HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.2 I/580 HOV Lane Project CITY CLERK File # D[8[Q][Q]-[:t][Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 21,2006 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: ~ ~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for 1-580 Intelligent Transportation System Managemcnt/Traffic Operations System (ITSITOS) and Project Chartcr for "Phase I" 1-580 HOV Lane Project Report Prepared bY' Melissa Morton, Public' Work., Direr:tor Rcsolution approving the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and the Project Charter, together with Exhihit "A," MOU, and Exhibit "B," Project Charter Adopt the resolution approving thc proposcd Memorandum of Undcrstanding for the 1-580 Intelligent Transportation System Management/Traffic Operations System (ITS/TOS) and thc Project Charter tbr "Phase 1" 1-580 HOV Lane Project. Thcrc is no cost associated with the execution of the proposed Memorandum of Understanding and Project Charter The City will ultimately benefit from participating in regional coordination of transportation management activities within the Tri- Valley area and Alameda County by potentially receiving outside funding to expand the City's tramc monitoring system and improving sharing capabilities of traffic data and video with Caltrans and other agencies. Staff time may he required in the future to implement such regional coordination efforts. Funding commitments for specifk projects committing local resources or personnel time will he covered by one or more separate cooperative agreements. DESCRIPTION: The CIties uf Dublin, Livermore and Pleasanton recently completed a joint installation of the 1-580 Smart Corridor system that linked respective traflic operabons centers via fiber optic interconnect cable. This enabled the three cities to monitor local traffic flows and manage traflic incidents in a coordinated manner within the Tn-Valley area. The 1-580 Smart Corridor is one of COpy TO: Page I of J ITEM NO. P> 2- 0:\1-580 Smart Corridur\I-S80 IIOV Lane. TMP ITS\agst 1-:580 IIOV Lane MOU & project chartCLdoc ~ two smart corridor systems currently in cxistcncc in Alameda County The other system is known as the East Bay Smart Corridors Program along the 1-80/1-880 comdor in Alameda and Contra Costa CountIes, led by the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (CMA). This systcm involves a cooperatIve elTort among twenty-five local, rcgional and fcdcral agencies to implement an integrated, advanced multi- modal transportation management system. Twelve local agencies are lI1volved on this project along the 1-80/1-880 corridor from the City of Hercules to the north, to the City of Union City to the south. Memorandum of Undcrstand;n!! for 1-580 ITS/TOS The proposed MOU for 1-580 Intelligent TransportatIon System Management/Tramc Operations System (lTS/TOS) is intended to facilitate lI1ter-jurisdictional coordination and cooperation among operating agencies in Alamcda County in order to improve traffic operations along highly traveled corridors, including 1-580 Participating agencies in thIs MOU lI1clude the Cities of Dublin, Livermore and Pleasanton, Alameda County, Caltrans, Livermore-Amador Vallcy Transit Authority (LA VTA), CMA, and thc Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). Staff recommends that the City of Dub 1m partIcIpate 111 thIs MOU in order to secure the City's role as a key participant in regional transportation solutions in Alamcda County By executing the MOU, the City could potentially receive Operations and Management (O&M) funds in the future for Its traffic management system by combining efforts with the CMA which periodically pursues O&M funding lor the East Bay Smart Comdors Program. The MOU will establish a physical connection bctwccn the 1-5S0 Smart Corridor System and the East Bay Smart Corridors Program, allowing traffic data and video sharing between the two systems. The current CMA website for