HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-07-2004 Adopted CC Min R£6ULAR M££TIN6 - SEPTEMBER 7. 2004 CLOSED SESSION A closed session was held at 6:30 p.m., regarding: 1. Public Employee Perfonnancø Evaluation pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 Title: City Manager A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, September 7, 2004, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:07, by Mayor Lockhart. .. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers McCormick, Oravetz, Sbranti, Zika and Mayor Lockhart. ABSENT: None. .. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited by the Council, Staff and those present. .. REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION ACTION Mayor Lockhart advised that there was no action taken. Continue after meeting. .. RECOGNITION OF PARTICIPATION IN NOR.THERN CALIFORNIA LIFEGUARD GAMES 7:08 p.m. 3.1 (610-50) Parks & Community Services Manager Paul McCreary advised that in July, employees from the Dublin Swim Center participated in the 2004 Northern California Lifeguard Games. Twenty-six teams from throughout Northern CA attended the competition. The City of Dublin's team placed fourth in the overall competition. Jim Vance, East Bay Pool Service sponsored the team. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING September 7,2004 PAGE 413 #; Representing Dublin in the competition: Alejandra Hernandez, Kristy Laird, Noel Sollom- Brotherton, Daniel Stieber, Sarah Willis and Vivian Lau. It should also be noted that Dublin Lifeguards Kristy Laird and Noel Sollom-Brotherton finished in second place for the two-guard CPR and the active victim rescue events, which is commendable considering there were 104 other competitors at the Lifeguard Games. Certificates of Recognition were presented to team members and also to East Bay Pool Service for sponsoring the team. .. 7:11 p.m. Cm. Oravetz announced as a representative on the LA VT A Board, along with Mayor Lockhart, that tomorrow is a Spare the Air Day all over the Bay Area. BART is free in the morning commute time and WHEELS is free all day. .. CONSENT CALENDAR 7:12 p.m. Items 4.1 through 4.16 Vm. Zika pulled Item 4.1. Cm. Oravetz pulled Item 4.4. On motion of Vm. Zika, seconded by Cm. Sbranti, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: Authorized (4.2 600-35) Staff to advertise Contract 04-12, Street Light Pole Replacement, Phase 3 for bids; Adopted (4.3 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 169 - 04 APPROVING CONSULTING AGREEMENT WITH MICROMENDERS INC., FOR NETWORK MIGRATION SERVICES and authorized the City Manager to execute the Agreement; CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING September 7,2004 PAGE 414 Adopted (4.5 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 170 - 04 APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTING SERVICES WITH PERMCO ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT Adopted (4.6 600-60) RESOLUTION NO. 171 - 04 ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR STORM DRAIN LINES "C" AND "0" IN DUBLIN RANCH, AREAS C AND H Accepted (4.7 600-35) improvements under Contract 04-03 and authorized the release of retention after 35 days if there are no subcontractor claims Adopted (4.8 600-60) RESOLUTION NO. 172 - 04 APPROVING THE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR GRADING ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT 7524, DUBLIN RANCH, NEIGHBORHOOD H-2, PHASE 2 (THE TERRACES) (TOLL-DUBLIN, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY) Adopted (4.9 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 173 - 04 APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH GEOCON CONSULTANTS, INC. FOR CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF DOUGHERTY ROAD FROM 1-580 TO HOUSTON PLACE (NOT-TO-EXCEED $10,250) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING September 7,2004 PAGE 415 Adopted (4.10 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 174- 04 APPROVING LANGUAGE AMENDMENTS FOR APPROVED CONTRACTS WITH CONSULTANTS IN THE BUILDING DIVISION AND PLANNING DIVISION RELATED TO BUILDING INSPECTION SERVICES, PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL & ARBORIST SERVICES RELATING TO INDEMNIFICATION AND CONSULTANT RESPONSIBILITIES (Lp2A, 4LEAF, INC., SP2, INC., PREVISION INSPECTION COMPANY, INC., CSG CONSULTANTS, INC., JERRY HAAG, CANNON DESIGN GROUP; JEFF GAMBONI, PAUL NIEMUTH, AND LSA ASSOCIATES, INC.) and RESOLUTION NO. 175 - 04 APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH BERRYMAN & HENIGAR ON AN AS-NEEDED BASIS FOR OVERFLOW SERVICES IN THE BUILDING & SAFETY SERVICES DIVISION RELATED TO INSPECTION SERVICES Adopted (4.11 600-40/1030-20) RESOLUTION NO. 176 - 04 APPROVING THE REVISED MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WITH THE ALAMEDA COUNTYWIDE CLEAN WATER PROGRAM Adopted (4.12 600-35) RESOLUTION NO. 177 - 04 ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS TO BRAY COMMONS and authorized Staff to accept a maintenance bond in the amount of $111,567 at a future date' , CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING September 7, 2004 