HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.1 Dublin Transit Center Site B-2 CITY CLERK File # DBJ[][Q]-~~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 21,2006 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: PA o3-oS8 Village Green Site Development Review Amendment to Duhlin Tran~lt Center SIte R-2 (Avalon Bay Communities) Site Development Review Report Prepared by Mamie R. Nuccio, Associate Planner ATTACHMENTS: I Dublin Transit Center Land Use Map 2. Village Green Stage I Development Plan site layout concept 3 January 2005 Village Green desIgn hy Avalon Ray Communities 4 City Council Meeting Minutes of January 4, 2005 5 Village Green De~lgn Altemahve #2 6 City Council Meeting Minutes of June 2 I, 2005 7 Resolution approving PA 03-0SM Village Green Site Development RevIew Amendment to Duhlin Transit Center Site B-2 (Avalon Bay Communities) Site Development Review, with Project Plan~ alla<;hed as Fxhihit A RECOMMENDATION: ~~' 1 Open Publk Hearing. 2. Receive StalTpresentation. 3 Receive Public testimony 4 Close Public Hearing. 5 Deliberat<:. 6. Adopt Resolution (Attachment 7) approving PA OJ-058 Village Green Site Development Review Amendment to Dublin Transit Center Site B-2 (Avalon Bay Communities) Site Development Review, with Project Plans attached as Exhibit A. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None. COPY TO: Nathan Hong, Avalon Bay Communities Dean Mills, DR Horton Pat Cashman, Alameda County Surplus Property Authority John Rennels, !:lay Area Rapid Transit Uistrid (!:lART) ITEM NO. Co.l Page I of7 G:\PA#\2oo3\o3-{)5~ Transit Center HIAvalon HaylVill::!.g~ (lr~cn SDR\CCS,R SDR VIllage lirc:~n 02.-2]-06 cine Q.. DESCRIPTION: In D"cember 2002 the City Couneil adopted Resoluhon 216-02 approvmg a General Plan/Eastern Duhlin Spe"lfi" Plan Amendment; Ordmance 21-02, approvmg a Stage 1 Planned Development /oning; and, Resolution 02-40 approving Tentative Parcel Map 7Mn for the project area known as the Dublin Tran~lt Center The Dublin Transit Center is located generally between the Iron Horse Trail to the west, Dublin Boulevard to thc north, Arnold Road to thc east, and Intcrstate 580 and the Dublin/Pleasanton Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Station to the south. A Master Development Agreement for the Dublin Tran~lt Center was adopted by Ordinance 5-03 in May 2003 and together with the approved General Plan/Ea~tern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, Stage I Planned Development Zoning, and Vesting Tentative Tract Map, estahhshed the land use approvals for the future development ofthe proJect area. The Dubhn TranSit Center project area mcludes the development of 1,800 reSIdential units on Sites A, B, C and E-I, 1 7 million square feet of campus office on SItes D-l, D-2 and E-2, and 70,000 square feet of ancillary retail uses to be dispersed between Sites B-E. Open space will be provided by a 12.20 gross acre park I(Jcated on Slte F and a 1-aere Village Green located between Slte~ Band (' The TranSit Center project arca al~o include~ 8 65 gross aercs ofpuhlic/semi-puhlie uses including the thture BART parkmg garage, a PG & E substation and surface BART parking (Attachment I). Previous Project 4pproval.\' Th" following projects have heen approvcd Jor the Dublin Transit Center project area (See Figure 1 ): Pro,ject Description Subdivision of I parcel into 3 parcels 112 affordable apartment units Subdivision of I parcel ,into 3 parcels 257 "omlonullIum units 305 apartment units and 12,750 square feet of retail 6-7 level parking structure for BART patrons 300 condominium units and 15,000 _ ____,_ ,,_________ square feet orr"t~il ___ '_'___'~_____"_ *Alameda County SLlrplu~ Property Authority P roj ect Area Site A AppIieant/Developer ACSPA* SilcA-2 bAH, Inc Site B Avalon Bay Communities D.R. Horton - -' SIIc B-1 Site B-2 Avalon Bay (~ommunities bast Dublin BART Parking Garage ACSI'A* Site E-I O,R, Horton ,- Approval Date Current Status May 2004 Map I'inaled April 2004 Under Construction -....... November 2004 Map I'inaled -. - ''''._,._"..~-''-_.''-'''._-_.,.- January 2005 Under Constmction January 2005 In Building Plan Check Review October 2005 In Plan Cbeck Review witb Alameda County February 200b In Building Plan Cbeck Review The remainder of the Duh1m Tran~it Center project area includes the fi.Jture development of 415 lugh density residential units on Site A, 405 high density residcntial units on Site C with 25,000 square feet of retail, 1 7 million square feet of campus office, a 12.2 acre neIghborhood park and the I acre Village Green, whi"h 1~ the ~uhJed (Jfthi~ Agenda Statement. Page 2 of7 Figure 1 - Dublin Transit Center Project Approvals and Loclltion of Current Projects Sitc A-2 r~....., Site F-1 .,'. Village Green .).1".. lj'! I. BART Garage ~,'~.'~~~::'~ t~.~,,,,,.,. , ,. ~:;,':~:,::;:~~~~~,:J' Village Grem Concept alld Design The approved Stage I Development Plan for the Dublin TranSIt Center established the concept for the Village Green as a central open space area approximately I acre in sizc (Attachment 2). As stated in the Stage I Development Plan, the Village Green was intend"d to he "a gathering spot and peaceful refuge fiJr the surrounding residcntial development hy providing an open grassy area on whi<:h local residenls r:ould enjoy passive recreational activities. One-way privale streets on either side of the Village Green could provide access to the adjacenl [residential] buildings which in lurn would enclose and sheller Ihe space from freeway noise and pervasive wesler(v win,k A pedestrian corridor through Site C would physimlly and visual(v connedlhe Village Green to the BART slation entrance to the south allowing easy puhlit. aeces.' to this private(v mainlained open .'pace area" The Village Green was furthcr dctlned in the Stage I Developmcnt Plan as a linear park with unfen"ed public access. Tbe spaee induded a central plaza of re~idenl1al scale and charaetcr with a grid of canopy trees over seating. l'he central fo"al point of the plaza could include public art or a water fcature, Open grassy areas on either side of the plaza would provide multi-purpose green ~pace I(lr a"tive uses. A tree lined edge would provide pr"acy and enclose the space as well as provide shade for seating heneath the trec~. Entry plazas on thc cast (Iron Hor~e Parkway) and west (Demarcu~ Roulevard) ends of the Village Grcen also induded IClcal points such as Pllbhc art or special landscape trcatment and decorative paving. The Village Green was intended to he the heart ofthe residcntial neIghborhood. At the January 4,2005 City Coun<;il meeting, Staff prescntcd Avalon Bay Communities propo~ed design of the Village Green in conjunction WIth the Site B-2 development. The proposed Village Grecn ineluded a ecntral plaza area with trellised seating sllIToundlllg the plaza to provide a shaded ~eating area. Thc water feature chosen a~ the fo"al point of the central plaza was a splash pad play surface with aquatic playground equipment. On ellher side of the central plaza area were two tot lots. Combined WIth the splash pad, the dcsign wa~ 11ltended to provide formal recreatIOnal opportunities for children. As approved, the Avalon Bay COmmUl11tles (Site B-2) and D.R. Horton (Site R-1) projects did not include play cquipment within their respeetivc developments. Open grassy arcas and a tree hned edge wcre also Incorporated into the dC~lgn as planned for in thc Stage I Development Plan (Attachment 3). fhc City Coun"il expressed concerns over the deSIgn of the Villagc Grcen at the January 4, 200S mecting and directed Stall to work with Avalon Bay Commul11hes to further definc how thc Village Green would he used and by whom. Spe"di"ally, the City Council wa~ wn"erned that the design ofthc Village Green did not clearly convey whether it was a pnvate or public space and felt there would he conflicts bctween Page 3 of 7 residents and non-residents uSlllg the park. The City Council emphasIzed the need to design the park in such a fashion that It would attract the intcnded us"rs. Lastly, the City Council exprcsscd then VISIOn for the Village Green being a public gathering space due to its elosc proximity to puhhc transit (See Attaeluuent 4). At the June 21, 200S City Council mecting, Staff presented three alternativc designs for the Village Gr""n. Thc City Council cho~e AlternatIve #2 (Attachmcnt 5) and dIrected Staff to return to the City Council WIth a Site Developmcnt Review for revIew and approval (Attachment 6). ANALYSIS: Proposed Village Green Site Layout alld Design The Village Green IS proposed to be a linear, open grassy area With a large pedestrian plaza at the east end (at Iron Horsc Parkway), ThIS plaza would providc opcn and un-programmed space with a trcllis element On the east side of the plaza, and flowering accent trees and benches lining the we~t sHle of the plaza. A specimen tree With low shrubs and groundcover would be located in the center of the plaza. A largc paved arca within the plaza could accommodate outdoor seating or events as well as public art. A linear pedestnan pathway would connect the large plaz.a with a strong central promenade in the center of the Village Green, ThIS promenade would bc rectangular 111 shape and large enough to accommodate an outdoor market or other large gathenngs. Low scat walls would be placed along the edge of the promenade and perennial gardens WIth accent trees would frame both SIdes of the promenade, Opportunities for mulhple puhlic art pieces arc idenhfied at the center of this promcnade along with flowering accent trccs (Exhibit A of Attachment 7). The linear pedcstrian pathway would continue wcst leading to a smaller plaza with raised ~eat111g platform~, Accent trees, shrubs and groundcover w\lUld he planted at cach of the four comers of this plaza. At thc western mo~t end of the Village Grecn a small scale plaza mimics the ccntral plaza on the east end. A stainless steel play dome i~ lo"ated III the center of the plaza and ~erves as both a sculptural clement a~ well as a children's play area. Trelh~ed seatlllg, shade trees, flowcnng accent trees and decorative paving are also part of the plaza's design. Open gras~y areas between the lincar pathways proVIde multi-purpose green spaces with enough room for recreational play, farmers markets, picnics and other outdoor actlvlhes (Exhibit A of Attaehmcnt 7). The most sigmficant dIfferences between the Stage I Development Plan Village Green de~lgJl and the proposed desigJl would be the rcloeahon of the central plaza area from the center of the Village Green to the eastern most edge (neaT Iron Horse Parkway), a strong central promenadc in the center of the Villagc Green, additional pedestnan walkways throughout the open grassy areas, and a play apparatus on the westem edge. The proposed Village Green deslgJl would provide amenities for reSIdents and other users of the [)ublin Transit Centcr For r"sident~, there are open grassy areas tor rccreation and an area for child's play The children's