HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.1 Village Green SDR CITY CLERK File # DBUJ[Q-~~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 21,2006 SlIBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: PA 03-058 Village Urecn Site Development Review Amendment to Dublin Transit Center Site 13-2 (Avalon Bay Communities) Site Development Review Report Prepared bv .Mamie R, Nuccio. 4"sociate Planner A TT ACHMRNTS: 1 Dublin Transit Center Land lTse Map 2, Village Green Stage I Development Plan site layout concept 3 January 2005 Village Green design by Avalon Bay Communities 4 City Council Meetmg Minutes of January 4, 2005 5 Village Green Design Alternativc #2 6. City Council Meeting Minutes of June 21, 2005 7 Resolution approving PA 03-058 Village Green Site Development Review Amendment to Dublin Transit Center Site 13-2 (Avalon Bay Commul1lhes) SIte Development Review, with Project Plans attached as Ioxhibit A RECOMMENDATION: C3f/ I Open Public Hearing. 2. Receive Staff presentation, ~ 3 Receive Public testimony 't 4 Close Public Hearing. 5 Del i berate, 6_ Adopt Resolution (Attachment 7) approvmg PA OJ-058 Village Green Site Development Review Amendment to Dublin Transit Center Site B-2 (Avalon Bay Commw1ities) Site Development ReVIew, with Project Plans attached as ExhibIt A_ F'1NANCIAL STATEMENT: None. COpy TO: Nathan I long, Avalon !:lay Communities Dean Mills, DR lIorton Pat Cashman, Alameda County Surplus Property Authority .Iohn Rennels, flay Area Rapid Transit District (flART) Page I of7 CoJA ITEM NO. O"'PAff\2003\03-tlo;;8 Transi( Center D\J\valun Day\ '" iIIi.l~ Green SDR\CCSR SDR Village Green u2-21.06.doc c... DESCRIPTION: In December 2002 the City Council adoptcd Rcsolution 216-02 approving a General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment; Ordmance 21-02, approvmg a Stage 1 Planned Development Zuning; and, Resolution 02-40 approving Tentative Parcel Map 7892 for the project area known as the Dublin Transit Ccnter The Dublin Transit Center is located generally between the Iron Horse Trail to the west, Dubhn Boulevard to the north, Amokl Road to the east, and Interstate 580 and the Dublin/P1casanton Bay Area RapId TransIt (BART) Statum to the south, A Master D~vclopment Agreement for the Dublin Transit Center was adupted by Ordinance 5-03 in May 2003 and together with the approved General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, Stage I Planned Development Zoning, and Vesting Tental1ve Tract Map, estahlished the land use approvals tor the future devclopment of the project area. The Dublin Transit Center project area mcludes the developn1ent of 1,800 residenhal Lmits Oil SItes A, B, C and E-l, 1 7 milhon square feet of campus office un Sites D-l, D-2 and E-2, and 70,000 square leet of ancillary retail uses to be dlsperscd between Sites B-E. Open space will be provided by a 12.20 gross acre park located on Site F and a I-acre Village Green located between SItes Band C The Transit Center project area also includes 8.65 gross acres ofpLLhhc/semi-pLLblie uses including the future BART parkmg garage, a PG & E substation and surface BART parking (Attachment I). Previ{}u.'- Pr{}ject 4ppmvals The tollowing projects have been approved for the Dublin Transit Center project area (See l'igure I): ,PIoject Area <;it~A Ap~li~antlDevelo er ACSPA* A roval Date May 2004 . Cnrrent Status Map I'inaled SiteA-2 bAH, lne April 2004 Under ('onstrLletlUn SiteB <\valon Bay (:ommunities --..--- O,R. Horton a 1artment un its Subdivision of I parcel into 3 arcds 257 eunduminiLlm ..........--.. November 2004 Map hnaled Site B-1 January 2005 Under Consltuel1un bast Dublin BART Parking Garage lInIts 305 apartment units and 12,750 square teet of retail (,-7 level parkmg structore fur BART alrons 300 condominium units and 15,OOU s uare feet of retail * Alameda County Surplus Property Authonty - Avalon Bay (.ol11l11ul11l!es January 200S In Building Plan Check Review Site B-2 ACSPA' Octoher 2005 In Plan Check Review with Alameda Count In Building Plan Check Review Site Ii-I j).R. Horton February 2006 The remainder of the Dublin Transit Center project area includes the future development of 415 high density residential units on Site A, 405 hIgh denSIty resldenllal umts on Site C with 25,000 square feet of retail, 1 7 million square feet of campus office, a 12.2 acre nelghborhoud park and the I acre Village Green, whICh IS the subJect of thIs Agenda Statement. Page 2 on }'igure 1 - Dublin Transit Center Project ApprovaIs and Location of Current Projects SIte A-2 DART Garage SIte B- I Site B-2 ~_, <-.....,., Site E-1 "."' ,",\,' Village Green ~.. Ii I :,,L,,.,.",, "j . '-";;:r'~~~=- ;..J Village Green Concept and Design The approved Stage I Developmcnt Plan for thc Dublin Transit Center established the concept for the Village Green as a central open space area approximately I acre in size (Attachment 2). As stated in the Stage 1 Development Plan, the Village Green was IIltended to be "a gathering spot and peaceful refilge fiJr the surrounding residential development hy providing an open gras,IY area on which local residents could enjoy passive recreational activities. One-way private streets un either side of the ~ illage (Jreen could provide access to the adja<:ent [residential} huildings which in turn would enclose and shelter the space froin freeway noise and pervasive westerly winds, A pedestrian corridor through Site C would phy.'ically and visualZv conneclthe Village Green to the BA RT station entrance to the s/Juth allowing ea.\Y public access to this privately maintained open space area" The Village (Jreen was further defined in thc Stage I Development Plan as a linear park with unfenecd public access. The space included a central plaza of residential scale and character with a grid of canopy trees over seating. The central focal point of the plaza could include public art or a water feature. Open grassy areas un either side of the plaza wuuld provide multi-purpose green space for active uses. A trce lined edge would provide privacy and enclose the space as well as provide shade I(Jr seatlllg heneath the trees. Entry plazas on the east (Iron Horse Parkway) and west (Demarcus Boulcvard) ends ufthe Village Green also included focal points such as public art or special landscape treatment and decorative paving. The Village Green ",as lIltended to he the heart of the rcsidcntial neighborhood. At the January 4, 2005 City Council meeting, Staff presentcd Avalonl3ay Communities proposed design of the Village Green in conjunction with the 'lite B,2 development. The proposed Village Green included a central plaza area wIth trelhsed sealing surrounding the plaza to provIde a shaded seating area. The water feature chosen as the focal point of the central plaza was a splash pad play surface with aquatic playground equipment. On either side of the central plaza area were two tot lots. Combined with the splash pad, the desIgn waS intended to provide fi,rnlal recreational opportunitics for children. As approved, the Avalon Bay Communities (Site B-2) and D.R. Horton (Site B-1) projects did not inelude play equipment within thcir respective developments. Open grassy areas and a tree lincd cdge were also incorporated into the design as planned for in the Stage I Development Plan (Attachment 3). The City Council expressed concerns over the design of the Village Green at the January 4,2005 meeting and directed Staff to work with Avalun Bay Communities to further define how the Village Green would be used and by whom. Specifically, the City Council was concerned that the design of the Village Green did nol clearly convey whether it was a pri'ate or puhhc space and felt there would be conflicts hetween Pagc 3 of7 residents and non-resIdents using the park. The City Council emphasized the need tu deSIgn the park 1Il such a fashion that it would altracl the ll1tended users. Lastly, the City Council expressed theIr vISIon for the Village Gn;en being a public gathering space due to Its cluse proximity to public transit (See Attachment 4). At the June 21, 2005 City Councl Imeelll1g, Staff presented three alternative designs for the Village Green. The City Council chose Alternal1ve 112 (Attachment 5) and directed Staff to return to the CIty Council with a SIte Develupment Review for revicw and approval (Attachment 6). ANALYSIS: Proposed Village Green Site Layollt and Design The Village Green is proposed to he a hnear, open grassy area with a large pedestrian plaza at the east end (at Iron Horse Parkway), ThIS plaza would provide open and un-programmed space With a trelhs element on the east side of the plaza, and flowering accent trees and benches hl1lng the west SIde of the plaza, A specimen tree with low shrubs and groundcover wuuld be lueated in the ecnter of the plaza. A large paved area wlthlll the plaza could accommodate outdoor seating or events as wen as puhlie art. A hnear pedestrian pathway would connect the large plaza WIth a strong central promenade in the center of the Village Green. This promenade would be rectangular in shape and large enough to accommodate an outdoor market or uthcr large gatherings. Low seat walls would he placed along the edge of the promenade and perennial gardens With accent trees would frame both sides of the promenade. Opportunities for mulliple pubhc art pIeces are identi fied at the center of this promenade along with flowering accent trees (Exhihlt A uf Attaehmcnt 7). The linear pedestnan pathway would eontinue west leading to a smaller plaza WIth raised seatlllg platlornls. Aeeent trees, shruhs and groundcover wuuld be planted at each of the four corners of this plaza. At the western most end of the Village Green a small scale plaza mimICS the central plaza on the cast end. A stainless steel play dome IS located 111 the center uf the plaza and serves as both a sculptural element as well as a children's play area. Trellised seating, shade trees, flowering accent trees and decoralive pavmg are also part of the plaza's design. Open grassy areas between the linear patbways proVIde mulh-purpose green spaces with enough room for recreahonal play, fanners markets, picnics and other outdoor activities (ExhibIt A uf Altachment 7). The most significant differences hetween the Stage I Development Plan Village Green design and the proposed deSIgn would be the relocation of the central plaza area from the center uf the Village Green tu the eastern most edge (near Iron Horse Parkway), a strong central promenade in the center of the Village Green, additional pedestnan walkways throughout the open grassy areas, and a play apparatus on the western edge, The proposed Village Green deSign would pnlVlde amenities Jor residents and other users of the Dublin Transit Center For resl(lents, thcre arc open grassy areas for recreation and an area for child's play The children's play area is strategically placed farther from the more active public spaces located on the eastern edge of the Village Green. The large central promenade is designed as a quasi-public space and could accommodate large public gathenngs for an outdoor market or art show The large plaza on the east end is oriented towards future retail and otTtee uses and provides opportumlies for outdoor seatmg and other outdoor events. Ad(hl1onally, pet waste hag dispensers will be incorporated throughout the Village Green allowing pet owners the opportunity to clean up aftcr their pets. Page 4 of7 Public Art The Master Development t\greement for the Duhhn TranSIt Center required that the Alameda Count} Sllrplus Property Authority eontributc $250,000 for public art throughout the Transit Center The Stage I Development Plan for the TransIt Center Identl lied tbe Village Green as a potential public art location. At the January 4, 2005 City Council meeting, the Parks and Community ServIces DIrector presented to the City Council thrcc potential art pieces. DUTlng deliberahons, the City C<HlIlcil expressed a desIre to defer the selechon of art and ll1volve future reSIdents of the Transit Center in the art selection process, Speeilieally, the City Council asked that the public art process be initiated once 25% of the units (141 of the 562 units) were occupied on Site B of the TranSIt Center The Village Green Site Development Review Amendment has been comhhoned that at 25% occupancy the Applicant/Developer shall work wIth the City to deternllne the tlnal loeation(s) and facilitate the installation of public art within the Village Green (Condition of Approval #14, Attachment 7). Phasi/lg of Improveme/lts The Village Green is proposed to be constlllcted in two phases. The vast maJonty of the Village Green would he constlllcted 111 Phase 1. Phase I wuuld lIlelude the entire Village Green with the execption of the vehICular roadway that is located south of the Village Green (Sheet L-2a of the Project Plans, Exhibit A of Attachment 7). This southern velllcular roadway would not he constructed as part of Phase T hecause surface BART parkmg IS located Il1 thIS area and IS currently in use by BART patrons. Upon completion of Phase I of the BART parking garage this surface parking would be relocated to the garage freeing up this area (also known as Site C) for high density residenl1al development. In conJuncl1on WIth an application for the development of SIte C WIth hIgh denSIty residential uses, Staff would impuse a condition on the project for the eonstlllction of southern vehicular roadway and other associated Improvements needed to complete the south side of the Village Green (Sheet L-I of the Project Plans, Exhibit A of Attachment 7). These improvements would inelude the southem vehIcular roadv"ay, pedestrian ramps on the south sl{le of the Village Green and hoth pedestrian and vehicular accent paving. COllditiolls Of Appro val The Project has been reVIewed hy the Commumty Development Departmcnt, Fire Prevention Bureau, Public Works Department, Dublin Police Services and Dublin San Ramon Services District. The comments received are reflected 1Il the deSIgn of the Project and the conditions of approval contained in the attached City Council Rcsolution (Attachment 7). Condition of Approval #23 (Attachment 7) For the most part, the Village Green is located on Site B which was subdivided in November 2004 to create a separate parcel for the Village Green. Despite the subdiVISIon, a pnrl10n {lfthe Village Green that is 16 feet in width and approxnnately 675 feet In length, and the southern vehicular roadway adjacent to the Village Green hes on property that is part uf Site C which is currently owned by BART The project has been conditioned that the Applicant obtains the necessary Tlghts from BART 1Il order to construct 16 feet of improvements with Phase I of the Village Green. The 16 feet of improvements wuuld include an 8-foot plantmg strip and an 8-foot SIdewalk (Sheet L-2a of the Project Plans, Exhibit A of Attachment 7). Without these Improvements the southern edge of the Village Green would remain untlnished until such tIme that SIte C develops, The southern vehicular roadway would be eonstlllcted in conjunction with the development of SIte C Condition of Aoorovallt24 (Attachment 7) As stated ahove, In conJunctIon with the l.hture development of Site C the remaining improvements for the Village Green would need to be completed. In order to do so, the property owner of Site C would need Page 5 of7 the rights to access and improve certain portions of the Village Green whICh aft) nut located un SIte C In order to ensure that the filture property owner of Site C has these llghts the Project has been conditIOned to provide an eas"ment within the Village Green on Site B granting the future property owner the nght to construct the reqUIred Improvements, GENERAL PLAN, SPECIFIC PLAN AND ZONING ORDINANCE CONt'ORMANCE: The Project would he consIstent with th" Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. Both the General Plan and Specific Plan have adopted an Open Space land use deslgJ1ahon for the ProJect sIte. The proposed Project is consistent wjth thIS land use deslgJlatlon as It IS a dedicated open space area. The ProJect area IS part of Tract Map 7525 which has been recorded and ineludes a non-buildable easement over the Village Green. The Project sIte would be located wlthlll the Eastern Extended Planning Area, as defined by the Dubhn General Plan, and the Transit Center Planning Subarea, as defined by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The guiding policy for the Eastern Extended Planmng Area IS to, "F;ncourage the development of a full range of commercial and elnployment-generating uses that will meet the needs o/the City and surroundinx Tri-Valley area." The proposed Project is consistent with this policy as It IS one component of a transit oriented development whIch lIlc1udes retail and campus offiec uses. The proposed Village Green supports the development of such nses by providing a dedicated open space amenity for the enjoyment of all users of the Transit Center The Transit Center Planning Subarea was adopted to maximize the transit opportunities presented by the BART Station and associated bus hub by creating a pedestrian onented, hIgh denSIty mIX of uses wltlun easy walklllg distance of mass transIt. The Village Green IS eonsistmt with this policy by providing a pedestrian scale open spaec amenity within approximately 700 feet of the BART station. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, Staff has recommended that the project be found cxempt from CEQA pursuant to Government Code Section 65457 whlcb exempts resldenhal proJects that are consIstent WIth a speCific plan from further environmental review The Village Green is a portion of a reSIdential proJect which was previously determined to be consistent with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. Additionally, the Project is withm the scope of the Final Env1T<mmental Impact Report for the Duhhn TranSIt Center General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, Stage I Planned Development Loning, Tentative Parcel Map, and Development Agreement (SCH 2001120395) which was certified by City Council ResolutHJI1 No 215-02 dated November !9, 2002. This recommendatiun IS hased un a detellnination that there arc no supplemental impacts that would require preparation of a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report. NOTICING: In accordance with State law, a Puhhc Heallng Notice "'as mailed to all property owncrs and occupants wlthlll three hundred feet (300') of the proposed Project to advertise the Project and the Public Hearing scheduled (or Fehruary 21,2006. The Public Hearing Notice was also published in the Valley Times and posted at several locations throughout the City CONCLUSION: ThIS apphcalIon has heen revIewed hy appli"able City departments and agencies and their comments have been incorporated into the Project and the recommended conditions of Project approval. The proposed Page 6 uf? Project is consistent wlth the Duhlin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and the Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning for the Dublin Transit Center and Stage 2 Planned Development Zonlllg for SIte B-2 and represents an appropriate project tor the site. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City CouncIl, 1) Open Puhhe Heanng; 2) Receive Staff presentation; 3) Receive Public testImony; 4) Close Puhhe Hearing; 5) Deliberate; 6) Adopt Resolution (Attachment 7) approvmg PA OJ-05R Village Gteen Site Development Review Amendment to Dublin Transit Center Site B-2 (Avalon Bay Communities) Site Development Review, with Project Plans attached as Exhibit A. Page 7 of7 CITY CLERK File # DBUJ[Q-~~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 21,2006 SUBJECT: PUULIC HEARING: PA 03-058 Village Grccn Site Devclopment Review Amendment to Dublin Transit Center Site B-2 (Avalonl3ay CommullIlies) Site Development RevIew Report Prepared by Marnie R, Nuccio, Associate Planner ATTACHMENTS: I Dublin Transit Center Land Use Map 2. Village Green Stage I Development Plan site layuut concept 3 January 2005 Village Green deSIgn by Avalon Bay CommW1ities 4 City Cuuneil Mceting Minutes of January 4, 2005 5 Village Green Design Alternative #2 6 City Council Meetmg Minutes of June 21, 2005 7 Resolution approving P A 03-058 Village Green Site Devclopment Review Amendment 10 Duhhn TranSIt Center SIte B-2 (Avalon Bay Communities) Site Development Review, with Project Plalls attached as Exhibit A RECOMMENDATION: of I Open Public Hearing. 2. Receive Stair presentahon. ~ 3 Receive Public testimony 't 4 Close Puhlic Hearing, 5 Dcliberate. 6 Adopt Resolution (Attachment 7) approving PA OJ-058 Village Grccn Site Development Review Amendment to Dublin Transit Center Site B-2 (Avalon Bay Communities) Site Development Review, WIth Project Plans attached as Exhihit A. FINANCIAL STATEMENT; None. COpy TO: Nathan Hong, A",lun Bay Cummunities De:an Mills, DR Horton Pat Cashman, Alameda County Surplus Property Authority John Re:nnds, Bay Area Rapid Transit District (flART) ITEM NO. Co.l Page: I of7 G:\PA#\2()OJ\u3-o5~ Trun:-;il (..enkr H\Avllltln Hlly\Villa~e {in~t:n SDI{\l.'C~1{ S[)I{ Village (i~en o2-21-06.um; c... DESCRIPTION: In December 2002 the City Cuuneil aduptcd Resulution 216-02 approving a General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment; Ordinance 21-02, approvmg a Stage 1 Planned Devel()pment Zonmg; and, Resolulion 02-40 approvmg TentatIve Parcel Map 7892 I()r the project area known as thc Dublin TransIt Center The Dubhn TransIt Center is located generally between the Iron Horse Trail to the west, Dublin Boulevard to the north, Arnold Road to the east, and Interstate 5~U and the Dublin/Pleasanton Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Station to the south. A Master Development Agreement lor the Duhhn TranSIt Centcr was adupted by Ordll1anee 5~03 in May 2003 and together with the approved General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, Stage I Planned Development Zonll1g, and Vesting Tentahve Tract Map, eslahhshed the land use approvals for the future development of the project area. The Dublin Transit Center project area includes the development of 1,800 resHlenhal umts on Sttes A, S, C and E-I, 1 7 million square feet of Can1pUS office on Sites D-I, D-2 and E-2; and 70,000 square feet of ancillary retail uses to be dispersed between SItes B-F., Open space will be provided by a 12.20 gross acre park located Oil SIte F and a I-acre Village GreCJl located between Sites Band C The Transit Center project area also includes 8.65 gross acres of public/semi-puhhc uses mcluding the future BART parking garage, a PG & E subslahon and surface BART parking (Attaehmcnt 1). Previous Project Approvals The followmg projects have been approved lor the Dublin Transit Center project area (See Figure I ): ApplicantIDeveloper __,Project D!,s_c.!'!I!.tion ACSP A' SubdIVIsion uf I parcel into 3 parcels 112 affordable apartment units Suhdivision of I parcel into 3 parcels 257 condominium units ...---.--.--,. 305 ap"rtm~'Ilt umts and 12,750 square feet of retail 6-7 level parking structure for BART pa truns 300 cundummlum umts "nd 15,000 square feet of ret"il -----.--..-- ...... -----.. .. Alameda County Surplus Property Authority P roj eel Area Site A Approval Date May 2004 Site A-2 .--- . .-..----, April 2004 EAII, Inc SltcB --"._--- --- A,alun Bay Cummunitics D,R, HOlton Janu"ry 2005 November 2004 SiteB..1 Site B-2 Avalon Bay Cummunitics January 2005 East Duhlin llART Parking Garage ACSPA* Octubcr 2005 Site 10-1 F ehruary 2006 O,R, Horton Current Statns Map Finaled Under Cunstruction Map Finaled Under Constmction In Building Plan Check Review In Plan Check Rcvlcw with Alamcda Cuunty In Building Plan Check Review The remall1der of the Dublm Transit Center project area includes the future development of 415 high density residential units on Site A, 405 high density residential units on Site C With 25,000 square feet of retail, I 7 million square feet of campus office, a 12.2 acre neighborhood park and the 1 acre Village Green, which is the subject of this Agenda Slatement. Page 2 of7 Fi~ure 1 - Dublin Trnnsit Center Project Approvals and Location of Current Projects Site A-2 Site B-1 .~,.,..., Site 1:,-1 ,.'1 I: "Ii 'J , Village Green I,: f l3ART Garage , , , , :"",-","-,=c:J" ,.,n'.""A' Village Green Con,'ept amI Design The approved Stage 1 Development Plan l()r the Dublin Transit Center established the concept for the Vil1age Green as a central open space area approximately I acre in size (Attachment 2). As stated in the Stage 1 Development Plan, tbe Village Green waS Illtended to he "a gathering .\pot and peaceful refuge fiJr the surrounding residential development hy providing an open grassy area on which local residents could enjoy passive recreational activities. One-way private streets on either side of the Village Green could provide m.,;e"s to the c:uyw:ent [residential) huilding.' whir:h in turn would enclose and shelter the space from freeway nuise and pervasive westerly winds. A pedestrian corridor through Site t' would physically and visually r:onner:lthe Village Green to the BART station entran,'e to the south allowing easy puhlir: acass to this private(v maintained open space area" The Village Green was further defined m the Stage 1 Development Plan as a linear park with unfen~ed public access. The space ineluded a central plaza of residential scale and character with a grid of canopy trees over seating. The central focal point of the plaza could include public art or a "'ater feature. Open grassy areas on either SIde of the plaza would proVIde multi-purpose green space for active uses. A tree lined edge would provide privacy and enclose the space as well as provide shade f()r seating beneath the trees, Entry plazas on the east (Iron Horse Parkway) and west (Demarcus Boulevard) ends of the Village Ureen also ineluded focal points such as public art or special landscape treatment and decorative paving. The Village Green was intended to he the heart of the reSIdential nelghhorhood. At the January 4,2005 City Council meeting, Staff presented Avalonl3ay Communities proposed design of the Village Green in conjunction with the Site l3-2 development. The proposed Village Green included a central plaza area with trellised seating surrounding the plaza to provide a shaded seatmg area. The water feature chosen as the focal point of the central plaza was a splash pad play surface with aquatic playground equipment. On either side of the central plaza area were two tot lots. Comhmed with the splash pad, the design was intended to proVIde l(,rmal recreatIOnal opportunities for children, As approvcd, the Avalon Bay Communities (Site B-2) and D,R. Horton (Site B-1) projects did not inelude play equipment within their respective developments, Open grassy areas and a tree lined edge were also incorporated into the design as planned for in the Stage I Development Plan (Attachment 3). The City Council expressed concerns over the design of the Village Green at the January 4,2005 meeting and directed Stall" to work WIth A_alon Bay Communities to tllrth~r define how the Vil1age Green would be used and by whom. Specifically, the City Council was concerned that the design of the Village Green did not clearly convey whether it "'as a pri_ate or puhh~ spa~e and lelt there would be conflicts between Pag~ 3 ur7 resIdents and non-residents using the park. The City Council emphasized the need tu deslgJl the park m such a fashIon that It wuuld attract the intended users. Lastly, the City Council expressed their vision for the Village Green bemg a puhhe gathering spa~e due to its close proximity to puhlic transit (See Attachment 4). At the June 21, 2005 City Council meeting, Staff presented three alternahve deSIgns f\lr the Village Green. The City Council chose Alternative #2 (Attachment 5) and dIrected Staff to retnrn to the City CUlmeil with a Site Development Revlev" for reVIew and appro~al (Attachment 6). ANALYSIS; Proposed Village Green Site Layout and Design The Village Green is proposed to be a linear, open grassy area WIth a large pedestnan plaza at the east end (at Iron Horse Parkway). This plaza would proVIde open and un-programmed space with a trcllis clement on the east side of the plaza, and flowering aeecnt trees and benches lining the west side of the plaza. A specimen tree WIth low shrnhs and groundeover would be located in the center of the plaza, A large paved area within the plaza could accommodate outdoor seatmg or events as well as puhlic art. A linear pcdestrian pathway would connect the large plaza with a strong central promenade in the center of the Village Green. This promenade would be rectangular in shape and large enough to aecummodate an outdoor market or other large gathenngs, Low seat walls would be placed along the edge of the promenade and perenmal gardens with accent trees would frame hoth sides of the promenade. Opportunities for multiple public art pIeces are Identi fjed at the center of this promenade along with flowering accent trees (Exhihlt A of Attachment 7). The linear pedestrian pathway would continue west leadmg to a smaller plaza with raised seating platfonns, Accent trees, shmhs and gTUundcuver would be planted at caeh of the four corners of this plaza. At the western most cnd of the Village Green a small scale plaza mImics the ecntral plaza un the east end. A stainless steel play dome is located in the ecnter of the plaza and serves as both a sculptural element as well as a children's play area. Trellised seating, shade (rees, flowenng accent (rees and dceorative paving are also part of the plaza's design. Open grassy areas between the linear pathways provl(le multI-purpose green spaces with enough room for recreahonal play, farmers markets, plcmcs and other uutdoor activities (I:xhibit A of Attachment 7). The most slgmficant differences between the Stage I Development Plan Village Green deslgJl and the proposed design would he the relocahun uf the central plaza area from the center of the Village Green to the eastern most edge (near Iron Horse Parkway), a strong central promenade m the center \If the Village Green, additional pedestrian walkways throughout the open grassy areas, and a play apparatus on the western edge. The proposed Village Green design would provide amemlies for reSIdents and other users of the Duhlm Transit Center For residents, there are open grassy areas for recreatIOn and