PAGE 416 Adopted (4.13 600-60) RESOLUTION NO. 178 - 04 ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 7589 (WATERFORD PLACEITHE SHOPS AT WATERFORD) BY SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND APPROVAL OF REGULATORY TRAFFIC DEVICE Adopted (4.14 670-40) RESOLUTION NO. 179 - 04 APPROVING THE SALE OF PARCELS OF LAND ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF 1-580 TO SCHAEFER HEIGHTS, INC., FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE EXTENSION OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD Approved (4.15 600-35) Change Orders and budget change in the amount of $58,583 to fund Change Order 14, bid item overruns, and additional anticipated project costs for Contract 03-11, I-580/San Ramon Road Interchange Improvement Project; Approved (4.16 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $2,236,514.99. Vm. Zika pulled the minutes of the Camp Parks special meeting of August 6 & 7, 2004. At the end, it was decided that park land could not be used as a high school site. Everybody but one at that charette opted to exclude the high school. The consultant had everyone in the audience vote. He requested that the minutes be corrected to reflect this. On motion of Vm. Zika, seconded by Cm. Oravetz, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved (4.1) Minutes of Special Meeting (Workshop) of August 6 & 7, 2004 (with addition) and Regular Meeting of August 17, 2004. Cm. Oravetz pulled Item 4.4 related to replacement blinds at the Civic Center and asked what we are going to do with the old ones. Public Works Director Melissa Morton stated we are replacing roughly half of the blinds. The old ones will be thrown away. They are very dirty and pretty much used up. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING September 7,2004 PAGE 417 City Manager Richard Ambrose stated we will look for an opportunity to recycle them. Mayor Lockhart requested that we contact Waste Managèment. On motion of Cm. Oravetz, seconded by Cm. McCormick, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted (4.4 600-35) RESOLUTION NO. 180 - 04 AWARDING CONTRACT 04-10 CIVIC CENTER VERTICAL BLINDS TO HYDRO-TECH ($14,630) .. PUBLIC HEARING AMENDMENT TO UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT 2003-01 DOUGHER1Y ROAD FROM SIERRA LANE TO DUBLIN BOULEVARD AND DUBLIN BOULEVARD FROM DUBLIN COURT TO DOUGHERTY ROAD, ADDING SCARLETI COURT FROM DUBLIN BOULEVARD TO A POINT 700 FEET sourn OF DUBUN BOULEVARD 7:16 p.m. 6.1 (1020-30) Mayor Lockhart opened the public hearing. Public Works Director Melissa Morton presented the Staff Report. This action will add a portion of Scarlett Court to the utility undergrounding district formed as a result of the Dougherty Road Improvements, Houston Place to 1-580, capital project in order to remove utility poles between Scarlett Court and Dougherty Road. The project will be funded primarily by California Public Utilities Commission Rule 20A funds. Cm. Sbranti questioned how the district could be expanded without increasing the cost. Ms. Morton explained that along that area, the businesses served are going to be purchased as part of the project so we will not be servicing that area. Stuart Ross, Wohlross Associates, managing general partner of 6500 Scarlett Court, Miracle Auto Painting, questioned the specific time frames for acquisition. Ms. Morton stated it depends on how smoothly discussions go. The relocation manager and real property should be in contact. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING Septem ber 7, 2004 PAGE 418 Mr. Ross asked if this is something that is imminent or could it drag on for a number of years. Ms. Morton stated construction is tentatively scheduled for spring 2006. Mr. Ross stated the issue to them is the purchase of their property. Is this expected to happen this year? Ms. Morton stated, again, it depends on how speedily the negotiations go, but they are prepared to purchase as soon as possible. City Manager Richard Ambrose stated our CIP requires us to acquire right-of-way this fiscal year. Mayor Lcx::khart closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Cm. Oravetz, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED the Ordinance. .. PUBLIC HEARING - PA 04-044 ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION INITIATING PROCEEDINGS TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE CONVERSION OF EXISTING APARTMENTS IN THE CITY TO CONDOMINIUMS 7:22 p.m. 6.2 (430-20) Mayor Lcx::khart opened the public hearing. Planning Manager Jeri Ram presented the Staff Report. This item is for City Council consideration related to the adoption of a Resolution which would initiate proceedings to adopt an Ordinance regulating the conversion of existing apartments in the City to condominiums. The specific content of the Ordinance that will be eventually proposed to the City Council is presently unknown. If the City Council determines that a conversion of apartments to condominiums might negatively impact the City's goal and State Law obligation to adequately provide for the housing needs of all economic segments of the community, Staff recommended that the City