HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 RidgelandVotersVoice it. .. - . . . I CITY CLERK File # D~[zIQ]-[Z][Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 6,1998 SUBJECT: Draft Dublin Ridgelands Voters' Voice Initiative (Report Prepared by: Carol Cirelli, Senior Planner, Libby Silver, City Attorney; and Kathleen Faubion, City Attorney's Office) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: A. B. Morgan King's Letter dated September 17, 1998 Draft Initiative RECOMMENDATION: ~ 1) Discuss Mr. Morgan King's requests; 2) Review staffs analysis of the draft Dublin Ridgelands Voters' Voice Initiative; 3) give staff direction regarding Mr. King's requests; and/or 4) .provide staff other direction, if appropriate. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: If the City Council were to proceed with Mr. Morgan King's two requests, approximately 40 hours of staff time would be involved which may delay the completion of some of the City's high priority projects. BACKG~OUND: Morgan King sent $taff a letter (see Exhibit A) requesting that 1) the City Council authorize City staff to engage in direct communication with the authors of the initiative for purposes of identifying and resolving unintended problems with the initiative; and 2) the City Council appoint a committee comprised of Council members and City staff to meet with initiative proponents to explore whether the City should adopt the initiative into law rather than calling an election (see discussion below). The committee proposed by Mr. King would be subject to the Brown Act. At the Council meeting of September 15, 1998, Councilmember Janet Lockhart requested that City staff prepare an analysis of Dublin resident Morgan King's draft Dublin Ridgeland Voters' Voice Initiative. The proponents of the draft initiative have not yet begun the formal process of circulating the initiative. This process requires the proponents to file a notice of intent to circulate the initiative with the City Clerk. The City Attorney must then prepare a title and summary. The proponents will then publish the notice, title and summary, and may then obtain signatures. If sufficient "prima facie" signatures are obtained (within a 6-month period), the Clerk will verify the signatures. If there are sufficient valid signatures, the Council must then either adopt the proposed ordinance (exactly as written) or call an election and submit -----------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: In-House Distribution L2 4 ITEMNO.~ g:\correspo\ccsrinit the proposed ordinance to the electorate. A special election may be required if sufficient signatures '(15%). are obtained, It will become effective if a majority of voters approve it. Below is a brief summary ofthe initiative. In response to Councilmember Lockhart's request, following this summary is an analysis covering certain aspects of the initiative which would present some policy . issues for the City. Finally, the rest of the analysis covers some technical inaccuracies of the initiative that staff suggests should be corrected in order to make the initiative more agreeable to the City. INITIATIVE SUMMARY: The initiative, if adopted, would require that for the next 30 years all future proposals for constructing new development, or to permanently extend utilities or services ip the Western Dublin Extended Planning Area would need to be approved by a vote of the Dublin registered voters. The initiative makes an exception to allow agricultural or open space recreational uses in order to encourage the preservation of natural habitat, oak woodlands, creeks and so forth, and uses that are necessary for public health and safety. In addition, an elevation cap is established limiting any development that needs to be approved to avoid an unconstitutional taking of private property to no higher than 670 feet. Other sections of the initiative cover purposes, objectives and goals ofthe initiative and conforming general plan and zoning ordinance amendments. The initiative would apply to the Western Extended Planning Area beyond the City limits, but within the Sphere ofInfluence. If that area is annexed to the City, the initiative would govern land uses in that area. TECHNICAL COMMENTS The following are technical comments regarding the initiative. . Section I. Purpose and objectives B. Summary (p.l) This section states that for a period of 30 years from the adoption of the ordinance, no proposal to zone or rezone the affected area for uses other than agricultural or open spaces uses, and so forth, shall be adopted unless first approved by a vote of the voters of the City. As noted, the initiative would govern land uses if the City annexes the area in the future. Similarly, regarding the statement "or to permanently extend utilities or services to such area," the City could not extend utilities to this area unless it is annexed. Note that certain services, such as water and sewer services, are provided by DSRSD, not the City. Currently, Alameda County, DSRSD, and Zone 7 have the authority for extending services within the Western Dublin extended planning area. The initiative would adopt and/or amend General Plan policies and zoning ordinance provisions, and would readopt existing General Plan policies. Any future amendments to the new, amended or readopted policies and ordinance provisions would require voter approval. As a procedural note, General Plans are adopted and amended by way of resolutions, while zoning ordinances are adopted and amended by way of ordinance. The initiative proposes to adopt all the provisions by ordinance, however, this can be resolved by redrafting the measure to take the General Plan actions by resolution and the remaining actions by . ordinance. 