HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.1 Amend Chapter 8.08 Zoning Ord CITY CLERK File # 450-20 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 7, 2006 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance Amendments (P A 06-054) - Minor amendments to various Chapters of Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal Code including Chapter 8.08, Definitions; Chapter 8.12, Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses of Land; Chapter 8.36, Development Regulations; Chapter 8.64, Home Occupations Regulations; Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations; Chapter 8.84, Sign Regulations; and Chapter 8.108, Temporary Use Permit Regulations. Report prepared by Swathi Boreda, Assistant Planner and Kristi Bascom, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: 1) Ordinance amending various Chapters of Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal Code. 2) Planning Commission Resolution No. 06-44 recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinance amending various Chapters of Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal Code, with draft Ordinance attached as Exhibit A. 3) Draft Planning Commission Meeting Minutes dated October 10, 2006. RECOMM;:T~ iJ ~ 5) 6) Open Public Hearing; Receive Staff Presentation; Receive Public Testimony; Close Public Hearing; Deliberate; and Waive the reading and INTRODUCE the Ordinance (Attachment 1) amending various Chapters of Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal Code. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None COPIES TO: In House Distribution File Page 1 of8 ITEM NO. ----.fa. 1 G:\PA#\2006\06-054 ZOA project\CC\ZOA CC SR.doc PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Background On September 17,2002, the City Council adopted a comprehensive revision of Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal Code (Ordinance No. 16-02). The comprehensive revision consisted of amendments to various Chapters of the Dublin Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance) including Chapter 8.08, Definitions; Chapter 8.12, Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses of Land; Chapter 8.36, Development Regulations; Chapter 8.40, Accessory Structures and Uses Regulations; Chapter 8.64, Home Occupations Regulations; Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations; Chapter 8.84, Sign Regulations; Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review Regulations; Chapter 8.108, Temporary Use Permit Regulations; and Chapter 8.144, Enforcement Regulations. Implementation of the Zoning Ordinance, since the 2002 revision, has revealed several areas where the Ordinance requires further clarification, improvement, and minor modifications to be more easily understood by Staff and members of the public. As minor inconsistencies, errors, and other needed clarifications were noted by Planning and Code Enforcement Staff, a list was compiled so all of the amendments could be analyzed at once. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: The Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 8.120) requires that all Zoning Ordinance amendments be heard by the Planning Commission. Following the public hearing, Chapter 8.120 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance requires that the Planning Commission shall make a written recommendation to the City Council whether to approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove the proposed amendments. . At the October 10, 2006 Planning Commission public hearing, the Commission considered the proposed amendments to Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of Dublin Municipal Code. The Planning Commission heard the Staff presentation. During the discussion following the Staff presentation, the Commission noted that the current definition of a Community Facility in the Dublin Zoning Ordinance did not include community theaters. The Commission indicated that it may be appropriate for community theaters to be explicitly called out under the definition of Community Facilities and suggested that this amendment be included among the next round of amendments to the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. At the end of a brief discussion, the Planning Commission approved (on a vote of 4-0-1) Resolution No. 06-44 recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinance amending various Chapters of Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal Code. ANALYSIS: The proposed changes to each Chapter and Section of the Zoning Ordinance are described below, and the specific text amendments are shown in the Ordinance incorporated as Attachment 1. The page number of the Ordinance (Attachment 1) where the specific text amendment can be found is noted at the end of each description. 1. Chapter 8.08, Definitions. The proposed amendments to Chapter 8.08 are as follows: a) Museum. The word "Museum" is proposed to be added to the definition of a Community Facility. The definition of the term "Community Facility" identifies a list of uses or buildings such as a library, college, etc., that may be considered as community facilities. Page 2 of8 Staff proposes to include "museum" under this land use type as it is comparable in purpose, use and operation to other uses classified as community facilities. (Page 2 of Attachment 1) b) Large and Small Family Day Care. The terms "Largel Family Day Care" and "Smalll Family Day Care" have been proposed to read as "Family Day Carel Large" and "Family Day Carel Small" so that the terms may be moved to be placed in the appropriate alphabetical order, among words starting with letter "F" for "Family Day Care." This aids easy access of the definition of the term "Family Day Care." These terms are currently located among terms starting with letter "L" for Large Family Day Care and "S" for Small Family Day Care. Also, for consistency with State Law, the Small Family Day Care definition is proposed to be amended to read as a facility that can provide care for up to 8 children and the Large Family Day Care definition is proposed to be amended to read as a facility that can provide care for up to 14 children. State Law allows a varying number of children to be cared for both at the Small and Large Family Day Care level depending on the age of the children and the number of caregivers at the facility. (Page 2 of Attachment 1) c) Main Building. The definition of the term "Main Building" refers to the definition of "Principal Structure." However, there is no definition of "Principal Structure" included in the Zoning Ordinance. There is, however, a definition for "Principal Building." The proposed amendment is to change the reference from "Principal Structure" in the Main Building definition to "Principal Building." (Page 2 of Attachment 1) d) Tattoo and Body Piercing. The words "tattoo and body piercing" are proposed to be added to the definition of "Personal Services" which include uses such as nail salon, beauty parlor, barber shop, tanning salon, etc. Staff proposes to include this use as it is comparable to a beauty parlor or a salon in the operating characteristics of the use. (Page 2 of Attachment 1) e) Recording Studio. The words "Recording Studio" are proposed to be added to the definition of the term "Recreational Facility/Indoor." An Indoor Recreational Facility use has many of the same types of characteristics and land use impacts that a recording studio could have, including potential noise impacts on adjacent properties, non-typical peak operating hours, and several people convening at the same time to use the facility as a group. In a memorandum dated May 18, 2004, the Community Development Director determined that a Recording Studio land use is substantially similar to other Indoor Recreational Facility land uses and that it shall be permitted in the same manner and in the same Zoning Districts where an Indoor Recreational Facility is permitted (such uses are permitted conditionally and must meet the purpose and the intent of the Zoning District that applies to the site in order to be approved). This determination is proposed to be added to Section 8.08 as part of this amendment. (Page 2 of Attachment 1) t) Recreational Vehicle. The words "and other vehicles determined to be substantially similar to the above by the Director of Community Development" are proposed to be added to the definition of "Recreational Vehicle" to provide clarity as to who the decision maker is regarding vehicles that are appropriate to be considered and regulated as a Recreational Vehicle. (Pages 3 of Attachment 1) g) Salvage and Wrecking Yards. The words "inoperable vehicles" is proposed to be added to the definition of Salvage and Wrecking Yards (use type). Currently, a Salvage and Page 3 of8 Wrecking