Council adopt the Resolution initiating proceedings to adopt a condominium- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING Septem ber 7, 2004 PAGE 419 conversion Ordinance. Staff anticipates that something would come before the City Council within the next 6 months. Cm. Oravetz asked if 12.5% of conversions would have to be affordable? Ms. Ram stated the Affordable Housing Ordinance doesn't address conversions. Vm. Zika asked about the applications that are mapped for condos. We can't do anything about this? Ms. Ram stated we are looking at this. We want to get the process going. Vm. Zika discussed specifically the Avalon Bay situation and the loss of rental units. Ms. Ram stated because this has come up, we will examine all of our policies and procedures. Mayor Lockhart asked what the difference is between this and a moratorium? Ms. Ram stated we are providing notice and letting the property owners know what we are planning. Usually a moratorium is done on the Zoning Ordinance. Cm. McCormick asked if we develop an Ordinance, is it possible to limit the number by year? Ms. Ram replied yes, we can tie it to a ratio such as to the vacancy rate. There are many options. Cm. Sbranti stated while we will try to model what other cities have done, we will look at our own community and what needs to be done for our citizens. Mayor Lockhart stated we don't want to upset the balance we've worked so hard to create. Cm. SÞranti discussed further a situation where apartments which were affordable, were converted to condos and how this would work. No testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Lockhart closed the public hearing. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING September 7,2004 PAGE 420 On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Vm. Zika, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 181 - 04 INITIATING PROCEEDINGS TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE CONVERSION OF EXISTING APARTMENTS IN THE CITY TO CONDOMINIUMS .. NO PARKING ZONE ON VILLAGE PARKWAY, NORTII OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD 7:39 p.m. 7.1 (570-20) Public Works Director Melissa Morton presented the Staff Report. Police Services Staff requested consideration of a no parking zone for trucks over 20' in length in order to improve visibility for drivers exiting the driveway of Wendy's and Kentucky Fried Chicken and to avoid obstructing V-turns for southbound Village Parkway at Dublin Boulevard. This item was continued by the City Council on August 17th for further review. The business loading and unloading occurs behind the businesses there. On motion of Cm. Sbranti, seconded by Cm. Oravetz, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 182 - 04 APPROVING A NO PARKING ZONE FOR VEHICLES OVER TWENTY (20) FEET LONG ON VILLAGE PARKWAY NORTH OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD FOR A DISTANCE OF 142 FEET . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING September 7,2004 PAGE 421 A W AID OF BID - CONTRACT 04-08 VILLAGE PARKWAY SIDEWALK WIDENING & LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS AMADOR VALLEY BOULEVARD TO DUBUN BOULEVARD 7:41 p.m. 7.2 (600-35) Public Works Director Melissa Morton presented the Staff Report. This project will widen sidewalks, install decorative street lighting, and plant new street trees on Village Parkway between Amador Valley Boulevard and Dublin Boulevard. The City Council was asked to consider awarding the bid for this project, including or excluding the alternative to perform the work at night. It was noted that bids received were significantly higher than what we budgeted for the project. Staff explained that the advantage of performing all of the work at night is that it would allow on -street parking and parking lot access, and eliminate noise, dust and inconvenience to merchants and shoppers during the daytime business hours. If the choice to construct the project at night is exercised by the Council, in order to alleviate construction noise impacts, Staff will require the contractor to schedule concrete demolition in the early evening hours (between approximately 7:00 p.m. and 11 :00 p.m.). The added cost to the project for the bid item "Night Work" is $28,000. Cm. McCormick asked if we are also considering the start or delay of the project. Ms. Morton stated California's typical rain pattern is January and February. It was thought that we may be able to complete the project by Thanksgiving. Cm. Oravetz clarified that night work would be done between 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. Ms. Morton clarified that construction would occur all night with demolition to occur from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Cm. Sbranti asked, if this were to happen during the day, in terms of traffic, would we anticipate major traffic constraints? Ms. Morton stated we don't anticipate lane closures, and access to businesses would continue. We would try to not have the whole street torn up at the same time. Some of the garbage pick ups occur at night, so we would have to make special provisions with the garbage haulers. