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File # D@][:i][Q]-G][QJ
(PUBLIC HEARING) Tassajara Meadows Residential Development A.liI'
P A 98-035 (Report Prepared by: Tasha Huston, Associate Planner) 'J'Y
Exhibit A:
City Council Ordinance adopting Planned
Development Rezone & Development Plan (with
Development Plan Exhibits A-I * and A-2*);
Exhibit B:
Staff Report from August 4, 1998 City Council meeting*
* Previously provided under separate cover, therefore not attached,
but incorporated by reference, and available at the Dublin Planning
Department and City Council hearing
1. Open public hearing and hear staff presentation
2. Take testimony from applicant and the public
3. Question staff, applicant, and the public
4. Close public hearing and deliberate.
5. Waive reading and adopt the Ordinance (Exhibit A) anlending
the Dublin Zoning Ordinance to approve the Planned
Development Rezone & Development Plan / District Planned
Development Plan; with Development Plan attached as Exhibits
A-I and A-2;
The application involves a request by Mission Peaks Homes for a Planned Development Rezoning &
Development Plan to design a residential development. The proposed project is located within the
: Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area and involves 95 small-lot detached single-family units on an
approximately I2-acre site. The property is adjacent to Tassajara Creek along its western side, where a
COPIES TO: Project Planner; P A File;
Applicant - Mission Peak Homes;
Owner - Alameda County.
regional trail is planned and the stream corridor will be restored. The development concept includes
landscaped parkways and open space parcels providing passive park amenities on the project site. the
application includes a Planned Development (PD) Rezone Development Plan, Parcel Map, Vesting
Tentative Map, and Site Development Review. A Development Agreement is also required prior to
approval of the final Map.
Additional descriptions ofthe proposed development concept are contained in the proposed Development Plan
included as Exhibits A-I and A-2 to this report.
This project is located at the northwest corner of Tassajara Road and Gleason Road, within the Eastern
Dublin Specific Plan area. The Specific Plan was adopted by the City of Dublin in November 1993, and
established land use designations for approximately 3300 acres ofland east of the Camp Parks military
reserve. The project site was given a land use designation of "Medium Density Residential" in the
Specific Plan.
The project site is part of the 800+ acre property known as the Santa Rita Property, owned by the
Alameda County Surplus Property Authority. It was formerly used for agricultural and storage purposes,
for U. S. Army military activities, and for a P.G.& E. construction yard. All structures from previous uses
have been removed, except for a few asphalt driveways.
Land uses planned to the east of this site include the southern portion of the Dublin Ranch Phase I
residential project. To the south, across Gleason Drive, is the site planned for the Emerald Glen Park. To .
the north are planned residential uses, also proposed to be developed by Mission Peak Homes, previously
known as the Casterson Project. The property is bounded by Tassajara Creek along its western side.
At a public hearing held on October 6, 1998, the City Council introduced the Ordinance adopting the
Planned Development Rezoning and Development Plan for this Project. After the public hearing, the
Ordinance was scheduled for a second reading at the October 20, 1998 City Council meeting. As required
by the Dublin Municipal Code, a second reading is necessary prior to final adoption of the rezoning
ordinance, which will classify the site as a PD (Planned Development) District, with a Development Plan
refining individual zoning categories and land use standards. The proposed PD zoning would be
consistent with the Prezoning, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and General Plan land use designations for
this site.
Staff recommends the City Council adopt the Ordinance adopting the Planned Development Rezoning and
Development Plan, subject to development standards contained in the Development Plan (included as
Exhibits A-I and A-2).
(APN: 986-0005-003-01) TO A
"WHEREAS, Jeffrey McMullen, on behalf of Mission Peak Homes, has requested
approval of a Planned Development Rezone/Deve]opment Plan to allow for the subdivision of a
11. 7 :!: acre parcel for a residential subdivision of 95 residential lots, with public and private
open space, in the Eastern Dub]in Specific Plan area; and
WHEREAS, Applicant/Deve]oper has submitted a complete application for a Planned
Deve]opment Rezone, including a Deve]opment Plan (Exhibit A-I, dated September 22, 1998) as
required by Section 8.32 of the Zoning Ordinance, which meets the requirements of said section,
and is available and on file in the Planning Department; and
\VHEREAS, the site will be rezoned from the Planned Prezoning Category to Planned
Development Zoning District as depicted in the Deve]opment Plan; and
WHEREAS, a Development Agreement will be required prior to approval of a Final Map
for the project as required by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and the Conditions of Approva] of
the Tentative Map and Site Deve]opment Review; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the
proposed project is within the scope of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Eastern
Dublin Genera] Plan Amendment and Specific Plan which was_certified by the City Council by
Resolution No. 51-93, and the Addenda dated May 4, 1993, and August 22, 1994 (the "EIR"),
. and that no additionaf significant impacts are expected and no new mitigation measures are
. needed for site-specific environmental effects; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on said applications on
September 22, 1998, and did adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council approve the
Planned Development Rezoning and the Development Plan for P A 98-035; and
WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the City Council on October
6, 1998, and October 20, 1998; and
WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending that the City Council approve
the application; and
\VHEREAS, pursuant to section 8.32.070 and 8.120.050 of the Dublin Municipal Code, .
