HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-19-1993 Item 8.1 93-058 Stroud's Plaza CUP TO: FROM: PREPARED BY: SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION: CITY OF DUBLIN PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA STATEMENT/STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: November 15, 1993 Planning Commission Planning staff ~ ~ D\-\C. David Choy, Associate Planner PA 93-058 Stroud's Plaza Conditional Use Permit PROJECT: APPLICANT/ PROPERTY OWNER: LOCATION: ASSESSOR PARCEL: PARCEL SIZE: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: SAN RAMON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN DESIGNATION: EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USE: Application for Conditional Use Permit approval to allow a minor modification to the approved Land Use and Development Plan for the Stroud's Plaza Shopping Center, allowing the construction of an approximate 2,048 square foot building at the northeast corner of the site. Richard Jeha 318 Diablo Road, suite 250 Danville, CA 94526 7300-7308 San Ramon Road 941-40-10-1 4.74.:t acres Retail/Office Area 3A: San Ramon Road Properties PD Planned Development (C-1 Retail Business District Uses) Stroud's Plaza. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM NO. 8.l COPIES TO: Applicant/owner Address File PAGE -L OF ~ SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: ZONING HISTORY: Reso 36-83: PA 83-063: PA 83-064: PA 83-042: PA 86-050.1: PA 86.050.2 PA 89-121: PA 90-045.1 North: C-1 Retail Business (S.R.R.S.P.) Workbench True-Value Hardware C-1 Retail Business (S.R.R.S.P.) Iceland Ice Skating Rink San Ramon Road Right-of-Way and C-1 Retail Business Center PD Planned Development Residential (S.R.R.S.P.) Kildara multi-family residential development South: East: West: On July 25, 1983, the Dublin city council adopted the San Ramon Road Specific Plan. On October 24, 'Appendix A': Specific Plan. 1983, the Dublin City council adopted Definitions for the San Ramon Road On November 28, 1983, the Dublin City council approved an amendment to Area 3 of the San Ramon Road Specific Plan to permit up to 25% of the total gross floor area of shopping centers that are four (4) acres or more in area to be utilized for personal service, financial institution or office uses. On June 11, 1984, the Dublin city council approved a Rezone of the property from C-1 Retail Business to PD Planned Development. On June 23, 1986, the Dublin City Council approved an amendment to Area 3 of the San Ramon Road Specific Plan by establishing a sub area (Area 3A) to permit uses generally provided for by the C-1 Retail Business District. On June 23, 1986, the Dublin City Council approved General Provisions for a Planned Development (PD) rezoning concerning Area 3A of the San Ramon Road Specific Plan. On December 18, 1989, the Planning commission approved a Conditional Use Permit and site Development Review request to modify the Conditions of Approval of PA 83- 042 by an addition of 2,230i square feet to an existing building of the Town & Country Shopping Center. On July 16, 1990, the Planning Commission approved a site Development Review request for exterior modifications to existing buildings, a new sign program including a new alternate freestanding shopping center master identification sign and minor site alterations within the Dublin Town and Country Shopping Center and -2- PA3E::l OF:UO approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow modification to the approved Planned Development provisions. PA 90-045.2 On September 4, 1990, the Planning commission approved a site Development Review request for a new 2,100t square foot building and a Conditional Use Permit to allow minor modification to the approved Planned Development provisions. The Conditional Use Permit approval has expired. On December 10, 1990, the City Council held a public hearing and authorized the sale of City property to stroud's Plaza and further authorized the Mayor to execute a deed transferring the property. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: City Council Resolution No. 54-86 (PA 86-050.1) amended the San Ramon Road Specific Plan, establishing Area 3A which permits unlimited occupancy by personal service, financial or office uses within the Stroud's Plaza Shopping Center. City Council Resolution No. 55-86 (PA 86-050.2) establishes General provisions for a Planned Development (PD) rezoning concerning Area 3A of the San Ramon Road Specific Plan. Section 8-31.18 states if a proposed structure, facility or land use not indicated on a Land Use and Development Plan approved by the City Council does not materially change the provisions of the approved Land Use and Development Plan, the structure, facility or land use may be permitted subject to securing a Conditional Use Permit. Section 8-94.0 states that conditional uses must be analyzed to determine: 1) whether or not the use is required by the public need; 2) whether or not the use will be properly related to other land uses, transportation and service facilities in the vicinity; 3) whether or not the use will materially affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity; and 4) whether or not the use will be contrary to the specific intent clauses or performance standards established for the district in which it is located. