HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.1 GMAutomallRezn98-007 .. . . . .' CIT~LERK File # ~a.o AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 4, 1998 SUBJECT: (pUBLIC HEARING) General Motors Automall- Planned Development Rezone P A 98-007 (Report Prepared by: Tasha Huston);1~ EXIllBITS: City Council Ordinance adopting Planned Development Rezone & Development Plan (with Development Plan attached as Exhibits A-I and A-2); Exhibit A: RECOMMENDATION: ~ I. Open public hearing and hear staff presentation 2. Take testimony from applicant and the public 3. Question staff, applicant, and the public 4. Close public hearing and deliberate. 5. Waive reading and introduce the Ordinance (Exhibit A) amending the Dublin Zoning Ordinance to approve the Planned Development Rezone & Development Plan / District Planned Development Plan; with Development Plan attached as Exhibits A-I and A-2; 6. Schedule the second reading of the Ordinance for the September I, 1998 City Council meeting. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: none PROJECT DESCRIPTION The application involves a request by General Motors for a Planned Development Rezoning and Development plan to design an Automall along Dublin Boulevard in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area. The Automall project involves 3 new auto dealerships on 3 separate parcels on an approximately IS-acre site. COPIES TO: City Attorney Applicant 6.L ITEM NO. H1cc-forms/agdastmt.doc ~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~.l'~~~:___:1-rLJi. The first parcel ("A"), located at the intersection of Dublin Boulevard and Miller Court, will . contain the "Pontiac/BuicklGMC" dealership. The second parcel ("B") will remain vacant for a future dealership. The third parcel ("C"), adjacent to the 1-580 freeway, will contain 4 buildings: two sales buildings, housing a Chevrolet showroom and a Cadillac/Oldsmobile showroom; one body shop building; and one quick lube/car wash/storage building. Additional descriptions of the proposed development concept are contained in the proposed Dev~lopment Plan included ~ Exhibits A-I and A-2 to this report, and the Planning Commission Staff Report incorporated as Attachment 7 to this report. BACKGROUND This project is located along the south side of Dublin Boulevard, west of Tassajara Road, within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area. The Specific Plan was adopted by the City of Dublin in November 1993, and established land use designations for approximately 3300 acres of land east of the Cainp Parks military reserve. This project implements the Specific Plan through development with land uses consistent with that plan. The property is bounded by Tassajara Creek along its western side, Dublin Boulevard on the north, and Interstate 580 on the south. Miller Court, which will be constructed as part of this project, will provide access to the site and form the eastern boundary of the Automall. Land uses . planned to the east of this site involve a "corporate center" office and hotel project. To the west, across Tassajara Creek, is the site planned for the Autonation vehicle sales facility. To the north are planned residential uses. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING The Dublin Zoning Ordinance establishes the intent, purpose, and requirements of a Planned Development Zoning District, and requires that a Development Plan be adopted to establish regulations for the use, development, improvement, and maintenance of the property within the requested Planned Development Zoning District. The proposed zoning for the site is "Planned Development / C-2 (General Commercial)" for the majority of the site, with a "Stream Corridor/Open Space" designation over the Tassajara Creek corridor on the western edge of the property. These zoning categories are consistent with the purpose, intent, and requirements of the City's Zoning Ordinance. The property was prezoned as a Planned Development District, and designated in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan for Campus Office/General Commercial and Stream Corridor/Open Space. Commercial uses are permitted to the extent that traffic impacts do not exceed the City's level of service standards. The traffic study prepared for this project (TJKM, June 22, 1998) concludes that with the improvements to be constructed for this project, no significant traffic impacts would result. . 