HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.3 AdoptGarb/RecyleRateAdj CITY CLERK File # D[8][l][Q]-GJJOJ . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: (June 29, 1998) SUBJECT: Public Hearing: Adoption of Adjustment of Rates for Garbage CollectionlDisposalland Recycling Services Provided By Livermore Dublin Disposal (prepared By: Sue Barnes, Management Assistant) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1. 2. 3. Rate Comparison Copies of Written Protests Received Resolution Adopting Rates RECOMMENDATION: W 1. Open the Public Hearing. 2) Receive the Staff Report and public /J .. rJ testimony. 3) Close the public hearing and deliberate. 4) Determine the , 6,ILN' number of any additional written protests received for the record. 5) Adopt Resolution FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The amount of the proposed rate increase varies depending on the type of service received. The increase is less than 2% for residential, and between 5-6% for commercial customers. .he proposed rates will be effective through June 30, 1999. ~ESCRIPTION: The current garbage rates,became effective July 1, 1997. In accordance with the Agreement with Livermore Dublin Disposal, the adopted rates were scheduled to be reviewed for a rate adjustment July 1, 1998. The amount of the allowed adjustment was calculated in accordance with a specific formula. Aereement with Livermore Dublin Disposal The City has a role in the establishment of Garbage and Recycling Service Fees. The agreement between the City of Dublin and Livermore Dublin Disposal requires the City to adopt a rate schedule, which is estimated to produce a specified revenue amount. The target revenue amount is determined in accordance with a specific schedule and formula. The annual adjustment takes into account (a) Changes in the Consumer Price Index; (b) Changes in Landfill Regulatory Fees; and (c) an Adjustment for the Number of Tons Placed in the Landfill. After incorporating these adjustment factors, the Company reviews the calculation ofthe proposed rates to determine whether the schedule is anticipated to meet the adjusted revenue requirement. The formula places a 5% cap on the growth oftotal revenue estimated to be received by the company. Trends Evaluated To Develop Proposed Rates The rate adjustment is based upon data gathered from the previous calendar year regarding the number of customers and service level selected. In addressing the proposed adjustment for 1998, Staff evaluated probable chaJ:ges in the number of subscribers in the upcoming year. For example, the Residential sector is anticipated to have an increase in the number of units. Although certain costs such as disposal increase with more users, .~_c~~~~:~~~~~:~~::t~~~~~:~~~~::~::~:~~~~~~:~~~~d_~~O~~~~~_c~~t~~:~~_~__~___ COPIES TO: Annette Holk., LDD Site Manager ITEM NO. 6.7 In both the Commercial and Drop Box sectors, the City actually experienced a decrease in the total services subscribed to by these customers. The following chart displays the differences in commercial services: . Commercial Bin Service Total Yards Of Service Purchased 1996 170,196 Drop Box Total Yards Of Service Purchased 67,132 . 1997 169,208 58,992 % Change 1997 - 0.58 % -12.13% These trends affect the percentage of increase assigned to each of the sectors. Because the residential sector will experience an increase in the numbet of accounts, the company's fixed costs can be spread over more users, so rates will increase by a lower percentage. Conversely, the commercial and drop box sectors will experience a higher rate increase, because the costs have to be spread over fewer users. Total Estimated Revenues Required Based upon the formula in the existing agreement, in Fiscal Year 1998/99 the increase is to be based upon a 3% increase in Disposal costs and a 2.4% increase in collection costs plus an allowance based upon total tons collected. Using this formula the total 1998/99 Livermore Dublin Disposal Revenue would increase by more than the 5% cap allowed in the agreement. The total company revenue would be $3,081,880, which is 5.05% more than the current revenue. Making an adjustment for the cap, the total annual revenue required under the Agreement for the period from July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999 is approximately $ 3,080,536. Using the current subscriber census with the current rates, the Company is projected to only generate $2,933,844 in revenues. This results in the need for the proposed rate structure to generate an additional $148,036, which will make up the shortfall. . In addition to the Company revenues from rates, the City currently offsets a portion