HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.21 Salary Plan Amendment FT 06-07
File # DLZl[D][DHZJ[Z1]
Amending the City's Salary Plan lor Fiscal Year 2006-2007
Report Prepared hy- Julie Carler, Assistant to the City Manager
ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Amending the Salary Plan lur Fltll- Time
2. Resolution Amending the Salary Plan tor Management PositJons
Exempt From Compctitive Service
3 Resolution Amending the Classillcation Plan
RECOMMENDATlONP Adopt Resolutions
Thc adoption of the Full-Time Salary Plan Resolutions will adjust the
existing salary ranges to the market avcragc for each Identified
classification effective July I, 2006. Fundmg for the revised salary rangc
values have been incorporated into the proposed Fiscal Ycar 2006-2007
DESCRIPTION The City's Personnel System is estahhshed hy the City Council and
admllllstered by thc CIty Managcr Employccs arc selected, retamed, promoted and paid bascd on their level of
competcncy to pcrform rcquired job duties. Each position III the City service has an assigned pay range wlth
minimum and maximum pay rates. BaSIC qualificatJons are establishcd for each positJon and, thereal1:er,
employccs are selected m accordance with the City's Personnel System Rules.
Employcc salary rangcs are contained in the City's adopted Salary Plan. Thc Salary Plan indicates the mllllmum
and maXimum rates of pay for each classification. Initially, cach classification IS rated according to its level of
difficulty and responsibility, working conditions, supply and demand, market conditions, etc. AImual reView
and adjustment recommendatlOns to salary ranges are made to the City Council hy the City Manager in
accordance with the City's Personnel Systcm Rules and procedures.
Salarv Plan for Full-Time Personnel
On an annual basis, the City conducts a comprehensive salary survey to comparc salary range values f(lr all ruIl-
time classificatIOns With slImlar ClaSSI ficatlOns of other municipal agencies_ The salary survey process is the
City's mechamsm Itlr recommending to the City Council adJUStmellts to the salary range values. The
recommended salary range values for each classification were devcloped with consideratIOn gIVen to the
following cntena.
1 Agencies withlll the market area.
2. Classifications within cach muniCipal agency that have comparahle duties, rcsponsibilitles, etc.
3 Salary conSIStency hetween c1asslfical1ons 10 a particular serics, e g., ASSIStant Planner, Associate Planner,
Scnior Planncr
\bb 3
ITEM NO, tf. 21
4 Organizational size, where appropriate.
5 The 2005-2006 survcy agcncies were used as a base for the 2006-2007 survey Thc list of agencies was
altered when a job c.lasslficatJon ill a glYen survey was ehmlllated, or whcn the duties were modi fied so that
the Job c1assIfi.cal1on waS no longer comparable. Whcn this occurred, a comparahle position in another
agency was identilied and included in the market survey for the affected job classification.
6. For certain unique pOSl110nS (e.g., Economic Development Dircctor, Parks and Facihtles Development
Manager, Infonnal1on Systems Manager, Community Safcty Assistant, and Assistant to thc City Manager) it
has heen difficult to find the appropriatc comparisons in other agencies. Conscquently, a number of
classifications arc "bcnchmarked" to other positions within the Cily's classilication system. When
benchmarking classifications, consideratIOn IS glYen to posihons with similar cducational and expenence
requirements, level or responsibility, supervisory rcsponsibility, etc.
Attachment I amcnds the City's Salary Plan for the City's Full-Time Personncl and adopts the new salary
range values for Fiscal Year 2006-2007 effective July 1, 2006.
SalQrv Plan for MQnQl!ement Positions Exempt From Competitive Service
Department Head and Management Emplovees include the following classifications:
I AdministratIve ServIces DIrector
2. AsslStanl City Manager
3. Assistant to the City Manager
4 Build10g Official
5 City Clerk
6. City Engineer
7 Commumty Development Dlfector
8. EconomIc Development Director
9 Financc Managcr
10 InformatIOn Systems Manager
II Parks and Commumty Services Director
12. Parks and Community Serviccs Managcr
13 Parks and I'acilities Development Manager
14 PlanlllJJg Manager
15 Public Works Dircctor/Assistant City Engineer
These management pOSItions are exempt from the City's Competitive Service. Appo1Otments to these
claSSifications are made directly by the City Manager On an annual basIS, the same salary survcy process that is
used for City's full-time personnel lS used for the City's Departmcnt Head and Management positions.
t\ttachment 2 amends the City's Salary Plan tor management positions exempt from the competitive service and
adopts the new salary rangc values for FIscal Year 2006-2007 effective July I, 2006.
Amendment to the Classification Plan
Pursuant to thc City's Personnel &vstem Rules, a job descnptIOIl must be adoptcd for each classlficatJon ill tbe
organization. The job descnptlOlJ typically 10cludes key elements, knowledge, skills, abilitIes and re<jlLlrements
of the posItIon. The Joh deSCrIptions makc up the City's Classification Plan. Peno(hcally It IS nccessary to
revISe job dcscriptions in the Classification Plan to reflect current responsibihl1es and laws (i.e. Americans WIth
DisabilitiesAct/ADA, etc.). &tafflS propOSIllg reV1SI(IllS to the ftlllowing classifications:
. Assistant Planncr . Ellgllleenng Technician UTl
. COllllnunity Development DIrector . Finance Manager
. Commumty Safety ASSistant . Rccreation Coordmator
. Economic Development Director . Recreation SupervIsor
The new joh descnphons are attached to thc Rcsolution as Exhibit A through H. The recommendcd
modi fications are relinements to existing job dcscriptions to account for current responsibilities and applicable
Staff recommends the City Council adopt the Rcsolutions.
2(J1... ?
I Db ?;&1
WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted a Salary & Benelit Plan pursuant to the Personncl
System Rules; and
WHEREAS, the City Council adopted ResolutJon No 85-01 and subscqucnt amendments which
establish a Salary Plan for filll-timc personnel 1ll accordance with the Personnel System Rules; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the followlllg salary provisions shall be cstablished
in accordance with City's PersOlmel System Rulcs.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any prevIOUS enacted salary provIsIOns containcd III
Resolution No. ~5.()1 and subsequent amendments shall bc superseded by thiS ResolutIOn.
Employees covered under thiS Section shall be paid a monthly salary wlthm the ltlllowmg ranges With the
exclusion of any Pcrlorrnanee Pay Adjustment granted III accordanee with thc Personnel System Rules. Tn
thc cvent that it is dccmed by the City Manager to be in the best interest of the City, temporary
appointments of no more thall 6 months, where the work assignments are such that they can he completed
with less than a 40 hour week, may be approved based upon the hourly rates. The total salary pmd lor
such work shall not bc less than the "salary test" required for an exemption under the FLSA.
Monthly Monthly Hourly Hourly
Minimum Maximum MmlttlUJJl Maximum
u_... ~".,.
$5,579 $6,974 $32.IY $40,23
$5,690 $7,112 $32.1>1 $41.03
$6,630 $8,287 $3K25 $47,Xl
$5,697 $7,121 $32.X7 $4111X
$5,579 $0,974 $32,1') $40,23
$5,3Y4 $0,743 $3112 $38.90
$0,410 $8,020 $37 02 $46,27
$5,697 $7,121 $32,87 $4108
$5,3~4 $6,743 $31 12 $3X,90
$6,416 $8,020 $37.02 $40,27
$5,831 $7,289 $33.04 $42,115
$7,427 $9,284 $42,85 $53,56
$5,831 $7,289 $33.64 $42,115
$6,406 $X,1I1I7 $30 % $401'1
Attachment 1
&. -.to - (j ...:> .---i l !
Administrative Analyst II
Assistant Civil Engineer
Associate Civil Engineer
Associate Planner
GeOb'Taphic Information System Coordinator
HGritagc & Cultural Arts SLLp~rvlsor
Housing- Specialist
Parks & Facilities Development Coordinator
Recreation Supervisor
Senior Administrative Analyst
Senior Building Inspector
Senior Civil Engineer
Senior Plan Checker
Senior Plamler
t-dfJ 3~
Employees covcrcd under this Section shall be paid hourly wages wlthln the rollowing rangcs with the
exclusIOn of any Perfonnance Pay Adjustment granted 111 accordance with the Pcrsonnel System Rules.
