HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 ExtendStayAmer/StudioHotel .. . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 4, 1998 SUBJECT: P A 98-015 Extended Stay America/Studio PlUs Hotel Site Development Review (Report prepare~enniS Carrington, Senior Planner/Zoning Administrator) ExmBIT ATTACHED: 1) Project Plans (Site Plan, Grading Plan, Landscape Plan, Floor Plans, Elevations, Site Sections, Site Details, and Sign Plans) 2) Written Statement 3) / Resolution approving Site Development Review RECOMMENDATION: 1) 2) 3) Receive staff presentation and public input Deliberate Adopt Resolution approving Site Development Review (Exhibit 3) FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The fiscal impacts of this project were addressed as part of the fiscal . 1.'111..[/ analysis of the PD Rezone and Development Agreement applications for -"V' the Homart shopping center in January of 1995, which concluded that this project is consistent with the fiscal policies in relation to provision of infrastructure and public services of the City's General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment. DESCRIPTION: This application for Site Development Review is for the 122 sUite Extended Stay America Hotel and the 93 suite Studio Plus Hotel on a 5.5 acre site at the southeast comer of Autonation Parkway and Dublin Boulevard. A project site plan, grading plan, landscape plan, floor plans, and building elevations are located in Exhibit 1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . COPIES TO: Extended Stay America Architectural Dimensions Alameda County Surplus Property Auth. Internal Distribution ITEM NO. 8.Z .. BACKGROUND: . The Santa Rita Commercial Center project (now referred to as Hacienda Crossings) has included a PD Rezone to a General Commercial Planned Development, a Development Agreement between the City of Dublin, Alameda County and Opus Southwest (originally Homart), and two parcel maps. Auto Nation has an approved project on approximately 13 acres with the hotel and eventual restaurant on approximately 7.6 acres of the original 75 acre site. On January 23, 1995, the City Council approved a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Project. On January 31, 1995, the City Council approved the P:D. Rezone and Development Agreement. At the public hearing on the PD Rezone, the City Council approved conditions that require approval of the Site Development Review Application for this project be made by the City Council at a public meeting. Tentative Parcel Map 6879 separated the Autonation parcel from the rest of the Hacienda Crossings shopping center. A Tentative Parcel Map is currently being processed to separate the Autonation parcel from the two parcels containing the Extended Stay Hotel and the Studio Plus Hotel and a fourth restaurant site. The Planning Commission approved the Conditional Use Permit for the Extended Stay America/Studio Plus Hotels at a public hearing held on July 14, 1998. ANALYSIS: Design Team: The architects for this project are Architectural Dimensions of Walnut Creek, California. Architectural Dimensions worked with City Staff and the City's design consultant, Larry Cannon of Cannon Design Group, to refine the designfor the site. The Applicant will be present at the meeting to answer . questions regarding the project. Site Plan: The hotels will be facing to the north on the site. The main entryways will be accented by porticos which will shelter people leaving their vehicles. Convenient parking will be located adjacent to the main entry to the hotel. Vehicle access to the hotel will be from Dublin Boulevard and Autonation Parkway. Freeway access will be primarily from 1-580 at Hacienda Drive. (Exhibit 1). Elevations: The Extended Stay America Hotel will have 122 suites and be three stories high (48 feet). The Studio Plus Hotel will have 93 suites and be three stories high (42 feet). This is within the 75 foot height limit of the Planned Development Zoning District. The elevations will feature popouts to provide shadow lines, varied stucco colorings and trim around vents and windows. The roof of the Extended Stay America Hotel will be gently sloped at 6 inches of rise to 12 feet of run plus a tower element. The roof of the Studio Plus Hotel will feature parapets and smaller and smaller roof elements with slopes of 4 inches of rise to 12 inches of run. The Extended Stay America Hotel will be "L" shaped to accommodate an eventual restaurant on the parcel at the corner of Autonation Parkway and Dublin Boulevard. The Studio Plus Hotel will be "u" shaped to provide privacy for a pool. A condition of approval for the Site Development Review requires that there be no illuminated wall signs on the north elevations of the structures (with the exception of Sign "D" "Office") in order to minimize light and glare to the residences to the north. Monument signs may be no more than 6 feet high and their faces must be oriented to the east and west. . 2 ~~~J~~~~~~F~3::S"..-::.::_-:~~5~J27'i~!f:. .,....._ .......... ..._...... ....~~' ~,...:~~,-_::'.:-...,IO.,"'4I\ "1~.'~':~' ".-.'-";' .,..,. ..-::....- _" __~ ":_'......_......~ ~.,......':.-..~- -~- --~,l;...~~..:::;-~ :"';.- '.... C' .-'.'.. .-". ...,....:.. .' -,.: ,-...~ ..........~,-:-.:........=:.~-"'!', ,,::"'.' . . _.__~l::.~ ' ~ ' . ::- ~ p"' . :..---_...:. .._-,_..._......~.__....-.~~.~ . . "",: Andscaping: The landscaping for the Hotel is very well planned and has been chosen to accent the architecture ~d provide visual privacy for the residents of adjacent developments. 36 inch box London Plane Trees will be planted along the Dublin Boulevard frontage in front of the hotels to maximize screening of the hotel from adjacent residences. Consistency with the General Plan, Eastern Dubl~n Specific Plan and Zoning Ordinance: The proposed Site Development Review application is consistent with the City of Dublin General Plan, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment and Zoning Ordinance-. Development ofthe proposed h<?tels will implement goals of the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The process of Site Development Review is consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. Additionally, requirements of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan for design review will be satisfied by this review of the design of the Project by the City Council. Environmental Review: This project is a component of a larger project ("the Santa Rita Commercial Center Project"), which also includes a rezoning and a Development Agreement that the City previously approved on January 31, 1995. The Santa Rita Commercial Center Project, in turn, was within the scope of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment, for which a Program ErR was previously certified (SCH No. 91103064). A Mitigated Negative Declaration (SCH 94113020) already has been approved for the Santa Rita Commercial Center Project which, together with the Program ErR, adequately describes this project for the purposes of CEQA. Since the Mitigated Negative Declaration was adopted, the City has identified no changes in the Santa Rita Commercial Center Project or in the circumstances under which the Santa Rita Commercial Anter Project is to be undertaken or any other new information which requires revisions to the Mitigated ~egative Declaration or to the Program ErR. Departmental and Agency Review: This project has been circulated for review to the various commenting agencies and City Departments. Their recommended conditions are included in the Resolution approving the Site Development Review (Exhibit 3) Conclusion: The City Council's approval of this project would allow for the development of the 'Extended Stay America and Studio Plus Hotels to help meet the demands for hotel space in the city and region. The design ofthe Hotels is consistent with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and Plamled Development Zoning Ordinance for the site. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a public meeting, deliberate, and adopt the Resolution approving the Site Development Review for the Extended Stay America and Studio Plus hotels. G:\PA9801S\ccsr . <",:." 3 .. ~ --_._-~.,.: ~_.'---'_.-- - -,iN.)jd~VNOiM;V"a;;:~"N-;8ricr~' -f.i::-7'='3' c,-...": J. "1d OIOnlS/'f:lR::BYf9' ).. \f lS CI3CIN3lX3 . (f) ::> --1 a... o - O~ =>3: I-~ (f). a: ---....2 ..0 <(~<( Oz Z 00: _.- 0 a: :::> LL W <( --1 ,,<( ~ ~ ~ <( @ ffi >- ~ :::> - w 0 <(--1 1-5 (f).al z Offi W5 o z W l- X W . . <C () -. a: LLI :i <C ffi > lL c( 3 .... ~ en c w c Z LLI .... >< LLI ~ co < 9 - en . ~ ~ ~~- ..J _ !;Q m ...I o::t <(- ...I () .. m -~ I ...I 11. W o <( - I- LL ~ ~ ~ ~ fSzct, . <( t-- CI) '<;t - It) ::;: - o ~ gi! ~ > 2! 3 ;; : ~ >< " z Z W ., =>::; 0 · ., ~ z " z ~ a: o en z o - en. 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AV'I\II )fM'rt1-/ .., -' M ,:) 0 en ~ - -' I~; en ,:) ~ 0 CMOO III ~~ <( VI ::> c: o ':;:; 1tI Z o .... :::l <( )J I I I I I I I I I b, , , , , -0 - I I I I I I I I I I I I :l j! I I 1 - -- ;A-R-KWAY I - . 3/\ J I:l 0 31.1..I:lAVV lo I _ --c::::::::- - -= ~ <T ..nO -,- ~". \f'iO ". ~5 t( '/1 ~~i:;..<':':~ft;:_;;=--';"~~'_:,>-"",~:;-;~~~~~,,,;~; .;.,~.;;.,~~';~~:;Ot.:"-':0"",~;'~-j1~:~.....,-r..>'~_':~~~-<4:.~ ;~1;~~~~_'.,-,_ Written Statement I Brief Description <,. - Extended Stay America proposes to develop, own and manage extended stay lodging properties designed for business and personal travelers on the site in Dublin, California. Attached is a brief description of Extended Stay America's background and vision with respect to its lodging facilities and guests. In addition to the attached information, we have prepared a list of factual information necessary for approval of the Tentative Subdivision Map: . The proposed map and design of the proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable general and specific plans that have been submitted to the City of Dublin, . Upon careful examination of the proposed site, it has been established that the site is physically suitable for its intended use as an extended stay lod~ing facility. · The proposed subdivision design has taken into account the location of Tassajara Creek to the east of the site and all precautions will be taken to ensure that no environmental damage or injury to fish or wildlife or habitat will take place. Erosion and sediment control measures conforming to all NPDES requirements will be followed during construction to ensure no contamination to the soil or nearbY. Tassajara Creek. · The design of the Extended Stay America subdivision will not cause serious public health problems. Erosion control measures conforming to all NPDES requirements will be followed during construction to ensure no contamination tD the sDil Dr nearby Tassajara Creek. · The design of the Extended Stay America subdivision will nDt conflict with any - -- public easements within the prDposed subdivisiDn. An Army Corps of Engineers water easement, which at Dne time passed through the subdivisiDn, has been abandoned and a new water easement has been relDcated away from the proposed Extended Stay America property. . The Extended Stay America project is not located on a hazardous waste and substances site and therefore nD list will be specified on this statement. rir:CEJ\/E'o FES 2 0 1998 -- DUBLIN PLA~NING - -~-lXHIBIT ^' 9 8 0.1 5 )b ~ '/1 E~~~;~~4~~:n~~~~~~~~:~~-~~,~-;~~~~~;;:~?0S~~~~:~ . EXTENDED STAVAMERICA. January 21, 1998 WHOWEARE Extended Stay America, Inc. (NYSE: ESA), develops, owns and manages extended stay lodging properties designed for business and personal travelers in need of affordable, high quality lodging for extended periods of time. Extended Stay America' owns and operates three brands of extended stay lodging properties: Crossland Economy Studios, Extended Stay America Efficiency Studios and StudioPLUS hotels. Currently, the Company operates 200 extended stay lodging properties, which includes 6 Crossland Economy Studios properties, 124 Extended StayAmeriea Efficiency 'Studios facilities and 70 StudioPLUS hotels. As of December 31, 1997, the Company had 84 facilities under construction and options to purchase 146 sites for development. . Our goal is-to become the leading national provider of value-priced extended stay lodging with a national presence of more than 540 properties by year-end 2000. The Company was founded'in Janu<ny, 1995, by George D. Johnson, Jr. and H. Wayne Huizenga. Mr. Johnson was formerly President of the Consumer Products Group of Blockbuster Entertainment Corp., a division of Viae om, Inc. Mr._Huizenga, who is Chairmari of the Board, also is Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer of Republic Industries, Inc., and formerly was Vice Chairman of Viae om, Inc., and Chairman 'and CEO of Blockbuster Ent~ment qorp. .. _ ~ ___ _ _____ _ _ In December, 1995, the Company held an Initial Public Offering and began trading on the NASDAQ. The Company opened its first Extended Stay America Efficiency Studios property in Spartanburg, se, in August, 1995. In Janu<ny, 1997, the Company launched its second brand, Crossland Economy Studios, in Independence, MO. In April, 1997, Extended Stay America, Inc. merged with Studio Plus Hotels, Inc., a Lexington, KY, based extended stay lodging chain. In June, 1997, Extended Stay America, Inc. began trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the symbol "ESA." '. Rt:CEIVEQ FEB 2 0 1998 DUBLIN PLA.NNlt";G . '.- -' . '- ~.,.,. -'~ .~,:".- . 98 015 ;-"1 ~ '/1 ~~~~~!U~df ~~~.f~ -=->L1!~. ~.~=;"~:---:-: --,.~~,: ....~.. ~, ~"::.~~;::;;:~~.2.:-~_. .... -~ ~-=_.. .~ ~ -. ...-. _..... _ ~:,._....'$.....~~.:.~..".....;-.-,:~~ .. r...-s..;..... -':.~ ...~~,::ur. ."l'"~~-:""':"7 _~-.r_."""'_.--:-:"~~,,,,,,~__:"'" ..~...~:_.~_~~lL.&: ...:br.::"""..J!I'I.~~ .;.::~~-::.::~'~--:~~~ ,,,~='-:;,"":,,-;r::-U~ .~ ".:'-.-: ~-:=::~.':':~':,':::: ._~':.' _:"":.-;,-: '~__'::~-:o;.~~~:." -:~.-+~. ~. -._~.. ~'.-' .;:;~. ".'-; .a:-: ,.~'.,~, ." - .,_', . 1 " .~_ .' _ -.. '~." . . . . . . . ... . . . .. OUR LEADERSHIP . The Company is lead by a distinguished board of directors and an experienced team of officers: Board of Directors H. Wayne Huizenga, Chairman of the Board, Co-CEO, Republic Industries, Inc. George D. Johnson, Jr., President and CEO, Extended Stay America, Inc. Donald F. Flynn, Chairman and CEO, Flynn Enterprises, Inc. Stewart H. Johnson, Chairman, CEO and President, Morgan Corporation John J. Melle, Chairman and CEO, H20 Plus, Inc. Peer Pedersen, Chairman and Managing Partner, Pedersen and Houpt, P.C. Officers Robert A. Brannon, Senior Vice President, CFO, Secretary and Treasurer Jay S. Witzel, COO and President, ESA Management, Inc. Michael R. Beck, Vice President, Real Estate Marshall L. Dildy, Vice President, Human Resources Richard A. Fadel, Jr., Vice President, Operations Robert W. Levis, Vice President, Corporate Development and Finance Gregory R. Moxley, Vice President, Finance Cony W. Oakes III, Vice President, Construction Andrew D. Perlman, Vice President, Operations Finance Shawn R. Ruben, Vice PreSident, Development Patricia K. Tatham, Vice President and Corporate Controller Michael M. WIlson, Vice President, Marketing - . OUR PROPERTIES The three Extended Stay America brands often operate in the same markets. All properties feature homelike amenities that cater to long-term travelers, such as weekly housekeeping and. an on~premise guest laundry. Although most of our guests stay with us a week or longer, nightly rates are available. To keep our rates as affordable as possible, our properties do not feature restaurants, bars or meeting space - ~~ities that typically raise lodging rates... Our clean, comfortable. - .rooms, coupled withunheatable rates, continue to earn extremely high value/satisfaction ratings from our guests - comparable to those of a national luxury hotel chain. ;'1 ~ y~ . .