Yard use type is defined to include lots for the handling and storage of scrap metal, paper, rags or discarded, salvaged materials, including automobile wrecking yards, junk yards and storage of salvaged house wrecking, and structural steel materialslequipment. The storage of inoperable vehicles land use is similar to the Salvage and Wrecking Yards land use type, both in potential impacts and operating characteristics. Therefore, it is proposed to be regulated and permitted in the same manner as a Salvage and Wrecking Yard. (Page 3 of Attachment 1) h) Traffic Visibility Area. The Traffic Visibility Area diagram is proposed to be amended to rectify an error. The diagram indicates the "back of the curb" incorrectly. (Page 3 of Attachment 1) 2. Chapter 8.12, Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses of Land, Section 8.12.050, Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses of Land has been proposed to be amended to reflect changes proposed to the Chapter 8.08 (Definitions). The terms "Family Day CarelLarge" and "Family Day CarelSmall" in the Residential Use Types table have been amended to reflect the proposed amendments to these terms as described under Chapter 8.08. (Page 3 of Attachment 1) 3. Chapter 8.36, Development Regulations. The proposed amendments to Chapter 8.36 are as follows: a) Section 8.36.050.B.3, Compensating Provision of Side Yard. The Zoning Ordinance presently contains language for the compensating provision of Rear Yard and Side Yard, where a structure can intrude into the required Rear Yard or Side Yard Setback as long as the area covered in the Rear Yard or the Side Yard is compensated for by an equal area open in other portions of the lot. This flexibility allows homes to be placed on irregularly shaped lots without negatively impacting the design of the homes. However, allowing structures to encroach into the required the Street Side Yard Setback tend to have higher visual impacts on the overall appearance of a neighborhood, particularly from the public right of way. Additionally, structures too close to the street may impact traffic visibility at street comers, thus creating unsafe conditions. Therefore, the proposed amendment is to add the words "The Compensating Provision of Side Yard exception is not applicable to a Street Side Yard" to explicitly clarify that the compensating provision may not be used to allow structures to project into the required minimum Street Side Yard Setback. (Page 3 of Attachment 1) b) Section 8.36.100.A, Applicability of Coverage Regulations. The proposed modification is to allow one 120 square foot accessory structure to be exempt from the lot coverage regulations on all residential properties of all sizes within the City. Currently, this exemption is only provided to lots smaller than 5,000 square feet in size. The intent behind allowing the exemption to all properties, regardless of lot size, is to permit all residents to have at least one shade structure on their property for the enjoyment oftheir rear yard, even if they have already reached maximum lot coverage due to the size of their house as it compares to the size of their lot. In 2002, the Planning Commission approved an amendment to the Planned Development Zoning Districts in several Dublin Ranch neighborhoods to allow this same lot coverage exemption on lots smaller than 5,000 square feet. Following the 2002 Planned Development Zoning District amendment, in an effort to provide the same allowance for all residents on small lots citywide, the Zoning Ordinance was amended to provide this exemption for all lots under 5,000 square feet. In an effort to be equitable to all residentially-zoned properties in the City, this proposed amendment will Page 4 of8 permit all properties, regardless of size or geographic location, the same ability to construct a small detached shade structure, shed, patio cover, gazebo, or similar structure on their lot, not to exceed 120 square feet in size. (Pages 3-4 of Attachment 1) 4. Chapter 8.64, Home Occupations Regulations, Section 8.64.030.C, Construction Equipment I Work Vehicles. This section makes a reference to another section of the Dublin Municipal Code titled "Company Vehicles", but indicates an incorrect section number. The proposed amendment is to rectify that error. (Page 4 of Attachment 1) 5. Chapter 8.76, Off Street Parking and Loading Regulations. The proposed amendments to Chapter 8.76 are as follows: a) Section 8.76.070.A.7.e, Minimum parking dimensions. The total width of a double-row parking layout is the sum of the depths of both rows of parking stalls and the central aisle. Table 76-1 lays out the minimum required depth of the parking stall (Column C), minimum required width of the central aisle (Column D) and the corresponding total width of a double row parking layout ( Twice Column C + Column D = Column F) corresponding to each type of angled parking arrangement (Column A). However, the total width of a double-row parking layout (Column F of Table 76-1) does not add up correctly with the sum of the aisle width (Column D) and twice the parking stall depth (twice Column C). The indicated dimension is two feet in excess of what it would be when summed correctly. Therefore, an amendment has been proposed to rectify the math error. (Page 4 of Attachment 1) b) Section 8.76.070.A.25, Vehicle Parking on posted private property is proposed to be amended to clarify that vehicles may not be parked on private property for the purposes of advertising the vehicle for sale without the permission of the property owner. This amendment is intended to curtail the parking of for-sale vehicles in high-visibility areas such as shopping centers on busy thoroughfares without the explicit permission of the property owner. (Page 4 of Attachment 1) b) Section 8.76.080.B, Parking Requirements by Use TypelResidential Use Types is proposed to be amended to reflect changes proposed to Chapter 8.08 (Definitions), specifically, the terms "Largel Family Day Care" and "SmalllFamily Day Care" have been amended to reflect the proposed amendments to these terms under Chapter 8.08. Additionally, "Mobile Home" has been removed from the same category as Single Family HomelDuplex, since Mobile Home has its own category and was inadvertently listed under both. (Pages 5 of Attachment 1) 6. Chapter 8.84, Sign Regulations. The proposed amendments to Chapter 8.84 are as follows: a) The definition of Temporary Promotional Signs under Section 8.84.020.NN is proposed to be amended to include "Searchlights", which are often associated with temporary promotional events, and to include the words "Grand Opening events" which are also associated with the installation of temporary promotional signs. This amendment is being proposed along with an amendment to Section 8.84.050.T. Temporary Promotional Signs, which also addresses the process by which the use of searchlights can be approved. (Page 5 of Attachment 1) Page 5 of8 b) The "Permanent Banner" signs under Section 8.84.030 Matrix A, Sign Approvals and Decision maker Authority by Zoning District is proposed to be amended such that a Permanent Banner Sign is approved by means of a "MSP/SDR" (Master Sign Programl Site Development Review) as indicated under Section 8.84.040 Matrix B, Sign Development Regulations. Currently, Matrix A indicates that the process by which a Permanent Banner may be approved is "SDR (ZA)" (Site Development Review (Zoning Administrator)). This is incorrect and inconsistent with Section 8.84.050 Nand 8.84.040 Matrix B of the Sign Regulations. This amendment is, therefore, proposed to rectify an error in Matrix A. Second, a correction is proposed to note that the approval of a "Coming Soon" sign is done through a Zoning Clearance, which is the mechanism by which other Temporary Promotional Signs are approved. (Page 5 of Attachment 1) c) Section 8.84.040 Matrix B, Sign Development Regulations is proposed to be amended to include the words "one per business or tenant frontage with maximum of three frontages" under the maximum number of signs for a Wall sign. This language is currently provided under Section 8.84.11 O.A. 7 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Therefore, it is proposed to also include this information in Matrix B to ensure consistency. (Pages 6 of Attachment 1) d) Section, Pole Signs is proposed to be deleted. A Pole Sign is a type of a Freestanding Sign and is regulated as a Freestanding Sign pursuant to Section 8.84.120 (Freestanding Sign General Regulations), by means of a Site Development Review or a Building Permit, depending on the height and location of the sign. The amendment is proposed to resolve the inconsistency and remove a duplicate section. (Page 6 of Attachment 1) e) Section 8.84.050.R, Service Station Signs makes an incorrect