The monthly salanes are shown for 1Ofomlal1onal purposcs only
Monthly Monthlv Hourly Hourly
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maxilllum
Administrative Aide $4,607 $5,75'1 $26.58 $33.21
Administrative Analyst I $5,022 $0,277 $28.97 $36.21
Administrative Teclmici.n $4,IH'I $5,236 $24 17 $30.21
A:5s1stant Planner $5,001 $6,251 $28.85 $36.06
Code Enfureement Officer $4,501 $5,626 $25 '17 $32.46
Communitv S.lelY Assist.nt $5,001 $0,251 $28.85 $36.06
Engineering Technici.nl $4,41 H $5,523 $25 49 $31.86
Engin~cring Technician" $4,861 $6,076 $28,04 $35.05
Finance TcchnH;lan I $3,529 $4,411 $20.36 $25 45
Finance TcchnH.'::lan II $3,921 $4,901 $22.62 $28.28
Heritage Center Director $4,586 $5,732 $26.46 $33m
Inform.tion Systems Technici.nl $4,081 $5,101 $23.54 $29 43
Infonn.tion Sy,tem, Tcchnici.n JI $4,534 $5,667 $26.16 $32.69
Ofliec A'''';lanll $2,979 $3,724 $171'i $21.48
Office Assist.nt II $3,310 $4,13H $1\)1O $23.87
Permit Technician $4,189 $5,236 $24.17 $30.21
Preschool InstlUctor $16.44 $20.55
Public Works Inspector $5,116 $6,3'15 $2952 $36.89
Recreation Coordinator $4,586 $5,732 $26.40 $33.07
Recreation Technician $3,668 $4,5H5 $2116 $26.45
Secretary $3,642 $4,552 $21.01 $26.26
SeeTet.ry tn lhc lIly Managcr/Deputy City Clerk $4,607 $5,759 $26.58 $33.23
Senior FimUlce T eclUlician $4,357 $5,446 $2514 $3142
Senior Otlice Assistant $3,642 $4,5';2 $21.01 $26.26
BE IT FURTHER RE&Ol VED that the changes contallled herelll shall be cffcctivc July I, 2006,
P ASS!:iD, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of June, 2006.
CIty Clerk
Attachmcnt I
WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted a Salary & Benefit Plan pursuant to the Personnel System
Rules; and
WHEREAS, the City Council adopted ResolutIOn No 86-01 and subsequent amcndments whIch
establish a Salary Plan for full-time management positions cxcmpt from competitive service in accordance
WIth the CIty's Personnel System Rulcs; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following salary pnlVlslOns shall be established in
accordance With City's Personnel System Rulcs.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any previous enacted salary provisions contained in Resolution
No. 8o-OJ and suhsequent amendments shall bc superseded by thiS Resoluhon.
Employees covered under this Section shall be paid a monthly salary within the following ranges with the
exclusion of any Performancc Pay Adjustment granted in accordancc with the Personnel System Rules. In the
event that It IS deemed by the City Manager to be in the best interest of the City, temporary appointments of
no more than 6 months, where the work assignments are such that they can bc completed with less than a 40
hour work week, may be approved based upon the hourly rates. The total salary paid for such work shall not
be Jess than the "salary test" req ulred for an excmption under the FI,sA.
Monthly Monthly Hourly Hourly
Minimum Maximum Minittmm Maximum
-----_.~~-,..~ .-
Administrative Services Director $10,030 $12,537 $57.87 $72.33
Assistant City Manager $10,793 $13,491 $62.27 $77.83
Assistant to the City Manager $7,218 $9,023 $41 M $52.Q(,
Building Official $7,534 $9,417 $4347 $54.33
City Clerk $6,703 $8,379 $38.67 $48.34
City EngUlcer $8,482 $10,603 $48.93 $6 t.I 7
Conmlufllty Dcvcloptnent DIrector $9,51'>] $11,<)51 $55 16 $68.95
Economic fkvclopmcnt Director $7,427 $\1,284 $42.85 $53.56
Finance Manager $7,218 $9,023 $41.64 $52.06
Infounation Systems Manager $7,218 $9,023 $41.64 $52.06
Parks & Conununity Services Director $9,775 $12,219 $51'>.3\1 $70.49
Parks & Conununity "ervices Manager $7,218 $\1,023 $41.M $52.06
Parks & beilitie, Development Manager $7,218 $\1,023 $41.64 $52.06
PlalUling Manager $7,534 $\1,417 $4347 $54.33
Public Works Director/City Engineer $9,472 $11,840 $54.65 $68.31
Attachment 2
RElT FURTHER RESOLVED that the changes containcd herein shall be effective July 1, 2006.
41J ~11
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of June, 2001i
City Clerk
G:\CITYT'ERS\Salary & Survcys2\S\"l131"y SChCrlllk~\2J,)O.'i mgt salary rcso.ooc
Attachment 2
'5t1{; 3'1
WHEREAS, 1ll accordance with the City's Personncl Systcm Rules, the City Council adopted ResolutJOn
No. 30-84 and subsequent resolutions which comprise thc Classification Plan; and
WHEREAS, It IS necessary to penodieally add and/or modify job descriptions in the ClassificatIOn Plan.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that ResolutlOn No. 30-84 and subsequent resolutions shall
he rurther amended to lllclude the following revised job dcscriptions:
Assistant Planner (Exhihlt A)
Community Dcvelopment Director (Exhibit B)
Community Safety Assistant (Exhihlt C)
EconomIC Development Direetor (Exhibit D)
Enginecring Tcelmician lilT (Exhibit E)
Finance Manager (ExhibIt F)
RecreatIon Coordlllator (Exhihlt G)
Recreation Supervisor (Exhibit H)
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these documents shall become a part of the oftieial Classification
Plan for the City or Dublin, and that the changes containcd herein shall be effective July I, 2006
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED thIs 20th day of June, 2006.
City Clerk
lJDb ~ '1
Date Adopted:
Dale Revised:
711 011 9S9
Assistant Planner
General Purpose:
To perrorm responsible planning tasks and provide technical assistance to the Planning Department.
The Assistant PlaJmer may he a"lgned to either current or advanced plannmg diVISIOns. This
pOSltlOIl may also perrom, duties within the City's zoning enforcement program. Thc Assistant
Planner will function as a member of the City's planmng team.
Distinguishing Characteristics:
1bis is the entry level class 10 the proressional Planner series. TIlls class IS dlst10gUlshed from the
ASSOCiate Planner hy the perlormance of the more routine tasks and duties assigncd to position
within the serics. Sincc this class is typically used as a tralll10g class, cmployees may have only
limited or no directly related work expenence.
Supervision Received and Exercised:
Receives general supervision from assigned professional or management planning staf[
May exercise technical and/or funct10nal supervision over tcchnical and c1en"al personncl as
Essential Duties and Rcsponsibilities:
The following dulies are nonllal Itlf thlS classi fication. The omission of speel fic stakllwnts of
dutJes does not exclude them trom the position if the work is Slmilar, rclated or a logical
assignment to this class.
Provide public counter assIStance and respond to mquiries from applicants, the general public
aJId other governmental ag"TlCI"S.
Perform field investlg:ltlons and office tasks assoelated with entorcement of zonmg, Signing and
related muniCIpal regulatIons.
Review building plans for cOllfoffiuty to zomng and subdiVISIOn ordinances.
I t1J 31.
Interpret and apply pertinent laws and regulations to planning projects.
Assist in the enforcement, and administration of zoning, and other related ordlllanees.
Assist III reviewing and analyzmg vanous planrung apphcatwns and with the preparatIOn 01'
various reports for policy declslOlls.
Assist in compiling and analyzing statistical, economic and other data relatlllg to planning and
environmental matters.
Organize and conduct research studies,
Assist m prepanng elements and revisions to the General Plan consistent with local needs.
Prepare and present oral and wntten reports and recommendations.
Attelld meet10gs of the Planning Commission, City Council and other citizen boards or
committces as required.
Build and maintain positive workmg relal10llshlps With co-workers, other City employees and the;
public using principles of good customer servicc.
Perform other duties as assigned.
Minimum Qualifications:
Koowledl!e of:
Theory, pnnclples, practiecs and trends of city planning.
