HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Reso No. 9510 Buckholtz Patio Variance V-4798 i~.'-<-;'It:"\~-_~<i'. " ,-,' -:. -~? .' ~,." ',,,< <l-.; '.~ ~'- . .r ,- :. i-~)'" ',.;~ ..t':.J~;:~ :0..- -..~. "'. ,t':_ "~-~' THE COUNTY PLANNI NG COMMI SSION QF ALAMlllA COUt:4'W' HAYWARD. CALIFORNIA' RESOLUTION NO. 9510 - At meetIng held May2t. l~~' IntrochJced by Commissioner George R. Vaugh,,! Seconded by Commissioner John P. Gardella V-t+'l1! WHEREAS Gl1bert &. Carment BuckholU. v-47,S,hfve. fl, I.dW.f.~ the Alameda County Phmning CommIssIon .n app1ication for a Varl,ance to cQn$,truef._.~.o roof so ~s to reduce a rear yard f,=om the required 20' to IS' in an R-l ~SJ.ngte f.....I Iy Resldenc;e) Oinrlct, located at 7064 Lancaster Court, south side",,60 ~lJto('the IntersectIon 1'th liIncaster Roed, Oub1in Area, pleasanton T~nship, '.S~,f:Ilit ..plot plan QI'I ff1e . ,"with thfsCommlssion; and ..... ~REAS thIs Commission did hold a public hfl_rlng on. ..14 ,ppHcttlqn..t the hour of 1:30 p.m. on the 21st day of Hay, 1,69 In the County ofA1am,da PublIc Works Bullc:tfng, 399 Elmhurst Street, Hayward, CalifornIa; ancf . WH~R~S It satisfactorily appears from affldlvlts on fll, that neWSpaper notla, of saId publIc hearIng was given in all respects &5 required by law; and WHEREAS this CommIssion does find that: (a) There are special circumstances appllcabl, to the property whIch deprIve the property of prIvileges enjoyed by other property In the vIcInIty under the Identical zonIng classIfication, In that: The lot Is Irregular In shape and shaf1ow. (b) The granting of the application will not con~tltute . grant of special prIvIleges Inconsistent with the llmitatl9fts upon other properties In the, VicinIty and zone, In that: SImilar variances have been approved In the Dubl In area partIcularly on shallow cul-de-sac facIng lots.' (e) The use will not be detrImental to persons or property In the neIghbor- hoOd or to the public welfare: Now Therefore BE IT RESOLVED that thIs CommissIon does hereby apprQVe said appllcatlO!'l .s llhown on a plot plan lal>edled "ExhibIt A" on ff1e with this ~OlMIlsslon, subject to the following condItions: (I) The yards resulting after the proposed addltlClO 51,111 be consIdered minimum for the parcel. (2) saId Variance shall become null and voId If a buildIng permit Is not obtaIned by Hay 21, 1970. Except as specIfIcally stated above the land and use of thIs property shall comply wIth all the provlslClOS of the County ZonIng Ordinance. ~$tld VarIance shall be subject to revocation for cause by the PlannIng CommissIon after Seven (7) days notice and a hearIng by saId CommIssIon. A~OPTE~ BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Commlsslone~s Vaughns, DeBernardi, Spencer, Carpenter, Gardella and ChaIrman Kauffman NOE S: None ASSENT: None EXCUSED: CommIssIoner Enos WILLIAM H. FRALEY - PLANNING DIRECTOR S. SECRETARY COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION OF ALAHEDACOUNTY