2 . '. . ., .:~:,,~~-~;^~~-~~..;~.'t-~..~~~~.~~~. ~~<~-;~=,-~~~J;.~i;.;. :---~~=-:~~):~~~~:~,;~"~::~~.':~:-~,-,.:~~~~~~. ,.:~~._~.~ :..-. A Development Plan has been proposed for the Automall, depicting the development concept and addressing the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed Development Plan is attached as Exhibit A-I, stamped by the City "RECEIVED JULY 23, 1998", and Exhibit A-2, Development Plan - Permitted Uses and General Provisions. The approval of the Development Plan will complete the 2-stage PD zoning process, in accordance with the City's Zoning Ordinance, as well as the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan requirement for a "District Planned Development Plan". The approved Planned Development (PD) Rezone & Development Plan will include all text and diagrams attached as Exhibit A-I, the General Provisions & Development Standards attached as Exhibit A-2, and the provisions and conditions of approval of the Tentative Map, Conditional Use Permit, and Site Development Review Resolution approved by the Planning Commission at their July 28, 1998 meeting. These uses and locations are also consistent with and reinforce the General Plan and Specific Plan land use designations, goals and policies by maintaining a 100-foot open space setback and an additional20-foot wide transitional landscape area along Tassajara Creek, by providing an efficient site plan, and by providing development of a commercial use appropriate to the General Commercial land use designation. The site plan also illustrates a 20-foot wide landscape setback from Interstate 580, and ten-foot wide landscape areas along the north and east site boundaries. Several pockets of landscaping are provided on site, with shade trees and shrubs to break up the hardscape of the buildings and asphalt. Walkways are provided for pedestrian and wheelchair access, and a bike lane is provided to the businesses along Miller Court. With these amenities, the site plan accomplishes the purpose of the Planned Development Zoning District, as established by Chapter 8.32.010, A through H, of the Zoning Ordinance. OTHER APPROVALS REQUIRED The Automall project also includes applications for a Development Agreement, Tentative Map, Conditional Use Permit, and Site Development Review. The Staff Report to the Planning Commission (attached) recommended approval of the project. following a public hearing at their July 28, 1998 meeting, the Planning Commission adopted Resolutions approving the Tentative Map, Conditional Use Permit, and Site Development Review (subject to City Council approval of the Planned Development). The application includes a Development Agreement, which is currently being reviewed by staff. The Agreement must be completed prior to approval of the final Map. The proposed Development Plan includes the information required by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan for a District Planned Development Plan (DPDP). Because specific infrastructure requirements for the project will be determined with preparation of detailed improvement and service plans, additional information regarding infrastructure sequencing will be addressed in the Development Agreement required for this project. 