play area is strategically plaeed farther from the more active puhIic spaces located on the eastern edge of the Village Green. The large central promenade is designed as a qua~i-puhlic space and could accommodate large pubhc gatherings for an outdoor market or art show Thc large plaza on the east end is oriented towards future retail and office uses and prOVIdes opportunities for outdoor seatmg and other outdoor cvent~, Addlhonally, pet waste bag dispcnser~ will he Illcorporated throughout the Village Green allowing pet owners the opportumty t\J clean up after their pcts. Page 4 01'7 Public Art The Master Development Agreement for th" Dubhn TransIt Center required that thc Alameda County Surplus Property Authority contribute $250,000 for public art throughout the TranSIt Center The Stage 1 Development Plan for the TranSIt Center identificd the Village Green as a potential public art lo"ahon. At the January 4, 200S City Council meeting, the Parks and Community Services DlTector presented to the City Council three potential art pieccs. During deliherahons, the City Council expre~sed a desire to dcfer thc selection of art and involve future resident~ 0 f the TranSIt Center in thc art selechon process. Specifically, the City Councll asked that the public art proc"ss he mlhated once 25'% of the unit~ (141 of the 562 umts) were oceupicd on Site B of the Transit Center Thc Village Green SIte Developmcnt Review Amendment has been conditioned that at 25% (lCCupancy the ApplieantlDeveloper shall work WIth the City to determine the final location(s) and facilitate the Illstallal10n of public art withlll the Village Green (CondItion of Approval #14, Attaehment 7). Phasing of Improvements The Village Green is proposcd to be "onstructed in two phases. The vast maJonty of the Village Green would be constructed 111 Phase I. Phase I would indude the entIre Village Green with the exception of the vehIcular roadway that is loeated south of the Village Green (Sheet L-2a of the Project Plans, Exhihlt A of Attachment 7). This southern vehicular road"ay would not be constructed as part of Phase 1 because surface BART parking i~ located III this area and is currently in use by BART patrons. Upon eompletion of Pha~e 1 of the BART parking garage thi~ surface parking would be relocated to the garage frceing up this area (also known as Site C) for higb denSIty reSIdential development. In eonJllllctlOn with an application tor the development of Site C with high den~lty resHlential uses, Staff would Impose a wndlhon on the project tor the construchon of southern vehicular road"ay and other asso<:1ated improvements needed to complete the south sidc of the Village Green (Sheet L-I of the Project Plans, Exhihlt A of Attachment 7). These Improvements would ineludc the southern vehicular roadway, pedestrian ramps on the south side of the Village Green and hoth pedestrian and vehicular a"cent paving. Conditions of Approval Thc Project has been reviewed by the Commul11ty Development Department, Fire Prevention Burcau, Public Works Department, Duhhn Police Services and Duhlin San Ramon Services DistneL The eommcnts receIved are reflected in the dcsign of the Project and the conditions of approval contained in the attached City Council Resolution (Attachment 7). Condition of Approval #23 (Attachment 7) For the most part, the Village Green i~ located on Site B which was subdivided 1Il November 2004 to ercak a ~eparate parcel for the Village (,reen. DespIte the subdivision, a portion of the Village Green that is 16 feet in WIdth and approximately 675 feet 111 length, and the southern vehicular roadway adjacent to the Village Green hes on property that is part of Site (' whIch IS currently owned by BART The project has been conditioned that the Apphcant obtains the necessary rights from BART in order to construct 16 fcct of Improvements with Phase 1 of the Village Green. The 16 feet of improvements would ineludc an 8-foot planting stnp and an 8-foot sidewalk (Sheet L-2a ofthe Project Plans, Exhibit A of Attachment 7). Without these improvements the southern edge of the Village Green would remain unfinished until such tIme that Sitc C develops. The southern vehicular roadway would he constructed in conjunction WIth the development of Site C Condition of Aooroval1l24 (f1ttachmcnt 7) As stated above, in "onjun"tl(lll WIth the future development of SIte C the remaining improvcmcnt~ for the Village Green would need to be completed. In order to do so, the property owncr of Site C would need Page50f7 the rights to access and Improve certam portions of the Village Grccn which arc not located on Site C In order to ensure that the future property owner of SIte C has these TIghts the Project has been condil1oned to provide an eas"mult wlthm the Village Green on Site B granting the fi.Jturc property owner the right to eonstmct thc rcqUlred Improvements, GENERAL PLAN, SPECIFIC PLAN AND ZONING ORDINANCE CONFORMANCE: The Projeel would be consistent with the Dublin Gcneral Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. Both the General Plan and SpecIfic Plan have adopted an Open Space land use de~lgnatlOn for the Projcct site, The proposed Projeel IS consIstent WIth thIS land use designation as it is a dedicated open space area. The Project area is part of Tract Map 7525 which has becn recordcd and include~ a non-bUIldable casem"nt over the Village Green. The Project sitc would be located withm the Eastern Extended Planning Area, as dellned hy the Dublin General Plan, and the Transit Center Planning Suharea, as defined by the Eastern Dublin Spccific Plan. The guiding policy for the Eastelll Extended Planning Area is to, "Encourage the development of a full range of commercial and employment-generating uses .that will meet the needs of the Citv and surrounding Tri-Vallev area," Thc proposed Projeel IS consIstent with this policy as it is one component of a tranSIt Oriented development which includes rctail and campus office uses. The proposed Village Green supports the dcvelopment of such uses by providing a dedicated open space amenity for thc enjoyment of all users of the Transit Ccnter The TranSIt Center Planning Subarea was adopted to maximize the transit opportunitics presented by the BART Station and associated bus hub by creating a pedcstrian oriented, hIgh density mix of uses within easy "'alking distance of mass transit. The Village Green is consistent with this policy hy provIding a pedestrian ~cale open space amenity within approximately 700 feet of the BART station. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Pursuant to the California Environmcntal Quahty Act, Staff has recommended that the project be found cxcmpt from CEQA pursuant to Government Codc Section 65457 which exempts residential projccts that are consistent with a specillc plan from further envIronmental review The Villagc Grcen IS a portion of a resldentml project which was previously determined to be consIstent WIth the Eastern Dublin SpeCIfic Plan. Addihonally, the Project IS within the scope of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Dublin Transit Center General Plan Amendment, Eastcrn Dublin Spccillc Plan Amendment, Stagc 1 Planned Development Zoning, Tentative Parcel Map, and Development Agreemcnt (SCH 2001120395) which was eertillcd by City Council Resolution No, 215-02 dated Novcmher 19, 2002. This reeommendation is based on a determination that there are no supplemental impacts that would reqUlre preparation ofa Supplemental EnvlTonmentallmpact Report. NOTICING: In accordan"e WIth State law, a Public Hearing Notice ",as mailed to all property owners and occupants within three hundred feet (300') of the proposcd Projcct to adverti~e the Project and the Public Hearing scheduled for Febmary 21, 2006. The Pubhc Hearing Notice was also published in the Valley Times and posted at several locations throughout the City CONCLUSION: ThIS apphcahon has been reviewed by applicahle City departments and agencies and their eomment~ have bcen incorporated lIlto the Project and the recommended conditions of Project approval. The proposed p"ge 6 01'7 ProJed IS consistent wIth the Duhlin Gencral Plan and Eastern Dublin Speclfi" Plan, and the Stage 1 Planned Devdopment Zoning for thc Duhhn TranSIt Center and Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning for Site B-2 and represents all appropnate project for the site. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council, 1) Open Public Heanng; 2) Receive Staff presentation, 3) Receive Publ1c testimony; 4) Close Public Hearing; 5) Deliberate; 6) Adopt Re~oluhon (Attachment 7) approving PA 03.0SM Village Green SIte Development Revlew Amendment to Duhlin Transit Centcr Site B-2 (Avalon Bay Communities) Site Development Review, with Project Plans attached as Exhibit A. Page 7 01'7 ii' :,,11'1,0 , ~ --- I IU! I ______~__---=-_ ':: f uNTUL.PAII:Iil:W-';:...- -- --- ~Fl~~ I ,- : lro-u-uu-u-uu_--jl ,~-~_ I,~ '" ---------~-----~~=---~,I~ I r I' ~-~ ----, r--- , --~ -- ~; I I -- "':'-- !::~ 1'!llIli ill!11 ,11" ill II 'I I! 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S1te 15'A ( Dt.Jbl1n Transit C<<1ter Boollndanes S)'IJase CoI-poI"ation Camp Parks East I West Trail ==== == == == ====== ======":::":::::-::~_-::"':"'..., ====== == ==== === ======= /\ --------~~------~~------ - , ! I, 'ji ! I r e , ~ , 0 I z . -~---r#-~ Q ,. ~ > ~ ~ ~ o ~ 'Site t6.A Sfte8 ~on Horse T.-ail 51leA u =='-- ~ ~ ----I.PlloIIAlDI':IY-e: ~L,--t: - " ---- 11'1,: 1'1: I' , ;I! , " --II:r I1II I1II 'Site 0.1 ~ I Site 0-1 Site 16'8 Scarlet Cou rt I ndustriat Area ~I ,/".-;j'", '//; , ~~_>J - --- -' ~ " '1 ! Dub Ii nl P leaunton -BA RT "Stati Q n - - -----= -- .-.- To 1- 680 1-580 FREEWAY IOf.41 II :-1 " " '" II: ," Iii! III: ':'[ I , C..I d-f<J.ifOb - I I I I !~ ffi ~ .... ::z: LIJ :s :c (.) c-: 5 -- o !i(J 1D11 _ ProDosed Land Uses Specific Plan I General Plan Amendment T R AN SIT Dul:tlin~ California 1.11 Ckiobtl. 1001 Alameda CiIlU.t)' Cl)mmuolty DIt"r"1!1opmen1 Agel1C\' ((\) _FJ>....l-Fn;l;!l':- v,.,,~.~~ .1..........;......, . 0" 1.....-1'<~~...1J""--'-~ s.urpl.~ Propert)' Alltho-rify, I~ ~ :m>:1,So.d< ~I 124 W. ,,"'i.kin A....eIIue-. Room nil ko F~",,-,,,,.C_~ '14' II E R HlII}'....ard, CalirurJli:a "~I;;::"'~ , [po / To Ha-cienda 5usin-en Park !!limB" -oct {;r,'I~ S*lPrc;,......... _0, -!:..IIi_9oO'..~ ~"""~*' D u B L I N c E N T . . . . fa . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a- ~of41 Central Open Space System The Dublin Transit Center residential neighborhood will be organized around a connected series of public spaces. The heart of the residential neighborhood will be the oval-shaped "Village Green". Generous sidewalks will link this public space to DeMarcus Boulevard in the west and Iron Horse Parkway in the east. From the Village Green, a stroll along a mid-block landscaped path will lead through shaded "Iron Horse Plaza" at the corner of DeMarcus Boulevard and Iron Horse Parkway to the BART plaza at the foot of the station platform. ---; JIt,,"', 'c -""~,,,~__,_, 1" H ?