HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.01 Draft Minutes 8-4-98 . REGULAR MEETING.. August 4, 1998 A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, August 4, 1998, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 8:09 p.m., by Mayor Houston. .... RO LL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: Councilmembers Burton, Howard, Lockhart and Mayor Houston. Councilmember Barnes ..... PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Houston led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. .. . PROCLAMATION TO DUBLIN ATHLETICS 8:10 p.m. 3.1 (610-50) Mayor Houston presented proclamations to Dublin Athletics, District 57 Junior Division 1998 Champions. The Coaches were: Joe DeLucia, Greg Suelzie and Jocelyn Salvas. The players included: John Alexander, Chris Avanzino, Robert Bischoff, Greg Correa, Joe DeLucia, Jr., Paul DiVittorio, Matt Frantz,-Stephen Harper, Chris Miller, Preston Morris, Jean-Miche1 Rochon-Salvas, Trenton Stokes and Bryan Wolverton. .. YOUTH ADVISORY COMMIITEE APPOINTMENTS 8:17 p.m. 3.2 (110-30) . The term of office for the first Youth Advisory Committee will expire in August of 1998. The openings for the upcoming term were advertised prior to the end of the school year and 30 applications were received. Interviews were conducted by a sub-committee of the Parks & Community Services Commission and their CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING August 4, 1998 PAGE 355 . ~. '..:. .'.: ;:~.". ~.,.'~ I I lITEM NO. AL ~ ... '.. I . ..,' .1. , recommendations were forwarded to the Mayor for consideration. In addition to considering appointments to the Committee, the Council considered changes to . the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure relating to the composition of the Committee. A sentence would be added to Section II. A. "In the event that there are insufficient applications from each grade, the Mayor may make appointments from other grades." Mayor Houston announced the names of the appointees. No applications were received from 6th graders. Representing the 7th grade were Paul Cramer and Kasey Gillmore; 8th grade - no applications received; 9th grade - Louis Arcuri and Kimi Adolph; 10th grade - Chris Pedersen and Christine Conejo; 11th grade - Jupjeet Kaur and Daphne Robinson; 12th grade - Elizabeth Chapman, Randi Ervin and April Christiansen. Mayor Houston explained the makeup of the committee. We hope to have a good cross section of the grades represented. This year, the way we distribute the placements on the committee will be discussed. On motion of Mayor Houston, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Barnes absent), the Council made the appointments. Mayor Houston stated the way we have it in the City, the Mayor makes the appointments. This is the only committee that is reviewed or sifted through another group. He would like to see that process go away and the process go directly to the Mayor. He did not see why this group needs to be treated any differently than all other appointments. In talking with Staff, it has occurred in the past where there was a lack of a quorum, so he would like to look at alternates to those appointed this evening and to have some flexibility built in with regard to appointments from each grade. We had no applications from the 6th grade this year. He would like to have this come back at a future meeting in order to structure it in a little different way. He would like to have it come back soon in order to appoint alternates. This way, the process would be smoother. The alternates can be members, but would only be voting if their appointee is absent. We should have some flexibility in the make up of the committee. The goal from day one is to not have this all be 12th graders. We need to have people from all the grades represented so there will be some experience. Mayor Houston requested that this come back before the Council and to have one alternate for junior high and one alternate for high school. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REG U LAR MEETING August 4, 1998 PAGE 356 . . . Cm. Burton felt the students who applied expressed themselves very well in their applications. This can be used as a leadership step for the future. Mr. Ambrose clarified that language in the Bylaws on page 1, paragraph 2 (a) satisfies that portion, but language for the alternates would need to be added. Mr. Ambrose reported that the Parks & Community Services Commission also interviews the student representative. This is just a custom. It can be uniform with all other appointments. Mayor Houston stated they also had adult representative members or advisors to the Committee. Dublin Police Services has appointed Detective Linda Bailey and the Dublin Unified School District has appointed Mike Devins, DHS Assistant Principal. One application was received from Karen Seals for Community Member. Cm. Lockhart asked about a Chamber representative. Michelle Wierschem stated they are talking to somebody right now; the two managers from Earl Anthony Bowl. We should see this come together soon. . On motion of Mayor Houston, seconded by em. Lockhart, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Barnes absent), the Council confirmed the above appointments. .... CONSENT CALENDAR 8:29 p.m. Items 4.1 through 4.19 Cm. Lockhart pulled Items 4.4, 4.5 and 4.12. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Barnes absent), the Council took the following actions: Approved (4.1) Minutes of Regular Meeting of July 21, 1998; Issued (4.2 450-20) the agenda statement as a written report describing the measures taken to alleviate the urgency condition at 7197 Village Parkway, in accordance with State Law pertaining to the adoption of an Interim Zoning Ordinance; CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING August 4, 1998 PAGE 357 . Accepted (4.3 600-30) work performed under Capital Improvement Project #9464 and authorized $19,300 payment to Quality Painting and Construction . Company for Assessment District Fence and $8,750 for Alamo Creek Park Fence; Adopted (4.6 410-40/600- 60) RESOLUTION NO. 124 - 98 APPROVING PARCEL MAP 6985 Authorized (4.7 600-30) Staff to advertise Contract 98-09, Shannon Center Su bdrain Project, for bids; Authorized (4.8 1000-90) the Mayor to execute letters to the City's Congressional and Senate Representatives to support DERW A's effort to obtain federal funding assistance to construct a regional water recycling project in the San Ramon Valley; Authorized (4.9 600-30) the City Manager to execute an agreement with DMG Maximus for state mandated cost claiming services; Awarded (4.10 350-20) bid for two Konica 2223 Copiers (one at Senior Center and one at Police Services) to Konica Business Machines U.S.A. Inc., and . authorized Staff to issue the necessary Purchase Order, including a change order to provide an Automatic 2-Sided Copy Unit; and authorized Staff to dispose of the existing equipment as surplus in accordance with City policies; Approved (4.11 600-40) School Mitigation Agreement between the Dublin Unified School District and Schaefer Ranch Property Owner(s); Authorized (4.13 600-30) Staff to advertise Contract 98-08, Shannon Center Pedestrian Path Project for bids; Adopted (4.14 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 125 - 98 APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH TREADWELL & ROLLO, INC. FOR CONSULTING SERVICES and approved the Budget Change Form; CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING August 4, 1998 PAGE 358 . . . . Authorized (4.15 600-30) Staff to solicit bids for Civic Center Fountain Pump Replacement; Accepted (4.16 600-30) work performed under Contract 98-06, Annual Street Slurry Seal and authorized Staff to release $6,167.24 retention to Valley Slurry Seal after 35 days if there are no claims from subcontractors; Received (4.17 330-50) a Preliminary Pro-Forma Financial Report for June, 1998; Adopted (4.18 350-20) RESOLUTION NO. 126 . 98 WAIVING THE COMPETITIVE BID PROCESS AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO NEGOTIATE THE PURCHASE OF COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE AS PART OF A STATE OF CALIFORNIA NEGOTIATED PURCHASE AGREEMENT Approved (4.19 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $1,699,390.04. Cm. Lockhart pulled Item 4.4 related to the CDSG Agreements from the Consent Calendar and commented that on page 1 it talks about the City of Dublin as an Urban County City; entered into an agreement for administering CDSG funds for 1998-99 and then it goes into a monitoring process. She stated she knows we have Dublin Housing Authority meetings? but asked if anyone in the City ever does anything like going back and doing spot checking on some of these things. Mr. Ambrose explained with the Housing Authority we do check this. They are required to have a bU11ding permit. Cm. Lockhart asked about the inigation lines that had to be replaced Mayor Houston felt the issue is we have breaking lines out there and it is very expensive. How can we help the housing authority with assistance. Mr. Ambrose stated we have done this from time to time. If the City Council has a particular issue? they should let Staff knOw. The County is the prime recipients of the funds. OUr population is below 50?OO~ so we are not a direct recipient. These are items the City Council approved in this year7s budget. This implements the approvals with contracts. They can?t do the work until we authorize the funds. Mr. Ambrose explained most of the work is improvements rather than case management. Most are capital in nature. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING August 4, 1998 PAGE 359 On. Lockhart asked if we know who the VaI/ey Community Health Center serves. Do we know who the individuals are and what~ being done for them? . Bonnie Leonard explained that in the past they were coming to the senior center Ollce or twice a month. We refer a lot of folks to them and they have served a lot of Dublin people. . On. Lockhart felt it would be helpful to receive infonnation at times other than just before budget time. Mr. Ambrose stated we can ask the Planner who administers the CDBG program; she may have more information. On motion of Cm. Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Barnes absent), the Council authorized (4.4 600-40) the Mayor to execute contracts for administering CDBG fund expenditures for fiscal Year 1998-99 with the Dublin Housing Authority, the Arroyo Vista Resident Council and the Valley Community Health Center. On. LoCkhart puI/ed Item 4.5 related to the Dublin Heritage Center improvements from the Consent Calendar and commented that the church is the only way we have of making money. The wedding court was identified as an additive bid item alternate. The one thing we were talking about doing is a bridal area for receptions and to help . with weddings and this is being delayed This concerns her and she asked why we are delaying this. Bonnie Leonard stated the entire project will be beneficial to rentals. We will landscape all the way around the paving. The wedding court itself is very simple with some archways and some landscaping around it. It was mainly as an addition to do photos and perhaps a small reception area. Mr. Ambrose clarified we are not trying to delay it but it is the only large enough discreet item that could be delayed or deleted if bids came in too high. The preliminary engineers estimate for the whole project came in at $1097273 which is almost $4{l;000 over what we had budgeted Mayor Houston asked about the engineers estimate for that portion. Mr. Ambrose stated he thought it was in the neighborhood of $2{l;000. Cm. Lockhart stated she would like to see this included and not as an alternate. She is embarrassed at the way the Heritage Center looks. There are weeds everywhere and dry weeds in the back by the cemeteJY. We need to make a commitment to get the CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REG U LAR MEETING August 4, 1998 PAGE 360 . . place up to shape to make people want to come there. Include the wedding court with the plan. Cm. Burton stated he felt Staff was just suggesting this could be a separate item and the Council has the ultimate say. Mayor Houston stated he was confused and asked if we are getting the whole thing bid Mr. Ambrose stated if the Council directs; it can be all one bid or it 'can be alternates. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Lockhart, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Barnes absent), the Council authorized (4.5 600-30) Staff to advertise Contract 98-11, Dublin Heritage Center Improvements, for bids and to include all improvements as one bid without alternates. Mr. Alnbrose clarified that the weed issue is not part of this. Part of the problem is that we do not mailltain the graves; the families do. Cm. Lockhart stated it~ not just the plots. She thought the cemetery left an endowment to be used for maintenance. Staff sl10uld look into this. . Cm. Lockhart puIled Item 4.12; the report on the Fanners'Market from the Consent Calendar for discussion. She stated she is stiIl getting a lot of feedback; some positive; some not so positive. Would it be possible to have a subcommittee meeting with the people nJnning the Market? She felt it is important to intercede now rather than wait until the end of the season. J\.fr. Reuel stated he speaks with Ron Pardini every week and he is sure he would be wi1ling to talk about this. Mayor Houston suggested that Cm. Lockhart and Cm. "Howard could meet with Mr. Reuel and the promoter. J\.fr. Reuel stated if the farmers are there they make money, but if the people aren't there; they can't so they won't come. The last two have solidified somewhat the base of those coming. We'ie trying to do some events to bring people out. Cm. Lockhart stated she was impressed with the advertising that has been done. There are a lot of positives. A couple of issues don't seem to be changin& however. 11zey could meet and discuss how to correct some of the things. em. Burton felt with temperatures at 100 degrees and some of the fanners coming 5 hours from Fresno; their products might not look so good. . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING August 4, 1998 PAGE 361 A1ayor Houstoll summarized that this should be brought back to the CoullcIl. On motion of Cm. Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Barnes absent), the Council received (4.12 470-50) a Report on the Dublin Farmers' Market. . .. PUBLIC HEARING - PA 98-007 GENERAL MOTORS AUTO MALL - PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONE 8:52 p.m. 6.1 (450-30) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. Associate Planner Tasha Huston presented the Staff Report and advised that General Motors has requested approval of a Planned Development Rezoning to design a 15 acre Auto Mall on 3 parcels with 3 auto dealerships on the south side of Dublin Boulevard east of Tassajara Creek and the approved AutoNation Project. The proposed zoning for the site is Planned Development/C-2 General Commercial for the majority of the site, with a Stream corridor/Open Space . designation over the Tassajara Creek corridor on the western edge of the property. Commercial uses are permitted to the extent that traffic impacts do not exceed the City's level of service standards. The traffic study prepared for this project by TJKM on June 22, 1998, concludes that with the improvements to be constructed for this project, no significant traffic impacts would result. Ms. Huston explained that the Auto Mall project