Research methods as they apply to thc collection, tabulation and analysIs or data atfecting city
Federal, state and local laws and rcgulations relating to municipal plaru1ing, zomng and subdiviSlon
StatistIcal analYSIS as applied to land usc, zoning, general plan and transp(lrtation studics.
Govenunent organizations, transportatIOn, cOlllTllunications, public utility systems and landscapc
architecture as they relate to cIty planning.
Abilitv To;
Commul11cate errecl1vely
Estabhsh and mamtain cooperatIve workmg relatlOnshlps with those contacted in the course of
Preparc and prcscnt comprchcnsive but succinct written and oral reports.
Make effectIve presentahons III puhlic meetlllgs.
Compilc and analyze statistical, economic and related data pertaining to environmental and
plannlllg matters.
Intcrpret and apply laws and regulations.
Physical Standards:
The physI"al standards described are representative of those that must he met hy employecs to
successfully pcrfoflll the essential functions of this class. Reasonable accommodations may be
made to enable mdlVlduals with disabihl1es to perform thc essential functions.
An employcc is regulafly required to sit for long periods of time; talk or hear, in person, in
meetings and by telepholle; use hands and fingers to handle, feci or operate standard office
equipment, and reach with hands and arms. The cmployee is frequently required to, bend and
twist to rcach files, walk and stand, and occasionally hfl up to 20 pounds. While perf0I1111ng
duties, the employee is regularly required to use wntten and oral communication skllls; read and
interpret complex data, 1Olt)rmation and documents; analyze and solve prohlems; 10terad with
City managemcnt, other governmental officials, contractors, vendors, employces and the public.
Training and Experience:
Any combination eq\livalent to education and expenence is likely to provide the required
kno....ledge and ablhl1es. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and ahihl1es would be:
Education: Equivalcnt to a Bachelor's degree from an accreditcd college Of university with
major course work in planmng, urban dcvelopment, or a closely related Held. A
Master's dcgree in planning or closely related field is desirable and may be
substituted for SIX months of requIred experiencc.
Expcricl1cc: One year of profesSlOnal expenence in thc field of city or reglOnal planning,
prckrably tor a public agency
Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements:
Possession of a valid California Class C Driver's LIcense and Ccrtificatc of Automobile
Insurance for Personal Liability
Date Adopted:
Dale Revised:
Community Development Director
General Purpose:
To plan, organize, direct and reView the activitics and operations of the Commlmity Dcvclopmcnt
Department mcludlllg planmng, huildlllg mspecl10n and zoning and environmental review servlces
and programs; to coordinatc assigned activihes with other departments and outside agencies; and to
provide highly responsible and complex administrative support to the City Manager.
Distinguishing Characteristics;
TIus is an Execuhve ManagemenvDepartment Head class with full responsibility for the
management or multiple functIon serVlce delivery areas witlun the City The Commumty
Development Direetor reports to and rccdves direchon from the City Manager Employees at tlns
level receive administration direction from thc City Manager in terms of goals. Dcpartmcnt Hcad
positions are reviewed in tem1S or results. Persons appointed to tlllS classificatIOn are At Will
Employees serving at the plcasurc ofthc City Manager
Supervision Received and Exercised:
Receives pohcy direchon from the City Manager
Exercises direct supervision over assigncd management, supervisory, professional, technical and
administral1ve support personneL
Rssential Duties and Responsibilities;
The following duties arc normal for this classification. The omlSSlOn of specific statell1cnts of
duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, rclated or a logical
aSSIgnment to this class.
Develop, plan aud implemcnt department goals and oh]echves; recommend and administcr polldcs
and procedures.
Coordinate department aclivltIes with those of othcr dcpartmcnts and outside agencies ,llld
organizations; pnlVlde staff asslstance to the City Manager and City Council, prepare and present
staff reports and other necessary correspondcncc.
Direct, oversee and participate m the development of the department's work plan; assIgn work
activities, projects and programs; monitor work flow; review and evaluate work products, methods
and procedurcs.
Supervise and participate in the development and admullstratlOn of the Community Development
budget; direct the forecast of additional lunds nc~d~d fur staffing, equipment, materials and
supplies; monitor and approve expenditures; implement mid-year adjustments.
Monitor developments related to planning, building, land use, grant and bond programs, code
enrorcement and related development matters; evaluate theIr impact on City operatIons and
recommend policy and procedural modifications.
Develop and prepare modlficatmns for adlTI1mstratlon of the City's General Plan; direet and
supervise administration and enforccmcnt ofthc envirolUllcntal impact review process.
Select, train, 1110hvate and evaluate persOllnel; pnlVlde or coordmate staff tramlllg; conduet
pcrformance evaluahons; implement disciphne procedures; ma10tam disclphne and high standards
necessary for the cfllcient and profcssional operation ofthe department.
Represent the dcpartment to outside groups and organizations; participate 1ll outside community
and professional groups and committecs; providc technical assistance as necessary
Research and prepare technical and administrativc reports and studies; prepare written
correspondence as nccessary
Build and 111a1Otam poslhve worklllg relatHlllshlps With co-workers, other City employees and the
pubhc using principles of good customer service.
Perform related duties as assigned.
Minimum Qualifications;
Knowlede:e of:
Principles and practices of urban planning, growth and cconomk development.
Principles and practices ofleadershlp, mohvatJon, learn building and conflict resolutIon.
Pertment local, State and Federal laws, rules and rcgulations.
ll1J ~tj
OrganIzational and management practices as applied to the analysIs and evaluation of progranls,
policies and operal1onal needs.
Principles and practIces of orgamzatIon, administration and personnel management.
Principles and practices of budget preparation and admmlstratlOn.
Pnnciples of superviSIon, tralllmg and perlormance evaluation.
Ability To:
Plan, direct and control the administration and operatlOns or the Community Development
Develop and Implement department poliCies and procedures.
Gain cooperation through discussion and pcrsuasion.
Successfully develop, control and administer dcpartmental budget and expenditures.
Analyze problems, identify alternative solubons, projecl conse'1uences of proposed actions and
implement recommendations in support or goals.
lnterpret and apply City and department policies, procedures, rules and regulatIons.
Commumcate clearly and conCIsely, hoth orally and in writing.
Supervise, tram and evaluate asslgned personneL
Fstahlish and mamtain effective working relatIonships wIth those contacted in the coursc of work.
Physical Standards:
The phYSIcal standards described are represental1ve or tliose that must bc met by employees to
successfully perform the esscntial functions of this class. Reasonahle accommodal1ons may bc
made to enahle 10divlduals WIth disabilities to perlt)ml thc cssentialfilllctions.
AIl employee is regularly requircd to sit for long penods of lime; talk or hear, 1ll person, in
meetmgs and by telephone; use hands and fingers to handle, reel or operatc standard office
e'1ulpment, and reach WIth hands and anllS. The ernployec is fi'equcntly rcquired to, bend and
tWist to reach files, walk and stand. While perlumling duties, thc cmployee is regularly reqwred
to use writtcn and oral communication skills; read and interpret complex data, mfonnal1on and
documents; imalyze and solve problems; mteracl WIth City management, other govcrnmental
officials, contractors, vendors, employces and thc public.
tl of/./1
Training and Experience:
Any combmahon equivalent to education and expenence IS likely to provlde the requlfed
knowlcdgc and abihl1es. A typIcal way to obtalll the knowledgc and abilities would be:
Education: Equi"alellt to a Bachelor's degree rrom an accredited college Of university with
major course work in public administration, urban or regional planning or a related
field. A Master's degree in business or public administration is highly desirable.
Experience: Five years of supervisory expenence III development services/community
development, ineluding three years of administrative responsibility
Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements:
PosseSSlOn or a valid Cahfomia Class C Dnver's License and Certificate of Automohile
Insurancc lor Pcrsonal Llahihty
I J,"'b3Q
~K." ~ULi)'~
('1 fr09__~W
Date Adopted:
Datc Rcvlsed:
Community Safety Assistant
General Purposc:
Provide assistanec m the analysls, dcvclopmcnt, Implcmcntation and monitoring of crime
prcvention and community safety programs and perform a variety of administrative, technical and
analytical dUl1es relatcd to promoting and supportmg programs and activities related to crime
prevention and other community-hased programs.