3 Conclusion . '. -. ~ Staff recommends the City Council introduce the Ordinance adopting the Planned Development Rezoning and Development Plan, subject to development standards contained in the Development Plan (included as Exhibits A-I and A-2). '. ': '1 ,:! :i . J BACKGROUND A TT ACHMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE: i I .. j , I i 1 I Attachment 1: Dublin General Plan* Attachment 2: Eastern Dublin Specific Plan* Attachment 3: EIR for Eastern Dublin Specific Plan & General Plan Amendment (including Addendum dated May 4, 1993) SCH# 91103064; and Addendum dated August 22, 1994* Attachment 4: City Council Resolution Certifying Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment Program ErR (Resolution # SI-93)* Attachment 5: City Council Resolution adopting Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment; adopting fmdings and approving overriding considerations; and adopting Mitigation Monitoring Program ("Matrix") for EDSP EIR (Resolution # 53-93)* . Attachment 6: City Council Resolution approving Prezoning of annexed land (ErR (Resolution # 10-94)* Attachment 7: Staff Report from July 28, 1998 Planning Commission meeting* Attachment 8: Draft Minutes from July 28, 1998 Planning Commission meeting* ".- ! . . I . '":'i ,.i ." " , , '.....J .:-"i . : .. * Not attached, but available at the Dublin Planning Department, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA >:.-1 (g:\pa#\98007\CCSR 798.) I . I J I I ; . 4 !'!tI:~~~;~~;~:~~!.~f::1.?-':::=_:;'.~~;-'=~,Zt2:-.;~~,j~~"i-<Z:~:~".~~~~~r~,::~~:Jt~:::;~!;_f'!~~'=;,~~='7";;;"':35='~. . . . ORDINANCE NO. - 98 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD, EAST OF T ASSAJARA CREEK (APN: 986-0001-001-10, portion) TO A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT AND ADOPTING A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE GENERAL MOTORS AUTO~L PROJECT (P A 98-007) WHEREAS, General Motors Argonaut Holdings, Inc. has requested approval of a Planned Development RezonelDevelopment Plan, as represented in the Development Plan (Exhibits A-I and A-2 to Planning Commission Resolution No. 98-_, dated received by the City of Dublin July 23, 1998), to subdivide a l5.:t acre parcel and develop an automall with 3 new auto dealerships including 3 separate parcels. The first parcel, located at the intersection of Dublin Blvd. and "Miller Court", will contain the "Pontiac/BuicklGMC" dealership. The second parcel will remain vacant for a future dealership. The third parcel, adjacent to the 1-580 freeway, will contain two sales buildings, housing a Chevrolet showroom and a Cadillac / Oldsmobile showroom; one body shop building; and one quick lube/car wash/storage building; and WHEREAS, ApplicantlDeveloper has submitted a complete application for a Planned Development Rezone, including a Development Plan (Exhibits A-I & A-2) as required by Section 8.32 of the Zoning Ordinance which meets the requirements of said section, which is available and on file in the Planning Department; and WHEREAS, the site will be rezoned from the Planned Development Campus Office/General Commercial & Open Space Prezoning Categories (P A 94-030) to Planned Development General Commercial & Open Space Zoning Districts; and WHEREAS, a Development Agreement will be required prior to approval of a Final Map for the project as required by the Eastern -Dublin Specific Plan and the Conditions of Approval of the Tentative Map, Conditional Use Permit, and Site Development Review; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the proposed project is within the scope of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan which was certified by the City Council by Resolution No. 51-93, and the Addenda dated May 4, 1993, and August 22, 1994 (the "EIR"), and that no additional significant impacts are expected and no new mitigation measures are needed for site-specific environmental effects, which have been analyzed in an initial study checklist dated June 30, 1998; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on said applications on July 28, 1998, and did adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council approve the Planned Development Rezoning and the Development Plan for PA 98-007; and EXHIBIT A ~~'.:~.Y1~~~~T,:-"~~~~=~~~~~'~:!"~,,,"P8"?':"'~~~~~~:' .____. .... ..n.. _~_... ...._ _.. ..n.. .__'. ..... "." .... . . ~~~~~~~"..~ . -'.. . "n:' - J -'::... :r,',::...._..:.:.;:.. . - .. '". of" . .__~, .<;': -~ -.:".'-.,"" .. '."'