2 l . . . C. Purposes (p. 2) Paragraph CA indicates that one purpose of the initiative is to prevent Alameda County from encroaching on the City's right to control development. The City controls development only within the City limits. Alameda County would continue to have land use jurisdiction over the affected area unless the area was annexed in the future. D. Definitions (p. 2) There is a typo in the first paragraph, last sentence. The word should be "West" instead of "est." Section II. Findings (p. 3) E. This finding assumes there is sufficient development potential in the City's remaining planning areas to meet the City's housing objectives in the Housing Element. If this assumption is incorrect, the initiative would be inconsistent with the Housing Element, and if approved, would make the General Plan internally inconsistent. Either the initiative or the Housing Element would need revision to avoid the inconsistency. F.4. This paragraph in the Alameda County General Plan - East County Area Plan (ECAP) refers to the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment Area, and without more explanation, appears to be inapplicable to the Western Extended Planning Area. F.5, This paragraph of the ECAP refers to the general concept of the Urban Growth Boundaries, not the West Dublin foothills, and as stated in the initiative, may not accurately reflect the County's policy. Section III. Policies readopted and emphasized (p. 5) The following comments address the section of the initiative which proposes to readopt and emphasize certain existing General Plan policies. Certain General Plan language is included verbatim, but is excerpted from the current policy, and is sometimes combined with language from a different policy and/or with different text. In these cases, the policy is not simply a readoption, but would be a text amendment, more appropriate in Section IV.A., Text Amendments to the General Plan. A. The appropriate General Plan reference to these policy objectives is Section 2.1A.F(2), (3). The initiative's current citation does not reflect the Schaefer Ranch GP A. B. The appropriate General Plan reference to these policy objectives appears to be Section 3.1.E-G. D. The General Plan refers to "ridgelines" instead of "ridgelands." Citations within the proposed policy should be edited to account for the Schaefer Ranch General Plan Amendment (GP A). F. Section 7.1 (D) and (F) are not referenced. H. The word "designated" should be included after "development within." I. The word "abuse" should read "misuse." The appropriate General Plan reference to this policy is Section 5.1.1. in Guiding Policy B regarding design of collector streets. 3 Section IV. Amendments to the General Plan A, Text Amendments (p. 6) A,l. This proposed General Plan text includes general policy and "vision" statements. They are not required by the General Plan statute for the City's general plan. . A.2.a.,b. The proposed amendments to Section 2.1.4.a,b. were previously adopted by the City through the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment (1993). The proposed additional sentences may appear inconsistent with existing Western Dublin Policies D-F; additional conforming amendments may be necessary for the initiative and/or existing policies. B. Conforming Amendments (p. 7) B.l.a. The text citations should be edited to reflect the Schaefer Ranch GP A, and existing Western Dublin policies. Also, paragraph no. 2 requires further clarification. For example, "nominal extent" and "minimum extent necessary" should be defined. B.2.c. The appropriate location for the proposed policy is Section 3.1.H, after the current Western Dublin policies. B.2,e. The appropriate location for the proposed guiding policies is 3.3.Q., R., respectively, with the existing implementing policy re-Iettered to "S". B.2.f. As a result of previous GP As, the Guiding Policy referred to in this paragraph currently appears at Section 3.3.D, and restricts hillside structures that would silhouette above the ridgelines. The policy . currently applies citywide, through the Primary, and both Extended Planning Areas. The proposed amendment would apply the policy expressly to the Western Extended Planning Area, but would delete it for the other planning areas. To the extent this effect is unintentional, the initiative may not reflect the Schaefer Ranch GPA which provides policies for the Western Extended Planning Area. B.2.g. Paragraph J should also refer to DSRSD. Regarding paragraphs K.3. and L.2., the Alameda County General Plan (ECAP) does not reference 670' for the City of Dublin. This elevation cap is for the cities of Pleasant on, Hayward and Castro Valley, and may not provide a rationale for applying it to Dublin. B.3.a. The effect of the initiative on the Housing Element depends on how much residential development potential is currently in the initiative's affected area, and how much of that potential would be required for the City to meet its Housing Element objectives. As noted earlier, if the initiative conflicts with the Housing Element, either the initiative or the element must be amended to resolve the conflict. As a procedural note, the next periodic review of the City's Housing Element by HCD is June 3, 2000. (Government Code Section 65588(e)(2)). In addition, Housing Element amendments must be sent to HCD for review. B.3.b. These policy statements could make the Housing Element and General Plan internally inconsistent because one of the City's housing goals is to provide housing in both of the extended planning areas for meeting the housing needs of very low, low, moderate and above moderate income households. See . previous comments. , B.S.a. This language is surplusage. 4 . . . B.5.b. This language is surplusage. C. Map Amendments (p.14) 1. The unincorporated Western Dublin Extended Planning Area already has an agricultural land use designation under the Alameda County General Plan. The map reference should be changed to Figure 2- 4. 2. It is inappropriate for the initiative to amend unspecified maps; this paragraph should be revised to direct the City to make such other map changes as necessary to be consistent with the initiative. Section V. Implementation (p. 14) E. The people, through the initiative process, can repeal a legislative act (such as a general plan or zoning action) but the repeal will be effective prospectively, not retroactively. The word "rescinded" in the first sentence should more appropriately be "repealed". I. The people, through the initiative process, can do what the City Council can do. This provision would bind a future Council's discretion with respect to a legislative act and, thus, appears to be invalid. CONCLUSION Staff recommends that the City Council discuss Mr. King's two requests; review staffs analysis of the draft Dublin Ridgelands Voters' Voice Initiative; give staff direction regarding Mr. King's requests; and/or provide other direction to staff. 