HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.1 Downtown SP " - . l: e e /)"I/0-5S' )(0'-120-30 AGENDA STATEMENT SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 21, 1987 EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Background Attachments: RECOMMENDATION: (J>>rf \) FINANCIAL STATEMENT: DESCRIPTION: Public Hearing: Dublin Downtown Specific Plan and Associated General Plan Amendment. A. B. Draft Resolution re: Negative Declaration Draft Resolution re: Dublin Downtown Specific Plan and Associated General Plan Amendment 1. Revised Table D, Estimated Implementation Costs March 6, 1987, Draft Dublin Downtown Specific Plan (Note: Draft was previously distributed under separate cover.) May 26, 1987, City Council Agenda Statement with Replacement Pages to March 6: 1987, Draft and May 15, 1987, Letter from William Bopf, Bedford Properties, attached Planning Commission Resolution re: Negative Declaration Planning Commission Resolution re: Dublin Downtown Specific Plan and Associated General Plan Amendment,. ,. -.....,: 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. Open public hearing. " " Hear Staff and Con~ultant pr~sentation. Take testimony from the public. Question Staff, "Consultant, 'and the public. " . Close public hearing. Prov~deconceptual approval on each section and implementation strategy. Adopt Resolution approving Negative Declaration (Exhibit A). Adopt Resolution adopting Dublin Downtown Specific Plan and Associated General Plan Amendment (Exhibit B). Direct Staff to bring back time frames for conceptually approved imlementation strageties. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. See discussion below. On May 11, and May 26, 1987, the City Council opened the public hearing on the Dublin Downtown Specific Plan and associated General Plan Amendment, heard the Staff and Consultant presentation, and continued the matter until July 21, 1987. In response to comments submitted by Mr. Bopf of Bedford Properties, Staff and the Consultant recommended that, on page 29 of the Draft Specific Plan, the first sentence of the second paragraph be changed to read: "A mix of uses integrating commercial uses and transit- related parking similar to Zone 4 will be encouraged in this location." The Draft Specific Plan includes a revised Table D, Estimated Implementa- tion Costs (Background Attachment 1), including amounts designated in the City's current Capital Improvement Program. In addition, the Staff and Consultant have prepared the following Chart, which provides additional detailed cost information as well as the estimated amount of Staff required to undertake each implementation strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COPIES (Agenda Statement Only): ITEM NO. ~. / DISC (10) Dublin Chamber of Commerce Planning Commissioners (5) Planning Department Larry Cannon - WBE Chris Kinzel - TJKM . e Implementation Strategy 1. Traffic Monitoring Program 2. Central Block Improvement a. Brochure 3. Project (Downtown) Entries a. Design Concepts 4. Center Median (Continuity) Theme 5. Project Entries Pylons Program a. Design Concepts 6. Street Furniture Program a. Additional Cost Info. 7. Public Signing Program 8. Restaurant Row Program 9. Business License program[2} 10. Downtown Promotional Program a. Finance Staff Time 11. Parking Lot Landscaping Program 12. Signing and Graphics Improvement 13. Downtown Beautification Awards Subtotal Cost Estimated from Revised Table D Total Estimated Implementation Cost Less Amount Currently Allocated in the City's 1987-88 Capital Improvement Program ESTIMATED FUNDS NEEDED BEYOND 1987-88 e Est. Dollar Cost[l] 1st Year 'Annual Est. Staff Time (hours) lst Year Annual $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 2,000 $ 5,000 170 40 25 25 $ 8,000 $150,000 25 80 70 $ 20,000 $15,000 330[3} 100 50 300 80 120 - ,~... -".:!d~ 60 $190,000 ':!.. ~~ 540 935'_ $20,000 ..~'.. ..'\ $5,000,000 ~. ":' " ;.,,/~. $5,190,000 ,',;>'; $ 360,000 $4,830,000 [1] Indicates new or different cost estimate than shown in Table D, Estimated Implementation Costs. The cost of Staff time is not included in the estimated dollar cost column, with the exception indicated in note [2} below. [2} Finance Staff time is included in estimated dollar cost column. [3] Includes Zoning Investigation Staff time. The chart summarizes estimated dollar costs and estimated Staff time needed for individual implementation strategies. Both the dollar cost estimates and Staff time estimates are further indicated as either a) first year, or b) annual items. The chart notes new or different cost estimates than indicated in revised Table D, Estimated Implementation Costs. For example, under the Street Furniture Program, additional cost information indicates an estimated one-time dollar cost of $150,000. The chart also shows a need for approximately 1,475 in additional Staff hours in the first year. This Staff time would be needed in Planning, Zoning Investigation and Finance. Implementation of the business license program would require the addition of a part-time position in Finance in addition to 1,475 hours of Staff time in the first year, and the 540 hours in subsequent years. If the City Council decides to approve a majority of the Implementation Strategies, either 1) additional Planning and Zoning Investigation Staff will be needed, or 2) other planning projects and zoning investigation work will have to be deferred. -2- e - " ,.. ~ RESOLUTION NO. 87 . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ APPROVING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION CONCERNING THE DUBLIN DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN AND ASSOCIATED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), as amended together with the State's administrative guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental regulations, requires that certain projects be reviewed for potential environmental effects and that environmental documents be prepared; and WHEREAS, an Initial Study was conducted finding that the Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment, as proposed, would not have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration has been prepared by the Dublin Planning Department; and .~ ." -tj ft: v ,., ~"",:, WHEREAS, public notice of the Negati"ye Declaration"~as given in all respects as required by State Law; and . ..c'.. ~~' , .. . . ..;'\ WHEREAS. the Planning Commission 'on Aprrl 6, 1987, recommended that the City Council approve the Negative Decl~r~~ion for the Dublin Downtown Specific Plan and Associated General Plar;:~endment; and WHEREAS. the City Council held a public hearing on said Negative Declaration on May II, May 26, and July 21, 1987; and WHEREAS. the City Council did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations, and testimony as herein above set forth; NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council finds that the Negative Declaration has been prepared and processed in accordance with State and local env~ronmental law and regulations, that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. and that the Negative Declaration is complete and adequate. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council hereby approves the Negative Declaration for the Dublin Downtown Specific Plan and Associated General Plan Amendment. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of July, 1987. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk EXfllBIT L e e RESOLUTION NO, 87 t A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ADOPTING THE DUBLIN DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN AND ASSOCIATED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT WHEREAS. the City of Dublin prepared the Dublin Downtown Specific Plan and Associated General Plan Amendment with the intention of setting forth the City's policies for the development of the area involved; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission on April 6, 1987, recommended that the City Council adopt said Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment; and WHEREAS. the City Council held a public hearing on said Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment on May 11, and July 21, 1987; and WHEREAS. notice of said public hearing was provided in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS. the City Council did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations, and testimony as hereinabove set forth; . ,.< "C'>...... Vl' WHEREAS. said Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment have been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, and a Negative Declaration has peen approved for this project as it will not have a significant effect on the",environment; and WHEREAS. it is the City's intention to establish a policy framework against which specific development schemes may be judged, leaving maximum opportunity for design freedom; and WHEREAS. the Specific Plan details the development goals for the area and sets forth the criteria for judging development proposals; NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council adopts the Dublin Downtown Specific Plan and Associated General Plan Amendment as modified. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby direct Staff to edit, format, and print the Dublin Downtown Specific Plan and Associated General Plan Amendment with all City Council approved revisions and without any other substantive changes. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of July, 1987. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk EXHIBIT 6 Revised 7/15/87 e DUBLIN DOWNTOWN4It ESTIMATED IMPLEMENTATION COSTS TABLE D 1. CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENTS A. Dublin Boulevard $1,700,000 (Note 1) B. New Streets 1,600,000 (Note 2) C. Traffic Signals 420,000 (Note 3) D. San Ramon Road off-ramp improvements 500,000 $4,220,000 2. URBAN DESIGN IMAGE IMPROVEMENTS A. San Ramon Road Landscape $ 50,000 (Note 4) B. Downtown Entries (Project Entries Program) 110,000 (Note 14) C. continuity Theme Elements (Center Median Theme) . 90,000 D. Street Furniture 50,000 (Note 12) E. Public Signing Program ,"SO,OOO F. Project Entries Pylons Program (Not'e 5) ,,$ 350,0'00 (Note 11) , . -, 3. CENTRAL BLOCK IMPROVEMENTS + (Note 6) , , ;. '. "or 4. RESTAURANT ROW IMPROVEMENTS <''''f' (Note 7) '. . A. Curbs and Gutters $ 60,000 B. Landscaping 70,000 C. Crosswalks 50,000 D. Pedestrian Lighting 120,000 E. Entry Pylons 85,000 F. Street Furniture 15,000 $ 400,000 5. SPECIAL PROGRAMS A. Business License Program $ 0 (Note 8) B. Downtown Promotion Program 20,000 (Note 9) C. Parking Lot Landscaping Program (Note 5) D. signing and Graphics Improvement Program 10,000 (Note 10) E. Downtown Beautification Awards Program (Note 5) $ 30,000 (Note II) ESTIMATED KNOWN COSTS $5,000,000 Less Amount Currently Allocated in the City's 1987-88 Capital Improvement Program $ 360,000 ESTIMATED FUNDS NEEDED BEYOND 1987-88 $4,640,000 I R-2 75 ATTACHMENT 1- I . e e ESTIMATED IMPLEMENTATION COSTS NOTES 1. Dublin Boulevard improvements are shown in the city's 1986-91 Five Year Capital Improvement Program, but are unfunded at this time. 2. New street south of and parallel to Dublin Boulevard. Allor part of the cost of construction and/or right-of-way may be borne by adjacent property owners. This project is not included in the City's Five Year Capital Improvement Program due to lack of funding. 3. $420,000 (total cost) is currently in the City's 1986-91 Capital Improvement Program, but only $300,000 is funded as of 1987-88. 4. $50,000 of this amount is currently designated in the City's 1986-91 Capital Improvement Program, and is funae~ for 1987-88. \~\ ' . 5. The cost of this program and the extent of public'and private participation cannot yet be determined.' _ " t' 6. The extent of costs for this program is unknown and can only be estimated following meetings with property owners and the development of schematic plans 'and costs estimates. An initial assumption is that the City of Dublin's participation will be limited to coordination activities and perhaps the funding of an initial schematic plan to assist property owners in reaching agreement. Should the possibility of a public plaza or joint-use structure within the Central Block become a reality, the city would consider participation in construction and maintenance costs. 7. Restaurant Row Improvements are very preliminary in nature and are based upon conceptual plans. Estimate includes contingency factors as well as engineering and administration costs. 8. The cost of the Business License Program is estimated at $20,000 per year in the first year and $15,000 annually thereafer. No cost has been shown, because it is assumed that the business license fee would offset the administrative cost of the program. R-2 76 e e 9. Downtown Promotion Program costs assume only costs for the initial six month start-up and ordinance adoption phase. It assumes the cost of one employee and direct costs of mailings and printing. Office space, secretarial help and other support services are assumed to be provided by elements of the steering Committee. Costs for the ongoing program would be self-supporting from proceeds of the AB 1693 District revenues. 10. Cost assumes the services of a qualified graphics and signing consultant for a six-month period. Amount of effort is estimated to average one full day per week. Actual time expenditures could be less depending upon business interest in the program. 11. Total known cost excluding programs for which extent of public and private costs are unknown. ~ .. ":} ,,: 12. Covers only estimate to upgrade quality of bus sh~iters from transit authority standards. ~ ;... ~'\~ . 13. Other miscellaneous public sector., costs will need -to be covered, bur would normally fa~l w,ithi~ normal City budget categories. Examples include the',traffic monitoring program, coordination with BART and the,'.6n:'goin~ ,dialogue with CALTRANS. 14. $10,000 of this amount is currently allocated in the City's 1987-88 Capital Improvement Budget. R-2 77 ';',. . '>' .: '....~ r............. ~," r-. ','. (. ";,:;~r~'~~~j~'<<;.~ ,', ~~: Jir! . '::' -::)~:' ;"'''':'.::/('' .-,,'" ,.f , , ~ .. " ,1 .,' -' \. "u ..., "'t~i l' ,;i:;:_~/::::'\", ,> "("" '., .t'f-?,: "....: .!r,~" ' -; I" ?;/.~;.;.f1:'~' < ,i~, ., , . - . #' ,!-:> ~;~.~"v. ",j i'I' ',:f" I _'.>..' /~ ", " " ,F~, ~~:~ ;. \ '~:~,.:..>I':llJ .,: , .1 ~ -', ' ., ; ',,:~~ , './ , 'I,..:,t-' , J AGENDA STATEMENT ,'? t .... . " CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: Hay 26, .. "", .' ~ '.: 't" ,'SUBJECT: Public Hearin~: Dublin Downtown Specific Plan and Associated General Plan Amendment EXHIBITS ATTACHED: ~ .. . . 1. 