. ._-- ;< ,,-0 ~ 5 WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the City Council on August 4, . 1998, and September 1, 1998; and WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending that the City Council approve the application; and WHEREAS, pursuant t6 section 8.32.070 and 8.120.050 of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council makes the following findings: 1. The proposed Planned Development Zoning District meets the intent and purpose of Chapter 8.32 of the Zoning Ordinance because it provides a comprehensive Development Plan which will create a desirable use of land and an environment that will be sensitive to surrounding land uses by virtue ofthe layout and design of the architecture and site plan. The General Motors Automall Project is within the allowable density range for a General Commercial use on this site, and is consistent with both the City of Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. 2. Development under the Development Plan will be harmonious and compatible with existing and future development in the surrounding area because the site plan has been designed to be compatible with the proposed and approved plans for the neighborhood, including the adjacent Tassajara Creek open space area and regional trail, future residential to the north, future auto sales uses to the west, and future office uses proposed to the east of the project. Adequate setbacks and complementary architectural designs and landscaping proposed in the Development Plan have been specially designed to enhance and fit into the new neighborhood. . 3. The project site is physically suitable for a commercial project in that it is flat, has adequate access and is of a sufficient size to accommodate commercial uses as well as open space for the community. Additionally, the Development Plan provides for development at a General Commercial density which is consistent with the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Designation for this site. 4. The proposed Amendment will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity', or be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare because the Development Plan has been designed in accordance with the City of Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and Program EIR and Addenda. WHEREAS, no final map shall be recorded for the Property until a development agreement is recorded in accordance with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use its independent judgment and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Chapter 8.32, Title 8 of the City of Dublin Municipal Code the City of Dublin Zoning Map is amended to rezone the following property ("the Property") to a Planned Development Zoning District: . 2 ~~':-;~'~:~~~~"~>.~'~.~;~~"7:~:~~~:~::;~~,:~;~~~!~~~~'~~,:: .:';::c5:}.~::~::;5-'7Ti:i.~~~~~':H;;..;:;~~-7::~::.~:;:?C''". :~:=--=.,.""':.~.:'L-=::~-;:';"==~":;-::.:::;:";:: ._~_..~~~-=~..._~~ -.. . "0"_',"7 ~~= .r' : ....~.._. ~ /) ~ -' -0. /' -- ;:.:J Approximately 15.0 acres generally located south of Dublin Boulevard, east of Tassajara Creek, west of Tassajara Road and Miller Court, in the Eastern Dublin Specific Planning area, more specifically described as Assessor's Parcel Number 986-0001-001-10 (portion). . A map of the Property is outlined below: t: oc l ...-- tti a:: ...... g - . <'.1 a:: , ! <:'1 ~ ~l ~ ;5 . SECTION 2. .................. DUBLI.N\ ~OULEVARD ...... ...... .. '" .:..:.::..:.:.::.:.:.. : ........... :..:..:.::..:..: .::..: .:.t :..:..:...:..:.:..":.:.: .. :.:.::.:.:..::.:..:.: :. ":":.::.:":.::":.:.::11. :.:..:,,": .;a;.s:I:":".:.:".. ..::..:.::::. :-~.:..::::..:.:... 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"'...... .:.::.:.:.::.:.:.:~.::.:.:.:: .:.:.::.; :.:.::.: .:.::.:.:..: ..:.:.::.: .:.:: .:.:.::. . .:.:.::.:.:.:: "':.:: .:.:.:.::.:.:. .:.:.:... .:.: -:..:.:.:..:.:.::.:.:.:..:.:.::.:.: "':. :.:. :.:=.:.:.::.: -:.::..:.:. ::.:.:.::.:.: .:. ..:.: .:..:..:.:..: .:.:..:. :.:..:.. :.:..: .:.:..:.:. ::.:. :.::.:.:.::.:.:.::.:. :.::.:.:.::.:.:.:: .:.:. ............._........