HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.06 Evidence Room Shelving
File # D~:.5!Q]-[2j]
Request to Waive Competitive Bid Process and Authorize StalTto
Purchase Evidence Room Shclving Directly from Vendor
Report Prepared by Amy Cunningham. Sr Administrative Analvst ~
I I Resolution Waiving the Comp~titive Bid Process and
Authorizmg StaITto Purchase Evidence Room Shelving Directly
from Vendor
2.) Proposal from Systems and Space, Inc.
Staff reeommcnds that thc City Council adopt the Resolution
waiving the competitive bid process and authorize Staff to purchase
shelving directly from the vendor
Adcquatc funding cxists in thc adoptcd Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Short
Tenn Building Space Requirements Capital Improvement Project filr
purchase and installation of the Evidencc Room shelving.
Replacement ofthc existing Property/Evidence Room shelving was included as part of the Fiscal Year
2005-2006 Short Term Building Space Requirements Capital Improvement Project. Increases in Police
Services activities resulting in an increase in the number of property and evidence items processed by the
Evidence Technician, in addition to the existing shortage of storage space has led to a need to expand and
mcrease the room's storage capacity prior to the next Civic Center facility expansion.
As tlle water intrusion repair work in the Property/Evidence Room has been completed, the room will
soon be ready to store property and evidence. Purchase and installation of the necessary shelving with
increased storage capacity is the final step in preparing tlle room for use.
COpy TO:
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F'\A~endaSlrnb\05-06\Fvidence Rm ~hdving Purchase agenda stmt,doc
As part ofthe Properly and Evidence Audit conducted in Novcmber 2005, Staffrequested that the
Consultant make recommendations regarding tlle type of shelvmg PolIce Services should consider for
expanded storage space m the Evidence Room. The product he recommended was a hIgh-denSIty mobile
file systcm, Spaccsaver Mechanical Assist Mobile System; and specialized bulk firearm storage shelving,
Spacesaver Static Shelving. The Spacesaver products can also be reconfigurcd and expanded upon when
the evidence room is relocated and enlarged in the next facility expansion.
As recommended by the Consultant, Systems and Space, Inc., in Pleasanton, CalIfornia (the sole source
providcr for Spaccsavcrs in the East Bay sales territory), was contacted for a proposcd design solution for
shelving and storage in the Property and EVIdence room. It was requestcd that their proposed design meet
current and short-term future storage needs. Thcir proposal, Attaclnnent 2, has been revIewed by Staff
and mccts thc idcntified storage requirements.
The project total cost of$57,908, includes purchasc and installation of shelving for the mam eVIdence
room area, multi-media cnvelope storage (videotapes, film, photographs, etc.), weapon storagc, long-term
bulk storage, and supply storage. Adequate funding exists in thc Short Term Building Space Requirement
CapItal Improvement Project for completion of this project.
Waivmg Compehhve BId Process:
Dublin Municipal Code 92.36 030 states that purchases over $20,000 shall be completed through a
competitive bId process and approved hy the City Council. Section 2.3u.060(a)(lO), states that the ahove
requIrement shall not apply
"When another public agency has administered a compehhve bidding proccss within the past two years
for the same or suhstanhally similar supplics, services or cquipment;"
The City of Gilroy, Police Department cOlnpleted a compehhve bid process in January 2005, and the City
ofVacaville PolIce Department completed a compctitivc bid process in September 2004, for hIgh-density
mobile shelving for their Evidcnce Rooms. The bid awards were granted to Systems and Space, Inc. as
the lowest cost biddcr; thcrcfore the Spacesavers products, IdentIfied in Attachment 2, mcct thc criteria for
thc abovc execptioll.
Systems and Space, Inc. has succcssfully completed similar storage soluhon projects in Property and
Evidence Rooms for the City of Pleasant on Police Department, City of Santa Clara Police Department,
Alameda County Santa Rita Jail, City of Concord Police Department, City of Alameda Police Departmcnt,
and City of Antioch Police Department, among others. Contacts in those departments have expressed
satisfaction with the product and company's maintenance and repair servIce. In addition, thc Propcrty and
Evidcnec Consultant provided Staff with posItive feedhack on his experienecs with Systems & Space, Inc.
PolIce ServIces Staffbave also had very positivc cxperiences with this vendor when requesting
maintcnancc or rcpairs on the existing Police Records Shelves. The vendor has responded promptly,
completed quality repairs, and offered cost effective solutions to improve function ofthe Records Unit
shel ves.
Staffrecommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution waiving the competitive bId process and
authorize Staff to purchase shelving directly from the vendor.