of the Residential Recycling Program's cost with a separate payment of Measure D Funds. This includes both the Single Family and the Multifamily recycling programs. The fiscal year 1997/98 contribution is $79,000. Staff proposes that in Fiscal Year 1998/99, the City increase the Measure D contribution towards the cost of Recycling services to $89,000. It is projected that the estimated Measure D Revenue for 1998/99 would be adequate to accommodate this additional annual payment. This assumption has been included in developing the proposed rates and reduces the targeted shortfall by $10,000. Comvosition of Waste Stream bv Catee:orv of Business The costs associated with the overall waste collection and disposal system must be considered in the context of the types of services provided. These percentages were used to calculate the amount of expense allocated to each sector. The following table shows the number of tons and percentage of the waste stream for the prior two calendar years. Residential Including Clean-ups Commercial Drop Box TOTAL 1997 TONS 6,273 Tons 10,343 Tons 7,046 Tons 23,662 Tons % 1997 WASTE STREAM 26.5% 43,8% 29.7% 100.0% 1996 TONS 5,865 Tons 10,066 Tons 7,437 Tons 23,368 Tons . % 1996 WASTE STREAM 25.1% 43.1% 31.8% 100,0% -'J..- ,~Detailed Comparison of Current and Proposed Rates The actual percentage of increase in the proposed rate depends on the type of service. Residential Rates are proposed to increase by less than 2%. Commercial Rates are proposed to increase by approximately 5% and A'>rop Box Rates would increase by 5.6% The chart shown below compares the proposed rates to the current ~ates for service levels which represent a majority of the subscribers in the City. The proposed rates would be in place beginning July 1, 1998 and continuing through June 30, 1999. Proposed Current Dublin Rate $ 9.95 $9.80 $ 17.90 $17.55 Residential Minimum Residential (35) Gallon 64 Gallon Residential % Increase over 1997 1.53% 1.99% % Dublin Customers Covered By Sample Rate Categories 97% Commercial 1 Yard - 1 time I wk 2 Yard -1 time I wk 3 Yard - 1 time I wk 3 Yard - 2 times I wk 4 Yard - 1 Time I wk 4 Yards. 2 times I wk $ 33.15 $ 66.30 $ 99.45 $ 207.20 $ 132.60 $ 273.50 $ 31.55 $ 63.10 $ 94.65 $ 197.20 $ 126.20 $ 260.30 5.07% 5.07% 5.07% 5.07% 5.07% 5.07% % Dublin Customers Covered By Sample Rate Commercial Categories 77% Drop Box 20 Yard Loose $ 226.00 .0 Yard Loose $ 339.00 40 Yard Loose $ 452.00 Represents 92% of 1997 non-compacted Drop Box Subscriptions $ 214.00 $ 321.00 $ 428.00 5.61% 5.61% 5.61% 30 Yard Compacted $ 678.00 Represents 77% of the 1997 compacted Drop Box Subscriptions 642 5.61%, Multi-Family Recycling: $.50 per unit per month - (no change) Additional Green Waste Recycling Can: $4.00 per can per month This represents a new fee, allowing customers the option for additional cans The proposed rate structure includes the addition of a new rate for a residential customer to subscribe to an additional Green Waste container. The proposed rate is $4.00 per month. On occasion there have been customers with large lots who have expressed an interest in having this available. Competitiveness of Dublin Rates with Nei!!hhorin2" A!!encies As shown in Exhibit 1, the proposed City of Dublin rates remain very competitive compared to rates charged for similar services in surrounding communities. In all cases, the City of Dublin service levels are at least comparable, and in some cases better than the survey cities. For example, both Livermore and Pleasanton offer Residential Green Waste collection only every other week. Therefore, the City of Dublin residential .subSCribers receive more services, For all rate categories, the proposed City of Dublin rates are less than the verage ofthe Tri-Valley agencies surveyed. It should be noted that the City of Livermore is expected to consider a rate increase in the coming months. s- Reauirements Under Proposition 218 . Under the requirements of Proposition 218, the adoption or increase in property-related fees which are ,refuse service fees, requires ~ 45-day notice to the parcel owners. The notice was mailed to all parcel owners on May 8, 1998. Proposition 218 has very specific criteria which must be considered prior to the adoption of this fee. . Specifically, Section 6(2) Property-Related Fees and Charges - states the following: The agency shall conduct a public hearing upon the proposed fee or charge not less than 45 days after mailing the notice of the proposed fee or charge to the record property owners of each identified parcel upon which the fee or charge is proposed for imposition. At the public hearing, the agency shall consider all protests against