HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.2 ADA Transition Plan CITY CLERK File # DEJJ[QJ[Q]-[7][Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 20,2006 SUBJECT: Approval of2006 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan Update Report Prepared bv' Mark Lander, City Engineer A TT ACHMENTS: Resolution Approving 2006 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan Update, together with Exhibit "A," 2006 Update -rf'~ q)R Adopt the Resolution Approvmg the 2006 Americans with DisabilitIes Act (ADA) Transition Plan Update. RECOMMENDATION: FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The cost of completing the 2006 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan Update (2006 Update) is estimated at $30,000 Funding would be through the General Fund. These funds will be included in the 2006-2007 Fiscal Year as a Capital Improvement Project. The assessment phase of the 2006 Update will identify improvements needed to City facilities and public right~of-way in order to comply with current ADA standards. The scope and cost of these improvements will not be known until the assessment IS complete. The 2006 Update suggests an initial target annual fundmg amount of $20,000 to allow measurable progress in completing improvements needed to achieve ADA conformance. The first year of funding for improvements would be in 2007-2008, after completion of the assessment. This fundmg would need to continue, dependent on the total cost of the needed improvements. Completion of the assessment may show that the annual funding amount should be increased in order to accelerate completIOn of high-priority improvements. ______________________~_w______~____________________________~__________________________~_______________._____ COpy TO: Page 10f3 ITEM NO. .J.l O:\DEVELOP\ADA 2()()5 Tramition Plan Update-ADA Transition Plan - AgsLdm; Annual funding for improvements would be from the General Fund or Gas Tax. It IS likely that in given years grant funds would be available for portions of the work, reducing the impact to the General Fund or Gas Tax momes. It is also likcly that some improvements would be completed in conjunction with City Capital lmprovement projects or private development. DESCRIPTION: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 1990 In summary, the law prevents discnmination against physically or mentally disabled individuals with regards to employment or access to public facilities. Title I of the ADA deals with discrimination in the workplace. Title 11 deals with discrimination m access to puhlic places, and requires that local agencies prcpare and adopt a transition plan that idenbfies barriers to aecessibility and methods to remove those barriers. Title II also requires that an ageney develop a grievanee procedure whereby individuals may report and request correction of facilities which are in non-compliance, and designate a staff person as ADA coordinator for the agency The City of Dublin, m response to the law, adopted thrcc rcsolutions on February 2, 1993 Resolution No. 27-93 adopted a Title I Compliance Plan, Resolution No 28-93 adopted a Title II Transition Plan, and Resolution No 29-93 adopted a complaint procedure. The transition plan was limited to City facilities m existence at the time the ResolutIons were adopted (the Civic Center, Shannon Center, Dublin SWIm Center, Senior Center, and the Corporation Yard), and identified significant upgrades needed at the Swim Center in order to hting that site into ADA compliance. Upgrades at the Swim Center and other minor improvements noted in the plan were completed later in 1993 Staff recommends that the ongmal transltlOn plan be replaced by an update that addresses current ADA requirements as well as the City's expanded infrastructure. The City has added several major facilities since 1993, specifically the new Library, the new Senior Center, Fire Stations 16, 17 and 18, and the Heritage Center. Furthermore, the 1993 Plan did not include an assessment of other City infrastructure such as parks, trails, or streets, which arc all governed by ADA standards. ADA standards have heen amended numerous times since 1993, and many improvements which may have complied 13 years ago may no longer be in compliance. Standards are continuing to change; the U.S. Access Board, which develops ADA standards, is proposing specIfic accessibility design guidelines for the public right-of-way Altbough the City has continued to make progress in addressing specific areas such as park play equipment or individual buildings, there is no overall plan addressing the City's entire current infrastructure. The proposed 2006 ADA Transition Plan Update, if adopted, will complete (during the 2006-2007 Fiscal Year) an assessment of the City's current infrastructure, measured against current ADA standards or those which are pending. The Update will develop a list of improvements needed to correct