the City Council makes the following findings:
1. The proposed Planned Development Zoning District meets the intent and purpose
of Chapter 8.32 of the Zoning Ordinance because it provides a comprehensive Development Plan
which will create a desirable use of/and and an environment that will be sensitive to surrounding
land uses by virtue of the layout and design of the architecture and site plan. The residential
project is \vithin the allowable density range for a Medium Density Residential use on this site,
consistent with both the City of Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan.
? Development under the Development Plan will be harmonious and compatible
with existing and future development in the surrounding area because the site plan has been
designed to be compatible with the proposed and approved plans for the neighborhood, including
the adjacent Tassajara Creek open space area and regional trail, future residential uses to the north,
and east of the project, and the future park site to the south. Adequate setbacks and
complementary architectural designs and landscaping proposed in the Development Plan have
been specially designed to enhance and fit into the new neighborhood.
3. The project site is physically suitable for a project in that it is flat, has adequate
access and is of a sufficient size to accommodate residential uses as well as open space for the
community. Additionally, the Development Plan provides for development at a density consistent
with the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Designation for this site.
4. The proposed project will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons
residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare because
the Development Plan has been designed in accordance with the City of Dublin General Plan,
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and Program ErR and Addenda.
WHEREAS, no final map shall be recorded for the Property until a development
agreement is recorded in accordance with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan;
WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use its independent judgment and consider all
said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows:
Pursuant to Ch~pter 8.32, Title 8 of the City of Dublin Municipal Code the City of Dublin
Zoning Map is amended to rezone the following property ("the Property") to a Planned
Development Zoning District:
Approximately 11.7 acres generally located along the west side of Tassajara Road,
north of Gleason Drive, south of the Casterson property residential development, .
and east of Tassajara Creek, in the Eastern Dublin Specific Planning area, more
specifically described as Assessor's Parcel Number 986-0005-003-01.
\ -
A map of the Property is outlined below:
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The regulations of the use, development, improvement, and maintenance of the Propeny
are set forth in the Development Plan (Attachments A-I and A-2 hereto) which is hereby
approved. Any amendments to the Development Plan shall be in accordance with section 8.32.080
of the Dublin Municipal Code Dr its successors.
Except as provided in the Development Plan for P A 98-035, the use, development,
improvement and maintenance of the Property shall be governed by the provisions of the Dublin
Zoning Ordinance.
The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least
three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government
Code of the State of California.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Dublin this
20th day of October, 1998, by the following vote:
City Clerk
g:\P A98035\ec:-ord
September 22, 1998
(Provided under separate cover)
This is a Development Plan pursuant to Chapter 8.32 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance for the .
Tassajara Meadows, Unit 2, subdh.ision, PA 98-035, located on the west side of Tassajara Road,
north of Gleason Drive, east of Tassajara Creek, (APN 986-0005-003-01). This Development
Plan meets all of the requirements for Stage 1 and Stage 2 review of the project.
lhis Development Plan includes the Tentative Map and Site Development Review plans, other plans,
exhibits, and 'wrinen statements contained in the document dated September 22, 1998, labeled Exhibit
A-I to the Resolution approving this Development Plan (City Council Resolution No. 98-~,. and on
fiJe in the Planning Department. The Planned Development District allows the flexibility needed to
encourage innovative development while ensuring that the goals, policies, and action programs of the
General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and provisions of Section 8.32 of the Zoning Ordinance,
are satisfied.
Deyelopment Standards
1. Zoning: PD (General Plan land use designation: Medium Density Residential)
2. Permitted Uses: The follo\\1ng uses are permined for this site.
A. Residential development limited to:
I. Medium Density Detached houses
2. Up to 95 units
B. Open Space:
]. Stream Corridor
2. Regional Trail & associated low-impact trail facilities (benches, trash
containers, etc.)
