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File # D[9J~[DJ-~(2]
PUBLIC HEARING PA 04-042 Sorrento at Dublin Ranch Area F (south
of Gleason Drive) amendment to PA 01-037 Stage I Planned Development
zoning and Stage 2 Planned Development zoning, submitted by Toll
Brothers, Inc. and James Tong on behalf of Chang Su-O (aka Jennifer) Lin,
et. Al - 2nd Reading At'. .
Ri!porl Prepared hy Mike Porto, Consulting Planni!r ...)~.
Ordinance adopting an amendment to PA 01-037 Stage 1 Planned
Development zoning and approval of Stage 2 Planned Development
(PO) zoning for Sorrento at Dublin Ranch Area FEast & Area F
West (south of Gleason Drive), with Development Plan attached as
Exhibit A
Open Public Hearing
Receive Staff Presentation
Hear Public Testimony
Close Public Hearing
Waive the 2nd reading and adopt an Ordinance amending PA 01-037
Stage 1 Planned Development zoning and approving Stage 2
Planned Development (PO) zoning for Sorrento at Dublin Ranch
Area FEast & Area F West (south of Gleason Drive), with
Development Plan attached as Exhibit A.
No financial impact.
The proposed project, Sorrento at Dublin Ranch, is located in Area F of Dublin Ranch within the
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area. The I 24.S-acre project area comprises the southerly portion of Area F
(south of Gleason Drive). The project site generally is bounded by the proposed extension of Gleason
Drive on the north, Central Parkway on the south, the proposed extension of Brannigan Street on the west,
and the proposed extension of Lockhart Street on the east. Dublin Ranch Area F North, which is not a
part of this project, includes development of240 units of Low and Medium Density residential use within
Neighborhood FI and Neighborhood F2 (north of Gleason Drive), and currently is under construction by
Pulte Homes.
Sorrento at Dublin Ranch is proposed to include 1,111 units within two master Vesting Tentative Traets
COPIES TO: Applicant
Property own=-fo ?
G:\PA#\2004\04-042 Toll Area. F & B\CC\CCSR 1042nd·reading.doc
comprised often neighborhood subdivisions which allow lor a variety of housing types. Area F West
(Neighborhoods 1 through 5) would be located between the proposed extensions of Brannigan and
Grafton Streets, and Area F East (Neighborhoods 6 through 10) would be located between the proposed
extensions of Grafton and Lockhart Streets, west of the proposed 60+ acre community sports park. The
proposed project also includes an elementary school, a neighborhood park, a neighborhood square,
vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems, and both public and private areas designated for open space
and recreational use.
The project site is currently vacant, rolling hills of non-native grasses and barren oftrees, formerly used
for dry land farming and livestock grazing. As with all eastern Dublin land, the project site slopcs from
the north and northeast to the south and soutl1west. Tn keeping with the existing hillside topography, the
proposed design concept proposed by the applicant is that of an Italian Hill town overlooking the Village
Center to be developed to the south. This design concept allows the architecture and structures to
conform to the contours of the hillside and creates opportunities to minimize the need for overgrading and
extensive use of retaining walls. Ncighborhood design will emphasize pedestrian circulation links.
To further convey the theme, arehitcctural styles are proposed which emphasi>:e elements typical of Italian
hill towns in various regions. Elevations and color palettes would be used to establish standards for
neighborhood quality and identity_ An architectural style will be applied to each of the 10 neighborhoods
to create variety, visual interest, and distinct identities while maintaining consistency with the over all
theme. All units are intended to be sold as single family lots or condominiums.
Stage 1 Planned Development zoning for all of Area F was approved in April 2004 by PA 01-037 (Ord.
No. 12-04). At that time, a total of i,290 units were established for all of Area F. The approved plan
prior to that time included a total of 1,426 units and a transitional land use of Medium Density
Residential/Community Park (MICP). This transitional land use dcsignation allowed for the development
of 130 units and a buffer between the residential neighborhoods and the proposed Community Park. The
current application would allow for 1,111 units to be developed within 105 gross acres designated for
Medium Density Residential use; this ratio corresponds to a proposed average density of 1O.5S units per
acre_ The total number of units for Area F in its cntirety would increase from the previous development
plan to 1,351 units. However, the resulting density would remain consistent with the Medium Density
Residential land use designation (6.1 to 14 units per aerc) in the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin
Sped fie Plan. An amendment to P A 01-037 would be required as a result of the proposed increase.
The Stage 2 Planned Development zoning also would apply to the 105 acres of Medium Density
Residential within Area F West and Area F East. The Development Regulations set forth separate
standards specific to each of the 10 neighborhoods within this PD zone. These standards conform to the
Residential Development Guidelines presented and adopted with the Stage 1 Development Plan P A 01-
037. The Stage 2 PD zoning also includes a development plan, phasing plan, street cross sections,
residential design guidelines (including architccture), and design elements for pedestrian and vchicular
circulation, streetscape, and recreational components of the plan.
Other approvals associated with the proposed project include a Site Developmcnt Review (SDR) and
Vesting Tentative Parcel Maps. At its meeting of September 13, 2005, Planning Commission adopted
Resolution 05-52 approving: a) two Master Vesting Tentative Tract Maps creating Area F West and Area
FEast; b) ten Vesting Tentative Tract Maps creating individual lots and condominium parcels within
Neighborhoods 1 through 10; and c) SDR approvals for Area F West (including Neighborhoods 1 through
5) and Area F East (including Neighborhoods 6 through 10). The Planning Commission also adopted
Resolution 05-051 recommending City Council approval of: 1) the amendment to P A 01-037 regarding
the proposed increase in the maximum number of units for Area F; and 2) Stage 2 Planned Development
(PD) zoning for Area F West and Area F East and along with the Stagc 2 Development Plan. Tn
accordance with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, a Developmcnt Agreement specific to PA 04-042 also
will be a requirement for this project.
2 Dö~
On March 16,2004, an ETR Addendum relatcd to PA 01-037 was certified by City Council Resolution
No. 43-04 pursuant to CEQA Guidclines Section 15164. A determination has bcen made for the project
proposed under this application P A 04-042 that it has been adequately addressed in the 2004 EIR
Addendum and would cause no environmental impacts bcyond those previously identified and addressed.