'March 11, 1987, Transmittal Letter from Joe Devane, D.l.S~C.Chairperson,'to 'Planning Commission'" - ,', ,', 2. March 6" 1987, Draft Dublin DowntoWn';' Specific Plan ~ith Replacement Pages ' (Under Separate Cover) -, 3. Replacement Pages to March 6, 1987, Draft 4. Draft Negative Declaration 5. March 16, 1987, Planning Commission Minutes ' 6. March 19, 1987, Planning Commission Minutes 7.' May 15, 1987, Letter from William Bopf. Bedford Properties , ,',: -t.~: . RECOMMENDATION: ~ Jf 3. Open public hearing. " ".. Hear Staff and Consultant, presentations and D.I.S.C./pub1ic comments on an issue by issue basis. . .. Provide conceptual guidance to Staff on each issue. ; ,./i"...." , Continue until Staffing~rld<~ost implications are res,olved"as part of the 1987-88 budget review. .. ~~ ",;:; ~. l. 2. 4. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: To be determined, through the budget process. DESCRIPTION: , ~'-, ,:".. t '~ ;,. ": ....... I. Introduction II. Background The Dublin General Plan established an overall goal of maintaining the downtown as the commercial center of the Tri-Valley area. ~o implement this goal, the City Council appointed the Downtown Improvement Study Committee (D.I.S.C.). The D.I.S.C. is made up of local business persons. local citizens, and a Dublin Chamber of Commerce representative. To help provide planning. engineering and architectural expertise, the City Council. in the Fall of 1985, approved the hiring of three (3) consultant firms: 1) Wurster. Bernardi & Emmons (Larry Cannon) 2) TJKM (Ch~is Kinzel) 3) Laventhol & Horwath (Elliot Stein) Over the past 15 months. the D.I.S.C. Staff and Consultants regularly met and conducted detailed land use, traffic, and market studies; attempts were made to contact each major property owner; and a joint City Council/Planning Commission meeting was held to discuss the major downtown plan concepts. .,. On February 19, 1987, the D.I.S.C. reviewed the Draft Plan; made several revisions, and recommended approval of the Draft Plan as revised. .. - - - - - .. - - - .. - - - .. - - - - - - - .. .. - - - - .. .. - - - .. - - - - - .. - - .. - -. - .. .. - .. - .. - -..~ --'-":: .. - - - .. .. - .. .. .. .. .. - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ':' COPIES (Agenda Statement Only ITEM NO. (Y.L/ ATTACHMENT -3 i" . . :1.,." ,. ~,."",:...:,:,.:" :""'\<"":"~:';":"'."":':"~.'-~;"";"""~". ~ '. > ,..) ." ,_ _~ ~~~ u ~.".. _ ~ -:~~~~(:~~t,' 'l " ,,,~ ~J,~ }.." ~. ,~ f\ t, . . ... ~ v ..~~;;~.~~t;C;~~f!.b!::~f.l!~I~":":; . On March 16 and 19, 1987, the Planning' Commission held "a public hearing' on the Draft Plan and associated General Plan Amendment~:;:The Planning , < Commission recommended several modifications, < including: /~'.it~t':i,::: ;'r:'\;;'/,,' " . ' . :':~~",)~<';:~~'f';:;);';'~~,:,~.~ ,"'! -; ,.' . 1) maintaining the existing allowable < height limit "of 45 feet, ',:. ., , providing for up to 75 feet in certain areas with a Conditional' Use Permit, and establishing a not toexceed,height)imit,of 75 feet;'"" """ '~~"<;C>~:,:},t:~:f:~~t'h;,/~~.;~!~:::,~: " ;,' a Zoning Ordinance modification to establish' 'a' Downtown Overlay Zoning District; 2) .,'-.' .. 3) a diagram illustrating the pedestrian circulation; and',.' 4) a General Plan Amendment with three changes to the Dublin General Plan. " On April 6, 1987. the Planning Commission adopted resolutions recommending adoption of the Negative Declaration and adoption of the Dublin Downtown Specific Plan and associated General Plan Amendment as modified. ~. ~;~::>7 III. Issues ,. . ~ , , The Draft Dublin Downtown Specific Plan has five major ~ections: 1) 2) 3) Specific Plan Policies < J' Circulation/Parking Development Plan. including Improvements Urban Design Improvements Implementation . ~. . , .~ ~ ..'4 ~~!.:. Land Use and Central' Bl,.ock .' ..... ~ . . .\\.<) .<~ . 4) 5) .' '~ ~ ....., -:.. The primary goal of the Draft Plan is'to'maintain and further develop the downtown area as a vital and competitiv~~region~l retail center. Specific focuses in the Draft Plan include: ,,' - Central Block Improvements around the Mervyn's - Ward's (Toys R Us) - Gemco (Target) Area - Restaurant Row Concept along Amador Plaza Road - Joint Promotional Program for Downtown Businesses - Urban Design Improvements, including Entry Signage. Banners, Landscaping and Street Furniture - Public and Private Sector Implementation, including identification of about $3 million in new projects/programs. The Draft Plan includes several minor changes to the General Plan. The General Plan Amendment is needed in order to have conformance between the General Plan and Specific Plan. The changes in~lude: I) Changing the area west of 1-680 from Retail/Office and Automotive to Retail/Office. 2) Eliminating the designation on the General Plan Map of a new inter- change on 1-680 at Amador Valley Boulevard. but maintaining the flexibility to accommodate such a facility~ 3) Changing the area at Village Parkway and Dublin Boulevard from Business Park/Industrial to Retail/Office. The Implementation Section of the Draft Plan includes a number of new projects and programs which could have significant staffing and cost implications. Prior to adopting the various implementation strategies, the City Council should have a clear understanding of those staffing and cost implications. : If the City Council can review and give conceptual guidance or approval to the various implementation strategies, the Staff could better address the cost' of each strategy and bring the information back to the City Council through the budget process. -2- , , '. ", ,: > . -' " ' .'f ., t 1 .~..::., " .'. '" ' ,-.". (, f ",,"~. d The' city Council should also address ,the written comments submitted by Mr. Bopf of Bedford Properties: , 1 - 2 - '( .' ",. 'Whether the Bedford Properties area '(currently used byUnisource) should remain in Zone 3 Regional Transit Mixed Use area and "Interim Use Zone A. '" " ' ...., :,'. Whether, in Zone 3, the allow~ble floor area ratio shouldb~ increased to 0.35. , _ J , ,. ,'.: .? . -. , ~ '.. :.~. . ~ , 3 - , ~.' . . Whether, in Zone 3, the allowable height should be increased to 75 feet, and up to ISO-feet with a Conditional Use Permit. IV. Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council take the following actions: 1. 2. Open the public hearing. Hear presentations by Staff and D.I.S.C. and the public on each Draft Plan. Provide conceptual guidance or approval on each section, issue or strategy. Continue the public hearing until staffing and cost implications are resolved as part of the 1987-88 budget review. Consultants,' and comments by section, .issue or strategy of the 3. 4. . _' ~'4.:.j,~ .... ~;.:{ , '~,~: .. .-. ,_i... ....... -. ;"' - .. ,,",'-\, ~ r ." ,,' i - >:.' "" ... --; :~ . ~ ~ ~ -3- -\ .' . ~ ~ .,. ". ".... . r " .~ ~ ~ , , I: , " 'I o ~ , :~ ! ,< , " .j " '! , ~ \, 1 i ~ 1) 2) 3) 4) ~' .e CITY OF DUBLIN (~' '.e Replacement Pages to March 16. 1987 Draft Dublin Downtown Specific Plan ' Remove: LIST OF DIAGRAMS None Page 28, Development Zones Map (Diagram 9) Page 30 5) Page 31, Interim Use Zones and Standards (Diagram 10) 10) Page 36, Development Standards (Table C) 11) Page 37 Special Site Development Requirements (Diagram 12) Insert: Revised LIST OF DIAGRAMS, which includes Page 20A New Page 20A which indicates Proposed Street Sections (Diagram SA) Revised Page, 28, Development Zones Map (Di:agram 9), which indicates revised Zone 3 "\"'-.'