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This project has been found to be Categorically Exempt from CEQA under Section 15303, Class 3 of the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. The proposed project consists of the construction and location of a small commercial structure, not involving the use of significant amounts of hazardous materials. NOTIFICATION: Public Notice of the November 15, 1993 hearing was published in the local newspaper, mailed to adjacent property owners, and posted in public buildings. -3- PAGE 2- or 2..b ANALYSIS: The Applicant/Property Owner, Mr. Richard Jeha, is requesting Conditional Use Permit approval to allow a minor modification to the approved Land Use and Development Plan for the Stroud's Plaza Shopping Center. A previous Conditional Use Permit and site Development Review request (PA 90-045.2) was approved by the Planning commission on September 4, 1990, allowing the location of an approximate 2,100 square foot building to be constructed at the northeast corner of the Stroud's Plaza site. An existing fault line runs through the parking lot of the site, parallel to San Ramon Road, which requires a fifty foot building setback on either side. A twenty-foot portion of the existing San Ramon Road right-of-way was sold to the property owner (authorized by the City Council on December 10, 1990) in order to provide Building D with both the required fifty-foot fault line setback and the required front yard setback. The site Development Review approval (PA 90-045.2) is still valid for the project; however, the previously approved Conditional Use Permit expired on September 14, 1991. A new Conditional Use Permit is required prior to commencing construction of the new building and must be in substantial conformity with the approved site Development Review. Parking for the center will remain adequate with 272 parking spaces provided. Condition #5 of the draft Conditional Use Permit resolution will limit the hours of on-site deliveries for large semi- trailer trucks, or trucks with more than two axles, to non- business/non-peak hours, in order to minimize potential conflicts with on-site vehicular traffic. The Applicant has indicated that the proposed new building will be occupied by a retail merchant. All future uses within Building D will need to be consistent with the permitted and conditionally permitted uses provided for by City council Resolutions No. 54-86 (amending the San Ramon Road Specific Plan) and No. 55-86 (approving and establishing Findings and General provisions for Stroud's Plaza, formerly Dublin Town & Country, Shopping Center Planned Development District) . Based on the proposed use of Building D, the Public Works Department has determined that the addition of the new building will result in an increase in traffic to the site (see Attachment 3). As part of the project, the Applicant is voluntarily contributing Traffic Improvement Funds in the amount of $2,250.00 (see Attachment 4). It should be noted that restaurants occupying Building D, which are listed as permitted uses within this PD District, shall include sit-down type establishments only. Fast food type restaurants occupying Building D will only be allowed if approved by a separate Conditional Use Permit application, in order to establish applicable traffic impact mitigation fees, as well as to evaluate on-site parking. -4- 'c '-\: or2-lo '. _.;'L _ ....- The project, as proposed, is in compliance with the General Plan, the San Ramon Road Specific Plan and the Zoning Ordinance. The project has been reviewed by other city departments and affected agencies and their comments have been incorporated into the conditions of approval. Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit (Exhibit B), relating to PA 93-058. RECOMMENDATIONS: FORMAT: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) ACTION: Open public hearing and hear Staff presentation. Take testimony from Applicant and the public. Question Staff, Applicant and the public. Close public hearing and deliberate. Adopt the draft resolution approving PA 93-058 Conditional Use Permit (Exhibit B), or give Staff and Applicant direction and continue the matter. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the draft resolution (Exhibit B) approving PA 93-058 Stroud's Plaza Conditional Use Permit. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Project Plans Draft Resolution Approving Conditional Use Permit Backqround Attachments: Attachment 1: Attachment 2: Attachment 3: Attachment 4: Zoning/Location Map Applicant's Written Statement Traffic Study prepared by Mehran Sepehri, Dublin Senior civil Engineer, dated October 22, 1993 Letter of Voluntary Contribution of Traffic Improvement Funds, dated October 26, 1993 -5- ~~~~ Ke EXHIBIT It fijt- I ~.ts 2.b PAGE~OF- "' i ~s n n ~ n "6 h ~I .... ~.. -' ~ ~ ,'1' N " 'N .. ~ 0 I Do:: )0- W -J '" I -J roo -< > I~ D ,..: 0::: ~ t z ... ~ 0 D ~O g Z 6 I' Q - III ~:droo -< ~O U \0 ~::::> 0 .=~ 0 (j(I) E :E ~:J ;e -< ljro .... '" I coo I . u ~ () t z . . 00 ~ S ~---I<(o (/)5 0 ~ro ~ ----:6l~90~c..6 ~. "" RECEIVED PPr q 3- OE8 SEP 28 1993 IOOO~I?O~ s. R. R1i . ""IIRI.It--1 PI ANNI"'''' . . ~ ~" . j!~6 i! ~~:;3 ~ !"IS = ~s.. .. ~b.. 5 iil~~S'! ~~iil~ gl!l~~.~ l,'i : g~.! ~ i! "::?" ~ ~~J' ...z ~ 'S. i ~~ ~ ~- ... !