City Council Action
On September 20, 2005, the City Council held a public hearing and heard a presentation from Staff and
the Applicant for the proposed project. At that time, the City C.ouncil waived tbe reading and introduced
an Ordinance amending Stagc I Planned Development zoning for PA 01~037 and approving Stage 2
Planncd Development zoning for Sorrento at Dublin Ranch Area F (south of Gleason Drive) PA 04-042.
As required by the City of Dublin Municipal Code, a second reading of thc proposed Ordinance is
. necessary prior to final adoption.
Staff rceommends that the City Council: 1) Open the Public Hearing, 2) Receive Staffs presentation; 3)
Hear Public testimony; 4) Close tbe Pllblic Hearing,S) Deliberate; and 6) Waive the 2nd reading and adopt
the Ordinance (Attachment 1) amending PA 01-037 Stage 1 Planned Developmcnt zoning and approving
Stage 2 Planned Development zoning for Sorrento at Dublin Ranch Area FEast & Area F West (south of
Gleason Drive), with the Development Plan attached as Exhibit A.
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Section 1. RECITALS
A. By Ordinance No. 12-04, the City Council rezoned the approximately 2S5.4 acres known
as the Dublin Ranch Area F to a Planned Development Zoning District and adopted Stage 1 Development
Plan zoning (P A 01-037) which, among other approvals, established the maximum number of units in
Area F at 1,290 uni ts.
B. This Ordinance amends the Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning for PA 01-037 adopted
by City Council Ordinance 12-04 to allow the maximum of units to be 1,351 units - 240 units north of
Gleason Drive and 1,111 units south of Gleason Drive.
C. This Ordinance also adopts a Stage 2 Development Plan for a portion of Dublin Ranch
Area F, known as Sorrento at Dublin Ranch Area F south of Gleason Drive.
Section 2.
Pursuant to Section 8.32.070 of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council finds as follows:
1. The Stage 1 Planned Development zoning amendment to PA 01-037 and the Stage 2
Development Plan for the Project, known as Sorrento at Dublin Ranch Area F south of
Gleason Drive, Neighborhoods 1 through 10, (Toll Brothers, Inc.) Planned Devclopment
Zoning meet the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.32 in that they provide a comprehensive
development plan that is tailored to the land uses for Medium Density Residential,
Neighborhood Squarc, Neighborhood Park, Elementary School site, private recreational
facilities, open space corridor with multi-use trail system, and other pedestrian amenities
proposed on the Project site and create a desirable use of land that is sensitive to
surrounding land uses by virtlle of the layout, design, and conformity to the natural
2. The Stage 1 Planned Development zoning amendment to PA 01-037 and the Stage 2
Development Plan for development of Sorrento at Dublin Ranch Area F south of Gleason
Drive (Toll Brothers, Inc.) under the Planned Development Zoning will be harmonious and
compatible with existing and future development in the surrounding area in that the land
uses and site plan establish a Medium Density Residential community of single family
homes and condominiums, Neighborhood Square, Neighborhood Park, Elementary School
Attachment 1
XT£M 1iJ."3 10 -~·DS"
Z Db' '6
site, private recreational facilities, open space corridor with multi-use trail system, and
other pedestrian amenities_ The land uses and site plan provide effective transitions to
surrounding development which is charaeteri~ed by the proposed vehicular and pedestrian
circulation system.
Pursuant to Section S.I20.050.A and B ofthe Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council finds as follows:
1. The Stage 1 Planned Development zoning amendment to PA 01-037 and the Stage 2
Development Plan for Sorrento at Dublin Ranch Area F south of Gleason Drive (Toll
Brothers, Inc.) will be harmonious and compatible with existing and potential development
in the surrounding area in that the land uses and site plan establish a medium density
residential cOlnmw1ity of single family homes and condominiums, Neighborhood Square,
Neighborhood Park, Elementary School site, private recreational facilities, open space
corridor with multi-use trail system, and other pedestrian amenities. The land uses and site
plan provide effeetivc transitions to surrounding development which is eharaeterizcd by
the proposed vehicular and pedestrian circulation system.
2. The Stage 1 Planncd Development zoning amendment to PA 01-037 and the Stage 2
Development Plan for Sorrento at Dublin Ranch Area F south of Gleason Drive (Toll
Brothers, Inc.) Planned Development Zoning has been designed to accommodate the
topography of the Project site which typically is characterized as vacant, low rol1ing hills
suitable for the development of a Medium Density Residential community of single family
homes and condominiums, Neighborhood Square, Neighborhood Park, Elementary School
site, private recreational facilities, open space corridor with multi-use trail system, and
other pedestrian amenities and therefore physically suitable for the type and intensity ofthe
proposed Planned Development Zoning district.
3. The Stage 1 Planned Development zoning amendment to PA 01-037 and the Stage 2
Development Plan for Sorrcnto at Dublin Ranch Area F south of Gleason Drive (Toll
Brothers, Inc.) Planned Development Zoning will not adversely affect the health or safety
of persons residing or working in the vicinity or be detrimental to the public health, safety
and welfare in that the Project will comply with all applicable development regulations and
standards and will implement all adopted mitigation measures.
4. The Stage 1 Planned Development zoning amendment to PA 01-037 and the Stage 2
Development Plan for Sorrento at Dublin Ranch Area F south of Gleason Drive croll
Brothers, Inc.) Planned Development Zoning are consistent with the Dublin General Plan,
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and the Stage 1 Development Plan for Dublin Ranch Area F
(Ordinance No. 12-04) as they are is in conformance with the land use designations of
medium density residential single family homes and condominiums, Neighborhood
Square, Neighborhood Park, Elementary School site, private recreational facilities, open
space corridor with multi-use trail system, and other pedestrian amenities and the various
requirements of the Stage 1 Dcvelopment Plan.
Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, the City Council finds as follows:
1. An Initial Study was prepared and a determination was made that the proposed project was
adequately addressed in an Addendum to the Program EJR for the Eastern Dublin Specific
Plan area and annexation. The Addendum related to PA 01-037 was certified by the City
Council Resolution No. 4S-04. On March 16, 2004 a determination was made that no
additional or further environmental impacts would result from the proposed projcct and the
increased units than those already addressed in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan EIR (SCH
NO. 91103604), the two Addenda dated May 4, 1993 and August 22, 1994 and the
Mitigated Negative Dcclaration prepared for Area F (SCH No. 99112040). The program
ETR (with all subsequent addenda, supplemental EIRs, and related Mitigated Negative
Declarations), initially was certified by the City of Duhlin in 1993 (SCH#9I103064). A
Mitigation Monitoring program also was adopted at that time.
Section 3_ Map ofthe Propertv.
Pursuant to Chapter S.32, Title S of the City of Dublin Municipal Code, the Stage 1 Planned Development
zoning amendment for P A 01-037 applies to Dublin Ranch Area F in its entirety.
"'\.... .-
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Pursuant to Chapter 8.32, Title S of the City of Dublin MllnieipaI Code, the Stage 2 Development Plan
applies to the following property ("the Property"):
124.S gross acres of Master Vesting Tract Map 72S1 (Lots APNs: 9S5-0052-008,9S5-0052-01O,
& 9S5-0053-003) proposed to become parts of Master Vesting Tentative Tract Maps 7641 (for
Area F Wcst) & 7642 (for Area F East) and Neighborhood Vesting Tentative Tract Maps 7642,
7643, 7644, 7645, 7646, 7652, 7653, 7654, 7655 & 7656 (for Neighborhoods 1 through 10),
A vicinity map showing the area for a Stage 2 Development Plan is shown below:
Section 4. APPROVAL
Stage J Planned Oevelopment Zoning Amendment to Ordinance No. 12-04
Ordinance No. 12-04 is hereby amended to increase the maximum number of units in Dublin
Ranch Area F West and Dublin Ranch East from 1050 to 1111 and in Dublin Ranch Area F in its
entirety ITom 1,290 to 1,351 units. Specifically, the AS Booklet, which Ordinance No. 12-04,
incorporates by reference is amended as follows:
1. Line 4 on the table on Page 4 of the "Stage 1 & 2 Development Plan! Planned Development
Rezone Project Description" is revised to read:
"- south of Gleason Drive 110.6 acres 1106 du* 105.0 acres I I 11 du
2. The last line of the table on Page 4 of the "Stage 1 & 2 Development Plan! Planned
Development Rezone Project Description" is revised to read:
"Total 289.3 acres 1426 du 285.4 acres 1290 du"
Stage 2 Development Plan for Sorrento at Dublin Ranch Area F south of Gleason Drive
The following is a Stage 2 Development Plan pursuant to Chapter S.32 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance.
This Development Plan meets all the requirements for a Stage 2 Development Plan and is adopted as a
zoning amendment pursuant to section S.32.030.B of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. The Stage 2
Development Plan consists of the items and plans identified below, many of which arc contained in the
"Stage IT PD Re7.0ne Package," dated stamped received on August 17, 2005 and included as Attaclnnent
1 to the September 20, 2005 City Council staff report, which to the extent referenced below, is
incorporated herein by reference.
1. Statement of Compatibility with Stage 1 Development Plan. Sorrento at Dublin Ranch Area F
south ufGleason Drive croll Brothers, Inc.) Stage 2 Developmcnt Plan is compatible with the over
all Stage I Developmcnt Plan for Dublin Ranch Area F, as amended, in tbat the Project is
designated for Medium Density Residential land use with Neighborhood Square, Neighborhood
Park, Elementary School, Community Park, Open Space Corridor/Multi-Use Trail uses as planned
for in the Stage 1 Dcvelopment Plan, and conforms with the development regulations established
under the Stage I Development Plan for maximum building heights, parking ratios, lot coverage,
setbacks, and uther standards.
2. Statement of Proposed Uses. Permitted, conditional, accessory, and temporary uses are allowed
as set forth in the "Stage 1 & II PD Rezone Package" booklet attached as Exhibit A to this
3. Stage 2 Site Plan. The Stage 2 Site Plans for Area F East and Area F West are found at pagcs
C.I.I and C.1.2, respectively, and are incorporated herein by reference. .
4. Site Area, Proposed Densities. For site area, proposed densities, maximum permitted residential
units, and maximum non-residential square footages, see "Stage II PD Rezone Package." (See
Page 12 of Exhibit A to the Ordinance)
5. Development Regulations. The Deve10pment Regulations for Areas F West and Area F East are
set forth in two separate, two-page tables labeled, respectively, "Sorrento At Dublin Ranch, Area
F West, Residential Site Devclopment Standards" and "Sorrento at Dublin Ranch, Area FEast,
Residential Site Development Standards," which are found in the "Stage II PD Rezone Package"
booklet immediately following the "Land Use & Design Standards" tab.
6. Architectural Standards. The area-widc and project-wide architectural standards, concepts, and
themes are contained in the document labeled "Sorrento at Dublin Ranch, Residential Design
Guidelines, July 2005," which is found in the "Stage IT PD Rezone Package" booklet, following
the "Land Use & Design Standards" tab.
7. Preliminary Landscaping Plans. The preliminary landscaping plans consist of the 45~page
"Landscape and Open Space Guidelines" which are found within "Stage II PD Rezone Package"
booklet, following the entitled "Land Use & Design Standards" tab and thc Preliminary
Landscape Plans for Area F West and Area F East on page L-1 of, respectively, the "Area F
West, Site Development Review Package," and "Area F East, Site Development Review
Package," both datcd stamped received August 17, 2005 and included as Attachments 2 and 3,
respectively, to the September 20,2005 City Council staff report.
8. Applicable Requirements of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Except as specifically provided in this
Stage 1 Planned Development zoning amendment to PA 01-037 and Stage 2 Development Plan,
the use, development, improvement, and maintenance of the Property shall be governed by the
provisions of the Dublin Zoning Ordinancc pursuant to section S.32.060.C.
This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its
passage. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause the Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3)
I.P a't/ '6
public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of thc
State of California.
PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin, on this 4'h day of October
2005, by the following votes:
City Clerk
G:\!JA#\2004\04-042 To1l Areø. F & B\PC\CC Ordinance tor PI) Jß c{mm~ts
Amendment to Stage 1 Planned Development
Zoning for PA 01-037
Stage 2 Planned Development :Zoning District (P A 04-042) .