3. Access Roadways
C. Similar and related uses as determined by the Director of Community
3. Prohibited Uses: The following uses are prohibited in this PD Residential District:
1. Field Crops
2. Orchards
3. Plant Nurseries
4. Greenhouses used only for cultivation of plant materials for sale
5. Hospital
Conditional Uses: All conditional uses in the Dublin Zoning Ordinance for a PD/ R-I District
are conditional uses in this PD District, with the exception of prohibited uses listed above.
Dublin Zoning Ordinance - Applicable Requirements: Except as specifically modified by
the provisions of this PD District Rezone/Development Plan, all applicable general
requirements and procedures of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance shall be applied to the land uses
designated in this PD District Rezone.
6. Site Plan & Architecture: See attached site and elevation plans contained in.~xhibit Ap 1,
Development Plan. This Development Plan applies to the 11.7-acres shown on this plan. Any
modifications to the project shall be SU.bstantially consistent with these plans and of equal or
superior materials and design q.uality.
7. Density: The density of the proposed development for the 11.7 acres is 8.1 dwelling units per
acre, as shown on the Stage 2 Site Plan.
8. Phasing Plan. Refer to attached Phasing plans included in Exhibit A-I, Development Plan.
9. Landscaping Plan. Refer to attached landscaping plans included in Exhibit A-I,
Development Plan.
10. Development Standards
Lot Dimensions: 45' wide x 70' deep minimum
Lot Size: 3,150 square feet minimum
Front Yard
Front yard setbacks for detached residences should vary for
visual interest, where possible, along through-streets.
1. Front entry garages 18' min.
. 2. Front porch 10' min.
.3. Front ofhouse 12' min.
(All dimensions shall be from back of right-of-way line.)
Note: Sectional roll-up garage doors with automatic openers are required
for all residences with driveways less than 20 feet.
Side Yard
1. lntemallots:
2. corner lots:
4' min. sideyards
6' min. on street side
Building Separation: 8' minimum bern'een buildings
Rear Yard
Rear yard setbacks are required in order to establish privacy and separation
between residences, as well as provide for usable recreation space.
Accessory structure setbacks shall be modified from the Dublin
Zoning Ordinance standards for this project as follows:
Hot Tubs/Soas with no trellis or overhead structure:
Side yard -
Rear yard -
Distance from house -
3 feet
3 feet
] 0 feet at windows
4 feet at solid wall or "protected window'. '"
'" Contact Ciry of Dublin Building Departmentfor definition
Hot Tubs/Soas with trellis or overhead structure. or patio cover:
SIDE YARD - 5 feet
REAR YARD - 5 feet
Building Height:
35' maximum, 2 stories
Architectural Projections: Eaves, fireplaces, niches, bay ""indows, cantilevered floor
area (balconies, second floor overhangs, etc.), porches,
other architectural projections and air conditioning
equipment may project 2' into required sideyards, but .
never closer than 3' from the property line.
Single story elements are encouraged at corners and
throughout to break up 2-story massing. The maximum
building height shall be 35 feet.
Parking/Garages: .
Each unit shall be provided with a two-car garage at a
minimum of 19' x 19' clear area, plus two spaces in the
driveway apron, and one guest parking space for each
unit. Guest parking may be located on-street or in
specifically designated guest parking areas.
Consideration shall be given to the placement, orientation,
and treatment of the garages and garage doors. Suggested
design criteria include:
1. Designing the residence to extend forward of the garage door(s).
2. Designing the front door of the residence to appear on a different
elevation than the garage door (corner lots)
11. General Pro,.isions
A) The project applicant/developer shall enter into a Development Agreement with the
City of Dublin prior to Final Map approval, which shall contain, but not be limited to,
pro\'isions for financing and timing of on and off-site infrastructure, payment of traffic.
noise and public facilities impact fees, affordable housing, ownership and maintenance
of creek and open space areas, and other provisions deemed necessary' by the City to
find the project consistent with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan.
B) As part of Final Map appr.oval, the dedication ~or O\\11ership of open space, parkv;ays
and other landscaped areas shall be designated. No credit for these areas and
improvements shall be given towards parkland dedication requirements. All facilities
and landscaping within the open space and common areas shall be subject to approval of
the Community Development Director.
C) The developer shall be required to pay all applicable fees, including a Public Facility
Fee in the amounts and at the times set forth in City of Dublin Resolution "!'Jo. 32-96,
adopted by the City Council on March 26, 1996, or in the amounts and at the times set
for-ill in any resolution revising the amount of the Public Facilities Fee.
g:\pc.#'9 803 5\devplan.