~ !i ;; i3 ~ >- t:IlI:: ..... Z :;:) o u o z cC z :J: OZ I-CC Z-l ....A. b ..... .... b EO .... ~ ::t-~ ~::ll(,n ~ ~ ~ J ~~ -/... .0-.",1 ~In .Q. llVM WJU5: ( G I ~ '" I ~~ f> ~~ I ~ f> \> G ~, ~, ~" I ~~ :z' ili'" ~ ~g ~b ~ . ~ ~Iii I ~~ < ~. :z~ I ~~ I ~g I ~~ .. b ~ Li ---~-- -'~~g>- ill~ll1;\ ? ~ ~~~@ ~ o - ~g ~~G~ ~ < ~~ p~::\ rL ..~ll N~ "t's S~ IU!JI 0 ~ \> OIiOL J IU!JIW 0 W t () d"' =u. 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'O-.~I .Y. llV~~ .0-.01 ,D-.01 .o-:z<t; RECEIVED EXHIBIT A 13DO--7:,O~ ~ !4.r)1.<!Y' ad n r.r 1 4 1993 %~t- Z~f~ or. ~ fA q,- 055' DUBLIN PLANNING A',,:,C, __ 1"'-" RECEIVED nr.T 1 4 1993 76 co - 7 )CJ '5' S CL"" iZwn.(J"A r2.oJ DUBLIN PLlod, j;n (JA '1-:3-058'" . ~ . . ~ r-- J r-- tl: ~ ~ W ~ )~ C)j ~!~ ~ Je Z ~ I- 00 ""2 0( w (5J = ~ w tttt / tl [l \ / - \1< /\~ - / \ .rI \ \tj . . d ~ b W 2 <0 0= C= ! ~~ ~~ Ii CD 9w =dj CD ~W I I- 00 W ~ 3: ! ~ i ~ ~~ EX IBIT A ftt4~ 5 a.f 3 . v flAGE~OF.lb RESOLUTION NO. 93 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ---------------------------------------------------------------------- APPROVING PA 93-058 STROUD'S PLAZA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE MINOR MODIFICATION TO THE APPROVED PLANNED DEVELOPMENT GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR THE STROUD'S PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER ALLOWING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW BUILDING AT 7300-7308 SAN RAMON ROAD WHEREAS, the Applicant/Property Owner, Richard Jeha, requests approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a minor modification to the approved Land Use and Development Plan for the Stroud's Plaza Shopping Center, allowing the construction of an approximate 2,048 square foot building to be located at the northeast corner of the site (7300-7308 San Ramon Road); and WHEREAS, the proposed Conditional Use Permit is in substantial conformity with the site Development Review (PA 90-045.2); and WHEREAS, the Planning commission held a public hearing on said application on November 15, 1993; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, This project has been found to be Categorically Exempt from CEQA under section 15303, Class 3 of the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. The proposed project consists of the construction and location of a small commercial structure, not involving the use of significant amounts of hazardous materials; and WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending that the application be conditionally approved; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby find that: A. The proposed project will serve a public need by providing for a range of services available to the community. B. The proposed use will be properly related to other land uses and transportation and service facilities in the vicinity, as the proposed use will be compatible when compared to the type and nature of operations typically found in the neighborhood. C. The use, under all circumstances and conditions of this particular case, will not materially adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, as all applicable regulations will be met. EXHIBIT B t'AGE~OF~ D. The use will not be contrary to the specific intent clauses or performance standards established for the District in which it is to be located. E. The approval of this Conditional Use Permit will be consistent with the Dublin General Plan and the San Ramon Road Specific Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning commission does hereby conditionally approve PA 93-058 Stroud's Plaza Conditional Use Permit as shown on Exhibit A, stamped approved and on file with the Dublin Planning Department, subject to the approval of the related site Development Review (PA 90-045.2) and to the following conditions: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Unless stated otherwise. all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of buildinq permits or establishment of use. and shall be subiect to Planninq Department review and approval. The followinq codes represent those departments/aqencies responsible for monitorinq compliance of the conditions of approval. rPLl Planninq. rBl Buildinq. rpOl Police. rpWl Public Works. rADMl Administration/Citv Attornev. rFINl Finance. rFl Douqhertv Reqional Fire Authoritv. rDSRl Dublin San Ramon Services District. 1. PA 93-058 Stroud's Plaza Conditional Use Permit is approved for the minor modification to the Planned Development General provisions allowing the construction of an approximate 2,048 square foot building at the northeast portion of the site. This approval shall generally conform to the plans prepared by Lee Gage & Associates, consisting of 3 sheets, dated received by the Planning Department on October 14, 1993, labeled Exhibit A, stamped approved and on file. [PL] 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant's voluntary contribution of traffic improvement funds in the amount of $2,250.00 shall be paid in full to the City. Payment of this traffic improvement fund shall supersede Condition No. 3 of Planning commission Resolution No. 90-053 for PA 90-045.2, relating to the payment of a traffic impact mitigation fee. [PW, PL] 3. Except as specifically modified herein, the Applicant shall comply with all Conditions of Approval contained within Planning commission Resolution No. 90-053, approving PA 93-045.2 Stroud's Plaza Addition site Development Review (see Attachment B-1). [PL] 4. Except as specifically