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING September 7,2004 PAGE 422 Vm. Zika asked if the total time required to complete the project makes a difference whether it is done night or day? Ms. Morton stated there is a possibility that at night would we could realize some savings, but it's not appreciable. Phyllis Hucke-Sutton stated she owns the property at 7100 Village Parkway, which is almost at the corner of Village Parkway & Amador Valley Boulevard, in the back what used to be John & Bills Transmission and in front, about 15 small retail stores. They just had the back parking lot completely striped and sealed. Why can't we have this done during spring when the days are longer? She would hate to see the Post Office and small retail people interfered with during the holidays. In the winter, they can't even work at night if it is raining. She stated she would rather have it done during the day, if it is done in the spring. George Churchill, 6990 Village Parkway #201 clarified that there is no particular federal funding that we might lose here. With the days getting shorter and the prospect of rains coming in late September and raining hard, he was concerned with all the rain during the holiday season, and moving bins way out to the front and then trying to move them back during this period of construction. He felt this may not be practical. Will the street harden enough to allow the garbage trucks to go over this? A lot of the businesses have only one way in and out. Maybe we could put in some large heavy grates. His real desire is that we delay this process until next spring when the days are longer and hotter and it can set faster. One third to one half of their business comes during this holiday season. This is unfair. Ellie Lange, 6500 Dublin Boulevard, stated they own several pieces of property on Village Parkway. She and her husband attended the committee meeting. They strongly feel that commencement of the project should be delayed until spring. Even though they plan to do this in pieces, they do plan to tear up the driveways. If we have a storm, they don't want to have another 2 year Dublin Boulevard project. The lighting poles, we have to wait 2 or 3 months for them to come in. The holiday issue is a big one for the Post Office. Their request for night work was for people to have access during the day. Is there a way to do half a driveway for those businesses that only have one driveway such as Taco Bell. Please minimize impact on businesses. Mayor Lockhart asked about PG&E. They were the cause of much of the Dublin Boulevard delay. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING September 7,2004 PAGE 423 Ms. Morton advised that this is not an undergrounding project. We already have lights in the center of the street, so PG&E should not be involved. Vm. Zika pointed out that this bid is only good for 30 or 60 days, so we would have to rebid the project. Could this drive up costs? Ms. Morton stated it is difficult to project what the cost implications would be. Prices may be different next spring. Mayor Lockhart stated she agrees with concern about not disrupting the businesses. Everyone gears up for the holidays much earlier. It is hard to judge what the tradeoff is with night work. Cm. Sbranti discussed the cumulative effect if you do both projects at the same time. City Manager Richard Ambrose stated the successful bidder is not going to order the poles until they get the bid, so we will be in the same situation. If the City Council opts to put this off until spring, tonight they would reject all bids. If the bid were to be awarded tonight, the project would start the end of September. Cm. Sbranti discussed daylight savings time. The biggest impact is the holidays. You get more rain in April than October. If we delay, we n~ to delay until at least May. The consensus of the Council was to delay the project until next May and then do day work. Staff pointed out that the driveways have to be done at night. Mayor Lockhart asked if this would impact other projects. Ms. Morton stated Staff can examine other projects constructed during the spring and we will do our best to have the project begin in May 2005. On motion of Cm. Sbranti, seconded by Cm. Oravetz, and by unanimous vote, the Council rejected bids on this project and agreed to delay the bid in order to start new project at beginning of May, 2005. . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING September 7,2004 PAGE 424 REPORT ON RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN WITIUN mE EASTERN DUBLIN PROPERTY OWNERS ANNEXATION AREA 8:09 p.m. 8.1 (420-20) Senior Planner Andy Byde presented the Staff Report. The Eastern Dublin Property Owners (EDPO) project area consists of 13 contiguous parcels totaling 1,120 acres with 11 different ownerships, and is located east of Fallon Road to the City limit line and Sphere of Influence line. A Resource Management Plan (RMP) has been prepared for the entire 1,120 acre EDPO property consistent with Mitigation Measure SM-BIO 1 of the previously certified SEIR. The purpose of the RMP is tq address impacts of the approved development on biological resources across