HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachmt 3 Minutes from 03-21-2006 City Council Mtg On mohon of Mayor Lockhart, seconded by Vm. Oravetz and by unammous vote, the CIty Council appointed em. McCorrmck and Cm. Hildenbrand to serve on the City's 25th Anmversary Ad Hoc Council Sub~Committee. .. NEW BUSINESS Moller Ranch Request to Initiate an Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment and General Plan Amendment Study, PA OS-060 8;53 p.m. 8.1 (420-30) Senior Planner ErIca Fraser presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would consider the Imtlahon of a Specific Plan Amendment and General plan Amendment Study to review an Alternative Site Plan for the Moller Ranch project located at 6861 TassaJara Road (APN 985-0001-00]). Staff recommended that the Council adopted a Resolution either approving or denymg the request. Denial of the request to study the proposed alternative would uphold the preVIOUS apPl'Oval for the smgle-family detached dwellmg umts. Mayor Lockhart asked If the proposed changes would increase the density outside the approved parameters. Ms. Fraser adVised no, the General Plan Amendment would only be necessary because the Developer was proposing to change from detached to attached housing umts. Jay Egy, represenhng the Casamira Valley/Moller Ranch proJect, showed an aerial view of the ranch and explamed the topography and eXIst111g landscape of the area. The alternate town home plan was wlthm the same developable area as before, and also kept all of the open space and landscapU18 as before. Cm. McCormick asked the locatIon of the nearest market. Mr. Egy advised that the Safeway In the Waterford Shopping Center was approxllnately 2 miles from the project. The Council and Developer engaged in a questIon and answer session regardmg the proposed study. It was proposed to be a town home project with one homeowners' association. The proposed trails would be open to the public. The Parks and Commumty ServICes Department would improve and mamtam the publIc park withm the project, but not the proposed cabana and pool. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINFI'.:S VOLUME 25 REGlTI.AR MEETING March 21, 2006 P;\(~E 94 . Attachment 3 Cm. Zika expressed concern about the children not having enough room to play. Mi'. Egy adViSed that the one~acre park was flat usable property, and was In addition to the cabana clu b. Cm. Hildenbrand expressed concern that the proposed change would cause an imbalance m the houslI18 as thiS plan was not addresslI18 a broad cross-section In Dublin. There might be mnovatIve ways to make this project work without proVldmg yet another townhome project m Dublin. It could be a combmahon of different products. She would approve it as a study, but would like to see something else. Mr. Egy asked If the resolution would need to be modified to cover the opportumty suggested by em. Hildenbrand. Crty Attorney Silver clarified that the resolubon before the Council would change the densIty from low to medium denSity, whIch would be 6.1 to 14 umts per acre, which allowed attached umts. If the study was approved, the study would allow greater density on the property that was currently allowed, but there were other issues that would dictate whether there could practically be more units than were belll$ proposed because of physical restraints and regulatory agency requirements. Mayor Lockhart commented that the Resolution would prOVide the Developer With the ability to only study that Increase WIth Staff, but that did say they would get that extra denSIty. They would also have to meet conditions that the Council would like to see in the project. em. Zika expressed the same concerns as Cm. Hildenbrand about rapIdly losing single- family detached homes and straymg away from the housing element balance. He was opposed to another development of this sort, unless there was somethII18 mnovative Involved; however, would approve the study as long as the Developer understood that it was not approval of the final project. Vm. Oravetz expressed the need for smgle story hOUSIng and would su pport the study. McCormick asked If affordable units would be Interspersed within the project. Mr. Egy adVIsed yes. DlIBl,JN CITV COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 21,2006 PAG~, 95 . On motion of em. Hildenbrand, seconded by Vm. Oravetz and by unammous vote, the CIty Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 32 06 APPROVING THE INITIATION OF A SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY Of THE ALTERNATIVE SITE PLAN . Resolution Atroroving Parking Regulations on Arnold Road 9:34 p.m. 8.2 (570-20) Traffic EngIneer Ray Kuzbari presented the Staff Report and advIsed that this item would estabhsh parktng regulatIons on Arnold Road in order to maIntaIn traffic safety on thIS street while also proVldmg on-street parkmg to supplement near-term parkIng needs for the East Dublin/Pleasanton BART station WIthm the foreseeable future. Mayor Lockhart asked If traffic aCCIdents had happened on Arnold Road as a result of the current parlang SItuatIon. Mr. KuZbarI advIsed no, not to-date, but it was possible wIth the cars parking so close to the IntersectIon. The Council and Staff engaged In a questIon and answer session regarding the current parkIns configurations. A total of 54 on-street spaces would still be available, even with the elImmatIon of 16 spaces. Mayor Lockhart asked Staff If the plan to move those people parlang on the street to a nearby park-n -ride lot. City Manager Ambrose advised yes, and BART had recently completed. its survey and LA VTA was waiting for the results. Mayor Lockhart advised that she and the City Manager had met with LA VTA and BART to figure out who was parking on the street there. If they were from the east, perhaps they could be directed to the park-and-l'lde with bus sel'Vlce. If from withIn Dublin, more shuttle buses from the neighborhoods could be provided. LAVTA and BART were almost complete with their survey for thiS mformatIon, and a flyer campaign would follow the survey. DllBLJN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 21, 2006 PAGE 96 .,