the East Bay Smart Corridors Program will be expanded to also provide real-time traffic and incident information to travelers on 1-580 and adjacent local streets, by linking the East Bay Smart Corridors Program to the 1-580 Smart Corridor System. The proposed MOU will also allow for closer coordination with LA VT A for improved operations of the transit system. For example, transit pnonty systems at major SIgnalIzed mtersections m the Tri-Valley area will be considered to possibly extend the green light for transit buses running bchind schedule and expedite access to and from the current East Dublin/Pleasanton BART station and the future West Dublin/Pleasanton BART station. The City Councils of tile Cities of Livermore and Pleasanton have hoth approved the MOU. Proiect Charter for "Phase I" 1-580 HOV Lane Proiect Thc proposed Project Charter rcprcscnts a multj.jurisdictional agreement on key design elements for the "Phase I" 1-580 HOV Lane Project. This project will include installation of advanced traffic managenlent and monitonng devices on 1-580 and adjacent local streets to better manage traffic operations in this corridor during construction of the interim eastbound 1-580 High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane from Hacienda Drive to Greenville Road. The interim HOV lane will be installed in the median area ofI-580 with the understanding that the right-of-way for a future BART extension in the 1-580 median will be prcscrvcd with the ncxt phase of the full HOV lane improvements along 1-580. The advanced traffic management and mOl1Jtoring devices on the "Phase 1" HOV Lane Project will include traffic monituring cameras on 1-580 and adjacent local streets, transit priority systems at signalized intersections, and advanced vehicle detection systems, changeable message signs and highway advisory radio statIons on 1-580 The pwpose of these mstallatIons IS to facihtate traffic flow and incident managcmcnt during construction of thc interim eastbound 1-580 HQV lanc. In Dublin, the "Phase I" HOV Lane Project is expected to install traffic monitoring canleras at the intersections of Dublm Boulevard/San Ramon Road and Dublm Boulevard/TassaJara Road, as well as SIgnal mterconneet cable Page 2 ofJ along Dublin Boulevard, at no cost to the City Thcsc cameras will be owned and operated exclusively by the City of Dublin. The proposed Projcct Charter establishes an agreement regarding the desIgn components of the "Phase I" 1-580 lIOV Lane Project among the CMA, Caltrans, Alameda County, the Cities of Dublin, Livermore and Pleasanton, and LAVTA. ThIs multi-jurisdictional approach to intelligent traffic solutions in the Tri- Yallcy area is consistent with the overall objective of the above MOD for 1-580 ITS/TOS to work cooperatively toward improving the management and operations ofthe 1-580 corridor The "Phase 1" HOV Lane Projcct is expected to cost $60 million and is fully funded by multiple sources including federal, State and regional funds, as specified in the Projeet Charter (ExhibIt "B"). Project construction is expected to start in 2007 and end in 2009 When completed, this project will henefit the City of Dublin by increasing the capacity of eastbound I-5RO during the evening commute period and potentially reducing cut-through trafflc on Dublin Boulevard. Staff recommends that the City Council approve the proposed Memorandum of Understanding for 1-580 Intelligent Transportation System Management/Traffic Operations System (lTS/TOS) and Project Charter for "Phase I" 1-580 HOY Lane Project. Page] of3 /(Jf/~ RESOLUTION NO. - 06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIl" OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* APPROVING MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR 1-580 INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT/TRAFFIC OPERATIONS SYSTEM (ITS/TOS) AND PROJ~:CT CHARTER FOR "PHASE I" 1-580 HOV LANE PROJ~;C'r WHEREAS, the 1-580 Smart Corridor system