any noncompliant areas, along with a cost estimate for the work. The assessment will also inelude a revIew of existing complaints regarding noncompliant areas, and will include a pubhe outreach effort to solicit input from the community as to other prohlems or needs. Needed improvements will be prioritized based on a combination of the volume and type of use the facility sees and the severity of the issue. A funding plan will be developed, Identifying funds that can be allocated to the work each year Following prioritization and development of the funding plan, a schedule will be set for implementation of the work. Page 2 of 3 The schedule for completing the 2006 Update is as follows: TASK Complete Inventory Perform Assessment and Public Outreach Develop List of Needed Inlprovements Develop Cost Estimate for Improvements Complete Prioritization of lmprovements Develop Schedule for Completion ofImprovements Complete Revisions to Standard Drawings Implementation of Improvements DATE Complete July 2006 - January 2007 February 2007 - April 2007 May 2007 - June 2007 February 2007 -- June 2007 July 2007 - August 2007 Complete Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Regular updates will be made to the City Council on the progress of the plan's implementation. Over time, minor adjustments to the prioritization of improvements may also be made to address mput from the community. Staff anticipates that the inventory will be updated as new facilities and puhlie infrastructure is completed in the City The duralion of the work would be dependent on the total cost of the work and the funds availahle in a gIven year. Staff has suggested an initial target funding level of $20,000 per year. This funding levcl would be adequate to complete a reasonable set of improvements wlthm a given year For example, the fund would be adequate to replace approximately 10 curb ramps, enough to improve access around or along the route to a park or school. Available sources of funding are the General Fund or Gas Tax. It is anticipated that grant funds, such as Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, will continue to be available each year in some amount. The City might also want to apply the value of ADA Improvements that are completed as part of another CIP project or private development toward the annual funding goal. Staff estimates that the $20,000 ammal target level can be met through a combination of the use of grant funds and/or by crediting ADA improvements completed as part of other projects toward the target, and that meeting the target will not result in an increase m the use of the City's discretionary funds. The cost of the 2006 Update is estimated at $30,000, with funding through the General Fund. Funds will offset the cost of consultants and/or temporary staff to assist with the field assessments. Costs will be included in the 2006-2007 Fiscal Year Budget as part of the Capital Improvement Program. Should the City Council choose to adopt the resolution approving the 2006 Transition Plan Update, this resolution would replace Resolution No 28-93, which adopted the original transition plan. Resolution No. 27-93, adopting the Title I Compliance Plan, and Resolution No. 29-93, adopting the complaint procedure, would remalll m effect. At this time, Staff has not evaluated changes in ADA law on these documents. These documents deal with subject matters outside the responsibility of the Public Works Department and would require revIew by the City Attorney. Staff will initiate this review if directed by the City Council. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution approving the 2006 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan Update. Pagc 3 of3 /vb -t RESOLUTION NO. - 06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* ADOPTING AN AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) TRANSTTION PLAN 2006 UPDATF: WHEREAS, the Federal goverlllnent enacted the Americans with Disabi]i(Jes Act of 1990 (ADA) to prevent dlscnmination of the physically and mentally disabled relatmg 10 employment and access to public facilitIes; and WHEREAS, Title II of the ADA requires that mUJl1clpalities adopt a TransitIOn Plan that documents barriers 10 accessibility, proposed structural modifications to remove those harriers, and a schedule to complete the modifications; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved ResolutIOn No. 28-93 on February 2, 1993, adopting an ADA Transl(Jon Plan in conformance Witll Tille IT requirements; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin has lllcreased the number of facihties and other infrastructure since 1993 that are not meluded under the 1993 Transition Plan; and WHEREAS, ADA design standards have been modified by the Federal govennnent smce the adoption oftlle I <)93 Transition Plan, and WHF:REAS, the City of Dublin remains committed to the ADA and the elimination ofbarners to puhhc facilities: and WI-TERF:AS, Staff has prepared an update to the 1993 Transition Plan that reDccts current City mfrastructurc and ADA design standards, referred to as the "2001i ADA Transition Plan Update;" NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOT,VED that the City Council of the City of Dublin herehy approves the 2006 Americans WIth DlSahilities (ADA) TransitIon Plan Update. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of June, 2006. AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN ATTEST Mayor _n City Clerk ~'dlJ~D/.p 8. a A-ffa.ch m01 r :A~bf6 EXHIBIT "A" ADA Transition Plan 2006 Update I. Background The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 19<,10. The law, in summary, prevents (hscflmination against physically or mentally disabled mdlvlduals with regards to employment or access to puhlie facilities. Title I deals with discrimination III the workplace. Title 11 deals with discnmmation in access to public facihties. Title 11 requires that local agencies prepare and adopt a translhon plan that identifies bamers to accessibility and methods to remove those barriers. Title II also requires that an agency develop a grievance procedure wherehy individuals may report and request corrcetion of improvemcnts which are in non-colllphance, and designate a staff person to serve as ADA coordinator for the agency The City o(,Dublin, in response to the law, adopted three resolutions on February 22, 1993 Resolubon No_ 27-93 adopted a Title I Compliance Plan (Plan). ResolutJon No. 28-<,13 adopted a Title II Translhon Plan_ Resolution No. 29-93 adopted a complaint procedure_ The 1993 Transition Plan was limIted to the existing city faclhhes at the time. These mcluded the Civic Center, Shalmon Center, Dublin Swim Center, Semor Center, and the CorporatIon Yard. The Plan noted that most facilitIes were in general confoilllance with ADA requirements, with the exception of minor changes to the phone system and a numher or significant upgrades to the swim center A capital Improvement project was completed at the swim center later 111 1993, addressing the needed ADA upgrades. II. Need fnr Updated Transition Plan A 2006 Update to the 1993 Transition Plan has been prcpared for a numher of reasons. The eXIsting plan has not been reviewed or updated since 1993 and IS now 13 years old. The 1993 plan 111eluded only facilities in existence at that time; the 1993 Plan did not include an assessment of the puhlic right-of-way, parks, or trails, nor does it include buildings constmcted since 19<,13 In additIOn, ADA design standards have changed since 1993 and many Improvements assessed to be m conformance in I ll<,13 may not meet the current requirements. Finally, the 1993 Plan does not include a schedu.le or funding plall for addressing any non- compliant improvements not covercd in the 1993 plan_ The 2006 Update will include the f(ll1owing: I) An updated inventory ofpLLhlie facilities and improvements subject to ADA 2) An assessment of the updated mventory against current ADA standards 3) A list of non-compliant features and the improvelllents needed to achieve compliance 4) A cost estimate of the improvements 5) Prioritization of the lmpruvements 6) Identification of a funding source and funding p Ian to complete the improvements. 7) A schedule for complehon of the improvements. 8) Standard Plans Update 10f7 EXHIBIT A To the Resolution 3TJbct The 2006 Update does not cause the City to be in compliance with current ADA standards. Compliance will he achieved over a penod of many years through the implementatJon of the improvements Idenhfied in the update. The U.S. Access Board, whH;h develops ADA design standards and coordmates implementation with government agencies, has developed a draft set of accessibility guidehnes for the public nght-of-way that wcre recently released for public revIew and comment. Although the guidelines are not yet m effect, it is likely that some version ofthese gUIdelines will ultimately he adopted by law as the deslgn standard for new or altered improvements to the public right-of-way The draft guidelines will be utilizcd as the standard for the 2006 Update. Design gUldehnes have been amended numerous times since the adoption of the Act m 1990, and as noted above new gUldelines continue to be developed. It is likely that standards will change again during the Implementation phase of the 2006 Update. Ongoing updates will likely be needed to keep the City's Transition Plan m conformance with current standards. III. Proposed 2006 Transition Plan Update As noted above, the 2006 "transition Plan Update consists of (I ) an updated inventory of facilities for wInch the City is responsible, (2) an assessment ofthe facilities with regards to current ADA standards, (3) a list of improvements needed to bring the nnprovements into compliance, (4) a cost estimate of the improvements, (5) prioritization of the improvements, (6) a funding plan for completing the improvements, and (7) a schedule for completing the Improvements. In additIon, the City will revise Its standard design plans to adhere to current ADA requirements, so that fulure improvements will he in ADA conformance. The schedule for completing tlle work will he as lollows. Task Com lete Invento~y_ Perfonn Assessmenl and Public Outreach --.