HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.09 Purchase Desk-top Computers 1\,"'- Of DU./Jn 6 ~ 'ifp rff'~~~~~ ,_ ~ !/J) CJt/'IFOR~\~ CITY CLERK File # D~[2J[Z2J-~~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 1, 2006 SUBJECT: Authorization To Purchase Desk-Top Computers From Micron (MPC~G, LLC) Based On Rid Promred From Western State Contradmg Alliancc (WSCA) Report Prepared by Steve Pappa, lnjilrmation .\:vstems Manager Rcsolution authorizing the purchase of 45 dcsk-top computers and monitors from MPC-G, LLC at a cost not to exceed $82,231 RECOMMENDATlO]f ~oP, R,whrtioo FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Sufllcient funds cxist in the Internal Service Fund computer replaccment budget and in various operating dcpartment budgets to purchase a total of 45 personal desk- top computers and monitors. A TT ACHMENTS: DESCRIPTION: Thc purchase of new computers on a pcriodic basis are necessary to replacc oldcr machincs and to accommodate needs wherc Staff or new programs have been addcd as part of the annual Budget process_ Stan-has sought to identify procurement practiccs that assure that the City can elficicntly obtain new equipment at a compeliti ve pricc. Sedion 2.36.050(A)( 10) of the Duhlin Mumcipal Codc allows for exceptions to the typical public bidding process when the City is ahle to procurc items from a competitIve hid proccss administered by another public agency The Code also requires tllat any purchases madc in this marmer that are more than $20,000 shall he approvcd by the City Council. (Section 2.36.050(13)). For Fiscal year 2006/2007 45 computers are proposed to he acquircd and the cost including tax and delivery is projccted to be $82,231 Staff has idcntified a publicly hid purchase agreemcnt with Micron Computer (MPC-G), which offers a competitive product and it IS currently bcing used by the City Smcc tlle total cost exceeds the $20,000 threshold in the MunicIpal Codc, City Council approval!s required. ----------------------------------------------------------------~p----------------------------------~~------- COpy TO: Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO.!f. f F"\(nfmmnlitln Sy~kms\nran. Staff Repurts\Purchasc PC\agcnda_st.n1tJlurcha'ii::PC200ti.dllc The City of Duhlin purchases personal computers cach ycar to replace computers that have exceedcd useful hfe. Factors considered in determmmg which computers will be replaced IIlclude age ofthe unit; whether thc 3 year warlanty IS exhausted; available budget; ability for fue computer to function with current programs and demands; servicc requirements; etc. Currcntly thcrc are 36 personal computers that havc been in service for four (4) years or longer and have reached the end of theIr usefullifc. None of these umts IS currently covered by a warranty The specifications ofthcsc computers make It dIfficult to nm thc computcr applications in use at the City today and as such thc older units reqUIre additional support resources to keep tllem funcl1onmg_ Tn the annual 2006/07 Opcrating Budget departments funding was included for an addItIonal mne (9) personal computers for Higher Service Level posltlOns and arcas that required additIonal workstations. Thcreforc, the funding in the 2006107 hudgct will provide for the purchase of 45 desk-top computers. Thc City has attempted to purchase pcrsonal computers with mimmal power source requircmcnts, and that can effiCIently be accommodated in workspaces. Energy efJicicnt flat panel Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) havc also been a standard feature. The pcrsonal computer configuration whICh was determincd to bcst satisfy these requIrements is an all-in-one umt. The all-Ill-one unit combincs the LCD and computer wlthlll the same case, requiring lcss dcsk space to house tbe computer and only one power source requirement for the singlc casc design. The price for the all-in-one unit is traditionally within the same range as traditional two-piece personal computers with similar performance speclfical1ons. Tn 2005/2006 the City made a purchase of Micron all-in-one units. The performance of the units has been of a sound quality and frcc from any unusual prohlems from a support standpoint. The MPC -G pTlcmg.is hascd its agreement WIth fue Western Statc Contracting Alliance (WSCA). The WSCA agrecment was competitively bId and is a Master Contract that can be utIlized by government agcncics in the westem United Stales, for purchases madc bctween September 1, 2004 - August 31, 2007 Two different types of units are proposed to bc purchased by fue City' 41 Umts - hase model at a cost of$1,819 78 each; and the 411mts - Basc Model Plus a Writable DVD DTlve at a cost of$1,927 44 each. These will he deployed in various operating departments sO that each dcpartment will have access to a computer with a DVD writer for archlvmg purposes. RECOMMENDA TTON: ThIS action allows fue City to obtain compehl1ve pricing and complctc the procLlrement process in a timely mamler. Staff recommends that the City Council allow for an exceptwn to the compctitive bid process pursuant to Dublin Municipal Code ~ Section 2.36.050(A)( I 0) and adopt rcsolution authonzlllg the purchasc of 45 pcrsonal computers from MPC -G_ :l'lJR.. RESOLUTION NO. xx - 06 ) CO -f I A RESOLllTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE eIT): OF DUBLIN ********* AUTHORIZING STAFF TO ENTER INTO A PROCUREMENT AGREEMENT WITH MPC-G, LLC (Micro") FOR ALL - IN - ONE DESK-TOP COMPUTERS WHEREAS, the City of Dublin requIres the purchase of desk-top computers for City operations; and WHEREAS, MPC -G, LLC has a valid pncmg agrccment publicly hid by Western State Contracting Alhance (WSCA>; and WHEREAS, Section 2.36.050(A)(10) of the Dubhn Municipal Code allows for exceptIOns to thc typical public bidding process when ilie City IS able to procurc items from a competitive bId process administered by another public agency; and WHEREAS, ifilie purchase heing made under sectlOn 2.36.050(AI exceeds $20,000 the City Council must auilionze the purchase; and WHEREAS, thc WSCA agreement meets this requirement for a publicly bId agrecmcnt and the estnnated cost ofilie 45 computers to he purchased is $82,231 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council ofilie City of Dublin hereby authorizcs thc City Manager as Purchasing Agent to procure of 45 computers from MPC-G, LLC under a purchasing agreement puhlicly bid by the Western Statc Contracting Alhancc at a cost not to excccd $82,231 and as described to the City Council on August 1, 2006. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED iliis 1st day of August, 2006, hy the following vote: AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk '1,9 'l/I/06