enables the Cities of Duhlin, Livermure and Plcasanton to monitor local traffic flows and managc traffic incidents in a coordinated manner in the Tri-Valley arca; and WHEREAS, it is propuscd to participate in a Memorandum of Understanding with Alameda County, CaItrans, Livermore-Amadur Valley Transit Authority (LA VTA), Alameda Cuunty Cungcstion Management Agency (CMA), the Mctropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), and the Cities of Livermore and Pleasanton, in order to improve traffic operations along highly traveled corridors, including 1-580; and WHEREAS, thc City also desires to enter into a multi-jurisdictional agreement in the form of a Projed Charter fur the "Phase I" 1-580 High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane Prujcct in order to establish an agreement regarding the deS1b'll compuncnts of the "Phase 1" 1~5X() HOV Lane Project among the CMA, Caltrans, Alameda County, LA VT A, and the Cities of Ouhlin, Livem1Ure and Plcasanton, and WHEREAS, the "Phase 1" HOV Lane Project is consistent with the abovereferenced MOlI tu work cooperatively toward improving the management and operations of the 1-580 corridor; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City ufDublin does hereby approve the Memorandum of Understanding tor 1.580 Intelligent Transportation System Managemcnt/Traffic Operations System (ITSrrOS), and the Project Charter tur "Phase 1" 1-580 HOV Lane Project BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Public Works Directur is authorized to execute the said Memorandum of Understanding, hereto aUaehcd as Exhibit "A," and the Project Charter, herdo attached as Exhibit "H " PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTIW this 21 st day of February, 2006 AYES. NOES. ABSENT ABSTAIN ATTEST Mayor City Clcrk ;, ,J, ;)./; I/Oe, J t)f/;2 Memorandum of Understanding for 1-580 Intelligent Transportation System Management/Traffic Operations System (ITS/TOS) Among o City of Duhlin u City of Livcrmurc o City ofl'leasanton o Alameda County u Caltrans District 4 o LivemlOre Amador Valley Transit Authurity (LA VT A) o Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (eMA) u Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) 1. PARTIES This Memorandum oflJnderstanding (MOO) is entered into effechve January J, 2006 bctwccn the above listed parties in recognition of the fact that the 1-5HO Corridor, including majur artcrials in thc Citics of Dublin, Livermore, and Pleasanton (Cities), and Alameda County are important local and regiunal routes, pruvldmg access tu commercial and other adlVlties in each uf thc jurisdictions it scrvcs. Since the corridor serves as local and regional routes, there is a need to provide efficient traffic operahuns anoss jurisdictional boundaries, specilkally during the construction of the 1-5HO Iligh Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) widening projcct. Bccausc ofthc importance ofthc 1-580 corridor to the local and regional economies, each jurisdiction will retain the authority to control its uwn transportation systcms, including the operation oftratllc signals and transit system. 2. PURPOSE The purpose ofthis MOU is to acknowledge the agreement of all parties to this MOU to wurk cooperatively toward improving the management and operation of the arterials and State Highway frccway along the 1-580 corridor. 3. NATURE OF MOU This MOlJ constitutes solely a guide to the respective intentions and policies of the parties involved. It is not intended to authorize funding or project effort nor is it a legally binding contract. Funding commitments providing for the deposit o!'funds lor specitlc work phases or project effort committing machine or perSOIll1el time will he covered hy one or more separate cooperative agreements. 