HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.3 Educ Summit CITY CLERK File # rn[LJ~-~[Q] . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 16, 1999 SUBJECT: Educational Summit Report Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager 1) 2) RECOMMENDATION: /1, rV'!1 / {)fi' 2) Dublin Unified School District's "Seven Bold Initiatives" Budget Change Form ATTACHMENTS: Receive Mayor Houston's presentation, If Council concurs with City's participation in an Educational Summit, approve an additional appropriation of $5,000. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: No funds were included in the 1998-99 Budget for this activity. An additional appropriation from the Unallocated Reserve in the amount of $5,000 will be required. . DESCRIPTION: Mayor Houston has indicated a desire to discuss a proposal to hold an Educational Summit with the School District and other parties that are interested in the quality of Dublin schools. This subject was discussed at the last City/School District Liaison Committee Meeting. The School District representatives present supported the concept. The Committee discussed the desirability of holding a facilitated workshop which would begin on a Friday evening and conclude on a Saturday afternoon. The target date for the Summit would be in mid- to late-April. CTV has indicated that it would likely be able to televise the Summit at an estimated cost of $1 ,000. The Mayor is proposing that the City fund the cost of the professional facilitator, refreshments and cost of televising the event. The total estimated cost is $5,000. Recommendation: It is Staffs recommendation that the City Council receive the Mayor's presentation and provide Staffwith the appropriate direction. . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: 8.j ITEM NO. G :\CC-MTGS\99-qtrl \FEB\2-16-99\as-ed ucational sum mit.doc ~. .. .... . . . TOWARD ACHIEVING WORLD CLASS STATUS "THE SEVEN BOLD INITIATIVES" A THREE YEAR PLAN 1998-2001 DUBLIN UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Adopted by the Board of Trustees November 4, 1998 Work Plan for 1998-99 DRAFT December 9, 1998 ATTACHMENT 1 . OUR VISION UWE ARE COMMITTED TO THE SUCCESS 'OF ALL OF OUR STUDENTS" OUR GOALS THE PRIMARY GOAL OF THE DUBLIN UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT IS TO PREPARE OUR STUDENTS TO BE SUCCESSFUL AND PRODUCTIVE CITIZENS IN THE 21sT CENTURY . IN ORDER TO REACH OUR PRIMARY GOAL: WE MUST DEVELOP WORLD CLASS STANDARDS THA T CLEARL Y DEFINE WHA T WE WANT ALL STUDENTS TO KNOW, UNDERSTAljD, AND BE ABLE TO DO BY THE TIME THEY GRADUA TE FROM OUR SCHOOL DISTRICT; WE MUST FOSTER PRIDE IN OUR SCHOOLS AND MAINTAIN A CO OPERA TIVE RELA TIONSHIP WITH ALL STAKEHOLDER GROUPS IN THE COMMUNITY; WE ACKNOWLEDGE THA T NEW IDEAS AND . SUGGESTIONS MA Y LEAD TO CREA TIVE CHANGE AND IMPROVEMENT. 2 .. THE FIRST BOLD INITIATIVE Increase Resources Available to SUQ.Port Pro~ram This initiative proposes to increase the resources available to support district programs and to achieve a 1 :15 teacher- student ratio in all grade levels, K - 12. ********************************************************************* By June 30, 2001, we will have accomplished the following: 1. Reduced class sizes to 1 teacher for every 15 students, K-12 .. A. Implemented class size reduction in 9th grade pre-algebra . classes for the spring semester, 1999 2. Provided full support services to all teachers A. Developed a staffing formula for clerical support at all school sites 3. Provided full support services to all students A. Provided curriculum materials, speakers, job shadowing. opportunities and assessment tools to help students plan for and make transition from school to career or college/career. B. Purchased and organized more leveled books and related materials at "each elementary school site to support early literacy and current, on-going staff development. 4. Developed a sy~tem of curricular support for all teachers . A. Provided staff development in math and science through Eisenhower funds B. Provided additional instructional materials, textbooks, and supplies for math classes 3 C. Purchased and organized more leveled books and related . materials at each elementary school site to support early literacy and current, on-going staff development. D. Completed K-8 literacy training for all teachers 5. Secured additional funding/revenue from the community A. Applied for and received grant monies for ?irt, technology, conflict resolution and literacy. B. Received donations from community businesses and organizations through the efforts of DPIE and school groups C. Received one-time monies from the state budget which were used to . support classroom instruction through additional instructional materials 6. Implemented programs to ensure that all students develop fluency in a second language 7. Provided a free