5 01/16/1994 17:28 5108291262 '-10RGAN D KING PAGE 01 LAW OFFICES OF ~fORGAN D. KlNG 7567 AMADOR VALLEY BLVD. BUITE 110 DUBLIN. C;A QAS88 (~ , 0) 82Q.s:il63 FACSIMIl.E. (IS 10) 629.7Z8Z TRACY (209) 83Z'832B Au MOPlGAN D. IQNO. J.D. ,.,..ICHAe:L J. pftlMU8. J.D. . . Sepe.-ber 17, 1998 d..1U.,.a.li... U:I TOI RichArd Ambrose c.i.t.y.Manager, city of Dublin REI Agenda matter - Meeting of Oct. 6, 1998 Dublin Ridgeland Voter~l Voice Initiative Dear Mr. A=brose: This i. to confirm that we have asked that certain mattcra in conn.ction with thQ Dublin Ridgeland voters' Voice Initiative be 6cboau1ed on the ~gend& for the next city Council Meeting on Oct. 6, 1998. Th..e mattera are as follows: 1. We requcDt that the City Council authorize the city staff to engas. in direct communication with members of our group regarding the language of the draft of the proposed ordinance, for the purpose of identifying and if posGible mitigating any unint.nded prob~~s that tne language of the draft may potential- ly po.. for the C~ty; 2. we request that the city authorize the immediate appoint- ment of a committee of Counci~ members, City staff, and initia- tive proponents to ~xplore whether the City should adopt the or4inance into law upon validation of the required petition .ignatures pursuant to the California Elections Code, without n.ed of .etting the matter for a special elec~ion~ It .~uld b. ..4. cl.ar that va b.ve no~ askod that the council di.cua. the ..rita of the propoaed initiative at the me8ti~g of ~obar 6; this would be premature, as it is the purpose of the prop~ed committee to perfor.m that !unction prior to official city conaiQeration. If you have any questions in this regard, please contact either my.elf or Dave Bewley. You have our respective phone numbers. f]J)Y OCI City Council 'Ci.t.y .taff D. Bevl.ey EXHIBIT A (j) MORGAN D. KING, J.D. JAN C. NIELSEN, J.D. LAW OFFICES OF ~10RGAN D. ICING FACSIMILE (510) 829-7262 TRAC~ (209) 832-~ 7567 AMADOR VALLEY BLVD. SUITE 110 DUBLIN, CA 94568 (510) 829-6363 The Dublin Ridgelands Voters' Voice Initiative SUMMARY This initiative looks complicated, but it is actually very sim- ple. It really makes only one significant change in existing City of Dublin law. This initiative, if adopted, would require that for the next 30 years all future proposals for building development in the West Dublin Foothills be approved by a vote of the Dublin registered . voters. It does this by adding a paragraph to the Land Use Ele- ment of the General Plan; this language may be found on page 7, subsection "b," Extended Planning Area. Exceptions are allowed for necessary construction for public health and safety, and for open space recreational uses, but an elevation cap is established limiting such development to no higher than 670 ft. All the other language contained in this ordinance is either "context" language about purposes and policies, or is "conform- ing" language to make other parts of the General Plan consistent with the proposed initiative. R~CEIV5D ~r'r" . ...cP 1 1993 DUstiN P!.ANNiN~ . EXHIBIT B . . . Dublin Ridgelands votersl voice Initiative OUTLINE I. Purpose and objectives A. Affected area B. Swnmary C. Purposes D. Definitions 1 1 2 2 II. Findings 3 A. Council ignores the sense' of the voters 3 . ,B .,' Significant changes in the' area, " '. , , .:: i' , 3 c.: Further ,development in hills will be, harmful' 3 ,D. Ordinance does not constitute taking 3 E. Ordinance does not impair the Housing Element 3 F. The Alameda County GP favors open space 4 G. That LAFCO statute favors open space 4 H. Cal. Constitution allows instructing Council 5 III. policies readopted & emphasized 5 City of Dublin GP text favors open sp~ce 5 IV. General Plan amendments 6 A. Text amendments 6 1. The General Plan 2. The land use element 6 6 B. Conforming amendments 7 1. Land use element 2. Parks & Open space element 3. Housing element 4. Conservation element 5. zoning ordinance 7 8 11 12 13 c. Map amendments 13 14 v. Implementation A. Amendments already made in calendar year 14 B. Competing ballot proposal 14 C. Reorganization of GP permitted 14 D. Annexation powers not restricted 15 E. Rescinds prior amendments affecting same area 15 F. Vote required to adopt ordinance 15 G. Effective date 15 H. Ordinance amendments require vote 15 I. Provides for vote to renew ordinance J. Each section separate and severable. K. Ordinance to be appended to General plan 15 15 16 . . . . . . ver 8/30/98 dublin3 ORDINANCE NO. THE DUBLIN RIDGELANDS.VOTERS' .VOICE INITIATIVE . AN INITIATIVE OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN . AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE VOTER APPROVAL OF FUTURE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS IN THE WEST DUBLIN FOOTHILLS . THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY' OF.. DUBLIN DO, ORDAIN 'AS FOLLOWS:' SECTION I. Purpose and obiectives A. Affected area This initiative affects only that' portio~ of,theWest Dublin foothills identified on city map 1~2 (attached), as revised February, 1992, and other general plan maps, as the Western Extended Planning Area, and that is"as'of the date 90 days prior to the filing of the notice of intent to circulate the petition for this initiative, all of that area which is outside the existing city limits and within the city of Dublin's sphere of influence. B. Summary This initiative: 1. Provides that for a period 30 years from the adoption of this ordinance no proposal to zone or rezone the affected area for other than agricultural or open space uses, or to amend the general plan to permit other than agricultural or open space development therein, or to' permanently extend utilities or services to such area, shall be adopted unless first approved by a vote of the voters of the City of Dublin. 