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PUBLIC HEARING PA 02-069 City of Dublin Zoning Map
Amendment - Second Reading
Report Prepared by: Kristi Bascom, Senior Planner ~
1, City Couneil Ordinanee anlending the Zoning Map to reflect
Zoning Ordinance Updates and Minor Map Modifieations
2, Proposed Zoning Map Amendment, 2005
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Open publie hearing and hear Staff presentation.
Take testimony from the publie.
Close publie hearing and deliberate.
Waive Seeond Reading and adopt Ordinanee (Attaehment 1)
amending the Zoning Map to refleet Zoning Ordinance
Updates and Minor Map Modifieations
The original City of Dublin Zoning Map was adopted in July J 983, soon after the City's ineorporation.
The Map indicated specific zoning for all properties within the City boundary. Since the original Zoning
Map was approved in 1983, there have been several amendments, including the introduction of Planned
Development Zoning Districts, Specific Plan Area Rezonings, and the inelusion of properties annexed to
the City.
In September 1997, Dublin's Zoning Ordinance was ehanged from the original Alameda County Zoning
Ordinanc", which had b""n in plac" since the City ineorporated in 1982. The Ordinance revision included
renumbering chapters, defining terms, eliminating some zoning districts, and adding others. Additionally,
th" r"vision included updating the Ordinance to reflect current planning and zoning laws.
At this time, StatT proposes a comprehensive Zoning Map Amendment to ensure the Zoning Map is
eonsistent with the General Plan and Zoning Ordinanee and to further ensure that the Zoning Map reflects
appropriate zoning designations for the entire City of Dublin. Th" proposed map utilizes current mapping
technology, which provides for a better graphic representation of property parcels and zoning districts
(Attachment 3).
As part of the Zoning Map Update, there are four eategories of modifications being proposed:
I. Modifications to provide consistency with General Plan Land Use Map;
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G:\PA#\2002\02-069 Zoning Map Update\Kris:ti 2005\CC S[¡lffReport 2nd reading.doc
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ITEM NO. _(Po 0
2. Modifications to con'eclmapping errors;
3. Modifications to provide eonsisteney with the 1997 Zoning Ordinance Amendmcnts; and
4. ModiJîcations to reflect reccntly approved rezonings.
Planning Commission Meeting:
The Planning Connnission heard the proposed project at their meeting on August 23,2005. At this meeting
the public hearing was held and the Commissioners diseussed the item. One member of the publie spoke
and asked a question about how the updated zoning would impact her residential property. It was explained
by Staff that the only substantive ehange on her particular parcel was the minimum lot size (from 7,000
square tcet to 10,000 square feet), which could only impact her if the property was large ~lOUgh to
subdivide, whieh none of the atTected parcels are.
Thc Plauning Commission closed the public hearing, delih"rated, and passcd a motion to adopt Resolution
05-049 by a vote of 5-0 recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinance amending thc Zoning Map
to reflcct Zoning Ordinanee Updates and Minor Map Modifications.
City CoulIcil Meetillg:
The City Council held a publie hearing on this item at their meeting of Septcmbcr 20, 2005 and
introdueed thc Ordinanee approving the proposed Amendment to the Zoning Map.
Public Noticing:
Altbough the ehangcs being made to the Zoning Map are not substantive, the City notified all property
owncrs of affeeted properties to inform them of the modifications and notice was published in the
newspaper. StatT held an informational meeting on Tuesday August 9, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. to present the
updated Zoning Map and answer any questions from the publie. One member of the public attended the
meeting to get elarifieation on the changes proposed, but no eitizens phoned with questions. Additionally,
a public hearing notiee was mailed to the same property owners and a notiec was published in the Valley
Times newspaper advertising the Planning Commission hearing on August 23, 2005 as wen as the City
Couneil hearing this evening.
The update and proposed amendments to the Zoning Map relate to the display of information only and
will not eause physical ehanges to the environmcnt. The Map modifieations are therefore a "non-projeet"
aceording to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines and are exempt from
environmcntal review.