and appropriate public education for all students . A. Fourth grade students received intensive art instruction, free of charge to them, through a matching grant awarded by the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation B. GATE students in grades 4-5 participated in a series of directed drawing classes C. Reduced the cost of the voluntary contributions of parents to support the high school athletic progr?1ms 8. Developed programs t.o ensure the success of special needs students A. Revised and updated the District program for ELD students to align with new state regulations and provide consistency throughout the district for all ESL students. B. Evaluated, revised and updated the District GATE program for all students grades 4-12 to provide more meaningful learning experiences. C. Developed a cooperative community services plan using school, community and police services to support at-risk students and families . in need. . 4 . D. Developed additional alternative programs and activities for low- achieving students at Wells Middle School and Dublin High School E. Trained staff to use various data sources to identify and provide remediation for low-achieving students F. Developed plans to address the needs of "at-risk" students at every school site (revised SBCP document) ., G. Established procedures for disaggregating student performance data at each school site in order that the needs of specific student groups can be addressed H. Explored options for academic enrichment after-school programs at all school sites for students performing below expected levels . . 9. Articulation between schools and grade levels A. Developed developmentally appropriate standards in reading and mathematics K-12 B. Trained teaching staff in effective use of standards and performance tasks C. Held grade-level and cross-grade level meetings with teachers and administrators to develop consistency in expectations for standards in reading and math. 5 THE SECOND BOLD INITIATIVE . Establish Accountability Systems This initiative proposes to institute a variety of accountability systems to ensure that the quality of educational programs meets/exceeds the expectation of stakeholder groups. ********************************************************************* . By June 30, 2001, we will have, accomplished the following: 1. Gathered and analyzed feedback from students and parents regarding the quality of the Dublin Unified School District programs including A. Conducted "exit surveys" with parents of students leaving the . district to assess degree of satisfaction. B. Conducted "exit surveys" with seniors to assess their degree of satisfaction with their educational program C. Conducted follow-up surveys of former graduates of the district to determine the value of their educational program in the "real world." ' D. Conducted a district-wide survey to determine the degree of parent satisfaction with the educational programs in the district. 2. Effective processes are in place' for addressing and resolving pa'rents' issues and concerns. A. Reviewed and revised "Uniform Complaint Procedure" for legal compliance and effectiveness. B. Reviewed and revised the "Community Complaint Procedure" to ensure that parents' issues and concerns are addressed as quickly and effectively as possible . 6 . . . 3. Developed world class standards at grades K -12. A. Developed "Dublin Graduate Expectations," a set of expected learning results for all student;; upon graduation from grade 12. B. Developed developmentally appropriate standards in reading and mathematics K-12, based on our expectati~ns for graduating seniors. 4. Developed a district assessment program that is aligned with district standards. A. Developed district-wide assessments in writing, reading and math to be uniformly administered to all students annually 5. Continuous improvement of student learning A. Improved high school graduation rate by 5% B. Improved number of 8th graders graduating on time with a 2.0 GPA or better by 5% C. Trained teaching staff in ways to assess individual student needs in reading and math and personalize instruction based on those identified needs, especially for at-risk students D. Identified benchmarks for academic performance at all grade levels in reading and math based on district-wide standards. E. Developed a system with specific indicators to track student progress toward performance targets as a means of regular feedback to teachers and parents 6. Effective personnel evaluation systems are in place. A. In collaboration with employee assoCiations, reviewed the current performance evaluation system and identified effective , procedures to assist employees in improving job performance. 