2. Readopts and emphasizes the policies already set forth in the Dublin General Plan, adopted February 11, 1985, as revised September 14, 1992, providing, among other things, that it shall be the policy of the City of Dublin to encourage the preservation of the affected area and such natural habitat, oak woodlands, natural creeks and open space features as may be found therein. AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING PRIOR VO'1'ER APPROVAL OF DtvELOP~-r PROPOSALS IN THE ft~ST DUBLIN FOOTHILLS 1 c. Purposes . The purposes of this ordinance are to help provide for the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City of Dublin, and to help protect and enhance the quality of life in the City of Dublin, by - 1. Encouraging the preservation of open space, scenic, ~atural habitat, agricultural and recreational resources in the area within the sphere of influence qf the City. of Dublin identified as the Western Extended Planning Area; 2. Enlarging the right of voters residing in the city of Dublin to participate more democratically in important decisions which tend to have irreversible effects on the quality of life in Dublin, by providing that such voters shall have the right to vote on proposals for zoning or development in the affected area; 3. Preventing transitory short-term politicaL decisions that disregard or do not give proper consideration to existing city policies encouraging the preservation of the affected area in its present state, by creating a safeguard comprising of a public debate and a vote of the people in connection with any proposal to convert lands in the Western Extended Planning area to non-agricultural or non-open space uses; . 4. Preventing the County of Alameda from encroaching on or usurping the city of Dublin1s right to control development in the affected area. D. Definitions For purposes of this ordinance the following definitions shall apply: 1. Western Extended Planning Area. All of that area that is identified on city map 1-2, as revised February 1992, as the Western Extended Planning Area, comprising all of that area which is, as of the date of the filing of the notice of intent to circulate the petition for this initiative, outside the existing city limits and within the City of Dublin's sphere of influence. Such area is sometimes referred to herein as the West Dublin Foothills or the est Dublin Ridgelands. 2. Open space or open space land. For purposes of this ordinance the terms "open space" or "open space land" shall refer to any essentially unimproved land which is suitable for those uses and activities as are described in the . AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING PRIOR VOTER APPROVAL OP 2 DEVELOPKD,.T PROPOSALS IN THE m:S'l' DUBLIN FOOTRII.LS . . . California Open Space Act, Government Code S 65560(b) (1), ( 2 ), ( 3) and (4). 3.. Maps. For purposes of this ordinance "maps" refers to those official maps of the City of Dublin depicting the affected area as of the date 90 days prior to the date of filing the notice of intent to circulate the petition for this initiative. . 4.. General plan. For purposes of his ordinance the term "General Plan" or "Dublin General Plan" shall refer to the Dublin General Plan, including amendments and maps, as existed as of the date 90 days prior to the date of the filing of the notice of intent to commence this initiative. SECTION II. Findinqs The people of the city of Dublin find as follows: A. that the legislative body of the city of Dublin, (namely the Dublin city Council), from time to time makes decisions in favor of, or encourages proposals for, or is friendly to proposals for commercial or residential development in the west Dublin foothills which are, or may be, contrary to the sense of the residents and voters of the city of Dublin and contrary to the policies already existing in the Dublin General Plan; B. that since the General Plan was adopted it has become apparent that significant changes and additional development have occurred, or will probably occur in the near future that have increased traffic congestion, traffic safety hazards, air pollution, noise pollution, crime, and demands on services and utilities, and have a negative impact on scenic, open space, natural habitat, agricultural and recreational resources; C.. that further development for other than agricultural or open space uses in the West Dublin foothills will tend to aggravate those problems identified above; D.. that this initiative does not constitute a taking of private lands within the meaning of the law because it allows continued agricultural, open space and recreational uses of the property and permits zoning for commercial, industrial or residential development upon approval of the voters of Dublin; E. that there is sufficient development capacity in the remaining undeveloped areas of the city of Dublin, outside the affected area, to meet the objectives of the Housing Element of'the Dublin General Plan, and such goals and requirements as may be prescribed by the California State Department of Housing and AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING PRIOR VOTER APPROVAL OF DEVELOPJo!E!.'T PROPOSALS IN Tm:: WEST DUBLIN FOOTHILLS 3 Community Development; . F. that the Alameda County General Plan, East County Area Plan, adopted May 5, 1994, provides, among other things: [text appearing in italic is taken verbatim from the Alameda COUI].ty General Plan, Vol. 1, "Goals, policies and Programs," East County Area Plan]: 1. That areas in -the West Dublin Foothills should not be:' u:'--: annexed for purposes of'urban development. [ACGP, Vol. 1, Policy #69]; 2. The County shall encourage the City of Dublin to designate West Dublin for agricultural and open space uses to serve as a community separator and to reserve a regional trail corridor' connecting the San Ramon westside hills with Pleasanton Ridge. [ACGP, Vol. 1, Policy # 70]; 3. The County shall recognize West Dublin as a valuable open space buffer separating the community of Castro Valley from the East County planning area. The County shall encourage the City of Dublin to retain this area as open space to be consistent with the County's designation of this area as "Large Parcel Agricultural." [ACGP, Vol. 1, Policy #71] i . 