reference to Section 8.84.050.P Service Station Display Structures. It is actually Section 8.84.050.Q that corresponds to "Service Station Display Structures", not Section 8.84.050.P. The proposed amendment is to rectify this error. (Page 6 of Attachment 1) t) Section 8.84.050.T, Temporary Promotional Signs is proposed to be amended to include additional language that addresses "Searchlights." This amendment is proposed to clarify the permit process applicable to "Searchlights", which are a type of Temporary Promotional Sign. The definition of Temporary Promotional Signs identifies "Searchlights" as one of the various types of temporary signs. However, the Zoning Ordinance does not explicitly provide for a method by which a request for a Searchlight may be processed. Searchlights are often large in size and comparable to a large holiday balloon. Therefore, Staff has been using the Zoning Clearance process and the time limits by which a large holiday balloon is regulated for Searchlights. The proposed amendment is to explicitly state the applicable permit process (Zoning Clearance) and the time limits (similar to large holiday balloons) in the Zoning Ordinance. (Pages 6-7 of Attachment 1) g) Section 8.84.110.A.7, Number of Building Frontages is proposed to be amended to include the words "with maximum one wall sign per tenant frontage." This Section is part of a Section titled "Regulations for Wall Signs and Projecting Signs." The above indicated words are proposed to be included to further clarify the intent by including language that explicitly states the regulation. (Page 7 of Attachment 1) h) Section 8.84.140.C, Holiday Lights and Decorations is proposed to be amended to include language that clarifies that holiday decorations, including large balloons associated Page 60f8 with holiday events are exempt from sign permit requirements when located in Residential Zoning Districts. (Page 7 of Attachment 1) 7. Chapter 8.108, Temporary Use Permit. The proposed amendments to Chapter 8.108 are as follows: a) Section 8.108.010, Purpose. A change is proposed to add the words "and other temporary land uses determined to be similar by the Director of Community Development" to provide clarity as to who the decision maker is regarding land uses that may be considered appropriate to be deemed as minor temporary land uses and approved pursuant to Temporary Use Permit regulations. (Page 7 of Attachment 1) b) Section 8.108.020. I, Outdoor sales by Established Businesses. This section is proposed to be amended to include the words "a minimum waiting period of 3 consecutive calendar days between Temporary Use Permits is required." This amendment is proposed to codify an administrative policy that Staff has been using related to Temporary Outdoor Sales. Section currently allows a sale event for up to 4 consecutive days with one Temporary Use Permit (TUP) to allow, for example, an outdoor sale event over a long weekend, such as a Friday through Monday. However, the 3 day window between two TUPs is proposed to be included to ensure that several consecutive 4-day sales spanning eight or twelve days are not conducted. (Page 7 of Attachment 1) c) Section 8.108.020. L, Temporary Construction Trailer. This section is proposed to be amended to include additional language to address temporary storage containers associated with residential construction such as remodeling, home addition or home improvement projects. A Temporary Storage Container associated with residential construction, most closely fits the Temporary Construction' Trailer type of temporary use. The proposed amendment is intended to enable the City to regulate such storage containers pursuant to this section. The amendment includes criteria as well as time limits that need to be met in order for a portable storage unit or a storage container to be permitted in a residential district through the Temporary Use Permit process. (Page 7 of Attachment 1) CONCLUSION: Staff is recommending minor amendments to various Chapters of the Zoning Ordinance as described above. The proposed amendments consist of minor clarifications, removal of inconsistencies and improvements to aid in the understanding and interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance by members of the public and effective implementation ofthe Zoning Ordinance by Staff. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project has been found to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), according to Section 15061(b )(3) because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the amendments to Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance) may have a significant effect on the environment. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Open Public Hearing; 2) Receive Staff Presentation; 3) Receive Public Testimony; 4) Close Public Hearing; 5) Deliberate; and 6) Waive the reading and Page 7 of8 INTRODUCE the Ordinance (Attachment 1) amending various Chapters of Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal Code. Page 80f8 /06ao ORDINANCE NO. XX - 06 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********************** AMENDING CHAPTER 8.08 (DEFINITIONS), CHAPTER 8.12 (ZONING DISTRICTS AND PERMITTED USES OF LAND), CHAPTER 8.36, (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS), CHAPTER 8.64 (HOME OCCUPATIONS REGULATIONS), CHAPTER 8.76 (OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REGULATIONS), CHAPTER 8.84 (SIGN REGULATIONS), AND CHAPTER 8.108 (TEMPORARY USE PERMIT REGULATIONS) OF TITLE 8 (ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE DUBLIN MUNICIPAL CODE P A 06-054 WHEREAS, the City of Dublin has determined that the Definitions ofthe Dublin Municipal Code (Chapter 8.08), Zoning Districts and Permitted Use Of Land of the Dublin Municipal Code (Chapter 8.12); Development Regulations of the Dublin Municipal Code (Chapter 8.36); Home Occupations Regulations of the Dublin Municipal Code (Chapter 8.64); Off-Street Parking And Loading Regulations ofthe Dublin Municipal Code (Chapter 8.76); Sign Regulations ofthe Dublin Municipal Code (Chapter 8.84); and the Temporary Use Permit Regulations of the Dublin Municipal Code (Chapter 8.108) must be revised to more effectively regulate development within the City; and WHEREAS, the exact text amendments are shown in Section 2 of this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a properly noticed pubic hearing on this project on October 10, 2006, and did adopt Resolution 06-44 recommending that the City Council approve amendments to Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance )of the Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the City Council on November 7, 2006; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the City Council approve the Zoning Ordinance Amendments; and WHEREAS, pursuant to section 8.120.050.B of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council finds that the Zoning Ordinance Amendments are consistent with the Dublin General Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use its independent judgment and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows: Section 1. Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"): The City Council declares this ordinance is exempt from CEQA per CEQA Guidelines Section 15601(b) (3). Section 15601(b) (3) states that CEQA applies only to those projects that have the potential to cause a significant effect on the environment. This adoption of this ordinance is exempt from CEQA because the ordinance does not, in itself, allow the construction of any building or structure, but it sets forth the regulations that shall be I J - '7--0lp (,0. , Attachment 1 c:9 followed if and when a building or structure is proposed to be constructed or a site is proposed to be developed. This ordinance of itself, therefore, has no potential for resulting in significant physical change in the environment, directly or ultimately. Section 2. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments: Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal Code shall be amended as set forth below, only in those sections so noted. Text to be removed is shown in strikethrough and text to be added is shown as underlined. Chapter 8.08, Definitions. The proposed amendments to Section 8.08.020 are as follows: Community Facility (use type). The term Community Facility shall mean any of the following uses or buildings: Place of Worship, rectory or convent; school attendance at which satisfies the requirements of the Compulsory Education Law of the State; library; college; museum; university; public utility building or uses; pipelines and transmission lines, park-and-ride lots, publicly-owned storage garage, repair shop, or corporation yard; water extraction and/or storage facility; or other similar use or structure determined to be substantially similar to the above by the Director of Community Development." Small Family Day Care Home ISmail (use type). The term Small Family Day Care Home shall mean a home which provides family day care to 8 or fcvfcr up to 8 children, including children under the age of 10 who reside in the home. A Small Family Day Care Home shall be considered a residential use of property. No permits or business license are required. haFge Family Day Care Home ILan!e (use type). The term Large Family Day Care Home shall mean a home which provides family day care to 9 to 14 up to 14 children, inclusive, including children under the age of 10 years who reside in the home. Main Building. See Principal Structure Building. Personal Services (use type). The term Personal Services shall mean a barber shop, nail salon, beauty parlor, tattoo and body piercing, tanning salon, self-service laundry (coin-operated), full- service laundry (not a dry cleaning plant) or other service determined to be substantially similar to the above by the Director of Community Development. Recreational FacilitylIndoor (use type). The term Recreational FacilitylIndoor shall mean establishments providing amusement, entertainment, or physical fitness services typically occurring indoors for a fee or admission charge, such as, but not limited to: arcades containing coin-operated amusements andlor electronic games (five or more such games or coin-operated amusements in any establishment constitutes an arcade pursuant to this definition, four or less are not considered a land use separate from the primary land use of the site); card rooms, billiard and pool halls, bowling alleys; laser tag businesses; ice skating and roller skating; dance studios/schools; recording studios; fitness centers, gymnasiums, health and athletic clubs including indoor sauna, spa or hot tub facilities; martial arts studios; tennis, handball, racquetball, ice rinks, indoor archery and shooting ranges, indoor soccer or hockey facilities, swimming pools, theaters (other than adult business establishments), auditoriums, and other indoor sports activities Page 2 of8 ..306:.,,0 determined to be substantially similar to the above by the Director of Community Development. Recreational FacilitylIndoor does not include a dance floor. Recreational Vehicle. The term Recreational Vehicle shall mean a motor home, travel trailer, utility trailer, boat on a trailer, horse trailer, camper where the living area overhangs the cab, camping trailer, or tent trailer, with or without motive power, and other vehicles determined to be substantially similar to the above by the Director of Community Development. Salvage and Wrecking Yards (use type). The term Salvage and Wrecking Yards shall mean the use of more than 200 square feet outside of a building on any lot for the handling or storage of inoperable vehicles, scrap metal, paper, rags, or discarded, salvaged or waste materials of any kind. The term includes automobile wrecking yards; used lumber yards; junk yards and storage of salvaged house wrecking and structural steel materials and equipment. This term does not include yards for the sale of operable used cars or machinery, Auction Yards, or the incidental processing of used or salvaged materials where permitted as part of a lawful manufacturing or industrial use on the same premises. Traffic Visibility Area, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to be illustrated as follows: --- l! Ii Ii i. TY ,6, A............ TR Chapter 8.12, Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses of Land, Section 8.12.050, Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses of Land, is amended to read as follows: RESIDENTIAL USE TYPES RESIDENTIAL USE TYPE A R-l R-2 R-M C-O C-N C-l C-2 M-P M-l M-2 ~ Family Day Care Home/ C/PC C/PC C/PC C/PC - - - - - - - Large (9-+4 up to 14 Children) ~ Family Day Care Home/ P P P P Small (-1--& up to 8 Children) Chapter 8.36, Development Regulations. The proposed amendments to Chapter 8.36 are as follows: Section 8.36.050.B.3, Compensating Provision of Side Yard. Notwithstanding the yard requirements of this Ordinance, a Side Yard may have a depth of not less than 5 feet if that portion of the Side Yard that is covered by a structure is compensated for by open areas within the same or adjacent yards on the same parcel that exceed Side and Rear Yard requirements by an area at least equal to the extent of the building coverage of the Side Yard. The Compensating Provision of Side Yard exception is not applicable to a Street Side Yard. Page 3 of8 LjcD~o Section 8.36.100.A, Applicability of coverage regulations. Maximum lot coverage regulations are intended to establish the maximum lot area that may be covered with buildings and structures. Buildings and structures include all land covered by principal buildings, garages and carports, accessory structures (with the exception of one 120 square foot accessory structure, permitted on lots less than 5,000 square feet in size, which shall be exempt from the coverage regulations), covered decks and gazebos, and other enclosed and covered areas; but not standard roof overhangs, cornices, eaves, uncovered decks, swimming pools, paved areas such as walkways, driveways, patios, uncovered parking areas or roads. Chapter 8.64, Home Occupations Regulations, Section 8.64.030.C, Construction Equipment/Work Vehicles. No construction equipment or work vehicles such as plumbing vans, electronic repair vans, or similar equipment or work vehicles (except a Company Vehicle permitted by Section 8.64.040.E 8.64.030.E below), as determined by the Director of Community Development, shall be stored which is used by the occupant of the residence or his/her employees in connection with a Home Occupation. Chapter 8.76, Off Street Parking and Loading Regulations, The proposed amendments to Chapter 8.76 are as follows: Section 8.76.070.A.7.e, Minimum parking dimensions. Minimum parking dimensions in feet shall be as indicated in Table 76-1 and as illustrated by Figure 76-1 A (in B X e D E F A B X e D E F degrees) 90 e 8.0 17.0 17.0 24.0* 8.0 ~ 45 e 8.0 17.0 17.7 16.0 11. 51.4 58.0 3 90F 9.0 20.0 20.0 24.0* 9.0 ~ 45 F 9.0 20.0 20.5 16.0 12. 57.0 64.0 7 80 e 8.0 17.0 18.1 24.0* 8.1 ~ 30 e 8.0 17.0 15.4 16.0 16. 46.8 60.2 0 80 F 9.0 20.0 21.3 24.0* 9.1 6&6 30 F 9.0 20.0 17.8 16.0 18. 51.6 66.6 0 70e 8.0 17.0 18.7 20.0 8.5 57.4 20 e 8.0 17.0 13.3 16.0 23. 42.6 4 70F 9.0 20.0 21.9 20.0 9.6 63.8 20F 9.0 20.0 15.3 16.0 26. 46.6 3 60e 8.0 17.0 18.7 19.0 9.2 56.4 oe 8.0 17.0 0.0 20.0 23. 20.0 0 60F 9.0 20.0 21.8 19.0 10.4 62.6 OF 9.0 20.0 0.0 20.0 23. 20.0 0 Table 76-1 A = Parking Angle, B = Stall Width, X = Stall Length, C = Compact Space, D = Aisle Width, E = Curb Length per Car, F = Full Sized Space * The Director of Public Works may require a larger back-up distance where sight distances are inadequate and for multi-family residential developments." Page 4 of8 6C~:JO Section 8.76.070.A.25, Vehicle Parking on posted private property is prohibited. It is unlawful for any person to drive or park a motor vehicle upon land or premises where the owner or the person occupying or having possession of or the agent thereof shall have posted on such property or premises a notice as described in Municipal Code Section 6.04.200. It is also unlawful for any person without permission of the owner or people entitled to the possession thereof to park or store any motor vehicles in or upon any private property for the purposes of sale or advertising for sale and so as to interfere with the use thereof. Section 8.76.080.B, Residential Use Types, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: Residential Use Types Number of Parking Spaces Required baFge Family Day Care Home /Large f9--l41 (up to 14) 2 per dwelling, plus 1 space for every employee not residing in the home, plus one loading space for every 4 children in the facility Not regulated &milt Family Day Care Home /Small fl--&} (up to 8) Single Family/Duplex/Mobile Home Lots of 4,000 square feet or less 2 in enclosed garage per dwelling plus one on-street parking space per dwelling unit within 150 feet ofthat dwelling unit 2 in enclosed garage per dwelling Lots greater then 4,000 square feet Chapter 8.84, Sign Regulations. The proposed amendments to Chapter 8.84 are as follows: Section 8.84.020.NN. Temporary Promotional Signs. The term Temporary Promotional Signs shall mean temporary banners, flags, balloons, and searchlights as regulated in section 8.84.050(T), searchlights and similar advertising devices when used for grand-opening events, special promotional events, or promotional needs such as "Now Hiring" or "Help Wanted" banners and other needs of a similar nature as determined by the Director of Community Development. Section 8.84.030. Sign Approvals and Decision making Authority by Zoning District. Matrix A, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: Sign Type A R-l, R-2, R-M Coming Soon X X Permanent Banner X X Sign <:-N <:-{) <:-1 <:-2 M-P, M-l, M-2 BPZC BP BP BPZC ZC ZC X X SDR(Z.