HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.10 Investment Report 4th Qtr CITY CLERK File # D[3][2][llH3J~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 1,2006 SUBJRCT City Treasurer's Investment Report for 4th Quarter 2005-2006 Report Prepared by Paul S. Rankin, Administrative Services Director and Fred Marsh, Finance ManaXer 'J,yfY RECOMMENDATlO~ l ReceIve Report DESCRIPTION The attached Investment Report details the City's investments as of June 30, 2006, in accordance with the Local Agency Investment Guidelines established by the State Treasurer Section I of the Report t'leuses on the primary investment portfolio SecllOn II details funds held by Trustees and mIscellaneous operating accounts. The ((lCUS of thc discussion in this report will he upon activity in the Primary Investment Portfolio. Changes in the investment porll(lho and investment activity for the fourth quarter of Fiscal 'year 2005-2006 are discussed 111 the stalT report below Quarterly Investment Report (June 30, 2006) Section I - Primary Investment Portfolio Section II - Listing of Supplemental Monies Under City Possession and/or Control ATTACHMENTS. INVRSTMRNT ACTIVITY DURING TIlE OUARTER During the fourth quarter, Stair purchased two new securities during the penod, as noted below' INVESTMENTS PURCHASED DURING THE FOURTH QUARTER Value at Maturity Current T e Maturit Date Yield Call Date FHLR $3,000,000 912S!2007 5 430% 12/28/06 FHLR $3,000,000 l2I22/2U08 5.6300/0 9!22/06 In the most recent quarter the average matunty Itlr the Federal Security portion of the porttolio is estimated at I 4 years. It is important to note that this relates solely to the portion of the portfolio that has investments with a stated tenn. The City maintains adequate funds in more liquid investments, which are deemed sufficient to meet eash flow needs. DETAILED LISTING OF PRIMARY PORTFOLIO Govemment and Agency Securities represent 75% of the Primary Portfolio. ^ detailed listing of ea~h security is provided in Section I. The City portfolio assumes that the investments will be held to maturity ~.~~-~-----------------------------------------------------~----~--------------------------------~.__.------- COPIES TO: ITEM NO. !t.1 D Document In quarterly Investment report wor"shf.~ts_XI,s and there is not an active attempt made to trade eXlSl1ng seeurities. The City has staggered the maturity dates within the portfoho and It IS not anhclpated that these funds will need to be called by the City prior to maturity The Morgan Stanley Dean Witter US Government Seeurities Mutual Fund Investment represents 1 % of the City's total portfolio Dunng the full Fis~al Year 2005-2006, the City has receIved to date $64,603 in dividends from th,S mvestment, resulting in an annualized yield of 4 052%. Since October 1999, the mutual fund may he redeemed without sales charges. COMPOSITION OF PORTFOLIO - SOURCE OF FUNDS To provide an overview of the portfolio, the tahIe hcIow shows the total investment halanee hy source of funds, for each quarter of Fiscal Year 2005-2006. The trend throughout the Fiscal Year has heen that the source of funds has remamed relatively stahle. The General Fund represents approximately on half of the portfolio. 