! 011
WHEREAS, Dublin Police ServlCeS IS m need of a Property and Evidcnce Room storage solution which
will accommodate the growing number of Items legally mandated to be processed and stored by the
Propcrty and Evidence Room, and
WHEREAS, a Propcrty and Evidence Consultant hired by the City has recommended Spaccsavcr high-
density shelving as the hest product available for use in Property and EVidence Rooms; and
WHEREAS, Systems and Spacc, Inc., thc sole providcr for Spacesaver products m the area, has suhmitted
a proposal for a storage solution that will meet current and short-teml future storage needs; and
WHEREAS, ~2.36.050(a)(lOI of the Dublin Municipal Code provides that tbe competitive bid process
shall not apply when another public agency has administered a competilive bidding process within the
pasl two years for the san1e or substantially similar supplics, scrvices or equipment; and
WHEREAS, Systems and Space, Inc. has heen awarded purchasing contracts through the Cities of Gilroy
and Vacaville, as the company's prices were found to be competitive through competitive bid processes
completcd within thc last two years by those agencies.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of thc City of Dublin does specifically
waivc thc compctitive bid process pursuant to Dublm Mumclpal Code ~2.36.050(a)(10) and authorizes
StalTto purchase Propcrty and Evidence Room Shelving from Systems and Space, Inc.
BE IT FURTHER RESOL VED that the City Manager and or IllS deSignee is herehy authorized to cxccute
any necessary agreements, purchase orders, or othcr documents required to arrange for the purchase and
installation of the shelving.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of Fehruary, 2006.
City Clerk
"j.b ()/9,i /0 ro
Attachment I
Submitted To:
Submitted By:
....m ( ( I
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!'annen: in Progressive
Storage Solutions
Proposal to Improve Space
Management and Storage Capacity
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We have set the standard in customer care. Because we
understand the composition and characteristics that are
intrinsic to space management and capacity planning.
-1 -
Partners in Progressive Storage Solutions
Dublin, City of
Evidence Storage
February 3, 2006
Toni Michlig-Fahr
Property Evidence Technician
Dublin, City of
100 Civic Plaza
Pleasanton, CA 94568
Tim Lujan
Systems Planner
Systems & Space, Inc.
500 Boulder Court, Suite B
Pleasanton, CA 94566
(925) 426-1955
w....o Is Systems & Space?
premier provider of space, storage and
filing solutIons for today's business
environment Since 1986 we've been
developing complete storage and
space management strategies and
.olutlons for alllypas of bu.lne.""..
We ate experts at individual systems
analysis, systems hardware,
engineering and implementation. Our
mission Is to deliver your projact on
time. within budget - and trouble free.
Executive Summary
SYSTEMS & SPACE, INC., is pl.as.d
to present this propo6al to the space
management team at your company.
The attached detailed architectural
drawjngs outline your specific
requirements and our solution. This
proposal is available for acceptance 30
days from the cover date.
Why Systems & Space, Inc.?
In order to complete this project on
time, with high quality r..ult., It I.
essential to select 8 company that can
work within your time lines. bUdget and
meet your planning requirements. now
and for the long term.
SSI pos...... the capability to
ensure the SUCCGSIS of this project
. SSl understands the scope of your
specific planning requirements
. 581 engineerIng, project
management @xperlence and system
planning are unparalleled in the
. SSI has a longstanding partnership
with Spacesaver Corporation
. 551 offers extended warranty
programs to preserve your I"vestment
for years. to come.
The 551 management team Is
committed at every level to the
success of your project.
f,I",,'>',' ProQr~ssiVl!
Slora9' ~Qtuh~~l
This proposat will demonstrate to you that
selecting 551 as your storage sOlution
partner is the best step you can take.
Why Spacesa".r?
SPACESAVER is the Induslly leader In hlgh-dens~y mobile
fil. systems. Spacesaver has b..n in business since 1972
and has more Installations than all of ~s compet~ors. For
material prot.clion, slorage efficiency, durability, reliability,
security, .afety, and accessibility, Space.aver i. the .tate
of the art solution for all your storage requirements.