\) MSP/SDR BPZC SDR(ZA) MSP/SDR SDR(Z.\) MSP/SDR Page 5 of8 0; 00 20 Section 8.84.040. Matrix B, Sign Development Regulations ofthe Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: Maximum Maximum Maximum Location Copy Additional Number of Height Area per side Rtl.qllirements Restrictions * Regulations * sie:ns in sq. ft, * Wall As permitted 2 ft. 6 in. 1 sq. ft. per 1 per business N/A May project Sec.8,84.1l0V by-See. lineal ft, of or tenant 12 inches, 30 8.84.110.\,7. Tenant frontage with inches wi SDR 1 per business Frontage to maximum of Max. sign or tenant maximum of three length 24 ft. frontae:e with 150 sq. ft. frontages. maximum of (with SDR, three 1.5/lineal ft. to frontae:es, max of 250 sq. ft,); 25% bonus if tenant space is 100 ft, from Street. SectioH Pole SigHs. Pole Signs are permitted v/ith a Zoning Clearance. Section 8.84.050.R. Service Station Price Signs. Service Station Price Signs indicating gasoline prices, products offered for sale, methods of sale and types of available services offered are permitted when accessory to an existing service station, provided: 1. One (1) price sign is permitted along each street frontage to a maximum of two (2) price signs. 2. Each price sign shall have a heavy type face and be clearly visible from adjacent streets and may have a maximum area of sixteen (16) square feet per side for service stations offering three (3) fuel products; or a maximum area of twenty-four (24) square feet per side for service stations offering four (4) or more fuel products. 3. The maximum sign height shall not exceed six (6) feet. 4. A price sign may be attached to, combined with and made part of a Service Station Sign Display Structure pursuant to Section 8.84.050.P 5. All signage conforms to the requirements of Business and Professions Code Section 13530 et. seq." Section 8.84.050.T, Temporary Promotional Signs. Temporary Promotional Signs permitted pursuant to a Zoning Clearance may be placed on site for a maximum of fifteen (15) consecutive calendar days per permit when used for special promotional events or needs. A minimum waiting period of thirty (30) consecutive calendar days between permits is required, with the exception of balloons as defined herein and temporary banners for apartment communities. A Banner Sign shall not be larger than 30 inches by 24 feet in size. One (1) temporary banner for apartment communities is permitted pursuant to a Zoning Clearance and may be placed on site for a maximum of ten (10) consecutive calendar days per permit when used for special promotional events or needs. A minimum waiting period of twenty (20) . consecutive calendar days between permits is required. In addition, the duration in which banners may be displayed is limited to a maximum duration of 90-days per calendar year. A temporary banner sign for apartment communities shall not be larger than 12-square feet (see Section 8.84.020.B for definition of apartment communities). Page 60f8 7 DbZ-a Any tethered or un-tethered balloon of greater than 15 inches in diameter shall be permitted only as a temporary promotional sign and subject to a permit. All balloons shall be tethered to the ground only with the bottom of the balloon on the ground and shall not be permitted to be attached to any structure or vehicle. No permit(s) singularly or cumulative shall be issued that allows any temporary promotional signs that include balloons for more than 21 days per calendar year. Zoning clearance( s) may be issued for periods less than 15 days. Up to 4 searchlights, attached to function as a single unit, are permitted as a Temporary Promotional Sign pursuant to a Zoning Clearance. No permit(s) singularly or cumulative shall be issued that allows any temporary promotional sign( s) that include searchlights for more than 21 days per calendar year. Zoning clearance(s) may be issued for periods less than 15 days. Section 8.84.110.A.7. Number of Building Frontages. Each business or tenant space may be permitted a maximum ofthree (3) building frontages with maximum of one wall sign per frontage. Section 8.84.140.C. Holiday Lights and Decorations. Holiday lights (if lighted) and decorations commonly associated with any national, local or religious holiday erected no sooner than forty-five (45) calendar days before the holiday and removed within fourteen (14) calendar days following the holiday. Holiday balloons, including large balloons used in coni unction with a holiday event, are exempt from obtaining a Sign Permit when located in a Residential Zoning District. Chapter 8.108 Temporary Use Permit. The proposed amendments to Chapter 8.108 are as follows: Section 8.108.010 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to establish a procedure for approving minor temporary land uses that meet established development review standards and are acceptable because of their temporary nature. The enly permitted minor temporary land uses permitted are those specified in Section 8.108.020 and other temporary land uses determined to be similar by the Director of Community Development. Section Outdoor Sales by Established Businesses. Each individual Outdoor Sale by an Established Business shall be limited to a maximum of 4 consecutive days, with a maximum of 6 such events during a one-year period. and no business may participate in more than 6 events during a one year period, A minimum waiting period of 3 consecutive calendar days between Temporary Use Permits is required. Each Outdoor Sales event by an established business shall be subject to standards established by the Director of Community Development. Section 8.108.020.L. Temporary Construction Trailer. A Temporary Construction Trailer may be permitted during the period of construction of the buildings or lots on a development site subject to standards established by the Director of Community Development, on the same premIses. A Temporary Storage Container associated with construction in residential districts that meet the following conditions may be permitted pursuant to this section: 1. Request is to locate a temporary storage container in coni unction with remodeling or reconstruction work at the proiect site. 2. Container must be located on private property, not in the public right-of-way. 3. Container must be located on driveway or other paved surface, not in other front yard or landscaped areas. 4. Container may be located in the rear yard Page 7 of8 Section 3 ~ tfb'2() Conforming Amendments: Chapters 8.08, 8.12, 8.36, 8.40, 8.64, 8.76, 8.84, and 8.108 of the Dublin Municipal Code shall be re-numbered and/or re-Iettered as necessary to accommodate and/or reflect the foregoing amendments. Section 4. Severability: The provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if any provision, clause, sentence, word or part thereof is held illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or inapplicable to any person or circumstances, such illegality, invalidity, unconstitutionality, or inapplicability shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions, clauses, sentences, sections, words or parts thereof of the ordinance or their applicability to other persons or circumstances. Section 5. Effective Date and Posting of Ordinance: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its final adoption. The City Clerk ofthe City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 39633 of the Government Code of California." PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN on this ~ day of , 2006, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor Attest: City Clerk G:\P A#\2006\06-054 ZOA project\ORD strikeout-underline-finaI.DOC Page 80f8 q ~2.0 RESOLUTION NO. 06 - 44 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO VARIOUS CHAPTERS OF TITLE 8 (ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE DUBLIN MUNICIPAL CODE INCLUDING CHATPER 8.08 (DEFINITIONS), CHAPTER 8.12 (ZONING DISTRICTS AND PERMITTED USES OF LAND), CHAPTER 8.36, (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS), CHAPTER 8.64 (HOME OCCUPATIONS REGULATIONS), CHAPTER 8.76 (OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REGULATIONS), CHAPTER 8.84 (SIGN REGULATIONS), AND CHAPTER 8.108 (TEMPORARY USE PERMIT REGULATIONS) P A 06-054 WHEREAS, amendments to the Zoning Ordinance have been adopted from time to time since the adoption of the City's original Zoning Ordinance in 1997 in order to effectively regulate development within the City; and WHEREAS, the previous comprehensive revision to Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal Code was adopted by the City Council on September 17,2002 (Ordinance No.16-02); and WHEREAS, since this time, Staff has determined that Chapter 8.08 (Definitions), Chapter 8.12 (Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses of Land), Chapter 8.36, (Development Regulations), Chapter 8.64 (Home Occupations Regulations), Chapter 8.76 (Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations), Chapter 8.84 (Sign Regulations), and Chapter 8.108 (Temporary Use Permit Regulations) of Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal Code, should be amended to more effectively regulate the development of the City of Dublin; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance are set forth in the proposed Ordinance that is attached as Exhibit A to this Resolution; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 8.120.050.B of the Dublin Municipal Code, the Planning Commission finds that the Zoning Ordinance Amendment is consistent with the Dublin General Plan and all applicable Specific Plans; and WHEREAS, the project has been found to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) because the amendments to Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal Code does not have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said amendments to Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal Code on October 10, 2006, for which proper notice was given in accordance with California State Law; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the Planning Commission recommend City Council approval of the amendments to Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal Code; and ATTACHMENT 2 10 D}... 2..,0 u WHEREAS, the Planning Commission at its October 10, 2006, meeting did hear and use its independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby recommend that the City Council approve amendments to various Chapters of the Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal Code including Chapter 8.08 (Definitions), Chapter 8.12 (Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses of Land), Chapter 8.36, (Development Regulations), Chapter 8.64 (Home Occupations Regulations), Chapter 8.76 (Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations), Chapter 8.84 (Sign Regulations), and Chapter 8.108 (Temporary Use Permit Regulations), as described in Exhibit A to this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10th Day of October 2006 by the following votes: AYES: Chair Schaub, Vice Chair Wehrenberg, Commissioners Biddle and King NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Fasulkey ABSTAIN: None Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Planning Manager G:\P A#\2006\06-054 ZOA project\ZOA PC RESO-final.DOC 2 II era '2-0 ORDINANCE NO. xx - 06 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ************************************************ AMENDING CHAPTER 8.08 (DEFINITIONS), CHAPTER 8.12 (ZONING DISTRICTS AND PERMITTED USES OF LAND), CHAPTER 8.36, (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS), CHAPTER 8.64 (HOME OCCUPATIONS REGULATIONS), CHAPTER 8.76 (OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REGULATIONS), CHAPTER 8.84 (SIGN REGULATIONS), AND CHAPTER 8.108 (TEMPORARY USE PERMIT REGULATIONS) OF TITLE 8 (ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE DUBLIN MUNICIPAL CODE P A 06-054 WHEREAS, the City of Dublin has determined that the Definitions of the Dublin Municipal Code (Chapter 8.08), Zoning Districts and Permitted Use Of Land of the Dublin Municipal Code (Chapter 8.12); Development Regulations ofthe Dublin Municipal Code (Chapter 8.36); Home Occupations Regulations of the Dublin Municipal Code (Chapter 8.64); Off-Street Parking And Loading Regulations of the Dublin Municipal Code (Chapter 8.76); Sign Regulations of the Dublin Municipal Code (Chapter 8.84); and the Temporary Use Permit Regulations of the Dublin Municipal Code (Chapter 8.108) must be revised to more effectively regulate development within the City; and WHEREAS, the exact text amendments are shown in Section 2 of this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a properly noticed pubic hearing on this project on October 10, 2006, and did adopt Resolution 06-xx recommending that the City Council approve amendments to Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance )of the Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the City Council on November 7, 2006; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the City Council approve the Zoning Ordinance Amendments; and WHEREAS, pursuant to section 8.120.050.B of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council finds that the Zoning Ordinance Amendments are consistent with the Dublin General Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use its independent judgment and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council ofthe City of Dublin does ordain as follows: Section 1. RECITALS Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"): The City Council declares this ordinance is exempt from CEQA per CEQA Guidelines Section 15601(b) (3). Section 15601(b) (3) states that CEQA applies only to those projects that have the potential to cause a significant effect on the environment. This adoption of this ordinance is exempt from CEQA because the ordinance does not, in itself, allow the construction of any building or structure, but it sets forth the regulations that shall be followed if and when a building or structure is proposed to be constructed or a site is proposed to be . EXHIBIT A I ~ Oti!'O developed. This ordinance of itself, therefore, has no potential for resulting in significant physical change in the environment, directly or ultimately. Section 2. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments: Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal Code shall be amended as set forth below, only in those sections so noted. Text to be removed is shown in strikethrough and text to be added is shown as underlined. Chapter 8.08, Definitions. The proposed amendments to Section 8.08.020 are as follows: Community Facility (use type). The term Community Facility shall mean any of the following uses or buildings: Place of Worship, rectory or convent; school attendance at which satisfies the requirements of the Compulsory Education Law of the State; library; college; museum; university; public utility building or uses; pipelines and transmission lines, park-and-ride lots, publicly-owned storage garage, repair shop, or corporation yard; water extraction andlor storage facility; or other similar use or structure determined to be substantially similar to the above by the Director of Community Development." Small Family Day Care Home ISmail (use type). The term Small Family Day Care Home shall mean a home which provides family day care to 8 or fewer up to 8 children, including children under the age of 10 who reside in the home. A Small Family Day Care Home shall be considered a residential use of property. No permits or business license are required. Large Family Day Care Home ILar2.e (use type). The term Large Family Day Care Home shall mean a home which provides family day care to 9 to 11 up to 14 children, inclusive, including children under the age of 10 years who reside in the home. Main Building. See Principal Structure Building. Personal Services (use type). The term Personal Services shall mean a barber shop, nail salon, beauty parlor, tattoo and body piercing, tanning salon, self-service laundry (coin-operated), full- service laundry (not a dry cleaning plant) or other service determined to be substantially similar to the above by the Director of Community Development. Recreational Facility/Indoor (use type). The term Recreational FacilitylIndoor shall mean establishments providing amusement, entertainment, or physical fitness services typically occurring indoors for a fee or admission charge, such as, but not limited to: arcades containing coin-operated amusements andlor electronic games (five or more such games or coin-operated amusements in any establishment constitutes an arcade pursuant to this definition, four or less are not considered a land use separate from the primary land use of the site); card rooms, billiard and pool halls, bowling alleys; laser tag businesses; ice skating and roller skating; dance studios/schools; recording studios; fitness centers, gymnasiums, health and athletic clubs including indoor sauna, spa or hot tub facilities; martial arts studios; tennis, handball, racquetball, ice rinks, indoor archery and shooting ranges, indoor soccer or hockey facilities, swimming pools, theaters (other than adult business establishments), auditoriums, and other indoor sports activities determined to be substantially similar to the above by the Director of Community Development. Recreational Facility/Indoor does not include a dance floor. Page 2 of8 I ~ 2.'