Distinguishing Characteristics:
This IS a elvilian position in the Dublin Police Services Department encompassing a wide range
of duties involving supportive service, and assistance to the Deparhncnt. Admmistrahvc and
tcehmeal duties range from simple to complex, and include social and public satety services
assistance to the general public. Work may bc p~Tfomlcd undcr direct or minimum supervision.
Supervision Received and Exercised:
Receives general supervision from assignl;;d sworn or non-sworn supervisory or management
personneL May exercise technical and functional supervision llVcr aSSlb'Ilcd part-l1mc non-sworn
personnel as approp~iatc.
Esscntial Duties and Responsibilities:
The following duties are normal for this classification. The omission of specific statements of
duties does not cxclude them from the posil1011 11 thc work IS Similar, related or a logical
a""!llment to this class.
Assist in developing, maintaining and supporting the Neighhorholld Wateh, scrvmg as thc lIaison
hetween the b'fOUPS, police, City personnel and othcrs to promote problem solving efforts for the
Work with the comm,mlty to dcercasc enmc hy dcvclllpmg, Implcm~"ting, and ,coordinating a
vanety of police community programs in the area Ill' cnme prevention.
Assist with coordmatmg spccHlI commllmly cvcnls, communitv programs, tours of the Police
Department and demonstrations and presentations of llther umts wlthm thc dcpartment.
Operate City's automated call-out system.
l oordmate and participate in the desIgn, preparation, and distrihution of community and busmess
hrochures, flycrs and ncwslctters and related program correspond~'llc".
Make public prcscntatlOns (e.g., Neighborhood Watch meetings, community safety programs,
Mcrchant Alert program meetings, etc.) before various citizen groups, committees, City Council,
commissions, and staff.
AUcnd and participate in local and regional meetings regardmg crime prevention (presentations
and meetings may he scheduled in the day, evening and/or weekends).
Ensure crime prevention tiles are maintained and organized.
(Jtgalllzc and conduct research studies.
Maintmn supplics and materials for the Crime Prevention Unit.
Pm vIde support in researching information on high-profile wanted suspects with outstanding
warrants or missmg pcrsons for the apprehension or locatIOn o[ thcsc mdlviduals.
Re~l;iuch vanuus problems and concerns from citizens and bllsinesses~ reVIew and evaluate
complaints and prepare accumtc statistical and narral1VC rcports.
Process tingerpt1nt cards [or pot<,'lltial block cap tam apphcants and ID cards and forward to
appropriate agencies.
Drive crime prevention van to vanous cvcnts as nccdcd,
Respond to public and interpret laws to citizens.
ReVIew plan checks [or cri10e prevention through environmental dcsign issucs.
Conduct sitc sceunty survcys and provide infomlation on secunly enhancement for established
bu.sll1c~ses and residences.
l'rcpare crime alerts tor disseminatiun tu the impaeted areas of the community
Deve lop promuhunal materials and related program con'espundence such as follow-up letters to
I.:nme victims
Rev",w all rclunv and misdemeanor crime reports and provide follow-up with victims for crime
prevention training.
Operatc cumput~'f and videu equipment.
Build and Illamtain positive working relationships with co-workers, other City employees and the
puhhc usmg pnnciples of good customer service.
P~'f[onn related duties as assigned.
I? 1J ~q
Minimum Qualifications:
Knowledl!e of:
Crimc prcv<''lltion techniques used in various ncighborhood watch and community safety
Statistical analysis techniques.
Principles of assessing the needs ofthc local community and community organizations.
Basic functions of the Pol ice Dcpartment.
Basic crinle analysis.
Procedures residents and husincss owners can take to prevent crimes.
Puhlic relations skills.
Methods and techniqucs ror rccord keeping and general office skills.
Community event planmng.
Proper EnglIsh, spclling and grammar
Methods of providing serviccs and infomlation.
Automated law cn[orc<''lllcnt information systems and procedures.
Abilitv To:
Develop andlor' assist in developing and coordinating crime prevention programs to fit the
citizc'lls or thc community
Make effective presentations at public mcdmgs.
Establish and maintain coopcrative working relationships with those contacted in the course of
wDrk meludmg working with the operating dcpartmcnls, communIty leaders, co-workers,
organizations, businesses and clh~cns.
Maintain records, p,'epare and prcscnt comprehensive but succinct wntten and oral reports,
newslcttcrs and public infomlation pieces.
Compile and analyze statistical, cConomlc and other data relating to cnme preventIOn.
Work flexible hours, mcluding evenings and weekends.
Operate standard orricc equipment, including a computer
Organi~.c and pnontlzc work assignments.
I L,"b3Cf
Prohlem-solve to dcvdop stratl'glcs in response to community needs.
Safely operate a motor vehICle.
Communicatc clearly and concIsely, hoth orally and in writmg.
Follow oral and written instructions.
Operate video and computer equipment.
Schedule various activitIes.
Remain calm under emergency SituatIOns; work independently and use good judgment
Pass background chcek 10 mcludc Department of Justice fingelprinting and reference checks.
Physical Standards:
The phySical standards described are representahvc of those that must bc mct by cmployees to
successfully perform the essenl1al [unctions of this class. Reasonable accommodations may he
made to coablc mdi vidual> with disabilities to perform the essential functions.
An cmployee is regularly required to, sit at dcsk and in meetings for long p~'fiods of time; talk or
hcar, m p~'fson, in meetings and hy telephone; usc hands and fingcrs [0 handle, fcd or operate
standard office equipmcTll, reach with hands and arms; lill and carry equipment such as video
cquipmcnt weighing up to 3D pounds; see to rcad printed materials on a computer screen, hear
and speak to commumealc m person and over the telephone. Intermittently, tWIst to rcach
equipment sunounding desk; walk to dclivcr business alert materials; bend and squat to perform
tile searchcs; pcr[onn simple grasping and tine manipulal1on, usc tclcphonc and wntc or usc a
kcyboard to communicate through written mcans; operate an automobile to attend various
meetings and workshops; and work effectively and accurately in emergency situations. While
performing duties, the employee is rcgularly required to use written and oral communication
skills; kno" laws, regulations and codes; remernb~'f p~'fsonncl rules, legal and code rcquII1c'll1Cnts;
explain and interprd codcs, poliCies and procedures; interact with City management, other
govcmmcntal official>, contractors, vendors, employccs and thc public.
Training and Experience:
Any comhination or expm~'llcc and training that would likely provide the requi,'ed knowledge and
abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtam [he knowledge and abilities would be:
Bachelor s degree from an accredited college or univ('fslty With major course work
m l.nmmalJustice Administration or closcly related ficld.
One year of CXp~TICIlCe with programs involving crime prevention or related
actiVItIes; a Master's degree in Cnminal Justice AdmimstratlOn may bc substituted
li,r Ol.X months ofrequired experience.
Associate degree wIth major coW'se work in Criminal Justice Administration or
closely related field.
Three years of expenence with programs involving crime prevention or related
activities. Some prior peace otlicer expericncc dcslmblc.
Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements:
Pussession of a valid California Class l Driver's License and Certitlcate of Automobile
Insurance for Persunal Liability
Completion of POST Basic certificatc dcsirable.
17"Z 3.q
Date Adopled:
Date Revised:
Economic Development Director
General Purpose;
To plan, organize, direct and coordinate the activitics of the Economic Development DIvISIon
within the City Manager's Ol'lice lllcluding economic development and redevelopment adivitics; to
coordinatc economic dcvelopment and rcdevelopment activities with other divisions and
departments; and to provide hlghly complex staff assistance to the City Manager
Distinguishing Characteristics;
ThIs is a Department Head clasSlficatlOll reporting directly to the City Manager The Ecollomie
Devclopment Dircctor is rcsponsihle lor the plannmg, admimstration, and opcration of the
Economic Developmcnt Division within the City Manager's Office, performs rcsponsible and
lnllo~ahve admlnlstratlVe management III support of the City's goals and ohJecl1ves, ami IS a
participating mcmbcr of the City's cxeCUl1ve management team. A pcrson appointcd to the
Economic Development Director classification is an At-Will Employee.
Supervisioll Received alld Exercised;
Receives admlnlstratlve direction rrom the City Manager.
