffic movement. 4) Limiting lane closures and detours to off-peak travel periods. 5) Providing ride-share incentives for contractor and subcontractor personnel. k. Emissions control of on-site equipmcnt shall be minimized through a routine mandatory program of low. emissions tune-ups. 20. Security During Construetion. PL a. Fencing - Tbe perimeter of the construction site shaU be fenced and locked at aU times when workers are not present. All construction activities shall be confined to within the fenced area. Construction materials and/or equipment shall not be operated or stored outside of the fenced arca or within the public right-of-way unless approved in advance by the Public Works Director. b. Address Sign - A temporary address sign of sufficient size and color contrast to be seen durin!! ni¡d1t time hours with 7 RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prio.. to: iSO ðb } 07 SOURCE Through Planning completion . CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN SOURCE AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: existing street lighting is to be posted. c. Emergency Contact - Prior to any phase of construction, ApplicantIDeveloper will file with the Duhlin Police Department an Emergency Contact Busines.~ Card that will provide 24·hour phone contact numbers of persons responsible for the construction site. d. Materials & Tools - Good sccurity practices shall be followed with respoot to storage of building materials and tooIs at the construction site. e. Security Ii ghting and patrols shall be employed as necessary. 21- Construction Hours, Standard construction and grading PL 1ñrough Planning hours shall be limited to weekdays (Monday through Friday) completion and non-'Cily holidays between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. The Applicant/Developer may request reasonable modifieations to such determined days and hours, taking into account the seasons, impacts On neighboring properties, and other approprialc factors, by submitting a request form to the City EnginccriPubJic Works Director. For work On Saturdays, said request shall be submitted no later than 5;00 p.m. the prior Wednesday. Overtime inspection rates will apply for all after-hours, Saturday, and/or holida.y work. . ~ 22. Construction TrashJDebris. Measures shall be taken to PL Through Planning contain all construction rclated trash, debris, and materials eompletion on-site unti] disposal of-site can be arranged. The ApplioantlDeveloper shall keep the adjoining p\.!blic streets and properties free and clean of project dirt, mud, and materials during thc construction period. The Developer shall he responsiblc for corrective measures at ßQ expense to the City ofDubliu. . . 23. Co¡nstructiO¡D Fencing. The use of any temporary PL Installation of Planning construction fencing shall be subject to the review and fencing approval oflh", Publio Works Director and the Building Official. 24. Addressing. Address will be required for the electric servicc PL Planning to equipment. Provide location of equipment and service. 25. Constnlctlon Drawings. Construction plans shall be fully PL Construction Planning dimensioned (including building elevations) accurately drawn (depicting all existing and proposed conditions on site), and prepared and signed by it California licensed Architect or Engineer. All structural calculations shall be prepared and signed by a California licensed Architect or Engineer. The site plan, landscape plan and details shall be consistent with each other. 26. Coveaants, Conditions and Restrletlons. Thc CC&Rs shall PL Planning be reviewed by the City for compliance with the conditions of approval. 27. Clarificatio¡ns and Cbangesto tbe Conditions. In the event PL Through Public ~IOOJOÎ 8 CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN SOURCE AGENCY REQ'D Prior to; that there needs to be clarification to th~se Conditions of completion Works Approval, the Directors of Community Development and Public Works have the authority to clarify the intent of these Conditions of Approval to the Applicant/Developer by a written document signed by the Directors of Community Development and Public Works and placed in the project file. The Directors also have the authority to make minor modifications to thesc conditions without going to a public hearing in order for the Applicant/Developer to fulfill needcd improvem~nts or mitigations resulting from impacts of this I Proiect. (PW) 28. Mainte..ance Plan. A Ma intenance Plan shall be prepared Through ..- PL Planning ¡md subject to approval by the Dir;ector of Public Works and completion the ReJ>:ional Water Quality Control Board. 29. Deed of Trust. Immediately upon filing thc final map, PL,PW Filing of Planning Applicant will obtain fiom City and record a partial Final Map reconveyance of the City's existing deed of trust recorded against the proposed project which secures a $4.5 million loan so that the deed of trust will affect the remainder oared only. BUILDING DIVISION .-.- 30. Building Permits, Codes and Ordinances. The B Construction Building Applicant/Devclop.,,- shalt obtain alt necessary permits from the Duhlin Building Dcpartment. AU project construction shall conform to all building codes and ordinances in cffect at the time of building permits. .. 31. Building Permit Application. To apply for building permits, ß Issuance of Building the Applicant/Developer shall submit eight (8) sets of Building constmction plans togethcr with final site plan and landscape Permits plans to the Building Department for plan check. Each set of plans shall have attached a copy of these conditions of approval with notations as to how the condition is being satisfied. The plans shall clearly indicate how all conditions of approval wíl1 be, or have been complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted without the annotated conditions attached to eaeh set of plans. The Applicant IDeveloper will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of all participating non-Citv aJ>:encies prior to the issuance of buildin ! oermits. FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION 32. Fire Code~ and Ordlnance~. All project construction shall F Through Fire conform to all fire codcs and ordinances in effect at the time of completion building permi Is. 33. Aceess roads. The access roads shall be able to support the F On-going Fire weiahr of the fire am>aratus. 34. Knox boxes. Provide Knox boxes at the gates. The K1>ox box F On-going CFC 902.4 sball contain a key that opens the gatc. Order fonns for the Knox box are available at the fire prevention office. 'The key can be placed in the box during the Fire Department insDection. PUBLIC WORKS 35. Subdivision poUcles and Ordinances. The PW Through Public AoolicantlDevelooer shaH comply ~ith the Subdivision Mao completion Works ~2. Db IV1 9 3f5h CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN SOURCE AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: Act, the City of Dublin Subdivision, Zoning, and Grading Ordinances, the City of Dublin Public Works Standards and Policies, and all building and fire codes and ordinances in e/Teet at the time ofbuildinp; permit. 36. Il1demniflcatlon. The Applicant/Developer shall defend, PW On.going Public indenmit», and hold harmless the City of Dublin and its agents, Works officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against thc City of Dublin or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, Or annul an approval of the City of DuhHn or its advi!<Oty agency, appeal board, Planning Commission, City Council, C..ommunity Development Director, Zoning Administrator, or any other department, committee, or ab'.mcy of the City reiated to this project to the extent such actions are brought within the time period required by Govemment Code Section 66499.37 or other applicable law; provided, however, that the App]icanVDeve]oper's duty to so defend, indemnitY, and hold harmless shall be subject 10 the City's promptly notifying the Applica.nt/Developer of any said claim, aelion, Or proceeding and the City's full cooperation in the defense of such actions or f-. I proceedil1~___ "Grading 37. Gradll1g Permits. ApplicantlDcvelopcr shall obtain a PW Public Grading/Sitework Pennit &om the Public Works Depanment for Works all mivate grading; and site improv~'II1Cnts. 38. Other pemûts. ApplicantIDeveloper shall obtain all permits PW Construction Public required by other agencies incJ ud;ng, b1,Jt no! limjted 10 Alameda Works County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Zone 7, California Department of Fish and Game, Anny Corps of Engineers, RegiooaI Water Quality Control Board, Caltrans and . provide copies of the permil~ to the Public Works Department. 39. Plol1s and maps. AH submittals of plans and Final Maps shall PW Submittal of Publie comply with the requirements of the "City of Dublin Public plans al1d Works Works Department Improvement Plan Submittal Requirements," final maps and the "City of Dublin Improvement P]an Review Check List." 40. DIgital vectorized me. Applicant/Developer shall provide the PW Public Public Works Department a digital vcctorizeð file of the Works "master" files for the projc:ct when the Final Map has been approved. Digital rasler copies arc not acceptable. The digital vectorized files shall be in AUloCAD ]4 or higher drawing fonnat. Drawing urnts shall be decimal with the precision of/he Final Map, Ail ohjects and entities in layers shall be colored by layer and named in English. All submitted drawings shaH use the Global Coordinate System of USA, California, NAD 83 California State Plane, Zone III, and U.S. foot. DUBLIN POLICE SERVICES 41. Compftance. The Developer shaH comply with all applicable PO On-going Police City of Dublin Non Residential Security Ordinance reouirements. 