~............. ...... ...... f'O/~~ -- <P PD. I. C-2 . SITE ___T MlIfII .... The regulations of the use, development, improvement, and maintenance of the Property are set forth in the Development Plan (Attachments A-I and A-2 hereto) which is hereby approved. Any amendments to the Development Plan shall be in accordance with section 8.32.080 of the Dublin Municipal Code or its successors. SECTION 3. . 3 !~?",-;~-~~~~~~~~I;,~~,..x~~!}J[""~~~~~~~",~~~.:.~~~~,:- -:-. - ...~--~~ '~~-'-~'77~:~.~-:::::~.:::::=~:~_ .I"":<,_~ . -~-:l-~"': T;. ~'___.;'.,'_:~__~.~.;-.;~~~~~'.-.~."'~"~..r.~ "~~-'. . " .: .,,0. n_.;,,'.. ".. ".; "~"'~';~:'-' --.- . ,'-~'_' , . f"~S5. Except as provided in the Development Plan for PA 98-007, the use, development, improvement and maintenance of the Property shall be governed by the provisions of the Dublin . Zoning Ordinance. SECTION 4. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Dublin this I st day of September, 1998, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Mayor . ATTEST: City Clerk g:\P A98007\cc-ord . 4 ~r~~~;;:'I:~~~~~~~~:(;;:~k~~~~~~;\',41~~~;:i"?':'7~*~~~~;~;,&:~~~ ~-... ..- -- ,'.~7 5 < '3;5 . GENERAL MOTORS DUBLIN AUTO MALL DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA DEVELOPMENT PLAN EXHIBIT A-I . . "- :E ~ :~. ~ .~/ ::: ~;; J J!. 2 3 1993 DUBLIN PLA~jN;~G ~~:~~::~~.~~1-:'.~,!::~:::,'._~~~~~~~~~~1~ .~. - - - .:.._'-,.".,,~ .-- .- .."'- n,.~.._:~.,<L.':::':',:._: .~':':t~"''':':_~::::;'''~~'''.~~.~};._'~:';-Tf.~:=~t~:-:-~~ 3860 Blackhawk Road Danville, CA 94506 T: 925.648.8800 F: 925.648.8811 AT! 944 Market Street, Suite 700 San Francisco, CA 94102 T: 415.951.9450 F: 415.951.9451 . ENCINEelUNC SLRWas; 1He. ~ ~ DUBLIN AUTO MALL DUBLIN BOULEVARD Proiect Description General Motors Argonaut Holdings, Inc. is proposing to construct three (3) new automobile dealerships and an automobile body repair facility on a 15 acre site located at Tassajara Creek and Dublin Boulevard, adjacent to 1-580. A new public/private street is also part of the development. The proposed project consists of a Chevrolet Dealership, Quick Lube/Car Wash, a Cadillac/Oldsmobile Dealership and Body Shop Facility occupying 8.0 acres, and a Pon,tiac/BuicklGMC Dealership, occupying 3.5 acres. The remaining 3.0 acres will be vacant and available for future development of a similar use. The total new building area shall be approximately 98,902 square feet. Chevrolet Cadillac/Oldsmobile Quick Lube/Car Wash Body Repair Pontiac/BuicklGMC 44,050 sq. ft. 14,747 sq. ft. 2,320 sq. ft. 11,640 sq. ft. 26,145 sq. ft. (includes 7,810 sJ. future storage) . (includes 3,491 sJ. future mezzanine storage) The property is currently designed in the Amended General Plan as Commercial/Campus Office and a re-zoning will redesignate the property to PD/C2 for AutomobileNehicle Sales, Service and Repairs and will require a Conditional Use Permit. A tentative map will be required to subdivide the subject 15 acres from the original 939 acres and subdivide the 15 acres into 3 lots, as shown. A final parcel map will also be processed. The facility will be consistent with the City of Dublin's General Plan and the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment, dated January 7, 1994, and the proposed use will be consistent with adjacent uses. Along with re-zoning, tentative maps, and final parcel maps, and Conditional Use Permit, the project will also be reviewed for site plan, architectural design and landscape work under a "Site Development Review" application. This site is not located on a hazardous waste and substance site (pursuant to Government Code Section 2.65962.S). It has undergone an Environmental Phase I and Phase II study. . ,,' "Providing Value through Quality, Service and Innovation" . . - :~=.'~~~;~:~-~'f7~~~~~~~' ~-~ ~'~-:-~'~.:~~:~::~5:~L_'~,_, ~ /~' ~ .:,~:.=~:_:.: .":..