~". -,/- ~..- .~:!." .-" 2 ~~"~=:;:~:;:::-~:-~~~~-i :~~:~~~~--ii.~~;~~'-;;'?"':~~~~;;<~~~~~~;'-~4<'ci'~- . Crossland Economv Studios (li-om $159 - $199 a week) The typical Crossland Economy Studios property is staffed by 3 full-time and 3 - 5 part- time employees, and has 120 - 140 guest rooms, each approximately 227 square feet. Guest rooms are furnished with a double bed, kitchenette with freezer/refrigerator, a two burner range, coffee mak~, microwave, utensils, 1V with remote and cable, a table and two chairs, free local calls, free voice mail, and a computer data port. Extended StavAmerica Effidency Studios (.tram $200 - $350 a week) The typical Extended StayAmerica Efficiency Studios property is staffed by 5 - 6 full- time and 8 - 10 part-time employees, and has 100 - 120 guest rooms, each approximately 300 square feet. Guest rooms are furnished with a queen-size bed, kitchenette with an apartment-size freezer/refrigerator, a two burner range, coffee maker, microwave, utensils and tableware, a recliner, 1V with remote and cable, a table and two chairs, free local calls, free voice mail, and a computer data port. . StudioPLUS Hotels (nom $300 - $450 a week) The typical StudioPLUS property is staffed by 7 - 8 full-time employees, and has 80 - 100 deluxe and queen studios. Each 425-square-foot deluxe studio has a living area with a sleeper sofa, side chair, coffee table, 1V with remote and cable, free local calls, free voice mail and a computer data port, plus a separate kitchen with freezer/refrigerator, coffee maker, microwave, dishwasher, utensils, a stove and a dining table. The bedroom has a queen size bed and dresser. Each 325-square-foot queen studio has smaller living and bedroom areas with the same amenities as the deluxe studio without the sleeper sofa. ..--. . . :\ OUR GUESTS Spanning all three brands, our guests represent a wide spectrum of business and personal travelers, .all ~e~rching for high quality, affordable lodging on the road. Our guest population includes privately employed subcontractors, corporate employees on extended assignments, people relocating or building a home, people in training programs, retirees visiting family, sldIled construction workers, and people whose homes are being remodele"d or repaired. . Crossland guests tend to stay about 6 - 8 weeks, Extended StayAmerica guests stay approximately 4 - 5 weeks, and StudioPLUS guests typically stay 3 - 4 weeks. . Ji { 1? ...-- .-. .~ _ _.,.~_ .__ .~.., 7 3 ~- '';~~-...''~::.;t..~~-:~-:'_~' ~- -- .... . - ).,.~::.c-~;;-~;.::'~.;;:,;;s;;.~;..:":~< C~~~__.......;~..~~~:.>,.....,.. i..... ~~,":",~.&>''''''",.><. , ~ ~'r :.......=-""~r~ . _.,.. . "'-_"_' ". ~-: _r T~"'*""';:';"';~:~...~.--':~~-."!'_:,"~~";::::'....:"~',~,:". HOW TO REACH US For reservations, locations and additional information about Extended Stay America, please call1-800-EXT-STAY. Visit our Web site at (www.extstay.com) to learn more about Crossland Economy Studios, Extended Stay America and StudioPLUS locations. The Company's corporate headquarters are located at: 450 East Las Olas Boulevard, Suite 1100 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 (PH) 954-713-1600, (FX) 954-713-1695 All Extended Stay America, Ine. news releases may be obtained by calling Business Wire's News-Dn-Demand Plus service at 888-395-STAY. An electronic, menu-driven system will assist you in ordering specific releases which are immediately sent to your fax machine, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at no charge. . -.~~"..- '-~..!:.-~' :3" .'1f.i1 4 . . . IZ:~~~~~~\~'F.~-::~'~~J J-..t~~~"?Z'1=-:.ol~~~~~~~~:ft~:;~~F~~'~~~:'~:~;~-~~"- . CAPITALIZATION: Initial Capitalization: Initial Public Offering: JU,ne 1996 Offering: Stock Split 2-for-l Private Placement - Feb. 1997 Total Common Stock Outstanding (as of9J30J97): Available Debt Facilities: NYSE: -. $60 million net proceeds in 1995 December 1995 - $6.50 per share (reflects 2-for-1 stock split) $85 million net proceeds, including an additional $25 million from then existing shareholders $289 million net proceeds Effected in the form of a stock dividend July 19, 1996 $198 million net proceeds 95,378,490 $500 million As of June 30,1997, traded on the NYSE under the symbol NESA" .. "_ "- r.", ",--_" . - ~-:".:::'.. . 3 Ttf c;t. . 5 5"S~~~~~~~:::.~~.:::-::2G;0-.~-:o:~_i._:'~::~~t:~~,~~~~;~1:;~~7~;::-~-~~~~~~~~ RESOLUTION NO. - 98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN . APPROVING PA 98-015 SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION FOR EXTENDED STAY AMERICA/STUDIO PLUS HOTELS WHEREAS, Extended Stay America Management Incorporated has requested approval of a Site Development Review application for a 122 room Extended Stay America Hotel and a 93 suite Studio Plus Hotel in a Planned Development Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the proposed project is a component of the Santa Rita Commercial Center Project. That project is within the scope of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment, for which a Program EIR was certified (SCH 91103064). A Mitigated Negative Declaration (94113020) has been approved for the Santa Rita Commercial Center Project. That Mitigated Negative Declaration , together with the Program EIR adequately describes the total project for the purposes of CEQA; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission at their meeting of July 14, 1998, approved a Conditional Use Permit for a 122 room Extended Stay America Hotel and a 93 suite Studio Plus Hotel at this location; and WHEREAS, based on staff analysis it has been concluded that the proposed Site Development . Review falls within the analysis completed as part of the Mitigated Negative Declaration (SCH 94113020) and that no additional impacts have been identified; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered said application on August 4, 1998; and WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending that the application be conditionally approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth and used their independent judgment to make a decision. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE City Council of the City of Dublin Council does hereby find that: A. The approval of this application (pA 98-015) is consistent with the intent/purpose of Section 8.104 (Site Development Review) of the Zoning Ordinance. B. The approval of this application, as conditioned, complies with the policies of the General Plan, with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and with Planned Development Regulations for P A 94-001 which would allow a hotel as a conditional use at this location. . 1 EXHIBIT -5 JJ, ri V 1 ~&:;;;',,~~~:~~'i-~1~i~~~~~~S~:~-=:~-~~~~~:__;~;~~:'~:~:,~c:;i'~;~,:.:~l~,-:,_~.::~~:~:_, ;;~_,"-::~~':~,:::__-~~~~' c. The approval of this application, as conditioned, is consistent with the design review and scenic corridor requirements in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. . D. The approval of this application, as conditioned, is in conformance with the Mitigation Monitoring Program for the Santa Rita Commercial Center Project Mitigated Negative Declaration. E. The approval of this application, as conditioned, is in conformance with regional transportation and growth management plans. F. The approval of this application, as conditioned, is in the best interests of the public health, safety and general welfare as the development is consistent with all laws and ordinances and implements the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. G. The proposed physical site development, including the intensity of development, site layout, grading, vehicular access, circulation and parking, setbacks, height, walls, public safety and similar elements, as conditioned, has been designed to provide a desirable environment for the development. H. The subject site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of the proposed hotel because it is a level site with area and dimensions that will accommodate a hotel. . 