7 7. . Implemented programs to improve school-ta-home communications and communications with the community~at~ large. . A. Provided information to parents regarding SA T-9 test results for their children B. Provided parents with information regar,ding district-wide standards and benchmarks in reading and mathematics C. Developed and disseminated a brochure about the Dublin Unified School District to parents, community members, local businesses and organizations D. Utilized the resources of DPIE to assist in establishing communication links between the school district and the community 8. Implemented policies and procedures designed to insure the fiscal health/accountability of the district so that resources can be directed to support students' educational programs. A. Restructured and revised methods of allocating resources out of the Educational Services office to better support students' educational programs and their effectiveness B. Maintained more complete records on expenditures to ensure that monies are being spent as they should and focus on student learning C. Revised SBCP school plan format and justification procedure for expenditure of categorical funds D. Completed a conversation to the ACOE budget and fiscal management program in order to accurately track district revenues and expenditures. E. Implemented a position control system to ensure that employee compensation is within approved budget allocations F. Reviewed and updated the Board of Trustees on a monthly basis on the status of all district funds G. Implem~~ted policies and procedures to ensure that resources are available as the district builds new facilities to meet expected student enrollment growth . . s . . . THE THIRD BOLD INITIATIVE Achieve 1000/0 Technoloqical Literacy This initiative proposes to achieve 1000icJ literacy in technology by all students and staff. ********************************************************************* By June 30, ~001, we will have accomplished the following 1. Every parent, child, and staff member can use the tools of technology to support students' academic success A. Developed and adopted student standards for technology, K-12, including benchmarks at each grade level cluster B. Developed a district-wide technology training plan for a/l teachers, support staff and classified employees c. Provided parent/student training sessions at a/l school sites. D. SurVeyed parents to develop a resource databank of those willing to volunteer as trainers for technology in our schools or with parent groups E. Adopted and installed appropriate keyboarding program(s) on the district network for student use based on technology standards and benchmarks 2. Implemented programs to support stu-dent, staff, and parent use of technology A. Developed district technology training program with strands for students, staff and parent uses of technology B. Provided technology coordinator, mentor teacher or other identified individual at each school site to address troubleshooting issues C. Developed and implemented a flowchart of activity for each school to address technology problems as they arise . 3. Provided students and staff with the technological tools that will ensure the achievement of district standards by all students. A. Developed protocols for piloting and evaluating software programs to add to the district network to insure that they support the instructional program B. Created workgroups as part of the district technology advisory council that monitors and evaluates the effectiveness of our efforts to support the instructional program through technology at each site. . C. Piloted new programs to determine their value for our students and their instructional needs. D. Adopted and installed a computer data management system which can maintain records and perform data analysis functions using district assessment information 4. Implemented programs to use technology to improve communications . and services to all stakeholder groups A. Increased the use of media to report on District programs and progress, including CTV B. Posted Board agenda, minutes, packets on our Web site C. Developed access to district website through the Internet D. Explored the possibility of providing AP courses and other learning opportunities for our students through the Internet E. Developed video transmission capabilities between schools sites and classrooms F. Developed intranet site for internal communications G. Utilized CTV and Internet as methods for -advertising for personnel positions H. Developed standards for district, school site, and teacher home pages . 