-':~~~~~:~";~~~.:;.:~--:~,~~:~~ =:: ~ J c-f' 55 Specific Comments as they Relate to the Three (3) Reauired Aoolications 1. Site DeveloDment Review a. The approval is consistent with the intent/purpose section 8-104.0. Site Development Review. b. The project complies with the General Plan and established zoning ordinances. c. The approval of the project is in the best interest of the public health safety and. general welfare. d. The proposed site development, inCluding building locations. architectural and landscape design and theme. vehicular and pedestrian access and on-site circulation. parking and traffic impacts have been designed to provide a desirable environment for the development and many elements, such as building materials, lighting, and architectural relationships have been designed to insure compatibility within its development and with the adjacent users. e. The landscape provisions submitted include elements to insure visual relief and an attractive environment to the public and City. 2. Re-Zone . a. The outward benefits to the City will be an annual increase of City sales tax on gross sales, and there will be relatively no costs to the City by the development. 3. Tentative Map . a. b. c. d. e. The proposed may is consistent with the General Plan, amended January 7. 1994, for "Eastern Dublin". The site is suitable for this type of development including location above the flood plain. soil analysis and traffic studies. . The subdivision and proposed improvement will not cause environmental damage or injure fish and wildlife. , The subdivision and proposed improvements will not cause serious public health problems. The subdivision and proposed improvements will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for use of the project. Specific information concerning traffic, soils, design, colors, materials, site layouts, landscaping, and on and off site improvements are outlined and delineated in the materials enclosed with this application. . ~~~~~~~~::.~=~?::-~~~:?::::::::~;~~=:'.~~,~=7~:-.::<,::,;:-::.:T;;';::~':.:-:-;:- -~~:~.. ._~~ .. t"':~ . ........-. ? if ~5 AT! 3860 Blackhawk Road Danville, CA 94506 T: 925.648.8800 F: 925.648.8811 . ENGfNEEJlUtIC su VlCEi, fNC. 944 Market Street, Suite 700 San Francisco. CA 94102 T: 415.951.9450 F: 415.951.9451 .,,-- WRITTEN STATEMENT FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DUBLIN AUTO MALL DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General Motors Argonaut Holdings. Inc. is proposing to construct three (3) new automobile dealerships and an automobile body repair facility on a 1S acre site located at Tassajara Creek and Dublin Boulevard, adjacent to I-S80. A new public/private street is also part of the development. The proposed project consists of a Chevrolet Dealership, Quick Lube/Car Wash, a Cadillac/Oldsmobile Dealership and Body Shop Facility occupying 3.S acres, and a Pontiac/BuicklGMC Dealership, occupying 8.0 acres. The remaining 3.0 acres will be vacant and available for future development of a similar use. The total new building area shall be approximately 98,902 square feet. Chevrolet 44,OSO sq.ft. (includes 7,810 sJ. future storage) Cadillac/Oldsmobile 14,747 sq.ft. Quick Lube/Car Wash 2,320 sq.ft. Body Repair 11,640 sq.ft. Pontiac/BuicklGMC 26.145 sq.ft. (includes 3,491 sJ. future mezzanine storage) . The property is currently designed in the Amended General Plan as Commercial/Campus Office and a re-zoning will redesignate the property to PD(C2) for AutomobileNehicle Sales. Service and Repairs. and will require a Conditional Use Permit. A t~ntative map will be required to subdivide the subject 15 acres from the original 939 acres and subdivide the 15 acres into 3 lots, as shown. A final parcel map will also be processed. The facility will be consistent with the City of Dublin's General Plan and the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment, dated January 7, 1994, and the proposed use will be consistent with adjacent uses. Along with rezoning, tentative maps, and final parcel maps and Conditional Use Permit, the project will also be reviewed for site plan, architectural design and landscape work under a "Site Development Review" application. b. The project will employee approximately 105 full and part-time persons. c. The hours of operation will be: 7 - 9 P.M. - Monday through Friday 8 - 9 P.M. - Saturday 10 - 9 P.M. - Sunday d. e. The business will target both local and regional areas. The businesses will benefit the Community by adding to the City tax base and consolidating General Motors products on one site. . "Providing Value through Quality, Service and Innovation" ~~: ~l!I!I'~ .