\ ' Revised Page 30~which revises Interim Use Zone A , " Revised Page 31, Interim Use Zones and Standards (Diagram 10). which indicates Revised Zone A Retyped Page 32 LM7Revised Page 33 with BART reference removed and with Village Parkway/Dublin Boulevard change referenced Revised Page 34. General Plan Changes (Diagram II), with BART unchanged Revised Page 35, with revised Zoning Ordinance modifications Revised Page 6, Development Standards (Table C). with revisions to Land Uses and Building Heights Revised Page 37, Special Site Development Requirements (Diagram 12), with revised Transit Area . ~ ~ , " '^ .~ , ''''': -; .> " . ~~ .t: .~ (! :~ ^, .. ~ '" ~ ~ ~ ~i ~ ~~ ,; 'J :j '~ '.~ .'~ ,', ~ ~ ~ { t ..:~~ '.'~ ,~~ ~ ~ }~ ~~ i;i' ~ ~.',."" ~ I Replacement Pages to March 16, 1987 Draft Dublin Downtown Specific Plan Page 2 12) Page 38 13) Page 39 14) Page 40 15) Page 43 16) Page 75. Estimated Implementation Costs (Table D) 17) Page 85, Recommended Funding Mechanisms (Table F) . Retyped Page 38 Retyped Page 39 Retyped Page 40 Retyped Page 43 Page 75. Estimated Implementati9n Costs (Table D). wtth the reworded Estimated KnoWfr Costs and Estimated Funds N~eded '" Revised Page 85~ Recommended Fgnding Mechanisms (Table F) with revisions to Downtown Promotion Program and Parking Lot Landscaping Program ~: f',. . ~ , . ., ,< .,'.' '"' ,. , ~ , ,~ :~ " :~ " ,j '.';j :O:~ " '. . (p.. ~;t. LIST OF DIAGRAMS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SA. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. PAGE Location Map: Downtown Specific Plan Area Specific Plan Area Boundaries Study Intersections and Traffic/parking Zones Circulation Improvements Pedestrian Circulation Plan Proposed Street-Sections ' Peak Off~Street Parking Utilization Summary Existing Land Use Plan Land Use Objectives Development Zones Map Interim Use Zones and Standards General Plan Changes Special Site Development Standards Central Block Potential Improvements Summary 'Central Block Development Intensification Opportunity Areas Central Block Illustrative Plan Conceptual" Section - New Central Urban Design Public Improvements Center Median Theme Treatment". Other Center Median Theme Potentials. Downtown Entries Elements v , :../'. Project Entries; Restaurant Row Conceptual Plan Restaurant Row Conceptual Section 2 3 15 18 20 20A 22 25 26 28 31 34 37 41 42 44 45 47 48 50 51 53 56 57 ;>:.J ,.~~,'f! Block Structure t'.~' Conc.ept . .;\ .;. LIST OF TABLES A. B. C. D. E. F. Existing Intersections Levels of Service Downtown Parking Requirements Downtown Dublin Development Standards Estimated Implementation Costs Capital Improvements Financing Alternatives Recommended Funding Mechanisms 16 23 36 75 82 85 R-l "r"~--~'" - ......::":':':::J\t...... ~.''',......__u...._.._. ".....-t! ......--::r~';~~;:..".....~~:::::~=:::::..OO:=-~-~~~,~.:.1:..Jf"-~__~~~~~~:'-',....l....."',:-'t.....~~~.:,:'-.~~:"':. ."". ..' j i I ~ ,~ ?:i ~ ~ .. :'I' ,,~ 6 ~ '. .~ 8 " ;1 ~,i ~ ~ ~1 '4 ~ ~ .. -, >:'. .~ :~ ;~ ',1 ".:j 'I ~;-; I"! ....... 4 :~ ":"..1 e '" ::j :;~ " ;~'i ~~ ~ ':1 ~ "J f~ 31 ~1 S ~~ ",P. :;.; .~ I :4 ""it :~,~ '!') n ',j ~ ..1 :~1 ~l '~ . ;~ ) '~ '1 ~ WI' i, EXISTING PARKWAY PARKING 2 TRA VEL LANES EXISTING R.O.W. ea' - ENLARGED PARKWAY ALTERATION TO GOLDEN GATE DRIVE PARKWAY 8' 2 TRAFFIC LANES & TURN lANE oU' PROPOSED R.O.W. 85' -. .' :f..t"' .' ,. ~~' . ., .; /' PARKWAY Hi' STREET SOUTH OF DUBLIN BLVD. 'Proposed Street Sections DUBLIN DOWNTOWN PLAN DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA " :~ ~1 ~ R-l \ ,1 .J.._.....:.-.w.__...:'\~.........~.,.........~I....~~~_'...'I"W~": ,':'I" :.~'.,.,.-,. 20A ...........;..~,~.~~..~. -'\......--.f__..Un,..-,_.,. ..._.... . . Diagram 5~ - oeve\Opment zones Map OllBUN OO\NN10\NN PLAN OUBUN, CAUfORN\A .; y,C) Diagram '1 - :in n _, \ , I ~ , 1 , J - I ~ .~ R-l ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ 1- Zone 8: Restaurant and Specialty Retail Located between I-680 and the proposed "Dublin Restaurant ROW" this zone will be encouraged over time to increase its pedestrian orientation for restaurant, specialty retail and entertainment uses. Zone 9: Amador Valley Boulevard Commercial Strategically situated in a good location relative to traffic access' within the downtown.area, -this zone will be encouraged to intensify its development in the future. A mix of uses with some two or three story structures is desired. Design cohesiveness among portions of the area will be strongly encouraged. Proposals providing direct access to San Ramon Road will be considered. Zone 10: Villaqe Parkway Mixed Use Currently occupied by a wide mix of commercial uses, this zone will continue to serve a variety of' needs in the future. Visual landscape and building design improve- ments will be sought to complimen~ the;~ityls substantial investment in public improvements along Village Parkway. Zone 11: Retail/Office " , ~, Located on two streets,which serve the nearby residential population, this area will continue as a mix of commer- cial uses~ Small scale resident-serving offices such as medical or dental offices will be encouraged along with retail uses oriented to the nearby residential areas. Proposals which incorporate residential uses will be considered. 3) INTERIM USE ZONES Four areas of Downtown Dublin have been identified as Interim Use Zones. These are areas which will likely remain in their current use for the foreseeable future but for which substantial later change is possible. Interim use standards will be developed for each zone to allow current uses to continue. and to encourage property changes where appropriate to mitigate negative visual impacts on adjacent properties. Interim use Zone locations and general standard are shown on Diagram 10. Interim Use Zone A: This area currently contains three warehouse structures containing non-retail uses and a large vacant property. The area is the potential location for a B.A.R.T. Park- and-Ride facility initially and a later parking 30 -- PR - --- ANy OPERTy IMp ~.. SHAL PARKING L i -;I , R~~~~ CONs~RJ~~'i2;~TS SHALL L BE ADEQUA ~E~S: OPMENT ' A Y OF NEW '\ ANDSCAPED STRUCTUR ,EXIST! ES SHALL TO RE^'c?otUlLDINGS ~R L~/TED TO Inter. Ai TRANSIT A~OSE RELATED 1m Use Z IVITlES . DUBLIN DO ones and 5 DU8t1N, CAl1FO~\;}tJroWN PLAN tandards R-l CJ L 200 400 " ~~t -- 31 " D. , lagram 1n ,; ! ~ ,~~., "'" . . ........ , . , [l."'''-'---'''..--,......~...,..........r.''"''''......,'''''''.''''."..''''.>;'''.,....,...:..vlw'.,..-....../Y_........"~.......'"',-,.,..,....",'_...'.,"'_...,."~_'''''''''''<''...,..."J..:.,<J:.:~_"J.""