2005/2006 QUARTERU: PORTF'OLIO COMPOSITION BY SOURCE OF FUNDS Oct - Dec 2005 Jail - Mar 2006 A r - JUlie 2006 I l.IJII:LOlJ3 I %tot II jjjl/.lOO6 I "/oot I Balance Total Balance Total Halance General Fund $49,283,906 $53,044,S03 51 JI'/n $49,1l;7,329 48.7% $57,466,876 52.311/0 Restricted ~ Special $3,143,443 3. j "/0 $3,1195 774 3.{)ll/n $3,385,761 3.4% $.),591,615 3.3% Revenue (i.e. Gas Tax) Restricted Assessment $536,810 0.5% $342,128 O.JlI/" $5~~,O39 0.6% 5776,918 0.7% Dist ReSlrleted - Impael Fees; IInusing In Lieu 540,637,447 39.5% $37,7%,523 3(,.4% $37,~77,122 37.6% 537,~44,7X2 34.()% Fees Internal Service I $~,159,293 8.9% S'J,44R,5.\.1 1)10/0 $9,802,263 97% 510,020,145 910/0 Rel)lacement 11"unds Tolal'"vested $1 U2, 7"O,8~9 $103,727,781 $IOO,~31,514 5109,800,336 Caleolated Ijuarterly I 3.36% II 3.6911/0 II 3.83% II 4.06O/n I(eturn Sinee the beginning of the year the City has also experieneed a steady increase 111 the rate ofreturn, which results m an 11lCrease m mterest revenue. CHANGES IN THE TOTAL PORTFOLIO YIELD FROM THE PREVIOUS REPORT The total amount shown as invested in the Primary Investment Portfolio is approximately $8.9 million more than the amount shown at Mar~h 31, 2006. OVL-rall, the combined rate for the lotal port/olio mereased from 3.83% at March 31, 2006 to 406% at JUlle 30, 2006 As shown above, the general economic elimate has supported increasing Illterest rates. The 4th quarter increase was attrihutahIe primarily to an Illcrease III the rate of return on the City's investments III LATF, the Union Bank US Government Seeunties Money Market aeeount, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter U.S. Government Securities, and the Bank of Ameriea Columbia Funds Govennnent Reserves Money Market Aeeount. The quarterly average for the City's LATF mvestment was 4.53'}.. as of June 30, 2006, whIch was higher than the 4 04% rate recorded for th~ quarter ending March 31, 200G The sehedulc of investments, ineluding the dates of matunty, eontams adequate eash flow liqUidity to meet anticipated expenditures over the next SIX months. The investments and the schedule ofmvestments are 111 compllan~e with the City's investment policy and all applicahIe laws and regulations. MARKRT VALUE VS. BOOK VALUE The market value of Federal Seelmties ean fluctuate daily and values have been reported as of .Tunc 30, 2001i As previously mentioned the City's current practice is to hold all securities until maturity Governmental Aeeounting mles also requIre the City to hook an adjustment at year end in the fina]l~laI records reflecting the market value ofthe secunl1es. Tfthe market value exceeds the book value a positive adjustment IS made to the mterest revenue line item. In the eurrent situation the market value is less than hook value, whl~h will result in a negative adjustment to interest revenue. In prepanng hudget projections Staff antieipated a negative adjustment for Fis~al Year 2005-2006 The f~) Ilowing is a preliminary breakdown of the expected ad) ustmenl. Description l'ederal Securities Murgan Stanley LAIF Total Value qi) Maturitv $83,R76,OOO Not Applic.hle Not Applic.ble Book Value $83,163,S63 $1,659,101 $6,519,725 $91,342,689 Market Value $82,051,3U7 $\ ,585 ,404 $6,512,2S 1 $90,148,992 Amount of Adjustment (ii, 06/30/2006 ($1,112,556) ($73,697) ($7,444) ($1,193,697) As prevIOusly menl1~med, the City is required to record these adjustments even though it is expeeted that the securities will be held until their matUl1ties. The Morgan Stanley investment