HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-21-2006 Adopted CC Min MINUTES OF THE Crn' COUNCIL A regular meetmg of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, February 21, 2006, in the Council Chambers of the Dublm Civic Center. The meetmg was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Lockhart. .. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Hildenbrand, McCormIck and Oravetz, and Mayor Lockhart. ABSENT: Councilmember Zika .. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by the Dublin 4H Club, the pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited by the Council, Staff and those present. .. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Introduction of New Employee 7:01 p.m. 3.1 (700-10) Commumty Development Director Jeri Ram introduced Brent Smith, who was recently hired as a Senior Plan Checker in the Community Development Department. The Council welcomed Mr. Smith to the Dublin City Staff. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING February 21, 2006 PAGE 65 ~ .. RecOstnition of Nominees for City of Dublin's 2005 Citizen of the Year 7:02 p.m. 3.2 (610-50) Nominees for 2005 Citizen of the Year included: Don Biddle, Carol Satterthwaite and Karen Seals. Mayor Lockhart read a summary of each nominee's accomplishments and presented each Citizen nominated with a Certificate of Recognition. The winner would be announced at the "Proud to be a Dublm Volunteer" celebration bemg held at the Dublin Semor Center on Thursday, February 23m. .. Recognition of Nominees for City of Dublin's 2005 Organization of the Year 7:09 p.m. 3.3 (610-50) Nominees for 2005 OrganizatIon of the Year included: Dougherty Elementary Student Council, Dublin 4H Club, Dublin Host LIOns Club, East Bay SPCA, Easter Seals Kaleidoscope After School Program, Friends of the Dublin Library, Knights of Columbus - Dublin #7987, and Rotary Club of Dublin. Mayor Lockhart read a summary of each nominee's accomplishments and presented a representative of each Organization WIth a Certificate of Recognition. The winner would be announced at the "Proud to be a Dublin Volunteer" celebration being held at the Dublin Senior Center on Thursday, February 23m. .. Presentation by the Livermore-Amador Transit Authority on the WHEELS Strategic Plan 7:37 p.m. 3.4 (1060-20) Public Works Director Melissa Morton introduced Barbara Duffy, General Manager of Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority, who would make a presentation regarding the WHEELS Strategic Plan. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING February 21, 2006 PAGE 66 ~ Ms. Duffy gave a bnef presentation which overviewed WHEELS' mission, vision and values, as well as its Strategic Plan and related performance goals. Strategies and goals mclude seven focus areas: ndership development, marketing and publIc awareness, economIc development policy development, regional leadership, organizational effectiveness, and fiscal responsibilIty. Mayor Lockhart stated that she appreciated that WHEELS looked at each City individually and worked to meet the needs of that particular community. In Dublin, there was a need to get residents to and from the BART station. She encouraged the community to utilize the park-and-nde lots and nde WHEELS. .. Public Comments 7:47p.m. 3.5 Robert Allen, Livermore resident and former BART Boardmember, urged the Council to support an express bus between the BART statIon and regional park-and-ride lots, especIally the Livermore park-and-nde. It would save a lot of congestIon on the freeway and would help get traffic off surface streets in surroundmg citIes. This plan would serve the people much better than the proposed eastbound High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane. .. CONSENT CALENDAR 7:50 p.m. Items 4.1 through 4.10 On motion of Vm. Oravetz, seconded by Cm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote (Cm. Zika absent), the Council took the following actions: Approved (4.1) Minutes of Special MeetIng of February 4,2006, and Regular Meetmg of February 7, 2006; Authorized (4.2 600-35) Staff to solicit bids for Contract No. 06-02, Fire Station #16 Repairs; DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING February 21, 2006 PAGE 67 ~ Adopted (4.3 600-50) RESOLUTION NO. 14 - 06 APPROVING FREEWAY AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND THE CITY OF DUBLIN RELATING TO THAT PORTION OF STATE HIGHWAY ROUTE 580 FROM 0.3 KM. EAST OF FALLON ROAD TO 0.3 KM. WEST OF FALLON ROAD Adopted (4.4 600-50) RESOLUTION NO. 15 - 06 APPROVING A..