Sorrento at Dublin Ranch Area F sonth of Gleason Drive
Toll Brothers, Inc.
(APNs: 985-0052-00S, 985-0052-010, 985-0053-003)
This is an amendment to the Stage 1 Planned Development zoning for PA 01-037 increasing
the maximum number of units for Dublin Ranch Area F in its entirety and a Stage 2
Development Plan pursuant to Chapter 8.32 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance for Sorrento
at Dublin Ranch Arca F south of Glcason Drive, located north of Central Parkway, south
of Gleason Drive, east of the proposed extension of Brannigan Street and west of the
proposed extension of I"ockhart Street. This Development Plan meets all of the
requirements for Stage 2 Planned Development review of the project.
This Development Plan ineludes Site, Architectural, Circulation, and other plans and exhibits
prepared by MacKay & Somps and the subconsultants referred to as Project Plans consisting of
the packages, sheets, booklets, and plans, date stamped received August 17, 2005, labeled
Attachments 1 through 4 to the City Council Staff Report of Septembcr 20, 2005, and on file
with thc Commw1ity Development Department. The Planned Development District aHows the
flexibility needed to eneouragc innovative development while ensuring that the goals, polieics
and action programs of the General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and provisions of Section
8.32, Planned Development Zoning District of the Zoning Ordinance are satisfied.
The Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning district Development Plan meets the requirements of
Section 8.32.040.B of the Zoning Ordinance and consists of the following:
1. Zoning
2. Permitted Uses, ineluding Conditional Uses, Accessory Uses & Temporary Uses
3. Dublin Zoning Ordinance - Applicable Requirements
4. Density & Housing Type
5. Development Regulations
6. Parking
7. Site Plan and Architecture
8. Streetscape/Preliminary Landscape Plan
9. Phasing Plan
10. Master Infrastructure Plan
II. Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance
12. Compliance with Stage 2 Pla¡med Development Plans
Stage 2 Planned Dcvelopment Zoning District Development Plan
1. Zoning
PD, Planned Development Zoning District. This is a Medium Density Residential zoning
district which provides for Neighborhood Square, Neighborhood Park, Elementary School
site, and Open Space corridor/multi-use trail.
PD, Planned Dev~,]()pnll:mt Zoning Distrjct
PA 04-042 Sorrcnto <It Dublin Rancl1 Arça t-: .~ol1th (lf01ea~oll Drive
73 6t>'&
2. Permitted Uses, including; Conditional Uses, Accessory Uses & Temporary Uses
PeffilÎtted uses shall be as adopted by Ordinance 12-04, the Dublin Ranch Area F Stage 1
Planned Devclopment Zoning Development Plan (PA 01-037), as amended, and as follows:
A) PD Medium Density Residential
Intent: Medium Density land use designations are established to: a) reserve
appropriately located areas for family living in a variety of types of
dwellings at a reasonable range of population densities consistent with
sound standards of public health and safety; b) preserve as many as possible
of the desirable characteristics of the one-family residential district while
permitting higher population densities; c) ensure adequate light, air, privacy
and open space for each dwelling unit; d) minimize traffic congestion and
avoid the overloading of utilities by preventing the construction of buildings
of excessive size in relation to the land around them; e) provide necessary
space for off-street parking of automobiles and, where appropriate, for off~
street loading of trucks; and 1) protect residential properties rrom the
hazards, noise and congestion created by commercial and industrial traffic.
Intensitv: 6.1 - 14.0 dwelling units per acre
Permitted Use~':
Multi-family dwelling
Single family dwelling
Accessory structures and uses in accordance with Section S.40.030 ofthe
Dublin Zoning Ordinance
Community care facility/small (permitted if required by law, otherwise as
conditional use)
Home occupation in accordance with Chaptcr S.64 of the Dublin Zoning
Private recreation facility (for homeowners' association and/or tenants use
Small family day care home per Chapter S.OS of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance
GarageIY ard Sale
Parking Lot - residential
Conditional Uses:
Bed and breakfast inn
Boarding house
Community center
Day care center
Large family day care home
Parking lot - residential
PD. Phmm:ù ù~\'dopm~nl Zoning District
PA 04·042 SOlTtmlo a.t Dubliu Ranch AI"t<J. F south of Gleason Drive
9 Jl:)6
Religious facility
Parking Lot - residential/neighhorhood use, only
Accessory Use~':
All Accessory Uses shall bc in accordance with Section SAD. of the Dublin
Zoning Ordinance
Temporary u.~es:
Temporary construction tmiler
Tract and sales office/model home complex
B) PD Neighborhood Square
Permitted Uses:
Neighborhood Square
C) PD Neighborhood Park
Intent: Neighborhood open space and recreational areas, both active and passive.
Permitted Uses, including but not limited to:
Neighborhood Park
Recreational or educational facility
Trail staging area
D) Elementary School
Permitted Uses, including but not limited to:
Elementary School
Day Care facility, if associated with school use
Conditional Uses:
Parking Lot - residential/neighborhood use, only
F) PD Open Space
Intent: Open Space land use designations are established to ensure the protection
of those areas of special significance.
Permitted Use, including but not limited to:
Drainage and water quality ponds and other related facilities
Incidental and accessory structures and uses
-II}, planned IkvcJopmcnt I.oning District
I-'A 04-042 SOTT~to at Duhlin Ranch Ar!:a ¡:." south ofnl~ason Drive
/0 éß/ ß
Public or private infrastructure
Public recreation facility - active or passive
Resource management
Storm water detention ponds and other related facilities
Trails and maintenancc roads
Other lLses as approved by the Community Development director
3. Dublin Zoning Ordinance - Applicable Requiremeuts
Except as specifically modified by the provisions of this PD, Planned Development Zoning
District Development Plan, all applicable general requirements and proeedurcs of tile Dublin
Zoning Ordinance shall be applied to the land uses designated in this PD, Planned
Development Zoning District Development Plan.