-, ~.~:"~;~'i~C~~~~'i~:4:"t~;,~;;:,,;.q:;,~4~~;t~~~~~~...,,~~~.,z~~:~~-:-- ,.;~~~~-- ...~?~~~.:. 7 qf' 95 . g. The project will be located within an area of new offices, retail and some residential projects in accordance with the East Dublin Specific Plan. The project will not have negative effects on the health or safety of people residing or working in the vicinity because the development area meets all the criteria of the East Dublin Specific Plan.' The business, activities and use will not create negative impacts on the property, transportation systems or existing improvements in the neighborhood because the project is part of the East Dublin Plan and extensive traffic studies have been prepared, new street and intrastructures are being designed and constructed to meet the District's development needs. The site is not a hazardous waste and substances site (pursuant to Government Code Section 2-65962.S). It has undergone an environmental Phase I and Phase II study. f. h. i. . . __1?~- ~~ _. ~ .. ~,. ., ....,. . .. ,_.....,.,.:>...:..-"'- ._.~....:~:. .,. ~, · ,~~..:;.-;.:;~;.:':~i.::;:.:!"';.~~~i:;'~:c:~~:,~~:",,::..,~:'~ ;':,.:::;2;';,';",:~~::.:;,::~...;.;: ":'::~~';;:,';,:_,,:';;," "'0".. .,.'~;~~: ;,;:;""7~~';~-:~~:~:_~:'2~;7i-:~..." "' < ',. ...... '0'-.0..' '."...., "."_ /0 ::j" 35 o~ 06' )l'v'O~J a'v'o~ N01Tv' ~m,...~- . <( c:::: <(~~ (I) JWC:::: <(W<( ~ (l)C::::c.. c:::: (l)U <( ~ ~ c.. W .....~~:" ..-.. c.. l- t(,) ::::!: 0 <( U - :z: (J) (I) ~ lL.z ~ c:::: <( 0:J c.. ~~ C2 0 c.. UO ::!: <( U '1-- - . ..._.._~...q,"..:~=-.~::~ :-::,-.- ~:{ "7-~~:-:~:::'. .,.- .-.. r':. , ., j .... J J . i ----J -~ '.1 .1 ~.~r: :~~.:t::~~~~~;;~~~~'~. ':~-;i:.;~.~~i..~ =---- ~ ....,-.:. . -- I-:"'::'~~. . . ,~::.::.~.:~:::~.'F~~i~~~""7.~;. ~;:~;~:-:.~.;~~ .. .... . " ~- . , .1 -,;\. '-.;". .~ .-: ; ..~._". , ,. ..< ". 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DEVELOPMENT PLAN This is a Development Plan pursuant to Chapter 8.32 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance for the General Motors Automall project, located on the south side of Dublin Boulevard, east of Tassajara Creek, West of Tassajara Road, and north of Interstate 580 (APN 986~0001:.001-10, portion). This Development Plan meets all of the requirements for Stage 1 and Stage 2 rev~ew of the project. This Development Plan is also represented by the Tentative Map and Site Development Review plans, the Landscape Plans, other plans, exhibits, and written statements contained in the document dated received July 23, 1998, labeled Exhibit A-I to the Resolution approving this Development Plan (City Council Resolution No. 98-~, and on file in the Planning Department. The Planned Development District allows the flexibility needed to encourage innovative development while ensuring that the goals, policies, and action programs of the General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and provisions of Section 8.32 of the Zoning Ordinance are satisfied. 1. Permitted Uses: The following uses are permitted for this PD / C-2 (General Commercial) zoning district site. . A. AutomobileNehicle Sales and SeIVice, AutomobileNehicle Brokerage, AutomobileNehicle Repairs and SeIVice Banks & Financial SeIVices Eating & Drinking Establishments ProfessionaV Administrative Offices Parking Lot/Garage - Commercial Retail - General Retail- Neighborhood Re~il - SeIVice . School - Commercial Similar and related uses as determined by the Director of Community Development B. C. D. E. F. G. H- I. J. 2. Conditional Uses: All conditional uses in the Dublin Zoning Ordinance for a PD/ C-2 District are conditional uses in this PD District. Dublin Zoning Ordinance - Applicable Requirements: Except as specifically modified by the provisions of this PD District Rezone/Development Plan, all applicable general requirements and procedures of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance shall be applied to the land uses designated in this PD District Rezone. 