10 . . . THE FOURTH BOLD INITIATIVE Create Student-Centered Learninq Environments This initiative proposes to develop and implement a variety of strategies and programs to ensure that educational experiences are focused on the student as learner. The environment is focused on student success and achievement of expected learning results. ********************************************************************* By June 30, 2001, we will have accomplished the following 1. Developed and implemented a district assessment program designed to assess students' achievement of district standards A. Developed district-wide assessments in writing, reading and math 10 be. uniformly administered to all students annually 2. Continued staff development in effective instructional strategies in delivering the curriculum to all students. A. Provided extensive staff development in literacy for grades K-8 which used the latest research on effective instructional techniques S: Explored and implemented student-led conferences on a limited scale C. Utilized district standards and benchmarks to integrate and provide continuous progress model for instruction in grades 6-12 3. Implemented programs that allow students to apply their learning to "real world" experiences A.. Provided opportunities for students to apply learning to real life situations through EcoCamp, Outdoor Ed, School-to-Career projects, ROP experiences, job shadowing and simulation B. Provided community speakers to inform students about how what they are learning is used in the real world of work and leisure C. Implemented job shadowing opportunities for middle school and high school students D. Developed a proposal for implementing a Community Service graduation requirement from grade 12 . 4. Developed programs and strategies to ensure that the needs of students with different learning styles and special needs are met A. Trained teachers and parents on concepts such as "multiple intelligences" and other forms of learning style theory and application B. Provided more meaningful diagnostic tools to identify those students needing early intervention. C. Explored various options for early intervention in reading D. Expanded programs for elementary students in the visual and performing arts 5. Developed strategies for increasing students' accountability for their learning. . A. Provided staff.development training in portfolio development and use by students 6. All students can communicate effectively in a second language. . 12 . . . THE FIFTH BOLD INITIATIVE Develop Full Member Partnershi~ This initiative proposes to increase partnerships with all stakeholder groups. By increasing partnerships, we will be able to provide students with an enriched educational experrence. ********************************************************************* By June 30, 2001, we will have accomplished the following 1. Developed programs and strategies to increase parent involvement in supporting their children's learning A. Included parent compacts as requirement for revised 1999-2000 school plans; publicized compact with posters in key locations at each site. B. Included parent compact as part of school handbook revisions for 1999-2000 C. Involved parents and other community stakeholder groups on committees such as the District Technology Advisory Council, textbook adoption cycles, revision of ELD and GATE programs, etc. 2. De'{eloped new joint venture projects with businesslindustry/civic organizations A. Developed joint project with city library to increase reading fluency of Dublin children (part of district library plan) 3. Developed collaborative processes with employee associations A. Negotiations were successfully concluded with all bargaining groups in a cooperative manner. 4. Implemented programs to market Dublin schools A. Established positive, ongoing relationships with education reporters of local newspapers; contacted them frequently about noteworthy activities B. Distributed district and school information materials to realtors, . Chamber, and developers C. Designed, printed and distributed quality brochure about Dublin Unified School District for dissemination D. Developed and disseminated a newsletter to the community E. Increased Channel 30 coverage of school events 5. Develop new school site governance structures that connect all stakeholder groups. A. Trained all School Site Council Teams on roles, responsibilities and effective site governance operations 1-1- . . . . . . THE SIXTH BOLD INITIATIVE Safe Schools This initiative proposes to achieve the goal of 100% safe schools. No violence, no drugs, no hate crimes, no sexual harassment. All students will feel safe physically and emotionally. Facilities and grounds will be safe and conducive to student learning. ********************************************************************* By June 30, 2001, we will have accoll}plished the following 1. Have in place a Disaster Preparedness Plan A. The Board of Trustees will have adopted a comprehensive Disaster Preparedness Plan B. Each school site will have in place a site Disaster Preparedness Plan 2. Implemented Conflict resolution/prevention programs! Peer mediation programs designed to help students and staff resolve conflicts' A. Maintained conflict resolution programs