1. Impacts to views are addressed because no views to Tassajara Creek will be impacted. J. Impacts to existing slopes and topographic features are addressed because the property is flat and there are no significant topographic features. K. Architectural considerations, including the character, scale and quality of the design, the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, signs, building materials and colors, screening of exterior appurtenances, exterior lighting and similar elements have been incorporated into the project and as conditions of approval in order to insure compatibility of this development with the development's design concept or theme and the character of adjacent buildings and uses. L. Landscape considerations, including the locations, type, size, color, texture and coverage of plant materials, provisions and similar elements have been considered to insure visual relief and an attractive environment for the public. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby conditionally approve P A 98-015 Site Development Review for a 122 room Extended Stay America Hotel and a 93 suite Studio Plus Hotel as generally depicted by the staff report and the materials labeled Exhibit 1 to the Staff Report consisting of 12 sheets (including a Site Plan, Grading Plan, Landscape Plan, Floor Plans, Elevations, Site Sections and Site Details) dated received June 8, 1998, sign plans . consisting of 13 sheets dated received June 29, 1998, and the color elevations and material boards dated received on February 20, 1998, stamped approved and on file with the Dublin Planning Department, subject to compliance with the following conditions: 2 93 vi cj 1 '~~"'O_C",~'7~~~~4~~~~"-'.=~"~~=-~~~~~_~., :;;:!~-("~~~~:~~~'!)r~:-::::~~-~ -.': ~,-:.::'~c, .'C' :.:":-::::2.7:':';"-= :.;~.~';.;:.::;;.o;.:,,;~~~-:z..-;:~'~;:-"::<"~":>:-'" ~";'-:'::-":;"i-.-..,;:...;:~~~-=--:,:.;:;",~:-~,..-~..,-....;~E,'.:: ~'.;,,~ ;~<?'" .;,,;::., c;::,:;::.~,~;:,~~.,>;?' -:- -~c::-:c,.::...""::":::~_~.':,,,,;:. CONDITIONS OF APPRO V AL: Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building permits or establishment of use, and shall be subject to Plannin~ Department review and approval. The following codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of approval. rPL.l Planning, fBl Building, [POl Police, fPWl Public Works rADMl Administration/Citv Attorney, rFINl Finance, IF] Alameda County Fire Department. fDSRl Dublin San Ramon Services District, rCOl Alameda County Department of Environmental Health. . N CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN MATRIX 0 AGENCY REQ. INDEX GENERAL CONDITIONS 1 Approval null and void. This approval shall become null and PL Ongoing void in the event the approved use ceases to operate for a continuous one-year period. 2 Revocation. This permit shall be revocable for cause in PL Ongoing accordance with Section 8.96 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms or conditions of this permit shall be subject to citation. 3 Clean-up. Th,e DeveloperlProperty Owner shall be responsible PL Ongoing for clean-up and disposal ofproject related trash to maintain a clean, litter-free site. 4 Fees. Prior to the issuance of any building permit all applicable B, PL, Bldg 45-59, fees shall be paid. These fees shall include, but not be limited ADM 119,286, to, those fees required by City Ordinances such as Traffic 165 Impact Fees, Traffic impact fees to reimburse Pleasanton for freeway interchanges, Noise Mitigation Fee, Public Facility Impact Fee, School impact fee, Fire impact fee, Affordable housing in-lieu fees, Specific plan implementation fees, or any other that may be adopted. In addition, all fees required by DSRSD, ACF, Zone 7, shall be paid in accordance with those Agencies' ordinances and regulations. 5 Requirements and Standard Conditions. The Developer F, PW, PO, Bldg 8, 15, 18, shall comply with applicable Alameda County Fire, Dublin Z7, DSR, 20, 120, Public Works Department, Dublin Building Department, Dublin PL 122, 138, Police Service, Alameda County Flood Control District Zone 7, 155 Alameda County Public and Environmental Health, and Dublin San Ramon Services District requirements and standard conditions. Prior to issuance of building permits or the installation of any improvements related to this project, the Developer shall supply written statements from each such agency or department to the Planning Department, indicating that all applicable conditions required have been or will be met. 3 jL/ '" ~'J ~:--=~-~~ ii~,~~'~~c""~J~~~.:, ~;; ., ..- --;i~~~:;~7~::7.;7;'~~' ,E'"'"~",,--~,,,~, _c~,..., "'f:~~<:l-"--~-'--;" ,~::-t- -~".".--~, n .. :'~_"",,', 11S,,-,_ ~~4,-::-';~'=' __':"'-"-,7"-""'- _'','_,,__'-u",___,..,__-----'.-, . ~.~-'"...... .,.A 7. P ~:. ~~ .......~~=-"'" ~ ..~~~...~ ~._". ~~~--~:~~~:2.-:::.~.~~-.....~~ ..-:~.~~~--~._-..'-:..-..~--:.-...."~-.,,---.~-.....,, .. . N CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN MATRIX 0 AGENCY REQ. INDEX . 6 Building permits. To apply for building permits, the B Bldg Developer shall submit twelve (12) sets of construction plans together with final site plan and landscape plans to the Building Department for plan check. Each set of plans shall have attached an annotated copy of these conditions of approval. The notations shall clearly indicate how all conditions of approval will be complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted without the annota~ed conditions attached to each set of plans. The Developer will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of all participating non-City agencies prior to the issuance of building permits. 7 Conditions of approval of prior approvalslDevelopment PL Ongoing Agreement. The Applicant shall comply with Conditions of Approval numbers 1-7, 10, 17, 19-23,29-31,33,35, and 38 of Resolution No. 6-95 for PA 94-001, the Santa Rita Conunercial Center Planned Development Rezone; those obligations of the Development Agreement Between the City of Dublin and Homart Development Co. and Surplus Property Authority of the County of Alameda for the Tri- Valley Crossings Project/Santa Rita Commercial Center, adopted by Ordinance No. 3-95 for which the Applicant is responsible; and Conditions of Approval numbers 1, 11-23,25-28,31,44-54,58-62,64, 72 and 73 of Resolution No. 3-95 (of the Planning Director) for PA 95-013 approving Tentative Parcel Map 6879, and any amendments thereto relating to zoning regulations, subdivision, and improvement of the property. 8 Typical conditions. The Developer shall comply with City of PW Ongoing N/A Dublin Public Works Typical Conditions of Approval for Subdivisions with the exception of numbers 44,59,81, and 99, all City of Dublin Site Development Review Standard Conditions, and all City of Dublin Non-Residential Security Requirements. In the event of conflict "between these referenced documents and these Conditions of approval, these Conditions shall prevail. GENERAL DESIGN: 9 Utility Siting Plan. The Developer shall provide a Utility PW,PL Grading Siting Plan showing that transformers and service boxes are placed outside of public view where possible and/or screened to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director and Public Works Director. 10 Roof equipment screening. All roof equipment shall be PL Building completed screened from view by a parapet. Equipment not Permit screened by a parapet shall be screened by materials matching the building, to be approved by the Community Development Director. ~ -- - 4 3:5 t( yf ~~f:'-=-i:""': -- _,",",'<-,:~..~'"';;;~;i:~~:,~~;"-:;:.<~:-," ;,;:-,;-",~",~~..-::.-,.~~~,:";- ",:~ -~'i-,:;~~..