4. RESPONSIBiliTIES A. SMART Corridor Technical Advisorv Committee (lAC); The TAt consists of staff members uf the agencies listed above. The TAC will be responsible for pruviding advicc on thc dcsign, implementation, and operation of the Intelligent Transportation and Traffic OperatIOn Systems along thc 1-580 corridor and associatcd local roads. It will be the responsihility of each agency to ensure that appropriate personnel attend the TAt meetings. The T AC will m~ct on an as-needed basis to fulfill its responsibilities. mJDIT A. ?)o/-/;L Memorandum u/ Understandingjur 1-580 Intelligent Transportatio/l/Tl'{!!!ic Operatio/ls Svstems Page 2 B. Cities, Alameda Count~, Caltrans, and LA VT A. The participating agencies that operate and maintain trallic or transit systems have the following responsibilities: I hngineering review, 2. Operahuns and maintcnancc urtrallic systcms within the agency's own jurisdiction, 3 Reviews of traffic signal system, timing plans and partIcIpation in its dcvclopment, 4 Cunstruchun managcmcnt (when applicable), 5 Cooperate with all MOll particIpating agcncics tu dcvclop trat1lc operations strategies to move tratfic efficiently in the corridor, 6. Implemenlmg timing plans and rcvicwing changes when updates are implemented, 7 Sharing the use of interconnect cable and commumcatiuns "quipmcnt (where available) with n"arby jurisdictions to provide cost-etfective signal system communi"ations, H Notify nearby junsdictions wh"n service intcrruptions occur that could affect system operations. 9 Respunding to "mcrgcncy trailic conditions within each party's jurisdiction, or as agreed upon by a joint response plan. 10 Opcration ofthe transit system. C. CMA. The CMA would provide coordination for the fulluwmg activitics: 1 CountY-WId" planning, 2. Pursuing funding for future phases, J Pursuing limding tor Operations and Management (O&M), 4. Gran I managem<"'I1t, 5 Partnership agreement develupment with partl~lpating agcncics, 6. Developing necessary agreements, 7. Managing tbe delIvery uf capital projcct clements of the program, 8. Program administration and management, 9 Overall design, engineering, contract administration, 10 Cuurdinatmg thc TAC meetings. D. Roles ofOthcrs: MTC will assist with corridor programming and funding Issues. 5. OTHER AGREEMENTS Olhcr transportation rclatcd agreements (maintenance or otherwise) are nol mudified ur alTcctcd by this MOU and will remain cffcctive bctwccn the signatOlyagencies. 6. TERM This MOU is in c1Tcct as of January J, 2001> and will tenninate on December 31, 2010, unless tile term is modified by parties to this MOU by way of an am"ndmcnt. Memorandum of Understandinf? for . . J- 580 Jntel/igen~Z~,!nSl),!rtati{)n/Ji-ajfic Operat!()nS Svstems". I-t 0 f /;2. Page 2 The following agencies supporl the Memorandum ofUmlerstanding fur 1-580 Intelligent Transportation Systems ManagementlTratllc Operations System (ITSITOS): Signed by: Date Director of Public Works City of Dublin Community Development Director City of I -ivennore Director of Public Works City of Pleasanton Deputy Dimict Director Caltrans District 4 Director of Public Works Alameda County Executive Director Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority Executive Director Alameda County Congestion Management Agency Executive Director Metropolitan Transpurtation Commission ::; c> +-; 'J- PROJECT CHARTER Project Name: County-Route-P.M.. District-ProJect EA. 1-5~O HOV Lane Prujeel, Phase I ALA.580 KP RI2.6/30.7 (I'M R7.~/19.1) 04-29()~ 11 Project Phase: Prepared by: Date Prepared: PS&E Tom Wintch, TY Lin (CMA) December, 2005 Charter Purpose: ThIS Chartl-T represents ab'fecml-'I1t on kcy elements of Pmject Development (PS&E Phase) for the 1-580 I10V Lane Project, Phase I (lA and IB) between the Alameda Cuunty CongestIOn Management Agency (ACCMA), Caltrans, Alameda County Puhlic Works Agency, the cities of Livennore, Dublin, and Pleasanton and the Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA). This is a working document, and may be modified as appropriate, by written ab'feement of all parhcs. Background: 1-580 is the main east-west interregional freeway connecting [-80 and US 101 in the Bay Area with 1-5 in the Central Valle.,. 