values change based upon daily share prices, and Staff will he evaluatmg alternative investments for these funds. RECOMMRNDA nON Staff recommends that Council receive thiS report. ((' Ff CITY OF DUBLIN QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT 4th QUARTER FY 2005-2006 SECTION I PRIMARY INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO if 10 'Cll/or;., :< 01 ;, CITY OF DUBLIN DETAILED LISTING OF INVESTMENTS INCLUDING RATE OF RETlIRN June 30, 2006 COUPON MATlIRITY Vt\I.IJE AT INTRRRST CURRRNT MARKET INVESTMRNT lSTCALL DATR DATR MATURITY RATE YIELD VALli!; FEDERAL SEClIRlTlES rHL]) 4/20/05 9/15/2006 I 5.000,000 3.625% 3.(AO% 4,981 J')f) FHUJ 1{)/lW{)5 lII/19/20{)o I ~,OUO,O\)II J.27o''1j(J 3.290'% 2,9gl,250 I'HLIJ 4/20/05 IU!2n/200h 1 ,'),OlHJ,OOO 3.o0n%, J.02o(lj(J 4,964,050 mLIl 6/14/05 12/14/2006 I 3.000,000 3.350% 3J8n% 2,97{),nO FNMA 7/2/04 12l2W20{)o 1 3,52{),00{) J.OOOL1jfl 3.040% 3477,091 I'HLIJ 6/3/04 iI2/2()07 1 4,480,{){){) 3.()OlJlJ/(J 3.04o(l/fI 4,424.000 FHLMC 113/2007 1 j{)O,OO{) (\..':;25'-'/\.1 ftAf)lJlJ/o 502,345 FHLMC 3/2g106 \l22/Z007 1 4,27,,00{) 4.750'-'/\,1 4.77olJj(J 4,255.121 FFCIl \123/2007 1 421,000 4.()on% 4.n2HQj(l 418,764 fllLIl 2115/2007 I 4.000,000 4.875% 4,gyCl% 3,983,76" PHL]) 2/28/2007 I 2,OtX),000 4.875% 5.020% 1,991,gW FH!.H !()!27104 4J2;/2o(}7 I \OOO,OOU 3. I 50''1jn 3.210'1;11 2,942,gZO FNMA g/] I104 5/11120{)7 1 3,0110,000 3.25(t/(J 3.3]0% 2,94Z,g20 fHLIJ gml04 5/1S/20{)7 1 2,OflO,OOIl 3.0(}{JOjll 3.070'%. 1,956.880 FHLB 12/28/06 9/28/2007 2 3,Of)(),OOO "42/1% 5.4301.1/0 2,993,430 fllLIl 2/11/05 2/11/2008 2 2.500,000 3.420% 3.530% 2,421,1()[) fHLMC 4/27105 4/28/2008 2 5,0{)0.000 3.500% 3.620% 4,g3n,4jn FHLFl 12/24103 h/2412nnR 2 9,OUO,OOU 3.100% 3.240% M03,460 FHLH W3nlO3 b/3(i/20{)8 3 I,OtXJ,OOU 3.200% 3.340% 957"no FflLMC' In!7/()4 In/7/2n{)8 3 '),OIICJ,OOU 1.3001)/... 3.460% 4,773,2no fHLIJ 6/29104 12/3/20ng 3 2,180,nnn 4.0ll(J'-';o 4.130% 2, I 09,826 FIILll 9/22/06 12/22/2008 3 3,000.oon 5,610% 5.630'%.. 2,989,080 fNMA 717104 41712009 3 5,000.000 3.550% 3.730% 4,754,400 fHL]) 4/IW05 10!19/2u(Jt1 4 5,O(JO,OUO 4.250% 4.410% 4,g20,3no TOT~L FF,DERAL SEClJRITlRS $83,870,000 3.793% $82,051,307 MUTUAL FlINDS Union Bank U.,s. (jovt Securities 9,643,713 5.]60% $9,643,713 Bank of .\mt.-nca Columbia Funds Government Reserves 1(),J)()0,187 4.950% $1 ll,Ol)[),l'/!.7 Morgan Stanlcv Dcan Vv itter U.S. (jovt Securities .see Notc 1 4.052'Y... m $1.5R5.404 TUTAL MlITlJAL HINDS 4.978% $21,229,304 PUULEn Pl;BLlC AGE1'iC' INVESTMENTS Stale nfCA.- r .neat <\gcn~y Invcstmcnt FUTld (I.AIF) $0,5[1),725 4.530% $6,519,725 TOT ~L INVESTED PORTFOLIO 4.061% $109,800,336 NUTES, f I) ^ MlltLlal Fllnd inveshnerl.t dues not have a stated date ur maturity and shares may be sold at any time. The share price at the timc of a sale may hc either higher or lower than the original cost, (2) Interest Rale shuwn is ba.'ied on tlivitlemls received this fiscal year tu date, which are annualized and thcn divided by the original iTlve~tmt.:nt. l\1~tlJrity Si;I1E!dull;! Summary of Pnrtfolio (AS5\lmiog None OrSl;!i;urite!S ;Jrl! called prinr tn Maturity) Muney Market Funds/LAIF {I Jay liquidity) Maturiug" ill I yeilr or less Maluring in 1-2 yeilTS Maluring: iTl 2-3 years Man1r1ng in ,-4 years Manuing in 4.5 years $27 749.029 $42,792.961 $1 R,84R,440 $15,5R9,606 $4,8211,3011 $0 26% 39% 17% 14C1/11 4% f.l'% Total Portfolio $]()9,~00,33& 100% 7/171200B 9:50 AM ITEM 1 30-1 b CITY OF DUBLIN SUMMARY OF INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO COMPARISON BY INVESTMENT TYPE June 30, 2006 TYPE OF INSTRUMENT BOOK AND AVERAGE MARKET %OF MATURITY VALUE PORTFOLIO YEARS 56,092,116 51.2% 1.3 418,764 04% 0.6 11,179,311 1O.3'Y. 1.6 14,361,116 13.20;'. 