\1.ENDMENT #1 TO THE AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF DUBLIN Adopted (4.5 600-60) RESOLUTION NO. 16 - 06 ACCEPTANCE OF SOMERSET LANE BRIDGE AND MAYMONT LANE BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS AND APPROVING REGULATORY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT 7414, TASSAJARA CREEK PHASE 3 (GHC ROXBURY, LLC, A DELA WARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY) Adopted (4.6 350-20) RESOLUTION NO.1 7 - 06 WAIVING THE COMPETITIVE BID PROCESS AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO PURCHASE EVIDENCE ROOM SHELVING DIRECTLY FROM VENDOR Waived reading and adopted (4.7 585.25) ORDINANCE NO.6 - 06 AMENDING CHAPTER 5.04 OF THE DUBLIN MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO LOITERING Received (4.8 310-30) reports and confirmed reservations of Fund Balances for Fiscal Year 2004-2005; Approved (4.9 330-50) Final Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 and approved Budget Change in the amount of $150,000; DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING February 21, 2006 PAGE 68 ~ Approved (4.10 300-40) the Warrant RegIster in the amount of $4,690,459.65. .. WRITIEN COMMUNICATIONS - None .. PUBUC HEARINGS Public Hearing Village Green Site Development Review Amendment to Dublin Transit Center Site B-2 (Avalon Bay Communities) Site Development Review, PA 03-058 7:51 p.m. 6.1 (410-30) Mayor Lockhart opened the publIc heanng. Associate Planner Marnie Nuccio presented the Staff Report and advised that Avalon Bay CommunIties proposed to construct a + I-acre open space area known as the Village Green which would include landscape, hardscape, a children's play area, trellIses and other appurtenances associated with a park-like setting. thIS project is located south of Dublin Boulevard between DeMarcus Boulevard and Iron Horse Parkway. Mayor Lockhart expressed concern about the proposed play dome being made out of metal, as it might get too hot to touch during the summer. Kurt Culver, Guzzardo Partnership, advised that the trees for that area would eventually proVIde shade. Other material alternatives were available for the play dome, and they could work with Staff to determine the most viable option. The Council and Staff discussed vanous optIons, such as recycled materials or powder- coating the stamless steel. Vm. Oravetz suggested that the motion include a modIfication to the condItIons of approval requiring a change in the play dome building material. Ms. Nuccio noted the concern and advised that Staff would work WIth the Applicant to address the Council's concern. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING February 21, 2006 PAGE 69 ~ Mayor Lockhart closed the publIc hearing. The Council expressed its support for the Village Green design and noted that the public art component would not be installed until 25% of the housing project was OCCUpIed. On motion of Vm. Oravetz, seconded by Cm. McCormick and by unanimous vote (Cm. Zika absent), the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 18 - 06 APPROVING PA 03-058 VILLAGE GREEN SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW AMENDMENT TO DUBLIN TRANSIT CENTER SITE B- 2 (AVALON BAY COMMUNITIES) SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW LOCATED SOUTH OF SITE B BETWEEN IRON HORSE PARKWAY AND DEMARCUS BOULEVARD (APN 986-0001-011-00) .. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None .. NEW BUSINESS Approval of Parking Regulations on Myrtle Drive in the Vicinity of Dublin Corners Shopping Center 8:08 p.m. 8.1 (570-20) Public Works Director MelIssa Morton presented the Staff Report and advised that thIS item would establish parking regulations on the east side of Myrtle Drive in the vicinity of Dublin Corners Shoppmg Center in order to ensure traffic safety and proper use of on- street parking at this location. These regulations include a "No Parking - Tow Away" Zone and a "Restricted parking" Zone by vehIcle length/heIght. All affected business owners were contacted and were in favor of the proposed parking restnctIons. Cm. McCormick noted that the large vehicles needed to park somewhere and asked where they would go. Public Works DIrector Morton adVIsed that the survey mdicated that many vehicles were recreational vehicles from surrounding residentIal units, as well as semi-trucks using the DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING February 21, 2006 PAGE 70 ~ area to park during the day and overnight. There was ample loading and unloading areas in the shopping center. Mayor Lockhart stated that the businesses fronting Myrtle Drive were losing vIsibility by these large vehicles blockmg them. On motion of Cm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Vm. Oravetz and by unanimous vote (Cm. Zika absent), the City Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 19 - 06 APPROVING PARKING REGULATIONS ON MYRTLE DRIVE IN THE VICINITY OF DUBLIN CORNERS SHOPPING CENTER .. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for 1-580 Intelligent Transportation System Management/Traffic Operations System (ITS/TOS) and Project Charter for Phase 1 of the 1-580 HOV Lane Proiect 8:12 p.m. 8.2 (600-40) Public Works Director Melissa Morton presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would consIder a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to partIcipate in regional coordination of transportatIon and incident management activities withm the Tri-Valley area by cooperating with other operating agencies in Alameda County (such as Caltrans, Alameda County CongestIon Management Agency (CMA), LIvermore Amador Valley TranSIt Authority (LAVTA), the CIties of Livermore and Pleasanton, and others) to improve traffic operations along the 1-580 corridor. Mayor Lockhart advised that the CMA felt this was an important next of a senes of steps to improve traffic congestion. This has been an excellent opportunity for neighboring CitIes to work cooperatively on traffic issues. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING February 21, 2006 PAGE 71 ~ On motion of Mayor Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote (Cm. Zika absent), the City Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 20 - 06 APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR 1-580 INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT/TRAFFIC OPERATIONS SYSTEM (ITSITOS) AND PROJECT CHARGER FOR PHASE 1 1-580 HOV LANE PROJECT .. OTHER BUSINESS Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from Council and/or Staff, including Committee Reports and Reports by Council related to meetings attended at City expense (AB 1234) 8:17 p.m. City Manager Ambrose adVIsed that the Dublin Leadership Academy Graduation Ceremony would be held at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 9th, and invited the Council to attend. Cm. McCormick requested that the March 2200 Council Goals & Objectives meeting be rescheduled from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., as she needed to attend another City-related meetmg at 5:00 p.m. The Council discussed the request and agreed to the proposed tIme change. Cm. Hildenbrand advised that she had nothIng to report. Vm. Oravetz adVIsed that he had recently attended a League of California Cities East Bay Division meeting, during which time traffic was discussed. Highway 84 funding seemed to be an Important Issue, as well as frontage roads on both sides of 1-580 through to Costco in LIvermore. Mayor Lockhart commented that there was currently money set aside to start the Highway 84 envIronmental work. However, in order to do anythmg SIgnIficant on that road, huge environmental Issues needed to be addressed first. Mayor Lockhart read two positive emails she had received related to Police services in DublIn. The first email was from Pleasanton Police Chief Tim Neal thanking Dublin Police Officers for their participation in a recent Tip-a-Cop fundraiser, supporting the DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING February 21,2006 PAGE 72 ~ ~ SpeCIal Olympics. ChIef Neal commended the followmg Officers who worked the event: Lt. Glenn Moon, Sgt. Randy Skarphol, Officer Chris Roemer, Sgt. Terry Bartholomew, Deputy Sean Sargent, Sheriffs Technician Sandra Angeles, and Crime Analyst DIana Tuttle. He also thanked DublIn Police Services for serving as a moral compass to his own officers. The second email was from a DublIn resident commending Dublin PolIce for prompt and excellent service during a robbery incident. The Council congratulated Dublin Police Services for their excellent service to the Dublin community. .. ADJOURNMENT 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:29 p.m. ATTEST:Al\ ~ ^ --' City Clerk ~ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING February 21, 2006 PAGE 73 ~