This proposallnclud.s an architectural drawing to allow for
visual acceptance. The drawing outline. rOom dimen.ions,
system dimensions, stored m.dia - existing plus Increased
capacities and storage weight
Floor Loading
Floor load data that applie. to lhe project Is subject to
interpretation by a certified structural engineer SSI i.
providing reference data for determining load and diatrlbution
conditions. Floor load and con.iderations are to be reviewed
and evalualed by a qualified engineer It Is the re.pon.ibillty
of dlent to have this system epproved for lhe floor loading ff
SYSTEMS & SPACE, INC. can as.i.t wilh the floor load
assessm.nl process. We will work directly w~h your
slructural engineer or we can provide a certified structural
engineer and consulling. A complete analysis, including any
required building modifications, designs and supporting
structural calculations, will be prepared for a fixed fee. The
fee will be determined by the complexity of the project and
pricing will b. .ubmitted at your request
Delivery, In.tallation, Training and Warranty
Components and materials will be shipped approximal.ly 6-8
weeks upon receipt of purchase order and compleled
checklist. A field service supervisor and job crew leader will
b. assigned prior to the system installation. They will remain
w~h the prOject until completion to control all scheduling,
freight. el.vator access and all phases of the installation to
a.sure complete satisfaction with minimal disruption to your
staff. Spacesaver warrant. that all equipment .hall be free
from d.fects In materials and workmanship for five (51 y.ars
from the dale of the cuslomer's written acceptance of
installation - to assure complete .alisfaction. This propos.1
is ba..d on inslallatlon utilizing a Monday.Friday workweek
and non-union hours of 8:00 AM - to 5;00 PM. Should you
require different hours, other options are available. SSI will
provide unlimited treining to all us.rn to assure optimal use
of your sYSlem.
Extended Warranty Programs
Extended warranty programs are avaiiable to protect and
preserve your investment These program. include 1 ~
priority service re.ponse and covered check.up
appointments through-<>ut the years. For more infonnalion,
simply ask your Systems Planner.
Systems & Space Inc. guarantees the success of your project!
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",I'~I~i,1 ~rn~rmive
SI~rilQ! 5o!utlon~
Spacesaver Mechanical A$Sist Mobile SY$tem for Evidence Storage
Optional veT flooring - supply and install
Spacesaver Mechanical Assist Mobile System for Envelope Storage
Optional VCT flooring - supply and install
Spacesaver Static Shelving for Homicide Evidence Storage
Spacesaver Static Shelving for Gun Storage
Spacesever Static Shelving for Evidence Supply Storage w/Caster Table
I:E9. t79.af
The Investment includes a/l materials. tax. freight and installation for the Spacesaver Syste~. <;;'l-) 101. (Q..'L
Items for Consideration
Structural Calculation Services' $2,000.00
Systems & Space, Inc. can provide structural calculations for the seismic anchorage of the shelving system. Services
include preparation of calculations by a licensed structural engineer and all wet stamped & signed copies.
Parmit Services can be utilized by submitting our Structural Calculations to your General Contractor.
Zone 1 Zone 2
Penn It Services' $1,200.00 $1,500.00
In jurisdictions that require a construction pennit for installation of shelving or movable cabinets in excess of 69" in
height (2001 Califomia Building Code, section 106.2.4), Systems & Space, Ine can provide permit services. If permit
services are requested, it is required to obtain structural and seismic calculations (see Calculation Service information
above). Pennit services to include documentation preparation and submittal by a structural engineer to the
appropriate regulatory agency to obtain the necessary permits. Floor loading evaluation is not included in this cost,
but can be quoted separately Actual plan check and pennit fees are not included and will be added to final
'Above prices are offered per system: mu/tipte systems to be quoted separatety. Zone 1 covers Alameda, Conlra Costa
and San'" Clara counties. All other counties are quoted under Zone 2. Both Structural Catculations and Permit ServIces
emptoy the use of a Structural EngIneer Shoutd other professlonat assIstance be required, such liS an Architect,
addItional charges wilt IIpply. if s..rvices are desired, they must be ord.....d ..t time of shelvIng system purchase and
cannot b.. provided subs..qu..nt to. Services expand the standard lead-time an additional 4-6 weeks; after atf necessary
information has been supplied. Atso, shoutd the structural engtneer require any modifications to accommodate
individual/specific city floor toading requirements, such as additional rail or wh....1 assemblies, notification of addItIonal
costs wftl be sent to you and added to th.. flnat invoIce.
LJ I have read the above and would like to request_Structurel Calculation Services_Structural Calculalion & Perm~ Services
LJ I have read the above and would not like to request any additional services.
The State of California has determined that any person who purports to have the capacity to undertake or
submits a bid to construct these types of structures must be licensed pursuant to Contractors License Law
(B & P Code, DIvision 3, Chapter 9)
Payment Terms '30% Deposit with order
'Balance due upon completion
Client Approval
Project" 6287, 5259, 5305 & 5306 & 5331