4. Density & Housing Type
Residential Site Area: ±105 acres (Medium Density Residential)
Density: IO.5S dwelling units per acre (gross)
as distributed within Sorrento at Dublin Ranch Area F south of
Gleason Drive
Number of Units:
1,111 dwelling ullits
A) Nei2hborhoods/Unlt TVDe:
Location Type No. of Gross
Units Acreaae
__ 1 SW COrner Gleason Drive & Grafton Street Detached 2-story Cluster homes 75 du 10.6 ac
2 Brannigan Street frontage, east side Motor court 117 du 10.4 ac
3 SW quadrant of Area F West Tuck-under Townhomes 69 du 6.6 ae
nort~ of Central Parkway
4 NW corner Large tuck-under Townhomes 66 du 7.3 ae
Central Parkway & Grafton Street
5 West side of Grafton Street - mid-block Multi-level Buildings 96 du 6.1 ac
above Podium structure
Homeowners Association Common Area Recreation area and open space 0 du 2.7 ae
Subtotal 423 du 42.6 ac
6 SE corner Gleason Drive & Grafton Street Detached 2-story Cluster homes 75 du 10.1 ae
7 SW COrner Gleason Drive & Lockhart Street Tuck-under Townhomes 94 du 10.9 BC
8 Grafton Street frontage, east side Alley·loaded Townhornes 148 du 11.9 ae
9 NE corner Large tuck-under Townhomes 117 du 13.8 BC
Central Parkway & Grafton Street
10 NW corner Multi-level Buildings 254 du 14.3 ae
Central Parkway & Lockhart Street above Podium structure
Homeowners Association Common Area Recreation area and open space 0 du 1.4 ac
Subtotal 688 du 62.4 ac
Total 1,111 du 105.0 ac
Average Density 10.58 dulae
(1) Data was complied from the Development Plans in the "Stage II PD Rezone Package."
(2) Acreage figures include the Grafton Street Corridor.
PO, Planned DcvçlOptl1çnt Zoning Distric~
PA 04-042 Sorrento at D\Jblin .Ranch Area" ~outh of01c¡¡50n Drlv~
II 66,g
B) Unit Distribution
Area/Neighborhood Number of Units %) of Total
AREA F WEST 423 du 38%
· Neighborhood 1 75 du 71%
· Neighborhood 2 117 du 10.5%
· Neighborhood 3 69 du 6%
· Neighborhood 4 66 du 6'%
· Neighborhood 5 96 du 9%
AREA FEAST 688 du 62%
· Neighborhood 6 75 du 7%
· Neighborhood 7 94 du 8%
· Neighborhood 8 148 du 13%
· Neighborhood 9 117 du 10.5%
· Neighborhood 10 254 du 23%
TOTAL 1,111 du 100%
.. -~.~.~.
C) Neighborhood Descriptions
Neighborhood 1 (Area F West) and Neighborhood 6 (Area F East): Both
neighborhoods have similar layouts and floor plans. Each are comprised of 75 single
family detached homes. The homes are arranged in clusters of five units organized
around a shared motor court. The five plan types range in size from 2,OSS sf to 2,981 sf.
Each house has a private yard and a two-car garage with side-by-side parking stalls. This
arrangement results in the housing clusters having an uphill or down hill split to the floor
plans which address the change in grade. The clusters run parallel to the existing slope
and incorporate a 5- foot vertical separation between the garage level and the main floor
to integrate the buildings with the terrain. In each neighborhood, one row of clusters
backs onto Gleason Drive keeping entries on the internal road - Rimini Lane in Area F
West and ViUoria Way in Area F East. In both Area F West and Area F East a second
row of clusters faces onto one of the main internal spine street (Palermo Way in both) and
across ftom the north sides of the Neighborhood Square (in Area F West) or
Neighborhood Park and private recreation center (in Area F East). All auto entry will be
taken from motor court access, each with its own street name and address.
Floor Plans: 5 (Plans 1,2,3,4 & 5) Color Schemes: 12
Architectural Style: Lombardy·" for all homes in Neighborhoods I & 6
Neighborhood 2 (Area F West): Neighborhood 2 is a community of 117 condominium
units within 9 separate buildings of 13 units each. Each 13-unit building is arranged in a
"U" shape around a standard motor court. The dwellings are a combination of stacked
flats and two or three story townhouse/row house units ranging in size from 1 ,320 sf to
2,250 sf. Each unit has a private two-car garage, most arranged side-by-side; however
some interior comer plans have tandem spaces. Many of the units have second-story
balcony space. The buildings run the length of Area F West fronting Brannigan Street
allowing a side-by"side split which covers the change in grade. Neighborhood 2 is
situated on both sides of Aviano Way, the main entry spine street which also serves as the
east-west pedestrian paseo. Addresses are assigned by street or paseo frontage. The
floor plans, but not the clustering arrangement, are similar to Neighborhood 8 in Area F
fJ[), Planne::u De::vdopment J.lJning District
PA 04-042 SlIrrenlo at Dublin Ranch Area F south of(Jleal:ilm Drive
Floor Plans: 6 (Plans A, A-I, B, C, D & E) Color Schemes: 5
Architectural Style: Roman- for all buildings in Neighborhood 2
Neighhorhood 3 (Area F West): Neighborhood 3 includes 12 buildings ranging from 5
to S uni ts each for a total 0 f 69 condominium units. The flat pad or the two and three
level rowhouse units range in size from 1,762 sf to 2,500 sf. Each unit has a private
outdoor patio area and 2 private side-by-side parking spaces in an alley-loaded garage
that is tucked under the main structure on the uphill side. The buildings takc up 10 fcet
of elevation between garage level and the main living level. The buildings face Central
Parkway, Capoterra Way (an internal spine street), or an internal paseo. This housing is
similar to Neighborhood 7 in Area F East. However, in both Neighborhoods 3 & 7, the
unit size is smaller that the tuck-under parking design used in Ncighborhoods 4 & 9
where a variation on the Tuscan architectural style also would be applied to create a
distinction among the neighborhoods and residential products.