1-580 scrves as the only maJur lransporlahun curridor providing a commutc route between San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose (via 1-680) and the Tri-Valley (Dublin, Pleasanton, and Livermore), and growing Central Valley areas (Tracy, Stockton, and the 1-5 COlTidor). Addihonally, 1-580 is a major route for the movement of goods and freight into and out of the region, as well as significant recreational travel throughout the year 1"580 is classified as a "Lifeline Route", facihtaling movcmcnt bctwccn maJur stagmg arcas and Impactcd areas following major earthquakes and is the main access to the Homeland Security Organizatiun at Lawrcncc Livcrmorc National Lahoratory The original four-lane divided highway from San Leandro eastward opened in 1'138 as part of US 50. In 1970, the widening of 1-580 from four lanes to eight lanes was complcted hctween 1-680 and Vascu Ruad. Caltrans, in a 1985 1-580 Ruutc Cunccpt RqJort, identified the need to expand 1-580 between 1-680 and Ureenville Ruad frum cight tu ten lancs. Subscqucntly, 111 Callrans' Drall 1-580 Transportation Corridor Concept Report (TCCR) for the year 2025, HOV lanes were planncd for 1-580 bctwccn 1-238 and 1-205 Additionally, [-580 I10V lanes were recommended in the 1995 Tri- Valley Transportation Council's Action Plan and MTC's "Blucpnnt for the 21" Century" includes commitment for HOV lanes on 1-580 The 1-580 HOV lanes are listed in the MTC 1997 HOV Master Plan Update. In May 2000, the 1-580 HOV lane project was included in the Transportation Congestion Relief Program (TCRI') and received funding through AB 2928 (Torlakson) in July, 2000 This HOV lane project is listed on the (iovemor's List of High Priority Proj ects, and in the Countywide and Regional Transportation Plans. G:II.S8D Smart Corridorll-5BD HOV Lane - TMP ITSII-5BO hoy project charler 12_30_05,doc mIBlT 5. b () OJ. PROJECT CHARTER Project Name: County-Route-P.M.: District-Project EA. 1-580 HOY Lane Project. Phase T ALA-580 KP RI2.6/30 7 (PM R7.R/19 1) 04-2~0811 Project Phase: Prepared by' Date Prepared: PS&IJ Tom Wintch, TY Un (CMA) December. 2005 Background Continued In lOOO ACTIA's Measure B was approvcd by Alameda County VOkTS, dcdicating sales tax revenue to an auxiliary lane project un 1. 5ilO between Tassajara Road and AIrway Boulevar'd. In March, l004, Regional Mcasure 2 (RM2) was approved by Bay Area vuters, dedicating new toll bridge revenue to specific projccts, mclud;ng the 1-5ilO HOV lanc proJcct. The I-5RO HOY lane project has also received SAFETEA-LlI funding. A Projcct Study Report (Project Development Support) (PSR (PDS)) was prepared for eastbound and wcstbound HOV lanes on 1-580 from Vascu Ruad (KP 1 'i.6/PM 9.6) to Tassajara Road (KI' 2KYIPM 179) in Alameda County for a distancc of approximately IJ km (8 milcs), and was approved hy Caltrans on June 29, 200! This proJcct is a variation from Alternative 1 (Minimum Project Alternative, MPA) of the PSR (PDS) in which only the eastbound dircctlOn IS being proposed, and cxlcnds thc westerly limit to Hacienda Drive aod the easterly limit to the Greenville Overhead. In latc January 2002, the State and the Al'l'MA exccutcd a Cooperative Agreement (District A~,'rccment No. 4-1 R7I-C) authori<<ing the <\CCMA to assist the State in the preliminary pruJcct development design and cnvlronmcntal clearance of improvements of castbuund and westhound HOV lanes on I-5ilO from west of Tassajara Road in Plcasanton to cast of Vasco Road in Livermore in order to hring ahout the earliest possible construction of thc project. The project, now under sponsorship of the ACCMA, will providc for both eastbound and wcstbound HOV lancs along 1-5RO Irom the Greenville Overhead in Livermore to westerly of the Haclcnda Drivc Interchange in Plcasanton. The project is proposed to he constructed in several phases, with the first phase consisting of an castbound only HOV Ianc