- .,,--- Develo List of Needed Improvements .Develop Cost Estimate for Improvements Com lete Prioritization ofTmprovements .' -,~ Devclop Fundi!lgIlan for Completion of Imrrovements Develo Sehedull!JOl: Completion ofImprove!ilents Com lete RevI~IOn_sto Standard Drawings__ Implementation of Improvements Date Com lete July 2006 - March 2007 A ril2007 - June 2007 July 2007 - AllBust 2007 S tember 2007 - October 2007 October 2007 - November 2007 December 2007 January 20Q8 _.P . Com lete July 2008 through June 2038 or as needed The inventory IS complete; the standard plans update will be complete hy the end of Fiscal Year 2005-2006. The remaining components will be completed during the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 Fiscal Years. Implementation of Improvements will not begin until the second hal f of Fiscal Year 2007-2008. Each elelllent is described ill greater detail below 20f7 L-jot~ A. Inventory Public Works staff, m conjunction with the Parks and Comlllulllty Services Department, has identified those facilttIes that arc the responsibility of the City ofDuhlin and should be lllcluded wlthin the 2006 Update. Facilities arc grouped mto four categories: Buildings, Parks, Trails, and Streets. Staff has also identified the year of constructIOn and/or the most recent upgrade to the facility, and determined if assessment of the facility is needed. Facilitics arc listed helow' Building_ __ Civic Cente Library Police Depa Senior Cent Fire StatlOn Fire Station Fire Station Herita~CC1 Swim Cente Corporation Shannon Cc -- -- ..m -- - Last Year Built Up2rade Assessment R r 1988 2005 Yes ---,,,. ....., 2002 None Yes (ext!"nor 0 --- rtment 1988 2005 Yes --..,. er 2005 N/A No 16 1993 2006 Yes .".'- "- 17 2002 N/A Yes ( exterior 0 -- 18 2003 N/A Yes (exterior 0 lter N/A 2002 Yes - -, ---- r 1972 1'}<)3 2000 Yes -- ._ .2_ Yard 1986 N/A Yes - - nter N/A 1989 No (Building t - e uired nly) nly)_ nl o be repJ_a~ed Kolb Park Ma e Mem Shannon P Stagecoach Ted Fairfie Martm Can ...".'... --- -- -- Last Year Built Up2rade Assessment Required --- -- ek Park 1987, 1990 N/A Yes --- ons 2004 N/A No ..".. 1987,1988 2005 Yes -- Hills Open Space 1984 N/A Yes rts Growld 1976 2005 Yes .. len Park 1')\)9,2003, N/A Yes (Phases I and n Only 2005 - .'~.'. 1987 2003 Yes -" ..~. (ll;al Park 1965 1996 Yes -- --.. --- ..."~ ark 1989 2005 Yes --"' Park 1986 N/A Yes ...,.. -- ld Park 2000 N/A Yes --. yon Open Space 1<;196 N/A Yes ) Park Alamo Cre Bray Conlm Dolan Park Dougherty Duhlin S 0 Emerald G The CUrrL'1lt five-year CapItal Improvement Program allocates funds to upgrade playground eqUipment and access in all City parks hy 2008. The park assessment will therefore exclude play equipment. 3 on 606 t{, .-.- Trail Iron Horse TraJ! Alamo Canal Tmil Alamo Creek Trail Tassajara Creek Trail Year Built 1998 2001,2002 20113 1')<)8, 2000, 2001,2004 1996 2000 Last U rade N/A N/A N/A N/A Duhhn Boulevard Trail Dublin Ranch Phase I Streanl Corridor Trail N/A NlA Yes Yes Streets The City of Dublin has approximately 80 miles of public nght-of-way, including sidewalks, roadside trails, and intersections. The mdividual facilities are too numerous to be listed here. The City's GIS system identifies those streets that have becn accepted as puhlic right~of-way; the street inventory was last updated in November 2005 and will be updated again in early 2U06. The GIS can be considercd an accurate inventory ofpublie right-of-way for whH;h the City is responsible. B. Assessment The assessment of buildings and parks will be completed dunng the 2006-07 Fiscal Year. It will include the interior of the huilding (harriers, path of travel, access to phones or drinking fountains, and restrooms) as well as the exterior (path of travel from the huilding to the parking lot and adjoining street). Public Works and Parksl Communitv Services staff will narrow the scope of the assessment to tlle extent possible through review of existing construction docLlmenls, and will conduct portions of the assessment As the assessment will reqUIre speclalized architectural knowledge not held hy City staff, it is anticipated that the assessment will also reqUIre the assistance ofa consultant. The assessment will begin in early fiscal Year 2006-2007, mne months is allowed to hire a consultant and complete the assessment The City's five-year Cap]tal Improvement Program for 2()ll4-2009 includes funds to upgrade play equipment to meet ADA standards within City parks. Play eqlLlpment is therefore within compliance or will be brought mto compliance by 2008. The assessment of parks will