HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.03 Accept ImprovDub Rch Villas CITY CLERK File # D~[Q][Q]-~[Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 19,2006 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Improvements Associated with Tract 7326 "Villas", Dublin Ranch Area G, Neighborhood H-1 (Toll-Dublin, LLC) Report Prepared by: Melissa Morton, Public Works Director . . j' it." I I A TT ACHMENTS: 1) 2) Resolution Location Map RECOMMENDATION: ~dOPt the Resolution accepting the improvements for Tract 7326, Dublin Ranch Area G, Neighborhood H-1, and approving the regulatory traffic control devices. J (/rs FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Toll-Dublin, LLC (Toll Brothers, Inc.), has provided a Maintenance Bond in the amount of $406,079.00 (Bond No. 929394635) to replace the Performance and Labor and Materials Bonds that guaranteed the improvements. The Maintenance Bond will guarantee against defects for one year. All streets are Private Streets, and these Private Streets and landscaping within the common areas will be maintained by the Dublin Ranch Villas Owners Association. DESCRIPTION: Toll-Dublin, LLC, recently completed on-site street improvements associated with Tract 7326, Dublin Ranch Area G, Neighborhood H-l. Tract 7326 is located in eastern Dublin, east of Brannigan Street, north of Dublin Boulevard and south of Finnian Way within the southwest comer of Area G of the Dublin Ranch Development. The work was governed by a Tract Developer Agreement executed on September 3,2002 via City Council Resolution No. 157-02. The developer has completed the work governed by this agreement. Since the street improvements have been constructed pursuant to the Tract Developer Agreement and to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director, it is appropriate for the improvements to now be accepted by the City for permanent maintenance by the Dublin Ranch Villas Owners Association. COPY TO: Jon Paynter, Toll-Dublin, LLC Page 1 of2 ITEM NO.~_ G:\DEVELOP\Dublin Ranch\Area G\Hl - Tract 7326\Agstacpt_st imp. doc The following regulatory traffic control devices will be accepted and approved as part of this project and added to the City of Dublin Traffic Code: A. Bremen Street, Clarinbridge Circle and Landsdowne Street are designated as "Private Streets." At the time the City and Toll-Dublin, LLC, executed the Tract Developer Agreement for the street, storm sewer, and landscape improvements, the developer provided Performance and Labor and Materials Bonds, each in the amount of $1,085,830.00 for site improvements and $538,485.00 for landscaping for a total bond amount of $1,624,315.00 to guarantee performance of the work. Now that the work is complete, these bonds may be released in accordance with the authority contained in S66499. 7 of the Government Code, and replaced with a Maintenance Bond in the amount necessary to guarantee the work for a one- year period following acceptance. The developer has provided a Maintenance Bond in the amount of $406,079.00, which is 25% of the original Performance Bond, and which is sufficient to guarantee the improvements for a one-year period after acceptance. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution accepting the improvements for Tract 7326, Dublin Ranch Area G, Neighborhood H-1, and approving the regulatory traffic control devices. Page 2 of2 RESOLUTION NO. - 06 \ 0b'~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 7326 (DUBLIN RANCH AREA G, NEIGHBORHOOD H-l) AND APPROVING REGULATORY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES WHEREAS, the subdivider of Tract 7326, filed on September 20,2002, in Book 265 of Maps at Pages 79 - 86, previously entered into a Tract Developer Agreement with the City of Dublin to improve said Tract in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the Public Works Director, said Tract identified as follows: a) Subdivider: b) Tract Location: c) Tract Size: d) Resolution Approving Agreement: e) City Streets Affected: Toll-Dublin, LLC, a California Limited Partnership East of Brannigan Street, south ofFinnian Way and north of Dublin Boulevard 13 Lots, 289 Multi-Family Units No. 157-02, City of Dublin City Council None WHEREAS, the Street Improvements associated with Tract 7326 are complete in accordance with said plans and specifications, and any approved modifications thereto, to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director; and WHEREAS, the developer has installed certain regulatory traffic control devices as part of the Tract improvements; and WHEREAS, the original improvement Performance Bonds and Labor and Materials Bonds that guaranteed the Street Improvements can be released, in accordance with the authority contained in S66499.7 of the Government Code of the State of California, and replaced with a Maintenance Bond to guarantee the completed work for a one-year period following acceptance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that: 1. The improvements completed within said Tract are hereby approved and accepted subject to a one-year guarantee period; and 2. The regulatory traffic devices installed by the developer are hereby included in the City of Dublin Traffic Code, said regulatory devices to include the following: a) Bremen Street, Clarinbridge Circle and Landsdowne Street are designated as "Private Streets"; and 3. The original Performance Bond issued by The Continental Insurance Company (Bond No. 929251255) in the amount of $1,085,830.00 for site improvements be released; and 1 12-lq... OlO Y,3 AnAUIDIENT L :J. Db '"3 4. The original Labor and Materials Bond issued by The Continental Insurance Company (Bond No. 929251255) in the amount of $1,085,830.00 for site improvements be released; and 5. The original Performance Bond issued by The Continental Insurance Company (Bond No. 929263293) in the amount of $538,485.00 for landscaping be released; and 6. The original Labor and Materials Bond issued by The Continental Insurance Company (Bond No. 929263293) in the amount of $538,485.00 for landscaping be released; and 7. The submitted Maintenance Bond issued by The Continental Insurance Company in the amount of $406,079.00 (Bond No. 929394635) be accepted as security for the aforesaid one-year maintenance period, said period to commence on this date and terminate on the 19th day of December, 2007. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of December, 2006. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G:\DEVELOP\Dublin Ranch\Area G\H1 - Tract 7326\resoacpt_st imp.doc 2 ~:J ~ i ~" ~ ~ ~ PARCEL 2 J: TRACT 7148 e. Q'~ . [N...Sn1'W633IY ~-~ 257 M. 3 -7 & 0(OJp rC~~ w'f'f R=714' ?f i' :~R,lG'1t ~ \r+~ "'- t:lI=27'OO'32" ..;r.'> /u ,. E,;'; - - - L=336,57' BNDY. t:i ''&.,.. ~ffi -- -- ~~... /;r<t. T ---@-..1f!l!:@:ITw 17958' --- -- ~ .#/$ Jl~ ~fJ.!:~l.:?ntfu W-:.W~1'1\s; Ji'IN7;;,> 0/t6' &'~ l'l,,p I - - - ~<.9~. -.~........... ~ ~ I....~ ---_ ---.J.?~Jg ~ / ( ~{:>'$' i .Ct-_ ~-lI ~ x,:, , I I I I . ',- I J i6@! 1 o~ _1_ ~ 2' >- ~ i &i~: ~ 1'1'tj:-1 h-l :s t--:\ U) io l()1 >- r4' ,"! or ~ 'V I~:.:ii;:, LOT 6 l'L. ,b.t:!Jo,l i'S I~~~I u I~p;:,,: a I ""~I z: - -.- :=.t --lO' ;0) I =-1 I I CD ' =:> I I a~~ f J ~ti3 I I *r-.I I nN I t ..,. <d I IP ZN 1 w,.: . 0 ~~ o ~to <0 .... lO -.r . r----z~ r- '" co PARCEL 3 LOT 5 i C I LOT 1 I Il~ '11'. I '0 :....::::... ..:LCLARINBRIDGE-!f J.' KK,[~H ~I 'JJ' "D' LNQ1:,i[.;rWii! ----___ 238,77' v-v .I / :~ -- ----.@----f'!986'1.