42. E mergeney response, Pathways around the site shall be PO On-going Police designed to support the weight and width of emergency response vehicles to aid in police patrols and emergency response situatiOl1s. '23 10'ì 10 CONDITION TEXT £4 101 RESPON. WHEN SOURCE AGENCY REQ'ß Prior to: PO On-going Police PO On- oin Police PO On-going Police 43. Locked gates. Locked gates will provide for emergency vehicle acces~. 44. Restricted areas. Restricted areas will be stoo as such. 45. No graffiti, The Developer and/or Property Owner shall ka:p the site clear of grnffiti vandalism on a regular and continuous basis at all times. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 9th day of August, 2005 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Þti£~4-/ Planning ommission ChaIr ATTEST: PIaru:~gCr --- G:\PA¡¥\200.5\05-o0~ Wiltcr-Qulllity Pond AJt::s H\PC Rcst) &-~-Q5,doc 11 ~/56D'D7 AGENDA STATEMENT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: August 9, 2005 SUBJECT: A TT ACHMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PUBLIC HEARING PA 05-005, Dublin Ranch Area H Stage 2 Development Plan and Site Development Review for Water Quality Control Basin Reporl Prepared by: Michael Porlo, Planning Consullanl I. Rcsolution rccommending approval of Stage 2 Development Plan with the draft Ordinance attached as Exhibit A Resolution approving Site Dcvelopmcnt Rcvicw Projcct Plans 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Open Public Hearing. Receive Staff presentation. Rcceivc Public Testimony. Close Public Hearing. Deliberate. Adopt Rcsolution recommending approval of PA 05-005 Stagc 2 Dcvelopment Plan (Attachment 2) Adopt Rcsolution recommending approval of PA 05-005, Area H Site Development Review for Water Quality Control Basin. 7. The proposed Water Quality Control Basin (WQCB) or water quality pond is an advanced fonn of detention basin which allows for an innovative, aesthetic, and ecological approach to addressing stonn water runoff from new dcvelopment in Dublin Ranch. The site for the WQCB encompasses 11.193 acres ofthe 66.303 acres comprising Area H of Dublin Ranch. The Dublin Ranch Master Plan, approved in 1999, covers 1,119 acres. The property is owned by members of thc Lin Family and is bcing sold incrementally to developers for implementation of the Master Plan. Area H, along with Areas F and G, was the subject of a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan land use amendment approved in March 2000 by Resolution No. 35-00. A Stage I Dcvelopment Plan and Planned Devclopment zoning for Area H (PA 98-070) was approved by Ordinance No. 6-00 in 2000. The Land Use amendments and Stage 1 Development Plan established three dcvelopment sites within Area H for General Commercial, Campus Office and a combination of the two uses with the ultimate (non-residential) building area ranging ITom 950,479 square feet to 1,244,945 square feet. No residential uses are proposed. The development of Area H would become a component of the Tassajara Gateway as shown in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. --------------~--~-~----~--~---~---~-~~~-~-~-~~---~~-~-~--~~-----------------------------------------_._~~--------------------- Go\PA#\200S\OS-OOS Wate< Q",,¡;ty Pond A",. HIPCSK S-9·M.do< Copies to: Applicant ATTACHMENT ~ Property Owner ITEM NO, £t.r2 Db I 07 Area H generally is located south of the proposed extension of Dublin Boulevard and north ofInterstate Highway 580 (1-580), generally between the proposed extensions of Brannigan and Keegan Strccts, two north-south collector strcets. Area H, including the WQCB site, currently is vacant grassland formerly used for hay fanning or grazing livestock. Tl generally is flat with a gentle slope to the south and southwest at a grade dj fferential approximately four feet. The WQCB site is located in the southerly central portion of Area H which abuts 1-580. The site area has been extensively filled. A recently submittcd parcel map (Tcntativc Parcel Map 8640) would divide Arca H into three lots. The two sites (A & C) along the westerly boundary of Area H established by the Stage I Development Plan and shown in Table I, below, generally would bc combined to form Lot I or Parcel Map 8640. Thc 11.193-acrc WQCB site (Lot 3) would be carved from the southwest comer of Site B, designated for Campus Office. The remaining 28.272 acres would becomc Lot 2 of Parcel Map 8640 and wrap the northerly and easterly boundaries of the WQCB site. The properties are separated from 1-580 on thc south side by a box culvert drainage channcl, known as the G3 channel, along the north side ofI-580. General Plan/Suecific Plan/Zoninl!: Thc Amendments to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, including the Stage I Development Plan, adopted in 2000 generally established three development sites within Area H, as follows: D!lY'éIClpment Site Site A Site B SiteC TOTAL At!'la, 1.°', P(()PÄ~d¡"ÐI'I~U~e 23 % 62 % 15 % __.100 % northwest comer easterly side southwest corner General Commercial Cam us Office General Commercial/Cam us Office Tentative Parcel Map 8640 currently proposed would divide Area H as follows: Lot \¡¡¡¡:;::; Pro osedÚ$' Lot 1 26.838 ac. % General Commercial/Cam us Office Lot 2 28.272 ac. % Cam us Office Lot 3 11.193 ac. % Storm Water Qualit Pond/Detention TOTAL 66.303 ae. % The use and development as proposed for the WQCB is be consistent with the Dnblin General Plan, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and the approved Stage I Development Plan in that it is a condition of approval, mitigatjon measure, and especially as a requirement by a regional agency for development on the surrounding and related properties. Sta2e 2 Develoument Plan: The Stage 2 Development Plan essentially is the Planned Development zoning established for the site. The Stage 2 Development Plan establishes: I) proposed uses, 2) general design concept, and 3) development standards, including landscaping. The proposed use of the site as a water quality control pond or stormwatcr detention basin, along with maintenance by a private property owners association, limits its land use designation to private open space or other private facility. The facility will include limited pnblic access as an open space amenity in the form of a pedcstrian'trail system and public art 2 2>1 ~ 101 spacc. Thc proposed development standards call for a minimum sctback of 20 feet from the top 'štope of thc basin to thc propcrty lincs. However, in most areas it is substantially wider to accommodate trails, access road and landscaping. As a passive open space area and primary purpose as a privately-managed stormwatcr trcatmcnt facility, no public parking has been provided on site. As a Stage 2 Development Plan, City Council adoption of a PD zoning ordinance would be required. The Stage 2 Development Plan is an attachment to the draft Ordinance. Site Development Review: The Zoning Ordinance requires the Site Development Review to address issues related to: a) general design, b) exterior architecture, c) parking, d) circulation, e) landscaping, and f) signagc. The dctails of this discussion would be used to support or reject the findings that are required to approve a SHe Development Review. As stated above, the WQCB has established a requirement for the Dublin Ranch project to submit and implement a Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) as part of its approval. This requirement is stated in the "Transmittal of Order No. R2~2003-0032, Water Quality Certification and Waster Discharge Requirement, Dublin Ranch Project" dated April 22, 2003. The proposed project would address the storm water treatment issues and comply with these requirements while functioning as a state-of-the-art facility and presenting an aesthetic open space element for the community. In the case of this project, no buildings are proposed. However, the structural elements proposed to be installed are intended to channel, filter, and discharge stormwater runoff and drainage in an unobtrnsivc and environmentally sensitive manner supported by a system ofmaintenancc roads and paths. Pumping equipment near the outfall along thc westcrly boundary of the site is proposed to be located below grade with manhole access. Thc intcgration of the facility with the surrounding area will be its innovation to provide visual relief and open space while complying with the water quality requirements and conditions ofthe RWQCB. These objectives would be accomplished through specialized landscaping, a limitcd pedestrian trail system, and space for public art (Condition 10 of SDR Resolution). Approval of the Final Parcel Map will be conditioned to require the submission of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) rcgarding maintenance of all common areas and facilities. Access for passive public recreation, maintenance, and emergency vehicles would be established through conditions of approval for access easements and rights of entry. Proposed Use: Within the 11. I 96-acrc dctcntion basin site, the uses arc more sp ecifically defined as: Use Stonnwater Treatment Area Maintenance Access and Franta e Road Access Open space, Pedestrian trails, and recreational use Total Area ± 6.8 ac. 1.2 ac. 3.2 ac. 11.2 ac. Stormwater Treatment - In accordance with the Stormwater Quality Management Plan, the water surface area will be 4.1 acres with a volume of 19.5 acre/feet and holding time of 48 hours to promote the settling