~:;,t~:~~~~~:'::::;;::;';-,,;;,;'-.:~~E~~- N CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN MATRIX 0 AGENCY REQ. INDEX 11 Sidewalk/ADA Requirements. The Developer shall construct PW Improv a minimum 4.5 foot wide sidewalk access from Dublin Boulevard to the two hotels located on the site in order to comply with current ADA requirements. A minimum of 6' wide crosswalks and 4' wide handicap ramps per current ADA requirements shall be constructed at all curb returns where the pedestrian paths cross drive aisles. 12 Bonds or securities. A Faithful Performance Bond or PW Grading/ securities that are 100% of improvement costs, and a Labor and Improv Materials Bond or securities that are 50% of improvement costs, must be provided prior to issuing any grading and/or improvement permits. Improvement costs will include street, drainage, grading, backfill of utilities, and landscaping to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 13 Release of bonds. The Developer shall maintain the City PW Grading/ required bonds for all proposed improvements in the public Improv right-of-way specified in the this Resolution for one year after construction. The Labor and Materials Bond will be released after the City's acceptance of the improvements. The Faithful Performance Bond will be released one year after the acceptance of improvements and after all defects have been repaired. The Developer, with the approval of the Director of Public Works, has the option of providing a Maintenance Bond after acceptance of improvements by the City in the amount of 25% of improvement costs. This will serve instead of the Faithful Performance Bond. Prior to release of the Faithful Performance Bond or the Maintenance Bond, all improvements and landscaping shall be installed and established per approved plans and a declaration by the project civil engineer that the finished graded building pads are within :to. 1 feet in elevation of those shown on approved plans. The on-site bonds will be relinquished once the site improvements have been accepted to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 14 Boundary of parcels survey monumented. The boundary of PW Improv the three parcels shall be survey monumented at completion of construction of the improvements specified by these conditions. The center line of City and private streets and new boundaries shall be survey monumented and set in accordance with the City of Dublin Standard plans to the Satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 15 ImprovementslImprovementPlans. All improvements within PW Improv the public right-of-way, including curb, gutter, sidewalks, driveways, paving, landscaping and utilities, must be constructed in accordance with reviewed and approved plans by the Director of Public Works and constructedaccOI:dingto City of Dublin 5 ~11 Jb ~~~.::--_:~~:7~~~i~~,.i~if'~~:.~--~~~~~~~=;:~2~~~2$_' 0" ~;:;~:~~~i N CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN MATRIX 0 AGENCY REQ. INDEX Standard plans, the East Dublin Specific Plan and current City Zoning Ordinance, and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. The Developer shall submit required Improvement Plans, bonds and inspection fees to the City before Parcel Map approval. 16 LA VT A. The Developer shall consult with the Livermore- PW Bldg Amador Valley Transit Authority (LA VT A) and the Director of o Public Works for location and construction of possible bus turnout and shelter per LA VT A'S and City's standards. 17 WalIlfence. Ifnot constructed by the adjacent southerly PW Occ project, the Developer shall construct a 7 foot tall masonry or precast fence along the south property line to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 18 Improvement Plans. The Developer shall prepare Improvement Plans in accordance with the latest City of Dublin Improvement Plan Review Checklist prepared and filed with the City of Dublin Public Works Department. 19 Parking. All parking shall conform to the plans shown on PL Improv Exhibit A. Public parking spaces shall be double-striped with 4-inch wide stripes set approximately 2 feet apart as shown on the "Typical Parking Striping Detail" available in the Planning Department. Disabled accessible, visitor, employee and compact parking spaces shall be appropriately identified on the pavement and designated on the parking plan. The Developer shall provide a minimum one foot wide raised curb or equivalent on landscape fingers and islands adjacent to parking stalls. DEDICATIONS: -. 20 EV AE. The Developer shall dedicate by the Parcel Map to 21 PW 22 PM 23 the City of Dublin a minimum 20' foot wide emergency vehicle access easement (EV AE) from Dublin Boulevard and Autonation Parkway to and around the proposed buildings in the project in accordance with the Alameda County Fire District and Public Works Department standards. 21 Reciprocal site drainage access. The Developer shall provide PW PM reciprocal site drainage access, parking ingress and egress easements for all parcels on the Parcel Map associated with this proj ect. 22 Sanitary sewer easement. The Developer shall create a sanitary PW PM sewer easement on the Parcel Map through the eastern parking lot for Autonation over the proposed sewer line to be constructed by Autonation. 6 31 "If'!;; ~,?~~~~.~~~~y ~_~.:=-~~~_--::~'-"~~~_--~:"'2'2:--:~~-=~:.~~~~~~7'~.:j,~q.':"~'e'~'''';f~rr- 'r:''':, -:-.: "-~' :~'~:' ~""'i~' :-;.:'~:~:. :.- .-:",:,,::-;:;~~-;-.,..~:;:;;:.;..~;.;.. ":":'*~~'~7~~~.ri~"":""-:-.e.;..-:',,,-I,..~~ ~.,-..jr->,~~~~~--~.:-r-~~~:-~:-(~~.--......:.j';:;"'~J~=.;t,..~.._~~:-:~I.,:..:':'~";;..~~,;.:.:...:.~~,~~;;,;",~#~;:;,s.-1"~~~:;:: ~~.~~ N o 23 CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY PW WHEN REQ. PM 24 Public Service Easement. The Developer shall dedicate a 10' Public Service Easement (P.S.E.) along the south side of the southern right-of-way of Dublin Boulevard to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Dedication of PSE. The Developer shall dedicate Public Service Easements (PSE) per the requirements of the Director of Public Works and! or respective Public utility companies having jurisdiction as necessary to provide utility services to this project. PW PM 25 Title Report. The Developer shall provide the City a copy of a PW PM current title report and copies of the recorded deeds of all parties having recorded title and interest in the property being divided, copies of deeds, and the Parcel Maps for adj oining properties and easements shall be submitted as deemed necessary by the Director of Public Works. TRAFFIC: The following conditions shall be included in the Conditions of Approval for the subject project. All right-of- way dedications required under these conditions shall be completed in conjunction with the filing of any Parcel Maps, and prior to the issuance of any permits for the site. All improvements required under these conditions shall be guaranteed by a bond or other security prior to filing the Parcel Map. All improvements shall be installed prior to occupancy of any buildings within the site, or under the terms of any subdivision agreement. 26 Dublin Boulevard. Dublin Boulevard shall be improved PW Imp from the west end of the project frontage to the existing bridge at Tassajara Creek. Improvements shall consist of pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalk, street lighting, and landscaping. Pavement shall be widened to provide 56' from the ultimate centerline to the curb face. An 8' sidewalk shall be provided behind a 5' landscape strip. 27 Driveways fronting Dublin Boulevard. All driveways PW Imp fronting Dublin Boulevard shall be limited to right-turn ingress and egress only. 28 Autonation Parkway. If not constructed by another developer PW Imp then the project will be responsible for construction of Autonation Parkway from Dublin Boulevard to the south end of its frontage. 