~~r..'1VJ'#"',~:..,u t , ~ ,e \1 1 oj 1 'I :j " " (.1 'I ~. :1 :'l ,;1 resource for a B.A.R.T. Station or other regional transit facility. The need to accommodate these potentials in the future combined with the property's current relative isolation from Dublin Boulevard requires a different set of development standards than would be desirable for a future commercial mixed use project related to a regional transit facility. Interim standards should: "j a) ;. ~~ b) Prohibit development which would preclude the economical development of transit parking. Require recognition that the property is highly visible from Interstate 580 and does much to establish the image of Downtown Dublin. c) Allow for a new street connecting Regional Street and Golden Gate Drive. d) .) .1 " ~. .: ., " " .,j ....: J :1 j j '1 . R-l Recognize the limited retail poten~ial of the property until roadway and transit improvements are implemented. M' .... e) Require an overall master plan emphasizing a mix of commercial uses for long term change for the area prior to the approv~l of 'any additional structures or uses. F. Interim Use Zone B: Currently occupied largely by older industrial type structures, this area is in marked contrast to other development in the downtown area. While the area will eventually change, current ownerships patterns and the relatively sound condition of the structures suggest that some time may pass before substantial change will occur. Interim standards are needed to improve the appearance of this area and should: a) Require substantial additional landscaping along the Village Parkway frontage as a condition of any future property i~provements. b) Encourage improvements to the visual character of existing structures. c) Encourage additional landscape improvements to all parking areas. Interim Use Zone C: Auto dealership uses contained in this zone are felt to be an asset to Downtown Dublin and will be encouraged to remain. However, it is realized that in the longer term, increased land values may eventually precipitate a change 32 ,. ,~.... ....,,'. :.~ . ,.;,'.'.,.!.r:' , ~. -, .", ,. .,~':. ," " '. . ~ .,., ",.... t ~ .... ,j (. ~ .- in land use. Development standards for this zone will be formulated to enhance a pedestrian-oriented environment with restaurants, specialty retail shops, small offices and entertainment uses. Interim use standards should focus upon fostering a retention of current uses while controlling modifications to insure their compatibility with the future changes along Amador Plaza Road. Interim standards should: a) Encourage additional landscaping along Amador Plaza Road. b) Provide for the screening of service and non-display autos areas. Interim Use Zone D: As in Interim Use Zone C, the existing a~to dealership use will be strongly encouraged to remairi~, Interim use standards will support the existing use whil~ insuring that any changes to the property do.not~~dve~sely affect adjacent commercial projects or the overallvisual quality of the downtown area. 4) GENERAL PLAN CHANGES Elements of this Specific Plan are in conformance with the City's General Plan adopted in 1985 with the following minor exceptions: a) b) C) 1he, US-e do.ss\f\~~ 1ov- ~ r~ w.)-\IJ\e.S~ o-:t V, ~\~ PM~ ()Nr}... "}... L1' gWtlttlV'"J- ~ v\VY\\(/\ eJ. t Pet\J\ ~5 I ( I-.av:: )iY1'z& &.t~ ~ [ cw~<.. ru: to ~~f~ttLM ~e. S~~f(;r\4M' ~, (<-2, Retail/Office and Automotive use categories west of interstate 680 have been changed to a retail/office classification in the Specific Plan. Existing automo~ive us~s will be encouraged to remain and accommodated through interim, use standards. Special provisions for adding an Interstate 680 interchange at or near k~ador Valley Boulevard have not been made given the uncertainty of workable solutions with respect to the likely complexity of the I-680/1-580 interchange improvements. The Specific Plan has been prepared to not depend on a new interchange but to remain flexible in accommodating new ramps which can be located to enhance rather than harm downtown circulation and its visual environment. (Note: Traffic modeling studies indicated some benefits to 1-680 ramps but did not suggest that additional development within the downtown would be possible with them.) In' recognition of the goals of this Specific Plan the General Plan and Spe~ific Plan will be reconciled as shown on Diagram 11: 33 . -: " ! C. '-~ " ~l 1 .' " .' ,u.. '~ ~\ ., " \ .,,< ~ '. ~ .' ~ Reta\\/Olhce.. ~ . 0 o. A to,'e ~ RetatllOlhce 0< utOrnO ,- ".--- ' , ~ Areas 01 Change G'e'nera\ p\an ChangeS OUBUN ooN~,r'iO\NN pLAN OUBUN, CAUfORN\A ~.,:o...~~r~) :, ~<~ :t ".\ " .' .~~, p\agr~m 11 34 'Q_l '~,.,::...;;~ ' 1';":":;~'-"''''''''''.4....-J'''~_'-'''''''' ;,.,.....~,.......__~.._,):W.:..~,..;~~--.. ~h'I*'~ ;',",,;;::;"j.':1ri..~";.;:,,;..;'t~~~';:;:':;~~~;;;:/~:>':~~i":)"""~':";;;:"':,;:~~~:;';'1;;"";""'';7 L _;~.~~'~...:._ -i;'~:.,~.......,..""....:~' .. ,. " '. ~ ,-. j>; ~; , ., " .- , ,', " " '~ ;. :~ , -i '.1 'i " :1 ,) " " ,-J , ;\ ., :J .;~ ;I R-l ~ '1; ~ ~ . - .5) ZONING ORDINANCE MODIFICATIONS The Zoning Ordinance will be amended to allow properties within Downtown Dublin to be designated as part of a Downtown Overlay zoning District to supplement the current zoning designations. Land uses, development standards and interim uses will be as outlined in the Development Standards for each Downtown Development Zone and the supporting diagrams outlining special requirements. The Zoning Ordinance and Map will be changed to implement the purposes of the Downtown Specific Plan. To the extent that such changes are adopted as part of the Specific Plan, they will be reviewed and approved as part of the regular procedures for amendment of the Zoning Ordinance. Permits for new construction and other property improvements will be subject to confor~pce with the Specific Plan, and to the requirements6f;,both the underlying district and the overlay zone,~\q~, the more restrictive of the two. ..c. . ~, Where a subject is not addressed by the overlay zone, the existing provisions of tne Zoning Ordinance will remain in effect. . " 6) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS In order to tailor land uses and development characteristics more closely to the goals and needs of Downtown Dublin, special Development Standards will govern future change within the downtown area. Table C contains land use, development intensity, and building height standards. For the purposes of these standards, "Service Commercial" uses which are to be located on the ground floor of structures are to be interpreted as businesses which are compatible with and st;ongly supportive of the primary downtown retail character. Uses which would be substantially disruptive to retail continuity or which are inappropriate to the goals and policies of this Specific Plan will not be allowed. The following standards shall apply to all areas of the d own't own: a) Parking lots shall be screened by low walls and/or landscaping from adjacent streets. b) Parking lots shall contain a minimum of 20% of their surface area in landscaping. 35 DEVELOPMENT ZONES ~ - ~ ".~..~' I LAND USES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 RETAIL STORES . . . . . . . . . . ., OFFICES . Ce . . . () , (") e . . FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . RESTAURANTS (NON FAST FOOD) . . . . . . . -. . . . HOTEL/MOTEL (e . (eY- ee) -(e\ ----- · SERVICE COMMERCIAL . . . . . . . ----- . . . ~UMMERClAL RECREATION/ eel Ce ee) (it @ (e) Ce) (e) (e) (e') (e) NTER T AINMtN RESIDENTIAL Ce (e (el (e e) (e) (e) .) AUTOMOBILE SALES/SERVICE A A . DRIVE-IN BUSINESS (e') e (.") .1 .) AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATION e (e) ee) . .CN DISTRICT SHOPS& SERVICE . . , AUTOMOBILE REPAIR FACILITIES A .. A A · M-l DISTRICT USES .A REGIONAL TRANSIT FACILITIES Ce) (e . OTHER C-l DISTRICT USES ---- ~ ------ ---- ---- ,---- --- ---- --- --.::..--- ---- · OTHER C-2 DISTRICT USES ~ ~. I " ~, OTHER DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS .. AllOWABLE FLOOR AREA RATIO 0.45 0.30 0.30 0,30 0.30 ';:0.30 0.35 0.30 0;50 0.30 0.30 ALLOWABLE BLDG. HEIGHT (FEET) '45 45* 45* . 