exclude play equipment and will be limited to other facilities. The assessment oftrails and streets will be conducted hy Public Works staff, who have the technical knowledge to evaluate conformance ofthese facihhes with ADA standards. The assessment will include the curb ramps at each intersection; the assessment will evaluate the need for detection warnings (truncated domes) and! or the need to reconstruct the ramp. The path of travel between each intersection will also be assessed. This would include obstrucllOns such as signs or street fuml ture, gaps or broken areas in the sidewalk, the sidewalk grade, and the cross- slope grades at driveways or nther crossings where the eross~slope exceeds the ADA maximum of 2%. Traffic signals will be evaluated as to accessibility of pcdestrian pushhuttons and audible pedestnan crossmg devices. The assessment would hegm III June 2006, with the field work in the public right-of-way completed by September and the results compilcd by early 2007 40f7 Lo~b1> The assessment will include a review of existing complaints from the community regarding ADA compliance, and contact by stalf of the concerned parties to better discuss the problem and potential solutions. The assessment will also include a public outreach component, through nohces on the City's Web sIte and in the City newslettCT In addition, the Dublin Unified School Distoct, local churches, and other parties that generate pedestrian traffic will be polled as to any known prohlems or complaints. Upon completion of the Update, a public comment period will be allowed so that interested partles can review the proposed actions prior to the Update being approved by the City Council. C. Needed Improvements Improvements for buildings or parks would be listed by site and the nature of the needed improvements. Improvcments for trails and streets would be listed by mtcrscction (specific as to each comer) or by locahon on the path of travel betwcen each intersechon. Thc type of improvement would be noted (mstall detectable waming, reconstruct ramp, reconstruct drivcway, remove ohstruction, rclocate pedestoan pushbutton). The types ofmlprovements would he grouped into a selected number of categories m order to accommodate cost estimates. The intent of the assesslnent is to identify the locahon of problem areas and identify correctIOns m sufficient detail to develop a budget-level cost estImate lor the Citywide Transition Plan. The plan would not develop specific designs for the corrective work. As part ofthe Ihturc Illlplementation of the upgrades, more detailed evaluation and design will he required prior to any construction work. Development ofthe Improvclllcnt list will he completed by mid-2007 D. Cost Estimate Cost estimates will he developed lor each buildmg or park site, and for each trail. Cost estimates will be of adequate detail to incorporate needed upgrades into the Capital Improvement Program. Cost estimates for the public oght-ol~way will focus on groups of improvements needed, listing the number of curb ramps needing reconstruction, traffic signals needing modificahon, etc. Since the street improvements will be prioritized over a period of years, the intent is to develop a phased implementatIOn plan .lor incorporation mto the Capital Improvement Program. In a gIven year, the scope of the work that can be completed will be balance agamst the funds available m that year The cost estimate will be completed by mid-2007 E. Prioritization Improvements wlthm huildings or parks will he given the highest priority for complelHll1. These facilities are used by the gcncral public and expenditure of funds will provide benefit to a greater number of people. Further, these l'acilities can be reached hy automobile and lack of compliant facihhes m the adjoining public oght-ol~way would not be a deterrent to use by mdividuals with disabllities. 50f7 1~bi The next level ofpnonty will be improvements wlthlll the puhlie right-of-way Higherpriority will be given to routes that provid" access to schools, parks, or other public facilities (for example, the Senior Center), commercial areas within walklllg distance of residential areas and/or are expected to aUract pedestrian traffic, and high-density or senior residential areas. Routes to proposed projects such as the West Dublin BART Station which arc anticipated to attract pedestrian traffic will also he given priority, as in some cases the BART Station may provide the only accessible mode oftransportation for persons who cannot otherwise use an automohile. The BART Station will also encourage residents to live wlthm 'Walking distance of the station makmg it Imperative that barriers to the stahon he eliminated. The next level or priority will be to smgle-family residential areas, as pedestnan traffic is less concentrated on thes" streets. However, areas of known travel by citizens WIth disahilities would have greater pnority over other