29 EntrylPortico of the Studio Plus Hotel. The EntrylPortico of PW Imp the Studio Plus Hotel shall front on a driveway that is 28 feet wide, curb to curb. 7 :;;&'" ~ 1l r_;:_::j~~~~~~:::~~~~~~ii:-.E:;~;:ht:"~~"iJ~..,~~:;~~~~:~~~~~~?~~~:~~~~'~i-::;;2' . N CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN MATRIX 0 AGENCY REQ. INDEX 30 West end entrance. The west end entrance to the project shall PW Imp be aligned with the southbound left-turn pocket on Autonation Parkway. Entrance shall be widened to minimum 15' entrance with a minimum 35' radius curve. 31 Bus stop turnout and shelter. The bus stop turnout and shelter PW Imp on Dublin Boulevard shall be constructed by the Developer. Location of the pull-out shall be determined by Wheels. 32 Landscaping, sidewalk, curb and gutter. The frontage along PW Imp Autonation Parkway shall be improved with landscaping, sidewalk, curb and gutter. 33 Left turn pocket. The left-turn pocket along Autonation PW Imp Parkway south of Dublin Boulevard shall be striped to provide a single 120' turn pocket with a 60-taper. GRADING AND DRAINAGE: 34 Requirements. The Developer shall grade the project in PW Ongoing accordance with the City of Dublin Grading Ordinance and State Regional Water Quality Control and standards and details. 35 Drainage Study. Developer shall submit, to the City Director of PW Imp Public Works for review, a drainage study of the proposed on-site and off site drainage system. This drainage study shall also identify other possible mitigation measures to the downstream storm drain facilities that need to be constructed as a result of the increase in runoff due to this project. The Developer shall construct these mitigation measures determined by Developer's engineer after review and approval by the Director of Public Works. Final pipe sizes, slopes, depths, etc., shall be based upon final design analysis and are subject to approval by the Director of Public Works prior to construction. 36 Pad elevations 1 foot above the 1 DO-year storm event. The PW Imp Developer shall demonstrate to the Director of Public Works that the elevations of proposed building pads on this project are a minimum of 1 foot above the 1 OO-year storm event. 37 Lot drainage. Each lot shall drain in accordance with the City of PW Ongoing Dublin Grading Ordinance and State Regional Water Quality Control, and with standards reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department. 38 Substantial Conformity. The Parcel Map and Improvement PW Ongoing Plans for this project shall be in substantial conformity with Tentative Map 7287 prepared by Vickerman Zachary and Miller dated received by the Planning Department on March 30, 1998, unless otherwise modified by the Conditions contained herein. 39 GeotechnicalReport. Prior to approval of the Grading Plan, PW Imp Developer shall prepare a Geotechnical Report covering this site for review by the City, and shall design the City-approved . . . . 8 :3 'l 'IJ ~~~~~~~-~~~~~~;~~~~~~~..,;~~:~-:~~;>:~~~~ N CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN 0 AGENCY REQ. Grading Plan to the recommendations outlined in the Geotechnical investigation report on the plans and notes for the project and as required by the City's Grading Ordinance (as a minimum). 40 Grading Plan design. Grading Plan design must be based on an PW Imp approved soils report, and preliminary Site and Grading Plans previously submitted. The Soils Engineer shall review and sign the Grading Plan prior to the. start of construction. The ~oils Engineer, or his representative, shall be present at all times during grading of the project. 41 Geotechnical Investigation Report. The Developer shall PW Imp prepare a Geotechnical Investigation report recommending the site grading specifications, foundations, pavements, building pads sections, and other important information to the site. This report shall be in conformance with the City Grading ordinance. UTILITIES 42 Undergrounding. The Developer shall underground all utilities PW Imp to the project unless specifically approved by the Director of Public Works. The Developer shall remove all existing overhead utilities within the proj ect and construct them underground. 43 Zone 7. The Developer shall comply with all Alameda County PW Imp Flood Control and Water ConservationDistrict- Zone 7 Flood Control requirements and applicable drainage fees. 44 Utility installation prior to paving. The Developer shall install PW Ongoing all water, gas, sewer, underground electric power, cable television or telephone lines and storm drain facilities before any paving. curb, gutter or sidewalk is installed or as approved by the Director of Public Works. Utility stub connections to property boundaries shall be required unless waived in writing by the Director of Public Works. 45 Will-Serve Letters. The Developer shall provide documentation PW Imp in the form of will-serve letters stating that water, sewer, electric, gas and telephone service will be provided to the lots in this subdivision by the appropriate utility companies to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 46 Project Construction Documents. The Developer shall show in PW Imp the project construction documents the locations of all transformers, vaults and electrical boxes, double detector check valves, and j oint trench that will service the site with electricity, fire. water system, telephone and CATV to the buildings to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. All new utilities and utility vaults shall be underground. All above groUnd boxes and transformers shall be screened by landscaping to the satisfaction of the Directors of Community Development and Public Works. 9 tjO u/ 1? ~::~:,?:~~:;~r';~:~.zf:;~~:~.d~~~~~~it;~~~~~~:~~~i~f~;~~~~~~~~~- . N CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN MATRIX 0 AGENCY REQ. INDEX 47 Requirements. The Developer shall comply with applicable PW Imp Alameda County Fire Department, Public Works Department, Dublin Police Service, Alameda County Flood Control District Zone 7 and Dublin San Roman Services District requirements. LIGHTING: 48. Lighting Plan. The Developer shall prepare a Lighting Plan PW Improv and Isochart (photometrics) to the satisfaction of Police Services, the Director of Public Works and Director of Community Development. Exterior lighting shall be provided within the parking lot and on the building and shall be of a design and placement so as not to cause glare onto adjoining properties, businesses or to vehicular traffic. Lighting used after daylight hours shall be adequate to provide for security needs (1 foot candle). Wall lighting around the perimeters of the building should be supplied to provide "wash" security lighting as appropriate. [PL, B, PO] 49 Public street light locations on ImprovementPlans. The . PW Improv Developer shall specify the type and location of all public street lights on the improvement plans. These improvements shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director of Public Works prior to construction. [PW] DUBLIN SAN RAMON SERVICES DISTRICT 50 The location and siting of project specific wastewater, storm PL, PW Imp 18, 19, drain and potable water and recycled water system 20, 39, infrastructure shall be consistent with the resource management 40, 42, policies of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and with DSRSD's 118, 138 major infrastructure policies. 51 Prior to issuance of any building permit, complete improvement DSR Imp plans shall be submitted to DSRSD that conform to the requirements of the Dublin San Ramon Services District Code, the DSRSD "Standard Procedures, Specifications and Drawings for Design and Installation of Water and Wastewater Facilities", all applicable DSRSD Master Plans and all DSRSD policies. 