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File # D[][5][QHEJ[Q]
Report on 2006 Dublin Pride Week Activities and Recognition of
Poster Contest Winners and Dublin Pride Partners
Report BY' John Hartnett, Heritage and Cultural Arts Supervisor
~Rece1Ve the Report and formally recognize poster contest winners
\ and Dublin Pride Partners,
DESCRIPTION: Dublin Pride Week was celebrated from Apnl 29 through May 6,
2006. A number of activities and projects were conducted and are summanzed below
Dublin Pride Week Poster Contest
All students from both public and pnvate schools m the Clty of Dublin wcre invited to participate in this
year's Dublin Pride Poster Contest. The students were asked to create posters that reflected thiS year's
theme "Planet Dublin!" Once agam the Dublm/San Ramon Women's Club volunteered to coordinate the
poster contest. ThIs mcluded distributing the materials and judging the posters.
Nearly 740 entries were submitted t11\S year Each of the partlclpants will be receiving Certillcates of
Appreciation. The City awards first and second prizes to individuals from each of the following grade
, K' d 2nd d ,,-d 4'h I 5'h 6'h 17th oth d d 9'0 "l,tl1 d
categones: III ergarten - gra e, ,> - grlU. e, - gra( e, - 0 gra e, an - L gra e, as
well as an overall grand pnze wmner The grand prize winner receives a $100 Target gift card, the first
prizc winners receive a $25 Target gift card, and second prize winners receive a $15 Target gift can!. The
grand prize, first prize, and second prize wlllners also have thelr posters displayed at the Civic Center and
will he presented wIth Cerhficates of Merit. Additionally a Classroom Award is given in the anlount of
$200 to the teacher of the Grand Prize Winner to be used in the classroom. The Poster Contest Wlilllers are
as follows:
Grand Prize Winner
Joshua Fernande"
7th Grade
Wells Middle School
Classroom Award
Mrs. Debbie Saint James
Wells Middle School
COpy TO:
G;\COl1NCIL\Agerlda Sl;lterrt~rHs\2006\6-06 - Dublin Pride Repurt (2).doc
Ki"der!!artc" - 1" Gradc Cutel!orv
First Prize Winne,..
Amanda Chau I" Grade
Second Prize Winner'
Tatum Fitz Maurice I" Gradc
Fallon School
Dougherty Elementary
2n" - 3'" Grade Catel!orv
First Prize Winner-
Christopher Daleiden 2nd Grade
Secund Prize Winner-
Mia Acree 2nd Grade
Dougherty Elementary
Fallon School
4t. - 5'. Grade Catel!orv
First Prize Winner
Bcvcrly Fu 5th Grade
Second Prize Winner'
Michelle Zhao 51h Grade
Dougherty Elementary
Dougherty Elementary
6th. S", Grade Catel!orv
First Prize Winner'
Justin Brunnett 7th Grade
Second Prize Winner'
Veronica Rubio 7'h Grade
St. Raymond School
St. Raymond School
9'h -12th Grade Catel!orv
JessIca Zahor l2'h Grade
Valley High School
"oluuteer Dav
Approximatdy 110 Community volunteers donated significant time and energy to commUlllty clean up
and beautification projects on Volunteer Day, Saturday April 29'h Voluntccrs met at 8:00 a,m. at Alamo
Creek Park to reeeivc instmctions and supplies for the various projects throughout tile community Mayor
Lockhart began the event with a welcoming address and word of thanks to the volunteers. All volunteers
were given Dubhn Pnde Week t-~hirts and were providcd snacks, juicc and water including muffins
donated by MimI'S Cafe.
At the complehon of the projects, all volunteers were invited to a frce barbecue provided by the Dublin
Lion's Club. Voluntcer Day consistcd of the following projects:
Selll\lr Projects - There were appruximatdy 40 volunteers that made up ten separate Senior Project Teams,
The teams were ablc to assist fiftcen senior homes with a variety of tasks that ranged from yard work to
cleaning windows to spring cleaning.
School Proiects - There were over 70 volunteers that made up f(lllr teams for the various school projects.
The tasks accomplished at each school included:
. Dublin Elementary School Project: Volunteers completely cleared out two large pod areas of
weeds and unwanted plants, and set up a spnnkler system to maintain ncw natural plantings for the
. Duhhn High School Project: Volunteers sand cd and painted hollards and curbs, wecded around the
perimcter of the buildings, and cut back shrubhery along a mnning path.
. Murray Elementary School ProJect: Volunteers pulled hundreds of weeds surrounding paths in and
around the school's baseball diamond,
. Wells Middle School ProJect. Volunteers painted two building walls adjacent to the "lockcrs"
It should bc noted that once agam Duhhn resident Julie Holt volunteered to he a part of the Dublin Pride
Wcek Comllllttee and played a major role in organizing the volunteer day events and soliciting voluntecrs
from local schools and churches,
Nature Dav
This year Dubhn Pnde Week was extended to two weekends WIth several activities also occurring on
Saturday, May 6 as a way of honoring our natural surroundings. The activities included.
Martin Canvon Creek Nature Walk - On Saturday, May 6 naturalist and park ranger Katic Colbcrt of the
East Bay Regl(mal Parks District lead a naturc walk along the Martm Canyon Creek Trail exploring the
surrounding trccs and shmbs and the creek's diverse flora and fauna. Over 30 pcople partIcIpated m the
Lmdsav Wildlife Prcsentation - following the Nature Walk, two representatives from the Lmdsay
Wildlife Museum gave a raptor presentation displaying a falcon, hawk and owl, and providing educational
mformatlOn (m each bird's physical attributes and natural lifestyle.
}Iousehold Hazardous Waste Event - As part of Nature Day actlVities on May 6 the City sponsored
another successful household hazardous waste drop off event. The event was managed by Amador Valley
Industries and hcld in thc Micro Dental parkmg lot. The cvent brought in a total of 430 Cars. A total of
27,139 pounds of household hw.ardous waste were collccted, ensuring that materials such as paint, used
oil, hattenes, pestIcIdes and other harmful chemicals were disposed ofproperly
ComlJost GlVeawav - Also on May 6, Amador Valley Industnes also gavc away free compost made from
yard tnmmings and food scraps to a total of 70 reSIdents,
2006 Dublin Pride Partners
The 2006 Dublin Pridc Wcck events could not have been accomplishcd without the City's key partners:
. Amador Valley Industries
. Dublin Chamber of Commerce
. Tri- Valley Herald
. Duhhn Lions Club
. Dublin/San Ramon Women's Club
. Citilinks
. Lmdsay Wildlife Museum
. Senior Support Progralll ofthe Tn-Valley
These Dublin Pride Partners will he recognized by the City Council WIth a Certificate of Appreciation.
RECOMMENDATION; Staff rccommends that the City Council reccivc the report and
formally recogmze poster contest winners and Dublin Pride Partners.