modified herein, permitted and conditionally permitted uses occupying Building D shall be as provided for in city council Resolutions No. 54-86 and No. 55-86 (see Attachment B-2 and B-3 respectively). [PL] - 2 - PAGE~or~ 5, Restaurants occupying Building D, which are listed as permitted uses within the PD District, shall include sit-down type establishments only. Fast food type restaurants may be permitted within Building D if approved by a separate Conditional Use Permit application to establish applicable traffic impact mitigation fees, and to evaluate on-site parking requirements. [PL] 6. Trucks with more than two (2) axles shall be restricted to make deliveries during non-business/non-peak hours. [PL] 7. The Applicant shall comply with all applicable Planning, Building, Dougherty Regional Fire Authority and Police Department regulations and ordinances. [PL, B, F, PO] 8. The Applicant/Property Owner shall be responsible for clean-up and disposal of project related trash to maintain a clean, litter-free site. [PL] 9. No loudspeakers or amplified music shall be permitted outside the enclosed buildings. All activities associated with the use shall be conducted entirely within the enclosed buildings. [PL] 10. On an annual basis, this Conditional Use Permit approval shall be subject to Zoning Investigator review and determination as to the compliance with the Conditions of Approval. [PL] 11. This approval shall become null and void in the event the approved use ceases to operate for a continuous one-year period. [PL] 12. This permit shall be revocable for cause in accordance with section 8-90.3 of the Dublin zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms or conditions of this permit shall be subject to citation. [PL] PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of November, 1993. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Planning commission Chairperson ATTEST: Planning Director - 3 - PAGE ~ or .2.-b ,r--' RESOLUTION NO 90 - 053 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ APPROVING THE SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW CONDERNING Pt\:.90-045.2 STROUD'S PLAZA (FORMERLY DUBLIN TOWN & COUNTRY) ADDITION WHEREAS. Phillip L. Smith, on behalf of Stroud's Plaza Associates, is requesting Site Development Review approval for a new building approximately 2,100 square feet in size at the northeast portion of the site, and minor site alterations within the Stroud's Plaza and approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow modification to the approved Planned Development Rezoning General Provisions (PA 83-042); and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said application on September 4, 1990; and WHEREAS, the application has been reviewed in accordance with the provision of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be categorically exempt as per Section 15301, Class l(e); and WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending that the Site Development Review and Conditional Use Permit be approved subject to conditions prepared by Staff; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby find that: A. All provisions of Section 8-95.0 through 8-95.8, Site Development Review of the Zoning Ordinance, are complied with. B. Consistent with Section 8-95.0, this project will promote orderly, attractive, and harmonious development; recognize environmental limitations on development; stabilize land values and investments; and promote the general welfare by preventing establishment of uses or erection of structures having qualities which would not meet the specific intent clauses or performance standards set forth in the Zoning Ordinance and which are not consistent with their environmental setting. C. The approval of the project, as conditioned, is in the best interest of the public health, safety and general welfare. ATTACHMENT ~-I AGE 1::... or . ).(, D. General site considerations, including site layout, orientation, and the location of buildings, vehicular access, circulation and parking, setbacks, height, public safety and similar elements have been designed to provide a desirable environment for the development. E. General architectural considerations, as modified by the Conditions of Approval, including the character, scale and quality of the design, the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, building materials and colors, screening of exterior appurtenances, exterior lighting, and similar elements have been incorporated into the project in order to insure compatibility of this development with its design concept and the character of adjacent buildings and uses. F. The site is physically suitable for the proposed development in that the site is indicated to be geologically satisfactory for the type of development proposed in locations as shown, and the site is in a good location regarding public services and facilities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby conditionally approve PA 90-045.2 Site Development Review application as shown by materials labeled Exhibit A (consisting of two sheets, Site Plan dated received August 2~1 1990 and Elevations dated received August 15, 1990 prepared by Lee Gage and Associates) on file with the Dublin Planning Department subject to the approval of the related Conditional Use Permit and to the following conditions: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Unless otherwise specified, the following conditions shall be complied with prior to issuance of building or grading permits. Each item is sub;ect to review and approval by the Planning Department unless otherwise specified. General Provision 1. Except as specifically modified elsewhere in these conditions, this approval for Site Development Review shall generally conform to the plans labeled Exhibit A, and shall include: 1) a new buiding approximately 2,100 square feet in size labeled "Building D" on Exhibit A, located at the northeast portion of the site; and 2) new signs utilizing 1 foot 8 inch x 11 feet 6 inch cabinet type wall signs for tenant identification. 