52 All water mains shall be sized to provide sufficient capacity to DSR Imp 157 accommodate future flow demands in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan areas in addition to the project's demand. Layout and sizing of mains shall be in conformance with DSRSD utility master planning. 53 Sewers shall be designed to operate by gravity flow to DSRSD's DSR Imp 118 existing sanitary sewer system. Pumping of sewage is discouraged and may only be allowed under extreme circumstances following a case by case review with DSRSD staff, Any pumping station will require specific review and approval by DSRSD of preliminary design reports, design criteria, and fmal plans and specifications. The DSRSD - - 10 'II if .tjJ N CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN 0 AGENCY REQ. reserves the right to require payment of present worth 20 year maintenance costs as well as other conditions within a separate agreement with the Developer for any project that requires a pumping station. 54 Domestic and fire protection waterline systems for Tracts or DSR Imp 148 Commercial Developments shall be designed to be looped or interconnected to avoid dead end sections in accordance with requirements of the DSRSD Standard Sp~cifications and sound engineering practice. 55 Public water and sewer lines shall be located in public streets DSR ImplPM 118 rather than in off-street locations to the fullest extent possible. Ifunavoidable, then public sewer or water easements must be established over the alignment of each public sewer or water line in an off-street or private street location to provide access for future maintenance and! or replacement. 56 Prior to approval by the City of a Grading Permit, the locations DSR PM and widths of all proposed easement dedications for water and sewer lines shall be submitted to DSRSD. 57 All easement dedications for DSRSD facilities shall be by DSR PM separate instrument irrevocably offered to DSRSD. 58 Prior to issuance by the City of any Building Permit, all utility DSR Bldg connection fees, plan checking fees, inspection fees, permit fees and fees associated with a wastewater discharge permit shall be paid to DSRSD in accordance with the rates and schedules established in the DSRSD Code. 59 All improvement plans for DSRSD facilities shall be signed by DSR Imp the District Engineer. Each drawing of improvement plans shall contain a signature block for the District Engineer indicating approval of the sanitary sewer or water facilities shown. Prior to approval by the District Engineer, the Developer shall pay all required DSRSD fees, and provide an engineer's estimate of construction costs for the sewer and .water systems, a performance bond, a one-year maintenance bond, and a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in the amounts and forms that are acceptable to DSRSD. The Developer shall allow at least 15 working days for final improvement drawing review by DSRSD before signature by the District Engineer. 60 No sewerline or water line construction shall be permitted DSR Ongoing 155 unless the proper utility construction permit has been issued by DSRSD. A construction permit will only be issued after all of the items in Condition No. 58 have been satisfied. 11 t/ /). ;Z '-/ -j ~_:-:=:-:.~_._-=- .;,;:; : .~~,.~~~~~~~.: i'~~~~~~~-d~~~~""""" . ~=--,,~".----,.,-.- ~~~.~,.4:~~"~~,'=:':~~r:~~~.~..q~.i~~~~~.:F#';'~A~-"T~~"""$A~r-'~u,:" "PV~" ~._.'T-~l_~'.;a.- .-.... ~. '".- (~~._,..... T'-:: ~ .~ -.-~~.....--:"'~--:..::;~~~ci~~;::t~~_:'.>.~-:.~'::'::~=:j"~;_~'=~.~. N CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN MATRIX 0 AGENCY REQ. INDEX 61 The Developer shall hold DSRSD, its Board of Directors, DSR Ongoing commissions, employees, and agents ofDSRSD harmless and indemnify the same from any litigation, claims, or fines resulting from completion of the project. 62 Developer shall comply with all implementation responsibilities PW PM for developer as outlined in Table 9.1 "Water Service Matrix of Implementation Responsibilities," Table 9.2 "Wastewater Service Matrix of Implementation Responsibilities," and Table 9.3 "Storm Drainage Matrix of Implementation Responsibilities of the "Eastern Dublin Specific Plan" dated January 7, 1994 for the water system (on file in the Dublin Planning Department). 63 Complete improvement plans shall be submitted to DSRSD that DSR Imp 18, 122, conform to the requirements of the DSRSD Code, the DSRSD 124-126, "Standard Procedures, Specifications and Drawings for Design 131, 144, and Installation of Water and Wastewater Facilities", all 153, 155, applicable DSRSD Master Plans and policies and all Recycled 157 Water Design and Construction Standards. 64 Developer shall obtain a "will serve" letter prior to issuance of PW, DSR Grading 152, 18, grading permit which states that the project can be served by 19, 118, DSRSD for water and sewer service prior to occupancy. 121, 125, 126, 146, 156 65 The Area Wide Facility Agreement between DSRSD and the DSR Ongoing Alameda County Surplus Property Authority, executed December 20, 1994, regulates the allocation of wastewater service capacity to developable properties owned by the Authority within the Santa Rita area. This agreement allocates up to 300 dwelling unit equivalent (DUE) connections per year to Authority developable properties over a period of 5 years commending JaIiuary 1, 1996. A maximum of150 DUE's ofunallocatedcapacitymay be carried over to a subsequent year. As of March 26, 1998,464.35 DUE's remained of the sewer capacity allocated from the December 20, 1994, agreement. 66 The Area Wide Facility Agreement between DSRSD and the DSR Ongoing Alameda County Surplus Property Authority, executed December 20, 1994, requires that Alameda County allocate 454.54 DUE's, capacity which was set aside by a 1981 agreement between DSRSD and Alameda County, to industrial and non-retail commercial users first, before the County may allocate any of the aforementioned 300 DUE's to industrial and non-retail commercial users in the Alameda County Surplus Property. This development proposal includes or consists of non-retail commercial user( s), therefore the developer must request service from the County; in turn, the County shall ~uthorize the District to release connection capacity to the designated developer. On - - 12 yj ~ '/1 .~:~:~_::;::~I~~"'~~~~'~{;~"'5:~~~~~~~~~"Y~..~"~~~~i"f~;fi;a..~::::~~1;;"d~-=:~~~z;;;:i~..~;~~~;;'7::::-~;~..--.;~ .: N CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN MATRIX 0 AGENCY REQ. INDEX March 26, 1998,344.2 DUE's remained of the sewer capacity allocated to Alameda County under the 1981 agreement. 67 To more accurately determine how much sewer capacity should DSR Ongoing be allocated to this project, the Developer shall submit to the District a one ear interior water consumption history of a similar establishment. 68 The project is located within the District Recycled Water Use DSR Ongoing Zone #1 (Ord. 276), which calls for installation of recycled water irrigation systems to allow for the future use of recycled water for approved landscape irrigation demands. Recycled water will be available in the future; as described in the DSRSD Eastern Dublin Facilities Plan Update, June 1997. Unless specifically exempted by the District Engineer, compliance with Ordinance 276, as may be amended or superseded, is required. Inactivated recycled water mains have been installed in the vicinity of this project. Irrigation water services for this development shall connect to any off-site recycled water main and stub out to the property line to allow for connection when recycled water is available. This commercial development shall be equipped to use recycled water for irrigation. The recycled water irrigation system shall be designed to conform to District standards and specifications, as described in the Standard Specifications Addendum. 