45 45 45 45 45 35 35 3S +~";':';;'~.;L't:'i'i..., 4-';"".'~J... '., ";.":'..,;."'.',,I.r; .._. ..:. :~._;~., ,;',., ;:/,..;1 .',1 :>d I I-' DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS DOWNTOWN DUBLIN W 0\ . PERMITTED A PERMITTED ON AN INTERIM BASIS o LIMITED TO SECOND FLOOR OR ABOVE SPACE ONLY . PERMITTED LAND USES WilL BE DEFINED AS THE ZONING ORDINACE IS AMENDED . INCLUDING FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS ..' " Table C @ CONDITIONAL USE r-:::::"1 SUBJECT TO PLANNINC COMMISSION REVIEW AND lL-JAPPROVAL AS SUPPORTAIVE OF DOWNTOWN GOALS * 45' MAX. WITH UP TO 75' WITH A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPROVAL OF ANY PROPOSAL IN EXCESS OF THIS LIMIT SHALL REQUIRE AN AMENDMENT TO TillS PLAN. . . ..~";.~;J.i.^"l'~':''''''-'':''' 1& '.:_~--..~i,f~~~;:.~,;a,;""'~..;t;';"-"'_"'';liA,;$;ii~~'~;'~'~l)';.i-.;J,.~'';;'~~"';'::.,;~"..,. - ,. "~f'-;;:.;...~....'~-":.._-"--'" ''''';,;;;.~)/~';.:;:'';'''-j';-''- ;~':;";;';'.~~_.~-:V~;;-~';.~";",,,~,",~~~~.;_~......--...~' t . .',. 'I'. -" 6{DC. ENTRIES ~ORIENTED TO " AMADOR PLAZA RD. ''.., 15' MIN. LANDSCAPED ETBACK REQ'D. NEW ROADWAY AND LANDSCAPED PEDESTRIAN WAY REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS TO INTERNAL CIRCULATION AND PARKING lOT LANDSCAPING ENCOURAGED . INTEGRATED PROJECT WITH PUBLIC FOCAL POINT . I COMMERCIAL USES AND REGIONAL TRA N'S IT PA R KI N G D.ESIRED Special Site Development Requirements DUBLIN POWNTOWN PLAN 0 200 ~ feet m DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA ' U R-l 37 Diagram 12 ce (e c) Roof top equipment which can be seen from the downtown area, adjacent freeways, off-ramps and overpasses shall be screened from view. In addition , the Specific Site Development Requirements described on Diagram 12 will be applied to each affected properties. . Development standards not identified in this Specific Plan will generally be as required for C-l Districts in the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. However, each~-- new development 'or property change will be subject to Site Development Review as prescribed by Sections 8- 95.0 through 8-95.8 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance unless exempted from such review by the Planning Director on the basis of being of minor impact. Special review shall be given to those properties adjoining residentially-zoned property and more stringent site development and architectural design requirements may be imposed to mitigate;,,impacts upon those residential properties. Where potential mitigation measures to eliminate undesirab~e impacts on adjacent residential properties are Ielt by the City to be insufficient, additi9nal landscaped setbacks and lower heigh~ rest;ictions may be imposed. B. CENTRAL BLOCK IMPROVEMENT PLAN" 1) EXISTING CONDITIONS Bounded by Dublin Boulevard, Amador Plaza Road, Amador Valley Boulevard and Regional Street the Central Block is the hub of downtown. Located within this superblock are a number of separate properties and large anchor stores which have established the retail image of Dublin. The major buildings on the site are grouped into two shopping centers facing opposite directions. This arrangement has left a service corridor running north and south through the center of the block. The other uses within the block have been pushed to the perimete~ and separated from the retail center by parking. These uses include the City's Public Library, a service station, several restaurants, and a movie theater complex. The following existing conditions are noteworthy: a) A poor circulation route links the stores and parking in the Central Block b) A surplus of parking resources exists Little or no concern has been shown for ped~strian circulation and amenities c) R-l 38 . R-l . e d} A multitude of individual poorly signed automobile entries serve the Central Block To overcome the negative aspects of the existing conditions and to enhance the Central Block as the major focus of Downtown Dublin's retail activity, a Conceptual Plan 'for the Central Block has been prepared. Major elements of that plan are described below. 2} CIRCULATION PLAN The uncoordinated development that occurred under the County's jurisdiction has resulted in poor circulation networks both for pedestrians and automobiles within the Central Block. This plan aims to improve the existing conditions through the following projects: o Enhanced East West Access: The current parking arrangement provides for only limited east-west automobile circulation across the site~ This plan proposes connections at each end of the,;shopping centers in order to simplify access fort~e users. ~.~ o Simolified Circulation and Access: The 'existing circulation route around the ~enter is awkward and confusing. This plan smoothes out some of the difficult intersections 'and articulates a clear route through roadway modifications and increased landscaping. o Imoroved Pedestrian Circulation: A strong axis for pedestrian movement has been created through the site connecting both major shopping complexes and linking them to the cinema and restaurants on Amador Plaza Road. Special attention should be given to landscaping and creating a high level of pedestrian amenities along this route. 3} PARKING PLAN The Central Block contains 3415 parking spaces. As shown by the parking survey summarized earlier in this plan, the parking supply is more than adequate. In fact on the eastern half of the site only 65% of the spaces were being utilized at the peak shopping season of the year. This abundance allows for the potential to incorporate circulation improvements, increased landscaping amenities, and some new development without requiring additional parking resources. 39 .' ~ ~ '~ jj " r ~ 5 ,~ '1 ", ~1 :) j '~ 't' zi -:,1 ~i .i ~~ " ".f j ,.. ~ '1 3 " ~j .~~ ~ -) :~ {J .'~ ;:J J .:~ ~~ ~ '~ " ., '.-:, .~ '" ~ r~~ " " '" ,,' '0;' . i , 1 :; .' .~ ;{ l~ , f1. ~ . J -i ~- " 0(, ~ ' ~ 4) R-l t . . IMPROVED PROJECT ENTRIES Currently twenty-two separate driveways give access to the Central Block. In order to create a more uniform project image, the identification of eight major entries is proposed. These are existing entry points which could be articulated more strongly using the following techniques. o Master shopping center signs of uniform design to signal the key project entries. o New improved circulation corridors linking the entries so that a clear circulation network will be formed. o Special landscape improvements to enhance the Central Block's image. The above components are summarized on Diagram 13. J .,. 