of partieles and debris. The basin features and stormwater treatment parameters are the primary elements in accomplishing the purpose of this facility. The storm water runoff will be channeled from two locations: 1) from the north along Grafton Street parallel to Tassajara Creek, and 2) from the east in the G3 channel. Then it will be diverted by gravity flow into the basin from two inlet structures located along 3 the south side of the site and discharged into two sedimentation forebays locatcd near th~~t~t ~ southwest corncrs of the sitc. The forebays will be scparated from the main basin by gabion structures (wire boxes filled with rocks to stabilize banks) and 6 to 8 foot benns stabilized with rock and riprap to prevent crosion. Whcn watcr within the forcbays rcaches a certain Icvel, it will fall into thc main basin area and meander through low flow channels to the permanent pool. The permanent pool is equipped with a gravity flow outfall through which the water will be pumped and discharged back into the G3 channel where it would continue westward. The shape of the basin landform along with a variety of slopes will be designed to create visual interest while being efficient and maintainable. The sedimentation forebays, approximately 150 fcct by 50 fcct each, will be permanent pools ringed by native plants. A variety of sidc slopes and elevations within the main basin will provide filtration trough vegetation as well as a biochemical process. The main hasin floor will be graded to create a series of islands 4 to 8 feet above the minimnm pool level. The low-flow channels would havc a minimum dcpth of 4 fect and a maximum depth 8 feet. Bottom width would be from 4 to 8 feet with the top width varying between 16 and 30 feet. The design is intended to allow a minimum required holding time of 48 hours. Average depth within the main basin, excluding forebays and permanent pool, will be 5 feet; however, during a 100-ycar storm cvcnt thc averagc dcpth maybe as high as 16 feet with the forebays and pennanent pool potentially being deeper. From the low-flow channels, the water would flow into thc permancnt pool through a nnmber of oxidization zones over serics of weirs. In addition to adding a visual water element to the basin, the weirs provide continuous movement and aeration helping to prevent the growth of algae and invasive plant species. The permanent pool, near the northwesterly boundary of the site, will have a surface area of approximately 11,000 square feet. It will be separated from the sedimentation forebay near the southwest comer of the site by a landscaped divider ridge to reduce the visual scale of thc basin area and eliminatc thc appcarance as a large, single depression. The actual depth and elevation of the permanent pool will depend upon the groundwater level. Maintenance and Acccss ",. In addition to thc landscape buffcr, a road or pathway with a minimum width of 15 feet encircles the Water Quality Control Basin. Portions of the route are accessible by maintenance vehicle. Primary access for maintenance vehicles will be from an existing gated entry at the southwest comer of the site where the end of a cul-de-sac is located on an existing freeway frontage road used to service CalTrans right-of-way for 1-580 and the G3 flood control channel. This maintenance road forks into access roads to cach of the two sedimentation forebays on either side of a pedestrian overlook. A second IS-foot wide path, with gated access off the perimeter path, also provides maintenance vehicle access to two sides of the permanent pool; a vehicle turn-around area is located at the end of path. The basin floor also is accessible at threc points from the maintenance roads. Limited public access to the site will be made available in the form of pedcstrian paths, eight feet in width, around the full perimeter of the site. For safety reasons and for assurance that the biotic plant habitat is maintained, access to the basin needs to be restricted. However, views over and into thc basin will be maintained creating a visual open space heretofore not associated with Area H. Pedestrian access points will be located at the northwest and northeast comers of the site with a stabilized crushed stone surfacc suitable for walking, jogging, cycling, dog-walking, or general use. A 5-foot high security fence will be used to identify public open space and limit access to the basin. This type of fencc will bc an open mesh system between posts with effects similar to ranch walls or equestrian corrals leading through oak groves and woodlands. Appropriate signage limiting use by pedestrians and the public would be posted. 4 A second type of fencing would be located along the northerly property line adjacent t~ ~ p~st~~nï promcnadc and would includc a design fcature along with a second overlook point. Due to its visibility, this fence presents an excellent opportunity to incorporate public art and an intcresting pedestrian edge. The design of this" Art Fence," as it is referred to may ineludc custom panels or graphics which would be coordinated with through the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation (Condition 10). The specific art app1ied to the wall panels would need further coordination, but might feature elements related to storm water managcmcnt, wildlife habitat, weather, and seasonal themes. The pedestrian circulation system also would include lighting along the promenade and "Art Fence" and within the two overlook areas. The 6- foot high chain-link fence adjacent to the 1-580 CalTrans right-of-way would be maintained as is. In addition to clean out activities rclatcd to maintcnance, mosquito abatement and vector control program have been coordinated with the appropriate agencies. Landscaping··· Thc basin largely would be screened by low land forms and tree plantings along thc casterly, westerly, and southerly edges. The east and west edges are partially screened by oak plantings to create a park-like environment and to screen potential parking areas ITom eventual connnercial development on either sidc. The frontage along 1-580 has been designed to screen the basin from view and provide passing vehicles with an attractive but subtle landscape bnffer. The intent is to create a foreground for distant views to the surrounding hillsides. The pedestrian promenade along the north edge of the basin will provide a transitional buffer for future development on the adjacent property within Area H. In keeping with the Storm Water Management Plan, tbe landscape and planting design will include a variety of native species, grasses, woody shrubs, and trces, as well as selected non-native species in distinct arcas a10ng the basin top pcrimeter. The top of the slopes and perimeter plantings would be morc formal and uniform for compatibility with the streetscape of future developmCl1t anticipated for Area H. The side slopes of the basin would be planted with a mixtnre of nativc grasses, shrubs, and trees to create an environment similar to the regional hills. The lower part of the basin would be planted with a variety of native plants with a naturalistic condition similar to a stream corridor. The planting design along the low-flow channel and within the basin floor aims to maximize water treatment functions while establishing a self-sustaining riparian habitat. The level and type of vegetation management and maintenance will be by zone according to the type ofplantings and the image to be created. The proposed project will not impact views on surrounding and adjacent properties. The proposed landscaping has been designed to bc compatible and complementary to the type anticipated for thc adjacent properties within Area H. On-site landscaping combined with compliance with streetscape standards would provide continuity of the proposed use with the surrounding sites and create a visitor- friendly environment. Effective Date of Approval: The Site Development Review Application for the project would not be effective until the City Council approves thc PD Stage 2 Rezone and the Parcel Map is approved for the project. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: An lnitial Study was prepared for PA 98-070, the Stage 1 Planned Dcvelopment approval for Area H (SCH #99-1120412), and a determination was made that the project is within the scope of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment, for which a Program EIR was certified (SCH #91- 103064) in 1993 including revisions to Part 1 of the Responses to Comments relating to the Kit Fox, the Addendum to the DEIR dated May 4, 1993, and a DKS Associates Traffic Study dated December 15, 1992 ("Eastern Dublin EIR"). The City also adopted a mitigation-monitoring program, which included 5 numerous measurcs intendcd to rcduce impacts from the development of the Eastern D~b~n ~a\. 