4. That in the affected area allowable uses may include agriculture, recreational, and open space uses. [ACGP, Vol. 1, Policy #72]; 5. That it is County policy, with regard to the West Dublin foothills, to encourage activities that will not promote sprawl or leap-frog development, or induce further 'adjustment of the West Dublin city boundary, and would not unacceptably affect visual and open space resources. [ACGP, Vol. 1, Program 1] G. That the authorizing statute of the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), Cal. Government Code S 56000 et seg., for Alameda County, provides, among other things: [text appearing in italic is taken verbatim from the text of the respective sections of the California Government Code] 1. It is the intent of the Legislature that each commission establish policies and exercise its powers pursuant to this part in a manner that encourages and provides planned, well- ordered, efficient urban development patterns with appropriate consideration of preserving open-space lands . within those patterns. [Gov. ~ode S 56300]; and 2~ that one AN ORDINANCE REQUIR.ING PR.IOR. VOTER. APPR.OVAL OP 4 DEV!:LOPMENT PR.OPOSALS IN TIlE w:E:ST DU!lI.IN POOTHILLS . of the policies of LAFCO is the discouragement of urban sprawl [Gov. Code S 56301J. H. That the Constitution of the State of California, Article 1, Sec. 3, states, inter alia, "The people have the right to instruct their representatives...," and that the use of the initiative process in connection with land use planning is a frequently used and legitimate means of instructing such representatives, and is among the fundamental rights and powers. of the voters. See Devita v. County of Napa, 9 Cal. 4th 763 (1995). SECTION III. policies readopted and emphasized The city of Dublin hereby readopts and emphasizes certain policies 'found throughout the Dublin General plan and its relevant elements, and the Dublin Zoning Ordinance, as follows: [text appearing in italic is verbatim from the General Plan or related documents; the citations reference the corresponding sections of the Dublin General Plan or its elements] . A. The city shall encourage only such development proposals for the West Dublin foothills as will not disfigure the , ridgelands, and will not result in premature termination of viable agricultural operations [5 2.1.4(C)]; B. The guiding policies of the city of Dublin are, among other things, to preserve oak'woodlands, riparian vegetation, and natural creeks as open space for their natural resource value, and maintain steep slopes as permanent open space for public health and safety [5 3.1(A), (B)]; . C. The guiding policy of the city of Dublin is to maintain lands currently in the Williamson Act agricultural preserve as rangeland [5 3.2(A)]; D. It' is an implementing policy of the city of Dublin to promote inclusion of hiking, bicycling and/or equestrian trails within open space areas, including the Western Extended Planning Area [5 3.3(D)], and it is a guiding policy to restrict structures on the hillsides that appear to project above major ridgelands, because the present undisturbed natural ridgelands as seen from the primary planning area are an essential component of Dublin's appearance as a freestanding city ringed by open hills [S 3.3(G)], and to implement such goals in a way that will preserve or enhance the ridgelands that form the skyline as viewed from freeways and local roads [5 3.3(H)]; ]>.N ORDINANCE REQUIRING PRIOR VOTER APPROVAL OF DEWLOPHENT PROPOSALS IN THE m:ST DUBLIN FOOTHILLS 5 E. Most importantly, the City recognizes that the western . hills form part of a greenbelt that rings the Bay Plain, preventing continuous urban spread [S 7Ji ~l , I., -, .. F. It is the guiding policy of the City of Dublin to protect ..: '':' .riparian _ vegetation. as, .,a,.p:r;otective..buffer for.. stream ...", -......-..""rr.". ~~.. '::; !\quality:'and: for it~: value";as'~ahabitat.1iand aesthetic! : 1, ): J':i ,.fI.l: i resource, and promote access to stream corridors for passive recreational use [S 7.l(A}, CB}, (D), (F}Ji G.It is a guiding policy of the City of Dublin to protect oak woodlands, and develop a heritage tree ordinance [S 7.3(A), (B), (C}Ji :. I H. It is the policy of the city of Dublin to prohibit development within open space areas except that designed to enhance public safety and the environmental setting. [S 7.7(F)Ji I. It is the policy of the City of Dublin to prevent abuse of residential streets by through traffic. [Additional Design Criteria, Implementing Policies, S 5.l(K).]. SECTION IV. Amendments to the General Plan A. Text Amendments . The General Plan is amended in the following respects: Added or amended text is in bold 1. The General Plan: a. Section 1.3, Nature of The General Plan, is amended to add the following introductory paragraph: Because there are a l~ited number of developable parcels in Dublin, care must be taken to create a balanced community which reasonably accommodates the competing needs of housing and commercial development with open space, scenic, natural habitat, agricultural and recreational uses, and provides reasonable protection from air and noise pollution, traffic congestion and safety hazards, and crime, and from over-extending services and utilities. In summary, the General Plan strives to protect and continue the rural, uncongested, unstressful, safe and attractive quality of life that Dublin citizens have come to expect and enjoy while improving the economic vitality of Dublin. 