also includes applications for a Development Agreement, Tentative Map, Conditional Use Permit, and Site Development Review. Following a public hearing at their July 28, 1998 meeting, the Planning Commission adopted resolutions approving the Tentative Map, Conditional Use Permit, and Site Development Review (subject to City Council approval of the PD). Ms. Huston stated the Development Agreement, which is currently being reviewed by Staff, must be completed prior to approval of the Final Map. The proposed Development Plan includes the information required by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan for a District Planned Development Plan. Because specific infrastructure requirements for the project will be determined with preparation CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING August 4, 1998 PAGE 362 . . of detailed improvement and service plans, additional information regarding infrastructure sequencing will be addressed in the DA required for this project. Cm. Lockhart asked about the vacant lot in the middle. Ms. Huston stated it will be graded and disked on a regular basis and it will be landscaped on 3 sides so that it has somewhat of a finished look. Another dealersh~p, as yet unidentified, is the ultimate plan for the site. Cm. Burton asked about the location of AutoNation. Ms. Huston advised that it is across the creek. Cm. Burton noted there is an AutoNation Parkway mentioned in the Staff Report and he thought the City Council did not want this. Mr. Peabody stated nobody names the street except the City Council. There has been no name established, but it is referred to as AutoNation Parkway for explanation purposes. . Mayor Houston commented on the use of the name Miller Court. Our street names are our names, not their names. If anybody has ideas for a Dublin name for the street, they should let the Council know. He does not want this to be Miller Court. Michael Goldsby, Architect representing GM, stated unfortunately Mr. Miller was detained in Portland and couldn't be here tonight. He stated they have worked on this project since January and have had numerous meetings with Staff to establish the various development standards and conditions that have to apply to the project. GM has a new package they are trying to introduce across the U.S. of combining all their dealerships in one area. He thanked Staff for all their input. They have 175 conditions that they've agreed to and look forward to moving on this. Cm. Burton congratulated GM for selecting a local Architect. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. Cm. Burton stated he was aware that there is very important timing on this. . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING August 4, 1998 PAGE 363 On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Lockhart, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Barnes absent), the Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED the . Ordinance and scheduled the second reading for the Council meeting of August 18, 1998. Mayor Houston asked for an amendment to talk about some other names for Miller Court. The Council concurred. ..... PUBLIC HEARING - EASTERN DUBLIN GENERAL PLAN AND SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT, INCLUDING: DELETION OF NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL LAND USE DESIGNATION ON SITE 16 AND LIMITING USES TO NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL USES ON SITE 3; REVISED POLICIES REGARDING PARK & RIDE FACILITIES; UPDATED DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL TABLE FOR SANTA RITA PROPERTIES PA 98-016 9:03 p.m. 6.2 (410-55) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. Consulting Planner Jerry Haag presented the Staff Report. This public hearing is for the Council to consider a proposed resolution approving a General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment which would delete a 5 acre "Neighborhood Commercial" land use designation at the southwest corner of Dublin Boulevard and Hacienda Drive, amend policies regarding provision of park & ride facilities qn Santa Rita properties to make the locations more flexible within the area, and update the land use/development potential table for the 686 acre Santa Rita site within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area. . . The Alameda County Surplus Property Authority has requested these amendments which consist of 3 separate portions, although considered to be one request. The Planning Commission approved a resolution recommending City Council approval of the SPA on June 9, 1998, and at their meeting of July 14, 1998, approved a resolution recommending Council approval of the GPA. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING August 4, 1998 PAGE 364 . . . . Mr. Haag summarized that the proposed amendments to the Eastern Dublin GP and SP are consistent with the remaining portions of the SP, with the GP and with underlying environmental documents for the Eastern Dublin area. Approval of the Amendment deleting the Neighborhood Commercial site will facilitate development of the proposed PeopleSoft campus development. Construction of future park & ride lots within the Santa Rita area would be made easier by revising policies. Modifications to the Development Potential matrix represents "a technical update based on the latest available information to the City and the landowner. It has not been updated for about 10 years. Cm. Lockhart questioned the park & ride locations and stated, as an example, when she looks at the Livermore lot, it is so far off the road that no one uses it. Park & ride lots probably take up a lot of valuable land, but if this gets buried somewhere in back, no one uses it and what's the purpose of having it at all. We need to be careful of how this gets relocated. Mr. Haag stated we are not absolving the County from putting these in, but some flexibility is needed. He understands they are close to coming to agreement with some developers to be located along 1-580. No public testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this Issue. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote (em. Barnes absent), the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 127 .. 98 A.PPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE EASTERN DUBLIN GENERAL PLAN AND SPECIFIC PLAN FOR PA 98.016, ALAMEDA COUNTY SURPLUS PROPERTY AUTHORITY .. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING August 41 1998 PAGE 365 REQUEST BY SCHAEFER HEIGHTS, INC., TO MODIFY CONDITION I OF RESOLUTION NO. 78 - 96 REGARDING TIMING OF SCHOOL MITIGATION AGREEMENTS (SCHAEFER RANCH) AND TO ACCEPT ADEQUATE ASSURANCES TO ACCOMPLISH THESE AGREEMENTS 9:07 p.m. 8.1 (600-40) Community Development Director Eddie Peabody advised that the AppIlcant, Schaefer Heights, Inc., has requested that the timing of school mitigation agreements for the Schaefer Ranch project take place prior to the City Council approval of the first final map rather than at the project tentative map approval. Staff is requesting that the City Council confirm the Community Development Director's decision to grant a minor amendment to Condition I as noted and approve Agreement and Memorandum of Agreement regarding assurances related to school mitigation and authorize the City Manager to sign the Memorandum of Agreement and the Agreement. . Cm. Burton asked if there is any chance that this can be bypassed? Mr. Peabody is the key and it must go through him, no matter what. Mr. Peabody stated it is his responsibility to make sure they don't change the character of what the City Council has directed. Staff is satisfied that there are . assurances that this will be carried ou t. On motion of Cm. Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote (em. Barnes absent), the Council confirmed the Community Development Director's decision to grant a minor amendment to Condition I as noted and approved Agreement and Memorandum of Agreement regarding assurances related to school mitigation and authorized the City Manager to sign the. Agreement and the Memorandum of Agreement. .. SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PA 98-015 EXTENDED STAY AMERICA/STUDIO PLUS HOTEL 9:13 p.m. 8.2 (410-30) Community Development Director Peabody presented the Staff Report and advised that Extended Stay America is seeking approval of a Site Development Review for a 122 room Extended Stay America Hotel and a 93 room Studio Plus CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING August 4, 1998 PAGE 366 . . . . Hotel on 7.43 acres located at the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and the street referenced as AutoNation Parkway. Mr. Peabody discussed the elevations and advised that there will be no illuminated wall signs as identified by Condition #75 on two sides. Mr. Peabody discussed the landscaping, the consistency with the GP, Eastern Dublin SP and Zoning Ordinance, the Environmental Review and Departmental and Agency Review. Mayor Houston asked if there are provisions for large gallon plantings initially. Mr. Peabody stated a 36" tree will be substantial. Three homes directly back up and are visible from the location. Mr. Peabody stated in summary, the plans submitted are well articulated on all four sides. The northern elevation faces Dublin Boulevard. There are no blank walls. Steve Peters, with Extended Stay America, stated they have 4 hotels opening in the Bay Area and he feels these two are the best. They have build 250 hotels nationally in the last Z 1/2 years. Their hotels rate in the top 5% with regard to customer satisfaction. They are designed for business travelers, consultants, construction workers, etc. Mayor Houston asked when they will break ground. Mr.. Peters stated in November and they'll probably be open in June or July. Cm. Lockhart asked if they've built across from homes before and if they have this kind of experience and what issues are there? Mr. Peters stated they've had some issues being next to homes in the past and they've resolved them_with landscaping and have been able to work through the ISsues. em. Burton asked about roof materials and also if they have a floor plan. He also asked about the amenities. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING August 4, 1998 PAGE 367 Mr. Peters responded they will use concrete tile. Amenities will include microwave, small range and refrigerator, data ports and computer hook ups. . Studio Plus has a pool and small gym. On motion of em. Burton, seconded by Cm. Lockhart, and by unanimous vote (em. Barnes absent), the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 128 - 98 APPROVING PA 98-015 SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION FOR EXTENDED STAV AMERICA/STUDIO PLUS HOTELS ... OTHER BUSINESS 9:29p.m. Child Care Facility at Arrovo Vista (950-70) Mr. Ambrose referenced the Memorandum to the Dublin Housing Authority related to Congresswoman Tauscher's visit to Arroyo Vista on August 13th to see . their new child care facility. .. Liaison Meetings (610-05) Mr. Ambrose reported that there will be a Dublin/Pleasanton liaison committee meeting on August 6, and a Dublin Unified School District liaison committee meeting on August 25 at 5:00 p.m.. Agenda items are needed. The revised calendar just distributed has information on it. .. Lea~ue of California Cities Conference Report (140-20) Cm. Lockhart commented on the July League of California Cities conference in Monterey, that she and Councilmembers Barnes and Howard attended. She found some very useful information. She was impressed with the way they put CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING August 4, 1998 PAGE 368 . . . . information packets together to bring back. She stated she would be happy to share the information with Staff. They split up and attended a number of different sessions. One that she attended was Know Your City which works in with finding ways to help residents know more about our City that the Council recently discussed. There's another way of looking at this. Know Your City week includes residents and gives information on having an open house and some incredible information on developing program through schools. em. Barnes and she were thinking perhaps of ways to tie this in with Dublin Pride Week and they brought back videos and packets of study information. She would like to see a subcommittee appointed, perhaps she and Cm. Barnes, to look at how this can be implemented to get residents and students a little more knowledgeable on how their city works. She has information on exactly how this works in other communities. Cm. Burton felt we should also hire television to make videos on whatever programs they put on. Mayor Houston felt this is a very good idea to combine it with Dublin Pride Week. If she and Cm. Barnes want to take this on, this would be great. ... Dublin Pasta Festival (950-40) Cm. Lockhart stated she was a little concerned that our Pasta Festival is the best kept secret in the Valley. She was aware that recently information had gone out to some of the service clubs asking if they want to participate. It is only 4 or 5 weeks away. Mr. Ambrose, stated his understanding is the permits are ready to be issued and they are waiting for just one more private property owner's signature. They have obtained about 2/3 of the vendors so far. Mr. Reuel might be able to give more information. The Council requested a report on this for the next meeting. .. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING August 4, 1998 PAGE 369 Loan to Dublin Unified School District (515-20) . Cm. Burton asked the City Council to consider, since we are putting $150,000 into the Dublin Elementary School field, and he understands the Dublin Unified School District can't spend the money this year, whether we could loan the $150,000 so they could get the program going faster and have somebody working on it this year. It would require the School District's approval, but it would be a loan. The western part of Dublin doesn't have much area available. It would be worth considering. The City Cou"ncil has to agree it is a good idea and the Dublin Unified School District has to agree to work out some arrangement for paying us back. We have the money in the reserves. Mayor Houston stated they are meeting on August 25th, and they will be talking about the fields and they can discuss this at the liaison level. They could brainstorm to see what they could do. This would just be fields. .. National Ni~ht Out Event (580-40) Mayor Houston stated Chief Thuman barbecued at the National Night Out event . this evening and he did a good job and there was a real good turnout. He thanked the Chief for his efforts. .. Grand OpeninS':s (610-85) Mayor Houston stated he thought IHOP opened up this morning. He asked about the schedule for the opening of the Outback. Mr. Peabody responded that it will probably be more than 30 days; maybe even 60 to 90 days. .. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING August 4, 1998 PAGE 370 . . . . CLOSED SESSION 9:40 p.m. 10.1 (640-30) The Council recessed to a closed session to consult with Legal Counsel, Pending Litigation, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) - Silvergate Highlands Owners Association vs. City of Dublin - Alameda County Superior Court No. V-013836-3. REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION ACTION No action was taken. ... ADJOURNMENT 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Mayor KITEST: City Clerk ~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING August 41 1998 PAGE 371