69 The Developer shall coordinate with the District and Alameda DSR Ongoing County Fire Department on required fire flows. The present interim water system is capable of providing a maximum of 3,500 gallons per minute of fire flow to the site. A future reservoir is anticipated to be constructed which will allow for a fire flow of 4,500 gallons per minute. The Developer shall hold the District harmless over the use of an interim water system for fire protection. 70 In order to meet requirements of District Code Section 7.2.22 for DSR Ongoing issuance of capacity rights, additional information regarding the intended land uses and proposed configuration of water and wastewater improvements is required. Plans submitted to date are insufficientto allow issuance of capacity rights under Code Section 7.2.11. Redesign of water and sanitary easement configuration in accordance with Condition 57 above is required. LANDSCAPING 71 Final Landscape and Irrigation Plan. A Pinal Landscape and PL, PW Bldg Irrigation Plan (generally consistent with the revised Conceptual Landscape Plan by BorreccofKillian & Associates, Inc., dated received March 26, (at 1 inch = 20 feet or larger), .. 13 L/t! -~ 'If F;S"'~'~ZI:~~~~'t~~~~~t:~~.;i;~~~::~;.:?f~_'~€~~~~'7:~:'r~?r~;l%:f~;,~~~~:~~~~~:;-.-~:Bz;:i;:' :.-:.;~~~~if;: N CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN MATRIX 0 AGENCY REQ. INDEX along with a cost estimate of the work and materials proposed, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development Director. Landscape and irrigation plans shall provide for a recycled water system. 72 Standard Plant Material, Irrigation and Maintenance PL Bldg Agreement. The Applicant shall complete and submit to the Dublin Planning Department the Standard Plant Material, Irrigation and Maintenance Agreement. 73 Landscaping construction. The Developer shall construct all PW Occ landscaping within the site and along the proj ect frontage from the face of curb to the site right-of-way to the design and specifications of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and City of Dublin specifications, and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Exact tree locations and varieties shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works. All landscaping materials shall be maintained for 90 days by the Developer after City-approved installation. This maintenance shall include weeding, the application of pre-emergent chemical applications, and the replacement of materials that die. 74 Landscaping at street intersections. Landscaping at street PW Occ intersections shall be such that sight distance is not obstructed. Except for trees, landscaping shall not be higher than 30 inches above the curb in these areas. SIGNAGE 75 Signage. There shall be no illuminated signage on the north elevation (with the exception of Sign "D" "Office") of any building on this site. Monument signs shall be no more than 6 feet high and shall be oriented to that the faces of the signs face east and west. Other than the illuminated signage shown on the north elevations of the structures on the sign plans dated received June 29, 1998, all signage shall be in conformance with those plans. If signs shown on those plans for the north elevations of the structures are non-illuminated, they may be constructed. MISCELLANEOUS: 76 Construction Noise Management Program/Construction PL, PW GRAD 263,264, Impact Reduction Plan. The Developer shall conform to the 269,270 following Construction Noise Management Program/Construction Impact Reduction Plan: Construction of the project shall be conducted so as to minimize the effect of the construction as required by the Environmental Impact Report. The following measures shall be taken to reduce construction impacts: 14 tj5 ~ r;; ..~....~--" ~~~~@~:~~~.$-;h:;~~~~~~~~~;?;i~~~~~~~~~!-~~}~~~~;~i~~Jt. N o CONDITION TEXT 1. Off-site trnck traffic shall be routed as directly as practical to and from the freeway (1-580) to the job site. Primary routes shall be from 1-580 along Hacienda Drive, Tassajara Road and Dublin Boulevard to the site. An Oversized Load Permit shall be obtained from the City by the contractor prior to hauling of any oversized loads on City streets. 2. The construCtion site shall be watered at regular intervals during all grading activities. The frequency of watering should increase if wind speeds exceed 15 miles per hour. Watering should include all excavated and graded areas and material to be transported off-site. Use recycled or other non-potable water resources where feasible. 3. Construction equipment shall not be left idling while not III use. 4. All construction equipment shall be fitted with noise muffling devises. 5. Any construction or grading on the site shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 5.28 of the City of Dublin Municipal Code (Noise) and the Noise Element of the General Plan. 6. Erosion control measures shall be implemented during wet weather to assure that sedimentation and erosion do not occur. 7. Mud and dust carried onto street surfaces by construction vehicles shall be cleaned-up on a daily basis. 8. Excavation haul trucks shall use- tarpaulins or other effective covers. 9. Prior to the start of construction a 6 foot high temporary fence shall be constructed along Tassajara Creek to assure that the creek wildlife habitat is not disturbed. 10. Upon completion of construction, measures shall be taken to reduce wind erosion. Replanting and repaving should be completed as soon as possible. 11. Any construction of the Dublin Boulevard widening will be performed such that a minimum of disruption of traffic flow will occur. 12. After grading is completed, fugitive dust on exposed soil surfaces shall be controlled using the following methods: A. All inactive portions of the construction site should be seeded and watered until grass growth is evident. r_' ...: 15 RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ. MATRIX INDEX rb ~ 17 ~_ _-lIt!l~_~i'!!!!n,::JiS"!!r : ~~':'--7~~_. _;[;.~~_~~ - ~"'--=-C:'_~- . ,..~,~_:....-:.;...,..;___ ..: ~ ~~..............._ ~l' __~......."';;;:"';:"--:::-'"" "-p~--~~' ". ___ ..... _ ,f:. ~:;_.....;",_'.--::.._-J~.;.~'::" '-.~"""-' L ~~'-~~-'~~-~-:~~'~~'~~'~.~'~~~?~1'~_.J.~~~~~~~.r:~~:~.~,:~:~~=~~~~~~?~-~:~--~ ~_:~:~_~~.' '7"~~':~:-:.,..~J~.:tf~.~ ':~,~.'''~-'::~ .:.----~ -:~~. . ... . N' CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN MATRIX 0 AGENCY REQ. INDEX B. Require that all portions of the site be sufficiently watered to prevent excessive amounts of dust. C. On-site vehicle speed shall be limited to 15 mph. D. Use of petroleum-based palliatives shall meet the road oil requirements of the Air Quality District. Non- petroleum based tackifiers may be required by the Director of Public Works. E. The Department of Public Works shall handle all dust complaints. The Director of Public Works may require the services of an air quality consultant to advise the City on the severity of the dust problem and additional ways to mitigate impact on residents, including temporarily halting project construction. Dust concerns in adjoining communities as well as the City of Dublin shall be addressed. Control measures shall be related to wind conditions. Air quality monitoring of PM levels shall be provided as required by the Director of Public Works. 13. Construction interference with regional non-project traffic shall be minimized by: A. Scheduling receipt of construction materials to non-peak travel periods. B. Routing construction traffic through areas of least impact sensitivity. C. Limiting lane closures and detours to off-peak travel periods. D. Providing ride-share incentives for contractor and subcontractor personnel. 14. Emissions control of on-site equipment shall be minimized through a routine mandatory program of low- emissions tune-ups. . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of August, 1998. AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: . City Clerk G:\P A98-0 15\ccres "- ...... .~.' ......- ,~' 16 iJcti1