2. Land Use Element: . AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING PRIOR. VOTER. APPROV1lL 01' 6 DEVJ::LOPMENT PROPOSALS IN THE Wi:ST DUBLIN FOOTHIUS . . . a. section 2.1.4, Extended Planning Area, Guiding Policy, paragraph "A" is amended as follows: The first paragraph of that section is amended to add the following to the beginning of the sentence: In the Eastern Extended Planning Area, consider . . . A second sentence is added to this paragraph, as follows: In the Western Extended Planning Area proposals for residential development shall be discouraged. b. Section 2.1.4, Extended planning Area, Implementing policies, paragraph "B" is amended as follows: The words In the Eastern Extended planning Area ... are added to the beginning of the sentence. and the following additional sentences are added: _ The area described in city maps as the Western Extended Planning Area shall not be zoned for other than agricultural or open space uses for a period of 30 years, unless such proposed zoning or rezoning of the affected area is first approved by a vote of the voters of the City of Dublin. _ During such time any proposal to amend the general plan to permit other than agricultural or open space use or development, or any use substantially inconsistent with the goals, policies and provisions of the Dublin Ridgelands Voters' Voice Initiative, in the Western Extended Planning Area shall be adopted only upon the approval of the voters of the City of Dublin. B. Conforming amendments 1. The Land Use Element: a. Section 2.1.4 of the Land Use Element, Extended Planning Area, Implementing policies, is amended to add another paragraph, which states as follows: D. Any proposed amendment to the General Plan or Zoning Ordinance having the effect of permitting other than agricultural or open space uses or development in the Western Extended Planning Area JoN ORDINANCE REQUIR.:l:NG PRIOR VOTER. APPROVAL OF DEVELOPKE~~ PROPOSALS IN TEE WEST DUBLIN FOOTHILLS 7 may be adopted by the City only upon a determination; . 1. that such proposed development meets the standards prescribed at S 2.l.4(C); and 2. that such proposed development does not add, except to a nominal extent, to traffic flow upon any public street that is contiguous with, or . provides access to existing residential neighbor- hoods, or public or private schools, or residential neighborhoods west of San Ramon Road in the City of Dublin. For purposes of this section, any proposed addition to the traffic level shall be approved only to the minimum extent necessary to avoid an unconstitutional taking of private lands; and 3. that such proposal has been approved by the voters of the City of Dublin. 2. Parks and Open Space Element: a. Open space defined. The Parks and Open Space element of the general plan is amended to add the following text between the final paragraph of the introductory . language of that section, and before the beginning of section 3.1: For purposes of this ordinance the terms "open space" or "open space land" shall refer to any essentially unimproved land which is suitable for those uses and activities as are described in the California Open Space Act, Gov~rnment Code S 65560(b)(1), (2), (3) and (4). b. Section 3.1, Open Space For Preservation of Natural Resources and For Public Health And Safety, first paragraph, is amended to read as follows: Subsequent to adoption of this general plan, the voters of the City of Dublin adopted by initiative (the "Dublin Ridgelands voters' Voice Initiative) an ordinance encouraging the preservation of the open space, scenic, natural habitat, agricultural and recreational resources of the West Dublin foothills. c. Section 3.1, following paragraph "e" under Implementing Policy, is added the following paragraph: . AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING PRIOR VOTER. APPROVAL OF 8 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS IN TIlE WEST DUBLIN FOOTHILLS . . . D. Discourage proposals for uses or development that may be inconsistent with the goals, policies or provisions of this ordinance, or of the Dublin Ridgelands Voters' Voice Initiative, in connection with the Western Extended Planning Area; such proposals shall not be effective unless first approved by a vote of the voters of the City of Dublin. d. section 3~2, Agricultural Open Space, paragraph entitled Implementing Policy, "B" is amended to add the following: Approval of development of agricultural land in the Western Extended Planning Area, in addition to those findings stated above, shall require approval of the voters of the city of Dublin pursuant to the terms of the Dublin Ridgelands Vot.ersl Voice Initiat.ive. e. Section.3.3, Open Space For Outdoor Recreation, paragraph entitled Guiding policies, is amended to add the following: c. Encourage the preservation of the Western Extended Planning Area as an open space, scenic, natural habit.at., agricult.ural and recreat.ional resource. D. It is t.he policy of the City of Dublin to encourage the establishment of, and cooperate in good fait.h with, a private open-space land trust for the purpose of raising private funds to purchase lands in the West.ern Extended Planning Area to be dedicated for permanent agricultural, open space and recreational uses. f. Section 3.3, following the section entitled Implementing Policy, the paragraph entitled Guiding. policy, "G" is amended to read as follows: G. Encourage the preservat.ion of the Western Extended Planning Area as an open space, scenic, nat.ural habitat, agricultural and recreational resource, and restrict structures on the hillsides that visually impact the affected area. g. The last paragraph entitled Implementing Policy [on page 3 - 3] is amended to add the following paragraphs: I. In connection with any application for zoning AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING PRIOR VOTER APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS IN ':t'IlE WEST DUBLIN FOO':t'IlILLS 9 for other than agricultural or open space use in the Western Extended Planning Area, submit such . proposals to, and obtain the approval of, the voters of the city of Dublin. J. The City, its departments, boards, appointees to agencies [e.g., Local Agency Formation Commission, (LAFCO)], commissions, officers, staff and employees shall not approve or adopt, or do or fail to do any act the result of which permits or. authorizes a permanent extension of services or utilities, in connection with other than agricultural or open space use in the Western Extended Planning Area, except upon the prior approval of the Dublin voters. K. To avoid an unconstitutional taking of private property in connection with any proposed use or development within the Western Extended Planning Area, the City Council may approve a general plan or zoning amendment to permit other than agricultural or open space development or uses, and an extension of utilities and services to that area, by the affirmative vote of the City Council, and based on substantial evidence in the record, that: 1. The application of the prov1s10ns of this initiative to the proposed development would constitute an unconstitutional taking of a landowner's property; and . 