-.-:-ccc-J ~- . ---'-,.', c ,,,,,,""DUBLIN BOULEVARD c- - c" "ri[--~- 11 - '2i m ';! %, '._ ,_~ w ,.a)J:.o;;i-", ~ T Z ( ffi ~~.;;;;. ,", CENTRAL OPEN SPACE KEY MAP Site-A Street Tree-w:1trIn S' ~S' PLante'dTfE'EI ""''ell:; Site B SiteS <~-11' 14'T~-;1 F'eodeitrianl~ ,'- {CO::re1.e ... Walk, (T:rpIcaI.) ,~-'I..wjrri'nU[J1. , ~~i ~12'14'"'!"alL I'~L~ , " !-hade Tree Qustof'~ ~ngcentra;Feature 5'.6~~ 6' Plllnterl~ ~~1= Par1:1ngL<ne- ,'- ~ GrnnilE', ITl'"Picall PG& E Substation BART ParkIng , , , , '-(,rIdr:PSIla~'ret"lOYer Det::~GranitePa'l1ng '----,l,cc~ntT~ wittrinPlKrtinc -- " -tondonPl..ilne-Treeo!i ....."Ihin 5' PUnting anoq 1~Alii.n'Perimeterl~ ofVi~{jl'l!l!l1wJT~ OtIBoth5idecftlle'Sb"eet SiteC -Unit~ Sit-eC Village Green Focus of Open Space System EB """" u,_ . . ~ " .';'Id"'" Bll]"'" . mt_.aflou",.._ I ,""n.....,,;.! .. 11'l-.~s...-_Sod,:iI*-' ~i":-o:-.'tiaNc ~/;:;':tco.""". k:~~ It "'"'~-,~ '""~.. Vitla"e Green Illustrative PLan .\1amNla Count}' C(lmmllnm DewloprnelltA-geIlO' <2\) NrlJ.n,J;~lIt:, l(,."Il'l}' ....~"'.,..i~_ . SIl1'pI~ Pl1lperty Authority, ~""'=~~..:';~ 224 W. WIIIOOn AWlllle, Rm:m 1 ~i) _ s.... 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",,2C" 39 f 41 I ; II~UZZARDO PARTNERSHIPI."- LM\d5Ia!M AId'IIal:D .l.INI PII~ '"'-- .5I:n~a.Ml!! T.lI'5.e3i1572 F.1SO!I'IQ(B """""', AVALON DUaLlN TIWIsn CeNTER PARCEL B2 PO>E'_ 'SSCORNEi=!;P: ~~E!ollf'Jil.J'.ID OUEtJN Il\f:.' <>O<Bt ~1,r,D.LOt.l1l'!""I'~'mES IN( W:~IIIREEI!'Il1"!:tll llAA.".:ISl;"."CJ. .6 ,^, .6 .6 I 1 I i I I I ~ -"" -, - (al)I.II)l JIIIDllf'!:BlI'PItI/T W\UII. ,ptI!MTT,Q,. CII\MII fDII;W..lE'IIIB!D~ ww Al:IE CE!ICU"IDI ISSUE IlFOII:IIi\"nON F'\.DT[II.~"'\.ClII flllC,'ETlIIJo.; tIR.U1'II~ l:HI!OIJ!IIo~: 0MEl'''''''''- s:!eT'TI"Il: SCHEW,:r:c l..AtIDSCA?E PlAN l,01llAGE ~ AlT.~ I I I CHMtN1T MEl:IIC', L-2 ~1 () HI REGULAR ME.ETlNG - JANUARY 4. tOOS ClDSED SESlION A closed session was held at 6:30 p.m., regarding: Conference with Legal Counsel 1. CONFERENCE WJTH LEGAL. COUNSEL - ANnClPATED unGA nONGovernment Code Secfion5495fJ.9, subdivision c (four potential cats) A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, JanlUlry 4,2005', in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meetirt.g was called to order at 7:12 p.m., by Mayor Lockhart. . R.OLL CAJ,J, PRESENT: ABSENT: Courtcilmembers Hildenbrand,McCormick, Oravetz, Zika. and Mayor Lockhart. None. . n,EDGE OF ~lANCE The pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited by the Council, Staff and those present. . BEPOI..I.QN CLQSED SESSIQN ACTIQ~ Mayor Lockhart announced that there was no achon taken. .' bCCEPTANCE OF GRANT 1R.QM ALTAMQNl' CRUISERS CAR CLUB OF I,JVEgMORE 7:13 p.m. 3.1 (I50~70) Police Chief Gary Thuman advised that the Altamonf Cruisers has donated $],000 to Do blin Police Services for purchase of two digital cameras with printer to be used by students that attend the annual Police Youth Academy. CITV COUNCLJ, MINUTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 4, 2005 PAGE I ATT.~CHMENT &.4- n 'f. 50+1/ 'l11.e Council thanked the Altamont Crnisers Car Club for their continued support of Dublin Police Services. On motion of Vm. Zika, seconded by em. Oravetz and by unanimous vote, the CIty Council accepted the grant from the Altamont Cruisers Car Cl\.l.b; approved the Budget Change in the amount of $1,000; and directed Staff to prepare formal acknowledgement to the donor. . PROCLAMATION DECLARING JANUARY Z005 AS VOLUNTEER. BI..()OD DONOR MONTIf 7:15 p.m. 3.2 (610-50) Mayor Lockhart read a proclamation declaring January 2005 as "Volunteer Blood Donor M.onth," and urged all cItizens to pay tribute to those among use who donate for others in need_ . CarmelO'Connor Jones, Blood. Services Community Relations Director for the Northern Californw Region of the American Red Cross, accepted the proclamation and thanked the Council for helping create public awareness regarding the enormous need for healthy blood donatiOtts. She also encouraged the public to donate toward diSASter relief to VIctims of the Southeast Asia tsunami. . CONSENT CALENDAR. 7:19 p.m. IteID:l 4.1 through 4.5 On motion of Vm. Zika, seconded by Cm. McCormick, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following: actions: Approved (4.1) the minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 21, 2004; Adopted (4.2 390~20) RESOLUTION NO. 01 - 05 MAKING FINDINGS REGARDING UNEXPECTED DOWNTOWN TRAFFIC MITIGATION CONTlU8l1TIONS FOR nSCAL YEAll200g.2004 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 4, :2005 PAGE 2 6 ~/41 Accepted (4.3 330-50) Financial Reports for the Month of November 2004; Accepted (4.4 600-35) improvements under Contract No. 04-09, Central Parkway/Per~immon Drive Safety Improvements; and authorized release of retention after 35 days if there are no subcontractor clai1TL'l; Approved (4.5 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $1,447,274.08. . PUBUC HEARING - AVALON BAY COMMUNITIES D:fVELOPMENT REZONING, SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW imJP AND DEVE!DPMENT AGREEMENT (DA) PA 05~058 7:20 p.m. 6.1 (410-30/600-60) Mayor Lockhart opened the public hearing. Mamie NucCio, Assistant Planner, presented the Staff Report and advIsed that Avalon Bay Communities is proposing to construct a multiwfamily residential apartment community of 305 units and approximately 12,750 square feet of ground floor retail on approximately 3.57 net acres of land within the Dublin Transit Center project. The Dublin Transit Center is located generally betweett the Iron Horse 'Trail to the west, Dublin Boulevard to the north, Arnold Road to the east and the Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station to the south. Mayor Lookhart asked if the proposed Village Green would 'be public or private. Ms. Nuccio advised that the one-acre park-like setting would be pnvate. Mayor Lockhart asked why it would not be fenced. Ms. Nuccio advised that the Stage 1 Development A,greement did not Identify a fenced area and the open area would connect the Villase Green to the adjacent residential communities. Although it might attract users from future office ot retail uses, the intent was to provIde recreational amenity for the residential commumties. Mayor Lockhart expressed concern about the public, including those COmIng from the BART station, using a private park, and stated that it should be fenced. If it was unfenced and open to the pubhc, how would the residents react? It should be clear as to whom the CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 24 REGUI..AR MEETING January 4, 2005 PAGEl 71>141 park was intended. She expressed concern about children playing in an unfenced area in such close proximity to the BART stabon. City Manager RIchard Ambrose advised that, as part of the Transit Center approval~ the public park area uientified was across Dublin Boulevard. The village Green was proposed as part of the County's master plan. Avalon Bay would own it, but an HOA would maintain it. It was set up as a common amenity between Sites B~l & B-2. The Council discussed the possibility of the public, especially those with young children, USing the private park, and agreed that it could cause a problem between residents and Tlon -residential users. Cm. Hildenbrand expressed the need to maintain the flow of non -resident's using the park and questioned how the police would monitor the private park. The area could become a hangout for people walking to and from the jail, as well as people coming from the BART station. City Manager Ambrose advised that the Applicant could be asked to modify the design through the Site Development Review process so as to not to attract children. The Police would have adequate access to patrol the area. Mayor Lockhart stated that the park should not create mixed messages; everyone should be aware of the intended use of the open space and it should be set up to attract the intended users. The Council and Staff discussed the Village Greet1 concept and the need for everyone to be clear on the intended use of the park, which could be defined by what was put in It. Planning Consultant Mike Porto explained the background of the project and advised that the Village Green area sits over a stann drain so it was not possible to develop buildings over it. The Village Green area WlLS originally intended to be a public gathenng space for residents and campus office employees. Avalon ),Jay was required to build and maintain the Village Green, but It was meant as an amenity for all the people using the Transit Center. Public uses for the Village Green could include a farmers' market or art shows, etc. City Manager Ambrose asked if Staff had looked into the possibility of movmg tot lots mto the complex courtyards. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 4, 2005 PAGE 4 '6 '" I "l/ Ms. Nuccio advised that rough measurements had been taken to see if both tot lots could be relocated onto the Avalon Bay Site. It may be too small to accommodate "fall zone" safety regulations; however, Staff could study its feasibility. City Manager Ambrose advised that tonight would be the time for Council to articulate concerns about the site design, and that it would be helpful fOf the Council to provide Staff with an idea as to what would be acceptable. Mayor Lockhart stated that more time should be spent on the Village Green. It does not meet the needs of families or the community and hasn't been clearly defi.ned. More examples of other Village Greens would be helpful since this is Dublin's first attempt. She was not comfortable with putting two tot lots artd a water feature in front of the BART Station. It does not make sense and does not fit the Council's vision of the community. The right atmosphere needs to be created for that area. More b.me should be spent to understand what could be accomplished there and bring the whole Village Green issue back before the Council. A public gathering space next to public transit made sense to her. City Manager Ambrose suggested that the Council, during delibera.tion, give direction to Staff for alternative studies for design. Vm. Zika expressed concern about protecting the planned two. hour parking on Iron Horse Parkway from BART riders, and asked. if Avalon Bay would pay for extra Police patrol. The plan would set up a war zone between retailers and BART parlrers. Police Chief Gary Thuman advised. that "no parking" between 7 A.rn. - 9 a.m, would be feasible if there were no retail uses that would be open thatel:1i'ly, such as a coffee shop. There would have to be sufficient deterrent, such as higher fines or towing, for motorists to modify their behavior. "No parking" would be Police Staff intensive. The Council and Staff discussed various parkmg options, mcludittg "no parkIng" zones or metering. City Manager Ambrose advised that this was a unique project and the City does need to provide some services. There would be some additional costs depending on how the Council wanted to approach it. The Council and Staff engtlgt>A in a question and answer session regarding parking options, as well as discussed. various options to accommodate future uses. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING Janpary 4, 2005 PAGE 5 q ,p ( 11 Pat Ca:lhman, Alameda County Surplus Property Authority, advised that the Village Green would be privately built and maintained, but be a passive space open to the public. It is approximately 800 feet from the BART Station, and people walking to it would be primarily residents. The concerns about the tot lot might be valid, Hopefully, the Village Green can continue to go forward and not hold up the approval pt.'OCe$S. The programming of the VilIase Green can be determined later. Retail was defmed in the plan approval as auxiliary retail, whIch required no parking. The Developer recognized., however, that there would be some pragmatic level of parking. The real support for the retail will be the re:ndents, office users and BAKT users. This will be a dense neighborhood where you might have to drive around looking for parking. Hopefully, that will be part of its charm. Nathan Hong, Senior Development Director with Avalon Bay, reviewed the background of the project .and advised that they would be willing to reconsider placing tot lots in the Village Green. With respect to retail, future uses are hard to predict; however, it would generally be neighborhood-serving retail, such as drycleaner, dayca.re service or coffee shop_ There would probably be 2 or 3 smaller separate users, as opposed to one larger user. Mayor Lockltart reiterated the need to define the users of the Village Green. Vm. Zika. asked how the 2-hour parking limit would be enforced. Mr. Hong advised that a Master Association between the four sites (B-1, B-2, C-1 and C- 2) would be set up to maintain roads, the Village Green, and parking enforcement, etc- The specifics have not been defined yet, but the cars would be red~ta.gged. They committed to the 2~hour resulabon as part of this approval and would work to that. Mayor Lockhart asked about prIvate security. Mr. Hong advised that they generally do not have private security services, and did not foresee that for the master llssociation. Garages and buildings would have technological security devices. Vm. Zika noted that the HOA cann.ot issue parking tickets, and BART l'ideI'S would just scrape off any red tags. Although he liked the project, he could not SUpJXlrl it until the parlang lssues were resolved. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME Z4 REGULAR MEETING Jaoaary 4, 2005 PAGE 6 /()<t(4/ Mr. Hong concurred with Police Chief Thuman regarding having a sufficient deterrent, such as higher fines or towing, and stated they would work closely with the Police Department to effectuate the proper procedures. Mayor Lockhart stated that every parking Issue cou.ld not Pe resolved. The people will have to follow the rules; if they do not, they will get tickets. em. Oravetz noted that the future BART parking garage, as well as the future West Dublin BAIrr Station mIght alleviate some of the problems in time. City Manager Ambrose asked the Applicant about the feasibility of relocating the tot lot within the complex. Mr. Hong advised that they would take a look, but did not foresee enough demographics to build internally. It would be more beneficial to open It to the public for maximum use. loyd Luce, Dublin resident and new BART Board Representative, eXpre33ed concern about the CUITent parking situation at BART and stated that the Council must address parkin,g now. If enough parking was not provided, it would continue to create hostile BART riders. He offered his services to remedy the situation. Mayor Lockhart stated the City of Dublin could not fake care of BART's parking problems. Mayor Lockhart closed the public hearing. em. McCormick referred to the Green Building Guidelines and asked for clarification to the statement "to the extent practical, the Applicant shall incorporate green building measures." Ms. Nuccio advised that Dubhn did not have an adopted Green puilding Ordinance, so currently the Building OffiCIal works with the Developer to incorporate cost effective measures to incorporate green building into their projects. Building official Gregory Shreeve advised that the City utilizes the Alameda. County's Waste Management Multi-Family Affordable Housing Program for Green Building. "Extent practical" means accomplishing items that are practical or structurally feasible in their project. CITY COUNCIL MINlJTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 4, 2005 PAGE 7 II 0 ( 4/ Cm. Oravetz ITUlde a motion that the Council waive the reading and introduce an Ordinance approving Stage Z Planned Development Zoning with the Development Plan attached as Exhibit A; adopt the Resolution for Site Development Review with Project Plan attached as Exhibit Ai waive the reading and introduce Ordinance adopting the Development Agreement; Ilnd direct Staff to work WIth the Developer to provide the Council with alternative layouts for the Village Green Open Space. em. Hildenbra.nd seconded the motion. CIty Manager Ambrose recommended that the Council not provide a Site Development Review approval for the Village Green portion of the project. The City Attorney had advioJed that the Council could pull it out at this time, and the Site Development RevIew for the Village Green could De brought back to the Councillllter. The balal1ce of the Site Development Review could be approved, if the Council so chose. Mayor Lockhart clarified that this would allow the Applicant to move forward with everything else. City Manager Ambrose agreed. Cm. Oravetz rescinded his initial mohon. Cm. Hildenbrand rescinded her second of the initial monon. Assistant City Attorney John Bakker recommended that the motIon approve the Site Development Review, excepting the Village Green. On motion of em. Oravetz, seconded by em. Hildenbrand and by majority vote (Vm. Zika. opposed), the Council waived the first readu13 and INTRODUCED an Ordinance approving a Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning; adopted RESOL1ITION NO. 02 - 05 APPROVING SITE DEVEWPMENT REVIEW FOR. PA 03-053 DUBUN TRANSIT CENTER. (EXCLUDING mE VIllAGE GRBEN) SITE B-2 (AVALON BAY COMMUNITIES) LOCATED AT TIlE SOUTHwEsT CORNl'Jl. OF DUBLIN BOULEV AID AND IRON HORSE PARKWAY (APN 986~OOOl-011NOO) And waived the first readm8 and INTRODUCED an Ordinance adopting a Development Agreement. . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 4, 2005 PAGE 8 (l: .. <'0.( , III I- :z: UJ :E~ :t: ' ~~ ....t ...--- ~ N II' .- J, 1,- ,. , " J/ :=-1: \: ' .-r. ~.f"77..J ,~-:~,.'~~~' ~~_ ~_:l. , . , ~;. ~ ~~.~:=.c, -~~. . I 1-' ! I~lll J"I',n I .1.. I I ! \ ,. \ , t'- , " I i ..- o '" 1-" "oJ ...., ::r: - (I) .. ~ 0 ~ <:l .g z III p UJ 0 r: ~ UJ Z <( 0:: :> Z - 19 ::E '" A. ~ it ., ::i ", 0 LU ('j r, '" ,.. 0 \9 :Ii z t, ~ 4: ::i ;z In ...J 9 ::> <> 0 ...J <( > 'J:l <( ~ > .g Ul I ( I, I ,. I " I I I , ! ; i I ( ....:. I " Ii " I v:: \. ,~,,"'n_-=) g ,:,,~ ,~ r Ih Ii" I I~' L 1~."l41 No testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this Issue. Mayor Lockhart closed the public hearm,g. On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Mayor Lockhart, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted, with additionallan,guage "if the CNG trucks are locally available in the franchisee's fleet, they will be used in Dublin" RESOLUTION NO. 138 - 05 APPROVING A FORM OF THE DISCARD MATERIAL NON-EXCLUSIVE COLLECTION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Mayor Lockhart, and by unanimous vote, the Council then waived the reading and introduced the Ordinance. . DUBLIN TRANSIT CEI"fI'ER SITE B VILLAGE GREEN ALTERNATIVES FA 03-06~ 8:54 p.m. 7.1 (410~30) Associate Planner Marnie Nuccio presented the Staff Report. The Dublin Transit Center Site B project area includes a 1 ~acre park called the Village Green. Staff is presenting for City Council review and consideration, 3 alternative designs for the Village Green. Ms. Nuccio discussed background, Village Green Concept and Design, and an analysis of the alternatives, Options One, Two and Three. The alternate designs are in keeping with the general concept for the Village Green as approved in the Stage 1 Development Plan with shght deviations to better define the space within the park as well as provide multiple opportunities for the placement of public art. Mayor Lockhart stated she likes option Z the best. Vm. Zika, Cm. McCormick, Cm. Hildenbrand, and Cm. Oravetz all agreed. On motion of Vm. Zika, seconded by Cm. Hildenbrand, and by unanimous vote, the Council considered the 3 alternative designs and directed Staff to return to the City Council with a Site Development ReVIew for the preferred alternative (OptIon Z ) for review and approval. . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING JUDe 21, 2005 PAGE 272 ATI.'\CHMENT (p llliSOLllTlON NO. -06 ILf 0/41 <I. RESOUJTTON OF THE CITY COl.1NCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUN APPROVING P<I. 03-058 VILT,AGE GREEN SITF, DEVELOPMENT REVIEW AMENDMENT TO DUBLIN TRANSIT CENTER SITE B-2 (<I. V ALON BAY COMMUNITIES) SITE DEVELOPMENT RFVIEW LOCATED SOUTH OF SITE B BETWEEN IRON HORSE P ARKW A Y AND DEMARCl.1S BOl.1LEV ARD (APN 986-0001-011-00) WHEREAS, the Appheant, Avalon Bay Commuml1es, In"" has requested an am"ndment to the approved Site Deve]upm"nt Revlcw for PA OJ-058, Dubhn TransIt Ccntcr SIte B-2, for thc "onstruction of a:l:l acre open space area, located on th" south"rn portIOn of Dubhn TransIt Ccntcr SIte B bctwcc"ll Iron Horse Parkway and DeMarcus Roukvard, wlthm the Eastern Dubhn Speelfie Plan area, amI WHEREAS, the Applicant has submitted a complete application for a Site Uevelopment Review Amendmcnt for said project which is available and on file in the Planning Uivision; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has also submitted Project Plans dated received hy the Planning DivIsIOn on Fehmary <J, 2006; and WHEREAS, on January 4,2005 the City Council approwd R"solulion 02-05 approvmg SIte Development Review for Duhlin Transit Center Site B-2 (Avalon Bay Communities) and excluded the Village Gre"n from th" project approvals; and, WHEREAS, the City Council directed Staff to work wIth tne Applicant to furtner (kfinc how thc Village Green would be used and hy whom; and WHEREAS, at the Jun" 21, 2005 City Couneil mcetmg Staffpresmted three alternative designs for the Village Green for th" Council to reVI"W, and WHEREAS, the Coun"il ehosc alt"rnative two and direeted Staff to rcturn tu the City Council with a Site Development Review for review and approval; and WHEREAS, the pro""" for amc"llding an approved Site Development Review is the same as the process for approving a Site Ikvclopment R"vI"w "xc"pt that the dcclslOn-mak<.,r for a Site Dcvelopment Review Amendment shall be thc sam" de"lslOn-mak"r that ull1matcly approv"d the SltC Dcvclopmcnt Review, in this case the City Couneil, and WHEREAS, the California linvironmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with State guidelines and City mvironmcntal regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmcntal ducuments be prepared; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to th" CahfornJa Environmcntal Quality A"t, Staff has recommended that the project be found exempt from CEQA pursuant to Government Code Secl10n 65457 which exempts residential proJe<;ls that are consistent with a specific plan from further environmental review The Village Oreen is a portion of a residential project which was previously determined to be consistent with the Eastern Dublin 'lpecific Plan. "'dditionally, the Proj"ct IS within the scope of the Final EnVIronmental Impad R"port for the Dublin Transit Center General Plan Am"mlment, Eastern Dunhn Speelfie Plan Amc"lldmcnt, Stag" 1 Planned Development Zoning, Tentative Parcel Map, and Development Ab'Teement (SCH 2001120395) whIch was ""rl1fied by City Council Resolution No, 215-02 dated November 19, 2002, This recommendation is hased on a detemunatlOn that A TT ACHMENT 7 /5&14-/ there are no supplemental Impads that would r",!ulre pr"paratwn of a Supplemental Environmental impact Rep0l1" and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was suhmitted to the ["ity ["ouncil on l'ehrualY 21, 2006 recornm~'1lding approval of said appl ication, aod, WHEREAS, the City Council did hold a puhlic hearing on said application; and, WHEREAS, proper notice of said hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and, WHEREAS, the (ity Coun"il ddib"ral"d on smd apph"ahon and madc a moll on to approve the Site Development Revicw Amendm"nt r",!u"st; and, WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use their independent judgment and eonsidered all said reports, r"eommendations and testimony hCTemabovc sd forth, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE City Council of the City of Duhlin does herehy make the following findings and determinations regarding the proposed Site Development Review Amendment: A. The proposed project, as conditioned is consistent with the purpose and intent of Chaptcr 8 104 Sllc Dcvelopment ReVIew of th" Dubhn Zoning Ordinanc" 111 that: 1) as r"qulrcd by Scdwn 8.l04,020,A the proposed projcct will bc eompatiblc with the Dubhn TranSIt Ccntcr master plan because thc pro]"ct has been designed to provide a pedestrian friendly, open space amenity adjacent to approved high-(lenslty, transit- oriented, residcntial d"vdopmcnts within elose proximIty to thc Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station; 2) as required hy Section R.104,020,R & C the proposed project addresses landscape design, vchl"ular and pedestrian access and on-site circulation, pal'king and tranlc impacts in that the project complies with th" 'Stagc I Development Plan adopted lor the Dublin Transit Center and the adopted Stage 2 Planned Dcvdopmml lomng regulations, requirements, and perfonnance standards for Dublin Transit Center Site B-2; and 3) as rC'lulr"d by Section g.104,020,D & E the proposed project will stabilize property values and promote the g"ncral wdfare by providing an atlraetlv" and fun"twnal opcn spa"" amemty available to residents and users of the Duhlin Transit C"nkr B, The proposed Project, as conditioned, complies with the policies of the OeneralPlan and the Eastern Duhlin Specific Plan, the development regulations and performance standards adopted as part of the Stage I Devdopment Plan for the Dublin Transit Center and Stage 2 Development Plan for Site B-2 and with all other requirements of the Zoning Ordinance hecause: 1) 'n,e proposed project complies with the policies of the l,eneral Plan in that the Eastern Extended Planning Area of which the Duhlin Transit Center is a part encourages the development of a halanced mixed use community well integrated with urhan systems and providing a safe, comfortable and attractive environment for living and working, The proposed project provides a multi-purpose open space area adjacent to a high-density, mixed-use (residential and commercial) developmcnt withm clos" proXImity to the DuhlinlPleasanton BART station; 2) the proposed pTllJeet comph"s with the policies ofthe Eastern Duhlin Specific Plan hecause the Plan states that the Transit ["enter area should have a mix of uses and should have a pedestrian friendly environment which the proposed project achieves hy providing an open space amenity with pedestrian friendly pathways throughout, traffic calming roadways WIth paralld parkmg on ClthcT SIde all wlthm dose proxImIty to hIgh-denSIty, mlxcd-usc dcvelopm"nts wluch all users of the Dublin Transit Center may henefit from; and 3) the proposed project complies with the development regulations and performance standards adopted for the Duhlin Transit Center project area hecause the proposed I acre open space area is compatihle with the approved uses for the site and the overall design of the project is consistent with the design standards set forth in the Stage I Development Plan fi.r the Dublin TranSIt Cent"r ( The propos"d Pro]"d, as eonditwncd, will not adversely aff"et the h"alth or safcty of pcrsons resldmg or working in the vicinity, or he detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare because: I) there will not he 2 /(:u r 4/ any significant environmental impacts associated with the project and the project has been conditioned to comply with all mil1gation meaSurcs adoptcd as part of the Dublm TransIt C"nter ErR, 2) the proposed proJe<;t will result in an opcn spacc amc'mty with attraetiv" lamlscapmg, p"destnan pathways, future puhlic art, shaded seating arcas, and a childr"n's play ar"a and is compatihle with existing and future development in the arca as identlfi"d m th" Dublin Tn1l1slt C"ntcr mastcr plan; 3) thc SIte layout and design of the open spacc area IS complimentary to the site layout and design of adja"cnt buildmgs m the n"lghborhood; and 4) as eonditioncd, the open space area will he operated in such a manner as to reduce impa"ts on thc surroundmg neighborhood, D The site development for the proposed project has been desib'lled to providc a dcslrable envlromnent for the development with regard to its site layout, structures, vehicular access, circulation and parking, sethacks, heIght, walls, pubhc safdy, and similar clements heeause' 1) the Project has heen designed at a pedcstnan scale by providing S-foot wide sidewalks throughout the Project area; 2) the Project mdudes a tree lined edge, shade trees throughout, seating platfonns, low seat walls and benchcs, and trdhs"s (0 proVIde shaded seating areas for users of the Village Ureen; 3) vehicular access to the Village Ureen has been desib'lled as a one-way, circular private road with on-street, parallel parking on both sides of the street to further enhance the pedestrian experience by slowing vehicular traffic and providing a buffer between pedestrians and moving vchicles; 4) low shrubs around the perimeter of the Village Green create a defined edge while allowing for surveillance through the Villagc Grecn; and 5) pcd"strian scalc hghhng along thc pathways through thc Villagc Ureen provide added security through illumination. E, The suhject site is physically suitable for a I acre open space area with features sueh as trelliscs, future public art, a children's play area, low seat walls and seating platforms in that: 1) the Stage I Development Plan for the Duhlin Transit Center identified the project area as open space; 2) the project area is centrally located among high density, mixed-use residential developments with ground floor retail providing residents, businesses and the general puhlic the opportunity to engage in passive or active recreation and other outdoor activities such as farmers markets or art shows; and 3) the Project area is encumbered with underground utilities which precludes the development ofhuildings, r. There are no impacts to views beoause: 1) the project would be locatcd on a SltC that IS rdal1vdy flat and will be surrounded by 4-7 story rcsidential and oampus offiee buildmgs to the north, south, west and east, rcspectively G. Th"rc ar" no Impacts to slopes or existing topob'l"aphic fcatures because: 1) the existing site is relatively Ilat. H. Thc character, s"alc and 4uality of the design is compatihility with the development's design concept or thcme and the charactcr of adjacmt buildmgs and uSeS becaus,,: 1) thc Villagc Grecn has been desib'llcd as an opm grassy area which provides opportunities for peaccful gathenng and passIve rcercational activlhes with easy and convenient pedestrian access to future high density residential and campus office buildings; 2) a large pedestrian plaza on the east end of the Village Green and a central pedestrian promenade in the center of the Villagc Gr"Ctl provide arcas ti,r formal or informal gatherings; and 3) a smaller pedestrian plaza with seating platforms and a children's play area on the west end of the Village Ureen provide more intimate gathering spaces geared towards the residents of the Dublin Transit Center I. Landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage of plant materials, proVISIOns and similar dcments will ensure visual relief and an attractive environment for the puhlic hecause: 1) the Village Ureen will include a tree lined edge around the perimeter of the op"n spacc area '" required by th" Stage 1 Devdopmen( Plan for the Dublin Transit Center; 2) a large pedestrian plaza with decorative paving, a"cent trees, seating opportumhes, and a spe"lmcn trc" as a central focal point will he providcd at the east end of the open space area and will provide opportunities for outdoor sealmg and "vents; 3) a strong central promenade in the center of the Village Green will physically and visually eonn"ct the Village Green to the BART station entrance allowing easy, pedestrian friendly access to and from the BART station as required by the Stage 1 Development Plan for the Duhlin Transit Center; 4) the strong central promenade will he "nhanced WIth decorah vC paving, shade trees, low seat walls, and accent trees with opportunities for public art 3 /1,,14/ III th" cC"Ilter of the promcnade; 5) a smalkr and more intima tc plaza arca and a ehildrcn' s play area will be provided on the w"st "nd "f the Village Green and has be"n desib'11ed t" provld" a p"accful refuge for the residents of th" Tran"t Ccnter hy hemg plaeed farlh"r from the c"mm"rcml and eampus offic" uses; and 6) a cmnhinati"n of shade trees, trellises, accent trees, low shrubs and b'l"Oundeover will provide an attractive environment for all us"rs ofthe Tmnsit Center J The approval of the SIte Dcvelopment Rcvlew IS eonsistent with the Dubllll General Plan and loastern Uuhtin Spe"lfie Plan as stated above in Finding B. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council does herehy approve the Village Green 'iilc Uevelopment Review Amendment I'A 03-05S, Duhlin Transit Center Site n-2 (Avalon nay Communities) for thc constmction of a I acre open space area located south of Site B between Iron Horse Parkway and DeMarcus Boulevard, as generally depicted in,the written statement and project plans prepared by OOLO, dated Febmary 9, 2006, labeled Exhibit A to Attachment 7 of the Febmary 21, 2006 City Council Agenda Statement, stamped approved, and on file with the Community Uevelopment Uepartment, subject to the following conditions: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall he complied with prior to the issuance of building permits or estahlishment of use, and shall he suhject to Planning Division review and approvaL The followmg codes represent those departments/agencies responsihle for monitoring compliance of the conditions of approvaL [I'L] Planning, LB] Building, [PO] Police, [I'W] Public Works, [ADM] Administration/City Attorney, [FINl Fmanee, [PCS] Parks ami Commumty Serviecs, [F) Alamcda County Firc Department, [DSR] Dublin San Ramon Servlees District, [LDD] Livemlorc Dublin Disposal, [CO] Alameda County Department of Environmentalllealth, [Zone 7] Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Lone 7, [LAVTA] Livermore Amador Vallcy Transit Authority, [CHS] California Department of Health Services, NO. CONDITION TEXT PLANNING DIVISION - GENERAL RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: __"..,. n....__ SOURCE - -,,-,~ 1. ...-"."".....----.-.""...- ...------.-.----."....,.. ...--.-..,.......... --".".--. Approval. This Site Development Review approval for the PL Village Green (hereafter refc'ITed to as the Village Green/Campbell Oreen) IS an amendment to the Dublin Transit Center Site B-2 Site Development Review approval, PA 03-05S, City Council Resolution 02-05 All conditions of approval contained in City Couneil Rcsolution 02-05 are hcr"by meorporat"d by rdc"Tcncc. Wh"r" eonfhcts betwecn 1hcs" condItIOns and those "ontamed m (Ity Coun"il Resolution 02-05 "ecur, these conditions shall prevaiL .,n_'. On.going Planning This approval establishes the detailed desib'11 eoncepts and regulatIOns for that porhon of th" Sltc B-2 proJ"et known as the Village Green/Campbell Green. 2. Development pursuant to this Site Uevelopment Review approval shall confornl to the "Project Plans" submitted by GGLO dated received Fehruary 9, 200h, on file III the Comm"nity Development Department, and other plans, text, and diagrams rclatmg to this Silc Dcvclopm"nt Rcview, unless modified by the Conditions of Approval contained herein, Permit Expiration. Constmction or use shall commence within one (1) year of permit approval or the permit shall __.. .._.."...." on.. "__."....,,....... ",......, I'L One year from pern~jt approv~l, DMC S.96,020,D -, 4 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. <\GENCY 3. "..,_ .___n.. .'_,. "~.. __,_~_ lapse and bccome null and vOId, __.._"mu Time Extension. The City Council may grant a time extension for a period not to exceed six (6) months upon written request by the Applicant prior to the expiration of the peTIllit and upon a detemlinatwn that any Conditions of Approval remam adequate to assure that the applicable findings of approv'!l will continue to be ]..!,.."t.,__ _______" Permit" alidity. This Site Development Review approval Pi shall run with the land and shall continue to be valid for the remaining life of the approved project long as the operators of the subject property comply with the project's conditions of app~(!y,'!,L_",,____,,______ '_,,"_ __,__ ",,, Revocation. This approval shall be revocable for cause in accordance with Section g,96,U2U.I, Revocation of the Dublin Loning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms and conditions of this approval may be subject to the issuance of a citation. ..__...__.___ ...__.._______._._..__. ._......"'...._m ......._____ ____. Modifications. Modifications or changes to this Site Development Review approval may be considered hy the Community Uevelopment Uirector if the modifications or changes proposed comply with Section g.1U4 IUU of the Zomnl!: Ordinanc", Property maintenance. Thc propcrty owner or hls/heT desib'l1"C shall bc responsible for maintammg th" SIt" III a clean and litter tree eDndition at all timcs, Controlling Activities. The property own"r or his/her designee shall control all activities on the project site during construction and thereatter so as not to create a nuisance to the existing Dr surrounding husinesses and resille-nc"s, Aeeessory/Temporary Structnres. The use of any accessory or temporary stmctures, such as storage sheds or trailer/container units used for storage 01" tOI" any other purpose, IS subject to pnor revIew and approval of a Tcmporary Use Pemlit by thc Community Development Dcpartment. Mitigation Monitoring Program. The Applieant! Dcvcloper shall comply WIth the Dublin Transit Center Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program including all mitigation measures, action progranls, and implelnentation measures on file with thc Community Development Department, Equipment Screen in!:. All above ground equipment shall be screened from public VIew to the satisfaction of the Community Uevelopment Director Master Sign Program. All project relatcd sib'l1age shall be m"orporated into a Master Sign Program for Site B-2. Pi 4. 5. Pi 6. Pi 7. PI. 8. PL 9. PL 10. PI 11. Pi 12. PL 13. Temporary Si!:nage. All temporary signage shall he suhject to the regulations of Chapter g,g4, Sign Regulations of the Dublin Loning Ordinance. Pi 5 WHEN REQ'1l Prior to: One year from pennit approval On-going On-gomg On~going On-going During Construction and On-going On-going On-going Through Comple-twn! On-going Installation of any project rclat"d SI~'11al!:e On-going Ie (9(-9/ -.-.- SOURCE UMC K9("U2U,E DMC g,9(,,020,F DMC K9(,,020.l UMC g, 1U4 100 '" ,-- Planlllng , .._" Planning DM(' 8,108 Dublin Tnmsit Center ErR/ MMRl' Planning Planning Planning ;q o{4j ..n ---..- ._n._... -.--..-.-..-.........- NO. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D SOURCE AGENC\: Prior to: '" -.' no.' ,.--.-- 14. Public Art Contribution. Applicant/Developer shall work PL At25% Planning with the City's puhlic art coordinator to identify the final Occupancy of location(s) and facilitate the installation of public art within Site 13 the Village Oreen/Campbell Oreen, (occupancy of ..n. .---- ..-.--.--- 141 units) .., PLANNING DIVISION - PRO.JECT SPECIFIC .--."...-...-......,.--.,-..-.-.--.--...-- .,.--"..-.."...".. ..- 15. Canine Waste Stations. Applicant/Developer shall install PL Appro,al of Planning wastc r"eeptaeks and "aninc waste bags within the project landseape plan area to thc satisfaction of the Community Uevelopment and On-going Dlreetor Canine Waste StatIOns shall be stocked with waste ballS at alll1m"s, .--- 16. Final Landscape and Irrigation Plans. A Final Landseapc PL First O"cupaney Planning and Imgahon Plan prcparcd and stampcd by a State li"ensed of SIte B landscape ar"hitect or regIstered engineer, consistent with the preliminary landscape plan prepared by The Ouzzardo Partnership, mel incorporated within the project booklet prepared by GOLO dated received February 9, 2001>, except as modified by the Conditions of Approval contained herein, shall be submitted for review and appr() val hy the Communitv Development Director Landscape and Irrigation Plans shall b" submitted at a mlmmum scale of 1"=20' To apply for approval of Final Landscape and Irrigation Plans, the Applicant/Developer shall submit nine (<i) sets of constructIOn plans to th" ProJcet Planner in the Community Development Dcpartment for plan eheek, 17. Special Paving. A color board of the proposed pavmg PI Approval of Planning colors and finishcs shall be suhmilkd for reVIeW and landscape plan - approval by the Community Development Director -'-- 18. Landscape and ntilities. Utilities shall be coordinated with PL Approval of Planmng proposed landscaping, The location of utilities shall be landscape plan studied carefully to mln1mlZe their visual impad and to provide adequate planting space for trees and for screening shrubs, -,- ----.. -------- -.--.... 19. Llgbting. The location of trees and light fixtUl"es shall be PL Approval of Planning "oordinated to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director, landscape plan Community Development Director ~ the City s Landscape Ar"hltect and Dublin Poliee Services. Lighting used after day light hours shall be adequate to provide for security needs. --.... --.."..--.- 20. Plant standards, All trees shall he 24" box minimum; all PL Approval of Planning shrubs shall be 5-gallon minimum, Ground COVer plants may landscape plan be I gallon, All plants shall be listed by full hotanical name and common name_ ,-, -.-. ,- 21. Deleted. ,- 22. Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance, Th" Applieant/ PI., PW Approval of Planning Dcvcloper shall sllbmlt wntt"n doeumcntation to the Publie lands"ap" plan and Public Works Uepartment (in the fonll of a Landscape Works Uocumentation Package and other required documents) that the development conforms to the City's Water Fflicient -..-.--- --, I> ,{f) ,,[4/ ,-, ,- -....-.---.-......"..... NO. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D SOURCE AGENCY Prior to: ._____n..._". - Landscaping Onhnance. _n__ ,-, -, PUBLIC WORKS -, -.--- .--.......,....---...-..------..".- -..--. .-.. 23. Tl1e Applleant/Dcvcloper shall cunstruct the Village I'W,I'L See Condition Pubhe Green/Campbell GrCl"ll as shown on Sheet L-2a of the Text column Works and ProJeet Plans, The Applicant/Developer shall ohtain the Plannmg necessary rights from the Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) for the construction, maintenance and use of a 16- f(l.o:t: portion of the Village C,reen/Camphell Green which is located on property currently owned by BART (also known as a portion of Site C), In eonstructing improvements on BART property, the Applicant/Developer shall schedule the work to he completed on the weekend in order to minimize pntential temporary disl1Iptions to existing BART parking, When Re1lulred: The Village Grec"ll/Campbell Green shall be under construction prior to Occupancy of Buildmg I on Site 13-1 The Village C,reen/Camphe 11 Grcc"ll shall be !ill!l1pl"t,,!!, as shown on Sheet L-2a, prior to Oceupaney of Building 2 on Site B-1 and pnor to Occupancy of the residential_b~lil~ingol1Site B:], ..,. .---- -... 24. Th" Appheant/Devcloper shall ercatc an easement on Site B I'W,I'L Required hy Publi" whleh grants pennission to the property oWller(s) of Site C to separate Works and aeeess and improve portions of the Village Green/Camphell instrument prior Planning Grcen which arc locatcd on Site B Said improvements shall to Occupancy of he consistent with th" Proj"ct Plans. Site B-2 -, ..--. DUBLIN POLICE _._~_..__._._."'