{-1I-- N8~..22.51.W 3!i86f Af-Id -- . '!~AI_ !---1Il1"51" R~76' I J586JO.[tf."t <5f 5J03'(R 1l='11'06'5i 11 N7Ii"J4'~;" ~2<2.eJ' TIr--lt ~ L=14.74' BNDY./ OUIJ?vAI/D R~23B2' - - -- - I 1I~08"12'53' TRACT 7148' - - - ~ L=,34L52' ANOY. rj!\, / rQ\ 257M -3- - ~/~ . -7 N74'14'11.W 25.17' BNDY. 93.2B' BNDY. I NBB'47'06.W t ~"2!:PflU'!5" lJ[J!-.!I . I~t: I~&; R=2391' ,~~ lI~01"56'41. DUBlJN f.!i_ L~8~6~N~ PARCEL 9 R=104' ll~ 12"36'14' L~22.BB' BNDY. H:!J'1:3. C:h,;, P. t91B0\7:l26-114V"onol U"f' ''''02.<1. Iloum WBLO TIlWl]l ~~ N.506,186.77. (.!.592,180A8 \;. USC&GS 1 ST mDER TRIANGutAlIO cP ,~ STATION CCS 27,' ZONE 3 tl \ ~ tP\~ o \~~LJ \. f d. r IP w / PujSTIC C'J' -<\ \ ~ g 'lS61233' flUSli! (R-3J) d> \ '" '!:. t<1' 1f. -~ri- ~\ ~ RANCHO SANT, RITA ,/ 7.., "i t." '--' PARCEL 1 / I ". ",--' TRACT 7148 /$ I ~.?$' ~~. 257 M. 3-7J,,/(.:J 0~)~, "i\';. ~;r l; {" v~~>, (11 \ l' (\/:Q.:r~ ./.9.~>, \8 4,:;/-*~ ~ '- \ ,k/~4..;j> j "\,.~ j ",""/"',1, i $j}/0;;;<\/ fO. STD. USC&GS MON. IV I~' BIlASS lJISC {I...~~ O~RIrn O,S' STAMPrn "rlollON-1946" )0 !!J~~2,789.03, E.l.610,047.5~, 2NO OROER S<Q- / k' ':lWlGUlATlOU STATION CCS 27, ZONE: 3 -1." ~~ / !ftll'49'31" ifOv.. 'C~ ' . <: (('~4'(' N..QIE;. \ TRACT 7326 COMPLIES WITH mAT PORTION OF SECTION 8817 OF THE LAUD SURVEYORS' ACT, raUCH STATES: .ON OR AfTER JANUARY I, 1995, WIlEN STAlI PlANE COORDINA1ES ARE lJS1J) ON NE:W SURVEYS AMJ NEIV I.W'I'ING PROJECTS, THE USE S= BE LIMITED 10 CCS O:J". BEING THAT IT IS A CONTINUATION Of RECORD Or SURVEY No. 1005 (R-2) WITH SE\lERAL COM!.lON BOUNOARIES; THER CORE. THE COORDlNAlI SYSTfM IS BASED UPON ~ THIS ORIGiNAl SURVEY ceo:! 27, ZONE 3. 1 T O' 40' 00' It , LEGEND @ srt Cl1'I oF IlU1lJN ST"'twllJ SIREET UOfIUJ.IENT STMlP[D _/ L5.. MIl @) fOUND SWEET UOlfJlmn Cf REI:ORll Pot TRAq 7t-48 (R--fJ _I LS. 5411 UNlESS. NoTED OfHERWtSE . fOUNO UOIItJ1/EIfI AS NOIED _ ANGLE POINT BNOY. BOUNDARY I.K DATA CL cum:RuNE DSRSO DUEllIHiJIH fW.IDrt SffiVItE.S OISlRICT EASOIEHT EvAE ELIERGrnct \'EHJCL[ ACCESS EASEUOO' f.l-M Uom.rt.fOiT TO UONlJUENT DISfANC( M-PL VOIMIDIT TO PlIDPERTY lK SWE SIOEWAU< CASEMENT PSI' f'U8UC SElMer CASEUENT PM: PRNAT!: ^= EASE"on (R) RADIAL BEARlNG SSE SlltffARY SEWER EASEMEnT (T) TO!.... m WATER liNE fASEr.lENf ---- BOUNDARY lINE - lOT OR PARCEL lIME - - - MONWEI'H LINE - - - - EASEMENT UNE (f) """"'TES S>1EET NIlIfflER ~ t. AU. BE.\RIIIGS SHOWN ARE BASED UPON CAUFORNtA COORDINATE S'tST'EN ZONE m. 2. All OJSTANCES SHOWN ARE GROUNO LEVEL DISTANCES, MULTIPLY OlSimcES 8't 0.9999054 TO OBTAIN GRID DISTANCES. BASIS OF BEARING~: IIf Il'l$IS or BEA/llNGS SIIOWH NERl:ON. IS 1NE UNE !lEIWI:EN USCAGS TllI>IIQIWl\lll st",'"S "11UoN' IOlIl 'lIOUNT 1IWlL0 TOWEr(. IIf GRIll IlEAAJ<G OI.CtAATED fROM PUBt.ISlO CCS 27 ZONE 3 CRID COORDIHATES fCR "THIS ltNE is lH(fN .AS NORTH Hl'44'2'" WEST. REFERENCES: 11-1 OJ.N.: OF 1NE GJ..O. SUIl\{T or THE ro..Sf'P PERlumR OF T..2 S.. R. 1 E.. BY SHERMm OAr. MY 9. 1853. ft-2 RECOfID OF SURVrT No. 1005, nLEO F'EBRL1ARY 1, 1993, BK.. 16 R.O.S.. PCS. 31-~'. A!JJI[DA COWN. 8-3 fl[C{)RD Cf SUfM:t ROo 1552, flttD SEPIDlBER 4. 1998. ~I<. 22 R.O.s.. PGS. 39 a: 40, /oLWEOA COUNtY. R-4 TIW:T' 7H8. f1lEO fE8RUi.Ry 14, 2001, Bit 257 Cf w.rs. PGS. '3-1. -AlMIEDA COUNTY_ R-5 TRACT 7253. F1tEO APRIL 8. 2002. 8K. 263 or IW'S. PGs. .73-78, AlAUElJA COONTY. TRACT 7326 FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES A SUBDIVISION OF PARCEL '5' OF TRACT 7148, AS FILED ON FEBRUARY 14, 2001, IN BOOK 257 OF MAPS, PAGES 3-7, ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS CITY OF DUBLIN ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA AUGUST, 2002 mACK'AI&SOmpS eM[. DfGrHEEfllHG_1.AND ~G_LAND SUlt\I01ttC ....ell:ca..b"... C'- (g2~) _ 225--0690 SHEEr 2 OF B \9180-04 o LOCATION MAP ''"'':t . C'f' 'uJ