betwc<.'ll thc Grccnville Overhead in Livermore and thc Haclcnda Drive interchange in Pleasanton. This first phasc project is the subject uf thIS ProJcct Charter Funding lor this first phasc will be provided hy Regional Measure 2 (RM-2), TCRP, STIP, Measure Band SAFETEA-LU funds. Environmental studies were initiated in January 2002 for improvement of both easlbound and westbound HOV lancs on I-5RO bctwcen wcstcrly uf Tassajara Road/Santa Rita Road to easterly of Vasco Road. During 2004, the <\CCMA and Caltrans decldcd to deliver the overall project in phascs m ordcr to prDvide needed benefits to the pubhc in the shortest time frame possible. Environmental documentation for the Phase 1 improvcmcnts, easthound only, will be available for public rCVlCW III latc 2005 or early lOOG. C;\1-580 Smart Corridor\I-560 HOV l.ane - TMP ITS\i-580 hov pmjecr r.harter 12 30 05.doc Page 2 ? '" 112 PROJECT CHARTER Project Name: County-Route-P.M.. District-ProJect EA. 1-5~0 HOV Lane Project, Phase [ ALA-5~0 KP RI2.6/30.7 (PM R7.~!l9 1) 04-290811 Project Phase: Prepared by: Date Prepared: PS&L Tom Wintch, TY Un (CMA) December. 2005 Background Continued Final cerlilleation of the Phase I environmental document is expected in August 2006. The ACCMA will be responsible fur performing an appropriate pubhe heanng process for thIS projcct. projcet Development fur Phase 1, including the prcparation uf Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E), is proceeding "at-nsk" concurrent with the P A&ED preparahon and approval. Project advertisement is currently scheduled for Fall 2006, with construction cost estunalcd at $55,000,000 Programming TCRI' funding (Paragraph No. 3 I) provldcd $25 million for this phase 1 project, and will he complemented with Regional Measure 2 (RM2) funds, Cunstruction funding, including construction management, has heen committed through TC1U', RM2, STll', Fcderal Demonstration (SAPETEA-TU) and Measure R timds. Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to reduce cungcstion by cncuuragmg mass transIt and HOV usagc, support regional air quality attainment goals and improve safely for motorists, CHI' and Caltrans maintenance workers. Cunstruction of the proposed 1-580 HOV lancs will provide significant relief to peak hour commuters who carpool and to mixed- flow traCllc during non-commute hours. Phase 1 of this project (the subject of this Project Charter) will construct an eastbound-only HOV lane hetween the Hacienda Drive interchange in Pleasanton to easterly of the Oreenville Overhead in Livermore. Project Phase Objectives: Cost - The ACCMA, Caltrans, the Alameda Count) Public Works Agency, the CIties of Duhlin, Livermore, and Pleasanton, and LA VTA agree that each agency will diligently endeavor to contain eusts associated WIth both thc preparation of all the required project plans and specifications, and the subsequent construction project. Each agency commits to work 111 partncrshlp to retrain from project additivcs that will exceed the approved design and construction budgets of $5 M and $55 M respectively These hudgets represent the total dollar allocations for both Phase lA and Phase lB. The distribution of these budgcts betwe~'TI the twu PhaSeS IS yet to bc determined. Wherc feasible without undue detriment to project delivery, additional corridor and/or local improvements may be added if cummensuratc funding IS pruvidcd by the requesting agency G:\t-580 Smart Corridor\I-580 HOV Lane - TMP ITS\i-5BO hov projoct charter 12 30 OS.doc Page 3 '6&1/:1- PROJECT CHARTER Project Name: County-Route-P.M .. District-Project EA. I-oRa HOV Lane Prnjoct, Phase I ALA-SRO KP RI2.6/30 7 (PM R7.R/I9 I) 04-290R I I Project Phase: Prepared by' Date Prepared: PS&E Tom Wintch, TY Un (CMA) December. 