HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.05 Tassajara Creek PH 3 CITY CLERK File # D~[Q]-[E]OJ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 21,2006 SUBJECT Acccptancc of Somerset Lane Bridge and Maymont Lane Bridge Improvements associated with Tract 7414 (Tassajara Creek Phase 3, GHC Roxbury, LLC) Report Prepared bY' Mark Lander, City EnRineer ATTACHMENTS: ---- I) Resolution accepting Somerset Lane Bridge and Maynwnt Lane Bridge Improvements for Tract 7414, and approving Regulatory Traffic Control Devices Vicinity Map -vSi {(iY 6 1'" 2) RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution acccpting the Somerset Lane Bridge and Maymont Lanc Bridge improvcments associated with Tract 7414, and approving thc regulatory traffic control devices. FINANCIAL STATEMENT GHC Roxbury, LLC, has providcd a Maintcnance Bond in the amount of $276,150.00 (Bond No. 8691048) lilr the Somerset Lane Bridge, and a Maintenance Bond in thc amount of $179,77500 (Bond No. g69105S) for the Maymont Lane Bridge to guarantee against defects for one year. Once these improvements have heen accepted, the City will incur maintenance and street sweepmg costs for the bridges. DESCRIPTION GHC Roxbury, LLC, recently completed thc Somcrset Lanc Bridge and the Maymont Lane Bridge improvcmcnts at Tassajara Crcck associated with Tract 7414, Tassajara Creek Phase 3, a subdivision located in eastern Dublin west of Creek view Drive. The work was governed COPIES TO: Tim Stanley, GHC Roxbury, LLC ITEM NO. It.~ Page I of2 G:\DEVELOPIGre.nbriarliiIT"'''\iaro Cr<<kIPHASE IIIIAg,lacpl bridges.duc C-- Creek Phase 3, a subdivision located in eastern Dublin west of Creekview Dnve. The work was governed hy two separate Improvement Agreements approved hy the City Council via Resolution No. 60-04 on April 20, 2004 Since the improvcments havc been constmcted pursuant to thc Improvement Agreements and to the satisfactIOn of the Public Works Dlfector, it IS appropriate for the improvements tn now he accepted by tbc City for permanent maintenancc. Acceptancc of improvcmcnts will bc Iimitcd to the bridge structure and the street connections at Creekview Drive, as shown on the attached ViC11l1ty map. Thc following regulatory tramc control dcviccs will be accepted and approved as part of this project and added to the City of Dublin Traffic Code: A. "No Parkmg AnytllIle" restnctlOn on hoth sIdes of tbe Somerset Lane Bridge and the Maymont Lane Bridge between Creekview Drive and tbe west sidc of Tassajara Creek. B. Stop control devices on the easterly approach of Somerset Lane at Creekview Drive. C Stop control devIces on thc easterly approach ofMaymont Lane at Creekview Drive. At the tnIle that the City and GHC Roxhury, LLC, executed the Improvement Agreements, the developer provided Performance and Labor and Materials Bonds each in the anlOunt of $1,104,60000 to guarantee performance of the work for the Somerset Lane Bndge, and Performance and Lahor and Materials Bonds each in the amount of $719,100 00 to guarantee performance of the work for the Maymont Lane Bridge. Now that the work is complete, these bonds may be released in accordance with the authonty contained III Sectlon ~61i499 7 of the Government Code, and replaced wIth Mamtenance Bonds in the amount necessary to guarantee the work for a one-year period following acceptance. The developer has provIded a MaIntenance Bond m the amount of $276,15000 (Bond No 81iQ104S) lor the Somerset Lane Bridge, and a Maintenance Bond in the amount of $179,775.00 (Bond No. 869J05S) for the Maymont Lane Bridge, which are sufficient to guarantee the improvements for a one-year penod after acceptance. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution accepting the Somerset Lane Bridge and the MaY1Ilont Lane Bridge improvements associated with Tract 7414, TassaJara Creek Phase 3, and approving the regulatory traffic control devices. Pagc 2 of2 1012 RESOLUTION NO. - OS A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* ACCEPTANCE OF SOMERSET LANE BRIDGE AND MAYMONT LANE BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS AND APPROVING REGULATORY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT 7414, TASSAJARA CREEK PHASE 3 (GHC ROXBURY, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY) WHEREAS, the subdivider of Tract 7414, filed on June 28, 2004, in Book 275 of Maps at Pages 66 - gO, previously entered into an lmprovelllent Agreement with the City of Dublin to improve the Somerset Lane and Maymont Lane Bridges wIthin said Tract in accordance wIth plans and speclficatlllns nn file witb the Public Works Director, said Tract idenhfied as fnllows: a) Developer b) Tract LocatHln: c) Tract Size: d) Resolution Approving Agreement: d) City Streets Aflceted. GHC Roxbury, LLC, a Delaware LImIted LIability West of Tassapra Creek 108 Single-Family Lots, I Estate Lot No. 6O~04, City ofDubhn City Council Maymont Lane and Somerset Lane WHEREAS, the Somerset Lane Bridge and Maymont Lane Bridge improvements assocIated WIth Tract 7414 are complete in accordance with said plans and speciJ1eations, and any approved modifications thereto, to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director; and WHEREAS, the developer has mstalled certam regulatory traffic control devices as part or the Tract improvements; and WHFREAS, the ongmal Performance Bonds and Lahor and Materials Bnnds that guarantccd the Street Improvements can be released, in accordance with the authority contained in Section *66499 7 of the Government Code of the State of California, and replaced with Maintenance Bonds to guarantee the completed work for a one-year period following acceptance; NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOL YED that: I The bridge illlprovements completed within said Tract are hereby approved and accepted subject to a one-year guarantee penod. The lImIts of the improvements accepted by the City are as shown on the attached "Street Acceptanee Exhibit" 2. The traffic regulatory devices installed by the developer are hereby included Il1 the City of DublIn Traffic Code, Said regulatory deVIces to Illclude the followmg: a) "No Parking Anytime" restriction on both sides of Somerset Lane Bridge and Maymont Lane Bridge between Creekview Drive and the west side of TassaJara Creek (Traffic Code Chapter 6.04.250). h) Stop control device installed on the easterly approach of Somerset Lane Bridge at Creekview Drive (Traffic Code Section 6.16.020). I +5 ;;;/;--1/0" A'ITACHMENT~ c~ (if 3 c) Stop ~ontrol device instalIcd on the easterly approach of MaytIlont Lane Bndge at Creekview Drive (Traffic Code SectlOn 6.16.020). 3 The ongmal Performance Bond ISsued hy Developers Surety and Indemnity Company (Bond No 81i91 04S) in the amount of $ I, I 04,600.00 be relcased; and 4 The onglllal l.abor and Malenal Bond Issued hy Developers Surety and Indemnity Company (Bond No. 81i9104S) in the amount of$I,104,600 OObe released; and 5 The ongmal Performance Bond issued by DevcIopers Surety and Indemnity Company (Bond No. 869105S) in the amount of$719,100 00 be released, and 6. The original l.abor and Matenal Bond Issued hy Developers Surety and Indemnity Company (Bond No. 869105S) in the amount of $719, lUO 00 be released; and 7 The submitted Mallltenance Bond Issued by Developer's Surety and Indemnity Company (Bond No. 869104S) in the amount of$276,150 00 be accepted as security for the aforesmd one-year maintenance period, said period to commence on this date and tcrminate on the 6th day of DeCenlber, 2001i, and g. The submitted Maintenance Bond issued by Developer's Surely and Indemnity Company (Bond No 81i9105S) in the amount of$179,775.00 be aeeepted as security for the aforesaId one-year maintenance period, said period to commence on thIs date and terminate on the 6th day of Decemher, 2001i. PASSED. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of Febmary, 2006. AYES. NOES. ABSENT ABSTAIN Mayor ATTEST City Clerk (j;\DEVELOP\Orccnbriarl~Ta5!)aiara (:r~/;"k\PHASI-. ]]l\re!ioll.ept hridges.Juc 2 ~ ~ ~ ... ~ = ~ ~ :.iiIl ~ tv - - PARCEL C 2004-107138 - - ---- ........... - 1---- I "'" ))~ ~~<v ~ -$':::t / / "- / I / --- A ~ ~~l"C<< C~ ~ /0.... L> C'..e- ---/ <'~k ~ 0',9 ~ ~ b. qyk '-..... <:" '-... )~ /~ r- , -..... ..... ,) -N- , ~ / "-..:: "-..:: ........... PARCEL E 2004-/07/39 ---- ---- ---- ........... - - - 1"=100' ---- / I/~ ,~ , {;J~ ,i! IliJ~ I' ~=3 !! fSa I -1- '-\1 I Cl) I &;S (d 1 II Q,: l:l.: -t-. ! I November /4, 2005 VJ 7- , , ! TASSAJARA CREEK - NORTH AND SOUTH BRIDGES STREET ACCEPTANCE EXHIBIT