HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.1 Shannon Community Ctr Design CITY CLERK File # OlZIIJ[Q].r5JfOl AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 18, 2006 SUBJECT: A TT ACHMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: ~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Design Development Plans for New Shannon CommunIty Center Report prepared hy. f Ierma Lichtenstein. Parks & Facilities Development Manager I Rendering of "bene ring" *Building details. materials. and elevations will he available prior to the meeting in the Econumic Development conference room. I 2. 3 4. Receive report Receive public comment Select preferred materials and details and color scheme Direct Staff to remove the gazebo and replace with the proposed "faerie nng" Determine the percentage of the total capital project budget to be allocated for public art Authorize Staff to prepare Construction Documents 5 6. Improvements Budget: Engineers Estimate: $8,343,000 $8,147,'100 DRSCRIPTION: Following the closure of the Shannon Community Center, the City Council directed Staff to begin the plans to demolish the facility and build a new Community Center in Shannon Park. The new Shannon Commumty Center Program is estimated to include approximately 1 <),000 square feet of spaec and will provide for a banquet hall lilr 300 pcople, a catering kitchen, two preschool classrooms, flexible meeting rooms, staff area, and support spaces. At the March 7, 2006 Councilmccting The Dahlin Group ArchItects presented the schematic floor plan and two. building style options, one a missl(ln style and the other a craftsman style, with the recommendatIOn of the Parks and Community Services Commission that the exterior design be in the mIssion style. The Council selected the mission style extenor, approved the schematic floor plan and authorized '>taff to move forward with the design development plans. The "rchltect has prepared the deSIgn development plans which include more detailed plans and e1evati\>I1s Ii" hoth the Interior and exterior of the building together WIth two different color options. The ______________________________________________________~_~_~_____________________________________~H___________ COpy TO: I'h~ Dalllin (i!ULlplPark:'1 & Community Ser....ices C.ommi~sion Page I of 3 ITEM NO. ----=zl..- G:\COUNCIL\Agcndi.1 Slatt:lI1t:rlls\20IJ6\7-J8 ShannOIl design deveh>pment,d('lc lwo options will bc present cd in detail by the Architect at the Council meetmg. Both optIons are designed to he in aceordanec with the City's Green Building Ordinance. Option One The color scheme for OptUll1 One is hased on a traditional mISSIOn style building. It has a terra cotta colored tile roof, cream-colored walls, sandstone colored hase, dark window mullions and green stone accent tiles. The interior of the hllilding follows the concept of the extenor The color ranges mimic the terra cottas and creams III the wall colors, carpcts and tiles. The slone accents arc thc same green as the extenor and the wood tnm has a dark finish. Option Two The color scheme for Option Two IS hased on SImilar City buildings. It has a green colored tile roof, buff- colored walls and darker sandstone colored base. This option also has dark window mullions and green stone accent tiles. Again, the interior of the bnilding follows the concept ofthe extenor The color ranges mimic the greens and huff5 III lhe "all colors, carpets and tiles. The stone accents arc the same green as the extenor and the wood trim has a dark finish. Landscape The landscape, which IS the same on both options, includes a "Bay Friendly" demonstration garden on the lower terrace which can also he used as a teaching tool for nature camps, a multI functIOn plaza off of the social hall and added parkmg lot planting. The landscape also proposes the removal ofthe gazebo which was donated to the City in March of 1'198 by Robert Enea. The current location of the gazebo has proven to be prone to vandalism and contmued mamtenanee has heen required. At present the gazebo IS III severe disrepair The gazebo could be replaced with a similar one from a company which prefabricates these as stock Items. However, eontinned maintenance is anticipated dne to the secluded nature of the location. In addition, Staff was requested to find opportunities for donor names within the project hy the 2006 Dublin Pride Steenng Committee. The result of hoth the gazebo's condilion and the request for donor opportumlies waS evalLtated as part of the design process. The result was to create an area that would provide the same functions as the gazebo, allow for easily installed donor opportunlhes and relocate existing maple trees onslte. The design proposes a thematic recreation of a "faerie ring" from Irish folklore. The ring win be in the form of a circular hench approxImately 20 feet m diameter surrounded by a nng of relocated maple trees from the back of the existing building with an interior paved area. The bcneh will be made of concrete that can be sandblasted With donor names similar to the bench in the CiVIC Center courtyard. The ring is large enough to accommodate wedding ceremonies, story telling circles or infonnal meetings. A rendering of the "faene nng" will he presented at the meeting. Public Art The City's Puhlic Art Mastcr Plan was adopted in March 2006 and identified the Shannon Commnnity Centcr as an opportunity for public art. There are several arcas within the huildmg that could easily accommodate the mcluslon or art clements such as murals, mOSales, stalll"d glass, metal work or seulpturc. In addition to permanent public art, the lohhy provides opportumtles for temporary displays of public art. The Master Plan suggests that I 'Yo to 2% or the total capItal project budget be allocated to art. Based on a total capital project blldget of $10,478,568, 1% of lhe hudget would be $104,785 and 2% would be $209,570. For the Senior <- enter, I % or $54,775 was allocated for public art. I'or the Library, 2% or $207,780 was allocated for puhlIc art. As the there is already existing puhlie art in the park, Staff recommends lhat 1 % uf the budget be allocated to art in the Center. The project wIll go through the public art selection process as part of the next phase ofdeslgJl. CONCLUSION: These design development options were presented to the Parks and Community Services CommiSSIOn at the July 10, 2006 mecting. After receiVIng the presentation the CommiSSIOn voted unanlllluusly to recommend Option One whIch shows the building with a more traditJonal terra cotta roof and the corresponding intenor color option. Prior to the July 18, 200!> City Council meeting the two options will be availahle for viewing in the Economic Development Confcrcnce Room. In addition, three-dimensional color images of the building can be viewed on the City's website under the "What's New" box on the homepage at www.ci.dnblin.ea.ns. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Council take the following action: 1) Receive the presentatlllll from Staff and Consultants; 2) ReceIVe puhlic comment; 3) Selcet preferred matenals, details and color scheme; 4) Authorize removal "fthe gazeho and replacement with the "faene nng", 5) Determme the percentage of the total capital project bndget to be allocated for public art; Ii) Authorize Staff to prepare construction documents. .-- -:f' ' ~ L ---t. ')..0'-0" .E.L E V A T / 0 J.. N .it. , , . .. . , , . . . . ,- . p,L.AN Faerie Ring '"'; '?11rl' / I f/' o/t'I..> ATTACHMENT I