HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.2 GIS Public Website
File # D[l][5J[Q]-[3]~
Proposed Geographic Information System (GIS) Public Wcbsite For
Maps and Information
Report Prepared hy Timothy Eisler, GIS Coordinator
Authorize Staff to proceed with implementation of the Public GIS
website as proposed
Adequate Funds are Budgeted for Implementation
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this report i~ to present to the City Council an update
on plans for enhancing the use of GIS information hy allowing public access to some inl,mnation via the
City website.
ProDo~ed U~e~ By General Public
With the population increases in Dublin, and demand~ placed on Staff, a publicly acces~ible website could
assist the public in directly obtaining ba~lc Information. This would improve customer service for the
City's re~ident~ and the general public, and may save Staff time once people become aware or the
availability of information. Staff i~ propo~ing to incorporate mapping information on a website.
Preliminary de~igns will he demonstrated at the City Council meeting.
It is proposed that the City will provide a broad range of general information about properties in the City
of Dublin, ~uch a~: zoning, general plan, aerial photos, flood plain and park location information. Instead
or posting static maps, the GIS web site would provide access to information that is periodIcally changed
and updated on the website, providing the most up-to-date information. The publicly available GIS
website will allow any re~ldent (for that matter, anyone in the world) WIth an internet connection to use
the website. A key goal in sclecting the software to be used, was to seck a solution that does not require
the user to download and install additional sollware on their computer. Al~o, many computer user~ are
becoming more familiar with mapping controls integrated on connnerdal websites such as Google Earth,
Mapquest, and Yahoo Maps. Similar looking controls would make the website more u~erulto members
of the general public. The basic function~ or entering a location address and then heing able to zoom 111
will be laid out in a U~er Friendly template.
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ITEM NO. '7. 'L
G"\Toni\agst Internet GIS_ rCYf1(4_26l,doc
Proposed Informahon To Be Shown On The Web site
Informahon m a GIS system I~ typIcally constructed in laycrs. For example, one layer may include the
parcel Jines and a separate layer shows thc zoning using a color coding scheme. At this time there are not
a significant number of cities providing public access to GIS data and therefore there are limited examples
of the type of mformahon typically availablc. In thc past year more informahon has heen madc available
to the public in terms of acrial photography with commercial sItes such as Googlc Earth and Microsoft's
Terra Server websites. Staff vIews thIs as an evolvmg project that will continue to develop as hme allows.
The data layers proposed for initial rclcasc wcrc chosen primarily based on the following factors: 1) The
City had owncrship of thc data, and 2) The relevance to pubhc use, bascd upon typical inquiries. The
following arc thc initial data layers proposed.
:b~~rt ..tit)!:t:(1):tLChal1'l\(itei"bties.lncluded
3 Parcel lramework
. Street Name
. Street Classification (i.c. Rcsidential,
Collector, Arterial)
. Street Type (i.e. Public RIght of Way,
Private, Pnvate with California Vehicle
Code enforcement
. Assessor's Parcel Numbcr (APN)
. Situs Addrcss
- _.,-""~,
. General Plan Codc and Dcscription
. Zone Code and Desenption
. School Name
4 Gcncral Plan
5 Zoning
6. Public Schools
7 Public Parks, Opcn Spaces, and Facilities
including Fire Stations
8. Pubic Art Locations
. Park or Facility Namc
10 Garbage Collection Zone~
11 Strcct SWCl:pillg Zoncs
12. Traffic SI al LocatlOns
I3 Contours - 2 foot interval
14 Creeks and surfacc drainage including storm
drain in-falls
15 FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map
. Installabon Name
. Artist Name
. Trail Name
. Distance
. Zone name arto;!.Eicku da
. Zone with description of sweeP..9.a
.,,--~ "'-'~
9 Recreation Trails
. Elevation above sea level
. Rate Zonc
. Panel Number
. Panel Date
16. Earthquake fault}ine and fault zone
17 Color Orthophotography
. Year of aerial l1i ht
Policies Related To Information Disclosed
Although the City ha~ busmess needs for a variety of dctails associated wIth parcel ownership there is also
a rcsponsibility to protect thc disclosure of certain information. Given the fact that the data used for GIS
purposes may also be changing, it is also Important to he clear with web site users as to how the
information is used.
In terms of disclosure of properly owner names, both Alameda County and Contra Costa County have
cxcludcd propcrty owner name infonnation from thelf wehSltes. California Government Code 6254.21
states that "No state or local agency shall post the home address or telephone number of any elected or
appointed official on the Internet without first obtaining the written permission of that individuaL" At
the County level they have determmed that it would be too difficult to constantly monitor and adjust the
data and still comply with this law Thercforc, they do not disclose any Owner information.
Assessor information obtained from Alameda County is provided under the condlhon that rccipicnts of the
data will not display the Assessee information on an internet site without a paying for a subscriptJon
service (City Staff can still use this information on our internal network for City business purposes). Even
if the data is purchased the City would be faced with thc rcquirement to assure that no information of any
public official is mcluded. The City does not have the resources available to maintain that kmd of
informahon. This would includc officials serving other agencies, who own property m the City
Therefore, it is recommcndcd that the website exclude owner information and only Include tbe parccl
number and situs address. The City Attorney concurrcd with this assessment. Alamcda County provides
its own mternet sIte whIch allows the public to look up limited assessor information by searchmg on the
address or parcel number As thc City GIS website is deyeloped opportunities to link to the County sitc or
instructions will be further evaluated.
On thc Contra Costa County, GIS websIte ayailahle to thc public, a user must agree to "terms of use."
The City Attorney has reviewed this Issue and concurs with the inclUSIOn of a disclaimer / user agreement
on the City GIS wehsite to protcct thc City against misuse of the data. Language similar to the following
will bc includcd on the City GIS website:
This web sIte IS a puhhc resource of gcncral information. The City of Dublin makes 110 warranty,
representation or guarantcc as to the content, sequence, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of
any of thc database informatIOn proVided herein. The user should not rely on thc data provIded
here for any reason. The City of Dublin distributes and transmIts the wcbsite and all materials
contained on the wehslte "as is," and cxplicitly disclaims any representation and warrantics,
mcluding, without limitation, the implied warranhes of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purposc. The City ofDubhn shall assume no liability for
I. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies anslllg out ofthc use of the site or With respcct to
the information provIded regardless of how caused; or
2. Any declsions madc or actions taken by any person in rcliance upon any Information or
data furnished hereunder; or
3 Any special, indIrect, mCldental or consequential damages that may arise from the use
of, or the mability to use, the site and/or matenals contain on the site.
Softwarc / Timing Of Public Access To Webslte
Thc GIS and website software would run on a securc server housed by the City Access from the public
webslte will only be to the public GIS Maps. A link will be placed on the City webslte, which is hosted
off-site by a third party This link will take the user to thc GIS internet wehslte.
The City's GIS Coordinator will maintain the server and keep the GIS data up-to-date. The GIS
Coordmator will incorporate ncw information simIlar to the data prcsented in the tahle of Proposed Data
Layers as part of regular updates. In the event that the scope of infornlatlOn to be shared was to changc, a
proposal would be presented first to thc City Council prior to releasing it to the public wehsite.
To cnsurc propcr implementation and testmg, the proposed public GIS websitc is planned
summer to early fall release date.
Staff will also bc prcscnt to answer any questions and provlde a prcscntation on the mformation to be
included on the wcbsite.
Authorize Staff to proceed with implementatJon of the Public GIS website as proposed.