Exercises direct or indirect supervision over managcment, supervisory, profeSSional, technIcal and
clerical personnel as appropnate.
Esselltial Duties and Responsibilities;
Thc following duties arc normal fur this classification. The omission of spccific statements of
dutJes does not exclude them from the position if the work is simllar, related or a logical
assignment to th,S class.
Develop and implement divisional goals, objectives, policies and proccdurcs.
10l1J >1
Plan, organize and direct economic dcvelopment and redevelopment actJVltJes ineluding
development and lInplementatIon of strategies and programs to encourage busilless retentlOn and
Direct, oversee and partICipate ill the development of the Economic Development DI VISion work
plan; assign work activities, projects and programs; momtor work flow; review and evaluate work
products, methods and procedures.
Prepare the Economlc Development DlY1Sion budget; assist in budget implementatIOn; partiCIpate
in the forecast of additional funds needed lor staffing, equipment, materials and supplies;
admJllister the approved budget.
Develop and conduct economic studies, nceds assessment, research and llnaneial analyses; rcsearch
and analy"e husmess and commumty demographics; establish, compile and update an economic
development database that includes a real estate inventory, land costs and lease rates, and rdatcd
records related to private sector business operations.
Develop and implement tcchniques, stratcgies, programs and promotional materials to stimulate
commerClal, llldustrial and related busmess activity; develop financial incentives and resources
thorough coordinatIon WIth Stale and Federal government, the business commumty, and other
May recornmend the appollllment of personnel; provide or coordinate staff traJlllllg; conduct
perfom)ance evaluations; lmplement discipline procedures as required, maintain disclplme and high
standards necessary ror thc cfficicnt and professIOnal operation of the Economic Development
Build and maintain positive working relationships with co-workers, other employces and the public
using prinCiples of good customer service.
Represent the diviSion and City M,mager's Office to outside agencies and organizations; partICipate
in outsl(le coml11umty and professlollal groups and committees; provide technical assIstance as
Research and prepare techmcal and admmlstratJve reports; prepare written correspondence.
Build and maintaJ11 pOSitive workmg relationships with co-workers, other City employees and the
public using principles or good customer ServIce.
Perfonn other duties as assigned.
2.vlfb :;4
Minimum Qualifications:
Knowledge of:
Principles and practices of economic devdopm~nt and redevelopment mcluding busincss
recruitment and attraction, real estate, land development and related financing altemativcs.
Principles and practices of leadership, motivahon, team huildmg and conflict resolutIOn.
Pertinent local, State and Federal rules, regulations and laws.
Modem offiec procedurcs and computer equipment.
Principles and practices of organizational analysis and management.
Budgeting procedures and techmques.
Principles and practices of superviSIOn, lrammg and persollilel management.
Ability to:
Organize and direct the Economic Development DIVISIon operatIOns.
Perform complex work related to economic dcvclopment and redevelopment activities.
AIlalyze problems, identi ly altemativc solutions, project consequences of proposed actions and
Implement recommendations in support of goals.
Gain cooperation through discussion and pcrsuaslOn.
Interprct and apply City poliCIes, procedures, rules and regulatJons as related to eCOnOlTI1C
development and redevelopment.
Prepare and administer a hudget.
Supervise, train and evaluate persOlmel, as appropriate.
Estahlish and maintain effective working relationships with those contacted in the coursc of work.
Commumcate clearly and ~onclsely, hoth orally and III wntmg.
2-1 vb3'?
Physical Standards:
The physical standards deserihed are represental1ve of those that must be met by employees to
successfully perform the essential functions of this class. Rcasonable accommodations may be
made to enahle 10divlduals With disabihtles to perform the essential functions.
An employee is regularly required to Sit !tlr long pen ods of time; talk or hear, in person, in
meetmgs and by tclephone; use hands and fingers to handle, feel or operate standard office
equipment; and reach with hands and arms" The employee is frequently requircd to, bend and
twist to reach files, walk and stand, and occasIOnally hft up to 20 pounds" While perfoffiung
dul1es, the employee is regularly rcquircd to usc writtcn and oral communication skills; read and
interprct complex data, information and documents; analyze and solve problems; interact with
City management, othcr govcrnmental officials, contractors, vendors, employees and the publie.
Training and Experience:
Any COmb1Oal1on equivalent to education and experience is likely to provide the required
knowledge and abilities. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and ahihhes would be;
Education: Equivalent to a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with
major course work in busmess or pubhc admimstration, economics, urban planning
or a closely related field. A Master's degree IS desirable.
Experience: Four years of full lIme profeSSIOnal experience in economic or business
development involving program development; husmess attraction, retention and
marketing; real estate development; commercial properly brokcragelmanagcillent;
financial analysis; and/or chamher or commerce; expenence as a business manager
or owner is preferred.
Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements:
PossesslOn of a valid California Class C Dnver's License and Ccrtificate of Autoillobilc
lnsurancc for Pcrsonal Lmhility
Date Adopted.
Date Revised:
Engmeenng Teclmician lilT
General Purpose:
To perfonn a varicty of rcsponsible suh-professional engineenng work 10 the areas of design,
construction, survcying, traffic and land development.
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Engineering T eclmician I:
The Engincering Techmclan I IS an entry levcl tcclmical position. This class is distinguished
from t1w Engineering TechmcIan 11 by the performanec of the more routinc tasks and duties
assigncd to positions wlthm this series. Employees at this levcl arc not expectcd to perform With
the same mdependence of direction and jndgment on matters related to estahhshed procedures
and gUldehnes as arc positions allocated to Engmeerillg Techmclan IT <;1Oce thiS class IS
typIcally used as a training class, employees may have only hmlted or no directlv related work
expenence. bnployees work under lllllnediate supervisioll Willie leam10g joh tasks. Under
general (hrection, the Engincering Techmclan I performs sub-professIonal engllleering work in
the al'cas of deSign, construct1On, surveying, traffic and land dcvcloplllcnt. This position may be
assigned onicc or field dulles which encompass drafting, public works constructIon inspection,
surveying, Olaterlals testlllg, traffic counts and investigations, plan checkmg and other related
dulles as required.
Engineering Technician II
The Engmeenng Tcchnician II is the full Journey level class wlthm the Engllleenng Techmcian
series. This class IS distmglllshed from the Engineering Technician I by the assignmcnt of the
tilll range or dUl1es assIgned. Employees at this level rcccive only occasional instruction or
assIstance as new or unusual siumtions arise and they are fully aWare of the operatmg procedures
and pohcles wlthlll the work unit. POSlllons 10 thlS class are flexihly staffed and are normally
filled by advanccment from the I level. In addition to thc above duties, the Enginecring
TechniCIan II perroTTTls advanced, technical office work and, with gcneral superVISIOn rrom the
Z, '71/)'1
Semor Civil Engllleer and/or Associate Civil Engineer, is responsible for conductmg field
inspeetions of all puhlic works projeets and reSldenl1al, commerCIal and industnal devclopment;
assisting with traffic, <;Ilginccring and Similar studies for public works construction projects;
preparation of dCSlgns fur traffic engmeenng prOJects; checking development plans; issuing
permits; ealculallllg puhhc works fees; and performlllg other assigned engllleermg tasks.
Essential Dnties and Responsibilities:
Engineering Technician I: Duties may include, but arc not limited to, the followlllg:
AssIsts wIth conductmg preliminary studies of engineering projects, 10cluding maklllg
calculations, gatheling supporting data and analyzing alternatives.
Conducts traffic counts, surveys and investigahons, prepares wnlten reports.
Performs drafhng 10 conjunchon wIth work assignments.
Assists with design work, including the preparalion of prelimlllary drawings, specl Iications and
cost eshmates.
Performs routine field inspections and testing to monitor perfurmanee or conformity with plans
and specifications.
Checks records and plans for alignments, grades, drainagc and rclated structural characteristics.
AssIsts contractors and the public 111 interpreting and complying with construction reqUirements.
Utihzes personal computer (traffic SIgnal, word processing and spreadsheet functIOns) and other
office eqUipment includlllg photocop'er, calculator and blueprinter
Engineering Technician.ll In addition to thc above duties, the Engineering Techmclan II
duties may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Prepares eng1Oeenng, desIgns, plans, specifications and cost estimates for the construcl1on,
repair, or maintenance of varIous public works projects involving streets, parks and recrealion
facilities, drainage structures, traffic signals, street lights, traffic signing and paving markings,
irrigation systems.