an area f()r child's play The children's play area is strategically placed farther from the mot(; active public spaces located on the eastern edge of the Village Green. The large central promenade is deSIgned as a quasl-puhhc space and could accommodate large public gatherings for an outdoor market or art show The large plaza on the cast end is oriented towards future retail and office uses and provides opportunities for outdoor seating and other outdoor events. AdditIOnally, pet wasle hag dispensers will be ineorporatcd throughout the Village Green allowmg pet owners the opportunity to clean up after their pets. Page 4 uf7 Public 4rt The Master Development Agreement for the Duhhn TransIt Center required that the Alameda County Surplus Properly Authunty contribute $250,000 for public art throughout the Transit Center The Stage I Development Plan for the Transit Center Identified the Village Green as a putential puhlie art lueatlOn. At the January 4, 20U5 City Council meeting, the Parks and Commumty Services DlTector presented to the City Council three potential art pieces. DUTlng deliherahons, the City Council expressed a desIre to defer the selectIOn of art and lIlvolve future residents uf the Transit Center in the art selection process. Specifically, the City Council asked that the public art process be initiated once 250/0 of the units (141 of the 562 units) were occupied on Site B of the Transit Center The Village Green Site Development Review Amendment has been condlhoned thal at 25% occupancy the Applicant/Developer shall wurk with the City to determ1l1e the final loeation(s) and facilitate the installation of public art within the Village Green (Condition of Approval #14, Attachment 7). Pha,~jng of Improvements The Village Green is proposed to be constructed in two phases. The vast maJonty of Ihe Village Green would be constmcted in Phase 1. Phase I would ll1clude the entire Village Green with thc execption ufthe velllcular roadv"ay that IS located south of the Village Green (Sheet L-2a of the Project Plans, Exhibit A of Attachment 7). This southern vehicular roadway would not be constructed as part of Phase 1 hecause surface BART parkll1g IS located in thIS area and is currently in use by BART patrons. Upon completion of Phase I of the BART parking garage this surface parking would he relocated to the garage freell1g up this area (also known as Site C) for high denSIty resldentJal development. In conjunction with an applicatiun for the develupment of Site C with high density residential uses, Staff would impose a condition on the project for the constructJon of south em vehICular roadway and other associated Improvements needed to complete the south side uf the Village Green (Sheet L-I of the Project Plans, Exhihit A of Attachment 7), These improvements would inelude the southern vehicular roadway, pcdestrian ramps on the south side of the Village Green and hoth pedestTlan and vehicular accent pavlIlg, Conditions of Approval The ProJect has heen revIewed hy the Community Development Department, Fire Prevention Bureau, Public Works Department, Dublin Police Services and Duhhn San Ramon ServICes Dlstncl. The comments received are reflected 111 the design of the Project and the conditions of approval contained in the attached City Council Resolution (Attachment 7). Condition of Avvroval #23 (Attachment 7) For the most part, the Village Green is located on Site B which was suhdivlded 111 November 2004 to create a separate parcel for the Village Green. Despite the suhdlVlsion, a portion of the Village Green that is 16 feet in width and approXImately 675 feetlll length, and the southern vehicular roadway adjacent to the Village Green hes on property that is part of Site C which is currently owned by BART The project has been conditioned that the Applicant obtains the necessary rights from BART 1Il order to construct 16 feet of improvements with Phase I of the Village Green. The 16 feet of improvements would include an 8-foot plantmg strip and an 8-foot Sidewalk (Sheet L-2a of the Project Plans, Exhibit A of Attachment 7). Withoutlhese 11l1provements the suuthern edge of the Village Green would remain unfinished until such time that Site C develops. The southern vehicular roadway would be constructed 111 conJunctJon With the development of Site (' Condihon of Approval 1124 (Attachment 7) As stated above, in conjunction with the future development of Site C the renla1l1111g Improvements for the Village Green would need tu he completed. In order to do so, the property owner of Site (' would need Pagc 5 of7 the nghts tu access and Improve certain portions of the Village Green which are nollocaled un SIte C In order to ensure that the future property uwncr uf Site C has these rights the Project has heen conditioned to provide an casement within the Village Green on SIte B grantmg th" future property owner the right to construct the reqUIred Improvements. GENERAL PLAN, SPECIFIC PLAN AND ZONING ORDINANCE CONFORMANCE: The ProJect would he consIstent with the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Both the General Plan and Specific Plan have adopted an Open Space land use designation for the Project site. The proposed Project IS consIstent WIth this land use designation as it is a dedicated open space area, The ProJect area IS part of Tract Map 7515 which has been recorded and lIlcludes a non-huildahle easement over the Village Green. The Project sIte would he located within the Eastern Extended Plannmg Area, as defined hy the Duhlln General Plan, and the Transit Center Planning Subarea, as defined hy the Eastern Dublin Spceille Plan. The guiding policy for the Eastem Extended Planmng Area is to, "EncouraKe the development of a .ft,1I range of commercial and emp/oyment-y;eneratiny; uses that will meet the needs of the Gilv and surrounding Tri-Valley area." The proposed Project is conSIstent with this puliey as it is one component of a transit oriented development whIch mc1udes retail and campus offiec uses. The proposed Village Green supports the development of such uses by providing a dedlcated open space amel1lty for lhe enjoymcnt of all users of the TranSIt Center The Transit Center Planning Subarea was adopted to maximize the transIt opportunities presented hy the BART Station and associated bus hub by creatlllg a pedestnan oriented, high density mix of uses within easy walkmg dIstance uf maSS transit. The Village Green is consistent WIth thIS policy hy provldmg a pedestrian scale open spaec amenity within approxnnately 700 feet ofthe BART station, ENVIRONMRNTAL REVIEW: Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, Staff has recommended that the project he found exempt from CEQA pursuant to Government Code Seclion 65457 which exempts residential projects that are consistent with a specific plan from further envIronmental review The Village Green is a portion of a resldenhal project which was previously determined to be consistent WIth the Eastern Duhlin SpeCIfic Plan. Additionallv, the Project IS wlthm the scope uf the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Dubhn TranSIt Center General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning, TentatIve Parcel Map, and Development Agreement (SCH 1001120395) winch was certIfied hy City Council Resolution No. 215-02 dated Novemher 19, 2002, ThIS recommmdation is based on a detenninatlOn that there are no supplemental impacts that would require preparation of a Supplemental EnvITonmentalImpact Report. NOTICING: In accordance with State law, a Puhhc Heanng Nohce was mailed to all property owners and occupants within three hundred feet (300') uf the proposed Project to advertise the Project and the Public Heanng scheduled for Fehruary 21,2006. The Public Hearing Notice was also pubhshed in the Valley Times and posted at several locations throughout the City CONCLUSION; ThIS apphcahon has heen revicwed by applicable City departments and agencIes and their comments have been incorporated into the Project and the recommended conditions of Project approval. The proposed Page (, 01'7 Project is consistent wIth the Duhlm General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and the ~tage 1 Planned Development Zoning for the Dubhn TransIt Center and Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning for Site B-2 and represents an appropriate project for the site. RECOMMENDATION; Staff recommends that the City Council, 1) Open Public Hearing; 2) Receive Staff presentation; 3) Receive Public testimony; 4) Close Public Heanng; 5) Deliherate; 6) Adopt Resolution (Attachment 7) approving PA 03-05R Village Green SIte Development Review Amendment to Duhhn TranSlt Cenler SIte B-2 <Avalon Bay Communities) Site Development Review, wIth ProJect Plans attached as Exhihit A. Page 7 of? . " " . . . . . " . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Iron Horse Trail To I. 610 .F~ld"~; /U'l;tOO<tr<-&P'........,~ a 1I...~::i:iu<a<~'tJ,i<'[~ ~~~~~ ~.~ ",,11 '4 I!" "!.J',oX;[F.. It :1 :U"'I' ! ___~_____ I, ____ !I i! 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Area , , I , ------:"j I , , I ~'I SII.0-2 Site 1ofJ~B ----- -~-- Oub!io/Pleasanton BART 'Station 1-5Bll FREEWAY j ~ To Hacienda Business Park nJI3]BKF __ I ~"'~EJ~ <4H''''.~-... R~C..... r.if..--.~""'"IoB ';';W""Hlf' ProDosed land Uses Specific Plan I Genera! Plan Amendment T RAN SIT Dllblio. Calir(lraia N T c E D u B l I N I o~4! / SybaSE! Ccrporation II III '" Jill I" I I 'I' I I I I I '; I I 1:1 : 1:1 !I! :,1 , , BO U-l Evl RD' -- - - - == = = - = (' < :~ --------- ..j / --1'--- f-=- -=--_-=-~ ~ 'II ~ fll'I"'1 , 'I! 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It ;(,'" f 4-1 Central Open Space System The Dublin Transit Center residential neighborhood will be organized around a connected series of public spaces. The heart of the residential neighborhood will be the oval-shaped "Village Green". Generous sidewalks will link this public space to DeMarcus Boulevard in the west and Iron Horse Parkway in the east. From the Village Green, a stroll along a mid-block landscaped path will lead through shaded "Iron Horse Plaza" at the corner of DeMarcus Boulevard and Iron Horse Parkway to the BART plaza at the foot of the station platform. 1"- _ .~,.~_~ -;<- !I , --... '-- " !i. :! ~ -cf~.c:=c::~c.~DUBLlN BOULEVARD,~ .: ~ -. "l{f . (~ -- ~ ." /. z ...~~B7"~~~'" .~.~ }, :I: q "1" f _.L J ffi ~._~-BART-.,,:""~'-'::f.S80-FREEWAY =:~~~'s::v ~.~. , CENTRAL OPEN SPACE KEY MAP Stte-A 'SiteS Site B -lZ' j../,'T.jlU f\edB':I1anL1g!l15 6'~, G:lnnetf! " Will1t " 1...~picaLi ... -~'MinirnJ'T1 " f1lent!M. , iypicaT"1 5'-6"...,f.' F'lNrberlsl<ll'd E~~~~~~ P.znc.-.g.larE' ,-11' '....'T,i':;1 I Pe;lestnanl.Jghts , - , , , Shade-iree-Clu~ SUITDund'-1"l! (eronL Feat~re ,.- Deoo-'Ilpcsed """"'. 11\Pk>1) PGIH Substation BART l'arld"B \, '-Grid DfSliadeTI'I!E'5c..er DecoIlljXlSlE'(lGrani~Pavin:i: ~I.c.c~t-:-~ ....-ithir P1an(ir~ ..., '~L.ondorPlaneTree'l wittr1nS'PLanti~~ ''-----AilinF\erimeterTrees of\'llLage-Greef';-.(lr~ orJEIc4h-Sideof~5treet 5lteC -UnitPaven. 51te C Villalje Green Focus of Open Space System EB """" - ,.:It -CI - -------1------ . 'kid""'; . !!1m"'" .. ~..~Iit_'l I 0..1 E.lrn<n.. " .. ~'~:~IL~~~)> -- ~rJo: I~I~~ G1ir'rlil.~_ l~l'-;'AA~Fa ~<[.~'lo:i' . . Villal!e Green ilLustrative Plan D u B L I N T RAN SIT DublLII, C.lifl}l"ni.a c E N T ti t- :z: L.l.I :s; ::c u -.c-: 5 2.7 .Octl}ber.2002 ,-f-~~-;;~fti~:-) - ' ~H II I -ll/J_i -[1 ~ -d r'Si ;-~ iIT!' 1 ~ 1 ,/ , --1...., ____.____~-.../ ; :---t--- . $' ; . 1'\.',rl ~ I, 1''''''1 T "; p; l"\! ,~." 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I ~J , I i VILLAGE GREEN (IN '-.L/ No,," SCAL!: "::2C'" _~';;'A:ro ~ --fr~' ,"', I , '-;;;.\ " . ; / ,I C\ ~ ",,--t- .~', - '-;--'\ /\ 'X::\~, ~i , j'~, ~0~\ M ~'N\ !t_-~~])~'" \:,--...::=>~ \{J' '( ),f",v-', "; ",:,\, \. ....F-V . I , 'U ~ -....::= -, r~? ... Ir~' ,/~. >::c: g;Fi 1 ','r..,. ,i!. ',':;;"I~ ~ ~: i~,~ 'J',I ? " KJ!. ~.'; I I'<OEmIAN . ~..AI-" ~ ' ~- ;ji- i! : ~~~~f , 'I! } lAWN ~ I" r;;:: INT LOLOR /, ~ ' 1 I,./" I (~II,'~~ ' ig, LA""' / l:;Ky '" ' ~'",:!~-~ ~~" ~ " ,.IL..;" "/i'.'ll': ~ ~L-.JL " / ~ ~'I PI', i ~ ' ~\ ~=-/,'~ I '~ ~' 4!! ~ ---' '~~A ~ ~B,~~~,BLVD. COURTYARD T North -= , ! iF=' '?'~ .ED",," CO.C pJ l : t f'ATlOP'A.\.I1t+G ~-;ff1rn:;GiW~ I I ",->~'f-< ~.o.-n;All, \ /.1 F , -/yP> I t ' ~ tb' I. ~I [ /' i ! I' =--'='8_ 1 I! I I' , 'I 1 V 'I o::::! ,::, , ~---XTal I i ~'! ; cP--v1"'!",,;,, ~ I .= It, ,-,-' '"'ff. "D ;-!'-:::::\~ COUllT \It , i -, . ' I r~GRlll '>, I, . -.rfr7=:;,! i" l!. 'iJ I ' _ __ 1,., I ~ ~ ,I ~, I I ' , ''J'~'-/r 6:>' 1 ',>-I 1 I I L ! 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I' :)< BOllARD P.o.","" '; ::- .. lIGtff *1 '-'1 , . f-.""J ~ ,;:n-' h;t l-,nfTl ~'"'d I ff' 'Th ", "'i F "'" ;~dfl /7"V- ,flf;j <'Ju North POOL COURTYARD 5.CALE.. \.. 20' 3" f4/ 1 111><: I GUZZARDO PARTNERSHll'I.c I' ~~'L.ow.:I~ "'--- ..~,CAIt1'!3 T"U-4B4&l'2 I', '.'L'54U'kIIrB I 1 i 1 1 I I , r , :' "'"""", AVALON DUBLIN TRANSIT CENTER PARCEL 82 -- ~-:oRIiERi1F iRQNHOil::!E" pt(" ~n n'.JII.J.!NBlvt: 1 , I I I 'j , ...... -"VA:..OOEl'!"~-c.oMM\.I"'='ffiES 'N':. oIJ:j:~ mt!E11il1"!:t';! W1Y.1il:".':;:11. D 6 D 6 ....."" -- """"""" ~KIDGl"$8'F'fe1h IjInU)I. .$DR'IiUriIl!IT'f.... MMA FOIIlIW-l'IE'I'B!Ol ! I I I I 1 ! I I ....."" ........... 'lS3LlEt.lFQtUlA.TlGN P';.D":"I:III:'IE:I$'\.UIII !IlftCI,I!:T1ID: ~...: ~rrt, ."'s"....""''- &EET_ SCHEIN< TIO WIDS:::A.DE 'P1Jr.N 'JILAO< GREEN """'" i I AIT~~' ..vnml;;.l1 I J L-2 '1 t> (-1} !lE6ULAa JlEIITlN6 - JA.NUUt' ... 2005 CID~ION A closed SesSIon was held at 6:30 p.m_, regarding: Conference with Lezal Counsel 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANne/PATED LmGA TlONGovernm.nt Code SectJon541SB.9, subdlvl$lon c (four potentlBl cases) A regular meetin,g of the Dublin City Council was held on TuesdaY,January 4,2005, in the Council Chambers of the Dubhn Civic Center. The meetIng was called to order at 7.12 p.m., by Mayor Lockhart. + ~ PRESENT; ABSENT: Councilmembers Hildenbrand, McCarmick, Oravetz, Zika. and Mayor Lockhart. None. . fLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited by the Council, Staff and those present. . REPQxt QN CWSED SESSION 1lCTlQN Mayor Lockhart announced that there was no achon taken. .' ~ANCE OF GRANT...I.I.QM ALTAMQNf (;RUISEKSJ:AR CLUB OF UVESMQ,RE 7:13 p.rn.S.l (I50~70) Police Chief Gary Thuman advised that the Altamont Cruisers has donated $ I ,000 to Dublin Police Services for purchase of two digital cameras with printer to be used by studettts that attend the annual Police Youth .Academy. CITY COUNCIJ. MINUTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 4, 2005 PAGE I ATT.~CHMENT "'" --.-------------.-..