-' Recreational Vehicle. The term Recreational Vehicle shall mean a motor home, travel trailer, utility trailer, boat on a trailer, horse trailer, camper where the living area overhangs the cab, camping trailer, or tent trailer, with or without motive power, and other vehicles determined to be substantially similar to the above by the Director of Community Development. Salvage and Wrecking Yards (use type). The term Salvage and Wrecking Yards shall mean the use of more than 200 square feet outside of a building on any lot for the handling or storage of inoperable vehicles, scrap metal, paper, rags, or discarded, salvaged or waste materials of any kind. The term includes automobile wrecking yards; used lumber yards; junk yards and storage of salvaged house wrecking and structural steel materials and equipment. This term does not include yards for the sale of operable used cars or machinery, Auction Yards, or the incidental processing of used or salvaged materials where permitted as part of a lawful manufacturing or industrial use on the same premises. Traffic Visibility Area, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to be illustrated as follows: VIS1BUTY Chapter 8.12, Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses of Land, Section 8.12.050, Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses of Land, is amended to read as follows: RESIDENTIAL USE TYPES RESIDENTIAL USE TYPE A R-l R-2 R-M C-O C-N C-l C-2 M-P M-l M-2 ~ Family Day Care Home/ C/PC C/PC C/PC C/PC - - - - - - - Large (9-+4 up to 14 Children) &naIl Family Day Care Homel P P P P Small (-1--& UP to 8 Children) Chapter 8.36, Development Regulations. The proposed amendments to Chapter 8.36 are as follows: Section 8.36.050.B.3, Compensating Provision of Side Yard. Notwithstanding the yard requirements of this Ordinance, a Side Yard may have a depth of not less than 5 feet if that portion of the Side Yard that is covered by a structure is compensated for by open areas within the same or adjacent yards on the same parcel that exceed Side and Rear Yard requirements by an area at least equal to the extent of the building coverage of the Side Yard. The Compensating Provision of Side Yard exception is not applicable to a Street Side Yard. Page 3 of8 I~ C;b"ZO Section 8.36.100.A, Applicability of coverage regulations. Maximum lot coverage regulations are intended to establish the maximum lot area that may be covered with buildings and structures. Buildings and structures include all land covered by principal buildings, garages and carports, accessory structures (with the exception of one 120 square foot accessory structure, permitted on lots less than 5,000 square feet in size, which shall be exempt from the coverage regulations), covered decks and gazebos, and other enclosed and covered areas; but not standard roof overhangs, cornices, eaves, uncovered decks, swimming pools, paved areas such as walkways, driveways, patios, uncovered parking areas or roads. Chapter 8.64, Home Occupations Regulations, Section 8.64.030.C, Construction Equipment/W ork Vehicles. No construction equipment or work vehicles such as plumbing vans, electronic repair vans, or similar equipment or work vehicles (except a Company Vehicle permitted by Section 8.61.010.E 8.64.030.E below), as determined by the Director of Community Development, shall be stored which is used by the occupant of the residence or his/her employees in connection with a Home Occupation. Chapter 8.76, Off Street Parking and Loading Regulations, The proposed amendments to Chapter 8.76 are as follows: Section 8.76.070.A.7.e, Minimum parking dimensions. Minimum parking dimensions in feet shall be as indicated in Table 76-1 and as illustrated by Figure 76-1 Table 76-1 A (in B X C D E F A B X C D E F degrees) 90 C 8.0 17.0 17.0 24.0* 8.0 eM 45C 8.0 17.0 17.7 16.0 11. 51.4 58.0 3 90F 9.0 20.0 20.0 24.0* 9.0 ~ 45 F 9.0 20.0 20.5 16.0 12. 57.0 64.0 7 80 C 8.0 17.0 18.1 24.0* 8.1 ~ 30C 8.0 17.0 15.4 16.0 16. 46.8 60.2 0 80 F 9.0 20.0 21.3 24.0* 9.1 68-:6 30F 9.0 20.0 17.8 16.0 18. 51.6 66.6 0 70C 8.0 17.0 18.7 20.0 8.5 57.4 20C 8.0 17.0 13.3 16.0 23. 42.6 4 70 F 9.0 20.0 21.9 20.0 9.6 63.8 20F 9.0 20.0 15.3 16.0 26. 46.6 3 60 C 8.0 17.0 18.7 19.0 9.2 56.4 OC 8.0 17.0 0.0 20.0 23. 20.0 0 60F 9.0 20.0 21.8 19.0 10.4 62.6 OF 9.0 20.0 0.0 20.0 23. 20.0 0 A = Parking Angle, B = Stall Width, X = Stall Length, C = Compact Space, D = Aisle Width, E = Curb Length per Car, F = Full Sized Space * The Director of Public Works may require a larger back-up distance where sight distances are inadequate and for multi-family residential developments." Section 8. 76.070.A.25, Vehicle Parking on posted private property is prohibited. It is unlawful for any person to drive or park a motor vehicle upon land or premises where the owner or the person occupying or having possession of or the agent thereof shall have posted on such property or premises a notice as described in Municipal Code Section 6.04.200. It is also unlawful for any person without permission of the owner or people entitled to the possession thereof to park Page 4 of 8 I ~ Db7-0 or store any motor vehicles in or upon any private property for the purposes of sale or advertising for sale and so as to interfere with the use thereof. Section 8.76.080.B, Residential Use Types, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: Residential Use Types Number of Parking Spaces Required baFge Family Day Care Home /Large f9-l-4j (up to 14) 2 per dwelling, plus 1 space for every employee not residing in the home, plus one loading space for every 4 children in the facility Not regulated Small Family Day Care Home /Small fl--8j (up to 8) Single Family/Duplex/Mobile Home Chapter 8.84, Sign Regulations. The proposed amendments to Chapter 8.84 are as follows: Section 8.84.020.NN. Temporary Promotional Signs. The term Temporary Promotional Signs shall mean temporary banners, flags, balloons, and searchlights as regulated in section 8.84.050(T), searchlights and similar advertising devices when used for grand-opening events, special promotional events, or promotional needs such as "Now Hiring" or "Help Wanted" banners and other needs of a similar nature as determined by the Director of Community Development. Section 8.84.030. Sign Approvals and Decision making Authority by Zoning District. Matrix A, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: Sign Type A R-l, R-2, R-M Coming Soon X X Permanent Banner X X Sign C-N C-O C-l C-2 M-P, M-l, M-2 BPZC BP BP BPZC ZC ZC X X SDR(Z"^~) MSP/SDR BPZC SDR(ZA) MSP/SDR SDR(ZA) MSP/SDR Section 8.84.040. Matrix B, Sign Development Regulations of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: Page 5 of 8 ItQ e-b20 Wall Sec. 8.84.110V .-\s permitted by-See-. 8.84.110 .A~.7. 1 per business or tenant frontal!:e with maximum of three frontal!:es. 2 ft. 6 in. 1 sq. ft. per lineal ft. of Tenant Frontage to maximum of 150 sq. ft. (with SDR, 1.5/lineal ft. to max of 250 sq. ft.); 25% bonus if tenant space is 100 ft. from Street. 1 per business or tenant frontage with maximum of three frontages. N/A May project 12 inches, 30 inches w/ SDR. Max. sign length 24 ft. Seetion Pole Signs. Pole Signs are permitted with a Zoning Clearance. Section 8.84.050.R. Service Station Price Signs. Service Station Price Signs indicating gasoline prices, products offered for sale, methods of sale and types of available services offered are permitted when accessory to an existing service station, provided: 1. One (1) price sign is permitted along each street frontage to a maximum oftwo (2) price signs. 2. Each price sign shall have a heavy type face and be clearly visible from adjacent streets and may have a maximum area of sixteen (16) square feet per side for service stations offering three (3) fuel products; or a maximum area of twenty-four (24) square feet per side for service stations offering four (4) or more fuel products. 