Designs ami drafts pliins and specIficatIOns for landscaping projects, playgrounds, parks, and
recreation facilities includ10g irrigation design, plan matcrials, selection site layout and grading,
plan transplanting details, and rclatcd projeets.
Reviews development plans for conformance with engineering requirements; wntes property
deseriptions; caleulates development rees and mom tors trust accounts; updates City maps; and
e,aluates applieations and Issues encroachment permits.
; d~~q
Conducts studies to determme the need for traffic controls; prcparcs signing and marking plans
and traffic sIgnal designs; revIews constmction zone traffic control plans; reviews traffic
accident reports and prepares collision diagrams; meets wIth the puhhc and other City
department to receivc rcquests and explam City pohcles and traffic engineermg procedures.
Uses draftmg teclmiques and procedurcs to draw complex engmeenng drawlllgs; prepares
graphs, charts, and exhibits lor presental1on; prepared project design, specificatIOns, and cost
estimates for city projects such as streets, sewers, storm drains, water lines, and traffic signals.
Coordmates engineering and design efforts with contraetors; 10spects sites, and cheeks designs
and plans for compliance with existing codes and engmeering and traffic safety pnnclples;
participated in reconstmetion review meetmgs and coordinated proposed and existIng grades and
traverscs; participates in final project inspecl1ons.
Operates blueprint machine and various othcr office machInes; operates a personal computer to
perform Computer Aided Drafting I CAD), work processing and spreadsheet functions; orgalllzes
and maintains files, records, and hase maps; aSSists contractors and the public in interpreting and
complying with construction reqlL1remellts; prepares monthly progress payment records; issues
stop work orders when necessary, checks compliance of contractors with regulations governing
wages and payroll; and 1Ovesl1gates and resolves citizcns complaints rcgarding constmction work
of City facihhes; and ellforces safety regulations.
The omission of specific statcments or duties does not exclude them from the posItIon If the
work IS Similar, related or a logical assignment to this class.
Minimum Qualifications:
Knowledl!e of:
Engineering Technician 1
Surveying techniques.
Matenals, methods and equlpment used in tcsting of construetion materials.
Civil enginecring symbols, methods, practIces, procedures and ll1struments used m engmeenng
Engineering Technician Il: (In addition to above)
PnnClples and practices of enginccring relatcd to design, constructlOn, and mallltenance or street,
sidewalks, drainagc, and relalcd pubhc works projects.
Civil cngineering design and dratl10g techmques and procedures.
Methods of conducting various surveys and studies.
Mathematics mcluding survey tec1miqucs and practices utilizing algebra, geometry, and
City engineenllg policies, ordinances, standards, and specifications.
Principles and practices oftraffic engllleenng.
Local, state and federal laws pertaining to vehicular travel.
Modem office practices, procedures, mcthods and eqUipment.
Customer service skills.
Ability To:
Engineering Technician 1:
Draft engmeering drawings and plans.
Conduct minor field surveys
Compile basic Cllgineering data.
Read, eval uate and interpret complex construetlOn drawmgs, construction plans, eonstmction
staking survey controls, profiles, cross-sectIons, topographic maps, plats and related technical
Assist with preparation of maps, layouts and plans.
Review plans for conformance with City standards and policies.
Usc drafting lllstmments, various survey instruments, soils and materials testing equipment,
symhols, traffic counters and related engIlleenng eqUipment and make required mathematical
Operate personal computer and related officc cquipmenL
Establish and maintmn efrecl1ve workmg relationships with those contaeted III the course or
Communicate effeetivelyboth orally and 111 wntmg.
Engineering Technician II: (Tn addition to ahihl1es hsted above)
Prepare designs for capital Improvement projccts following pre-determmed standards and
2&8/; 31
Analyze construction methods to dctenmrw conformance with accepted standards and enforcc
corrective actions when necessary.
Read, evaluate and interpret, and explain complex construction drawings, specification, chauge
(lrders, survey data and technical rcports.
Prepare and maintalll required records and correspondence.
lnterprct appropnate rules, regulations, contracts, laws and ordinances.
Draft and prepare legal property descriptions.
Assist in the inspechon of puhlic works projects for compliance with standards and
Correctly read and interpret field constructIon stak10g survey contnlls, constructIOn plans,
profiles, cross-sectIOns, topographic maps, and plats.
TJtilize persoual computers and computcr software to pcrform calculations such as traverses,
closures, profiles, grades, areas, vertical curves, aud quantitics.
Prepare clear and concIse reports.
Physical Standards;
The physical standards described are representalive of those that must be met by employees to
succcssrully perform the essential functions of this class. Reasonable accollUnodations may be
made to enahle 10dividuals with disabilities to perfoml the essential functions.
An employee is regularly required to sit for long pcriods of time; intermittently stand, walk,
hend, and twist to reach cquipmcnt around desk; drivc a motor vchicle; move across rough
terra10 and bridge scaffolding; climb into and out of scwer holes aud trenchcs, up 25 root ladders,
and sevcral flight of stairs; use draftmg 1OstrUl1lents, read fine pnnt 011 hlue pnnts and VDT's;
convcrse 1ll person, over the telephone, two"way radlo, and around the noise of heavy
construcl1On equipment, write and usc keyboard to communicate; operatc a calculator;
mtermlttently lift and carry files and maps weighiug up to 30 pounds.
Read and interpret complex data, mfonnatJon and documents; analyze and solve problems;
intcract WIth City management, other governmental offiCIals, contractors, vendors, employees
and the puhlic.
Educatiun, Experience, and Training;
Any combination equl~alent to educat1(lll and expenence IS likely to proVIde the required
kuowledgc and abilities. A typical '-'ay to ohtam the knowledge and ahilihes would be'
Engineering Technician I
Education; High school graduation or equivalent, supplemented by techmcal course work 1ll
drafting or related engincering subjects. AssocIate (AA or AS) degree desIrable.
Experience: Some expenence in field survey and draftmg related to e.vil engineering work is
desIrable. Education and training in the use of personal computers IS also hIghly
Engineering Technician Tl
Education: Complel1(m of two-year college eOllrse leading to an Associate or Arts dcgree
WIth coursework in land surveYIng, ellgllleenng design, techmcal draftlllg, and
Civil or traffic engineering.
Experience: Two to three years experience in professional or sub-professional civil
engmeering work that includes CIvil eng10eenng deSlgn, construcl1on
engineering/inspection, land survey, and/or traffic engineenng.
Trainine: Any recent training such as, academie courscs and certification programs, which
are relevant to thIS Job claSSIfication.
Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements:
Possession of a valid California Class C Driver's License and Certificate of Automobile
Insurance for Personal LIability
21 db;1
Date ".dopted:
Date Revised:
Finance Manager
General Purpose:
To plan, organize, direct and coordinate the actlVltJes of the Finance Division within the
Administrative ServIces Department mcluding payroll, financlal reporting, audit procedures, cash
flow managemcnt, purchasing, fixed asset inventory, hllsiness license and Deputy City Treasurcr
1i.mctions; to coordinate Finance Division actlvities with other divisions and departments; and to
provide highly complex stafr assistance to the Director of AdmimstratlVe Services.
Distinguishing Characteristics:
The Finance Manager position is a managcment pOSition responsihle for direchng, supervising and
partlclpatmg in the activities of the Finanee Division and provides highly responsihle and complcx
stall asslstance to the Administrative Services Director Incumbents in this classification have a
broad rangc or independence withm policy and procedural limltatlons and work under nllmmal
superVISion. The incumbent is accountable to the Administrative Serviccs Director for thc cffective
supervision of personnel and the quality and effiCIency of services directed. While the general
paranletcrs or the Joh are defined, the employee IS expected to select and put into effect work
procedures and practices which will lead to the cJTcctive and emcient accomplishment of
DepartmentlDivislOn goals. Recommendal1ons on the ImproVeJuent of Division actiVIties are
expected. Persons appointed to this c1assitication arc At Will Employees serving at the pleasure of
thc City Manager.
Supervision Received and Exercised:
Rcccives admmlslrative direchon from the Director of Admmlstrative Services.