at Wells and Frederiksen B. Provided anger management programs .at all/evels of schooling 3. Implemented programs designed to achieve zero drugs, eliminate violence, hate crimes and sexual hara'ssment on our campuses A. Provided smoking diversion and cessation programs at high school and middle school levels as an alternative to suspension and a vehicle for further information B. Utilized school nurses and other resources through the classroom to inform students about the dangers of drugs C. Developed a voluntary program for students to address their substance abuse problems at high school level D. Provided educational sessions in classrooms (grades 4,7 and 9) on . dangers of substance abuse and pertinent information 4. Developed prevention programs designed to maintain sound and safe facilities conducive to student learning A. Modernization projects at -all four elementary schools will be initiated B. The Board of Trustees will have adopted a Key Control policy C. All sites will be evaluated for structural safety issues D. Custodial Services program will be evaluated. 5. Developed plans to ensure the availability of school facilities given the long term growth expected in the district. A. Initiated construction of Dougherty Elementary School B. Developed a master plan for the construction of a new middle school in East Dublin (2003-04) C. Revised the "Three Year Capital Facilities Construction Plan" and presented to the Board of Trustees for approval . . 16 . . . THE SEVENTH BOLD INITIATIVE Continuous Learnin~ortunities This initiative proposes to develop and implement strategies and programs designed to provide students and other stakeholder groups expan'ded opportunities for learning. ********************************************************************* By June 30, 2001, we will have accomplished the following: 1. Implemented programs in parent education A. Offered parent education nights at school sites on issues such as the Internet, math and literacy B. Offered classes of interest to parents through the Pleasanton Adult School C. Offered evening opportunities for parents and students to work together in math, literacy and computer technology 2. Implemented programs and strategies to increase students' access to instructional programs including increase in instructional minutes. A. Offered selected programs through the Internet which enhance classroom learning B. Explored increasing student instructional minutes at grades 1-5 C. Explored various options for after-school programs of remediation and enrichment at all sites D. Explored the feasibility of offering an optional 7th period day at the high school for enrichment and remediation 17 3. Implemented programs designed to make our schools"the hubs of their communities. . A. Developed after-school/evening/weekendl enrichment programs at all school sites B. Explored various options and funding sources for after school programs of remediatiqn and enrichment at all school sites 4. Studied and explored the feasibility of single track year-round school calendar A. Conducted a Board informational workshop on Year-Round Education B. Conducted a survey to determine the degree of interest on the part of staff and parents in a year-round school calendar . . IS 4t I.... CITY OF DUBLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORl\1 . CHANGE FORM # New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required): Budget Transfers: _x_ From Unappropriated Reserves From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080-799.000) Within Same Department Activity From New Revenues Between D.epartments (City Council Approval Required) Other F.~D~E':BUDGE~C:OTri..~K(fiJNl1~~it:INeREASE;BUDGEj;':ACCO~:I~!AMOiJN't1%::;!'i lfU~J '" ' ""'",, '^', .li{{I,",,",. V,LC'I ...t1lI1't;~~<\<""",q;{.aJ.U 1t'~'I'$R&f';"%4i '. ' ,i ,,' ,..l1f" , r . Name: Name: Community Promotion Account #: Account #: 001.1010.73 I $5,000.00 Name: Name: Account #: Account #: Name: Name: Account #: Account #: Name: Name: Account #: Account #: Name: Name: Account #; Account #: Name: Name; Account #: Account #; REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: Facilitation of hosting and televising an educational summit. City Manager: Date: Signature . , '.: '~'-0~:;;~:f'1;-:;T:rT\;'\;';:fi~~:';.~;e~:~,' '~."". ':~.- ._" ,', ..,,~ . A:: 'A' , . ,-- ",ud' '--t': 'th""wC' ""ty'u, '''C'u'''''''''' ,.' "'l'"'M"" ',.. 'tIn'" ~'-'T' '""J';;""D" , t' .~' '''>'rT~'ijF;: " :,:-;,,',,' ";',1,_:,,,,,,,11;1,;'''. ",I..,;:L\,,""'" {":"" ,', ,"', :'<' ,~ pprove a e 1 , OunCl: ee g on.,,>, ,a e." ,"'\;/dy'i y" ~<<:1l.l<<_i<'..~,->._>^, ".............:.:i.."Ilo,,, ..:L;o.....<<.,,,.. ,wt~i$i:::.%~'WlW>&~O<<.,.,:..w,.$";;:<<<w.;...~'^,""""{",,,",,~~!:h>>>~>i<'_>lO>>:<',,,", _<<<* . .M<<.~/::M!:~AA--<"'.......,.-.<<..".,.<., ,>... 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