1.6 82,051,307 (1) 75.1% 1.4 Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) Federal Farm Credit Bureau (FFCBl Federal National Mortgage Assn (FNM^) Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC) SUB -TOTAL GOVT/AGENCY Mutual 'Funds Morgan Stanley Dean Witter U.S. Govt Securities O OJ 1,585,4 4 1.4% N/A Union Bank U.S. Govt Securities 9,643,713 8.6'Y. N/A Bank of America Columbia Government Reserves Capital Fund 10,000,187 9.0%. N/A LAIF 6,519,725 5.9%. N/A GRAND TOTAL $109,800,336 100.0% NOTES: ( I ) "n'e City intends to hold the investments until maturity or until market values equal or ex~eed theIr faee value. (2) As a mutuall'und shares can typically be liquidated at any time, TIle weighted average maturity stated in this ~hart was ~alculated by Dean Witter based upon all investment instruments owned by the U.S. Government Securities Mutual Fund. 7/17120069;29 AM ITEM 2 Lf of j., CITY OF DUBLIN QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT 4th QUARTER FY 2005-2006 SECTION II LISTING OF SUPPLEMENTAL MONIES UNDER CITY POSSESSION AND/OR CONTROL . OPERATING FUNDS . SPECIAL FUNDS HELD BY TRUSTEES City of Duhlin Report of Operating Funds On Hand As of June 30, 2006 50+-& In accordance with the California Government Code, the City Treasurer must dls~lose on a quarterly basis all monies in its possession. Monies considered lllvested, and n(lt immediately nceessary for current operations, are presented III a separate Iistlllg as part ofthe quarterly report. In the case of Operating Funds in bank aeeounts, the amount presented relates to the balance rcported by the Financial Institution. IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT THIS AMOUNT MAY REFLECT FUNDS REQUIRED TO COVER PAYMENTS ALREADY ISSUED AND CHECKS WHICH HAVE NOT CLEARED AS OF THE LAST DAY OF THE QUARTER. Therefore, these balances will fluctuate throughout the year. These funds are not subject to a speeified matunty and the par value would be equivalent to the amount stated. Miscellaneous Cash Non-Categorized - Cash Cash RegisternlPetty Cash - City Subtotal Balance 6/30/2006 $1,325.00 $1,325.00 OPRRA TING CASH BALANCES - FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Bank Balance 6/3012006 General Lede:er Balance 6/30/2006 BANK OF AMRRICA- Collateralized Public Money Dep(lslts In Accordance With California Govemment Code $53,871 $169,637 NATIONS BANK U.S Treasmy Reserves AdVIser A~eount (Swecp Account connected to Bank of America DepOSits listed above) $870,658 $870,658 Citibank- Regular Savings Aecount: FDIC Insured $2,113 $2,113 Grand Total Amount Cash Balances; $926,()42 $1.1142407 SPECIAL FUNDS HELD BY TRUSTEES CITY OF DUBLIN DETAILKD LISTING OF INVESTMENTS INCLUDING RATE OF RETURN For the Quarter Ending June 30, 2006 MATURITY DATE YIELD MUTUAL FUNDS DubUn Btvd Assessment District FiTst American Govt Ohligation Fuud See Note I 4.56% NOTES: BOOK VALUE $181,893 (I) A Mumal Fund does not have a stated maturity date and ,hares can be sold at any time. MARKET VALUE $IRI,R93 &cr: ~