the entire project area (as opposed to addressing such impacts on a parcel-by-parcel basis). Leslie Zander discussed and summarized the Resource Management Plan, and Shannon Lucas assisted with a PowerPoint presentation. The goals of the RMP were to allow development while minimizing impacts. Mr. Byde advised that Permits from various state agencies may be required. Vm. Zika discussed appendix section 8 talking about initial cost and cost to complete. A 5 year cost of a little over $2 million and then about $60K per year to maintain? He questioned why they selected the conservation corridor they did. Cm. McCormick asked if we would have to form a district to do the management? Ms. Zander stated there will be a lot of exploration regarding the best way to do this. Vm. Zika commented the Department of Fish & Wildlife has verbally looked at and approved this, but we have nothing in writing yet. The person who approved this may not even be there next year. Cm. Sbranti talked about opportunities for development along the outer edges with vistas. Ms. Zander stated crossing some of the corridor may be necessary for circulation. Mr. Byde discussed pedestrian and trail access and stated there are opportunities particularly in the north for pedestrian access. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING September 7, 2004 PAGE 425 Mayor Lockhart stated she was excited about the fact that we have a large area of development where we have done a resource management plan. It puts everybody on the same page and opens up the dialogue. It helps to see the whole picture. Cm. Sbranti stated he felt this is a very proactive approach which gives us a much clearer picture of what we can do by doing the environmental work up front. This is very progressive. We are growing the right way and setting aside open space along our borders. Anthony Varni, Attorney, stated he was representing the Jordan Trust, the property that has the word "corridor" on it. He explained why they are here and what their goals are. The Jordan Trust provides a place for Lowell Jordan and on his death to liquidate the trust and give the assets to 5 charities. He is 80 years old and in good health. They have been involved in this for about 10 years. In the early 70's, another trust was set up similar to this in Hayward. There were 2 Jordan brothers at that time. They bought 360 acres off Fallon Road in the 70's and established a new residence for Mr. Jordan. They sold a portion to the Lin Family on the west side of Fallon Road. They ask for our understanding of the situation of the trust. They have had great cooperation from Staff and adjacent property owners. They will continue to work with City Staff. They don't necessarily agree with the plan, but they understand it. They have a little different agenda. Mayor Lockhart stated she did not feel it is the City Council's or neighbor's intention to change the purpose of the Jordan property. Everyone will have to give and take a little to meet needs of not only current but future residents. We will want to preserve Mr. Jordan's rights, but it does have to fit in with the needs of the rest of Dublin. On motion of Cm. Sbranti, seconded by Cm. Oravetz, and by unanimous vote, the Council accepted the Resource Management Plan Report. .. AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT BIDS, CONTRACT 04-04, TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT AMADOR Y ALLEY BOULEY ARD AND STARW AIID DRIVE 8:35 p.m. 8.2 (600-35) Public Works Director Melissa Morton presented the Staff Report and advised that this project will install a traffic signal at the intersection of Amador Valley Boulevard and Starward Drive, and upgrade the existing signal at Amador Valley Boulevard and Donohue Drive. The new signal will facilitate and enhance the safety of turning movements and will also aid access to the new Senior Center and Senior housing CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING September 7, 2004 PAGE 426 development. The two signals are designed to operate as a single traffic signal since the intersections are very close to each other. On motion of Vm. Zika, seconded by Cm. McCormick, and by unanimous vote, the Council authorized Staff to advertise the project for bids. . RECESS 8:38 p.m. Mayor Lockhart called for a short recess. At 8:44 p.m. the meeting resumed with all Councilmembers present. .. VILLAGE POLICY STATEMENT PA 04-025 8:45 p.m. 8.3 (420-20) Community Development Director Eddie Peabody presented the Staff Report and advised that as part of the 10-year Strategic Plan, the City Council instructed Staff to develop a policy defining a Village Concept for use as a Planning Tool and to identify opportunities to create new Villages in Dublin. Staff conducted research and prepared a Background Study on the concept of Villages in order to develop a working definition and develop a policy that would be consistent with the City Council's direction. The Background Study contains a brief summary of the history of Villages in America and the development of modern Villages in the United States. The Village Policy: A Village is defined as a physical development