the proposed fee or charge. If the written protests against the fee or charge are presented by a majority of owners of the identified parcels, the agency shall not impose the fee or charge. At the time the Staff Report was prepared, the City had receive a total of six protests from four different property owners, as contained in Exhibit 2. Once person submitted three letters, one for each property he owns. This owner requests that garbage fees be billed directly to tenants rather than being billed with property taxes. The other three letters protest the fee increase in general. This number of letters is insufficient to override the adoption of the revised fee. Recommendation Attached to the Staff Report is a Resolution (Exhibit 3), which will establish the Adjusted Livermore Dublin Disposal Rate Schedule in accordance with the Franchise Agreement, under which the City operates in the City of Dublin. Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a Public Hearing and update the calculation of any additional .. written protests received. Following the Public Hearing, Staff recommends that the City Council deliberate an~ adopt the Resolution. . -t/- . '" :: o ... 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I.C> t-- III ::c ~~.s~ N '<1' '0; cO ~~<~ "0 wqwqzwq '" .~ ... o CIl Q) m u ~ m 0:: ..S:! 0.. ::;:I a U') ;.-. o:l "0 0) ... 0) ;:- o U 100010 OlrlO~ ~OV \.?lrlMO NMlrl I:A wq ...., "" '" ... ~ B '" ::;:I u .5 :c ::;:I Cl ~ Il) '" o ;.3 0-0 ~ :a 0>- ... 0 ~N "'0 0) u co ~ ~ ~ 885 ~~u "'O"d'E 2 :a co >->->- 000 M'<1'M Exhibit 1 ~ ~ ,.g U') 0) Cti 0:: ca '0 ... * ~ za ,,;u .u g ... E ~ E 0:: e a UU') ) ~ jD Ul ~ Ul Ul OJ ::;:I 'u; ;::l ..0 m '0 ... ~ o \) Si '" .. i? ti ~ to ~ C> "e- Clc z:: :;; z:: '" i:! {i z:: ;: .. ~ oS ~ :;; .. e .. " .!; c '" .. "e- ..l:l '" ~ .. .s '::! t: .;;; "e- o:: C> .~ .. '" ~ C> t.> .... t: .. 0:: .!: t; ~ ~ .5 '" ':5 "e- i? '" :: i:j t.> '" '" ~ " :: ::; ~ .s ~ '" ;;: t: '" '" ~ tl -t:: 't ~ '" t> " tt a .:; ... 0) ::: .!2 '" ..= .g 1: .:::. 'E Cd u... "::: -a ~ ... tS . City Clerk City of Dublin P. O. Box 2340 Dublin, California 94568 Dear City Clerk: Exhibit 2 7436 Oxford Circle Dublin, California 94568 May 20, 1998 RECf=IVED .Vi L; \~ 2 :.: 7998 CITY Ur DUBLIN No, on an increase in garbage fees. We property owners have cooperated with the Livermore Dublin Disposal Co., separating our garbage into appropriate containers for garbage, greens and clippings, glass, cans, newspapers; cutting cardboard into specified size, bundling, and tying with a string. No one has given us a raise to do this work. Homeowner fees, water, telephone, and utilty fees have gone up. Garbage should not. . Parcel 941-2/88-146-00 . ~ Respectfully, ~-\.; !!/..e~ Alicia Weir r. ./'{) '..." I c7\ -) }7.77 02S; /r7Y' ~; RECEIVED Ivltd 2 7199B . CITY Ur- UUBLIN /) u7~~tP~ ~/?~~~r ~~~~~. 02) ve2?7 ~ 72_LjJo~ 4-' //0&6- ~cS 7k e//~ c..7 . G) pk-b J /JV / ~ 9~5Z. Y 7j ~ ~ :z!rf 9~/_ tJltJS-LJ/3-0LJ 0) ~~-77~~~ ~/~C//7 L1Y' . :3 4/D . . . Steve Conner 18352 Jill Way Castro Valley, Ca. 94546 Phone: (510) 537-8014 Fax: (510) 581-2152 E-Mail: steve@envLnet RECEIVED :,. ~. \' .2 r- 1998 CITY uf DUBLIN MAY 17, 1998 Attention City Clerk City of Dublin P.o. Box 2340 Dublin, Ca. 94568 Re: Fee; Garbage Company Rates & Residential Minimum Garbage/Recycling Services Property Address: 8527 Longford Way. Parcel: #941-185-12 Dear City Clerk, 1bis letter is to protest the above fees and increases. I do not want any fees attached to my property. The garbage company should bill each property user individually for services used. When fees are attached to property tax bills it creates charges to property owners who may not be the ones using the service, (ie renters utilities). Your policy creates an uncollectible charge for landlords and reduces their income, which in the end results in lesser property values. It can then lead to abuses by landlords using the justification of increased property taxes for excessive rent increases. All we have done by attaching services to property taxes is make billing easier for the garbage collectors. 