- n f: 5 of 1/ The Council thll11ked the Altamont Cruisers Car Club for their continued support of DubLin Police Services. On motion of Vm. Zib, seconded by em. Oravetz and by unanimous vote, the City Council accepted the grant from the Altamant Cruisers Car Ch.lp; approved the Budget Change in the amount of $1,000; and directed Staff to prepare formal acknowledgement to the donor. ". .. PROCI.M4ATlON DECLARING JANUARY 20013 ~ VOLUNTEER. BLOOJ;U,lONOR. MONTH 7:15 p.m. 3.2 (610-50) Mayor Lockhart read Ii proclamation declaring January 2005 as "Volunteer Blood Donor Month," and llI&ed all citizens to pay tribute to those among use who donate for others in need. Carmel O'Connor Jones, Blood Services Community Relations Director for the Northern California Region of the American Red Cross, accepted the proclamation and thanked the Council for helping create public awareness regarding; the enormous need for healthy blood donations. She also encouraged the public to donate toward disaster relief to VlCtims of the Southeast Asia tsunami. . CONSENr ~DAR. 7:19 p.m. ltetrul 4.1 through 4.5 On motion of Vm. Zib, seconded by em. McCormick, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: Approved (4.1) the minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 21, 2004; Adopted (4.2 390~20) RESOLUTION NO. 01 - 05 MAIClNG FINDINGS REGARDING UNEXPECTED DOWNTOWN TRAFFIC MITIGATION CONTRI8UTIONS FOR nSCAL YEAR. 200g.2004 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 4~ 1005 PAGE 2 & c I 4/ Accepted (4.3 330~50) Financial Reports for the Month of November 2004; Accepted (4.4 600~35) improvements under Contract No. 04-09, Central Parkway /Per:;.immon Drive Safety Improvements; and authorized release of retention after 35 days if there are no subcontractor claitn8; Approved (4,5 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $1,447,274.08. . PUBUC HEARING - AVAIDN BAY COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT REZONING, srtt DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ,(WID AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (DA) FA 05-0'..& 7:20 p.m. 6.1 (410~30/600-60) Mayor Lockhart opened the public heann$;. Marnie Nuccio, Assistant Planner, presented the Staff Report and aclv-ised that Avalon Bay communities is proposing to oonstruct a multi~family residential apartment community of 305 units and approximately 12,750 square feet of ground floor reta.il on approximately 3_57 net acres of land within the Oublin Transit Center project. The Dublin Transit Center is located generally 1:Jetween the Iron Horse Trail to the west, Dublin Boulevard to the north, Amold Road to the east and the Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station to the south. Mayor Lockhart asked if the proposed Village Green would be public or private. Ms. Nuccio advised that the one-acre park-like setting would be pl"1vate, Mayor Lockhart I18ked. why it would not be fenced, Ms. Nuccio advised that the Stage 1 Development Agreement did not Identify a fenced area and the open area would connect the Village Green to the adjacent residential communities. Although it might attract users from future offIce or retail uses, the intent was to provide recreational amenity for the residential communities. Mayor Lockhart expres.'lOd concern about the public1 including those cormng from the BART station, using a private park, and stated that it should be fenced. If it was unfenced and open to the public, how would the residents react? It should be clear 118 to whom the CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING Janllary 4, 2005 PAGE 3 7p14J park was intended. She expressed concern about children playing in an unfenood area in such close proximity to the BART stabon. City Manager Richard Ambrose advised that, as part of the Transit Center approval) the public park area. identified was ac,ross Dublin Boulevard. The Village Green was proposed as part of the County's master plan. Avalon Bay would own it, but an HOA would mamtain it. It was set up as a cornman amenity between Sites B-1 & B~2. The CounCil discussed the possibility of the pu blic1 especially those With young children, using the private park, and agreed that it could cause a problem between residents and non~residential users. Cm. Hildenbrand expressed the need to maintain the flow of non ~residenfs using the park and questioned how the police would monitor the private park, The area. could become a hangout for people walking to and From thejail, as well as people coming from the BART station. City Manager Ambrose advised that the Applicant could be asked to modify the desi,gn through the Site Development Review process so as to not to attract children. The Police would have adequate access to pal:l'ol the area. Mayor Lockhart stated that the park should not c:reate mixed messages; everyone should be aware of the intended use of the open space and it should be set up to attract the intended users. 'The Council and Staff discussed the Village Green concept and the need for everyone to be clear on the intended use of the park, whioh could be defined. by what was put in if. Planning Consultant Mike Porto explained the background of the project and advised that the Village Green area sits over a stann drain so it was not possible to develop buildings over it. The Village Green area was originally intended to be a public Slithering- space for residents and campus office employees. Avalon Bay was required to build and maintain the Vil~e Green, but it was meant as an amenity for all the people using the Transit Center. Public uses for the ViIla,ge Green could include a furmersl market or art shows, etc. City Ma.nll8er Ambrose asked if Staff had looked into the possibility of moving tot lots mto the complex courtyards. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 4, 1005 PAGE -'I 1, " t <1-/ Ms. Nuccio advised that rough measurements had been taken to see if both tot lots couLd be relocated onto the Avalon Bay Site. It may be too small to accommodate "fall zone" safety regulations; however, Staff could study its feasibility. City Manager Ambrose advised that tonight would be the time for Council to articulate concerns about the site design, and that it would be helpful for the Council to provide Staff with an idea as to what would be acceptable. Mayor Lockhart stated that more time should be spent on the Village Green. It does not meet the nee;ls of families or the community and hasn't been clearly defined. More examples of other Village Greens would be helpful since this is Dublin's first attempt. She was not comfortable with putting two tot lots and a water feature in front of the BART Station. It does not make sense and does not fit the Council's vIsion of the community. The right atmosphere needs to be created for that area, More time should be spent to understand what could be aocomplished there and bring the whole Village Green issue back before the Council. A public gathering space next to public transit made sense to her. City Manager Ambrose suggested that the Council, during deliberation, give direction to Staff for alternative studies for design. Vm. Zika expressed concern about protecting the planned two~hour parking on Iron Horse Parkway from BART riders, and askai if Avalon Bay would PJlY for extra Police patrol. The plan would set up a war zone between retailers and BART parkers. Police Chief Gary Thuman advised that "no parking" between 7 a.m. - 9 a.m. would be feasible if there were no retail uses that would be open that early, such as a coffee shop. 1here would have to be sufficient deterrent, such as higher fines or towing, for motorists to modify their behavior. "No parking" would be Police Staff intensive. The Council and Staff discussed various parking options, including "no parking" .zones or metering. City Manager Ambrose advised that this was a umque project and the City does need to provide some services. There would be some additional costs depending on how the Council wanted to approach it. The Council and Staff engaged in a question and answer session regarding parkmg options, as well as discussed various options to accommodate future uses. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 4, 2005 PAGE 5 q <P I 4/ Pat Cashman, Alameda county Surplus Property Authority, advised that the Village Green would be privately built !11Id maintained, but be a pasSIVe space open to the public. It tS approximately 800 feet from the BART Station, and people walking to it would be primarily resideflts. The concerns about the tot lot might be valid. Hopefully, the Village Green can contInue to go forward and not hold up the approval~. The programming of the VilIase Green can be determined later. Retail was defmed in the plan approval as auxiliary retail, whtch required no parking. The Developer recognized, however, that there would Pe some pragmatic level of parking. The real support for the retail will be the re:ndents, office users and BAKT users. This will be a dense neighborhood where you might have to drive around looking for parking. Hopefully, that will be part of its charm. Nathan Hong, Senior Development Director with Avalon Bay, reviewed the background of the project and advised that they would be willing to reconsider placing tot lots in the Village Green. With respect to retail, future uses are hard to predict; however, it would generally be neighborhood-serving retail, such as dryclea.ner, daycare service or coffee shop_ There would probably be Z or 3 smaller separate users, as opposed to one larger user. Mayor Lockliart reiterated the need to define the users of the Village Green. Vrn. Zika asked how the Z-hour parking limit would be enforced. Mr. Hons advised that a Master ASJOCiation between the four sites (B~ll B-2, C~ 1 and C~ Z) would be set up to maintain roads, the Village Green, and parkins enforcement, etc. The specifics have not been defined yetI but the cars would be red~tagged. They committed to the 2-hour regulation as part of this approval and would work to that. Mayor Lockhart asked about private security_ Mr. Hong advised that they generally do not have private security services, and did not foresee that for the master associatlon. Garages and buildings would have technological security devices. Vm. Ziu noted that the HOA cannot issue parking ticketsl and BART riders would just scrape off any red tags. Although he ljked the project, he could not support it until the parking Issues were resolved. CITY COUNCiL MINUTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 4, 2005 PAGE 6 If) ~ ( 4/ Mr, Hong concurred with Police Chief Thuman regarding having a sufficient deterrent, such .as higher fines or towing, and stated they would work closely with the Police Department to effectuate the proper procedures. Mayor Lockhart stated that every parking issue could not be resolved. The people will have to follow the rules; if they do not, they will get tIckets. em. Oravetz noted that the future BART parking.garage, as well as the future West Dublin BART Station might alleviate some of the problem~ in time. City Manager Ambrose asked the Applicant about the feasibility of relocating the tot lot within the complex. Mr. Hong advIBed that they would take a look, but dId not foresee enough demographics to build internally. It would be more beneficial to open it to the public for maximum use. loyd Lure, Dublin resident and new BART Board Representative, expressed concern about the current parking situation at BART and stated that the Council must address parking now. If enough parking was not provided, it would continue to create hostile BART riders. He offered hIS services to remedy the situation. Mayor Lockhart stated the City of Du blin could not take care of BART's parking problems. lMayor Lockhart closed the public hearing. Cm. McCormick referred to the Green Buildmg Guidelines and asked for clarification to the statement "to the extent practical, the Applicant shall incorporate green building measures." Ms. Nuccio advised that Dublin did not have an adopted Green Building Ordinance, so currently the Building Official works with the Developer to incorporate cost effective measures to incorporate green building into their projects. Building Official Gregory Shreeve advised that the City utilizes the Alameda. County's Waste Management Multi-Family Affordable Housing Program for Green Building. "Extent practical" means accomplishing Items that are practIcal or structural1y feasible in their project. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 4, 2005 PAGE 7 II b ( 4/ em. Oravetz made a motion that the Council waive the reading and introduce an Ordinance approving Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning with the Development Plan attached as Exhibit A; adopt the Resolution for Site Development Review with Project Plan attached as Exhibit A; waive the readinz and mtroduce Ordinance adopting the Development Agreement; and direct Staff to work with the Developer to provide the Council with alternative layouts for the Village Green Open Space. em. Hildenl:>>:and seconded the monon. CIty Manager Ambrose recommended that the Council not provIde a Site Development Review approval for the Village Green porhon of the project. The City Attorney had adVISed that the Council could pull it out at this time1 and the Site Development Review for the Village Green could be brought back to the Council later. The balance of the Site Development Review could be approved1 If the Council so chose. Mayor Lockhart clarified that this would allow the Applicant to move forward with everything else. City Manager Ambrose agreed. em. Oravetz rescinded his initial mohon. Cm. Hilden brand rescinded her second of the initial motion. Assistant City Attorney John Bakker recommended that the motion approve the Site Development Review 1 excepting the Village Green. On motion of em. Oravetz1 seconded by Cm. Hildenbrand and by majority vote (Vm. Zika owosed), the Council waived the first reading and INTRODUCED an Ordinance approving ll. Stage Z Planned Development Zoning; adopted RESOLImON NO. OZ - 05 APPROVING SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FOR PA O:~-058 DUBLIN TRANSIT CENTER (EXCLUDING THE VIIJ.A.GE GREEN) SITE B-2 (AVALON BAY COMMUNInES) LOCATED AT TIlE SOUTHWEST CORNU OF DUBUN BOULEV Am AND IRON HORSE PARKWAY (APN 986-0001-011-00) And waived the first reading and INTRODUCED art Ordinance adopting a Development Agreement. . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 4, 2005 PAGE 8 ~ ~ 1).14-1 -~ J ., -.....~--;--:d ~;:; ~ '1""":' .1 :: n I~~.---r ,: ':. l --- ~ ~~. I ~ , ~ Schematic Landscape Plan- Option Two ,:::;;- f.' ;f-'~ jL """" VILLAGE GREEN AVALON BAY COMMUNITIES DUll'L1N, CALIFORNIA '---~---t'-- ----- -------- I .'~ ~~ --.- ~~'-iQ -7--~~ 'kM: I' ~~ .-- -~- :== SHEET .2 of 4 (PI/ AfT;~CHMENT S z -7...1-0 (p ::'J ~5.0'; I2)CJf41 No testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Lockhart closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Mayor Lockhart, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted, with additional language "if the CNG trucks are locally available In the franchisee's fleet, they wiJI be used in Dublin" RESOLUTION NO. 138 - 06 APPROVING A FORM OF THE DISCARD MATERIAL NONAEXCLUSIVE COLLECTION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT On motion of em. McCormick, seconded by Mayor Lockhart, and by UMmmous vote, the Council then waived the reading and introduced the Ordinance. . DUBUN TRANSIT CEI'fI'ER SITE B VILLAGE GREEN ALTE~l1VES FA 03-Q,9 8:54 p.m. 7.1 (410-30) Associate Planner Marnie Nuccio presented the Staff Report. The Dublin Transit Center Site B project area includes a I-acre park called the Village Green. Staff is presenting for CIty Council review and consideration, 3 alternative designs for the Village Green. Ms. Nuccio discussed background, Village Green Concept and Design, and an analysis of the alternatives, Options One, Two and Three. The alternate designs are in keeping with the general concept for the Village Green as approved in the Stage 1 Development Plan wIth slight deviations to better define the space within the park as well as provide multtple opportunities for the placement of public art. Mayor Lockhart stated she likes option Z the best. Vm. Zika, Cm. McConmck, Cm. Hildenbrand, and Cm. Oravetz all agreed. On motion of Vm. Zika, seconded by Cm. Hildenbrand, and by unanimous vote, the Council conSIdered the 3 alternative designs and directed Staff to return to the City Council with a Site Development Review for the preferred alternative (Option Z ) for reVIew and approval. . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING June 21. 2005 PAGE 272 ATT:\CHMENT '- RF:SOLllTION NO. -06 !'j of4/ A RF:SOLlTTION OF THF: CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLlN API'ROVING I'A 03-0511 VILLAGE GREEN SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW AMENDMENT TO DUBLIN TRANSIT CENTER SITE B-2 (A V ALON BAY COMMlINITIES) SITE DEVELOI'MENT REVIEW LOCATED SOUTH 01<' SITE B BETWEEN IRON HORSE PARKWAY AND DEMARCllS BOULEVARD (AI'N 911(,..0001-01 1-00) WHERF:AS, the Applicant, Avalon flay Communities, Inc" has requested an amendment to the appruved Site Development Review I,ll' P<\ 01-058, Duhlin Transit Center Site B.2, for the construction of a:1:1 acrc upen space area, located on the southern portion of Duhlin Transit Center Site B hetween Iron Horse Parkway and DeMarcus floulevard, within the Eastern Ouhlin Specilic Plan area, and WHEREAS, thc Applicant has submittcd a eumplcte applieatiun fur a Sitc Develupment Rcvicw Amendment fur said pru.lect which is available and un [ile m thc Planmng DlVlslun, and WHEREAS, the Applicant has also submitted Project Plans dated received by the Planning Division on hbruary 'I, 2006; and WHEREAS, on .Ianuary 4, 2005 the City Council approved Resolution ()2-05 approving Site Developmcnt Review fur Dublin Transit Center Site B-2 (Avalon Bay Communities) and excluded the Village Green from the projcct approvals; and, WHERICAS, the City Council directed Staff to work with the Appl icant to further dellne how the Villagc Green would he used and hy whom; and WHEREAS, at the Junc 21, 20115 City Cuuncil mcctmg Sta[[preS~'Jlted thrce altCmatlVC dcsil,'Ils fur thc V illage Green for the Council to review; and WHEREAS, the Council chose alternative two and directed Stair to return to the City Council wIth a SltC Development Review for review and approval; and WHEREAS, the pruccss li,r amending an approvcd SIte Development Review is thc samc as the process [ur approvmg a SIte Dcvelupmcnt Revlcw except that thc dcelslOn"mak~T for a SltC Dcvelupment Review Amcndmcnt shall be the same dcclSlun-makcr that ultimately approvcd the Site Develupment Rcview, in this case the City Cuuneil, and WHEREAS, the California environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with State guidelines and City environmental regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental ducuments be prepared; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to the Calilornia Environmental Quality Act, Staff has recommendcd that the pro.lect bc [uund excmpt from CEQA pursuant tu Guvcmment Cude Seehun 65457 whIch exempts rcsldential projects that arc consistent with a spccific plan from further environmental review Thc Village Green is a portion uf a resldcntlal project which was prcvlOusly detcrmined tu be cunsist~'I1t with the Eastern Dubhn Specific Plan. AdditIOnally, the Project is within the scupe uf the Final Environmental Impact Report fur the Dublin Transit Center General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, Stagc I Planned Development Zoning, Tentative Parcel Map, and Development Agreement (SCH 20011203'15) which was certified by City Council Resolution No, 215-02 dated November 19, 2002, This recommendation is based on a determination that ATTACHMENT 7 /5 (J 14- / there al'e no supplemental impacts that would require preparation of a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report" and WHEREAS, a StalT Report was submitted to the City Council Dn February 21, 2006 recummendmg approval of said appheatlOn; and, WHEREAS, the City Council did hold a public hearing on said application; and, WHEREAS, propel' notice of said hearing was given in all respects as required hy law; and, WHEREAS, the City Council deliberated un said applicatiun and made a motion to approvc thc SIte Develupment RevIew Amendment rcquest, and, WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use their independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE City Council of/he City of Dubhn dues h~'!'ebv make the following findings and detenninations regarding the pruposed Site Development Review Amendment: A, The proposed project, as conditioned is consistent with the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.104 SIte Develupment Review uf the Dublin Zumng Ordmanee m that: 1) as required by SectIOn 8.104.020.A the propDsed pru.lect will be compatible with the Dubhn Transit Center master plan because the pro.leet has been designed tu pruvlde a pedestrian friendly, Up~ll space amcmty adjacent to apprDvcd high-denSIty, transit- oriented, residential developments within e1use proximity to the Dublin/Pleasantun BART Station; 2) as required by Section g,104.020.B & C the proposed project addresses landscape design, vehicular and pedestrian access and on-site circulation, parking and traffic impacts in that the project complies with the Stage 1 Development Plan adupted fur the Dubhn Transit Center and the adupted Stage 2 Planned Develupment Zumng regulatiuns, fCquirements, and perfurmancc standards fur Dublin TranSIt Centcr SltC B-2; and 3) as rcqUlrcd by Sccl1un K 1 04.020.D & E the propuscd pro.lcd will stabihzc prop~'!'ty values and promote the g~'TIcral welfarc by providing an attracl1vc and funetlOnal Up~'TI space amemty available tu rcsldents and users uf thc Dubhn Transit Cente'!' fl The proposed Project, as conditioned, complies with the policies of the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specitic Plan, the development regulations and pertormance standards adopted as part of the Stage 1 Development Plan tor the Dublin Transit Center and Stage 2 Development Plan for Site B-2 and with all other requirements of the Zoning Ordinance because: 1) The proposed project complies with the policies of the General Plan in that tbe Eastern Extended Planning Area of which the Dublin Transit Center is a part encourages the development of a balanced mixed use community well integrated with urban systems and providing a safe, comfortable and attractive environment for hving and working, The proposed project provides a multi-purpose open space area adjacent to a high-density, mixed-use (residential and commercial) devclupm~'TIt wlthm e1usc pruxlmity tu the Dublin/Pleasanton BART statiun; 2) the proposed pru.lcet eumplics WIth thc puhelcs uf thc Eastern Dubhn SpeCIfic Plan bceause thc Plan states that the Transit Ccnter arca shuuld havc a mIx uf uses and should havc a pcdestnan fncndly cnvironmcnt whIch thc proposed pro.lcet achieves by providing an upen space amenity with pcdcstrian friendly pathways throughuut, traffic ealnung roadways with parallel parkmg un clther sidc all wlthm e1use proXImity tu hIgh-density, mixed-use developments whIch all users uf the Dublin Transit Center may benefit from; and 3) the proposed project cumplies with the development regulations and performance standards adopted for the Duhlin Transit Center project area hecause the proposed I acre open space area is compatible with the approved uses for the site and the overall design of the project is cunsistent with the desib'll standards set forth in the Stage I Development Plan for thc Dubhn Transit C~'TItcr C The proposed Project, as conditioned, will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the puhlic health, safety and welfare hecause; 1) there will not be 2 /~UJ r 4/ any signiticant environmental impacts associated with the project and the project has been conditioned tu comply with all mitigation measures adopted as part of the Duhlin Transit Center E1R, 2) the proposed pru.leet will result in an open space amenity with attractive landscaping, pedestrian pathways, future public alt, shaded seating areas, and a children s play area and is compatible with existing and future development in the area as identitied in the Duhhn Transit Center master plan; 3) the site layout and design of the open space area IS cumphmcntary tu thc site layuut and desl,,'ll uf adjaecnt buikhngs m the neighburhuod; and 4) as conditioned, the upen space area will be upc-ratcd m such a manner as to reducc Impacts un the surrounding nClghburhuud. D The site develupment fur the prupused project has becn desIgned to provide a desirable environment fur the develupment with rcgard tu Its site lavuut, structures, vchlcular acccss, circulatlUn and parkmg, setbacks, height, walls, puhlie satdy, and similar elements hecause: 1) the Project has heen designed at a pedestrian scale hy providing 8-fuut wide sidewalks throughuut the Pruject area; 2) the Project includes a trec lmed cdgc, shade trees thruughuut, seatmg platfurms, luw scat walls and benches, and trellises to provide shadcd scating areas for users of the Village Ureen; 3) vehicular access to the Village Ureen has been designed as a one-way circular private road with on-street, parallel parking on both sides of the strcet to further enhance the pcdestrian experiencc bv sluwmg vchicular traffic and providing a buffcr betwec'll pedestnans and moving vehicles; 4) low shruhs around the perimeter of the Village Ureen create a defined edge while allowing for surveillance through the Village Green, and 5) pedestrian scale lighting alung the pathways through the Village Grec'll pruvlde added secunty through illummatlUn. E. The suhject site is physically suitable for a 1 aCre open space area with features such as trellises, future public art, a ehildrm's play area, luw scat walls and seatmg platfurms in that: 1) thc Stage 1 Develupment Plan for the Dublin Transit Center identified the project area as open space; 2) the project area is centrally located among high density, mixed-use residential developments with ground floor retail providing residents, busincsscs and the gcneral public thc uppurtunity tu cngagc in passIve ur aetivc reereatlUn and other outdoor activities such as farmers markets or art shows; and 3) the Project area is encumbered with underground utilities which precludes the development ofhuildings, F There arc nu Impacts tu VICWS heeause: 1) the pro.lect wuuld be lucated un a sIte that is relatively flat ami will he surrounded hy 4-7 story residential and campus office huildings to the north, south, west and cast, respectively G There are no impacts to slopes or existing topographic features hecause' 1) the existing site is relatively Ilat. ll, The character, scale and quality of the design is compatihility with the development's design concept or theme and the character of adjacent huildings and uses because: 1) the Village Green has heen designed as an UpC'll b'1'assy area whIch pruvldes oppurtumties fur peaceful gathering and passive recreational activities WIth casy and convenient pedestrian access to future high density rcsidential and campus uffiee buildings; 2) a large pcdcstrian plaza un the east end uf the Village Grccn and a central pedestrian prumc'llade m the ccnter of the Village Green provide areas for formal or informal gatherings; and 3) a smaller pedestrian plaza with seating platforms and a children s play area on the west end of the Village Green provide more intimate gathering spaces geared towards the residents of the Dublin Transit Center I. Landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage uf plant materials, provisions and similar elements will ensure visual relief and an attractive environment for the public hecause' 1) the Villagc Grecn will ineludc a trce lincd cdgc around thc penmeter uf thc upen space area as rcqmrcd by the Stage I Development Plan for the Duhlin Transit Center' 2) a large pedestrian plaza with decorative paving, accent trees, seating opportunities, and a specimen tree as a central focal point will be provided at the cast cnd uf the opcn spacc area and will provide opportunihes fur outdoor seating and events; 3) a strung central promenade in the center uf the Village Green will physically and VIsually eunnect the Village Green to the BART station entrance alluwing easy, pedestrian friendly acccSs tu and from the BART statlUn as required hy the Stage I Development Plan 1,,1' the Duhlin Transit Center; 4) the strong central promenade will he enhanced with decorative paving, shade trees, low seat walls, and accent trees with opportunities for puhlic art 3 rl,,/-Ll/ in the center of the promenade; 5) a smallet. and more intimate plaza area and a children's play area will bc provided on the west end of the Village Green and has heen designed to provide a peaceful refuge for the residents uf the Transit Ccnter by being placed farther from the cummercial and campus office uses; and 6) a eombmatiun uf shade trees, trellIses, accent trees, low shrubs and gruundeover will provide an attractive environment for all uSerS of the Trans)t Center .I The approval of the Site Development Review is consistent with the Duhlin General Plan and Eastern DublIn Specitlc Plan as stated ahove in !-inding II BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Cuuneil does hereby approve the Village Green Site Develupment Review Amendm~'I1t PA 03-058, Dublm TransIt Center Site B-2 (Avalun Bay Cummunities) for the construction of a I acre open space area located south of Site II between Iron Horse Parkway and DeMarcus Boulevard, as generally depicted in ,the written statement and project plans prepared hy G(]LO, dated Fehruary 9, 2006, labeled Exhibit A to Attachment 7 of the Febl'llaty 21, 2006 City Council Agenda Statement, stamped approved, and on tile with the Cummunity Uevelopment Uepartment, subject to the following conditions: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Unless stated otherwise, all Cunditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building permits or establishment of use, and shall be subject to Planning Division review and approval. The following codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of approval [PLj Planning, [Bj Building, [POJ Police, [PWj Public Works, [AUMJ Administration/City Attorney, [HNl Finance, [PCS] Parks and Cummumty Services, [F) Alameda County !-ire Uepartment, [USR] Uublin San Ramon ServIces Dlstnet, [LDD] LIvermore DublIn Dlspusal, [CO] Alameda Cuunty Department of EnYlronmental Health, [Zone 7] Alameda County Flood Contrul and Water Conservation DIstrict Zunc 7, [LAVTA] LIvermore Amador Valley Transit Authority, [CHSl California D~l'artment ufHcalth Servlccs, NO. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Priur tu; SOURCE PLANNING DIVISION - GENERAL 1. Approval. This Site Development Review approval for the Village ureen (hereafter referred to as the Village Green/Campbell Green) IS an amendment to the DublIn TransIt Center SIte B-2 SIte Development ReVIew approval, P'" 03-058, (ity Council Resolution 02-05 All conditions of approval contained in City Council Resolution 02-05 are herehy incorporated by reference. Where conllicts hetween these conditIOns and those contained 111 City Cuuncil Resulution 02-05 occur, these eundltlOns shall prevail. PL On-going Planning ThIS approval establIshes the dctailed deSIgn euneepts and regulahuns for that purtion of the Site B-2 pruject known as the Village Green/Campbell Green, Devclupment pursuant to this Site Develupment Revicw approval shall eunfornl to the "Project Plans" submItted by (]"I.O dated received February 9, 2001>, on tile in the Commumty Dcvelopment Dcpartmcnt, and uther plans, tcxt, and diagrams relatmg tu thIS SIte Develupment RevIew, unless muditled by the CundltlOns of Approval con tamed herem. Permit Expiration. Construel1on or use shall eomm~'I1ee wlthm une 1 car of emut a roval or the ~Tnllt shall PI DMC R.96.020.D 2. 4 htt9/4/ - NO. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D SOURCE AGENCY Prior to: - m u J"Pse ~rl~,~e~o)l1~ nul!u~nd void, --..-----..--.". .- _'m'_'u.__..._"___ -.---"... ._.__n 3, Time F:xtension, The City Council may grant a time PL One ycar from DMC extension tor a period not to exceed six (6) months upon pemlit appro",1 g.%,020,E written request hy the Appl icant prior to the expiration ofthe permit and upon a determination that any Conditions of Approval remam adequate to assure that the applicable findings of approval ",ill continue to be met"" __m , '-,.,'c-,------ 4. l'ermit Validity, This Site Development Review approval PL On-gumg DMC shall run with the land and shall continue to he valid for the KY6,020,F remaining life of the approved project long as the operators of the suhject property comply with the project's conditions of alllJrovaL 5, Revocation_ This approval shall he revocahle for cause in PL On-going DMC accordance with Section R,9/'i 020.1, Revocation of the R,96,020.l Duhlin Zoning Ordinance, Any violation of the terms and conditions of this approval may he suhject to the issuance of a citatlon. 6, Modifications, Moditications or changes to this Site I'L On-going DMC Development Review approval may he considered hy the g.104.100 Community Development Director if the modifications or changes proposed comply with Section g,104.100 of the _n_ Loni~ Ordi!',ance.:..._" -,- .--- --,,- 7. }'ropcrty Dlaintcnancc. The property owner or hi s/her PL On-g<nng Planning desi!,'llee shall be respunsible for maintaining the site m a dcan and litter frce conditiun at all times, - . ---. 8, Controlling Activities, The property owner or his/hcr PI During Planmng deSlb'llee shall control all actlvlhcs un the project site dunng Construction construetiun and theTeafter so as nut tu create a nUISanCe tn and On-going the eXlshng ur sUIToundinll; busincsses and resldenccs. 9. Accessory/Temllorary Structures. The uSe nf any PL On-going DMC' acecssnry ur temporary structures, such as sturagc sheds or R,IOR trailer/container units used to)' storage or for any other purpose, IS subject to pnor reVIew and approval of a Tempora'Y Use Permit by the Community Development Department,._._.....,_____..... ._, .--.--.....-...... "---- --... -- 10, Mitigation Monitoring ))rogranl. The Applicant! PL On-gumg Dublin Developer shall comply with the Duhlin Transit Center Transit Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program including all Center mitigation measures, action programs, and implementation EIRJ measures on tile with the Community Development MMRP .,-- Dep~utment. .-.-----..--.----.-----.,.., .--. -----.--. ....._n_._._____..._.. 11. Eqoipment Screening, All above ground equipment shall PL Through Planning he screened from public view to the satisfaction of the Cumplel1unJ Community Develupment J)irector On-guing 12. Master Sign l'rogram, All pro.lect related signage shall bc PI. Installation of Flanl11ng incorporated into a Master Sign Program for Site 13-2. any project related signage 13. Tempurary Sign age, All temporary SIgn age shall be wb.lect PI. On-going Planning to the regulation, of ChapteT 8.84, SIb'll RegulatIOns uf the Dubhn Zuning Ordinance, 5 /1 tJf4j .. .- ,. ---- .. .......-....-.------..... .- .--- -..--.....-..."'........-.- ----... ., .--- NO. CONDITION TEXT RESl'ON. WHEN REQ'D SOURCE AGENCY Priur to: -.... 14. Puhlie Art Contribution. Appheant/Developer shall work PL At25% Planning with the City's pubhe art coordinator to identity the final Occupancy of location(sl and facihtate the installation of puhlic art within Site 13 the Village Green/Camphell Green, (occupancy of -,-,---- -- -. .'----'_.._"_._"-_.~---,. ,-, . '-------- _,_1_41 units) I'LANNING DIVISION - PRO.lECT SPECIFIC ,__n,.",",.,. ,- 15, Canine Waste Stations, Applicant/Develuper shall install PL AppT<>val uf Planning waste receptacles and canine wastc bags within the project landscape plan area to the satisfaction of the Community Development and On-gomg Director Canine Waste StatIOns shall be stocked with waste bags at all times. 16. Final Landscape and Irrigation PIans. A tinal Landscape PI First Occupancy f----.- Planning and Irrigation Plan prepared and stamped by a State liccnsed of Site B landscape architect or regIstered engmeer, cunsistent with the preliminary landscape plan prepared by The Guzzardo I)artnership~ lnel incorporated within the project booklet prepared hy GGLO dated received Fehruary 9, 2006, except as moditled hy the Conditions of Approval contained herein, shall he suhmilled for review and approval hy the Comll1uni(v Development Director Landscape and Irrigation Plans shall be submitted at a minimum scale of 1"=20' To apply fur approval of Final Landscape and IrrigatIOn Plans, the Applicant/Develuper shall submit nine (9) sets of constructiun plans to the Projcct Planner in the Conmlllnitv Devclupment Department fur plan cheek. --.... .,- 17. Special Paving. A color board of the proposed pavmg PI Approval of Planmng colurs and fimshes shall be submltled for rCV1CW and landscape plan apprllval hv the Communi tv Develupment Director lit Landscape and utilities. Utilities shall he coordinated with PL Approval of Planning proposed landscaping, The location of utihties shall he landscape plan studi ed carefully to minimiZe their visual impact and to provide adequate planting space for trees and tor screening shrubs, ___....u.... '_'.00_' ._". -..,. -. .___n..__ 1'!, Lillhtinll, The location of trees and light tlxtures shall be PL Approval of Planning coordinated to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director, landscape plan Community Development Director, the City's Landscape Architect and Duhlin Police Services. Lighting used after daylight hours shall be adequate to provide for security needs, - -- ...--.--- -..- .m._......_._. ......"'.- u_..._. 20. Plant staodards, All trees shall be 24" box minimum; all PL Approval of Planning shruhs shall he 5.gallon minimum, (;round cover plants may landscape plan he I gallon, All plants shall he listed hy full hotanical name and common name. 21. Deleted. 22. Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance. Thc AppheantJ PI.,PW Approval of Planning Develuper shall submit wnlten dueumcntatiun to the Pubhc landscape plan and Pubhc Works Department (in the form of a Landscape Wurks Documentation Package and other required documents) that the development Ctmforms to the Citv's Water Ffticient 6 )0 ,;(41 1=- NO, CONOTTION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D SOURCE AGENCY Priur tu: Landscapmg Ordltlance, PUBLIC WORKS n.. 23, 111e Applicant/Developer shall construct the Village PW,PL See CIlnditiun Pubhc Green/Campbell (,reen as shown on Sheet L-1a of the Text column Wurks and Project Plans, The Applicant/Developer shall obtain the Planning necessary rights from the Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) for the construction, maintenance and use of a 16. foot portion of the Village (,reen/Camphell Green wbich is located on property currently owned by BART (alsu knuwn as a porhun uf "lite U. In constructing improvements on BART property, the ApplicantlDeveloper shall schedule the wurk to be completed on the weekend in Ilrder to miniml2c putcnhal temporary disruptiuns to existing BART parking. When Required: The Village Green/Campbell Green shall be under constmctiol) prior to Occupancy of Building I on Site B-1 The Village Green/Campbell Green shall be cumuleted. as shown un Sheet L-2a, prior tu Occupancy of Building 2 un SIte B-1 and prIOr tll Occupancy uf the residential buildinll un Site B-2. ,. 24, The Applicant/Developer shall create an easement on Site B PW,PL Required by Pubhc which grants permission to the property owner(s) of Site C to separate Works and access and improve portions uf the Village Oreen/Campbell instrument prior Planning Green which are located on Site B. Said improvements shall to Occupancy of ,- . b~co~2i~~nt with the Project !,lans, Site B-2 DUBLIN I'OLlCE ._,~ 25, Benches. The dcsIl,'Il uf thc benches shall be mUlhficd tu PO,PL Appruval uf Police restrict their attractiveness tor being utilized tor sleeping in landscape plan .....- the p~!( ....--.-.....--- 26. Irrigation, The timing of irrigation shall be strategically PO,1'L Approval of Police urogrammed,.!o djscourag~ ovemight sleeping in the park. ,_.,"--_....,..~,-- landscape plan 27 Gralliti, The Developer and/or Property Owner shall keep PO,PL On-going Police the site clear of graffiti vandalism on a regular and continuous basis at all times, .... 211, General Surveillallce. Exterior landscaping shall be kcp\ at PO On-going Puhee a minimal height and ti.lIlness giving patrol officers and the generalpublic surveillance cal'abilities of the area, --..------- _on.."....., ._.__ ,..._~_____..___.... ...__".._________..... 29, Skateboarding, Landscaping features and plaza amenities 1'0 Cm-going Police shall be designed to reduce their attractiveness to skateboarders and vandals, ,-, -,. 30, Ughtillg Plan, Applicant/Developer shall submit a tinal PO Approval of Police Ii!(htin!( plan fur approval by the Dublin Pohce. landscape pIal), . u_____ 31. Pedestrian Lighting. Pedestrian pathways within the site PO Approval uf Police shall be a minimum (, foot candle maintained, landscape plan and On-guing DUBLIN SAN RAMON SERVICES DISTRICT (DSRSD) ".-..-". 32, I Standard COllditiolls. ,,",pplicantlDeveloper shall comply DSR I Through DSRSD 7 d t.( 41 .---- --. NO, CONDITION TF.XT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D SOURCE AGENCY Priort,,: ..-----............- .----......-- -... ._...._____.._....n. wIth all apphcable Standard CundltlOns il[:) requircd by Construction Dubhn San Ramun ServIces Distnct. -..... 33, Water and Sewer Mains, Potable lTIalnS, ::;cwcr n1,uns and DSR On-gumg DSRSU their appurtenances shall bc lueated in arcas acccssible for maintenance, repair and servicing at all lilncs. Potablc and Rccyclcd watcr mains shall bc lucatcd wlthll1 pubhc right"o[" way and casements wIth a sct back uf no less than 7.5 [cet [rum any buildll1g ur pcrmanent structure. Scwer mall1s shan be lucated within public nght-of-wav and easemcnts with a sct back of nu less than 5 feet frum any building or permanent structure. --.- ..-.. ,.------ -____".0_'."""".. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21" day of Februury 2006. AYES: NOES: <\BSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: CIty Clcrk H "t- "'-- " "" ." 'I' ~ i~~"'I'.~1\0 .~,\ '. .,~~ " , ", !;,' 111",1'1' ,~t , "/I::t,:,:, :i~'j "1' I~" fi ,~~!~, " "j~~f '~' 'I'"~ II' 1111',,11' ",I,:'; "'~ ,'t, 1,," ':1 " " ; ,~~' 'ii' " , "I" I, , ~ ~, : ~" '\\\ 'IV, ,;/il '~l~ ''[If '\jII~l :~~~~~ 1\/ \1 ~';~'~~jK "I'" '.:,1 " 11',\ "" " ','" ',' ..p " ,1\ """ , 'I I~,' 'j ~ :>,~:~ ,I ,,' ,,11,/, '1''''1' '~!\I' ..... Q) ... s:: Q) U ... -- U) s:: n:s ..... I-- s:: -- - .c ::::] C 'I,' 'I' \t'~C1' " '" '. ~ ~'l " .:,..,)' '" '~\~::. ': d. ~\1 " s > W o w a: 12)0 ~ \i1 g5 2i 0 '~ ~~ <::> 0 E3 2d: \.<-- aa:.:. t'l~~ .,...... 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' I"I.~ ,',' ,..s "", )" I: I'" 'v1ht, 'I:' I~ 'I' 11\: II , ~, lik;1 I ',." .'Jo- ,I: ," " ,'I<' 'II, I:I:~\, ." \"," .j,: 'I'll ::1 ,,,,,,, ", ,! ,I, "'11, 'I '" " 1~~: "'I /I, .( ~\\~I' f1, " 1 ~: " ~ '11!>'\q.II, "'I""'" '" ",~,1 ~ I 'I, ': '~ I~, \, ~' ,j,' " ~,I'" Ill," .' '/'!'" ' 11'\"1'"."", ~'j I" ;. 1~, "!~ < r I ",I ~~" ,1, i i,;i, .~, ~ ,.' ":1' '11'1.1 "II , " '''~ .., I~ 'i' ,~'':'\ 'I ~~. " ... C~ ~o: -~ .. ~; -,<( : , , . " 'I , " , :, ," 'jl' 'j; ", '" j} 'j" ~I' "''''. . , ",' "I..ti', , "I : ~~: \i ~I IL" 'I" .\ !lV",I, " ~~'I' ':~',\i j ~1\1:liiD,#~ilJil;", '1~ ., ~lml.I)I!\"""~I'(\' :~~ 'I, , ii' " 'II,": ~I' ,II o' ........................................... APPLICATION AND CHECKLIST ~ '-{... " ''D <" ........................................... . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JUN. 27 2005 1 D HAM " it I " ,I :1 I , , , IleYi>cd 2i-l/ll)' :j :.J AVALON BAY 40B 55{-9766 _____n NO. m P. 31 uU~1 UU~ p~ M\<tJ 00It "'{~\o~ CITY OF DUBLIN APPUCAnON SUBMITTAL REQU1P.BMENTS I FOR ' SITE DEVELOPMENT REV~EW (SDR) 2.viTmllmntll] ~ PeesfDMIGdb' _ C~untv AdminiBtmivel'ee. (S2S.00) febdpqMi<r...- c_ CI6kJ _ InilW S1ndv Fee (SlS.oo) ~..Cltl'qfDWhoJ _ E'Ivil",~~.taIlft1._t Reoort Dewsit ~ raClr,yqflMbll1t) _ SPecial Smd\es O""",,h (lnll'fie. IID!&.. etl:.\ ~ fDeJq qfDoMio! NtA On Il case bY:~ basis, a CIty Planner wm place a theckmarX (.J) nco<< II) Ibe inf<>rmalion ..lquircd fer !llbmittal- lbe PlOJm<r may dete<mine thO< ~c infbmudluo may lirA' be needed 10 precess a particIllsr -applil:ation.. Iflhe P1anm::r docides to waive eettllin in formalinn. rel'lBmler will inilial1be waived informlltiml aM keep . COPJI al'tbe ftnm fDr~City JUo:ds. k is CIty poiky nut tn utePllnoumpkte applicatioD. uokss -ol'lmmcr b... ~ idbtilied these i..",,; waived by wrtting NI A aod thcii' initials next to tln'lIl. ..~ note ij' on inclwupIcte ""plicui"" b received by ,juw or hmd delivered by eourier it mzy be relW1Icd to die: llppli<:aM. lnoomp lebo or imeel1rllle inftmnMion mol' .....11: iD. prowssing deIiIys at deaial of!be project. l Ched;iog oftl1I1. Quir:k Check box do=s ""I n=nrily IDem that 11l1b~ req,aind opplicmln irems baYe booe'a submillrd Slaff will do .. tlIortl1lgh review of Ibo submittal fer <=ljlleteoess lmd en vir<wn.....j delamlnlllillD, otmo. iDvoh'iog OIl on-sito vim. SIII.l'f will !CIlCla notic": lG you 'IlI'iIhin :l(J ~ liitiag !be items necessary to oomplete the application.. . . To comply ~ SIlIlOlaw, m. followiog ~OlIts ..~preb""''''' \isl ofiofmmati<m "'~ mwtbo SIlbmitted prior Il) acceptan<e of'lIIe oppli,illliim for a SIte J)o\Oe1cpno'l)<R.eriew: ' :1 GENERAL!INFORI'oU nON :! Project ~.AddrusILoClllion: ProjOClNam~: DI,h\tn lalt"\SIt (m.....X"f" SHe ~ V\!\rl8{' (-Nd SO\2.- ProjOCl ~ion: Eln1::::Odmr;;n-1: to jjJa \c"n P-nl-\- SD<2 w.. O.cl:Qi23 Zoning DI.t ?\,') APN: ~ 6b - DrY\ t - 0\ \ Gomen.lPlaDDeslgnaQ<>D: OP"""" ~r,_ SJ>coificPblnDes5&DlIlillll: ECsP ~ ~{.e ~~~ p~] .I : SullMrrr AI. QvlCX. · ",~~..nn' ! .........