5) DEVELOPMENT INTENSIFICATION ~\,~. ' Although there is no vacant land within"the Central Block, the excess of parking may 'permit some new development. .. Additional development co~id most easily be accommodated on the eastern portion of the Central Block within Development Zone 7 where the greatest oversupply of parking exists and where the presence of cinemas and restaurants offer a high potential for the joint use of parking resources. Examples of specific opportunity areas are shown on Diagram 14. Areas I and 2 perhaps offer the greatest benefits relative the goals and policies of thfs Specific Plan. Area 1 could be used to construct an additional restaurant which would enhance the potential of Amador Plaza Road becoming a strong "Dublin Restaurant Row". Area 2 offers the potential for a building and/or plaza space linking the_main retail areas to the cinema complex and the future "Dublin Restaurant Row". Uses accommodated in this area could draw effectively upon customers from both the east and the west and enhance the overall image not only of the Central Block but also of Downtown Dublin as a whole; Area 2 also offers the potential of pUbliciprivate agreements to jointly construct and utilize the improvements. Exterior plazas could be used for special retail events as well as downtown promotional events and publicly-sponsored programs. Building facilities, if constructed, could add additional retail space as well as promotional and public events space. 40 i~':4 ";'1' .. '~:~ >=i .t4" ~.ll l~"!j . ~.;~, . r;J :"'~ ":."j '''! ';;'; :: ~, ;~ ~ ; . "j ".l .,:i ~' '.~ " : .. , , , i " -' ..j ..\' , , .'~ , . ;\ " , ~ :: j 1 1,__, .__.,..~.... e - Diagram 15 is an Illustrative Plan showing one potential 'result of implementing ,a program of Central Block Improvements. Diagram 16 illustrates one of many potential concepts for infill improvements described above for Opportunity Area 2. 6) IMPLEMENTATION OVERVIEW The Central Block Improvement Plan is unique among the 'proposals in this Specific Plan since all of the improvements are on private property. Only through the interest of the property owners will it be possible to bring any of these concepts to reality. Hopefully through joint cooperation, these owners and the City of Dublin will be able to work out a partnership which will be attractive to both. An implementation strategy is outlined more fully in the Implementation Plan section. . ~,' , ., R-l . 43 "-~. -............. ...._..~, .............-'. ,..-.,..~ _.".~-_....,-,-... ,_......... ~' ,~~ 0' ~.,'; ,""; : '" ,"" "", . ,\...:\.' .'--1llo . -\ '.' ,<.., cO..'" '~'. -." ......... u ~ ., "';:..,." ..t. ~~. -, ..._.;.,. ~.~H~ .111I........ - . ~ DUBLIN DOWNTOWN ESTIMATED IMPLEMENTATION COSTS TABLE D 1. CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENTS A. Dublin Boulevard $1,400,000 (Note 1) B. New Streets 1,400,000 (Note 2) C. Traffic Signals. 470,000 (Note 3) D. San Ramon Road off-ramp improvements 500,000 $3,770,000 2. URBAN DESIGN IMAGE IMPROVEMENTS A. San Ramon Road Landscape $ 100,000 (Note 4) B. Downtown Entries 110,000 C. Continuity Theme Elements 90,000 D. Street Furniture 50;,,000 (Note 12) E. Public Signing Program 50,000 F. Project Entries Pylons Program (NoteS) " $ 400,000 (Note 11) . -, 3. CENTRAL BLOCK IMPROVEMENTS (Note 6) " , 4. RESTAURANT ROW IMPROVEMENTS ", (Note 7) ..' A. Curbs and Gutters $ 60,000 B. Landscaping 70,000 C. Crosswalks 50,000 D. Pedestrian Lighting 120,000 E. Entry Pylons 85,000 F. Street Furniture 15,000 $ 400,000 5. SPECIAL PROGRAMS A. Business License Program $ 0 (Note 8) B. Downtown Promotion Program 20,000 (Note 9) C. Parking Lot Landscaping Program (Note 5) D. Signing and Graphics Improvement Program 10,000 (Note 10) E. Downtown Beautification Awards Program (Note 5) $ 30,000 (Note 11) g ~ IJ ~ l ~ l ,.ii( ~~ j (~ "-; ~~ ~1 . ~~~ ~'~ ;~ '--) ,,~ ~;1 '~) ~ ~~~ .:~ \;..; ~~~ t:: !.~ ~:j ({ ...., ..~ {~ j " ..~.~ :;j ~'j g 1:. ,', ~~: 3~ '. ";'''S ~1 ,- ... ~.~ " f:1 ".~ 5,;1 ;~~ f~ :-::; ;;/ :3 " ~ ~.:1 'i4 ~ ~ ;1" .~.~' , ~ !~ ~ ~.,l.' ~ .~ ESTIMATED KNOWN COSTS $4,600,000 Less Amount Currently Allocated in the City's Capital Improvement Program $1,470,000 ESTIMATED FUNDS NEEDED $3,130,000 (Note 13) R-l 75 I I- , , I I .' j 'i ;:t ::l !~ ~ ~~: ,1 .'-j ;;j ~ ~j ~1 ;'!1 ~. !! "" :.1 . "" ..., ~l ;;! :i :1 4 , ~ .. , ,:1 , ~.~ ~'; '" . (J j ~1 ,. ':~ 6 :.i ~~ tl ;:1 :~ ~ ~.. ~] ~'" .'1 ..1 7i ) t._: :-.J " " '" .:, :~ '" H ~ ~ ,~ ~~ ;~ 8 ~~i ,', }J ~ " I " il M .'''''"'''1.1 '~"''''",,'~:..:&.:.i..C:.. -^-"."~- -' .-, -...., ,-" , .. i".- -v~ RECOMMENDED .~DING MECHANISMS 'e, .. " MAJOR FUNDING SOURCES FOR CONSIDERA lION . III ... ... ~ ~ . ... ... e III :z: :z: ... III ... 2 :z: :z: ~ . ... < -'~ 0 a. ...... -' 0 .., < IMPLEMENTATION COSTS ESTIMA TED <VI ~ ... 0- 3~~ tit: COSTS ~ - III U .... \Q ... REMARKS u... < > ... :z: ... III U a.'" x .... a:l ~~ ... III < ... e < u - 1. DUBLIN BLVD. 1,400,000 e -- e AOOlT'ONAl C.I.P. fUNOS ONLY UICELY AnEl ,", 2. NEW STREETS. 1,400,000 e e INClUOES IAlT PAlTlC'PATlON i. TRAFFIC SIGNALS 470,000 e fUNOS ALUAOY ALlOCATEO 4. SAN RAMON ROAD 500,000 e e AO!>ITlONAl C.I.P. fUNDS ONLY OFF-RAMP IMPROVEMENTS UICtL,Y Anu "91 , " , " " 5. SAN RAMON ROAD e . ,~\. \ . 100,000 " JUNOS ALUADY ALlOCA no LANDSCAPING . , A " 6. DOWNTOWN ENTRIES 110,000 e e - .~ . e,: ....f'. - 7. CONTINUlT'r THEME e e ",~ ELEMENTS 90,000 8. STREET FURNITURE 50,000 e . 9. PUBLIC SIGNING PROGRAM 50,000 e 10. PROJECT ENTRIES P'rlONS UNKNOWN e e 11. CENTRAL BLOCK UNKNOWN e e e e A11693 'UNDS DNL Y CONSIDUED IMPROVEMENTS '01 USE TO IMPlOVE POTENTIAL PUllIC USE AlEA 12. RESTAURANT ROW e e e e IMPROVEMENTS 400,000 13. DOWNTOWN '* e e e AI16!J 'UNDS ONLY CONSIDUED PROMOTION PROGRAM 20,000 : '01 USE TO IMPlOVE POTENTIAL PUBLIC USE AUA C1NUAl 'UNO AND PllVATE 14. PARKING LOT UNKNOWN e e CONTRIBUTIONS ONLY ANtiCIPATED LANDSCAPING PROGRAM FOil 'HITlAL EDUCATION AND PlOCJAM ADopnON PEIlIOD 15. SIGNING AND GRAPHICS ,10,000 . e e . IMPROVEMENT PROGRA~ 16. DO~NTOWN e e e BEAUTIFICATION AWARDS UNKNOWN ~ROGRAM . TABLE F *fNITIAL'SIX MONTH COORDINATION PERIOD .ONl Y " R-I 85 " ~DFORD PRoPE~IEs . .". 1: G~ t: 1 V E 1) (M\'( 1 ~ E21 __ " ,-"\:\ ~';~ ~1'\~Cj D~;;;.!..::1 ~'::..hh,,""". , t:) RECEI~EIJ. M.\'( 1 8 1SJ7 C:T: ~.;: ;~~~. ~:~~J May IS, 1987 Hand Delivered Mayor and Members of the City Council Dublin City Council Post Office Box 2340 Dublin. California 94568 Dear Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: '...J .r' "" I was in attendance at your council meeting of May II. 1987;. whic~,was was adjourned to May 26, as a result of the power failure. ,I haa intended to make some comments relative to the draft Dublin DowntoWn Specific'Plan, and now I find I may be out of town on the evening of May 26th. Please accept this written communication in lieu of myattendancEi. .''''. First of all, let me state that Bedford Pr6perties, Inc., is supportive of your downtown specific plan and generally supports the objectives contained therein. I have just a few comments that relate to a small portion of the property owned by Bedford Properties. I have provided these comments as follows: 1. Reference is made to Bedford owned property that is located in the area you have designated as Zone 3 on Diagram 9. Portions of this property is further depicted on Diagram II. . On Diagram II there is a nomenclature "regional transit mixed use." A portion of that property designated in regional transit area mixed use area has recently been sold by Bedford Properties to BART. This transaction involved 7.29 acres, and the escrow closed on April 10, 1987. As a point of clarification, the outline on Diagram II may not follow exact property lines; hence, the remainder of Bedford property should not be included in the regional transit mixed use. This point is made even more important by virtue of the statements that are made under interim use, Zone A, Pages 30 and 32. Paragraph A. with (I), "prohibit development that would preclude the economic development of transit parking." The implementation of that policy might inhibit the right of Bedford Properties to develop the remainder of their property in interim Zone A. It is suggested that the depiction entitled Regional Transit Mix Use, Diagram II, be redrawn to exclude the remaining portion of the Bedford Properties, Inc. A Diversified Real Estate Development and Management Company Mailing Address P.O. Box 1267 Lafayette, California 94549 t - _'1 .) 