3. . EXHIBIT A-2 ~~~?~~-=~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~. '3 f' cj' '75. 4. Site Plan & Architecture: See attached site and elevation plans contained in Exhibit A-I, Development Plan. This Development Plan applies to the approximately IS-acres shown on this plan on the west side of Miller Court. Any modifications to the project, or future development on Parcel B, shall be substantially consistent with these plans and of equal or superior materials and design quality. . 5. Density: The maximum square footage 6fthe proposed development for the parcels covered under this Development Plan (as shown on the site plan) are as follows: Parcel A (Pontiac/Buick/GMC site): 3.5 acres 26,145 square feet building area Parcel B (vacant site): 3.0 acres 22,000 square feet building area Parcel C (Chevrolet/Cadillac/Oldsmobile):8.0 acres 72,757 square feet building area 6. Phasing Plan. The proposed dealership facilities on Parcels A and C will be constructed in the first phase of development. Parcel B will be held vacant until such time as a dealership facility proposal is made. Any dealership proposed for the vacant parcel must be consistent with the standards established by this Development Plan, and will require approval of a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review by the City of Dublin Planning Commission. . 7. Landscaping Plan. Refer to attached landscaping plans included in Exhibit A- I, Development Plan,. Sheets L-I through L- 3. 8. Development Standards Lot Dimensions: 50' wide x 100' deep minimum Lot Size: 6,000 square feet minimum Front, Rear, and Side Yard Setbacks: No setbacks, however, development must meet required landscaping and parking requirements of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance Building Height: 45' maximum Maximum Building Size: 37,000 square feet . ~~~~?:,~;'i!.ii;"~~: ~ .';'~ji3~s ~;~~-""~:-::-...;;: :;;; i"~~:': ~~~~"f ",=-""",#',;;:;:;."- "~,, __,,,,;,,.=,,,,,~~~.,.,:=~,,,=;C,"-: _"'" .~'..' _", ".-_ .. t: __..--;~~~I_",:,"!.: ~.7'~~~"~~~' '___~'_~""",::'~,~ ~':. ~~-'" -: _~. ~'"'.,-,-'':'~--::.:::'::;':. ,-_~:-.-=:~~~w~?"~:S.~~:~~~~ .:~"'~t.;. ._--.....~.;-t-.-~~~~~.::.~7~~~:.:..--:.-. :..~...~.; ., ~. ." - .:..7":". ,".: :':''''=--'. _..,'--"~:.:-'. - . .. . ~5" ~ '35 . Parking/Garages: Parking shall be provided in accordance with the Dublin Zoning Ordinance standards and requirements, except as shown otherwise on the approved Site Development Review plans. No parking is allowed on any undeveloped parcels. Any parking areas shall be so designated on an approved Site Development Review Plan, shall be striped and labeled on the site. All drive aisles and fire lanes shall be kept clear at all times. 9. General Provisions A) The project applicant/developer shall enter into a Development Agreement with the City of Dublin prior to Final Map approval, which shall contain, but not be limited to, provisions for financing and timing of on and off-site infrastructure, payment of traffic, noise and public facilities impact fees, ownership and maintenance of creek and open space areas, and other provisions deemed necessary by the City to fmd the project consistent with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. B) The developer shall be required to pay a Public Facilities Fee in the amounts and at the times set forth in City of Dublin Resolution No. 32-96, adopted by the City Council on March 26, 1996, or in the amounts and at the times set forth in any resolution revising the amount of the Public Facilities Fee. . C) An updated traffic study shall be completed for any development proposed for the vacant parcel ("B") to demonstrate that traffic levels of service are not exceeded. g:\pa#\98007\devplan. .