3. The maximum sign height shall not exceed six (6) feet. 4. A price sign may be attached to, combined with and made part of a Service Station Sign Display Structure pursuant to Section 8.81.050.P 5. All signage conforms to the requirements of Business and Professions Code Section 13530 et. seq." Section 8.84.050.T, Temporary Promotional Signs. Temporary Promotional Signs permitted pursuant to a Zoning Clearance may be placed on site for a maximum of fifteen (15) consecutive calendar days per permit when used for special promotional events or needs. A ~inimum waiting period of thirty (30) consecutive calendar days between permits is required, with the exception of balloons as defined herein and temporary banners for apartment communities. A Banner Sign shall not be larger than 30 inches by 24 feet in size. One (1) temporary banner for apartment communities is permitted pursuant to a Zoning Clearance and may be placed on site for a maximum of ten (10) consecutive calendar days per permit when used for special promotional events or needs. A minimum waiting period of twenty (20) consecutive calendar days between permits is required. In addition, the duration in which banners may be displayed is limited to a maximum duration of 90-days per calendar year. A temporary banner sign for apartment communities shall not be larger than 12-square feet (see Section 8.84.020.B for definition of apartment communities). Any tethered or un-tethered balloon of greater than 15 inches in diameter shall be permitted only as a temporary promotional sign and subject to a permit. All balloons shall be tethered to the ground only with the bottom of the balloon on the ground and shall not be permitted to be attached Page 6 of8 '"7 [562.0 to any structure or vehicle. No permit(s) singularly or cumulative shall be issued that allows any temporary promotional signs that include balloons for more than 21 days per calendar year. Zoning clearance( s) may be issued for periods less than 15 days. Up to 4 searchlights, attached to function as a single unit. are permitted as a Temporary Promotional Sign pursuant to a Zoning Clearance. No permit(s) singularly or cumulative shall be issued that allows any temporary promotional sign(s) that include searchlights for more than 21 days ver calendar year. Zoning clearance( s) may be issued for veriods less than 15 days. Section 8.84.110.A.7. Number of Building Frontages. Each business or tenant space may be permitted a maximum of three (3) building frontages with maximum of one wall sign per frontage. Section 8.84.140.C. Holiday Lights and Decorations. Holiday lights (if lighted) and decorations commonly associated with any national, local or religious holiday erected no sooner than forty-five (45) calendar days before the holiday and removed within fourteen (14) calendar days following the holiday. Holiday balloons, including large balloons used in coni unction with a holiday event, are exempt from obtaining a Sign Permit when located in a Residential Zoning District. Chapter 8.108 Temporary Use Permit. The proposed amendments to Chapter 8.108 are as follows: Section 8.108.010 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to establish a procedure for approving minor temporary land uses that meet established development review standards and are acceptable because of their temporary nature. The eflly permitted minor temporary land uses permitted are those specified in Section 8.108.020 and other temporary land uses determined to be similar by the Director of Community Development. Section Outdoor Sales by Established Businesses. Each individual Outdoor Sale by an Established Business shall be limited to a maximum of 4 consecutive days, with a maximum of 6 such events during a one-year period. and no business may participate in more than 6 events during a one year period, A minimum waiting period of 3 consecutive calendar days between Temporary Use Permits is required. Each Outdoor Sales event by an established business shall be subject to standards established by the Director of Community Development. Section 8.108.020.L. Temporary Construction Trailer. A Temporary Construction Trailer may be permitted during the period of construction of the buildings or lots on a development site subject to standards established by the Director of Community Development, on the same premIses. A Temporary Storage Container associated with construction in residential districts that meet the following conditions may be permitted pursuant to this section: 1. Request is to locate a temporary storage container in coni unction with remodeling or reconstruction work at the project site. 2. Container must be located on private property, not in the public right-of-way. 3. Container must be located on driveway or other paved surface, not in other front yard or landscaped areas. 4. Container may be located in the rear yard Page 7 of8 D).",> '"2-0 .t.j Section 3 Conforming Amendments: Chapters 8.08, 8.12, 8.36, 8.40, 8.64, 8.76, 8.84, and 8.108 of the Dublin Municipal Code shall be re-numbered andlor re-Iettered as necessary to accommodate andlor reflect the foregoing amendments. Section 4. Severability: The provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if any provision, clause, sentence, word or part thereof is held illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or inapplicable to any person or circumstances, such illegality, invalidity, unconstitutionality, or inapplicability shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions, clauses, sentences, sections, words or parts thereof of the ordinance or their applicability to other persons or circumstances. Section 5. Effective Date and Posting of Ordinance: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its final adoption. The City Clerk ofthe City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 39633 of the Government Code of California." PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN on this _ day of , 2006, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor Attest: City Clerk G:\PA#\2006\06-054 ZOA project\ORD strikeout-underline-finaI.DOC Page 8 of8 DRAFT I q r:so7PDRAIT On a motion by Cm. Biddle, seconded by Vice Chair Wehrenberg, and by a vote of 4-0-1 with Cm. Fasulkey absent, the Planning Commission adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 06 - 41 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FOR THE VENTURE COMMERCE CENTER LOCATED AT 6300 CLARK AVENUE (APN 941-1401-003) P A 06-020 RESOLUTION NO. 06 - 42 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 9096 FOR THE VENTURE COMMERCE CENTER LOCATED AT 6300 CLARK A VENUE (APN 941-1401-003) P A 06-020 RESOLUTION NO. 06 - 43 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE VENTURE COMMERCE CENTER LOCATED AT 6300 CLARK AVENUE (APN 941-1401-003) P A 06-020 8.4 Amendments to Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal Code (P A 06-054) including Chapter 8.08 (Definitions), Chapter 8.12 (Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses of Land), Chapter 8.36 (Development Regulation), Chapter 8.64 (Home Occupations Regulations), Chapter 8.76 (Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations), Chapter 8.84 (Sign Regulations), and Chapter 8.108 (Temporary Use Permit Regulations). Chair Schaub asked for the Staff Report. Ms. Swathi Boreda, Assistant Planner, presented the specifics of the project as outlined in the Staff Report. Chair Schaub opened the public hearing. Hearing none, Chair Schaub closed the public hearing. Cm. King asked if community theatres were included in the definition of a Community Facility, and Ms. Boreda explained that they were not. Chair Schaub and Cm. King agreed that Commusjofi 115 2006 Attachment 3 DRAFT' DRAFT community theatres should be included in the definition of a Community Facility. Chair '71'). Q -z.O Schaub requested that Staff research and consider the issue for future Zoning Ordinance P-' 'C) amendments, and Ms. Mary Jo Wilson, Planning Manager, agreed. On a motion by Vice Chair Wehrenberg, seconded by Cm. King, and by a vote of 4-0-1 with Cm. Fasulkey absent, the Planning Commission adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 06 - 44 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO VARIOUS CHAPTERS OF TITLE 8 (ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE DUBLIN MUNICIPAL CODE INCLUDING CHATPER 8.08 (DEFINITIONS), CHAPTER 8.12 (ZONING DISTRICTS AND PERMITTED USES OF LAND), CHAPTER 8.36, (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS), CHAPTER 8.64 (HOME OCCUPATIONS REGULATIONS), CHAPTER 8.76 (OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REGULATIONS), CHAPTER 8.84 (SIGN REGULATIONS), AND CHAPTER 8.108 (TEMPORARY USE PERMIT REGULATIONS) P A 06-054 NEW OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE OTHER BUSINESS 10.1 Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from the Planning Commission and/or Staff, including Committee Reports and Reports by the Planning Commission related to meetings attended at City Expense (AB 1234). Cm. Biddle stated that he attended the 2nd meeting of the Housing Committee on September 21, 2006. He gave a brief overview of the Committee's discussion on Universal Design. Ms. Mary Jo Wilson, Planning Manager, informed the Planning Commission that the Planning Commission meeting for October 24, 2006 has been cancelled. The next Planning Commission meeting would be held on November 14,2006. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 8: 18 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Planning Commission Chair ATTEST: Planning Manager 116