4 tlJ Mayor and Members of the City Council Page 2 May 19, 1987 Bedford Properties' property. At least. the record should show that Bedford Properties does not agree with any policy that would prohibit development of its property so that it might be reserved for transit parking. 2. With reference to the same Bedford property, noted in Zone 3. Diagram 9, and again in your Development Standards, Table C: It~is suggested that two revisions be considered; they are as follows: ,. ",;,' (a) The allowable floor area ratio in Zone 3 be revised~to ~35. This is a floor area ration consistent with many other, . communities in light of the parking ratio indicated in your draft plan. the amount of landscaping that wilL: be required (20% of the parking lot will be landscaped), ,arid the infrastructure cost (possible construction of a maj9r portion of a new street). (b) With respect to allowable building height, we respectfully request that this standard be revised to an allowable 75 foot height with a conditional use permit required for any height in excess of 75 feet up to 150 feet. The original draft provided for 150 foot height maximum. Support for this request is as follows: (1) It is anticipated that the freeway interchange will have a height of between 60 and 70 feet. A building of 45 to 75 feet will appear to be somewhat out of character in light of the neighboring freeway. (2) One of the uses contemplated in this development zone provides for the possibility of a hotel. We agree with your consultant that, with a maximum height of 75 feet. it is unlikely that the hotel would be built at any greater height than five stories. Again, with respect to the costs involved as previously noted, that limitation may preclude the possibility of a hotel as a viable use. ' i' tlJ e n. , (: tlJ Mayor and Members of the City Council Page 3 May 19, 1987 (3) If a lack of a development incentive appears because of the height limitation and the infrastructure investment (i.e.. the new street recommended in your study), the property owner may just continue with the existing use. This possibility might delay the construction of the new street and preclude the possibility of a focal point or identity that could assist in the implementation of your.downtown _oJ plan. For these reasons, it is suggested that the minimum height be established as 75 feet with the poss~biiit~ of a maximum height of up to 150 feet with a conditi~nal~use approval. tA. ~: In conclusion, we respectfully,request the fol~owint: ;../', 1. Diagram II be revised so that it does not include the remaining portion of the Bedford property; 2. That the floor area ratio in Development Zone 3, on Table C, be revised to .35; and 3. That the height allowed in Zone 3 be revised to show a 75 foot allowable height with a notation of up to 150 feet with a conditional use permit. As indicated, Bedford Properties support the proposed downtown specific plan and believes that revisions that have been suggested in this letter will further encourage the property owners to work closely with the City and its agencies to implement some of those objectives at a greater pace. Thank you for your consideration of these matters. I hope to be able to be able to attend the meeting; but if not. our suggestions have been noted. Respectfully submitted, BQl:TIE~. INC. Wifliam L. BOP~ Vice President WLB:cp . e e .. .. t .~ RESOLUTION NO. 87 - 026 . A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION CONCERNING THE DUBLIN DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN AND ASSOCIATED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), as amended together with the State's administrative guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental regulations, requires that certain projects be reviewed for potential environmental effects and that environmental documents be prepared; and WHEREAS. an Initial Study was conducted finding that the Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment, as proposed, would not have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS. a Negative Declaration has been prepared by the Dublin Planning Department; and , '1..: .i';." < d, WHEREAS. public notice of the Neg~tive Declaration wa~,~given in all respects as required by State Law; and .'.. . A' WHEREAS, the Planning Commission', did review the Negative Declaration and considered it at a public hearing oh March 16 and 19, 1987; ~: ." ., . . _ . u NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE. -Dublin Planning Commission recommends that the City Council find that the Negative Declaration has been prepared and processed in accordance with State and local environmental law and guideline regulations, and that it is adequate and complete. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council adopt the Negative Declaration for the Dublin Downtown Specific Plan and Associated General Plan Amendment. PASSED. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of April, 1987. AYES: Commissioners Barnes. Mack. Petty and Raley NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Petty ~/? Planning Commission ATTEST: ~clJl:a . ATTACHMENT LI e - , . ....~ .. " RESOLUTION NO. 87 - 027 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF THE DUBLIN DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN AND ASSOCIATED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT J WHEREAS, the City of Dublin prepared the Dublin Downtown Specific Plan and Associated General Plan Amendment with the intention of setting forth the City's policies for the development of the area involved; and WHEREAS. the Planning Commission held a public hearing on said Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment on March 16 and 19, 1987; and WHEREAS. notice of said public hearing was provided in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS. the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations, and testimony fS hereinabove set forth; ; , . . :t,~ WHEREAS. said Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment have been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental ~ ~'''' . Quality Act, and a Negative Declaration has been recommendedror adoption for this project as it will not have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS. it is the City's intention'to'establish a policy framework against which specific development schemes miy be judged, leaving maximum opportunity for design freedom; and' " WHEREAS. the Specific Plan details the development goals for the area and sets forth the criteria for judging development proposals; NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission recommends that the City Council adopt the Dublin Downtown Specific Plan and associated General Plan Amendment as modified. PASSED. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of April, 1987. \ AYES: Commissioners Barnes, Mack. Petty and Raley NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Burnham irperson ATTEST: ATTACHMENT 5