~ I CIRCJ; TYPE OF SUBMITrAL iQUIR:ED ../ : 'I Cnmol",ed A....UeatiDD Form includio& the II<IcIr= ~~ of ApplicaDt(.} and Propeny ~~, ; 'I C....!>Ieted Errvironnirn1Jc1 Informati.... F....... (hritial Stody) moluding .ignaIIaC of ^PI'IiI:lmt(.) I 8Ild PrtJp<I'ly Owm:r(.). ~ I A""nc.tinn he alld P..-.m~ D...odt oQD/I.........~ fD c-..,.,.~ V I - i AD Distrid:o - 514,0 i S 14lJ :1 ! .! 70TALFEE S .Penwit IJ/A NtA NIA NfA 1>;ITAL DD(l$/f S .<"'~'~ IC:>~:' //(1 ~~0 ';\\\ (191~ ~!821 \\\'-M~~j"/l '.~ ~ /, 1,/ \:O'~,,?-' '--1~ )'-1&141 CITY OF nUBLIN PLANNING APPLICATION FORM NOTE, Please discuss your proposal with Planning Staff prior to completirlg this form, All Item, on this form related to yo or 'P ecine type of application m us! b~ completed. So,:,e of th. items listed might not apply to your specific app lication. PIea,e print or tyo e leg.b lv Attach additionai sheets. It necessary . I. TYPE OF APPLICATION': v Preappli cation Review [ Any type] Conditionai Use Permit [CUP] Site DevelopmfDt Review [SDR] Variance [V AR] Tentative Subdivision Map [T MAP] Sign/Site Development Reyiew [SlGNISDR] Master Sign Program [MSP/SD R; Planned D evelopme:Jt Rezone [pD REZ] Rewne [REZ] GeneraliS pecifi c Plan Am enaroen t [GP A] II. ~Sf~ G, Existing Uses of Surrounding Propertj~" WI\,.v Be- 1-t\W De;>NQ.ry l)eE 0 [) DI NIP s.tDEN1lA-L- A-ND C-/tMf'OS Cff'la:: Ie; m. AUTHORIZA TJON OF PROPERTY OWNER A]\,'D APPLICANT A. PROPERTY OWNER. In .igning th.. applicatwn, I. as Property Owner, certifY that I have full legal capacitv la, and hereby do, authome Ihe filing afthi. applicalJOn. I understand that condi~om of approval are binding. I agree te be bound by th~se cOnditJOM. subj<xt only to the right 10 obj<xt at the hearings or during the appeal period I further cen.ify (hat lne. mjormation and exhibit,! submiUed are (rue and correct. (Note: All Property Owner:!' mu.t sign ifproperty i!; joint{v owned) !VA-THAN -HoNb Company' A-Vt1i.O;V &4-V CDMMtWrn;:;s.. INL-. Address: 1-00 PACe /5TJ!.Eer. Sur!13 200 C3ItN r;c. CA-~' }2(P Signature: ,rt~ Date: &/;g- /oS- "-I t B. APPLICANT (OTHER THAN PR ERIT OWI,'ERj In signing this appiicallo11, I, as Applicant, certify that 1 have obtamed 'Hff~tten authorization from the property o'Wl1er and have. attached se.parate docurnentaHon shOl1..'ing my full iegal Caprxlly laflle this applica~on. I agree to be bound by the cona'jtlOns Of approval, subject only to the right to ob}ect at the he.f.!Tings or during the apfP...al period. 1 further certffy rhar the informatwn and exhibits su.bmltted are tnJ.e and correct. - Name: Cap acity' Propertv Owner,IAgent Phone: tfo1? 55!. S'5"3j Fax!t. (~ 2t>,. "TO'} "" }, ame: TiLe: Cmnpany- Address: Phone: I Fax #. t I S ignatUrf: Date: .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "U~. U 200) IIJ,IIAM AVALON m 408 55H766 - - NO, 02) P 5 'LIUO;UJ;Jl::I -. --- J'JN, n 2:105 10 IJAM NO. m :i ., , J SVBHm'Ali Q1lJCK n'PE OF SUBMlTI'AL ~'l1tRED , CIIEcK IUQI,'DIPI 'I I t Vidnu-- Mal> (I copy) showiag lbe sir.. ill relm"" lOne"""" eroso streets. V :i i 1 Sl:tcl pI.. (l0 c:opie$) drawn to 1 . m 20' oca1e lIIId lblIy diDi.onsiontd (fuIded, 9" >: II" maximum V I size). The pllms.!!!!l$ be Jl'lf'llIlrC'l ond sigotd by a!iealsea d\'il enginoer, smveyor, 0.!Chl~ Of :1 designer, TIle plans ~ gn.phi~ mull1l1d'entandobly ~!tIe propcmJ. The pIm. ~ w.w the following: , I ,I a. Nari:I> arrow ...d $C8le; i ,I b. OimeMianed prope:ty lin~ =<i5tiDS llnll pn>posed ta-.:ats ....d Ill\ie~ SIreelS. c. Location, setback llDII dhnen.ions of aU exi&ting ;..,a prop<l3ed ~ on The site; , d. Pad<ln& iIl1'ormatioa, including: , , . pari<ing l'IlIio (i.e. par!dng spo=ll 000 sq. It. ofb~ding), , - parkiDr; provided, " . parlring rcquil'1od, : - baDdieapped """""', -tOI8I~ : - number of parl;ing 5p8CCS per rI1W fllldjcale ~ spaees with 'e'), , -lYPml parking: ~ dimo<Jsions, ,I - parking ail"" dlIIletlSionod, , - ...- <Irive! dimQSioo,od, I - adeq1We bac:k-up dimeosi_ - Mipinll derails -lIghtiag fixtute:s - cart eottala, if rc'[llired, to Loadingl=civiog = - t!ocI: i<Ial:ion aad tn><:I:: -= -lnIc1r weD -lurlIUtIUDd ..... dUnensi..,.. -1flIsU I'Wnpactor - porte cocharo , . [ Location, .;ctbDcIr ..,d dimonsilms of all eotisWlg 1IlI~ JlI05l.....d: - driveways, - _iOB openi1lgs. ,I -1o~ oreas, . I - hlIDdicapped mops. , -si~ - pedestrian cin:ularion, - im'ld5ca:ped eras, - feD=. , 'I -l'lllainiDg-.nUs, , ..~. , ,I -lrasb enelosn=, and . u:ili!y coonectloJ,s llII m.:. I &- I.o<:cioD, sctbacb llIId di"'....iaas of aU ..~ aM pruposed str\1tlI1m, p8llcmg, drivewayo, walkways, llIIIdscape areas, (eo=, reml.>lng ....u., lignl1g<! lllId traoh .nclosures within SO feet oh". project ,ite; , :j , 'I . AVALON B~,Y 408 55H766 - - --_.. P 4J Ul,l'l-/UiJl:I ,,' 5' ~ i 1-( SL'B/>U'IT ~ QUICK TYPE OF SUBMlTIAL IU1QUIRED lU:QUlam OIECK I ComDlettd Processin~ F~e Auoement FoJ'IP , , M l!:arJ ; 1 Written S12tem...t (1 copy) de=l1>o1be rtq!l&8I'ed use in detail1ll1d givel'<>ll-5DJls why tno V IppJicOIion. $!wuld be "I'!'tOve<l. !'rovidA ~l infunnllli+ supportiag Ihe follo~: I . g? ... Wb.. type of blllu:n,.s, -IldIril)" or ue ...., YOD pro~. . b. Bow maoy employees W111l"la IlaVI .... propos., to ~"'" <. What a~ the pnpo<ed lMI.....lIDd uY' of opontiti.1 d- Are tIIen: uy _,. in whlcll yoUl" busiDcss, _4 or.... \la~. .egalt>e effed: 00 tile health or Afeqr Dr penDl\$ raid;ng or working in the viclnltJ', OJ" , he detJ'\JIIlllltal to the pulllle hoaltll, DIety or sene.al _Ill... Co Desc:ribe Imr IU deoign. of ~ pmject ladIuiinr s~ byold, .tn"'Dlr=.. veldcllla. access, , clnulltiou. utl parl<ing etr.. will provide. desil'illiJe GYirotuaont for the future ~ 1 dcv"",lIIeaL , i t II lbe silt phyJM:alI)t lIIildle for lIle type IIlld iDki'uity or development pT<lpooed1 , Z. De"'1be 110-.. tIu: Jl!'"JlO5Cd develGpmoat mill' lIo.~! W- i II. Daeribe th. pIly5XIlI e""racte.;ma of Ill. rile ~tling uiotiag slapa and topographK :1 fnt\us. l , i. Delcn"be tIuI arcI>il..::t1rI'Il d~~ of lIo. d...dopDlent iIIcInding ebarader, stak J Ind '11n1i1y ..r~ destgo., od t%pIIio bllW dr.e ...-J,.ieet 1'riII relate r& _ be cc"npatlbJe , with tile esb1iltg site uti the dlal'8l!ter oladia~ b1lll<lill&<o "elgllbo. hood!lall<l lIStS.. " i. De&crlbe "'"" the la~pe r.mns b_ been d , Igaad llG Wi to _.... 'Vianal relief IDd ,I an Iltlradi'Ve euriroma...t Ill. the pUbllc, , It. II the prvpoad project I...."", GIll kamr40vI ..~ amd .._.... .Ito p.......n! 1<l GoverllDllllt COOt Sectioll696J-5? (to rlil't b of tJi- sit.. II anibble iD the DepartmeDt or eo........lty ne.e1opmea:t~ I :1 I I I Pt-eI....i..ry 'rltl. ReoarIJP...ocrlv prom. (1 copy) to ~""t Q'Il/Derllhip, prepared witlrin throe V I mondls of appJicatiDo !llbmittaL , .,; I Pobl~ NOUee Maten.b: I ~ducecI ""py of AlImeda COllIIly AssesI<>r's h....1 Map mowing !be ptUjoct porcello) i L otIIIitIod in red ODd a 3OO-fool: radi... ia blue drawi from the perimeIl:r oflba -p=el(!l), , b_ '!'Na SClS of ttmiliog lahela; lItO .... addraoaed 10 aUr-rtllt p:opett)' ownen by llJIIIlo; ond anotl>er SCI: addressed to all cum:ot DCCtlpaots/~".\Us on !be propetrl... eDll!ie:1lOUS to the plIlject site. Tha libels IlCed to mow tbll edd=,J at'Id A>:s0SlW' s PDrceI NlSIIIbe:r's witbin 300 feet of tht: porcel(.s) typed. on rI-\," >: 0" sbeell!beb. (Exomple OfM'" these labeb I sh",,1d be typed;) 1 i .1 J, Doe (pn>perty 0wIler) OcnplntfIflllllnt APNl 941-042-0003 APIIl: 941-oIi-3456 '0. Ilno MaID Street 1010 DlIbIill iuvd, ADytolm, CA 9U3-I Dablia, CA t568 " :I ~, Plain ~Iop.. (l set) 4\,{ "xliI!;" with lim eras. toga (SloU'llPS only, metuUl mail ",ill ~ot buaeepted, no ...10 ro addm.) with labels jlffixUl 011 _lopes. .' I , , I ,,,--,_1--.. t...........~.l...,- ;J -3- .1 ,I , ~~ " :) -2- ., . .' .: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JUN, 27. 2005 1 a 1ml 'I StlBMnTAlJ QUllX IlEQt1lIlED 0ttcK J !I NJAj l MPN'I ! /'J1A .: M\<tV.! ,I ./'1 NIp... :1 I N.\2N1 :I r-JJA .II NlI;2N, N/A I Ml2N' ..; N[A NlI'-N , , , , ., "I I ,,~ " J AVALON BAY 408 554-976b No.m P. ,n1'~-U . UN, 27 200'5 10 17 All AVALON BAY 408 554-9756 MO. 029 P 6 ~YO' "'UQ ?? cf4-j TYPE OJ' SUBMrITAL ~UlRED I ('reI1.."'..... Lnd".Dlap PloD (lO copios, fOJded !l" x 11" mo:rirnom si..) This plaD ohaJ! be COImrtlllJl with lhe site plm 8%ld It<:hileclllrBl plaDs far lhelpropoood pmject. The plai1 iihall dem~ c1corly the c!tanIete<, I%WSing 8Ild site COIIII"'jihility ofdle pRlpc.ed laodlcapmg l>"'gr.mI flIId IhaI1lnclode me flJllowinl;' : a. Des4n layout shDwmG lhe de&inod wuls""!,,,,g prov4 In tl:nns of \oeslion of proposa:l 1lIlI~ IIIlCI hnrd9c4pe. I . a. Plml psletU: \lritb tIl- location, size 1md.lWIl<\ oflhe proposea plmts IIIId trees [bcIh commoo Olld b. =: of proposed, benDs, .0D<n:Ie =bs. paths,. ~Il<:ing, IIlId JDi><eI1aneou. StIUCbD'.. ('mch>diog lII>cJw grade IIfiliIy 5lroCIIIle'l soch .BS PG&e: nansform.<n). c. P<ra:nt..r lMdscaping (ond bow it i. allooaled) d, StarcmclIt of oven.Il de..!:" lhealll ' e. Areao pi oposcd fb< ollldoor ..... f. Outdoor ~ dellils . g. Lighting pi... ioaIudiDg pedomW> level, oecoril)' and ~ 100Iigbtiog I BaUdillf! ~tio... (10 copies) fully <limeI\Iioned IJId ~ It>. ll~' Q I' 5<ale ohU sideo ohl! pr<Iposed -- E!avllIions IDWIt iru:bJde building malcrial5, c.olors, lruh enelOlSlll'l>S, fi:lu:in&, fOOf _ing details ond signage, ! j Colo~ Jl.uiIdinp Ef~tioD" (I 801, l'u.ll siu ODd~) , I Colo~ aDd Ma!elilol hletto (1 see) io<lic:atfng 1he proposed Iilli.b....r ill exterior l1llIlfrials. (ioclndiog roof...ei ....us) B%lQ caior sarnpIa of paior or ~d proolIm to be oppliecl on !be bulWiJ>&' extr:rIor (inclutling fascia and lrim). : I Soole Model of P'rvi_<t A moc>o1 iI rcquirlld only if !be piopohl is far two or more camm=ial buildiollL The scaJed model sha1I be IiIlbmitted lit lmw 2 keks prior 10 . dociricm being IDlIde by 1lle Communlty DeYelopDent Dira:tor 01' ",thin eM m~ of a public bearill g. (<heck willi phDlbe. for oddItionol icfmmlllion) i F1oot- Pbl1!f (10 1lOpi=s) ID!ly <Ilmco.sioned, drawn lG ot:aJe, JhaWing exterior doon; and windows, rtairways, mO<:lmnicall'OODl' _ hoIlwaJ<o (folded, ?" X 1 ~', maxianlm me). t RoofPJo.. (10 ocpie!) drawn '" "",,1. !Ib.lViog lbe directiOn ..r slope of roof clernepb and lC<:BIloo of medIoci.o.l equipln....~ duCfllIDll venb (folded, 9" x 1.... maximmn 8ize). , . SCIlM1TT.-L QUICK TYPE OF STnMlTTAL 1UIRED .IlEqomED CH!.Clt b. SUmmai)' of devclopment cakulBtiOll!l incltuling; ; -lite DIU (grws md ~ 0Ileb fleer md tolaI) ; - noor ...... of ol1 b,,"dingo IIl<I. ...-. -11IImb... of parkiog HlIls (required ond. proposed), ! - 101 area ecvenge (a1towod lID<I proposed), I , - porcem oflmdscapin8 J - wb<lJ ~lc, number of bod&, !l:U.dents, din' ..,..., o.udiloriumlcbun:b seatl, :1 occupaMS, ornpIoye.. of larsest ...<lIt sb;fl:. or ~ ftet of -=bly ilocr area. i ./ .1 Prelim,.an Gradm..ID~';-'" Pia.. (10 <opies, foldod, 9'1 x II' maximwnoizc) .h<>Wing' ! "- Existing topograpby (dashed lln<). me-fo(l: ~(.1"""" 3,) 01' grealer "'rill b. five-fOCI I Ltl<erv8ls) , b. Propo;sed or fiDim grado 0lltIl00r.I (ooM line) - ooe-fd.x inZ-vals b. Boon<:luies 011 011..,1 md 1m 3feao <. Croswc<tiom ofsim '"11m lllp<lgraphic chang.. e:xebd s% d. Diretticm lIIId pI\liI of dtainogo on, 1llMu&h and off~ site (indicate MY ~ and 0lCb~ IlniPage c:=lib...... and plpo) 'I <. RoEoioirl8 WIIils with <ri1i1:a13pOl el.......u:m. t !'ad etev.tiom for .PJII1Rc<>m.... (;.e, !raIIsformor, ~> eo:..') g. F'1Itkh fIcor devmoos r V ,I Prelim il\>l" UIilIt\I PIao (10 copies, folded, 9' x U" mllXi.OIllIll siD) 5ll0wing~ EI=-le ServiCe routing limn ocd5Iiog soppIy to bDildlnG (inoluotiag pole., guy wires, .....90S L .j , (mil\. 5-4"). QOIId1>c:tws (Inouber and size) ete. i b. Trinsfonner, ~, (II'O!IiIIl" mek C2ldoouro (IICI'OS!. from o[eQric f'OOJD) , o. GIIS savico 1 "- Water SClVico, Ioc2lioo -.d :ria including. dcrm:stie .Lax... with ..~. bock. flI>w provooter and/or deto__ valoo looalicn, fire b)'drantt will> ~ fire departIo.cnl .DDD<<ticn and ; , , ~1.V. I .. Smita')' s.......lacs1ion mol om. in~1oding, lIWlholes!md ote..ont!l (1011' D.C.) , -r: T~ <er>'i.. g. E."""Il~ (oxistiDi IDC! propnsod) i b. CrWcal ero!l5iogs ulca!aled fur .Iearmcc (au,aso"''''11 if requir=d) f L A,pprcl<1m1lllO light lXI1e 1ceal!o1li j. Storm draio syslet:II (WiIll inv.... oJevatiom) It. 8ulldillg tio-ins willl....ttory _... and. .tann dralD I I. 5mb out loom- fuo-lVblte pacjs. if lIIIY I 'I IlL l?irmh fIonr _lovIli<l.. ! I , , , l 1 1 1 1 Reduced. Cooiol (HI copies, 11 p it 17~) of eaeb pia i Traffio Ita!! opeci6c 10 lho oire 01' """"'""" projocto Iral':lic geIl<:IllliOIl mll:S, peat hour C<lIDllo, trip di<tribWon - similar ~ (AppUamr most ""* wilh Poblic Wo:Ics Depl fer additional m~) ~ ; Sp.,.;.llrlrormatto" or infi>nnadon ill such ftlnl:I. and.1IIIIi\b... IS 1II1l' be re<jWRd by 1he !'locning Departm=.t ; , , -s- 'I I ~~ -4- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. , I. . . . . . . . JUN. 27 2005 10 lSAI.! AV~lON BAY ~08 554-976fi NO, 029 ~ . - ~ - ~ P. 8 -? 7 of 'If i I ,i (JFF1CE~ONLf . J : , Plu..... D.lIl J. Quiet 0""",, hIS dou:rminod that 1ba Ipplioalio.. <1I1>miItal j, "",,-,Ill~t. ml 091I1,.t b. .......Ied. J Qula Chock has c1eEmniroed dlOllh. oppUC2Iiou -.ppem to ...bin 11.. it..!.. ~"irod by this chocldiot (~leteneos as doimcd by Scctian 6S943 will be dmnnil>od willlm ,0 day. af;appllcatian) ud J>~"'~ ""11 beooiD. I 1 ,i l :1 I j For ...-.... or question, np.ro.;mg tlUs Iona, pltuo COBb",- I'l.A.NNING DEP AllTMENT ST AFT, CITY OF DUBLIN, IOOCIVlC P'i:..u:A.DDllLlN, C\~, (510) lJ3-6fte.. ! 'I ~ " ~ , , ,/ :1 ~ I J fl 'I I " i , ,I I , :1 I '[ I ~ I , -6- ;1 FINDINGS AND WRITTEN STATEMENTS --- 1- '-\- \> ~ <"( ........................