9:! timing for impleroentation of these mitigation measures is summarized in thc adoptcd Mitigation and Monitoring Program matrix. Thc Initial Study prepared for P A 98-070, the Program EIR along with all subsequent Supplements, and adopted Mitigation and Monitoring Program adequately address anticipated environmcntal impacts resulting from the proposcd projcct for thc purpose of compliance with CEQA. The project: a) is consistent with the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and Planned Development zoning; b) will occur within the Dublin City limits on a site that is planned to be surrounded by urban uses; c) has no exiting value as habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species; d) will not result in any significant negative effects relating to traíÌÌc, noisc, air quality, or water quality; and e) will be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. CONCLUSION: Thc proposcd Stagc 2 Developmcnt Plan is consistent with the General Plan, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and the Planned Development zoning and development standards approved under P A 98-070 of which the proposed project is a part. A detention basin of this scope and in this vicinity is a necessity for implementation of the Dublin Ranch Master Plan. Geotechnical invcstigations and an independent report concluded that the soils conditions, stability, and topography of the site are suitable for the proposed llSe. The proposed Site Development Review is consistent with the Stage 2 Development Plan proposed with this application for PA 05-005. By treating the basin as a landscaped open space area to the maximum extent feasible, the proposed design successfully integrates watcr quality function, visual and usable open space, and ecological benefit. 'The project is an example of creative and imaginative design that promotes anlenities beyond those typical for the proposed use and utilizes design features to achieve compatibility with the surrounding and adjacent uses. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) open Public Hearing, 2) receive Staff presentation; 3) receive Public testimony; 4) close Public Hearing; 5) deliberate; and 6) Adopt a Resolution (Attachment I) recommending City Council approval ofPA 05-005 Stage 2 Development Plan, 7) adopt a Resolntion (Attachment 2) recommending City Council approval ofPA 05-005 Site Development Review for Area H Water Quality Control Basin submitted by James Tong on behalf of Chang Su-O Lin, Hong Yao Lin, and Hong Licn Lin to implement the conditions of approval for the development of Dublin Ranch and satisfy the requirements ofthe Regional Water Quality Control Board. 6 GENERAL INFORMATION: PROPERTY OWNER: APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONING: GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION: SPECIF1C PLAN/LAND USE DESIGNATION: C)h'Ö/D7 Chang Su-O, Un, Hong Yao Lin, and Hong Lien Lin 7707 Koll Drive, Suite 120 Pleasanton, CA 94566 J ames Tong on behalf of The Lin Family 7707 Koll Center Parkway, Suite 120 Pleasanton, CA 94566 South of the proposed extension of Dublin Boulevard and north of I~580 between the proposed extensions of BralliÙgan Street and Keegan Street (Currently part of APN #985-0009-15) Lot 3 pending approval of Tentative Parcel Map 8640 (PD) Planned Development - Campus Officc Campus Office Eastern Dublin Specific Plan - Campus Office 7 crz.ÓblD1 AGENDA STATEMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR August 10, 2005 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: 1. RECOMMENDATION: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PUBLIC HEARING: PA 05-005 Tentative Parcel Map 8640 for Jamcs Tong on behalf of Chang Su-O Lin, Hong Yao Lin, and Hong Licn Lin, Area H of Dublin Ranch Report Prepared by Mike Porto, Consulting Planner Resolution approving PA 05-005 Tentative PaTceJ Map 8640 (Map attached as Exhibit A to the Resolution). Opcn Public Hearing. Receive Staff Presentation, Receive Public Testimony. Closc Public Hearing. Deliberate. Adopt Resolution (Attachment I) approving PA 05-005 Tentative Parccl Map 8640. . The proposed Tentative Parcel Map 8640, located within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area, is comprised of Area H, which is a portion of thc I, I 19-acre Dublin Ranch Master Plan, approved in 1999. The area within the boundaries of the proposed Tentative Parcel Map was initially subdivided as Parcel 9 of Tract No. 7148, recorded in February 14, 2001. Tentativc Parcel Map 8640 is locatcd south of the proposed extension of Dublin Boulevard and north of Interstate Highway 580 (1-580), generally between the proposed extensions of Brannigan and Keegan Streets, two north-south collector streets. The subject site generally is flat, gently sloping to the south and southwest with a gradc diffcfCntial of approximately four feet. The property is currently vacant grassland, formerly used for hay farming or grazing livestock. The site has been significantly filled. Area H, along with Areas F and G, was the subject of a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan land use an1endment approved in MaTch 2000 by City Council Resolution No. 35-00. A Stage 1 Dcvclopmcnt Plan and Planncd Development zoning for Area H (P A 98-070) was approved by Ordinance No. 6~00. The Stage 1 Development Plan provided for three devclopment sites to be used as General Commercial and Campus Office with the ultimatc (non-residential) building area ranging from 950,479 squarc fcct to 1,244,945 squarc fcct. Surrounding uses include; 1) To the north, Area G is currently being developed with High Density residential developments (Neighborhoods H·l and H-2) and a future neighborhood commercial center currently vacant hut being marketed for development as "The Promanade"; 2) To the east, Dublin Ranch Area C - currcntly vacant, planned for Campus Office and General Commercial uscs; 3) To the south - Interstate Highway 580 and the city boundary with the City of Plcasanton; and 4) To the west - vacant COPIES TO: Applicant Property Owner G:\PA#\2005\05~OO:S Waler Quality Pond Area II\CDD lIearing\CDD SR Tentative Map,doc ÀmeR~ q3 {'y-¡ ID7 land plall11ed for General Commercial uses. The proposed Tentative Parcel Map 8640 would subdiv'ráe 66.303 (gross) acres into three parcels consistent with the approved Stagc I Development Plan but in a slightly modified configuration than initially approved. The Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) has applied certain standards and regulations to the development of the whole Dublin Ranch project, addressing the treatment of storm watCT runoff To satisfy these requircmcnts, Parccl 3 of Tcntative Parcel Map 8640 would serve as a catch basin, but would bc developed as an aesthetic, state-of-the-art water quality pond. An application for a Stage 2 Planned Development/Site Development Review for Parcel 3 has been submitted for presentation to the Planning Commission. The intent is 10 provide visual relief and open space while satisfying the water quality requirements and conditions of the RWQCB. ANALYSIS: The Stage 1 Development Plan approved in 2000 genCTally established the development three sites with the following land uses: Deverø··· Ht'Slte Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 TOTAL Pró_li!d. LIÍ/ÍcfU$!I General Commercial General Commercial/Cam us Office Cam us Office Area 16.4 ac. 10.5 ac. 43.9 ac. 70.8 ac. Due to the installation of somc infrastructurc and more precise plans for road alignments, the resulting acreage of Area H is somewhat less than identified in the Stage 1 Development Plan. Thc thrce parcels created by the proposed Tentative Parcel Map 8640 would be developed and used as follows: PARCEL PARCEL 1 PARCEL 2 PARCEL 3 TOTAL Þj'JA 26.838 ac. 28.272 ac. 11.193 ac. 66.303 ac. í:!IJi!Ö$~r.'¡¡I.r:fJe Based on a Maximum Floor to Area Ratio (FAR) of .25:1 for General Commercial and .45:1 for Campus Office, the approved Stage 1 Development Plan potentially would allow the area to be developed with the following range of alternatives: Use AlternatlV:e1 AI/Í Alternative 3 General Commercial 390,951 sf 292,941 sf 178,596 sf Campus Office 559,528 sf 860,528 sf 1,066,349 sf TOTAL 950,479 sf 1,153,469 sf 1,244,945 sf No residential uses are proposed. Approval of the Final Parcel Map will be conditioned to require the submission of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) regarding maintenance of all common areas and facilities. Easement dedications, also included as conditions of approval, would be established for maintenance and emCTgency vehicle acccss. Some public access to the water quality pond site as an open space amenity is anticipated. 2 COn.\·i.\'tenLY with the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance: Tentative Parcel Map 8640 is consistent with the City of Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and thc Dublin Zoning Ordinance as it would meet the minimum lot sizes establishcd by the Stage 1 Development Plan, and will allow for development in accordance with the designated land uses. For each of the three parcels, a Stage 2 Planned Development/Site Development Review will subsequently be subnlitled for review and approval. qt/ Gð ID7 Agency Review: This project has been reviewed by other City departments, and tlleir requirements have been incorporated as Conditions of Approval in the attached Resolution (Attachment 1 ). CONCLUSION: Tentative Parcel Map 8640 will allow for the creation of three parcels. Parcels 1 and 2 would allow for the future development of General Commercial and Campus Office Uses as envisioned in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and Gcncral Plan. Parccl 3 is proposcd to bc developed as a storm water catch basin/water quality pond in accordance with conditions of approval and current Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) requirements and regulations for the Dublin Ranch project. Tentativc Parcel Map is consistent with the City of Dublin General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (as amended by Resolution No. 35-00), and the approved Stage 1 Development Plan (PA 98-070) as approved by Ordinance No. 6-00. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: An Initial Study was prepared for the Stage I Planned Development approval for Area H (SCH #99- 1120412), and a determination was made that the project is within the scope of the Eastern Dublin Spccific Plan and General Plan Amendment, for which a Program EIR was certified (SCH #91-103064) in 1993 including revisions to Part 1 of the Responses to Comments relating to the Kit Fox, the Addendum to the DEIR dated May 4, 1993, and a DKS Associates Traffic Study dated December 15, 1992 ("Eastern Dublin ElR"). The City also adopted a mitigation-monitoring program, which includcd numcrous measures intcndcd to reduce impacts from the development of thc Eastern Dnblin area. The timing for implementation of these mitigation measures is snmmarized in the adopted Mitigation and Monitoring Program matrix. The Initial Study prepared for P A 98-070, the Program EIR along with all subsequent Supplements, and adopted Mitigation and Monitoring Program adequately address anticipated environmental impacts resulting rrom the proposed project for the purpose of compliance with CEQA. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Community Development Director, 1) Open the Public Hearing, 2) Receive Staff presentation; 3) Receive Public testimony; 4) Close Public Hearing; 5) Deliberate; and 6) Adopt a Resolution (Attachment 1) approving PA 05-005 Tentative Parcel Map 8640 for Area H of Dublin Ranch submitted by Jamcs Tong on behalf of Chang Su-O Lin, Hong Yao Lin, and Hong Lien Lin. 3 GENERAL INFORMATION: 960 lOi APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: LOCATION: ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER (APN): EXISTING ZONING: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: SPECIFIC PLAN DESIGNATION: James Tong on behalf of Chang Su-O, Lin, Hong Yao Lin, and Hong Lien Lin 7707 Koll Drive, Suite 120 Pleasanlon, CA 94566 Chang Su-O, Lin, Hong Yao Lin, and Hong Lien Lin 7707 Koll Drive, Suite 120 Pleasanton, CA 94566 South of the proposed extension of Dublin Boulevard and north of T-580 between the proposed extensions of Brannigan Street and Keegan Street 985-0009-15 (PD) Planned Development - General Commercial and Campus Office General Commercial and Campus Office Eastern Dublin Specific Plan - Genera] Commercial and Campus Office 4 ----., q{¡; I5D 10 7 Planning COlnmissiollMinutes CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL A regular meeting of the City of Dublin Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, August 9, 2005, in the Council Chambers located at 100 Civic Plaza. Chair s<:haub called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present: Chair Schaub, Commissioners Biddle, Fasulkey, King, and Wchrenberg; Jeri Ram, Planning Manager; Michael I'orto, Planning Consultant; and Renuka Dhadwal, Recording Secretary. ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS TO THE AGENDA - None MINYTES OF PREVIOUS MEI\::r;:INGS - The July 26, 2005 minutes were approved as submitted. ORAL COMMUNICATION At this time, members of the audience are permitted to addres..~ the Planning Commission on any Hem(s) of interest to the public; however, no ACTION or DISCUSSION shall take place on any item whkh is NOT On the Planning Commission Agenda. The Commission may respond briefly to statements made Or questions posed, or may request Staff to report back at a future meeting concerning the matter. Furthermorc, a member of the Planning Commission may direct Staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. Any person may arrange with the Planning Manager (no later than 11:00am, on the Tuesday preceding a regular meeting) to have an item of concern placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting. CONSf:NT CALENDAR - None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None PUBLIC HEARINGS 8.1 PA 05-005 Dublin Raneh Regional Water Quality Control Basin - The proposed development consists of an 11.13 acre area with a Water Quality Pond, open space and landscaping to comply with the requirements of the Regional Water Quality Control Board for storm water treatment for Dublin Ranch. This projeçt includes a Stage 2 Planned Development Plan and Site Development Review. Chair Schaub asked for the staif report. Michael Porto, Planning Consultant, presented the specifics of the project as outlined in the staff report. He stated that Chris Guillard, the Landscape Architect for the Developer, would be presenting a detailed report on the landscaping and specifics for the Basin. Cm. Wehrenberg asked if there are plans for any more of such Basins in the future planned along this corridor. Mr. Porto responded that none that Staff is aware of, Mr. Porto indicated the areas on a map which would funnel the water into this basin and carry the water through the G3 ehannel under the freeway and would ultimately drain into the ocean. Chair S<:haub opened the public hearing. ATTACHMENT 8 íf(a-nn'rI¡j ('ø~lJ isS'im~ I«m"14rw",,,"Il 107 fl"ll"-" 9, 2otl, Martin Inderbit.æn, represeatative of the Applicant and Developer, spoke about the variou?¡fl1v~pÎ processes that the Applicant went through. One of the approvals needed by the Applicant was by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQC'B) as it relates to the Porter-Cologne Act which governs clcan water in California and the Federal Clean Water Act. Heindicated that the Board (RWQCB) required the Applicant to provide a basin to collect the storm water for that area (Area F, Area ß, Area C and Area H) and then release it in the G3 channel. He stated that there are a variety of ways to deal with the treatment of storm water aaù they vary according to the jurisdiction and project and also by individual personnel in the RWQCB. Based on the size of the project, the Applicant felt that the proposed project was an ideal way to capture the storm water. The proposed project gives an opportunity to create opea space irt an area where it would not have been a possibility. ChrÍ5 Guillard, Landscape Architect for the project, gave a detailed presentation and talked about the landscaping for the project, the treatment and maintenance of the Basin. Some of the key issues kept in mind while creating the dcsign for this basirt were, how the water would be treated, what types of vegetation is suitable for such basins. maintenance issues, is there an opportunity to provide public access and whilc addrcssing these issues provide an opportunity to create a cohesive open space plan based on the location of the basin, provide ecological value and habitat. He pointed out some of the key constraint/;; hydrology, soils, land use efficiency, treatment parameters, visual, vector control and mairttenance monitoring and safety concerns, Keeping irt mind all these constraints CMG came up with a landscape design which integrates the ecological and thc utilitarian requirements of the basin. Mr. Guillard presented the different features of the project: a. Landscape form along the 1-580 corridor providing a screen betweea the freeway and the basin. b. An access road on top of the basÌI:I for maintenance trucks and a limited pedestrian use. The road would be made of stabilized crushed stone paving surface ideal for jogging and walking and which is ADA compliant. c. A 5-foot fence which wraps around the Basin placed below the site line but above the maximum water height. d, Series of access roads that take the maintenance vehides down into the basin to maintain the various parts of the basin that require maintenance, primarily outfall areas such as the forebay structures and the permanent pool area and access from this area to the bottom of the basin for vegetation mailltenance and vector coatrol issues. e. Series of overlooks, one on the south side of the basin and one on the north side of the basin. These would serve as paSBive areas for people to gather in a park like environment as the area develops around the basin in the future. £. G3 culvert, which is a large box culvert which carries water through pipes aad connects to the ocean. Mr. Guillard explain..d in detail the gravity flow of the water, the depth of the forebay areas, the water quality volume and the pump that would drain the water into the G3 channel. Cm. Schaub asked if the City would maintain the pump. Mr. Porto responded that the City would not be maintaining the pump. g. Fence layout h. Water surface Cm. Biddle expressed concerns regardinB th.. amount of water that the basin would retain. He felt that based on land irrigation and the number of car washes, the basin may be holding a large amount of waler. Mr. Guillard responded that the current gauge readings indicate that there will be continuous water flow ÌI:I the basin. Based on the weather conditions there may be times when there is a low water flow in the basin. I Ie explained that the water that the basin will retain would be not only from storms but ground water as well. Q.14JHÜ"H Co-mmi.\"Jicm iJet:g""t" ~"Jdettinl) 108 )I "II"'¡¡ 9. 