2. The proposed amendment, development project and associated land use designation will allow land uses and associated environmental effects only to the minimum extent necessary to avoid the unconstitutional taking of the landowner's property; and 3. The proposal complies with the 670 ft. elevation cap on development as found in the Alameda County General Plan, Policy 108, section 1-5; and 4. The proposed general plan or zoning amendment, or development, has failed to be approved by the voters of the city of Dublin in an election. Substantial evidence shall include, but not . AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING PRIOR VOTER APPROVAL OF 10 DE:VELOPHEN'l' PROPOSALS IN TIlE WEST DUBLIN FOOTRII.I.S . . . be limited to, a final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction that the referenced policies as applied to the particular development constitute an unconstitutional taking. L. To promote the public health, safety, and welfare, the City' Council may, by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Council, amend the general plan or zoning Ordinance, or zone or rezone or approve a development in the Western Extended Planning Area, if it finds: 1. (a) that such amendment is necessary for the development of a public park, public open space recreational facility, or other compatible public open space use, and such amendment is consistent with the goals, policies and provisions prescribed by this ordinance and the Dublin Ridgelands Voters' voice Initiative, and that such development does not disfigure the affected area; or (b) the amendment is the only feasible method of addressing a significant threat to the public health, safety, and welfare; and such per.manent fixtures, development, uses or other changes as may be proposed shall be the minimum amount of change required to provide for the public health, safety and welfare, and will be designed to provide maximum protection for open space, scenic, natural habitat, agricultural and recreational values. 2. the amendment complies with the 670 ft. elevation cap on development as found in the Alameda County General plan, Policy 108, section 1-5. 3. The Housing Element: The City of Dublin General Plan Housing Element, adopted February 11, 1985, as amended June 11, 1990, is amended in the following respects: a. Section 6.1.5, Nongovernmental Constraints, AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING PRIOR VOTER APPROVAL OF 11 DEVELOPMID..'T PROPOSALS IN THE WEST DUBLIN FOOTHILLS subsection entitled Community Opposition To Medium and High Density Housing, shall include a third paragraph . which states as follows: In addition, the Dublin Ridgelands Voters' voice Initiative provides that it is City policy to maintain the present unzoned status of the Western Extended Planning Area, or if zoned it should be . zoned agricultural or open space use, unless any p~oposed zoning or rezoning of such area -for other than agricultural or open space use or development is first approved by a vote of the voters of Dublin. b. section 6.3, subsection entitled III. Strategies Requiring Ongoing City Effort Using Existing Programs, paragraph A, is amended to state as follows: Annex and zone additional land for residential use. The inventory of land suitable for residential development (Section 6.1.3) includes one area within the extended planning area (East Dublin) which the city is annexing or considering annexing for rezoning for residential development. The subparagraph following the above, entitled Actions . Needed, is amended to state as follows: Annexation of areas into City and adoption of General Plan Amendments, rezonings, specific plans and site development reviews, with the exception of the Western Extended Planning Area. 4. The Conservation Element: The Conservation element of the General Plan is amended in the following respects: a. An additional section is added which shall state:- 7.8 It is the policy of the City of Dublin to encourage the preservation of the existing essentially unimproved character of the Western Extended Planning area for a 30 year period during which any proposed zoning or rezoning of such area for other than agricultural or open space uses or development shall first be approved by a vote of the voters of the City of Dublin. Each policy described in the Dublin Ridgelands Voters' Voice Initiative (e.g., protection of Oak . AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING PRIOR VottR. APPROVAL OP DEVELOPKE!.7 PROPOSALS IN THE WEST DUBLIN FOOTHILLS 12 . . . woodlands, promotion of access to natural streams, etc.) shall apply to the Western Extended Planning Area to help promote the purposes of the other sections of the Conservation Element upon and within such area. 5. The Zoning Ordinance: The Zonipg Ordinance of the City of Dublin is amended to conform to the provisions of this initiative, as follows: a. Section 8.120.070, "city Council Action," is'amended to delete the language appearing therein and. the. following language shall appear: City 'Council Action. Upon receipt of the Planning. commission's recommendation, the City Council shall hold a public hearing and may, subject to . the exception stated herein, approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove the Planning commission's recommendation. Exception: In the event the proposal or recommendation affects the Western Extended planning Area in connection with zoning such area for, changing the General Plan to allow for, or approving a proposal for other than agricultural or open space uses or development in the affected area, such proposal or recommendation may be adopted only upon the approval of the voters of the City of Dublin. b. The definition of "Zoning ordinance" as found in the Zoning Ordinance, Definitions, is amended as follows: the period at .the end of the existing definition is changed to a