1bis increase in efficiency, is not offset by the problems created by not correctly charging the end user. We need people to be responsible for the services they use. y submitted, ~ Steve Conner i' ./ jD ../ Steve Conner 18352 Jill Way Castro Valley, Ca. 94546 Phone: (510) 537-8014 Fax: (510) 581-2152 E-Mail: steve@envi.net MAY 17,1998 Attention City Clerk City of Dublin P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, Ca. 94568 . Re: Fee; Garbage Company Rates & Residential Minimum Garbage/Recycling Services Property Address: 7715 Cardigan St. . Parcel: #941-176-89 --. Dear City Clerk, This letter is to protest the above fees and increases. I do not want any fees attached to my property. The garbage company should bill each property user individually for services used. When fees are attached to property tax bills it creates charges to property owners who may not be the ones using the service, (ie renters utilities). Your policy creates an uncollectible charge for landlords 'and reduces their income, which in the end results in lesser property values. It can then lead to abuses by landlords using the justification of increased property.taxes for excessive rent increases. All we have done by attaching services to property taxes is make billing easier for the garbage collectors. This increase in efficiency, is not offset by the proble:ms created by not correctly charging the end user. We need people to be responsible for the services they use. Steve Conner s ~ jD . . . . Steve Conner 18352 Jill Way Castro Valley, Ca. 94546 Phone: (510) 537-8014 Fax: (510) 581-2152 E-Mail: steve@envLnet MAY 17, 1998 Attention City Clerk City of Dublin P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, Ca. 94568 Re: Fee; Garbage Company Rates & Residential Minimum Garbage/Recycling Services Property Address: 7335 Bedford Way Parcel: #941-76-39 Dear City Clerk, This letter is to protest the above fees and increases. I do not want any fees attached to my property. The garbage company should bill each property user individually for services used. When fees are attached to property tax bills it creates charges to property owners who may not be the ones using the service, (ie renters utilities). Your policy creates an uncollectible charge for landlords and reduces their income, which in the end results in lesser property values. It can then lead to abuses by landlords using the justification of increased property taxes for excessive rent increases. All we have done by attaching services to property taxes is make billing easier for the garbage collectors. This increase in efficiency f is not offset by the problems created by not correctly charging the end user. We need people to be responsible for the services they use. to ~ jD RECE!VED i :. : \' 2 1998 CITY Ur- UlJdUN . June I, 1998 City Clerk City of Dublin Post Office Box 2340 Dublin, California, 94568 Attention City Clerk: I hereby protest the proposed 3.1% increase in garbage and recycling fees for the fiscal l t b 37 year 1998-99. As per your request the following is provided: Fredric K. Taigen, ~ . Luna Ct., Dublin, Ca. 94568. Assessors parcel number 941-105-24. Sincerely yours, - ~/~ F. K. Taigen ~MZ-_I 'fir? te signed I . IJ of /D Exhibit 3 RESOLUTION NO. . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------- AMENDING THE SCHEDULE OF SERVICE RATES FOR INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE SERVICES AND ESTABLISIDNG MINIMUM SERVICE LEVEL FOR RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS WHEREAS, the city of Dublin adopted on June 13, 1995, a Franchise Agreement with Waste Management of Alameda County; and WHEREAS, the City Council also adopted Resolution 82 - 97 on June 25, 1997, which established service rates to be effective July 1, 1997; and WHEREAS, the Agreement provides for consideration of the second adjustment to the rates in accordance with specified formulas to be effective July 1, 1998; and WHEREAS, in accordance with California Constitution Article xm C (proposition 218) Section 6 (2) the City has provided written notice to 8,324 property owners listed by the Alameda County Assessor on the Fiscal Year 1997-98 tax roll at least 45 days prior to holding a public hearing; and WHEREAS, the City received a total of 6 written protests to the adoption of the amended solid waste fees, . which was not a sufficient mnnbcr to represent a majority of the affected property owners; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered this action as part ofa noticed public hearing on June 29, 1998. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE City Council does hereby adopt the Rate Schedule attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A" and by reference made a part hereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT upon the effective date, July I, 1998, this resolution shall supersede all previous resolutions adopting rates for solid waste services. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 29th day of June, 1998. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ArrEST: . City Clerk G-.garbage\1998adj\garbres.doc 'i vj J!) EXHIBIT A - RATES FOR GARBAGE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES · PERFORMED BY LIVERMORE DUBLIN DISPOSAL IN THE CITY OF DUBLIN L EFFECTIVE DATE: The rates shown for collection of refuse within the City of Dublin and as shown . below shall be effective for all services performed after July 1, 1998. n. RESIDENTIAL SERVICE A. Minimum Residential Collection Rate: Applies separately to each single family unit as well as each unit within a duplex or other attached housing, which receives individual garbage collection services. The rate applies to the initial 35 gallons of garbage capacity, including once per week collection and disposal; 3 annual special clean-ups (per section 4.1.6 of the Agreement); Weekly Curbside Residential Recycling (per section 4.2.2 of the Agreement)' and Weekly Curbside Green Waste Recycling - 64 gallon container (per section 4.3.1 of the Agreement). All containers are provided by the Company. Minimum Monthly Rate: $9.95 B. Payment and Billing For Minimum Residential Service: For Housing Units constructed as of the 1998/99 Property Tax Lien Dates, the City shall collect the annual cost of Minimum Service described in section A. above, through a fee collected with the Property Tax bill. Further payment for said services shall be made to Company by City pursuant to agreements and ordinances regulating solid waste collection. City may subsidize the cost of services with funds other than those collected as part of the Property Tax bill. C. Additional Residential Collection Disposal Capacity: Residents may select a larger garbage container for an additional fee which is shown below: 64 Gallon Garbage Container: Minimum Cost Plus $ 7.95 per month (Total = $17.90 per month) . 96 Gallon Garbage Container: Minimum Cost Plus $ 15.90 per month (Total = $25.85 per month) Each Additional Increment shall be an additional $7.95 per month. Special Residential Services Large Accumulations: $11.30 per cubic Yard Special Pick-Ups: $12.65 minimum per pick-up Additional Green Waste Container: $4.00 per container This is a new rate, allowing customers to have more than one green waste can. The rate is the same as Livermore's rate, but Dublin's pick-up is every week, versus every other week for Livermore ID. COMMERCIAL AND MULTI-FAl\ffi.,Y BIN SERVICES (FRONT LOADER) A. Excess Rate: Is the minimum charge in the event that waste exceeds water level: $11.30 per cubic yard B. Commercial Can Service: Offered at locations unable to accommodate a commercial bin or with volumes deemed insufficient to utilize a commercial bin. Monthly rate includes bin rental and once per week collection and disposal, 35 Gallon Container: $ 8.65 64 Gallon Container; $ 15.80 96 Gallon Container: $ 23.75 . C. Multi-Family Recycling Service: Multi-Family rates for Recycling are charged by the Company on the number of units located in the complex. Monthly Cost: $ 0.50 per unit (no change) 1'" rrf /6 .J D. Commercial Bin Service Rates: Rates shown below are monthly rates based upon bin size and frequency of 'service. Rates include collection, disposal, and bin rental. All rates are based upon bins filled no higher than water level or the excess rate will be applicable to the excess waste. . Size # # Times Base Size # # Times Base YARDS Per Wk Monthly Rate YARDS Per Wk Monthly Rat 1 1 $ 33.15 4 1 $ 132.60 1 2 $ 74.60 4 2 $ 273.50 1 3 $ 116.05 4 3 $ 414.40 1 4 $ 157.50 4 4 $ 555.30 1 5 $ 198.95 4 5 $ 696.20 2 1 $ 66.30 6 1 $ 198. 90 2 2 $ 140.90 6 2 $ 406.10 2 3 $ 215.50 6 3 $ 613.30 2 4 $ 290.10 6 4 $ 820.50 2 5 $ 364.70 6 5 $1,027.70 3 1 $ 99.45 7 1 $ 232.05 3 2 $ 207.20 7 2 $ 472.40 3 3 $ 314.95 7 3 $ 712.75 3 4 $ 422.70 7 4 $ 953.10 3 5 $ 530.45 7 5 $1,193.45 E. HANDY HAULER - One-time placement and collection of a 4 cubic yard bin, including one week container rental filled no higher than water level: $55.80 .dditiOnal Bin Rental Per Week: ost For Additional Dump: Excess Per Yard H Filled Above Water Level $10.55 per week ' $41.80 per pick-up $11.30 per cubic yard IV. DROP BOX I COMPACTOR RATES A. Regular Service Non-Compacted and Compacted: Cost shown is on a per pick-up basis and is based upon the load not exceeding water level. Additional Miscellaneous charges I:DaY also apply. Excess Rate Per Cubic Yard: Non-Compacted: $11.30 Non-Compacted Proposed Size In Yds RATE 6 $ 158.20 14 $ 158.20 20 $ 226.00 25 $ 282.50 30 $ 339.00 40 $ 452.00 50 $ 565.00 Compacted: $22.60 Compactor Proposed Size/CY Rate 25 30 40 $ 565.00 $ 678.00 $ 904.00 C. Miscellaneous Drop Box Charges: In Addition to the container charged described above Drop Box Flasher: $12.35 per placement Initial Placement of Drop Box: $24.25 .eekly Drop Box Container Rental After 1st Week: $14.40 Stand-By Time: $82.40 per hr. Relocation of Drop Box: $36.90 per request Cancel Auto Pick-Up WIG Notice $47.45 Ie- ::J /0