Floor Plans: 7 (Plans A, B, F, G, H, J & K) Color Schemes: II
Architectural Style: Tuscan - for all buildings in Neighborhood 3
Neighborhood 4: Neighborhood 4 includes 16 buildings ranging in size ITom 3 to 6
units for a total of 66 condominium units. This housing is a combination of flat pad and
mainly three-level townhouses stepped and arranged parallel to the slope. The stepped
buildings cover 10 feet of slope. Units range in size ITom 2,170 sf to 2,972 sf. Each unit
has a 2-car, tuck-under side-by-side garage and a private patio. The retaining wall of
each structure is located closer to the wall at the front of the building which allows for a
larger garage area, additional parking, and more storage per unit. The alley-loaded
buildings ITont along Central Parkway, Capoterra Way, or internal paseos. This housing
is similar to Neighborhood 9.
Floor Plans: 6 (Plans A, B, C, D, F & G) Color Schemes: 11
Architectural Style: Rustic Tuscan - for all homes in Neighborhood 4.
Neighborhood 5: Neighborhood 5 is a 96-unit multi-story podium structure centrally
located along the west side of Grafton Street. Four building of 24 condominium units
each extend 3-stories above the podium and frame the greenbelt associated with the east-
west pedestrian paseo. The building placement transitions the grade differential ITom the
north to south and creates a variation in the roofscape designs. The focal point is the
Grafton Street pedestrian bridge. Two-IcveI townhouse (walk-ups) with individual
access doors are situated over ground level flats. Units range in size ITom 1,359 sf to
1,605 sfwith a minimum private patio area of 100 sf each. All units have individual
entries accessed from the greenbelt pathways. Fifty percent of the ground floor units are
handicapped accessible.
Each unit also is provided with an individual two-car side-by-side garage with direct stair
access. Parking is completely subterranean. Separate driveway access to each building's
underground garage is provided ITom Perugia Lane to the west. Garage entry gates and
ventilation grilles at the opposite ends are screened either by landscaping or surrounding
topography. In addition to the roofscapes, architectural elements contribute to creating
the image reflective of an Italian hill town. Such elements include entry porches, eovcred
or uncovered patios and balconies, trellises, projecting roof tiles, parapets, and special
PD. Planned Dt:vdupml'ml Zuning Dislnd
PA 04-042 SOn"tlito at Dublin Ram::h Art:u. P south ufGlei:lsOn Dri....e
treatment of building ends.
Floor Plans: 4 (Plans A, A-I, B & C) Color Scheme: Color elevation
Architectural Style: Campania - for all buildings Neighborhood 5
Neighborhood 6 (Area F East): [see Neighborhood I discussed above] Neighborhood 6
is similar to Neighborhood I in tenns of unit count, lot layout, floor plans, architectural
elevations, auto access, relationship to the street, and method of addressing the slope with
an uphill or downhill orientation.
Neighborhood 7 (Area FEast): Ncighborhood 7 includes 94 condominium units in 20
buildings ranging from 4 to 6 units per building. Neighborhood 7 is similar to
Neighborhood 3 in Area F Wcst in terms of building height, unit size, floor plan, garages,
and exterior elevation style using a combination of flat pad and row houses. As with
Neighborhood 3 in Area F West, alley-loaded tuck-under parking is the metllOd for
dealing with the grade differential. Buildings arc addressed either on Lockhart Street or
an internal road, Vittoria Way which narrows to Vittoria Court.
Floor Plans: 6 (Plans A, B, F, G, H & K) Color Schemes: II
Architectural Style: Tuscan - for all buildings in Neighborhood 7
Neighborhood 8 (Area FEast) ..... Neighborhood S is a community 14S condominium
units in 20 buildings 00 or 5 units each and S L-shaped buildings of 12 units each.
Neighborhood 8 is similar to Neighborhood 2 in Area F West in terms of unit size, floor
plan, exterior elevation style, and configuration for addressing the slope with side-to-sidc
splits that eovcr the change in grade. However, unit clustering, parking access, and
layout are substantially different. In Neighborhood 8 eaeh building cluster is arranged
around a U-shaped motor court. As in Neighborhood 2, the dwellings are a combination
of townhouse/row house units and stacked flats ranging in size from 1,320 sf to 2,250 sf.
and private two-car garages are mostly arranged side-by-side with some tandem spaces
for the corncr plans. Neighborhood 8 is bisected by the east-west pedestrian paseo that
links the Grafton Street pedestrian bridge to the private recreation facility and
Neighborhood Park in Area F East. The buildings face onto Grafton Street, one ofthe
two spine streets (Capoterra Way and Palermo Way), one of two internal streets (Araldi
Court or Bramante Street), or an internal paseo.
Floor Plans: 6 (Plans A, A-I, B, C, D & E) Color Schemes: 5
Architectural Style: Roman - for all buildings in Neighborhood S
Neighborhood 9 (Area FEast) - Housing development for Neighborhood 9 is very
similar to that proposed for Neighborhood 4 in Area F West; 117 condominium units of
the larger tuck-under configuration would be dcveloped in 2S buildings ranging in size
from 2 to 6 units. The buildings which include flat pads or townhouses are stepped to
take up ten feet of hillside slope between the garage level and thc main living level. As
with Neighborhood 4, a Rustic Tuscan variation will be applied as the exterior
architectural style. The allcy-Ioaded townhouse buildings front onto Central Parkway,
Capoterra Way, or internal paseos.
Floor Plans: 9 (Plans A, B, C, C-Alt, D, F, F-Alt, G & G-Alt) Color Schemes: 11
Architectural Style: Rustic Tuscan - for all homes in Neighborhood 9
PI}, Planned I.>cvclopmçnt Zoning District
PA 04-042 Sorrcnto at Dublin Ranch Area F south of Gleason Drive
1415õ /'6
Neighborhood 10 (Area FEast) -- Neighborhood 10 occupies a 12.6 acre area which
includes 254 single-level stacked flat condominium units ranging in size from I,SOO sf to
2,600 sf plus private patio areas exeecding ISO sf. Alllrnits would be ADA accessible.
Seven three-story buildings of 34 to 44 units each would conform to the contours of the
south-facing hillside while concealing subterranean parking structures beneath a podium.
All structures would be three stories at the upper level of the site and two to three stories
at the lowcr levels, and stoop units would wrap the parking areas along the lowest levels
of the structures. The stepped effect created would be characteristic to an Italian hill
town. The dcnsity of this Neighborhood specifically would be greater than the others, hut
complies with the ovcrall dcnsity established for the Sorrento project.