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. I '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tlqt)14/ Vehicular Access/Circulation. Written Statement Villaqe Green - Lot 3 Site Development Review - Formal Submittal Resided 9/12105 Vehicular access to the park will be from Iron Horse Parkway and Demarcus Boulevard Pedestrian access is provided from sites Band C as well as from the public sidewalks of Iron Horse Parkway and Demarcus Boulevard. ParkinQ, Parallel on-street parking is provided adjacent to the park. f. Is the site physically suitable for the type and intensity of development proposed? The site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of development proposed g. Describe how the proposed development may impact views. There are no views in the immediate vicinity that will be negatively impacted by this development h. Describe the physical characteristics of the site including existing slopes and topographic features and any proposed changes to these features. The site is vacant grassland with no exisling structures or uses. The site has no significant slope, i. Describe the architectural design/theme of the development including character, scale and quality of the design, and explain how the project wi/f relate to and be compatible with the existing site and the character of adjacent buildings, neighborhoods and uses. The design elements of this project will d raw from the color and materials of the adjacent projects on site B in order to provide a unifying space, This will be achieved by extending the unit pavers and stone veneer into the park. j. Describe how the landscape features have been designed so as to insure visual relief and an attractive environment for the public. At the center of the Tansit Center's residentlal development, the Village Green will provide a sheltered, peaceful gathering spot. The open lawn areas and play structure provide a place for recreation, the art elements - a place for reflection The plazas and seating areas range in size to accommodate both the intimate and the communal. Trees and trellises reinforce the enclosure of the adjacenl buildings and provide shade along a walk or at a seating area. The following responses relate directly to the specific questions listed under the Written Statement section of the City of Dublin's Application Su bmittal Requirements for Site Development Review Written Statement: a. What type of business, activity or use are you proposing? The Village Green is a 1-acre park with open grassy areas for passive recreation, a play structure for small children and trellised seating areas nearby, potential locations for public art and a large plaza for community gatherings. b. How many employees will you have or propose to have? A part-time maintenance crew would be provided as required. c. What the proposed hours and days of operation? The park is not fenced and will always be open to the public. d. Are there any ways in which your business, activity or use will have a negative effect on the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare? The intent of this development of this park is to comply with governing jurisd iclional codes and ordinances. It is anticipated that the design, construction and operation of this project will enhance the general welfare of the people living and working nearby e. Describe how the design of the project including the site layout, structure, vehicular access, circulation and parking etc wif/ provide a desirable environment for the future development. Site Lavout I Structure. The layout of the park includes a series of spaces that vary in scale, allowing for flexibility and variety in use The pedestrian wal kways provide a means of flow between spaces as well as direct circulation thru the park. k. Is the proposed project located on a hazardous waste and substances site? The site is not located on a hazardous waste and substances site 1 2 Site Development Review - Village Green - Lot 3 - Written Statement Site Development Review - Village Green - Lot 3 - Writlen Statement DRAWINGS ~ '1- '-<- '" ~ ........................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f>ROJECT DIRECTORY ~ A\'!W..ONBoI.Yo::r.M..'NiT!ES.rolC. 4{(/~~3.U2<<I SanJDse:,"'-9512Ji- F'Ii:(oiI[Ill.s.55-~ ~M-loIIJ6ll!l'.9Ilifi """"" S~'J'Jll..S<fi.'&:8~rt~ MT'tWt-KlNG.s..o-~~De~ ~RE".in:lINT'EF1t:;t:; GGlOt:ESlGNflC 1,301 F.PST~\I'ENJE,SIJ:TE~:'1 :::8.T1lE.WA 9:3101 1'H::12PiI45r~ FrV:(a;,-4Si'..agT CCtiTACr: CIfiS-~..w..F're:;;Id:n1 TONSHa.OON.~1'ri1Op;l .1J!WIESE!IW:tPP".NA.,,*~ CMlISlFlI/EY: 8XF 540f'ric!!,~ P..edwmcICIt)I,CA9A0i3 Ftt{6.rol~ Fo\1:::~-4Bt.{i:]!EI COKrAGT: """""""" lMl:GC.I.PE,lJI:QfJ"El;r: TlIEGUnHU:OP~_tIIC. ..-- $a1F~CA~I!J fH;/4-j:il~ F~1'I1514S3-~ cmTACT: FN.L!..ETT/E'I1 """'''''-><R PROJECT INFORMATION ""'""""'"'" ,QT]Cf"nt1S25.I.[lC,I,TID8ElJ\'EEJt1l.W19:JJIlfl.tI.4Ulll"l'll~ [EII;IIlCI..lS1L~~,,",IftOttIlCfl:SE~Y~ ,-- -- ~"'- LOTl: .u::I:!tP<il:!:8.l..~$KlW\ICfill1l.UQ;IIlf""",1!.W' E!IIm1lI"P1llCEL1,I;I,plSU'".Fl.ED1F'RL11l.;m5,INIlOCl(l1'lClF'PN1C8.. NN'S..'O':-P.o.GEgrr:-R:(fGH1[QN:IJJSI',F[,....ntEt:mCE~TiEJlKCIIItEI """"'...... LJT~AIEI.: ~'ll.Ci'ES ~~ ~st'\4Q'I'- DRAWING INDEX """"""'" c.\7E=~ - ~"ru..."" .......T<:GO=:\'1[(1 ". tuuH';II,I,ftS[CEItiaI;:SIIEP".Nr "'" ~" ~. em ~:J:I'ifIU.HIDP.o.wt+:l1VoN -.... """'"'" """"'" ~.1 ~ ,. ,. ,. "'"'""'''''''''..... ~A-~Pl.NI- "'""""""""""""""" "'"""""""""".......... :srrEf\FNIlfI;ElIEfJII.:SNIlIPL/II'IITUST VICINm'MAP *",.- s(~'C":1r OlIIfI'W ;:-- p....jo;-:-~~-'" __'.0 ~':~-- ial~P_.I-.t'3:-' ---~1 .: \, ;[ ~ __~ };_~_~,~~i~~_~_~eo~ ~ _ rf!lfV' *"' _ 5; -- e · ~ l ;6"" ~'J"'b~~- _ -~ 4-t - _." 11 , t . O. :'.. : i-.-ij.c.c.s_ _ l<~-P:n'" ,,- -I' "-'" ~'--"', - - ~. .-,,< ~\. ~''''', .i~,,;.";::'- .'.- "". ....... - . ~, .....~b""""--- .. ^' Y', "q. --~ -,j;""tt.J:Dr -~. i - ::i ... ~.. --.,- ~ 'I';:~-j, '!: .,g l.. , 'C~f_ ~~~ ~"'. __YI: lIE I 310[41 N GGL.O j:}(1j-~ ","w, ~W^9ll-lD' ToIIt(2q;"lo067-6821l t;S>lIl!liI481-0021 e-i:~tun tnt,__ggIoJ;Uro """" DUBLIN TRANSIT CENTER SITE B VILlAGE GREEN f SDR ! t P!'DE:-T,l,CI[Jo'ESS: ~w CffiNER Cf RCN-KlRSE FK'r' ,l.ID ":(l3lJ'JBI...\'D. ; ! , , i j , ; ~ = AVA:..ON BAY ::.o~'NUNlroES, l'IG. ~ mRAl:E~r=Et.ISlHlE:?[13 i' :;.o.MKISE :::.0. l:'il:iti ~ t:;" t:;" {:" {:" {:" oJ!liIlSnS stFlSlJlMTTIol -"'" """""'" lSSUE~nolf f'I.-:IfOl':rE- Seplt!mbert5,.2Ol5 """"",,,. ~iI'I: ...,..,,,. GGLCPII":P.o.l....-D-WIGE. GGWPI\D.lEI:TIoI.I.IlIolEt """"'- 2003012.00 ~ -~ -....... ....= pROJ EeT INFORMATION -"'- AA001 --.,.-......~- -......-""''''....... .'1 " /1 · '/ "I . / . ij/ . .// 1 ~/ . / //// ~// ./. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DUBLIN TRANSIT CENTER BOUNDARY LIMITS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT -- . - ~ . . ---- . """"PARKS __~~ ~.~ -- -~ -.-=-- - - ~n . . - iON'<- -~ ~ DUIl.IN BOULEVARD- ..................... ..................................... ............. ........... ................................ . FUruRE PE'AAlMErflS ~ f ': 'e. ---.J- aT 1--.11 i .....~o~..l>. "':.. ")CCfi ::::::::::::::::::.~.:.:.:.:::: f '::..r~::... .:.:.,,:..:::::ce:5! . ., E1 FLr.lJRE OFF!oCElRETAJI.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ .:"" ~: :. ~i z o ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~A3U FtIn..~E AP,I'I.,"ITMENTS :~I I ' -.. 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I ITJ]....... ... .. .-.. - - - -- ...'...::-..........:.......:..............:.....................................':......:........:......................'..................:...........:...:...:......... . ..........., .__.,__ '_'_,_ ,_u .-.-- ----..--.-- j l PlKU:tT_~SS. ~ S'N COR'IER OF .i ~~~~~. ~ f , j E2 F1JT"JRE OFFICE ~ A'JIJLOO BAY CCMJUr>;ITIE3, INC. ~ .:.:r-~s-r>:EETS'J1E:?OO .. S-'II..CEiE.::JoW;'; /:, L:, L:, L:, L:, 02 FUTURE OFoo; W151'15- !D':~III.. _OIITE DESCIII'TDl IS5U:INFORlUiTIClII l'lCITo,r,TE:~':5,.ZQQ5 2003ll12.00 ~M(L: _n """''' GOl.CoPll:llCl'......rr~. [;GlDPFKI.En~ ~~ ~ -- ......""""" 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THE GUZZARDO PARTNERSHIPITtC. ~AA~.LM1dPl:annen- -83&~itfNI 'SiI!'1~-[A'lM1:n T41~016i:U_ F"'~003 5(0) BkF _r-.-l"- ~: """""'<"'''' ""€R 6 6 6 6 ..... """ ......IQN. """" """" ,,,,,,,, -.. :Dl~T!<iL ..- EASB.ef'I"~ -"'" """""" !iSSUE DilF0RIIA1ION Pl-oTDUE: ~ ~t;(I:(I)1I;J!iI :il<fanr-,J, 5Ct\EMJl,.-nc. LA\'OIfTl'lAN , .. """'''' L-l I I - -/- - - - ~ - ~ - ~ _ - - - - - ~ - - --------rl ~, I "'::-------- ,., .t. ~. ~. I I /~ . - - :.// ACCENTT1tE~ ~ (A.CER) \ SHADE. TlI:EE5 ~ ] _ \ (LA1JROS) \ I ~ ! \, I~-G~e-~~--- L I I~ ~. r "-., I ---l'LOWE""G ACCENT ""05 ~~~O\I" , I!GJ'OIQ'o' ' / / I / ., 'if' s;tR\J8 AND GRO\JND(QVER ,.. PlAN11NG ... '" --~ I , h:Il:ING AC-cmTTREES --1 I ~LAr:;ERSTRoeMIA)- I , LA.... SHADE TREES (lAUOUS) SI-mUBANC """'-'"OCOV,. l'lAnTJt;G / PaGNN...... GARDfI\l ~ . lOW GROtItflXOVER . fLOWERING ACCENT TREES (LAGERS1ltOE~ $T","T""05 {PlATANUs.) - - ---....... ~ 'SPEOMfN TREE-----.. ... ... \ I! ---:SHJW.S:ANO GrtOLlNClCOVEil PlANTING ."-~ .7 " ./~ ) ...--/ / ,-- I / I ~ c_~ EfJ. SI:~II!;l~.N , , " '" ..... \ , 37014,. .'"' GUZZARDO PARTNERSH IP ".r:. ~A<<h~.LBr'ldF\!wte1'5 -l.l6~1)'sv.t :'iMl~CA!IoI~Jl T~15 i!U"i12 J4ts.n...xA: ~Bkr ~r__l"'- """"'. ""'"'" ,....,. """'" ~ ! ! ,'0. (':, 6 D IrU.U DUE tIESCRPTOI IlE'IISIOIIS W1~ $:IIlflfS.alllIT""- w.nI5 ~ JQ.BaiIITTIlJ. 1Jl'11_~~ ~OIIIlE lElCIlI"IIl:fI 1SSUE_1IllII F'l(:l[kl,IE 0W'I$Q5 1l"Fl;O..l;0"1IO.:00IlII ......""~ SCtlEw..nc "'-"'Tl""""" , .. OEU'" L-2 ._"'''''~_'M' !,! < - ~ ....1 !!: ~ j' ~ g~ ~ j .11II:: - ~~ ' n~~ a:al <........ N~.~ ,66 III ~:><(~"< I I I:::><l ijW= I N) ~ I I I ~l\' I i i! I :I d Ii I ~ ii <J i<J <J <J I ~ ~ ~ /' -"'---T'- '" I " I ,-1 I ...J I ~ : ~ : .... , "- / , ., I \ o " ,j U o :)'" ( I =1 I I ,', I I o o I I I J" ----,- ') c -" u_u___----.J L L 1--- i' I I I " I I I I I ',); I I I I I " I I I I I ." j', I 1 U ,\ ,J \ \\ \ " I I I I I 1 I tjJ~r~), i =c ,=~ ~ - (~~ /J ~ I ~>.~\~': . I II I ........ 1/\ '",\, ,\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '!; ~ ~ C'l c: .::,t, .... ttl c... t:: ttl aJ C'l c: 1:;; >< W '" ~ ~ ~ ! /J ~ h ~ ~; h II m i i "l' ...J ij ~ " :. ~ . .; . 0 ~ L~:;--- 1 ............................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . .' . . - . . . . ., -I -I eJ .' FLOWERING TIlEE, ~, TYP " \ \ BOLLARD, TYP \ \ , TRElUS WITH STONE - VEN E E R PILLARS .-.~- 4ztfl. ~ , SPECIM ENTREE ~~ /'l t- ,. -~ ' '~".,<J r ..,.. 'ij-V , , - - , ., - - ~~..." '. ____.-t.:..!........... .-" ....... , -- ~ I J; ~.~~....,.::~~ . ~ ~~- ~ ~,~ '- -.,f \ ; '- j ~ -~ - .P~ .... j ..._. t" ~ ~ ~'l- ~:-i.;.- 'l~""-.1"'~' .-" J- ~ ~ , " 1) 1;"1"-' -V: , 'h.. ~ . " e '~, ......,,~ ~ ,~. . ~~ -~ ~~ , I p" - i' ,1 ! ~' ,,- - ~ ) t '~;:;</' fi t :.,-.....Q ... ;~..:... . . "i.-.,' ~ r";-'" ~', I~.~-. "dO -S--> '~..r'"':'~}-~ . U J ..,'{. ,T- ,,11:;,.;-..,.-'-- ~ ,~ . I ~ .11: iJ. ~t ;! ~ ; jtiJ SECTION AT EAST PLAZA SCALE 1/4" = 1'~' STREET TREE, TYP. PEDESTRIAN SCAlE ~ UGHT POLE.- TYP. , ~..~ ~_ f; ONE WAY TRAFFIC \ 1 ; , \Ii POTENTIAL DISPlAY OF ART WORK ! , \ .--_.,/....F'r \ ~^....,; '-v.....I'.... J .... 1.... .' ~ r. \ {' . /1JP.J\ '-~~ l \ ':i .i.~____~/' : \ - / /~J,j' \ (,1-0 'Ji"i:.\ '.,_/' r " ..' ,,' ,l .~. r . .};,'" l ,,,' ~,r~, .~ \i~ .:-ll' f""......... "" l ( -":;. .... )... ~ ...-i , 'j' r <:; ';-:. "~r--d" \ .r.."r' " \. "~~ ~: .,< \: {'~~~~_"~',r..,~ ~.. " r ~ t.l\.. l~ ~ I,...:'f' -;---,-~___.....~......J _ t ~-~"r l ~ ~. ,,~ ~~~;-'" to,"" ~ I '~'''''' ;. J'"'- -M" ~- 'r::ou;:: ~. \; . __,....:;:rrt ............,.j/jtt- , / ...--.f' -'-', I f '_, I ~~ -\ Ai. ;'.) . I--~ 1\ f'\;>I' -,,;{,,::.., f ^" )it \[,'_: ~"" I ~A:., ~ \. ~......-"'" \...-"\- '" l.."""'-'-~ " ,.,....,- ,,:"" , ' f ~"., '"' \. \ i ,,' '\ _ --., -v ^- ~ ( / " ." .. -- l~ "- .' ~.--....... l' ~-,"'" j. -'11, / < .. i -,,,,- t' ..;,: . j~l~r .' (,! -V" p. ': r........ )i~iF .... ~ ~~1~"~' J ~....~.::::~~~ j;"';:l' '\f- !ii k :....--~---:;--~...... t'i!.~;i".~ I l.=.;. '. ~,F:. ~~ ;J; ~ ~~.,,~ 40 '~,\~'fi;, ~~ . ; , ; r: ~ .~ 1 t-.":.,. '~~'!- ! ! ~ ~. r~ .< - - ~'i'...~ *"~ . , CENTRAL PEDESTRlAN SIDEWALK FORMAl ROSE GARDEN \ STONE VENEER SEATING WALl. @ ~~~~I,~"T CENTRAL PLAZA 31 "f4/ .Tl<E GUZZARDO PAIlTNERSKIPOfC. ~AnhIt.!.:II..L..-IPIanaen- --- Smfr.ondoa:J;.CAM1n T415-W46l2 ~41So433l!lllOJ ~Bkr _l-...r-r...- 1 > - PEDESTRIAN ,/ ACCENT PAVING ~ """'" ...... ..... ,'\. /::, ,'\. COLUMNAR TREE, L, TYP. - ... """"""" ...- ...... -- FLOWE RING TIlE E. ''''''' -- TYP. ""- -- 1f1), 11 ' 11 II !l IIIWIK Ql,TE tEl!IalF'iDk ISSUE__ PUJTPllTE:DW1!51l:6 ~1IO.:-1J3a i; r \' ;l ...,..t\.J. i '-\..-11 di-<<c..~~~ f-, rr -;- ~,~~ If l' J ::::::1 """"'" S2';!~v;:- i.....l;,',jc..~::: :S-:::::l'..}t.~ ONE WAY TRAFFIC """.. L-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . ie i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . ., e, . . 4-0 of 1/ STREET TREE, TYP .-, ...... j';; -....... ......,..- '-,l ~j.o.. .l~ ~ _/ :..,. , ,J,""I ~ '"p i.--"">- :_.... ,---------- COLU MNAR TREE, ,/ TYP. / :' t , , , TRELLIS IN BACKGROUND '-T~'~?'" ,..-~ 4" .;.~- i~ ~ --- 'ci- - , ! r ......SI~ ----i... '\ , k-- ., ) . .- ",' ( .. h....;., ,o(~. _,., . .," (~." 4;, l~zl\~~r~ '/"01 ':K ,-- '-Jl'l 'j - .. L "t.t ......1....,\ "Il- ~ ',;_m"-~.;!...~~"'t....- "'.".-' lAWN E~ . , - ~ -,~ J ','----~ '\ ~ l <" . /' ,,,," '\ ~ JJt ~."-\ \ \~: ,~ II -.- --'-l" ~.'. ". ' , , - '" --~- ~. ~~. \i.. SIDEWALK ,."""'-~ -f'~' " '\ ) :~ \ - ~.) -"""'^"\.., i- r~" ( y ""'" \ Y'---j "~"h ;" ~- I I ,1;;! I i ~ t II , j ~ ,- FLOWERING TREE, TYP i I ~' .t.' -.....\ J ' 1 I IjA~~~ I: ~-t..... ~ n t~ iu L-'- ;"'-i- " ~- - _.. ,- H . J" -:C,~r 1=;:1 ONE WAY TRAFFIC ....-..--, ~ PEDESTRIAN ,/ ACCENT PAVING / I \i.. '. ~- '/ PEDESTRIAN SCALE 1 UGHT POLE, TYP. ~ L II \ I ~., ,---......... \.T,;"'4;~---" ~ ," ~ .. .,f" ( '\.I.t ..,.,~ } ~"\i ; \ , , \ \ \ --.J-'""""--... ....r ," , --J ",..-.-.".- ~.J.,' "")- - -, .t' ~ ~ ~ (-? ,'....,. \.,-.:, ,~~~r'-'i;,. -:. -1.1_. ;~":" ---~~.... t ! -....: 1,.. "\ ! _ .......F~ ~ " _"_"~ ~ 'i. )~ \' '.~ --"~-';'~'~ _.:-~ .' t., - .r "t, " '\: . A~ V" ~"i. , ~ ~-'...-~_, :^J~ ... r...-l-"'." .'~. ':Jt-. ":- Jf7 t' 1,' \ ' ;'~.l~ ? -\ '\ ~.x.-; !k....l' ./ \:.... f ," I --,.. /' ~'.'J..: ip...... -if tr t ~ N ;~.frr~" At\., ~f.t/l~.~i_'.<"!;*-' SEATING ~ PLATFORM \ \ , \ .::.l II . . :.~. , CENTRAL PEDESTRIAN SIDEWALK ONE WAY TRAFFIC LAWN SIDEWALK SECTION AT LAWN AND SEATING AREA SCALE 1t4" = 1'--0" BENCH, TYP, \ FlOWERING ~ ..,r.";'--~ '----.r{"~'~ \ TRE~ TYP__ ':If ,0 , ~. \ f -. ~. 4t~'t.. \ , --- ,r""'. f~'''' {\ \- <( , v .~",_.' . ~~ ~"'--''sk l \ -, - f . ""'j \ . }-- \ .>~v ~. r~~ / \ \2 \5 ~J \...4~/ ,~j '1. '1 ~ \ r "\ " l i .{l . ,t ~J ~ /~ STAINLESS STEEL PLAY DOME --/--./ -./ ,j -/ I , t / BOllARD, TYP ,,- -,' " 00-- .....'- ~ SIDEWALK PLAY SURFACE SIDEWALK @ SECTION AT PLAY AREA SCALE 114" = 1'-0" .TH' GUZZARDO PARlNERSHIPINC. 1MIlIIo:apt.AtdlitKti..iLIft::I~ ..-- :5.'1 fr.-:Dm,GlL:MII! T.tI:5W-"T.! l-4,~m5OO:! ~Bkr _J____r"'-- """" """'" ...... <WOQ L, :-:, '" :-:, """'-- ......... ..... ..- 1'lDCllll!i "IEIUMT'DL WlUJlil ~FE'I'I!IIOII """'..,,- ......-""" ""'-- FROErJn: Qi3RIiI ..."'"" SCHBMT" '-""""""E """"'" ...... L.<\ ... -_."------ ~ I '* u' , "-\, ;!: ~ ...) II , e, ~ fi. I ~ III 8~ ] .. .-::: - il I Iii i --- ~z' fn a:. I I ~~ 't u ~~~!!h~ rl I iSI n s ~i S .. ~I ~ ~ ~~ g .i I I Ii ;1 I on I <1<1 II i i ..:. ~-- ~~ - ~ ,~. ,~.~ ,- -., ~ r"- -. t", :l'~ ~ " ' .". ' ~ ~. ,~ ".d i > . ~>, ~ .9~ ~~~ ~ .J !. ~'ig.~. ~l i . '~'}1". ~ I 1~ ~ ,!~ ~h ~~i 'j ,,; > i " ." v "~ · u' ~' H~->! I: .. )i :,~.~! ~ ~~! oi;.a ~~, - A ,:r~!~ ~~ i g ~8~ ~~~~ ~~~ 5 o VI !ittttttitililttt I;:~~~~~~~ i j'!i~ J ~ ~d{hfqij ~ i nHdJiHluHigj ~ , i 'j d lj i ~,} p ~j H . q jH!!ld I! nhJlp' qlfj! iUJiUllHhHlihHiliidH hlB 1~~~~::::!:i!:!~&~I~~&S!.~~l;i~!!!! I~JL iJi dUULd hut II d i lUll ~~ '--0 CD Q,I e 11"I 1:.... /g.c: ";:: Cl 1:;:::1 <II <II "0- Q,I 0 a.. a.. i tiittiiiiiaitiiiiii I II i i IIi IIII i 11111111 ~j ~ 'o~! ]! ~ j nHI)iil~nH~ !~ j 54~I ~~IJnjU j~3iHHHn~d UHlihd~~ILH~I! ~ w~ l' ~ J ~~ q ~ '! ~ p~ n j J i Di ~!IIIIII!lljl!11 llllJlilillllllllll1 ~h _.c_ __ h!HH~HHHHHH! ... .c: Cl 'I: ~ Cl .... .J::. Cl :;:; ,-~~ . III ~II ~ i o j - I: (3 II";;; ]-;;; /g t; ~ "- g U ""C ~.... ;/g ~g L!: :3: :33: ell E o Cl >. /g 0::: -5 I: ell CD ell 10 .... '" Q,I Q,I .... I- ~ ,!, i , ~ . "'" ~ ~ jj ,~ l , ." ~ ..' " ~ ~ w 1i~~ ~~~ G ,. ..,lii"g 'l~ ~ llL- :1 -~. ~ ~,~ .01 '. ~ , J;;_lU '" ! i ~1 it ~J " ! ~~ ~~ ;;: ~~ ] -:<'~ ~. ij~' l j ~~ I ~,~ {"} , i = '! "~~ - ! ; ~t ~"l ~" ~! S' 1 h H& U I, L, ''', ' . ~~~" 1"1 S. :,~"J}.,k':. {!:-i':' l ~ "...." I, '" I , . " =. ?,p.%, '"'J" <" ' :Ill', r';.~""':('Aj :;:r..~ ~ +--: 'JO:~IH~ (Q~c , ~ VI C "1,:- .---- ~ , .1 , E ... .g .. 0::: c:~ ~ .- ~I ...~ '" - Gl~ II"I~ " , C . 11 , ,< , ..j s . ~I 41' >1 Q,li 51 t;1 ~I '-, :::; '!!!i ~~ I--rc. 81~ s:)~ ! ! <>'- I ...........................................