ExerClses direct supervision ovcr assigncd supcrvisory, profcssional, tcchnieal and clerical
Z/1~ 3q
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
The lollow1l1g duties are normal for this classification. The omission of speci fic statements of
duties docs not exclude them from the posItIOn If the work is similar, related or a logical
assignment to this class.
Develop and implemcnt divisional goals, ohjectivcs, policics and procedures.
Plan, organize and dircct Finance Division aehvllies including muniCipal accoulltmg operahons
such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, pavroll, purchasing, treasury disbursements and
business license issuance and monitonng.
Direct, ovcrsee and partlclpate m the development of the Finance Division work plan; assign work
acllvltles, projects and programs; momtor work now; reVIew and evaluate work products, methods
and procedures.
Prepare the Finance Division budget; asSist in hudget Implemental1on; partlcIpate in the forecast of
additional funds needed for staffing, equipment, materials and supplics; administer the approved
budget; assist in preparahon of the City's hudgel; ma10lam hudgetary control records and assist in
recommend1Og and projecting armual expenditures.
Perform as Deputy City Treasurer, IdentlfYlllg and coordinatmg investment Opportuilll1eS in
conJunction with local and state laws and pohcles; partH:lpate 111 managmg the City's investment
program, including financial planning and development or management strategies to momtor short
and long term fillancial stability
ASSIst with mtemal control and auditing limctions; ensure proper preparal10n ofrecords for vanous
audits, arId assist mdependent auditors; direct arld participate in the preparation of various financial
and statistical reports, including investment reports lor the City Council and requIred State and
F cdcral reports.
RecOlmnend thc appointment or divIsHlll personnel; proVide or coordinate staff training; conduct
perlurmallce evaluations; implement discipline procedures as required, maintain discipline and high
standards neecssary for the effiCIent and profeSSIOnal operation of the Administrative Services
AssIst III rcviewing various municipal servlce rees and rates mcluding garbage rates, Illsurance
costs, and related cost issucs; assist in operatIOnal adminislrahon of' nsk management actlVll1es as
ass) gned.
Budd and maintain poslhve Work1Og relatlOllshlpS With co-workers, other City employees and the
puhhc usmg pnnciples of good customer scrvice.
3tJ rfb ?/1
Represent the djvlslOn and department to outside agencies and organizations; participate in outside
commUtut y and professlOnal groups and commIttees; provIde techmcal asslst,mce as necessary.
Research and prepare technical and administrative reports; prepare wntten correspondence.
Perform rclatcd dutics as assigned.
Minimum Qualifications:
Knowledl!.e of:
Principles and practiccs of municipal accountmg, budgeting, audIting, llnancmg, and investment
Pnnciples and practiccs of leadership, motivation, team building and contlict rcsolution.
Pcrtinent lucal, State and Federal rules, regulations and laws.
Modem office procedures and computcr equipment.
Pnnclples and practices of organizational analysis and managcmcnt.
Budgeting procedures and techniques.
PrinCiples and practices of supervision, training and personnel managemcnt.
Abilih To:
Organize and direct the Finance Division operations of the Achnllllstratlve ServIces Department.
Perlonn complex work o[the Department.
Analyze problems, idcntifY alternativc solutions, projcct conscqllenecs of proposcd actions and
Implement reconllucndations in support of goals.
Gain cooperation through discussion and persuasion.
Intcrprct and apply City and departlllent polICies, procedures, rules and regulatIons.
Prepare all!1 admll1lster multiple budgets.
Supcrvise, train and evaluate personnel.
Estahhsh and mamtain effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of work.
Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and III writmg.
Physical Standards:
The physical standards descrihed are representative of those that must he met hy employees to
successfully perform the essential [unctions 0(' this class. Reasonable accommodations may he
made to enahle mdivlduals with disabilitics to pcrform the cssential functions.
An employee is rcgularly rcquired to sll for long penods of I1me; talk or hear, 10 person, III
meetlllgs and hy telephone; use hands and fingers to handle, feel or opcrate standard office
equipment; and reach with hands and arms. The employee is frequelltly requIred to, bend and
twist to reach filcs, walk and stand, and occaslOnally lift up to 20 pOllOds. While perform1Og
dutIes, the employee IS regularly required to use written and oral commulllcation skills; rcad and
interpret complcx data, inlormation and documents; analyze and solve prohlems; 10leracl wIth
City management, other govenmlental officials, contractors, vendors, cmployecs and the public.
Training and Experience:
Any comhmatiol1 eqUivalent to education and experience is likely to provide the required
knowledgc and abilities. A typical way to ohtalll the knowledge and ahihl1es would he'
Educatioll: Eq,nvalent to a Bachelor's degrce [rom an accrcdited collegc or univcrsity with
maJor course work m accounting, business or public adnlllllstrallon, or a related
EXDcrienee: l'our years of increasingly responsihle experience in municipal finance or
accountmg, mcluding two years of supervisory responsibility
Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements:
Possession of a valid Calitornia Class C Dnver's L,,;ense and Certdicate or Automohile
Insurance for Personal LiabilIty
71- 'fJ 'Yl
Date Adopted: 8/11/1986
Date Revised. 6/20/2006
Recreation Coordinator
Gencral Purpose:
To assist in the development, organization, and scheduling of daily operations of
recrcation activihes in the delivery or recreation program areas including preschool,
playground, parks, teens, sports, specIal events, selllor cihzens, lelsure ennchment, and
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Employees assigned to this classification are responsible for phuming, coordinating and
implementing community programs at the City's wcrcation facilities or are in charge ora
city-wide program. The incumbent is expected to perform routme and difficult staff work
III recreatIOn and take specific rcsponsibility for the assigned recreation programs and
oversee temporary and seasonal persorUlel.
Supervision Received and Exercised:
ReceIves admmlstrative directIOn from the Parks & CommUlllty Services Manager or
general supervision from the Recreation Supervisor
May excrcise technical and functional supervision ovcr part-timc recreation staff, as
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
Thc fullowlllg dul1es aTe norma) for th,s clasSlficallOn. The omlSSlOn of specIfic
statements of duties does not exclude them from the posItIOn if the work is similar,
related or a logical assignment to this class.
Conduct and oversee, and assist in planning and develop1Og recreal10nal progranl areas
such as preschool, playground, parks, teens, sports, special events, and senior citizen
ppt1fJ 34
Plan, oversee, and conduct recreational activities appropriate to a variety or locations
such as playgrouuds, parks, community ccnters, school sites, and sports faclhtJes.
Schedule use of rccrcation facihtJes and oversee related maintenance; obtain supplies aud
equipment related to racihty operation.
Composc and prepare promotional materials such as flyers, progranl brochures,
newsletters and press relcases.
Oversee part-time reereatJon staff as assigned and review activities or volunteers and
Illdependcnt contractors.
Prepare III formation and reports related to program hudgets.
Maintam records and preparc written program plans and reports.
May provide minor first aid to recreation program participants/spectators and/or perform
related first aid/emergency techniques.
Build and maintain positive working relatwnshlps WIth co-workers, other City cmployces
and the puhhc using principles of good customer service.
Perrorm other duties as assigned.
Minimum Qualifications:
Knowledge of:
l'echniqucs and methods related to the opcration or reereat](lll programs and facilities,
including needs requirements relatcd to participant dlsahihtles.
Basic supervisory and motivational techniques.
BasIC recreatJon program budgeting.
Pertlllent loeal, State and Federal laws, ordinances and rules.
English language usage, spclling, punctLLatwn, and grammar
Abilitv to:
Assist in the development, organization, and scheduling or daily operahons of recreatIOn
activities and racihtJes.
Plan, organize, and conduct recreation programs, including as related to specJfic
recrcation facihl1es.
'3 t11J ~q
Oversee, tram, and provide input to evaluation of part-hme stall assess activities of
volunteers and independent contractors.
CommUnicate concisely orally and 10 wntmg.
Communicate in an cffcetive manner
Use a personal computer, 10cluding word processing, spreadshcet, database, and desktop
pubhsh11lg apphcatlOns.
Estabhsh and maintain cooperative working relationshlPs With those contaeted in the
course of work.
Attend day, cvening, and weekend meetlllgs and events.