2005 Project Phase Objectives Continued: Schcdule - All signatures to this Charter will work coopcrahvely to ensure that tinal Plans, Spcclfications, and Estimates (PS&E) for Phasc lA arc approved hy Caltrans District 4 no later than May 30, 2006. Additionally, all signatures agree tu work coopcratively to ensure that Phase 1 B PS&E arc approved hy Caltrans District 4 no later than June 30, 2006, and to certified by Caltrans OE as RTL no later than March 1, 2007 (depending on the administering agency selected hy the ACCMA1. Quahty CIlnstruction documents will meet Caltrans' dCSlb'll standards, provide for a safe environmcnt for both motorists and cunstruction wurkcrs, minimize inconvenience to the public and provide for a cost-effective design. Customer Satisfaction - The contract documcnts and suhsequent cunstructlOn shall be supported hy the Project Sponsor and cach of the Project Partners. Project Description/Scope Statement: 'Ibe Phase I I-SgO HOV Lanc ProJcct, proposes to construct: Phase I A. lMP-TOS,lTS/Advance Elem<'llls . Ramp metering cqulpmcnt along easthound on-ramps at North Livermore Avenue interchange, First Strcct mtcrchange, Vasco Road interchange and Greenville Road interchange . Ramp metering equipment along wcstbuund Iln-ramps at Grccnvillc Road interchange, Vasco Road interchange, hrst Street interchange, North Livermore Avenue intc'Tchangc, Portola Avenue mterehange, and Airway Iloulevard intc'Tchangc. . TOS/ITS elements identitled within the CUTTent Systcms Engineering and Managemcnt Plan that are a required component ofthe TMP for the Phase IH project Phase I B Easthound HUVAuxiliary Lanes . An interim eastbound HOV lane wIthin thc eXIsting 1-580 median rrom the Haci.mda Drive interchange to east of the (jreenville Overhead. CHI' enforcement areas in the median at standard spacmg. G:\1-580 Smart Corridor\I-580 HOV Lano - TMP ITS\i-580 hov project charter 12_30_05.doc Page 4 '7 () fI:z. PROJECT CHARTER Project Name: County-Route-P.M .: District-Project EA. 1.580 HO\l Lane Project, Phase I ALA"580 KP RI2.6/30 7 (PM R7.8/19 1) 04-290Rll Project Phase: Prepared by' Date Prepared: PS&E Tom Wintch. TY Lin (eMA) December. 2005 Project Description/Scope Statement Continued: Phase 1 B Eas/hound HOV/Auxiliarv Lanes Continued . Eastbound auxiliary lanes between: o Fallun Road/EI CharTO Road interchange and AilWay Boulevard interchange o AilWay Boulevard interchange and the proposed Isabel A venue interchang<: o First Slr<:d mt<:rchange and Vasco Road interchange . M<:dian foundations/columns for future overcrossing structures at the proposed Isabel Avenue interchange and the new Purlula ^ venue uvcrcrussing. . Arroyo Las Positas h,'idge widening to accommodate the proposed eastbound on-ramp fur the n<:w Isabd A vcnu<: ml<:rchangc. . TJnder separate timding through Caltrans Pavement Rehabilitation (SHOPP) Prub'1'am, pavcmcnt rchabilitation within the existing 1-580 eastbound direction from Hacienda Drive interchange to the Gre<:nvillc Ov<:rh<:ad Th<: attached Exhibit "A" illustrates the interim Phase I Project Project/Phase Constraints, Assumptions, and Risks. Com/raillt.., . Environmental Document restrictions . Environmental Document schedule . Traffic operations at 1-680 . Availabl<: funding . Resource Agency permitting . Constrained right-of-way . Eastbuund trafllc operations . BART operations . Adjacent interchange projects . Uesign exceptions at mt<:rchanges . Caltrans pavement rehabilitation strategy A""umptioll,<: . Th<: dcsib'II y<:ar fur thc pruject is 2030 . Projcct Partncrs will not endeavor to add scope elements to thc Proj<:ct withuut the provision of separate and availahle funding for same. . Project Partners will mamtain cost control on Project issues. G,II-580 Sow, CO";do<\l-580 HOV lane - TMP ITS\;-580 hov projec' charter 12_30_05.doc Page 5 10 of /.2 PROJECT CHARTER Project Name: County-Route-P.M.. District-Project EA. 1-5RO HOV T .ane Project, Phase I ALA-'iRO KP R 12.6/30.7 (PM R7.~/19 I) 04-290Rlt Project Phase: Prepared by' Date Prepared: PS&L Tom Wintch. TY Lin (CMA) December. 