-~-,~--~ .'", 25. Benches. The design of the benches shall be modified to I'O,I'L Approval of Pohec restnet their attractiveness for being utilized for sleeping in landscape plan th" park. ,-, .... ----- 26. Irrigation. The timing of irrigation shall be strategically PO,I'L Approval of Police proj,'Tamm,,~,t()~i'~~_()l1rage ov"migh,~sleeping in the park landscape plan 27. Graffiti. The Ueveloper and/or Property Owner shall keep I'O,PL On-going Police the site clear of graffiti vandalism on a regular and continuous baSIS at all times, 211. General Surveillanee. Ext"nor lands"apmg shall be kept at PO On-going Police a minimal hClght and fullncss glvmg patrol offieers and the general public surveillanc" capabilitics of the ar"a, n".. 29. Skateboarding. Landseapmg features and plaza amenities PO On"gomg I'olice shall be deSIgned to reduce their attractiveness to skatehoarders and vandals, -....- ....-.- 30. Lighting Plan. Applicant/Developer shall suhmit a final PO Approval of Poh"e -- lighti~ plan for approval hv the Duhlin Police, landscape plan 31. Pedcstrian Lighting Pedestrian pathways within the site PO Approval of Poh"e shall he a minimum .1> foot candle maintained. landscape plan .n."._.".,.. and On-going DUBLIN SAN RAMON SERVICES DISTRICT (t:l1'.I!SD) compi"yT '"Ds"i{"-r 32. I Standard Conditions. "'l'pl\~a_~t~[)~,,~loEer shall Through DSRSD 7 d/ ()( 41 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D SOURCE AGENCY Prior to: with all applicahle Standard Conditions as required by Construction Uublin San Ramon Services District. 33. Water and Sewer Mains. Potable n1ain::;~ sewer mains and DSR On-going ,"'..".. c- DSRSD their appurtenances shall be located m areas aeccssiblc for lnaintenance~ repair and servicing at all times. Potable and Recycled water mains shall be located within public right-of- way and easements with a set back of no less than 7,5 feet from any building or permanent structure. Sewer mains shall be located within pnhlic right-ot:way and easements with a set hack of no less than 5 feet from any huilding or n... permanent struct,!re, ------- ..-..---..-- -.......... ,-, -, ,- PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21" day of February 2006. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: <\.BSTATN: Mayor <\.TTEST: City Clerk R ~ "l- '........ " <...'\. 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JUN, 27 2G05 10 HAM AVALON BAV 408 554-97~~ --~~." NO. 029 P 31 UU;j/UUt:l p*,- M\<lJ Oatt "'~lo~ CITY OF DUilLlN AP.PUCAnON SUBMITTAL REQU!llEMIONTS I FOR ' SITE DEVELOPMENT REV~EW (SDR) On a cas. bY:~ basis, a City Planner win place ~ chcdaJwk (.J) nc;a 10 1h~ infn:rmalion ~quired for .ubmitmL Th. PI........ moy detetmiDe thU spocifu iI>forruIjoo may nat be noe<Iod 10 procou a porticulllr applioalion. Iflh. Planner deoid.. lu waiv. cenain ;"formatiun, t. Plalmor will inilial m. waived infonnatiWl aIllI koop a <opY ofth. fb:rm for !City roco:rds, It is CIty po&y not to aecopt inou..pioto appllCatinn. unless . Planner h.. ~y mp,tiflOd lh<>se item!; waived by wrillng NI A 'ID(! their illttials nOX% to tbem. Plea!>lllllle if '" ;"oomplcte opplioaticol is reeeived by tiWl 0' hand deliYored by eourier it mq be relllrn.a to tile oppliceat.lncomplote o';"a<:cIln/l: infmmatlon may n:sult in ptoRosiAg ~ ot delid ot"tbe.....,;,.,., I ' r'-,- f l Cl:led<mg oft; tll. Quic:k Chcclc: box doo= not noces9:li1y meau dill! all e.. req,uhm appliclrion i10ms haY. 0-. submill:1ld. Stalhrill <10 . tbon>ug). ....;... of1il. submittal for compIcn:Dcss ",,4 envirollmcntal dOUImlinarioD. lib in~u~ "" "D-sUo villit. S1afI' will ,.,..d a nOOo11O J>OO within 30 dao'. lisIin~ th~ itoms D-'Y m complote !be appli=ioo.. : . To .;amply "?'h StIle I...., die fOllow ing ~lS . """'prehen.;w !ist "fillfmmadllll '$IiJd, IDWII be SUm itted prior to ~ of tho oJll'lic8tion fer a Si1e Pevdopmlltl, R.omew: ' :1 G'F.NERAL!JNlIORMA.TION Project ~ AddrcWLot-.liOl1: ~w.Namo: DlJhlln lm(\$it Ctntif Si.-k. 'F:l \hllnge. (-"leer! SD\2.. Project ~ption: p\\w'{'v-lmffi+ to PiJa.kT'I Pillj SDl2 ~ 0::+05 8 Zonin! D+ '?I.") Am, ~ 6b - Drn \ - 0 \ I GeoeralPlmiDesignari<m: Dven ~r~, Spcoif",PhulDooi&ontiun: iE05P ~ ~Ce. "-'N1 ; App......... ...,., Phm>c: ' .I . SInMlTTA1. QVIC'JC , ItEQuJRED ~ ClIECX TYPE OF SllllMlTTAL REQum:ED , i , ,; CumtJleted Au o1leMiou Fonn inohldin& the address ~i~ <If ApplitaDl{.} 1IIld Propetty " ,I ~~, ; ; Cumoleted Emirounl....tBllnfnrm.tioa FD.... (boiliat Sillily) moJuding .igDllDIreO of Appfic:ant(3) and i'rop<ny Ownor(s). : AuoIIcoti"" he ."<1 P. ocemn~ DeClIllSil IOalo ...cMd~ '" cqoJ~ V I F... lI""odt All DUtridt - 51411 f St4IJ IJ/A, : . I i:.viroIIml!Dhl PiliDfI!! J'fte5lDeGBdbI: , J , _ C~tllltv ^dminUtrativ.l'eeo ($25.00) NIA , (""...~....-c_~ j _ Initio! SbIdv Fee (525.00) NlA ,j ~ '" Clil' qfDWlRoJ i; _ EtIYiromnentloIlm"""'t Rm<>rtDeourit NlA , (pq,oolI. ,. at!' qf J),J,JJ,,) _ SDO<:ioI Smdlos 0eJl",~ ftnd'fio. nobe. eb:.) NlA " ~..Cf\l'qfDvlm", ,I :1 TOT.tl..fIE E 1OTALDEPOSTT :s :s I , bvbcd2l~ 'i !J /~;:0 IG/'~~'":(,.b ;';,/1 ~~ \\\\ l19(~ ~,1521 \~':\\ \~! , J..JI/ ":;,, ,,/ /-/1, C'~/'~" ,<!~ ';i.jr;+4/ CITY OF DlJBLIN PLA.1'ffl1NG APPLICATION FORM: NOTE: Please disC"~ss your proposal with Planning Staff prior to completing this form, All items on this fonn related to vour sped5., type of appUcario!1 m us! be oompl eted, ~ome of lbe items listed might not apply to your speoific "l'plkarion, Please print or type legibly A!taCh addillonal sheets, if necessary I. TYPE OF APPLICATION: v PreapplicatioTI Review [.'u1y type] Conditional Use Permit [CUP] Site Development Review [SDR] Variance IV AR] T entati ve Subdivision Map IT IvlA"Pj Sign/Site Development Review [SIGNISDR] Master S'gn Program [MSPISDR! Planned Deveiopment Rezone [pD REZ] Rezone [REZ] GeneraliSpecific Pia:! Am endment [G P A] II. GENER.U DATA ~sr~ G. Existing Uses of Snrrounding Properties: WI\..v Bl3 ftlW De'NQry , l)SE 0 u. DIN"" P-E<;.l ENTlA-l- ...tHD C.AMf'OS C;f=f'!u.e: IES m. AUTHORIZA nON OF PROPERTY OWNER AND APPLICANT A. PROPER TI' 0 WNER, In s'gnlng this app/;cation. I. as Property Own.r, cert[f!' that I hCNe full legal capacity to, and hereby do. authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding, I agree to be bound by /hose condinons, subject only to the right to object ot the hearing' or during the appeal period. I further certify that the information and exhibits 3ubm itted are true cm.d correct. (lVole: All Property Owners must sign if property is joinll)' owned) Nhlrl,4N f-10N& Company' A-lI.+l.ON &l-V C,o.M.tVItJA//77/3$ , INt... Address: 1""00 IZItCC I <;;~r. Surte: -2.0t:> ~ ~E= CA-, -1512"" Signature, f/tt(4;~ ~ Date' ~/rg-/oS- B. A!'PLlCANT (OTHER TH~ PRMRTY OWNER) In Slgnlng this application. l, as Applicant, certify that I !une otJlamed wr :tten authorization fram the property owner and have attached separate documentation snCfH..'ing my..full le!al capacltv te file tni.'; ar'plication. l agree Iv be bound by lhe condillOn5 of apprCJVal, subject only to the right to OD,~ct at the hf!4rmgs or Qunng the appeal perJod [further cenify thaI the information and exhibfts submitted are true ana correct. Name: Capacity' ProoertY Owner/A~ent Phone: (foB Fax It' ,,~ 551 . SJ;31 2. t)l .,. D'I "" Name: Title: Compan l' Phone: j Address : Fax #' I Signature: Date: .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JUN, 11 "iQU'J I Q IIAM AVALON m 403 554-9766 - - lo.m P 5 UIJ:)/U-Ujj -. --- .!UN.27 2UOi 10 I iAM NO, 029 - :j :j I S1lIlMlTTAll QIlIlX , REQllIKml CHtcK TYPE OF SUBMlITAL ~l1IRED . I " ,I Vi.inlr,- Man (1 copy) oh.willg lbe silo iluelari"" to n.~ croso _. 'I i 1 Site PI... (] II copies) drawn to j " m 20' ocaIc md lbIly dlD\'onsioncd (fol<led, 9" x 11" maximum V i site). Th. pIons !l!.!!$ b. ptepQred. ond sigDcd by cliCi:Zlsea cj\'ij Cl>gineer, mYoyor. ardIitcct, or " design.... 1he pJoa. !!!J!g graphi~ 8Dd lIIIdm/MdabJy ~ lllc prop=d. The pi... !!!!!S .' I I Wrw ~ following: " I , '! I a. North O/TOW ...d sealo; , " b. OimonsiQllcd property ""os. ~8 and proposed ~semoats ""d orIjateDt WCClS. J .I c. LoC3liob, ;etback mil d'''''OIISions of.u cxirtillg IIDd proposed =~ 011 me &ile; , :1 d. ParIdng imbn:nati0ll, including: , " pading ratio (Le. par\dng spocesll 000 SII. ft. ofb~<Iing). - parldng provided, - parlting f"'llIil'Od, ; - baildi~ space!I, - tOI8l project, : , . number "f pari;ing """"'" per rI1W 11IldicalO =1l'ec:t lpai:CS with 'c'), , -lJ'l'ical pBJking mil dimcasion&, I - parking aisLM d1m.lilIion.... : - .,,_ dtives dimcnsiclnad, 1 - adeqllDll: bock-up cUmemiOllll -stripmgdcrai1s -lIgbtiDg fixtures - cart comlB, if rc'[Uireri, .. Loadingir<CCiviDg ImIS: - <toe;; \oaJion awl tru<:k llCOOSS -m1ckweU . turnlmlUDd ..... dimcuiODJ -lI'8Sh ~pactor - pone cocborc , . [ Localion, &eIback ..,d dimonsions of all ..wu.g ..,~ PIOPoscd: - drivow.oys, - medi.. opcning!. ,I - ~ ......, I - Iumdlcappcd rmIfl$, : - riIkwaIkfpalhwas, - pedestrian <:imI1arion, -1a1I<bca:ped ......, . feu=. 'I -l'OtainiDg -us, , - Dgaage, , ,I - trasII cm:Iosu=, IlId -lllilliy <:mnections QIl ~ I g. , "'"Cion, setbacks and cIirncasioDs of.U exisIiDg 8IId proposad ~ parldng. dliYewaya, walkways, Imd$cape areas, feu..., remlnlng .....us, slgnago ...d ka>IJ enelll._ within SO feet of lbo project site: , , ,I SIJIlI>UTTAl. , REqumm ' MIA 'M~ v' ! , I , " ,; 1 I ! 'I ,; 'I 'I 'I , ; 1 " ,I I v v " " , '! :1 :j ,I I ~ .1 ;1 I I I 1 ~L.... t; l""'- ;1 -3- '. , , " ~ QmCK CHECK :1 I I I 1 I .1 '1 .i I i 1 '! " , AVALON BAY 408 554-9765 -----,. P 41 u-v..{ UUitl ,,' 5 ~ f 1-/ TYPE OF SUBMITTAL JQUIRKD I ComDteted Pn>ee!lsin~ Fee Avreem...t Fo.... I W.I~ Statelneot (1 r;opy) descn"bel!le r~ u... ill detail1ll1ll give =>SOIlS why the IIppJicalioo. should be opproved. I'rDvi&: fio:\UlIl infonn8li+ suppnrting 1he following: L Wbt type lOf bllllDus,.acttvlt;y "r Die a'" '0' p,,,~,g'! b. Bt>w m...y emp1<>1CCl WIll yo. .......... po"Op<I'. to ~Yc1 "- What II1'C the proposed ......... ...... day. "f O>pU2titi., d. Are lIlerc allY ""1"1 in whk:h yow lrui-. actIvnl or _ ha.... negatln .(feci". dI. health or Al"tty of pol;'OORS miding or worldn~ in the vicllIlI1, o. , b. dctriIIIutal ttI lbe polllle bealtk, ...rety llI' lI"".ral welra.... eo DeIcribc u,.. !lie dc,~ of the p....JeeI: laeJadiD( .~ byoDt, Itnld>.lo=, vehicular zu:ce5I, elrculatioa. aId parl<iu.~ efC. wiD pI'IlVid. . dtsiratile eavi",..1DeJlt r.... tile fu l:IIl"l! d~pm~ , III tile sib pb)'lll.eally ...ilable J'Qr tlIc type Bfld iotmsity or 4evelopmcnt prop<>SOd1 D~be ho.. the prapo.sed development mil]' lap\..t vi.cwa. Dcat:ribe th. pby5i<d .blracte;, _ of Ib e site *din~ uistiog slcpco 1IIlI1op<>p"'phil: fntves. I l. o...ribe th<l an.hi-...I desI:nJt1te1lle of !h. d ";dopm...t inclndillg ebaracter. sc:aIe .ad q lIlIIily oftbe dulgll, and aphin bow 111. prJ)ect ...1\ relate Ii and bt OOIIIp_ wiIh Ill. eslJtillg site ami the cilaruter of adj.ceB:t blIlldlllgo, .elgbbarb..'''b aad noes.. Dcacrlbe baw tile IlIad...po features have been designed so iloI tolDmre yiJnal ..lid" and IJI. attraet\ve: _mst flIr III. pubjje. II.. 10 the Pl'VpOIed ,....jed located "'" ........d.... ,,~ amd ..bolan... ,Jto punll.r 11) GOVOJ'nDlUlt ClIdc Sedioll. 