comma, followed by the following language: or such zoning ordinance as may be adopted by the voters of the City of Dublin through the initiative process. c. The definition of Recreational Facility (outdoor) is amended to add the following additional sentence: Notwithstanding the foregoing, the term "recreational" for purposes of the Western Extended Planning Area, shall include only those recreational activities as shall not disfigure or impair the natural scenic qualities of the west Dublin foothills, or reduce, destroy or harm the natural habitat, including oak woodlands, creeks, AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING PRIOR VOTER APPROVAL OF 13 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS IN THE WEST DUBLIN FOOTIlILLS fields and wildlife, and shall allow only such activities as are described for open space uses in . California Government Code S 65560 et seq. c. Map Amendments: 1. The Development Potential Map (figure 2-2) is amended to designate the area within the Extended Western Planning Area as "Agricultural and Open Space - suitable for open space, scenic, natural habitat, agricultural and recreational uses." 2. All other maps which are not described here but were developed or adopted by, or are used by the City of Dublin for land use and development purposes, are hereby amended to conform to the amendments and objectives of this ordinance. SECTION V. Implementation A. Upon the effective date of this initiative, the initiative shall be deemed to have amended the General Plan and other documents described hereinabove, in accordance with its terms, except that if the four amendments of the mandatory elements of the General Plan permitted by state law for any given calendar year have already been utilized in the year of this initiative'S effective date and prior to such effective date, then the General . Plan amendment specified herein shall be deemed effective on January 1 of the following year. B. If another ballot measure is placed on the same ballot as this initiative, and if such other ballot measure governs growth boundaries or growth policies for the City of Dublin or otherwise purports to deal with the same subject matter or geographical area as this ini~iative, and if both measures should pass, the voters expressly declare their intent that this measure conflicts with such other measure, and that the measure which obtains the most votes shall control. c. The .General Plan may be' reorganized, individual provisions of the General Plan may be renumbered or reordered, and provisions of the General Plan other than the provisions added by this initiative may be amended, by the City council in the course of ongoing updates of the General Plan in accordance with the requirements of state law. Notwithstanding any such reorganization, renumbering, reordering or amendment of the General Plan, the provisions added to the Plan by this initiative shall continue to be included in the General Plan until the thirtieth anniversary of the effective date of this initiative, except to the extent that this initiative has been earlier repealed or amended consistent with its provisions. . AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING PIUOR VOTER. APPROVAL OF 14 DEVELOP~'T PROPOSALS IN THE WEST DUBLIN FOOTEILLS . . . D. No provision of this initiative shall be deemed to limit or restrict the power of the city of Dublin to annex all or a part of the affected area, or zone or rezone such area, except that any proposed non-agricultural or non-open space zoning, use or development as may be proposed shall not be effective unless first approved by the. .voters of.. the City of Dublin!....... . ..-..., ~,. ",'" ..... . - . I . ; ~ : E. To the extent that any provision of any amendment to the general plan,.general plan maps or loning Ordinance as may be adopted by the Dublin City Council between the date 90 days prio~ to the date of the filing of the notice of intent to circulate this petition, and the effective date of this initiative, is inconsistent with or likely to have the effect of defeating any of the principal goals, policies or provisions of the Dublin Ridgelands Voters' voice Initiative as they pertain to the Western Extended Planning Area, such provision of such amendment is hereby rescinded. An elevation cap, by itself, shall not be deemed to be inconsistent with or contrary to the principal goals, policies or provisions of this initiative. - ,-" ~-., ,-, ~ll " il F. Pursuant to California Elections Code section 9217, if the voters voting on this initiative adopt it by a simple majority vote, or by a vote greater than any competing ordinance on the same ballot, it shall become a valid and binding ordinance ten (10) days after the vote is declared by the city Council. G. The effective date of this ordinance shall be the day after the election adopting this ordinance. H. For the 3D-year period from the effective date of this ordinance, the provisions thereof shall not be amended except by the approval of the voters of the City of Dublin by means of an election. I. No earlier than two years prior to, nor later than the expiration date of this ordinance, the City shall place on the ballot of any general or special election a proposal to reenact and continue this ordinance in effect for an additional 30 year period. J. Should any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance for any reason be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; it being hereby expressly declared that this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase hereof would have been prepared, proposed, and adopted by the people, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING PR.IOR VOTER APPROVAL OF 15 DEVELOP~~ PROPOSALS IN THE WEST DU2LIN FOOTEILLS K. This initiative shall be entitled "The Dublin Ridgelands . Votersl Voice Initiative and, upon the adoption of this initiative by the voters of the City of Dublin, the entire text of the initiative shall be appended to the Dublin General Plan. . . AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING PRIOR VOTER APPROVAL OF 16 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS IN 'l'1tt WEST DUBLIN FOO'l'EILLS