1Ql)J q~ Ôt /07 ern. Schaub asked what if the water begins to dry aod in that sceoario what are We left willi. Mr. GuilJard responded that it would be a cooventional detention basm which would be dry at all limes except when it is detaining water. In that situatioo what oeeds to be er1sured is that there is positive drainage from one end to the other so that all the water drains out of the bas:iI1 and can be pumped out. an. Schaub asked if there is an in-between stage where it can't pump all of it out and there is water standing for a month. Mr. Guillard responded no and added that the system is designed to allow the basin to be pumped down all the way by stopping the water at the outfalls, pumping it dry for maintenance purposes or mosquito abatement m the future. Cm. Fasulkey asked who would be operating the pump. Mr. GuiIlard responded that the property owner's association will take care of th... maintenance of the basin and the pump. Cm. Wehrenberg expressed concerns about the vector control maintenance and wondered if the measures taken were adequate enough. Mr. Guillard r...sponded that with the facilities such as the one proposed the bif,gest concern is vector control. However, the proposed project anticipates a luw fluw creating ao ecosystem that will keep the mosquitoes naturally in check by allowing other in&ects that would naturally prey on the mosquitoes to inhabit that envir011ment. Furthermore the level of maintenance access anticipatcd for the project will allow the Mosquito Abatemeot District plenty of room to address any vegetatiun issues. All the slopes have been designed to make sure there is ample flow and velocity through these low flow channels to the permaneot pool to make sure there is no standing water in those areas. Mr. Porto stated that the Mosquito Abatement District sent a letlerin support of this type of solution and they are encouraged that it will put them m a positioo where their involvement would be very minimal since the system will tale care of itself. Crn. King asked if it is typical to have mosquito fish in the permanent water areas. Mr. Guillard stated that it is and the Developer will be stocking the permanent pool area with mosquito fish. Cm. King further asked if the water m the perrnaneot basin built up any toxicity due to the fact that it is accumulating run off water. Mr. Gaillard responded that with water moving through the system at a constant rate, that water will be moving through the low flow area and being filtered which will prevent any kind of toxicity water buildup. Cm. Fasulkey asked is it correct that the main intent of this basin is to collect iterns that flow down the storm drains such as tennis balls, base balls etc. Mr. Guillard responded that the types of pollutants that are being addressed are less debris oriented and more sediment. There is a lot of dust that collects on streets and when it rains that dust has large amount of particuJate sediment that i5 in the stonn drain flow. Additionally, there are oils and other petroleum products that are draining out of cars that are a factor, chemicals, fertilizers, nitrogen and phosphorous that can cause water quality problems. A basin like this is set up to effectively treat all those as well as debris. Mr. Porto further addect that the mission of RWQCB is to provide dean and dear water into the bay, therefore they look upon cities and other agencies to find a way to dear up that water and take out all the pollutants mentioned by Mr. Guillard so that the water that gets to the bay is better water. Mr. Guillard then walked through the landscape and design for the water basin. These are some of the fea hires: ít'fanni,,[/ (1nrwriss-Ù'I" '1I.Mu("r>Ile.!in¡¡ 109 )1"I1"<l9,2U(}j' 1. The top edge of the basm ha.~ been formally landscaped and gives a California Grass2~ ~.I Dì 2. The bottom of the basin has a mixl:ure of different types of planting wlùch will be very naturalistic. It has been designed to have a very riparian wetland environment. The key is that each of those planting types is zoned to the different levels of inundation and proxinùty to ground water so that they will survive the different water conditions. 3. The tree planting for the site has been designed to act as a screen along 1-580. This is a key feature of the water basin because over time these trees wil18hade the pools and also prevents invasive plant material from getting into the pool areas. 4. On the north edge of the basin a pedestrian promenade has been designed. There will trees to the sides of the basin providing screenirlg for the basin. Cm. Schaub asked if the trees were going to be irrigated. Mr. Guillard explained that the basin would be irrigated in two ways. The areas above the elevation of the winter storm water level (339) will be permanently irrigated. The areas below that will have a temporary irrigation system for establishment of the plant material. 5. Thc key feature is a divider ridge and is meant to direct water coming out of the outfall through the system so it get¡; filtered before it gets pump cd off into the channel. It is a large landform in the middle of the basin. 6. A stone crushed pathway. 7. The existing fence along 1-580 will be retained and a new fence along the future right-of-way will be constructed. Preliminary graphic presentation of the str~tscape was presented. 8. Streetscape along the north edge and on the sides will be created. The str~t¡;cape On the north edge will be completed at a later date concurrent with furore development in Area H and not as a part of the initial basin construction. There will be a 5·ft fence not visible from street which would primarily be vinyl coated chain linked with a one-inch mesh. Cm. Fasulkey asked if the oak trees were regional species or from the east coast. Mr. Guillard responded that they will all be California species. Cm. Fasulkey expressed concerns regarding the conditions of approvaJ for landscaping and if Staff would keep track to ensure they were implemented. Ms. Ram responded that the spiral bound book circulated with the staff report has a list of all the plant species. Mr. Porto further added that the Oty's Landscape Architect has been working with Mr. Guillard and has reviewed all the species mentioned and has included them in the conditions of approval. Cm. Wehrenberg wanted to know the size of the trees and their containers. Mr. GuilJard responded that the way the plan has been developed is that they are saplings up to 36" boxed trees. The idea there is to get value by having initial irultalliltion at the bottom of the basin with quicker growing trees and then have larger trees on the top edge of the basin. The 36" boxed lree is going to vary by species, but typically in the range of about 15 - t 8 ft tall and about 2-3 inches of diameter at the base. There was a discussion and concern among the Commissioners in relation to plant species and if the Developer would adhere to the approved landscaping plan. Mr. Porto explained that during plan check the Developer is required to submit landscaping plans based on the approval and Staff at that time would ensure that the Developer follows the conditions of approval. em. Wehrenberg asked if the seeds for the riparian plantation would be collected or if the Developer proposes to use a nursery, Mr. Guillard responded that there are a variety of native plant nurseries that propagate that type of plant material. Cm. Wehrenberg further asked if the water department is requiring the Developer to have this type of vegetation. Mr, Gl1i11ard answered that it is a combination ~P{an'1lt1IJj (.'tJ1Jit",:.r¡Ùj,. ~~lllIllf!lIm'''1J llO A "11"'" 9, JQI}J ICO ÔÒ 107 of the understanding of the need to have a type of landscape that would survive this envirorunent and also the requirement by the RWQCB. Cm. Schaub had concerns regarding the maintenance of the pond and the possible dominance of species that may cause pollutants. Mr. Guillard explained the maintenance proCeS5 for the basin. During the initial establishment period the basin will require weeding to prevent the invasive from out competing the planted material and mowing at the proper time of year. On the design side, CMG has worked with Horticulturists and Ecologists on the project to select specie!! that are native but will have a high rate of success in terms of establishing themselves and competing with the invasive species. The pallet designed is based on their recommendations. Cm. Wehrenberg asked what type of maintenance contract will be put in place. Mr. Guillard responded that for the first year maintenance would be covered through the construction maintenance and after that the Property Owncr's Association would be responsible for the maintenance through the CC&Rs. But, if the Property Owner's Association is not established by that time, then the current Owner will be responsible for its maintenance under the maintenance plan developed and reviewed by the RWQCB. Mr. Porto added that the RWQCB is involved in the functional part of the basin and the Oty's responsibility is to ensure that the maintenanct' iss\l€s are addressed. em. Schaub asked what were the types of fences that were considered by CMG prior to deciding on the chain link. Mr. Guillard responded iliat CMG considered open mesh fence and tubular steel fences but they were not choscn because of their design as well as cost. A chain link fence will blend more with the environment. Cm. Biddle stated that the project has been designed to give a park like look by restricting public access to the top edge of the basin but, would a 5--.ft fence keep the public out. Mr. Guillard responded that adequate signag" would address the liability and safety issues. Mr, Porto further added that the Police Department has reviewed the Developer's proposal and are comfortable with the proposed security measures. Cm. King stated that th" public promenade d"signed on the north edge of the basin is vague. He would like to know what the trigger point would be to develop that area. Mr. Indebitzen responded that the design for the north edge of the basin has not been finalized pending the development of its adjacent property. The Developer would like this edge to integrate well with the future developmenl and h"nc" Ih" reason to delay th" improvements for this edge. The infrastructur" to aCcess Ihis site needs to be completed first. Cm. King stat"d thal he was concerned that the public may lose out on an attractive feature of the basin due to the delay in the development of the surroundmg parcels. There was a dis<.wsion regarding this concern and a condition of approval was requested by the Commission to be included in th" Tentative Parc"l Map addressing Ihis concern. Cm. Fasaulkey wanted to ensure that the concerns expressed by the Commission regarding the north edge improvements would be included in the staff report to the Council. Ms, Ram indiCó\ted that Staff will ensure the concerns are incorporated in the staff report. Mr. Guillard then explaíned the art fence concept to the Commission. He stated that as part of the project a public art fence was proposed to be included, although currently it is stilt undefín"d. IP(~tminB COJ'n1r,Ü;Ù.n 'JIM."" 9t(.