neighborhoods. The prioritization will be completed by latc 2007 F. Funding Plan The total amount of funding required to implement needed upgrades cannot be detennined until the cost estnnate IS completed in mid-20ll7 The Translhon Plan Update sets an imhal targct of $20,000 per year 10 Implement the improvements listed in the update. This funding should make it possible to complete a reasonable set of improvements within a given year. For example, $20,O()() will allow upgrade of approximately 10 curh ramps, adequate to eliminate any harri"rs around a school or park. Sources of I'unding for the improvements ll1clude the General Fund, Gas Tax, and grants. The current (2005-06 Fiscal Year) budget includes $q,765 in Community Development Block Grant Funds (CDBG) to be used tor reconstruction of approximately four curh ramps. The UpCOmlllg (2006-07 Fiscal Year) budget includes an additional $17,5S I in CDBG funds. It is reasonahle to assume that some level ofCDBG funds or other grants will remain available in future years. The General Fund and/ or Gas Tax would be used to make up the shortfall between the annual target I'unding and available grant funds. Additional sources of funding lllclude the City's Capital Improvement Program and pnvate development Capital Improvement proJects wi]] he designed according to current ADA standards and wi]] correct any existing deficienCies wlthm the limits of the proJect Tn many cases (for example, a street widening) correction of a prohlem will result in no incremental cost to the ClP project, as the prohlem area would have been removed. As noted under the Assessment discussion, the existing five-year capital improvement program mcludes $540,036 in funding to upgrade park play equipment to meet ADA standards. The $20,000 annual target would exclude these funds. G. Schedule The schedule for completmg the improvements noted m the transition plan update IS dependent on the total cost of the improvements and the funds available each year for the upgrades. Pending completion of the cost estimate in early 2007, the plan will set an imhal target of thirty years for 60f7 , SUb~ completion of aU items listed m the plan. This tIme penod is consistent with the time frame set by other agencies and found acceptable by ADA advocacy groups_ Smce it is also likely that ADA design standards will change over the thirty year implementatmn period, this time frame will alluw the City to adjust to the changing standards and prevent a maJ<mty ofimprovemcnts from fallmg out of compliance within a short time of completion. Since the plan scts a target funding of $20,000 per year, the thirty year implementation pcriod would allow completion of $600,000 in improvements. Once the actual cost of the improvcments has been detenninud, it will be necessary to re-examine either the annual allocation or the lmplementatJon penod. Following completion of the assessment, cost estmlate, and prioritization phases of the Transition Plan in 2007, a 200H Transition PIal] Update will he prepared that includes the actual improvement list and a recolllmended annual target funding and Implementation period. The 2008 Update should he completed hy early 2008, allowing implementation to begm that year Accordingly, the 2007-2008 Fiscal Year Budget will include funds to implement prioritIes set for the first year H. Standard Plans Update The update of the City standard plans is currently underway The update IS scheduled lor completion in June, 2006. The update will include new sidewalk and dnveway standards that confonn to current ADA guidehnes. The revised plans will he utihzed mthe design of all future City and private development projects. The City has been utlll7.lng the draft plans since early 2005 IV. Implementation Cost Public Works staff will continue to take the lead in completmg the remaining portions of the work. Completion ufthe assessment and dcvelopment of the scope of lmprovements/ cost estimate for huildings and parks will requirc coordination with Parks and Community Service staff and the assistance or an outside architectural consultant. Further, staff proposes to utilize student mtems over the summur of 2006 to complete the assessment of facilities Within the public nght~of"way In additmn, tJme will speot hy the City's GIS coordinator in asslstmg With data collection and map preparation. The mtemal City cost is estimated at $12,000 The buildings/parks assessment will require inspection of approximately 20 facilities. The cost of retaining a huilding inspection consultant to complete the mspectlOns IS estimated at $15,000. The total cost for consultants, mterns, and staff GIS assistance is a total of $27,000. Allowing for an additional 10'Y., contingency increases the cost to $30,000. This will be tlle anlount budgeted in the 2006-2007 Fiscal Y car for outside services. The remaming costs associated With Puhhc Works staff IS mduded in the salary costs for staff. 701'7