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Reso 036-84 Brydon DPDVolunteer
Ann Brydon, Dublin Police Services Volunteer Proclamation Resolution 036-84 ~:) . F~R.:HER.::VOLUNTEER(i-SERViCE. TO THE' DUBLIN;?: . ,( par tic,pan dur in~ Women' s ?'.-WHEREAS"~ sefVico'' ' o ~eJ(~:~fippor t.- to WHEREAS,..')'t~ ~ ...... has.'?as~ ,"~'Serices. in'f: effectively monitor~n~ rela~'~ WHEREAS, ~'d0n, s:.~do :.tho :entire. DUb'i i~):~ f~ exPresses~'- its::~PPreciati0n' k6.?~n BrTdon for