2. The approval of Building D shall be contingent upon the Appliant acquiring sufficient right-of-way to meet the 20 foot front yard setback requirement, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and the Planning Director. 3. Prior to issuance of a building permit, a traffic impact mitigation fee in the amount of $1,023.00 shall be paid in full to the City. 4. The wall signs proposed for Building D shall conform to the previously approved sign program for this center as established by Planning Commission Resolution No. 90-042, (PA 90-045.1). - 2 - PAGE ~ or 2.b 5. A m~n~mum of one designated loading space (10 feet x 38 feet) shall be maintained at all times on-site. 6. The Applicant shall comply with the City of Dublin Site Development Review Standard Conditions and the City of Dublin Non-Residential Security Requirements (attached). 7. The Applicant shall comply with the City of Dublin Site Development Review Standard Conditions and the City of Dublin Non-Residential Security Requirements (attached). ARCHITECTURAL 8. Exterior colors and materials for the new structure shall be compatible with the existing buildings in the center, subject to final review and approval by the Planning Director. All ducts, meters, air conditioning equipment, trailer supports and other mechanical equipment on the structure shall be effectively screened from view with materials architecturally compatible with the main structure subject to review and approval of the Planning Director. DEBRIS/DUST 9. Measures shall be taken to contain all trash, construction debris, and materials on site until disposal off site can be arranged. The Applicant shall keep adjoining public street free and clean of project dirt, mud and materials during the construction period. The Applicant shall be responsible for corrective measures at no expense to the City of Dublin. DRAINAGE 10. The flow line of all asphalt paved areas carrying water shall be slurry sealed at least three (3) feet on either side of the center of the swale, subject to review and approval of the Public Works Director. 11. All new catch basins not against curb and gutter shall have a three (3) foot concrete apron installed around all sides of the inlet, subject to review and approval of the Public Works Director. Refer to City of Dublin Standard CD-306. 12. Roof drains shall empty onto paved areas, concrete swales, or other approved dissipating devices, subject to review and approval of the Public Works Director. Concentrated flows will not be allowed to flow over walkways. 13. Where storm water flows against a curb, a curb with gutter shall be used, subject to review and approval of the Public Works Director. Concentrated surface flow should flow over concrete. - 3 - .- \'-\ 0.'72Jo '.~ -p-- \}\ ....-.-- LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION PLAN 14. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan (at 1 inch = 20 feet or larger), for the landscape island at the main entrance to the center off of San Ramon Road and for the disrupted area around Building D, along with a cost estimate of the work and materials proposed, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Director. Landscape and irrigation plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed landscape architect. 15. Landscape plans shall indicate the general plant pallette with description of plant type, growth rate, and container size at planting. 16. The Developer/Owner shall sign and submit a copy of the City of Dublin Landscape Maintenance Agreement (Attached). ON-SITE 17. The Applicant shall secure a grading permit from the City Engineer. 18. Areas undergoing grading, and all other construction activities, shall be watered, or other dirt palliative measures may be used, to prevent dust, as conditions warrant or as directed by Public Works Official. The Applicant shall repair damaged pavement areas as directed by the City Engineer. 19. The applicant shall be responsible for correcting deficiencies in the existing frontage improvements to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Any relocation or improvements of public facilities shall be accomplished at no expense to the city. 20. Any damage or relocation of bike paths or landscaping shall be repaired or replaced at no expense to the City of Dublin. 21. An encroachment permit shall be secured from the City Engineer for any work done within the public right-of-way. PUBLIC WORKS 22. All construction activity shall be limited to take place between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except as may be approved in advance in writing by the City Engineer. POLICE 23. The Applicant shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Dublin Police Services Department. 