of land that has been designed to encourage compact development of an area which integrates a variety of housing types and densities with community facilities, civic and educational uses. Commercial and industrial uses may also be located in Villages. An emphasis on pedestrian-friendly design should be required. Mayor Lockhart stated what she did not see in the policy was a public transportation mode. This is critical for something like this, especially for encouraging pedestrian trails CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING September 7,2004 PAGE 427 · and lifestyles that we make that an important characteristic, that they link to public transportation. Mr. Peabody stated they can easily modify it to put this in. City Manager Richard Ambrose clarified that to the extent possible, we can put this in. Cm. McCormick commented Area G seems to be our model, and asked how large it is. Mr. Peabody replied it is 86 acres. Cm. McCormick asked if it is possible to have many villages with certain elements in them? Mr. Peabody stated there needs to be enough of a critical mass to have residential and a number of other things. When you get below about 40 or 50 acres, it is hard to have a mixture of all the items in one place. Mayor Lockhart stated we may not need to identify specific areas where these can exist, but rather have a policy and when proposals come in, we can look at the policy to see what's possible. She would not want to see us become a theme town. Downtown has some of the most exciting opportunities. Cm. Oravetz agreed that we should use this as a policy or guide as new developments come forward. He has always viewed us as a Village. We're building a little village where Pak 'N Save was and another where Lucky's was. Cm. Sbranti stated when you look at a Village, pretty much everything viewed was over 100 acres. In reality when you think of certain shopping centers or parcels, we would need to look at the overall combination to work on this type of a scheme. Mayor Lockhart stated our Camp Parks land will provide another opportunity. Vm. Zika thanked Mr. Peabody for defining this. It gives a lot of opportunities. The examples were good. Camp Parks and downtown will be a couple of our greatest opportunities. Cm. Sbranti asked about a rule of thumb where an area becomes viable with a certain number of units. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING September 7,2004 PAGE 428 Mr. Peabody stated this is hard to say. Critical mass is required, but could service other areas. A large park or a community center, as described obviously serve a larger area, but they help a village to have a focus. Mr. Ambrose stated we have to look at the location and nature of retail and talked about the changing nature of marketing grocery stores and how this has changed over the years in Dublin. Cm. Sbranti stated he felt this is a good document and a good start. Mr. Ambrose stated we could have small developments that may not be part of a village, but could be one of the components of a larger village. Mayor Lockhart stated we could identify major areas where we may have an interest, and identify those policies. Mr. Ambrose stated the intention was to identify some potential areas to evaluate. The action plan does not tie us into anything other than a means to evaluate. Cm. Oravetz felt this should be just a guiding principle. He did not feel this would sit on the shelf. Give our concept to developers. Mr. Peabody discussed an action plan to discuss opportunities where villages might be able to develop. In some areas, villages may not work. As changes and uses evolve, we could develop a concept of what we would like to see although this may take 25 years. The first phase would be to look at possibilities. Mr. Ambrose summarized that the action plan gives a guide on where and when to apply the policies. The action plan establishes the when and the how. Mayor Lockhart stated she likes the idea of evaluating. Her main concern is she doesn't want to put down some mandates that 6 years from now, don't make any sense for development. We shouldn't put ourselves in a position of future inability to make changes. We need to be flexible and open to looking at opportunity, but no mandates. Cm. McCormick stated she sees this as a planning tool. Mr. Ambrose stated this can be changed by any future City Council at any time. Cm. Sbranti stated the key is guiding development where it is appropriate. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING September 7,2004 PAGE 429 On motion of Vm. Zika, seconded by Cm. McCormick, and by unanimous vote, the Council directed Staff to come back with an action plan for the Policy and requested Staff to make minor amendment to the Policy related to transportation. .. AGREEMENT WITH BKF ENGINEERS FOR DESIGN, SURVEYING AND CONSTRUCTION CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE DOUGHERTY ROAD IMPROVEMENTS - HOUSTON PLACE TO 1-580 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIF) PROEÇI 9:34 p.m. 8.4 (600-30) Public Works Director Melissa Morton presented the Staff Report and advised that this item would approve a consultant contract with BKF Engineers to perform design, surveying and construction consulting services for the Dougherty Road Improvements project from 1-580 to Houston Place. The design services are funded through Traffic Impact Fees and mitigation contributions. Mayor Lockhart asked if we looked at any alternatives to expanding the width of the roadway such as changing the intersection or one road over or under? Are we too far down this road to examine this? Ms. Morton stated this would be very expensive to do a cut grade intersection. We didn't go too much further than getting some crude estimates together. This is the most cost effective way of increasing the capacity of the intersection. City Manager Richard Ambrose advised that it is somewhat difficult not knowing where we will end up with Camp Parks. On motion of Cm. Oravetz, seconded by Vm. Zika, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved a Budget Change in the amount of $177,569 to fully fund the design and services in FY 2004-05 and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 183 - 04 APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH BKF ENGINEERS FOR CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF DOUGHERTY ROAD FROM 1-580 TO HOUSTON PLACE +. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING September 7,2004 PAGE 430 BRAY COMMONS DEDICATION EVENT 9:42 p.m. 8.5 (950-40) Parks & Community Services Manager Paul McCreary presented the Staff Report. Bray Commons is the City's newest neighborhood park and is located in the Dublin Ranch Development on Keegan Street, between Finnian Way and Maguire Way. As has been done with other new parks in the City, Staff recommends that a dedication event be planned. The City Council was asked to consider potential dates for the event either this Fall (October 9th), or next Spring (May 7th), as well as event components. The Parks & Community Services Commission recommend deferring the event until May 7th. Mayor Lockhart stated she felt if the Sister City Association (SCA) is involved, we should wait until May. Cm. Oravetz stated he felt the park would have a chance to mature this winter. Mayor Lockhart advised that the SCA is talking about a peace pole. This could be added to the dedication. This will be a great event and it sounds like a lot of fun. On motion of Cm. Sbranti, seconded by Cm. McCormick, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the components of the event and selected the date of May 7, 2005 for the dedication of Bray Commons. . OTHER BUSINESS 9:46 p.m. Cm. Oravetz advised that he attended the Alameda County Library Association meeting for Cm. Sbranti last week. They discussed an issue related to the fact that Karen Dyer has been the 6th member of that committee for many years. The Supervisors wanted to put on a 10 year term limit, but changed it to 12 years. Karen was given an extra two years. He advised that LAVTA will meet on September 13th. Tomorrow rides will be free all day on WHEELS. Vm. Zika stated they had an airport meeting. The third meeting will be tomorrow night. Up to this point, there seems to be a philosophy of field of dreams. There is not pent up CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING Septem ber 7, 2004 PAGE 431 demand for expansion. The concern is if there is no demand, why do it? He doesn't understand why there is this need to expand the airport. Sound problems will be addressed tomorrow night; how when and where the tests were taken. Cm. Sbranti reported that he, along with the Mayor, attended a DPIE meeting. They have ambitious plans for this next year. The largest percentage of donations ever is going back into the schools. Things are moving in the right direction. They're looking forward to starting a mentoring program. This will start at the high school this fall. Cm. McCormick stated she and the Mayor attended a Pleasanton liaison meeting. It was very congenial and they discussed a lot of mutual traffic concerns and potential development. This was a very productive meeting. She has enjoyed Tom Pico's leadership and will miss him very much as well as Matt Campbell who is leaving the City Council. Mayor Lockhart stated she also felt the Pleasanton liaison meeting went very well. Both Tom Pico and Matt Campbell will be missed. She was pleased to attend the Scottish Games this weekend at the fairgrounds. She thanked Mayor Pico and the City of Pleasanton for being such great hosts. They have Irish there also. This has become a great event for the region and we all benefit from this. Tomorrow she will attend, along with Fire Department, the Livermore Laboratory to look at our dispatch system. .. CLOSED SESSION 9:54 p.m. The Council returned to closed session. 1. Public Employee Petformance Evaluation pursuant to Gowmment Code 5ectIon 54957 nile: City Manager REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION ACTION There was no action taken. .. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING Septem ber 7, 2004 PAGE 432 AQJOURNMENT 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m. ATTEST: ..~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING September 7,2004 PAGE 433