69Q.S! (to rlill II of tif-..n.. u .nibble ill tile Departm...t of eo.m....lly DeveIopmClSt~ i l go h. j. 1 P....imi.."" T1t1. RoDartJ1'"n,erlv P,...6h: (1 CIlJ>Y) to <l6wm ont owoer:ship, pnporecl witlrln thr= ,"onm. of lOpplit:oti<m submitlal. l'Iohllc N,,1i<. Mareri,,1s; , ~duccd copy of Alameda Cootoly AssesSot'. ~ Map showing Iht projea: psrcel(.) OII1liriod in red and " :lOO-foot radius ill ~ drawII from II>c perimeter of tb"l'lI'CCl(.). L h. 'l'No 5CllI of IEWling label&; ORe 5Ct Wfressed 10 cUneIIl property ownen by name; ond ~ set od<lresocd II> all cum:rrt ~I:s OD Ibl: properties cantigWlUS 1D the pmjoct site. n.e lbbols IICed to mow !be addrosse!s MId Ass......... Parcel NIIDIber'. witbiD 300 fee< of the po;rcel(s) rypcd 0lIll%" x U" sheet libels. (Example "fhll.. those labels should be !)'pod,) " i J. Doe cPl'IIJI<'IV 0..--) O.."p..tII"eIllI.nt APN: ~l-ll42.-OOll3 APN: !l41-G12-3456 " line lIWII Street 1010 DKblill 81\>d. ADytown, CA 91134 lhoblill, CA '4568 PIe:in cavelopes (l ""') 4y.''x!l%"1Ollh lim ow. J,12gIl (sllIl'np! "DI:J...eton:d lbI1iI...m not be .oeepted, DO relOIlD addrel!l) with labels .affiw:I Oll """,,,,1tlpC::S. .. -1- JUN. 27. lOGS 10 I7AII! ., . .' .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AVALON BAY 4GS 554-g765 P J.....nu NO. 029 ;UN. 27. 20G5 iO, IJAM AVALON BAY 40fi 5,4-9766 NO. 029 P 6 ......~, .......g 'I '? (P t7 If! SUBMnTAlJ QUlCIl: TYPE OJ' SUBMITTAL ~11IRED REQDl1l~1 0ttCJr. I " Prell.lun' LandOl:aDlnl'l'\an (10 cupios, fuIded '1" X II" maximum ~ize) This plan 5Ihall be , ..; " COI>Slilll<l\ willi t!le site plan and lIt:hiIecmraI plalls for thejp:ropo.ocl pmject The pJIII iha.ll , 1 dcmonwmc clearly the Qum,cter, mr.ssing llIIlI sili:: COIRfl3!ibilitY of~. proposed 100uuoaping I I .....gnm mil mau il:u:Iad.o the l'OIIowi:og: , ( I I a. ~ Iaycw showirJ~ lite desired IaQdsoaping prnua4 in terms of laoatinn of pn>posed. I i ilIlId5caping ~ hart\scape, ~ I a. Plmt palette wi!b the klcation, .izIe ImdlUllDe oflbe plants mil trees {boCll CGaIIIlOll ond .I boranlaol ' b. LoC8liom of Jlf'OPOS'ld, berms, eo.acn:te <orbs, p3lhs, fol""mg, !lid mu..Thmeo1e. ~ ('mcluding lIbave gnde ulility strocIUles such lIS PGkEltlRlWnrmm). , c.. Perctnt of lomdscaping (oncI how it i. dIooaleQ) r1 SI3fancm of averalI deoi go theme , e. Area9 propoocd lOr outdoor .... : f. 0IItd00r fi.JmiNre detail! . 'I g. l.idnin& plan inoJoding pllllomiu level, oecnrity lIlld ~ 100ligbtiog 1 f',/)A! BoUdin. ElentiDaa (10 ccpios) fuIly<1imenlioned ..~ Ie. liS" ~ I' s..,J. of alI.mc. of ail proposed Slr6alll"". l>ttMnions _ incbJda building 'als, CoOl"", !r25h =rldosun:.s,. feaeing, 1 roof S<:I'eanIng details om! signage. 1 MPN ': ! rl NIA . Culo~ Build,o.. E1D'WhoD" (1 RI, l'u.ll siu 8Dd.luu<w~) M(2N" 1 !! Coin.. nd M oterilll Palette (I seI:) iodicBtiog the ~ finish.. of all C>:tI!riar TnlItfriaIs J ., (iocIndiIlC roof llIIlI walls) IIIlcl calm SlIlllpleIl of palm or ~'-'l'Cd prodIlcts to be "PI'~od "n the '; .I btIl~ exrrrlor (ilIc\l>r:ling fasQa and lrilll). , J I NIp.. :1 Stale Model of p,." i..t A mO<iel is requirlld ooIy jf the pj'opose.l is far two or more c:arom...ial build. Th. scakiI IJIo<iel shalt be 5I1bmitRd at least 2 keks prior 10 . 0I:ci.si0ll beiDl> mad!: by I 1M Communlty Oavclaplllent O\ra:l;or llll"illlin OM m~ of.. puhtic b-ml>- (<lteek wi1h N.~I :1 1'1_ for addltional i.nlllrtmdion) i NJA 'I Floo~ Plam (I G copies) fi.JIly dimensioned, drn'n to KalC, sIulwins alerior doors aod windows, mUwll)'S, moohanical reoms aacI haIlWlIyO (folded, ,. X 1 ~ ", maxlonim W:e). ~, I rJlA 1 RoofPJu (! G capieo) dnMn 10 _1. obowing the directidn of slope of roof e101%1= and 10Cll%l0rl Ml2N of lIlecDmieoI equiplDcnI, du<!lI and vmb (folded, 9" X 1 t maximuQI ~j. I ..; Jtedo..o Cooiel (1 G CQiJics. 11 ~ It 17~) ~ e.och p.l.on. I NIA Traffi~ ~ opecific to the .itt 01' propoood. proj""~ traffic generntiM JBlI:S, peU i>c>Ir """"... 1rip dioIrib.dion ..... .lmilu w... ~Ati..~ (ApplX:am must chel:k with Public Wmks Dcpt. for odditi.noal NI.\2.N iDformalillll.) ; i SIleei.llb,rDnmrttoa 01' itIlCnnaElOll ill oudllbnD. and ~., IS 1II~ be: ~ by tIl. PlIIIning Departtn.... : I , : , . " 'f J , I'-~ " :,1 SCIIlUTT.u. :1 Q\IICX. TYPE OF SUBMITTAL R$UIRED REql/IIlE:D , C118CK 1 " b. Summory of devclopm~t calmlatiOll!l includiog: : 'I 1 - rite .,... (gross and -. eII:b floor ..0. tDlaI) ; . floor area of all buUdingo w1nses, -lI1Illlbc:r of parIdn~ mJlII (!f:qllired aDd proposod). - 101 area COYenge (alI0w0d tod proposed), j , - percem oflmdscaping J - lVlten oppropriott:, RlltIIber of beds, ""~~"', din' seato, a:uditcrlwnichurch 'om, :1 oceuponrs, eropIoyee. of\o:raost wmt sbilt, or ~ feet of .ossc:mbly floor srea. i ,,/ 'I P mhD iJlUT Gradla!!/Dr.u....... Phon (10 topies. folded, 9~ " II' maximum oJzI:) sht>Wic g: I .. Existing: lllpe~ (dulle<i line) - one-filOl ilII'orvaI.j(Olop.. 3:1 .... grl:0ler ,hall b. five-f_ 1 1r=vaIs) , b. Propo:;ed or finish grW _lOurs (ooIi<Iline) - OD"'~ lnb:nIBIs b. BoI1ll<bries of 011 cut ODd liD. ~ i .. CrosNoetions of site where topograpItic ch""gt$ CJa:eed 5% II. Dlrcctian lad path of ~ 011, !bIoush an<! olflbf sift (indicate any pI'<lp<106d and' abw.1> drainat. ~w IlId pipe) , 'I e.. RoIaioing well. with crilieaI !IpOt clevaticm ~ ;1 t Pad e10Y1di00s for appuncmm... (i... tnmsform.., emcr. err..) g. Finish floor e1M1!iaos ' 'I i i V ,I Prelim!....,. Utilltv PllI.o (JO cop i.., folded, 9"" 11" 1IIIltial\lllt lOia) sbowing: Ele=ric S..-.iCe rwting from. m.tiog supply to builcI\as (inclucIing poleo, guy wifto. <UJJ<hilis .. 'i , (In",- 5-4"), coo<lucmrs (llambc:r and size) ~. j b. ntnsforme<, ~, pI'OfIalI~ rack alc1OSl1A (W'C~ f:om c1e<:tric J'OOat) , ,. Ga service ~ d. Water St2Vie., Ioc:atioo and ';ZIO incloding. domestic 4.m.r widI m~. back Ilow prt_ , and/or doteetor value location, fin hydrants wilb pn>!octioo, fire cIeparuneat oonao:lion 3IliI P.I.V. l .. Saituy Sower loe&1io.o and ,l2:e incladiDg.I1ISIIbQlo$!and .l.......m. (1 00' D.C.) . t: TeIephon. ter\'iee II- EMemeorts (~xistinr and proposed) l II. CriricaI CI'1l5Singo co1",,1uod for cioamo<e (""""''''''<I1t if requirDd) , L ApprOllimzt<: Iigbt pole loearlOllS . j. Storm dmiD .,........ (WillI in...... devotiuo.s) k. BuUdiog &om. wiIll....trary ",wer oI>d. starm drairl I 1. Smh out ~~~, IW iUbIre pa4s. if ooy i m. Finisb floor el=vali0llS I j , , i J 1 I , , I , I ~ -5- 'I : 'I ~~T -4- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JUN. 27 2005 10: 18AM AVALO~ BAY ~08 554-9766 NO. 029 P. 8 -- u -- i I i OFncE rlSEj ONLY , J J. Quick Cb.""" bas dettzmined dtIl1he .ppli<8l:ion 511bmiml1 i> iuomlllu. .l <!ll~no:::ted. nata J Quick Chock bas de!ermined dtIl tho IIflFIicaIiou "'JIPOS'S to llOoloiD the v..L nooaired bv tills checlll1n (~leleness lIS dofuu:d by Section 65943 will Mdmrmi~d >rillra. 30 day. oii;applbliQfl) ud llJ'OteHlnlf...n bel!in. I ~ :1 I ' " J Fo~ ...iJlan"" or qW!Stions ropn:liug tlll& I'orm., pleue coatad:: PLANNING DEP All'1'MENT ST AFl!, CITY OF DUBLIN, 100 CIVIC PiAz.A. DIllILIN, CA 9ti6&, (510) 83J.6f11l.. " 'I . 'I ,,27pf11 I " , :, " :1 ,I :1 'I I , ,I I , :/ I '[ ~ 1 , ,I -6- FINDINGS AND WRITTEN STATEMENTS -- 1- '-\... '" \.0 "< ........................................... ;;1 () f 4/ Vehicular Access/Circulation. Written Statement Villa(:1e Green - Lot 3 Vehicular access to the park will be from Iron Horse Parkway and Demarcus Boulevard. Pedestrian access is provided from sites Band C as well as from the public sidewalks of Iron Horse Parkway and Demarcus Boulevard Parkinq: Parallel on-street parking is provided adjacent to the park. f. Is the site physiea/fy suitable for the type and intensity of development proposed? The site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of development proposed g. Describe how the proposed development may impact views. There are no views in the immediate vicinity that will be negatively impacted by this development. h. Describe the physical characteristics of the site including existing slopes and topographic features and any proposed changes to these features. The site is vacant grassland with no existing structures or uses. The site has no significant slope. i. Describe the architectural design/theme of the development including character, scale and quality of the design, and explain how the project will relate to and be compatible with the existing site and the character of adjacent buildings, neighborhoods and uses. The design elements of this project will draw from the color and materials of the adjacent projects on site B in order to provide a unifying space. This will be achieved by extending the unit pavers and stone veneer into the park. j. Describe how the landscape features have been designed so as to insure visual relief and an attractive environment for the public, At the center of the T ansit Center's residenl1al development, the Village Green will provide a sheltered, peaceful gathering spot. The open lawn areas and play structure provide a place for recreation, the art elements - a place for reflection. The plazas and seating areas range in size to accommodate both the intimate and the communal Trees and trellises reinforce the enclosure of the adjacent buildings and provide shade along a walk or at a seating area. Site Development Review - Formal Submittal Resided 9f12/05 The following responses relate directly to the specific questions listed under the Written Statement section of the City of Dublin's Application Submittal Requirements for Site Development Review Written Statement: a. What type of business, activity or use are you proposing? The Village Green is a 1-acre park with open grassy areas for passive recreation, a play structure for small children and trellised seating areas nearby, potential locations for public art and a large plaza for community gatherings. b, How many employees wifJ you have or propose to have? A part-time maintenance crew would be provided as required c. What the proposed hours and days of opera tion? The park is not fenced and will always be open to the public. d. Are there any ways in which your business, activity or use will have a negative effect on the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare? The intent of this development of this park is to comply with governing ju risdictional codes and ordinances. It is anticipated that the design, construction and operation of this project will enhance the general welfare of the people living and working nearby e. Describe how the design of the project including the site layout, structure, vehicular access, circulation and parking ete will provide a desirable environment for the future development. Site Lavout I Structure: The layout of the park includes a series of spaces that vary in scale, allowing for flexibility and variety in use The pedestrian walkways provide a means of flow between spaces as well as direct circulation thru the park, k. Is the proposed project located on a hazardous waste and substances site? The site is not located on a hazardous waste and substances site. Site Development Review - Village Gre€n - Lot 3 - Written Statement 1 2 Site Development Review - Village Green - Lot 3 - Written Statement