Staff recommends that the City Council (I) Hear Staff presentation, (2) Open the Publie Hearing, (3)
Close the publie hearing and deliberate, and (4) Waive the Second Reading and adopt Ordinance
(Attaehment I) amending the Zoning Map to reflect Zoning Ordinanee Updates and Minor Map
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P A 02-069
WHEREAS, the original City of Dublin Zoning Map was adopted in July 1983, and has been
updated a number of times since that date; and
WHEREAS, sinee the original Zoning Map was approved in 1983, there have been several
amendments, iDeluding the introduction of Planned Development Zoning Distriets, Specific Plan Area
Rezonings, and the inclusion of properties annexed to the City; and
WHEREAS, in September 1997, Dublin's Zoning Ordinance was ehangcd from the original
Alameda County Zoning Ordinanee and the Ordinance revision ineluded renumbering ehapters, defining
terms, eliminating some zoning distriets, and adding others; and
WHEREAS, although the aceompanying Zoning Map was also updated, but not all of the ehanges
made to the Ordinanee were aeeurately and comprehensively reflected on the Map; and
WHEREAS, StatT is proposing a eomprehensive Zoning Map Amendment to insurc the Zoning
Map is eonsistent with the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance and to further insure that the Zoning Map
reflects appropriate zoning designations for the entire City ofDublín; and
WHEREAS, as part of the Zoning Map Update, there are four categories of modifications being
1. Modifieations to provide eonsisteney with General Plan Land Use Map
2. Modi fieations to eorreet mapping errors
3. Modifications to provide eonsistency witb the 1997 Zoning Ordinance Amendments; and
4. Modifications to refleet recently-approved rezonings
WHEREAS, tbe update and proposed amendments to the Zoning Map relate to the display of
information only and will not eause physieal changes to the cnvironment. The Map modifications are
therefore a "non-projeet" aeeording to the California Environmental Quality Aet (CEQA) Guidelines and
are exempt from environmental rcview; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said application on August
23,2005; and
WHEREAS, proper notÎee of said publie hearing was given in all respects as requircd by law; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted reeommending that tbe Planning Commission adopt a
Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinanee amending the Zoning Map to refleet
Zoning Ordinance Updates and Minor Map Modifieations; and
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WHEREAS, thc Planning Commission did hear and use independent judgment and considered all
said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth and reeommended approval of the
Zoning Map Amendments to the City Council; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted teeommending that the City Council approve the
Ordinanee Amendment; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to seetion 8.l20.050.B of the Dublin Munieipal Code, the City Couneil
finds that the Ordinance Amendment is eonsistent with the Dublin General pJan; and
WHEREAS, thc City Council did hear and use its independent judgment and consider all said
rcports, recomm"ndations and testimony hereinabove set forth.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council ofthe City of Dublin does ordain as follows:
Section 1. Zoninl!: Map Amendments
The "City of Dllblin Zoning Map" is hereby amended to replace the existing "City of Dllblin
Zoning Map" with the "City of Dublin Zoning Map" that was attached to the September 20,2005
City Couneil staff report as Attaehment 5. All previous versions ofthe "City of Dublin Zoning
Map" are hereby superceded.
Section 2. Severabilitv
The provisions of this Ordinance are sevcrable and if any provision, clause, sentence, word or part
thereof is held illegal, invalid, wlconstitutional, or inapplicable to any person or cireumstanees,
such illegality, invalidity, unconstitutionality, or inapplicability shall not atIect or impair any of
the remaining provisions, clauses, sentences, sections, words or parts thereof of the ordinance or
their applieability to other persons or eireumstances.
Seetlon 3. Effective Date and Postlnl!: of Ordinance
This ordinancc shall take etIect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its final
adoption. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinanee to be posted in at least
three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in aeeordance with Seetion 39633 ofthe Government
Code ofCaJifornia.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Dublin on this 4th
day of October 2005, by the following votes:
City Clerk
G:\PA#\2002\02.069 Zo"i"g Map UpdatcIKri,ti 2005\CC Ord.doc