24. Metal frame entry doors that meet the Uniform Building Code for brake resistance shall be used on the new building. - 4 - tS p'" 2...10 PAGE _ elf ...- 25. Prior to issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall supply written confirmation that the requirements of the Police Services have been, or will be, met. FIRE PROTECTION 26. The Applicant shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRFA). 27. A Fire Impact Fee in the amount of $1,200.00 must be paid to the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority prior to issuing a building permit for Buiding "D". 28. Prior to isuance of building permits, the Applicant shall supply written confirmation that the requirements of the DRFA have been, or will be, met. DUBLIN SAN RAMON SERVICES DISTRICT (DSRSD) 29. Prior to issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall supply written confirmation that the requirements of the DSRSD have been, or will be, met. BUILDING 30. The Applicant shall comply with all applicable regulations of the Dublin Building Department. 31. Handicapped ramps and parking stalls shall be either maintained or provided as required by the State of California Title 24. LIGHTING 32. Exterior lighting shall be of a design and placement so as not to cause glare onto adjoining properties. Lighting used after daylight hours shall be adequate to provide for security needs. Photometries and lighting plan for the site shall be submitted to the Planning Department and the Dublin Police Services for review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. MISCELIANEOUS 33. This permit shall be revocable for cause in accordance with Section 8- 90.3 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms of conditions of this permit shall be subject to citation. 34. To apply for building permits, the Applicant shall submit six (6) sets of construction plans to the Building Department for plan check. Each set of plans shall have attached an annotated copy of the final Conditions of Approval. The notations shall clearly indicate how all Conditions of Approval will be complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted without the annotated Conditions of Approval attached to - 5 - f'Jl,GE~or~ each set of plans. The Applicant will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of all participating non-city agencies prior to the issuance of building permits. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of September, 1990. AYES: Commissioners Springer, Okun and Zika NOES: Commissioners Barnes a~d Burnham . . ;i /J;iIa??i i&lj~~L Planning Commission/Chairperson , ABSENT: None AT~~ 'D~ Plann~ng ~rector - 6 - "AG" n At lb ~. ".[ ___ tJI ...-....-.0 ~j ..~;: RESOLUTION NO. 54~6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUl/CIL OF TdE CIl1 OF .DUBLIN APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE SAlf'R.lu'!ON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN PA 86-050.1 SAN RAMON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAll U~'!E.,{])MENT TO AREA "3) WHEREAS, Richard Jeha, on behalf or Dublin Town & Countrv Associates, requested on May 6, 1986, that the Dublin City Council c~nsider authorizing a Specific Plan Amendment Study of a portion ~f Area 3 or the San Ramon Road Specific Plan (PA'86-044); and w1D[REAS, the City Council, at its regularly scheduled meeting of ~Iay 27, 1986, authorized the preparation of a Specific Plan )~endment Study to consider allowing occupancy in the Shopping Center by uses generally provided for by the C-l, Retail Business District, specifically to consider allowing a greater amount of personal service, financial or office uses at that location; and WHEREAS, proper notice of this request ~as given in all respects as required by law for the Planning Commission hearing of June 16, 1986, and the City Council hearing of June 23, 1986; and ~~S, the Staff Report was submitted recommena~ng that the City Council amend the San Ramon Road Specific Plan to allow occupancy in the Dublin Town & Country Shopping Center by uses generally provided for by the C-l, Retail Business District, including, but not limited to, retail uses, oersonal service uses, office uses and financial institutions as generally ~efl~cted in Planning Commission Resolutions Nos. 86-27 and 86-28; and WHE~~S, the City Council did hezr and consider all said reports, recc~~endations and testimony as herein set fo~~h; and WHEREAS, pursuant to State and City envi~cr~entGl regulations, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance has been previously adopted for the Specific Plan Amendment Study and the associated Rezoning request (City Council Resolution No. 53-86); and WH:EREAS, the City Council finds ...~~c.... the lJ:-oDosed 3UlenG.::!.ent to a portion of Area 3 of the San Ramon Road Soecific Plan'_~~ndoent ~ill not have a significant environoental impact; and ~~S, the Specific Plan ~uenci~e~t is c~~ropriate for the subject property in terms of being compatible to existing c:.G proposed land uses in the area, and will not overburden public services; 2nd ~~~S, the amendment will not have substantial adverse effects on health or safety, or be substantially detri=ental to t~e public "elfare, or be injurious to prope~ty or public improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED TrilT T.