HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.2 Murray Schoolhouse Celebration CITY CLERK File # D[g][5lICiJ-~()] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 6,2006 SUBJECT: Murray Schoolhouse 150'h Anniversary Celebration and Exhihit Grand Opening Report Prepared by Flizahe/h Isles, Heri/axe Center Director ATTACHMENTS: None RECOMMENDATION:/7,,V ]) ({If' 2) 3) 4) ~. RecelVe report from Staff Approve dates for the celebration Approve components ]\)f the celebration Grant approval to DHPA to use the Heritage Center Grounds for the Kick-OITEvent 5) Consider request of DHPA to serve akohol at the Kick~Off Event HNANCIAL STATEMENT: The estimated cost to the City for the Grand Opening Celebration is $4,150; suffkient funds are available in the Heritage & Cultural Arts Budget. DESCRIPTION: In Fiscal Ycar 2005-2006 the Dublin City Council rated as a high priority goal. "Coordinate SJrand re-opening oj the Uurray Schoolhouse to commemorate the J 50th anniwrsarv of the _,choolhouse upon completion of the exhibit restoration prrljer:l" With the pending completion of the new exhibit, The Journey, and the 150'1> Anmversary of the Murray Schoolhouse, it is appropriate to plan grand opening events t\JT the publk Two events arc recommended for the Grand Opening and 150'h Almiversary Celehration of the schoolhouse, The first event is the preview party sponsored hy the Duhllll Historic Preservation Association. The second event IS a Grand Opening Celebration sponsored by the City of Dublin. A summary of the two events follows. KICK-OFF EVENT The Dublin Historic Preservation Association (DHP A) has generously offered to host a special Friday evening event from (,-00 to 10-00 pm on August 4, 2006 to kick-off the 150'1> Anniversary Celebrahon of the Murray Schoolhouse. DHP A envisIOns an elegant dinner held in a tent on the Heritage Center grounds. Wine will be served in commemorative glasses imprinted with the 150tl\ Anniversary logo. A Cowboy Poet and the "Dublin Old Time Fiddler's Band" will provide entertainment. There will be a screening of the new "Hentage Center N___~~____W~_~WR.~________~_____________________________________________________~__~_________________________ COpy TO: 1J11I'A ITEM NO. A.'L Page I of2 (hCOUNClI .IAgenda St.i'ltements\2006\6-h-06 - Heilage:: Center Urand Ope::ning.dllc Onentation Video," (generously sponsored by the DHPA), and guests will he the first to tour the new exhibit, "The Journev" DHPA anticipates attendance between 120 to 150 guests. Invitations will be sent to DHP A Members and City dignitaries, and if room allows, additional reservations will be open to the public. DHPA's goal ]s to simply cover costs for the event. Portahle lightlllg will be provided since the event is in the evening and the parking lot lights wonld not provide sufficient hghting for the event. Parklllg wiJl be coordinated hy closlllg off Don]on Way south from St. Raymond's Church. A local Boy Scout troop will provide parking attendants to direct traffic into the Dublin Square Shopplllg Center or allow homcowncrs to pass through the gated off area. DHPA will work with the Dublin Square busmess owners to obtam penmssion for parking for the Fnday evenlllg event. At thc present lime, there IS not a City Facility Use Policy for the Heritage Center Grounds. As the Heritage Center is classified as a park, use of the gronnds is regulated by Chapter 5 100 of the Dublin MUl1Jcipal Code. Chapter 5 100.060 provides that park and rccreation facilities shall be made availahle for the temporary exclusIve use of persons subject to the issnance of a permit by the Director. Chapter 5 100 150 prohibIts the consumption of alcoholic beverages in City Parks unless exprcssly authorized by the DIrector Staffreeonuuends City Council approval of a temporary permit for use by DHPA tor the Kick-offEvenL Staff requests City Council consJderation to allow DHPA to serve alcoholic beverages. If the event is approved, Staff recommends that DHPA be required to provide the City with a Certificate of Liability Insurance for the event. GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION The City of Dublin will host a public Grand Openlllg Celebration on Saturday August 5, 2006 from 1'00- 4'()O pm. As proposed, the event win feature a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and a variety offamily friendly activities: . Tours of the new museum · RefrcshmenN, anniversary cake and lemonadc · Strolling cowboy and smging groups . Irish and cowboy storytclling · Demonstrations ofOhlone people building a hut and other traditIOnal arts . Children's games and crafts including "panning for gold" and miniature covered wagons made of pasta . Distribution of the "Dublin Gazette" aetlVlty booklet with commemorative wooden nickels awarded for successful completion ofthc booklet On Sunday, August 6, the event will put the emphasis on the new museum and feature tours from I :00 to 4:00 pm for the publie_ Prior to the evcnt, there will hc a coloring contest for clementary school students and a photo caption contest for teenagers. The submittals from the youth will he posted in the Civic Center and/or Library in order to bring attention to the Grand Opening. Additionally, colorful postcards featuring the exhihit logo and grand opening information will be printcd and distributed to the public. RECOMMENDATlON: It is the rccommendation of Staff that the City Council receive the report from Stal'f and take the following actIOn: 1 Approve dates for the celebration 2. Approve components for the celebratlOn 3 Grant approval to DHPA to use the Heritage Center Grounds for the Kick-Off Event 4. ConSider request ofDHPA to serve alcohol at the Kick-Off Event 2