Thc buildings would bc arranged to follow the alignment of the perimeter streets while
maintaining a relationship with a central green. Central Parkway and Lee Thompson
Way would provide the cntry to a sidewalk-lined internal road that skirts the central green
and provides drivcway access to the individual buildings while integrating each into the
neighborhood. The perimeter street sidewalk connects to the internal road with paseos
between all buildings that enhance accessibility and the pedestrian experience. From thc
sidewalk, a pathway would lead via an entry garden court to the secured front gate at the
north side of each building. A second gated entry would be provided at the south side on
the lower level. Many of the ground level units also would have an opportunity for
secondary access to the gardens directly from thcir patios. Neighborhood 10 also has a
small community building that would house limited fitncss equipment and facilities
related to the pool area.
Floor Plans: 4 (Plans A, B, C & D) Color Scheme: Color elevation
Architectural Style: Roman - for all buildings Neighborhood 10
5. Development Regulations
Unless otherwise stated below, all developmcnt rcgulations in this Stage 2 Planned
Dcvelopment Zoning district are subjcct to thc requirements of the R-M Zoning District.
Each Neighborhood has its own dcvelopment Regulations at shown in the attached table.
6. Parking
The Residential Site Development Standards for proposed unit and guest parking provides a
separate standard for each neighborhood. The design and placement of parking is a key
factor for integrating the structures in the projcct with the hillside slope. Covered parking is
accommodated in garages tucked beneath the living spaces and accessed via alleyways and
motor courts. About one third of the required guest parking is provided on areas controlled
by the Homeowners Association (HOA). The other two~thirds of required guest parking and
excess parking is primarily provided curbside as parallel parking on the streets to be
dedicated as public right-of-way.
A total of 2,S54 parking stalls, either in covered garages for residents or on-site are required
for the project. However, curbside is the primary located for guests. All units are provided
with at least 2 private covered parking spaces.
Parking by neighborhood is provided as follows:
PD, Planned Development Zoning Dislrid
PA 04~042 SOI'I'ento at Dublin RHn¡;h Area r slJulh orGI~ason Drive
Parking for Sorrento at Dublin Ranch Area F
Neighborhood Units Required Spaces Provided Spaces +/-
Covered Guest Total Covered Guest Total
for Units Reo'd fQr Units on-site on-street on plan
-1'!-~~hbç>rhOOd 1 75 150 75 225 150 0 78 228 + 3
NeiQhborhood 2 117 234 59 293 234 9 70 313 + 20
Neighborhood 3 69 138 35 173 138 9 29 176 + 3
Neiohborhood 4 66 132 33 165 132 15 62 209 .. 44
Neig h borhood 5 96 192 48 240 192 0 48 240 0
Recreation Facilitv West 20 19 39
Neig h borhood 6 75 150 75 225 150 0 83 233 + 8
~~is.~.borhood 7 -~--".- -,-. 47 235 188 47 47 282 47
94 188 +
Neighborhood 8 148 296 74 370 296 10 94 400 + 30
Neiohborhood 9 117 -,-.-. 59 293 234 10 131 375 82
234 ..
Neighborhood 10 254 508 127 635 508 51 75 634 - 1
Recreation Facilitv East 24 12 36
TOTAL 1,111 2222 632 2,854 2,222 195 748 3,165 + 236
Note: Figures do not include street parking on the perimeter of the Neighborhood Square, Neighborhood Park, and
Elementary School.
Parking shall be provided in accordance with the Dublin Zoning Ordinance standards and
regulations, except as stated herein and as shown otherwise on the plans and exhibits labeled
C.2.l through C.2.7 in each of the booklets entitled "Site Development Review Package"
prepared by MacKay & Somps date stamped reeeivcd August 17,2005 referred to as Project
Plans labeled as Attachments 1 through 4 to the September 20, 2005 City Council Staff
Report, stamped approved and on file in the Community Development Department.
7. Site Plan and Architecture
A) Architectural ThemelDesign Concept - This Dcvelopment Plan applies to
approximately ±l24.S acres that Sorrento comprise Area F West and Area F East. Due to
the existing hillside slope and topography ofthc site, Sorrento at Dublin Ranch Area F
(south of Gleason Drive) has been designed in the image ofan Italian Hill town
overlooking the proposed Village Center to the south. The buildings will be sited to
conform with the topography of the sloping hillside and to transition across variations in
grade and elevation. The layout provides an ideal opportunity for utilizing the
architecture to support adjacent properties and minimizing the use of retaining walls
which often are used excessively in typical hillside developments. In keeping with the
elements of an Italian hill town, the neighborhood design will emphasize pedestrian
circulation with links along an east-west paseo with connections to the schools, recreation
areas, and open space and via the north-south Open Space Corridor that parallels Grafton
Street and connects to nearby neighborhoods. Architectural elevations which emphasize
elements typical ofItalian hill towns in various styles and regions are proposed to further
represcnt the themc. A focal point of the project is the Grafton Street pedestrian bridge.
B) Architectural Styles - The Architectural styles and color palettes presented are used to
establish standards for neighborhood quality and identity. An architectural style will be
applied to each of the 10 neighborhoods to create visual interest and to vary the
architecture. However, the underlying theme as an Italian hill town willlin]< each to the
PD, PhlTlnetl Devdupment Zoning ])i~trict
PA 04~042 SOITtllto ¡:It Dublin Ranch ATI::a P south of Gleusun Drive
ILQ Db /8
other to create an overall community with significant identity. As required with previous
development, architectural elements will be required to be articulated on all elevations of
each building_ The architectural styles generally are described as follows:
· Lombardy Neighborhoods 1 & 6
· Tuscan Neighborhoods 3 & 7
· Rustic Tuscan Neighborhoods 4 & 9
· Roman Neighborhoods 2, S & 10
· Campa¡¡ia Neighborhood 5
See attached plans and building elevations in the booklet entitled "Stage II PD Rezone
Package" and in each of the booklets for Area F West and Area F east and entitled "Site
Development Review Package" prepared by MacKay & Somps date stamped received
August 17, 2005. Any modifications to the project shall bc substantially consistent with
these plans and of equal or superior materials and design quality.