~E City Council approves the amendment to the San Ramon Road Specific Plan by establishing a sub-area within Area 3 of the Plan which encompasses the 4.8+ acre Dublin To~n & Country Shopping Center property (APN 941-040-007) subject to the following land use restrictions which identify the uses permitted. conditional uses, and uses specifically prohibited from being establis~ed ~ithin the referenced sub-area of Area 3: All ACHMENT [3- Z. -1- ':~~5~~~:t~fi~:::IJ~:f~t~f:Er~~~zif~~?::r~?'~T'~'-:.': .'-: . ',\- :~.~.._... '- ::-- ~~.~Y:;~~~f:::-.:-~-:~ :~:~-..~" ~ PAGE \b or j.1.. ~', ."".,. - .'J7' Are2 3A (Sub-,re2 0: Are2 3. consisting of the Dublin Town & Countrv ShCDDi~o Ce:,.t=!") 4.8+ Acres .._~. -" As with the area ide~:ified as Area 3, "this area has good potential for :~e development of retail shopper stores otiented to providing additional comparison shopping goods for both Dublin and-nearby community residents. I" is the intent of this Specific Plan that the principal use of this area be encouraged to be re"ail shopper stores. As noted below, development can be for personal service, financial institutions, or qffice uses.or similar uses as typically encountered in a Retail Business Dfstrict. Permitted Uses Retail commercial shopper goods establishments such as: e. f. g. h. 1- j. k. General Merchandise Stores Clothing Stores' Shoe St;res Home Furnishings Stores Home Appliances/Music Stores Hobby/Special Interest Stores Gifts/Specialty Stores Jeweler~ and Cosmetic Stores Home Improvement Centers Drug Stores Auto Parts Stores a. b. c. d. and similar uses that offer comparison goods based on price and quality. Eating and drinking establishments including, but not limited to, the following: 3. Restaurant b. Cocktail Lounge c. Donut Shop d. Ice Cre2m Parlor e. Sandwic~ Shop f. Special:y Food g. Delicatessen h. Bakery i. Candy cr Nuts j. Health Food k. Wine ar.d Cheese with on-sale liquor license from State of Califor:1ia Personal Service establishments including, but not limited to, "he following: a. Beauty Shop b. Barber Shop c. Shoe Re?air d. Cleaner and Dryer e. Laundry f. Figure Salon g. Photograoher h. Formal W~ar/Rental 1- Interior Decorator j. Travel Agent k. Key Shop 1- Dressm2king or Knitting Shop m. Tailor Shop n. Handicraft Shop -2- .' ~::'.~:-:~~~.:~Y::S~~~~~1~::~}~~~ffPZ~{;~~~i~~~r'.~':;~::-. PAGE ~ Qf ._~ Office includi~g, but not li~~ted.to, t~e rO~l~~l~g 2~d restricted to a maximum of 40~ or t~e:total ~ross floor are~ of t~e Shopping Center: a. Optometrist b. Medical and Dental c. Legal d. Accounting e. Architect f. Employment Agency g. Real Estate h. Other Administrative and Professional Office Conditional Use Subject to approval of a Conditional Use Per~it: a. Community, religious and charitable institution facilities and uses. b. Public facilities and uses. c. Veterinary Office d. Commercial recreation facility, other than a theater, if within a building. e. Tavern f. Recycling Centers, when operated in conjunction w~th a Permitted Use on t~e same premises. g. In-patient and out-patient health facilities as licensed by the State Department of Health Services. Prohibited Uses All retail COm~ercial uses defined as conve~ie~ce stores, including: a. Grocery Stores b. Liquor and Wine Stores c. Drive-in and Drive-through Restaurants d. Meat, Fish or Poultry Stores and other stores which sell food and other hocsahold goods for consumption in a short time. New and used vehicle sales and/or vehicle repai~ and service, service stations. Residential uses. Industrial uses. PASSED, APPROVED ~~ flXOPTED this 23rc cay or June, 1986. AYES: Councilmembers Hegarty, t!offa.:t, Vonneeder and Hayor Snyder ABSENT: None / ~_ /7 ... .(./ ,., / /' /?"""'/.'~ !.'.?- ...~~ / -:'lay-or ,j) -- NOES: Councilmember Jeffery ATIEST: ^ ~,~ ( .P'--J-? City Clerk -3- . ,.,.~ ....L...-- " .'. ":':-:";:'~.~'.7:rF:"':":~ ~:: ";. -:'- ::-.~:T~r~;::~':~'::-:-"'~:.~'."~~ :,.... ,,--:.~_..:~ ~:~- .~.';':~1,,:;;:~"'~:~.-'~'~~:~:~::::..!:r.~~~:.: -.'.. "^"" 2.0 r)C l-b (r;\.~:L _ '.. I ""."-.;0.-.. RESOLUTION NO. 55-86 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ APPROVING AND ESTABLISHING FINDINGS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PD) REZONING CONCERNING PA 86-050.2 SAI'! RAMON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN - AREA 3 DUBLIN TOWN & COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER WHEREAS, Richard Jeha, on behalf of Dublin Town & Country Associates, requested on May 6, 1986, that the Dublin City Council consider authorizing a Specific Plan Amendment Study of a portion of Area 3 of the San Ramon Road Specific Plan (PA 86-044); and WHEREAS, the City Council, at its regularly scheduled meeting of May 27, 1986, authorized the preparation of a Specific Plan Amendment Study to consider allowing occupancy in the Shopping Center by uses generally provided for by the C-l, Retail Business District, specifically to consider allowing a greater amount of occupancy by personal service, financial or office uses at that location; and WHEREAS, proper notice of this request was given in all respects as required by law for the Planning Commission hearing of June 16, 1986, and the City Council hearing of June 23, 1986; and WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending that the application be approved subject to the findings and general provisions prepared by Staff and reflected in Planning