Physical Standards;
The physIcal standards described are representative of those that must be met by
employees to successfully perform the cssential functions of th,S class. Reasonahle
accommodatIons may be made to enable individuals wIth disahihhes to perrorm the
essential functions.
On a contmuous baSIS, know and understand all aspects of the Job; mtcrmittentlyanalyze
work papers, reports and special projects; identify and interpret techmcal and numencal
information, observc and rcport operational and technical policy and procedures.
On an 10temlltlent hasls, Sit at desk for long penods of time, stand, walk, and bend while
conduet1Oglrevlewmg reereahon progranls; squat, chmb, kneel and twist intermittently
wben setl10g up vanous recreation programs; perform simple grasping and fine
mampulatlon, and hft or carry weight of 100 pounds or less.
Training and Fxperience;
AllY comb mati on cquivalent to educahon and experience that is likely to provide the
requlfed knowledge and ahihtJes IS quahfymg. A typlCal way to obtain the knowledge
and ahihhes would he'
Education; EqUIvalent to an Associate's (A. A. or A. S ) degree Irom an acercdited
college or universlty with major course work m recreatJon, leisure
activities or a closely related field. A Bachelor's degree is desirable.
EXDeriencc; Two years of progressively responsible pmd expenence in recreation
?? Ob7;J'i
Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements:
Current cerllficallon 1ll First Aid and CPR IS preferred.
For Aquatic positions, certification in Lifeguard Training, First AId, CPR and Waler
Safety Instruction is prererred.
Possession of a valid California Class C Driver's License and a Certificale of Automotive
Insurance for Personal Liability
Date Adopted:
Date Revised:
7/23/t 9R4
Recreation Supervisor
General Purpose:
Under direction of the Parks and Community Services Director, the Recreation
Supcrvisur is responsihle for management of municipal recreatIOn program~ and racihtles,
including planning, urganizing and 11llplementlllg a variety of recreational scrvices,
actIVities and programs.
Distinguishing Characteristics:
The Recreal10n Supervisor is considered a supervisory level claSSIficatIon WIth
responsibility lor planning, coordinalmg and implementing a signiJicant portion of
recrealion programs offered by the City Positions in this class contribute to the overall
management of the Parks & Community Services Department by partICipating in the
developnwnl or pohcles and procedures, develop1Og and Implementmg prol,'fam goals and
obJecllves, while providing conformancc to overall departmental goals and objectives,
and partlclpal1ng 111 the development and monitonng of budgets. PosItIons 111 thIS class
exercise conslderahle dlscrel1un and mdependence 10 C()Ord1Oatmg aSRlgned segments of
the CIty's recreation programs. The Recreation Supervisor diners from thc Recreation
Coord111ator 111 that the Recreation Supervisor is responsible for a large segment of the
City's recrcatioll programs and has adm1OIslral1ve responsibihty lur assigncd programs,
1Oclud1Og budget control and evaluating thc progress of programs.
Snpervision Received and Exercised:
Recclvcs direetlOn Irom the Parks and Community Services Dlfeetor or Parks and
Community Services Manager
ExercIses ,hrect or 10dJrect supervision over superviSOry, profeSSIOnal, lechmcal and
clerical pcrsonnel as appropriale.
37at 31
Essential Duties aud Responsibilities:
The following duties are nonnal for this classification. The omiSSion of specific
statements of dutIes does not exclude them from the position if the work IS SImilar,
rclated or a logical assigruncnt to this class.
Manages, develops, organizes and supcrviscs the daily operation of municipal recreation
progranls and facilities in assigned program area that may include: playgrounds,
preschool, teens, adult/youth sports, speCial evellts, senior cItIzens, leIsure ennchment
classes and aquatics; maintains records in connection with thc assigned program area.
Recruits, trains, supervises and evaluatcs program and clerical staff, voluntecrs, part-time
starr and 10dependent contractors.
Develops and manages operating and capital expenditurc budgcts and program revenue
Develops and manages contractual scrvicc agreements
Rescarches and preparcs stall reports, promotHlllal materials 10cluding Oyers, program
brochures, newsletters, press releases and rclated matcrial.
Schedules use of facilities and oversees mamtenance actIvltJes and obtaJlls necessary
supplies and equipment rclated to lacility operation.
Prepares prehm10ary hudget for Department Head review; recommends program
priorities and staff nceds; supervises thc collection and accounting of monies; maintains
records and contracts m COllilectlOn with assigned program areas; monitors and controls
expenditures or division and rnamta10s an 1Ovenlory contHll system.
Applies City and department polICIes, procedures, rules and regulations pertamll1g to the
work and to the work grOllp; .mlIates offi<:ial dlsclplmary actIons as necessary, Identdies
and/or resolvcs complaints as ne<:ded.
Meets with citizens, community groups and public and private agcncics to discllss
programs and clarify procedures and identify needs; makes and receives phone calls,
attends meetlllgs and conrerences and makes puhlic presentatIOns.
Identifies alternatives for improving scrvices, considering sllch factors as cost/benefit and
marketing analysis, safety of pcrsollilcl and cffccts on operations and lcvel of servIce;
recomlliends and Implements Improvements as directed.
Effectively coordinates activities with Department staff, othcr City staff, outside agencIes,
contraetors, busJlless representatives, commumty groups and other customers.
3~ ~ 3~
Attends day, evening and weekelld meetlllgs and events.
Performs other duties as assigned.
Minimum Qualifications:
Knowledl!e or:
The ohJechves, trends, techmques and pnnclples of Recreation Administration and
program dcvelopment and managcment.
Relatcd marketlllg, hudgetary, orgamzational, staffing, supervisory principles and
techniques essential to the operation of an effective recreation program.
Customer scrvice teehniqucs
Fcderal, ~tate and local laws, regulatIOns and court decIsIOns applicable to asslgned areaS
of responsibility;
Abilitv To:
Fffectively manage assigned operations and facilitics and supervise assigned personnel.
Kecp inrormed of changes 1ll infollllatU)ll, technology, software and other equlpment and
methods that havc potential for improving departmcntal scrvice delivcry goals.
Identify ways or achieving improvcmcnt and erlicicncy in a fashion responsive to the
needs of the City's customers.
Effectively communicate in writing and verhally
Establish and mamtalll cO(lperahve and efrecl1ve relahonshlps With those contacted 10 the
course of work.
Physical Standards:
The physical standard described are representative of those that must be met bv
cmployees to successfully perform [he essential funcl10ns of thiS class. Reasonahlc
accommodations may be madc to enable individuals with disabilities to perform thc
essenhal functIOns.
On a continucs basis, know and undcrstand all aspccts or the job, intermittently analyzc
work papers, reports and special projccts; identify and interprct tcchnieal and numerical
IllfonnatlOn, observe and report operational and technical policy and procedures.
'Y11J 71
An employee is regularly reqUIred to sit for long periods of time; talk or hear, in person,
in mcetings and by tclcphonc; use hands and fingers to handle, feel or operate standard
office eqUipment; and reach with hands and arms. The employee is ti"equcntly rcquired to
bend and twist to reaeh files; walk and stand; carry, push, pull or otherwise move objects;
and lift or carry weight of 30 pounds or less. WhIle perform1Og duties, the employee is
regularly required to use written and oral comrnUlllcatHlO skills; read and interpret
<;omplex data, informatIOn and documents; analyze and solve problems; interact with City
management, other governmental ofllcials, contractors, vendors, employees and the
Training and Experiencc;
Any eomhinahon equivalent to educatIOn and expcrience is likely to provide the reqUIred
knowledge and abilities. A typical way to obtalll the knowledge alld ahihhes would be:
Education; Bachelor's degree from an accredited collegc or univcrsity majoring in
Reereal10n Administration or in a closely related field.
Experience: A minimum of three ycars of full-time profeSSIOnal (paid) expenence 1ll
recreation programming or adml1l1strahon, lllcluding onc ycar of lead
responsibility and/or supervisory cxpericnce.
Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements:
First Aid and CPR Certification preferred. For aquatics positions, Life Guard and Water
Safety Instructor certificates arc desirable.
Possession or a vahd California Class C Drivcr's License and Certificate of Automohile
Insurance for Personal Liability to be secured pnor to employment and maintained current
as a condlhon of continued City en1ployment.
(J' \(~ ITYRECR\JOBSPECSIReereation Supervisor. doc