S. Streetseape/Preliminary Landscape Plan
Primary vehicular access wilJ be via the two arterials (Central Parkway and Gleason Drive
which run east-west) or the three collector streets (Brannigan, Grafton, and Lockhart Streets)
which run north-south. Gleason Drive, a four-lane divided arterial, currently is under
construction between Tassajara and Fallon Roads. Central Parkway also is currently under
Grafton Street, one of the north-south collectors, separates Area F West from Area FEast
and will have landscaped parkways along both sides of the street. South of Gleason Drive, it
wiJI have a landscaped median. Eventually, it will be extended south of Central Parkway
where it wi1l serve as the "main street" for Dublin Ranch Village Center. Both Grafton and
Lockhart Streets are flanked on one side by an Open Space/Stream corridor/Multi-use trail,
which serves as natural drainage and a pedestrian link for the Neighborhood Square,
elementary school, and park sites.
A preliminary landseapc plan has been submitted which is consistent with the Landscape &
Open Space Guidelines/Standards approved previously. Landscaping serves not only as a
physical buffer, but also as a visual separation between uses. Based upon the Italian hiJI
town theme, the plant palette emphasizes the use of Italian cypress, olive trees, poplars, and
Canary Island palms. All shrubs and groundcovers shall be consistent with a typical Italian
agrarian theme including sage, rosemary, santolina, boxwood, and thyme.
Pedestrian circulation has been incorporated into the project by an east-west paseo linking
the Brannigan Street at the westerly boundary eastward to the Community Park (proposed
Sports Park complex) at the westerly boundary. Connections include the Neighborhood
Square, Neighborhood Park, elementary school site and the private recreation facilities in
both Area F West and Area F East. The focal point, major design component ofthis link of
this corridor is the pedestrian bridge over Grafton Street at the mid-point of the project.
North-south multi-use trails along the west side of Brannigan Street and the trail along the
west side of the Community Park are discussed below under pedestrian circulation.
PI), Plann!:d DcvçlopT]1çnl Zoning Distriçt.
PA 04-04~ SOITcnto at Dublin R..,nch Arca F south of Gleason Drive
Another significant feature of the plan is the central Open Space/Pedestrian Corridor located
along the westem edge of Grafton Street. The Corridor consists of a l2-foot wide multi-use
trail linking Central Parkway with the existing multi-use trail terminus in Neighborhood FI.
Ooen Soace/Recreation - Over all planning for Area F focused on the amount of recreation
and open space that would be provided and preserved. In Area F West a Neighborhood
Square of approximately 2.4 usable acres will be provided and located at the center ofthe
project. In Area F East a Neighborhood Park of approximately 5.5 usable acres. Specific
recreational facilities to be located within either public open space will be based on
requirements of the City's Parks and Recreation Master Plan. A schematic parking plan for
the Neighborhood Square and Neighborhood Park was not included with the submittal.
In both Area F West and Area F East, a 1.2-aere site will be designated and developed as a
private clubhouse and recreation center near the public open space areas. The placement
serves to conveniently centralize recreational opportunities. Each submittal includes a
preliminary site, floor plan, landscape plan and elevations for the Homeowners Association
private recreation facility. Each building's floor space is confined to a single level. However,
the exterior architcctural elements present an impression otherwise. Both are designed in the
Tuscan style exterior in keeping with the architectural theme.
See plans in each of the booklets entitled "Site Development Review Package" prepared by
MacKay & Somps date stamped received August 17, 2005 referred to as Project Plans and
labeled as Attachments 1 Jhrough 4 to the September 20, 2005 City Council Staff Report,
stamped approved and on file in the Community Development Department.
9. Phasinl: Plan - See plans in each of the booklets entitled "Site Development Review
Package" prcparcd by MacKay & Somps date stamped received August 17,2005 referred
to as Project Plans and labeled as Attachments 1 through 4 to the September 20, 2005
City Council Staff Report, stamped approved and on file in the Community DevelopmCllt
Planning Departmcnt. Such project plans are incorporated by reference.
10. Master Infrastructure Plan - See plans in each of the booklets entitled "Site
Development Review Package" prepared by MacKay & Somps date stamped received
August 17, 2005 referred to as Project Plans and labeled as Attachments 1 through 4 to
the September 20, 2005 City Council Staff Report, stamped approved and on file in the
Community Development Department. Such project plans are incorporated by
11. Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance - The City Council has adopted a policy stating its
intent that new projects, including this project, will be subject to the lnelusionary Zoning
Ordinance, as amended, which requires that 12.5% of the units be inelusionary units
affordable to persons of very low, low, and moderate incomes. The City's 12.5%
affordable housing requirement will be provided and satisfied within the Fairway Ranch
residential community south ofthe project site.
PD. PJanned Development Zoning District
PA 04·042 SûtTemû at Dublin Ranch Area F south of Gleason Drive
12. Compliance with Stage 2 Planned Development Plans
The project shall substantially comply with plans in each of the booklets entitled "Site
Development Review Package" prepared by MacKay & Somps date stamped received
August 17, 2005 referred to as Project Plans and labeled as Attachments I through 4 to the
September 20, 2005 City Council Staff Report, stamped approved and on file in the
Community Development Department. Such project plans are incorporated by reference.
Any modifications to the project shall be substantially consistent with these plans and of
equal or superior materials and design quality.
land Use Designation Gross Acres No. of Units Gross Densitv
Area F West Bøtween Brannigan Street and Grafton
M ~~pensitv Residential 42.8 ae 423 du 10.17 du/ac
NS NeiQhborhood Scware 2.4 ae N/A N/A
Area F Wost Subtotal 45.0 Be 423 du
Area F Eo.t Between Grafton Stroot and Lockhart Stroot:
M Medium Densitv Residential 62.4 ae 688 du 11.03 du/ae
NP NelQhborhood Park S.5 Be N/A N/A
ES Elementarv School Site 11.9 ae N/A N/A
Area FEast Subtotal 79.8 Be 688 du
Total Sorrento at Dublin Ranch - Area F south of 124.8 ae
Averaae Densitv 105.0 ae 1,111 du 10.58 duJac