Commission Resolution No. 86-028; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony as herein set forth; and WHEREAS, pursuant to State and City environmental regulations, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance has been previously adopted for the Rezoning and the associated Specific Plan Amendent Study Tentative ~!ap requests (City Council Resolution No. 53-86); and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the City's General Plan and Policies and the San Ramon Road Specific Plan, as amended by PA 86-050.1; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposed rezoning will not have a significant environmental impact; and WHEREAS, the rezoning is appropriate for the subject property in terms of being compatible to existing land uses in the area, and will not overburden public services; and WHEREAS, the rezoning will not have substantial adverse effects on health or safety, or be substantially detrimental to the public welfare, or be injurious to property or public improvements; and WHEREAS, there is little or no probability that t~e rezoning will be a detriment to, or interfere with, the City's General Plan or t~e San Ramon Road Specific Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council approves the Planned Development (PD) Rezoning request PA 86-050.2 subject to the following General Provisions: ~m -1. Except as specifically modified by these General Provisions, development within the Dublin Town & Country Shopping Center shall be as provided for under PA 83-042.1 (City Council Resolution No. 50-84 for the or~g~nal Planned Development [PD] District) and PA 83-042.2 (City Council Resolution No. 51-84 for the original Site Development Revie'.;). -1- ATTACHMENT B-3 PAGE?- , or .~, 2. Permitted land uses, and those permitted with the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit, shall as generally provided in the C-1, Retail Business District, modified to reflect the provisions in the San Ramon Road Specific Plan for the Dublin Town & Country Shopping Center (Sub- area A of Area 3) outlined in the Planning Commission Resolution No. 86-028. .--.=- ATTEST: PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this .23rd day of June, 1986. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor City Clerk PAGE 1.-1:. Of .~ -":'.>. , , ,,. ,/.. . ,"," ~:Jtiel ~r6 71tO-73b8 ~ ~McN ~ .- \ - , c \ /'~ \'. : /\ -- - :,,-.':U '~;~:I r~~~H ~r~HI~ ~; ~ g '.!h.(~ ,. - ~ , 0 " ~ CITY OF DUBlI:; l....-~.'...'.'" .-, SANTINA, <::?:~~: I.TJ THO~lPSON "c. ...;;:....ITr;o . _ C~~!FnR.'l~ Dublin GJbwn t':I Country J Associates 318 Diablo Road. Suite 250 Danville. California 94526 (415) 820-2110 FAX (415) 820-2580 september 27, 1993 We propose to build a two thousand square foot one story building which will reflect the architecture of the existing shopping center. The building will be occupied by "Soccer World", a sporting goods store. The structure I s size and location is shown on the supporting documents. The Landscaping will be the same as existing landscaping. Anything that will be removed in order to accomodate the new construction will be replaced. sincerely, DUBLIN TOWN & COUNTRY ~~ RJJjlss R E eEl V...E D fA- w~-oS'6 SEP 2 c 1993 l~D()-I'3DB s. ({. .R.b~ ..., 11\\ '''I PI ANNI,,-!r ArrACHMfNT Z ':,r:-: ~4 0:: )..C.. ,...C._-...;I..-...-... CITY OF DUBLIN MEMORANDUM ,tI...,;I:IVI:I..I , . :393 DATE: october 22, 1993 -.0,1' .1.....'- TO: Dave Choy, Associate Planner FROM: Mehran Sepehri, Sr. Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Traffic Impact Fee for stroud's Plaza/Dublin Town & Country Located at 7300 & 7308 San Ramon Road (Finance Control #213) Per applicant's request, I studied the Dublin Town & Country project and calculated the Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) for this project. The applicant is proposing to open a 2,100 sf retail store at 7300-7308 San Ramon Road. Based on ITE Trip Generator Rates, the additional trips will be: 2,100 sf x 40 trips/l,OOO sf 84 ADT The proportion of site traffic growth and TIF on each of the following projects was calculated based upon the assumed site traffic patterns and the traffic volumes forecast for the Year 2010 and project improvement costs based on the City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program. % site Daily Site Total proposed project Location Traffic Traffic Growth Growth Cost TIF Dublin Blvd. 14% 12 31,200 0.04 $2,355,632 $ 950 Village Parkway 25% 21 4,900 0.43 300,000 1,300 (via Amador Vly Blvd) TOTAL $2,250 The total Traffic Impact Fee for the project is $2,250. MS/mb a:1993\1022strd ATTACHMENT :3 PAGE.~S or.~ .Oct.2~ '93 12:43 CI' OF DUBLIN ~2 FAX 510-83~ -628 P. 2 RECEIVED OCT 2 8 1993 ItJ/Z6/Q:S ( oate DUBLIN PLANN!NG Laurence L. Tong Planning Director City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, Ca 94568 RE: YAq~...tJ5f; S~~ aA~ C.V.P. Dear Mr. Tong: I I _'[),'~ k. .:r~ , have reviewed the -r~/C. 5m;pl ~'6~ ZZ, /992. r-a..<"1 da~cel. . dated I accept the findings and agree to pay $ the Ir~b 51Vpf z,rZ~. b() as outlined in , That is, as part of the ~~~ 1f~ CtJ.r project, (PA ~~'o~i ), I agree to voluntarily contribute ~, zSl) .(')0 , as our fair share to mitigate traffic impacts resulting from this project. Payment shall be made prior to the issuance of a building permit. Very truly yours, ~ Title IUd -imp ATTACHMfNT tf ('f;,GE }~ or .b!oa.