<li.~ 111 )/II¡J,,-,t9,200J Mr. Inderbitzen stated that a member of the audience had to leave but had a few concerns re~£~~~ 0 7 project. Jim Johnson, resident of 3765 Pirolico Drive, Pleasanton, had concerns relating to mosquito abatement, ground water contamination and odors from pond during pond maintenance. Mr. Inderbitzen stated that he was able to address two of Mr. Johnson's concerns relating to mosquito abatement and ground water contamination. Mr. Inderbitzen assured Mr. Johnson that he would call him back and answer his question. Cm. Schaub asked for more information related to the maintenance plan. Mr. Inderbitzen talked about the requirements by the RWQCB's Revised Storm Water Management Plan. Chair. Schaub dosed the public hearing. Cm. Fasulkey stated that he had one additional question. Chair Schaub reopened the public hearing. Cm. Fasulk<~y stated that there is no restriction listed in the conditions of approval for wireless antenna. Mr. Porto stated that the current zoning for the property is Planned Development (PD) and a wireless antenna is not a permitted use for that zoning. Mr. Porto indicated that Exhibit B to Attachment 2 Page 2 of the staff report listed the uses permitted under the current zoning. He further added that Staff could add a language in the Stage 2 PD 'prohibiting wireless antennae or cell sites' . Cm. Schaub stated that he would like the minutes to reflect that the Commission made its findings for approving or disapproving a project in the motion section. Ms. Ram pointed out to Cm. Schaub that he could ask the Comrrûssioners to take a look at the findings stated in the resolution (Attachment 2) and see if they agree with them or if they would like to change !hem. Chair Schaub dosed the public hearing. Cm. Wehrenberg commended Mr. Guillard on the report. She commented that she liked the vinyl coated chain linked fence. Cm. Biddle stated that he understood that the construction would start next year but would like to know when it would be completed. Mr. Inderbitzen stated that the Developer anticipates completing most of it n~'Xt year. em. King commented that it is a great project, but would like the motion to include the conçem regarding the trigger point for the improvements on the north edge of the basin. Mr. Porto stated that Staff would review the conditions for the Tentative Parcel Map and add a çondition addressing this issue. Additionally, Staff will also review the Stage 2 PD to reflect the request by em. Fasulkey. Cm. Biddle asked what it would take to turn this into a park. Mr. Porto stated that it had been an internal point of discussion and it was not proposed as a park, On motion by Cm. Fasulkey and modifications so noted, seconded by Cm. Schaub, the Commission made the findings as noted in the Resolution (Attachment 2) and by a vote of 5-0, the Planning Commission unanimously approved: QiJ1fni.rflJ Cornl1n.\'~j¡ f2. :R.,gu":r" ~Vt,)/lll..q 1]2 A "11"-" 9, 2(KJJ 10" ð6 I'D7 RESOLUTION NO. 05 - 46 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE A SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION FOR A STORM WATER QUALITY CONTROL BASIN ON A PORTION OF THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT KNOWN AS DUBLIN RANCH AREA H LOCATED WITHIN THE EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AREA NORTH OF INTERST ATE HIGHWAY 580 AND SOUTH OF THE PROPOSED EXTENSION OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD P A 05-005 Ür1 motion by Cm. fasulkey, seconded by Cm. Schaub, by a vote of 5'(), the Planning COlJurussion unanimously approved RESOLUTION NO. 05 ~ 47 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR A STORM WATER QUALITY CONTROL BASIN ON AN lL196~ACRE SITE WITHIN AREA II OF DUBLIN RANCH LOCATED IN THE EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AREA NORTH OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 580 AND SOUTH OF TIlE PROPOSED EXTENSION OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD P A 05-005 NEW OR UNFINISHED. Non.. OTHER BUSINESS Commission congratulated Ms. Ram on her promotion. Mr. Porto explained that the Commission would be a receiving package on August 12, 2005 for Area F SDR, Stage 2 PD and Tentative Tract Map to be heard before the Commission on August 23r( He indicated that the developer has been instructed to prepare the documeOŒ for easy reading. Cm. Fasulkcy said that he had some concerllB regarding wireless antennae. He showed a copy of an appealable letter. Ms. Ram stated that if he is thinking about appealing then he cannot discuss it before the other Commissioners. She asked him to call her if he has any questions. ADTOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 9:14 pm. Respectfully S~mird, ~#f-/---- Planning Commission Chairperson ArrEST: PlanninC£:ger '¡Ya 1mÙrH ('amnm",i'IO? ' 'RlurJ&~r ;tl.fKt'~H 113 Jf"ll"-!t.9, ](11)5 103 6ò 101 RESOLUTION NO. 05 - 09 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING TENT A TIVE PARCEL MAP 8640 DUBLIN RANCH AREA H PA05-005 ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 985-0009-15 WHEREAS, James Tong on behalf of Chang Su-O Lin, Hong Yaa Lin, and Hong Lien Lin (<OLin Family") has requested approval of Tentative Pareel Map 8640 to subdivide a 66.303-acTe parcel into three parcels located south of the proposed extension of Dublin Boulevard and north of Interstate Highway 580 (1-580) in the Eastcrn Dublin Specific Plan area known as Area H of the Dublin Ranch projcct; and WHEREAS, an Amendmcnt to the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specifíc Plan was approved by the City Council on March 7, 2000 by Resolution No_ 35"00 designating the land uses for development as General Commercial and Campus Office; and WHEREAS, a Stage I Development Plan (PA 00-070) allowing three sites for the development of General Commercial and Campus Office uses was approvcd by Ordinance No. 6-00 on March 21, 2000; and WHEREAS, conditions of approval by thc Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) require a stonn water runoff basin for the Dublin Raneh project in its entirety as a means of satisfying established RWQCB regulations; and WHEREAS, one of the three parcels created by Tentative Parcel Map 8640 will be dedicated exclusively for that use; and WHEREAS, the State of Cali fomi a Subdivision Map Act and the Snbdivision Regulations adopted by City of Dublin require that no real property may be divided into two or more parcels for purpose of sale, lease or financing, unless a tentative map is acted upon, and a final map is approved consistent with thc Subdivision Map Act and City of Dublin Subdivision Regulations; and WHEREAS, a eomplete application for the proposed subdivision is available and on file in the Community Development Department; and WHEREAS, an Initial Study was prepared for the Stage I Planned Development approval for AIea H (SCH #99-1120412), and a detennination was made that the project is within the scope of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment, for which a Program EIR was certified (SCH #91- 103064). The City also adopted a mitigation-monitoring program, which included numerous measures intended to reduce impacts from the development of the Eastern Dublin area. For the purpose of compliance with CEQA, the Initial Study prepared for PA 98-070, the Program EIR along with all subsequent Supplements, and adopted Mitigation and Monitoring Program adequately address anticipated environmental impacts resulting trom the proposed project; and WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map 8640 has been submitted to the City as required by Chapter 9.08 of the Dublin Municipal Code, and T\TTT\CHMENT c¡ lOt.! 6]) 107 WHEREAS, the Community Development Director did hold a public hearing on said application on August I 0, 2005; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said publie hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending the Community Development Director approve Tentativc Parcel Map 8640 subjcct to conditions prcparcd by Staff; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Director did hear and usc indcpcndcnt judgmcnt and considered all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Dublin Community Development Director does hereby find that: A. Tentative Parcel Map 8640 is consistent with thO! intent of applicable subdivision regulations and related ordinances. B. The design and improvements of Tentative Parcel Map 8640 are consistent with the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan objectives, polices, general land uses, and programs as they relate to the subject property in that it is a subdivision for the development of General Commercial and Campus Office uses provided by the Plans, as well as measures addressing public infrastructnre and environmental issues. C. Tentative Parcel Map 8640 is consistent with the General Provisions and Development Standards for the Planned Development Zoning District for the Dublin Ranch project of which the site is a part, and therefore is consistent with the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. D. The project site is located adjacent to major roads, including 1-580 and Dublin Boulevard, on approximately 66.303± gross acres of land with relatively flat topography and is therefore physically suitable for the tyPe and intensity of development proposed. E. With the incorporation of environmental mitigation measures from the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan EIR prepared for the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area, which includes the Dublin Ranch project Areas A through H, the design of the proposed parcel map will not cause environmental damage or substantially injure fish or wildlife of their habitat or cause public health concerns. F. The design of the proposed Tentative Parcel Map 8640 will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, or access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. The City Engineer has reviewed the map and title report and has not found any conflicting easements of this nature. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE City of Dublin Community Development Director hereby conditionally approves Tentative Parcel Map 8640, PA 05-005, to subdivide 66.303± gross acres of land as follows: Parcell - 26.838± acres, Parcel 2 - 28.272± acres, and Parcel 3 - 11.193± acres. Tentative Parcel Map, prepared by MacKay & Somps dated received on August 4, 2005 is labeled Exhibit A to this resolution, stamped approved and on file in the Community Development Department, except as specifically modified by the Conditions of Approval contained below. 2 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL /05 ób 107 Unles~ otherwise stated. all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the approval of the Pinal Map and shall be subiect to Planning Department review and approval. The following codes represent those departments/agencies res-oonsible for monitoring compliance with the Conditions of ArJ11roval: fPLl Plannin¡¡. fBl Buildina. fPOl Police. fPWl Public Works. IADMI Administration,lFINl Finance. fPCSl Parks an'tQQ.mmunitv S~ices. fFl Alameda County Fire Department, fDSRl Dublin San Ramon Services District, rcO] Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Zone 7. GENERAL CONDITIONS I. Code complianee. The projcct shall comply with UfÙform Building and Fire Codes as adopted hy the City of Dublin through completion. (Fire) 2. Site Development Review approval. Approval of Final Parcel Map 8640 is subject to a Stage 2 Development Plan Review for Parcel 3 (pA 05-005). The application currently is pending Planning Commission review and City Council review. 3. Deed of Trust. Immediately upon filing the final map, Applicant will obtain from City and record a partial rcconvcyance of the City's existing deed of trust recorded against the proposed project which secures a $4.5 million loan so that the deed of trust will affect the remainder parcel only. 4. Building Codes and City Ordinances. All project construction shall conform to all applicable building codes and City Ordinances in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. (B) 5. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. The CC&Rs shall be reviewed by the City for compliance with the conditions of approval prior to recording of the Final Parcel Map. 6. Ordinances/General Plan Policies. ApplicantlDeveloper shall comply with the Subdivision Map Act, City of Dublin Subdivision Ordinance, City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance, Public Works Policies, and the City of Dublin General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan prior to the approval of the Final Parcel Map. (PW) (see 1, below) 7. Clarifications and Changes to the Conditions. In the event that there needs to be clarification to these Conditions of Approval. the Directors of Community Development and Public Works have the authority to clarify the intent of these Conditions of Approval to the Applicant/Developer by a written document signed by the Directors of Community Development and Public Works and placed in the project file. TIle Directors also have the authority to make minor modifications to these conditions without going to a publie hearing in order for the ApplicantlDeyeloper to fulfill needed improvements or mitigations resulting from impacts of this project. (PW) 8. Substantial Conformance. Final Parcel Map 8640 shall be substantially in conformance with Tentative Parcel Map 8640 unless otherwise modified by the conditions contained herein. (PW) (see 7, bclow) 9. Tentative Parcel Map Expiration. Tentative Parcel Map 8640 shall have that life determined by !he Snbdivision Map Act, inclnding but not limited to Section 66452.6. (PW) 10. Title Report. A current preliminary title report together with copies of all recorded easements and other encumbrances and copies of Final Maps for adjoining properties and off-site easements shall be submitted for reference as deemed necessary by the City EngineerlDirector of Public Works prior to the approval of the Final Parcel Map. (PW) 1 I. Development of Landsc:ape Easement: The landscape easement along the northerly portion of Parcel 3 shall be designed in conjunction with the development directly adjacent (to the north) on Parcel 2. Landscaping improvements shall be installed on the Parcel 3 landscape easement by the developer of Parcel 2 at the time of development of Parcel 2. The Applicant shall grant the right through this Parcel 3 · /Q(P ób 101 Map (Final Map) to allow the Developer of Parcel 2 to develop aDd install landscape improvements on the Landscape Easement for Parcel 3. Landscape conceptual drawings contained in the SDR approval (P A 05-005) shall guide the design development for the landscape easement but may be adapted to reflect the development scheme and interface with the design on Parcel 2. PtJOI.If WORK..I;J STANDARD CONDITIONS OF AfPROVAL APPLICABLE TO TENTATIVE PARCEl, MAP 8640 1. The ApplicantlDeveloper shall comply with the Subdivision Map Act, the City of Dublin Subdi vision, Zoning, and Grading Ordinances, the City of Dublin Public Works Standards and Policies, amI a\l building and fire codes and ordinances in cfIect at the time of building permit. 2. The ApplicantJDcveloper shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Dublin and its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Dublin or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Dublin or its advisory agency, appcal board, Planning Commission, City Council, Community Dcvc1opme.nt Director, Zoning Administrator, or any other department, committee, or agency of the City related to this project to the extcnt such actions are brought within the time pl'riod required by Governml'nt Codl' Section 66499.37 or other applicable law; provided, howcvcr, that the ApplicantIDevelop"r's duty to so dcfcnd, indl'mnify, and hold harmless shall be subject to the City's promptly notifying the ApplicantlDcvc!oper of any said claim, action, or proceeding and the City's full cooperation in the defense of such actions or proceedings. 3. Applicant/Ðeveloper shall obtain a GradinglSitework Permit from the Public Works Department for all private grading and sitc improvements. 4. ApplicantJDeveloper shall obtain all permits required by other agencies including, but not limited to Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Zone 7, California Department of Fish and Game, Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Board, Caltrans and provide copies of the permits to the Public Works Department. 5. All submittals of plans and Final Maps shall comply with the requirements of the "City of Dublin Public Works Department Improvement Plan Snbmittal Requirements," and the "City of Dublin Improvement Plan Review Check List." 6. ApplicantlDeveloper shall provide the Public Works Department a digital vectorized file of the "master" files for the project when the Final Map has been approved, Digital raster copies are not acceptable. The digital vectorized files shall bc in AutoCAD 14 or higher drawing format. Drawing units shall be decimal with the precision of the Final Map. All objects and entities in layers shall be colored by layer and naIned in English. All submitted drawings shall use the Global Coordinate System of USA, California, NAD 83 California State Plane, Zone m, and U.S. foot. 7. The Final Map shaH be substantiaHy in accordlUlce with the Tentative Map approved with this application, unless otherwise modified by these conditions. POLICE STANDARD CONDITIONS 8. The Developer shall comply with all applicable City of Dublin Non Residential Security Ordinance requirements. 4 1076Ò 107 9. Pathways around the site shall be designed to support the weight and width of emergency reSponse vehicles to aid in police patrols and emergency response situations. to. Locked gates will provide for emcrgency vehicle access. 11. Restricted areas will he posted as such. 12. The Developcr and/or Property Owner shall keep the site clear of graffiti vandalism on a regular and continuous basis at all times. FIRE STANDARD CONDITIONS 13. The access roads shall be able to support the weight ofthe fire apparatus. 14. Provide Knox boxes at the gates. Ine Knox box shall contain a key that opens the gate. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 10Ih day of August, 2005. Æ c &Jdio rt:f. dy, k AI P Community Development Director A TrEST: ~u/1?~ Mic aet Porto Project Planner ...............~'-,-~ G;\PAtI\200S\OS-005 Water Quality Pond Area HICDD H...-ingICDD Reso 8·1 O-OS.doc 5