2005 Project/Phase Constraints, Assumptions, and Risks Continued: Assl/mptions COlllinued: . ProJcct Partners will work together in a cooperative fashion to further transportation improvements throughout the entIre 1-5g0 corridor withm thc Tn-Valley . Ca1trans will construct ramp metering for both eastbound and westbound 1-580 bctwccn San Ramon Ruad/Foothill Road mt~'Tchangc and Tassajara Road/Santa Rita Road interchange, under Contract No 04-151054 . Resources will bc providcd by all partncrs to meet the schedule. . funding will be provided by all partncrs, mcludmg SHOPP fundmg. Ri,'ks: . Agency resourccS availability which could lcad to schedule and cost ovcrruns. . Regional and Local Agency support. . Timely certIficatIon oflhc Environmental Document . Multiple contractors working in the corridor concurrently . Design Exccption approvals. . Aerially deposited lead contamination. Phase Deliverables: At/VI/flee ITStTOS Elemellls . Concept of Operations Report . Draft Systems Engineering and Management Plan . Final Systems Engineering and Management Plan . Draft Cooperative Agreement . Pinal Cooperative Agreement . Final Environmcntal Clcarance . 35')'0 Plans, Specifications and Estimate . 95% Plans, Specifications and Estimate . Final (100%) Plans, SpeCIficatIons "nd Estunalc EB HOV Lafle . 35% Plans and Estimate . Prchmm"ry TransportatIon Management Plan . "Infurmal" 65% Plans, Specifications, and Estimate . 95% Plans, Specifications, and Estimate . Final (100'10) Plans, Specifications, and bstim"te . Final Transportation Management Plan 8:\1-580 Smart Corridor\I.580 HOV Lane. TMP ITS\i-580 hov project charle~ 12_~O_05,doc Page 6 II 01 /J, PROJECT CHARTER Project Name: Cou nty-Route-P .M.: District-Project EA. 1-5811 HOV Lane Project, Phose 1 ALA-580 KP R 12.6/307 (PM R7.R119 1) 04-2911811 Project Phase: Prepared by' Date Prepared: PS&E Tom Wintch, TY Lin (CMA) December, 2005 Key Team Members: ACCMA................................. Frank Furger Stefim Ciarcia Caltrans Stewart Ng Mark Zabaneh Issa Bouri Steph~'Il Haa, Alameda County Dawn Argula Ruben 120n City of Dublin Ray Kuzban Ferd del Rosario City of Livermore ............. Bob Vinn Mohammad Poumia Ken Ross City of P1easanton u'"'''''''' Jeff Knowle, Mike Tassano LA VTA. .Barbara Duffy Deliverable Management: . The ACCMA Project ManageT will communicate with Project Partners to resolve issues, as required. . PDT Meetings will he held on a regular, monthly basis. . Thc ACCMA will provide meeting minutes and action items for all Project Partners no later than 14 day' priur tu thc ncxt PDT Meeting. . Action items will include re'pun,ible partie, whu will ~'Ildcavur to complete ta,ks by thc ,chedulcd date. . The ACCMA will preparc a detailed schedule fur this phase of the proJcct. . The Al'CMA will provldc Projeet Partners with copies of all PS&E milc,tunc submittals. All Project Partners agree to provide comments to the ACCMA on all draft milc,tunc ,ubmittab withm SIX wccks of receipt. G:\1-580 Smart Corridor\I-5BO HOV Lane - TMP ITS\I-S80 hov project charter 12_30_0S.doc Page 7 Project Name: County-Route-P.M.. District-Project EA. PROJECT CHARTER t-580 nov Lane Project, Phase I ALA.580 KP R12.6/30.7IPM R7.8/19 1) 04-290811 Project Phase: Prepared by' Date Prepared: f J of/?- PS&E Tom Wintch, TY Un (eMA) December, 2005 Approvals. Project Sponsor: Project Partner: Project Partner: Project Partner: Project Partner: Project Partner: Project Partner' Dennis Fay Exeeuhve Dlrectur '" lameda Counry Congestion Management Agency Bijan Sartipi DIstrict Director Califomia Department of Transportation Donald J LaBelle Director of Public Works Alameda County Public Works Agen"y Mehssa Morton Director of Public Works City of Dublin Marc Roberts Community Development Dlreelor City of Livermore Robert Wilson Director of Public Works City of 1'Ieasanton Barbara Duffy General Manager Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority G:\1-58Q Smart Corrldor\I-5BO HOV Lane - TMP ITS\I-580 hov project charter 12_30_05.doc Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Page 8