HomeMy WebLinkAboutHandout - Distributed at 01-19-1987 PC Mtg - o~....~t.~~ CAt/~O.p.,.. ~ ~ B I R BUILDINti INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION [) IS-t-'{'! b\..,r-IQ..d Pc- iV,-)(o , /1 9 f<o '7 EASTERN DIVISION BUILDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION 1280 BOULEVARD WAY #211, WALNUT CREEK, CA 94595 (415) 932-8884 (415) 444-8711 January 8, 1987 Chair and Members of the Dublin Planning commission % Kevin Gailey, Senior planner city of Dublin, Development Services P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, California 94568 RECEIVED JAN 1 5 1987 ~IN .....NtJlNO Thank you for the opportunity to comment on your Draft Roofing Materials Ordinance which your Commission will on January 19, 1987. Fire Safe be hearing The Building Industry Association, Eastern Division, which represents our industry in Contra Costa, Alameda, Solano, and Napa counties has been very involved in the discussions of these proposals as they have come before Planning commissions and city Councils for the past few years. Even though we may look like we are not concerned with the safety of our constituency (the new home buyer who will be your future constituents), let me assure you that we are. We have opposed these proposals but have always offered recommendations to increase safety features other ways and our ideas have been accepted numerous times. We have constantly hired experts to review all the facts so we can make informed, conscientious comments to Boards such as yours without having any special interests involved. Our industry builds and sells homes and any increase in costs are placed on the price of homes. When the market cannot bear the costs any longer, we quit building in that market area. Then the new or young homeowner moves to a more affordable area or gets governmental agencies to cut back on some of their unnecessary requirements. In other words, BIA is against the proposed ordinance because it is not cost effective. It will cause financial hardship on the 3600 families in Dublin who now have shingle or shake roofs as well as increase new home prices for future Dublin residents. According to the July, 1986, Town of Moraga's Fire Retardant Roof Committee, the cost per home to meet the requirements of this ordinance would be $2500-3500 per home or a $9-11 million dollar expenditure by your present homeowners in the next 5-20 years, with no real benefit. If new homes are required to meet roofs with A Class or B Class in the current proposal and wanted to use tile roofs and also wanted to have earthquake inusrance, they would be unable to do so because insurance companies will not insure homes for earthquake protection if they have tile roofs. HEADQUARTERS REGIONAL OFFICES: (415) 820-7626 San Ramon WEST SAY (415) 364-9008 Redwood City SOUTHERN (408) 243-5889 Santa Clara NORTHERN (707) 664-8150 Rohner! Park AFFILIATED WITH NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOME BUILDERS AND CALIFORNIA BUILDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION January 8, 1987 Draft Fire Safe Roofing Materials Ordinance Page Two The city of Los Altos Hills, which is in a very fire prone area in the Santa Cruz Mountains, passed a very similiar ordinance to the one proposed to you and the citizens through the ballot threw it out. The Town of Moraga last year considered a similiar proposal and the Mayor appointed a committee, chaired by their former mayor. Their report, which was presented in July, 1986, strongly recommended against adoption. It is an excellent report to review before you take any action. We fully understand that there are other cities which have adopted proposals sirniliar to yours and we have not heard of the impact because there was very little public comment except from organizations such as the Committee for Firesafe Roofing which, even though professing important concerns, is basicaliy a special interest group as attested to by the Moraga Report (page 8) and the attached letter from the Committee itself (page ~) . In closing let me again state the BIA is opposed to the proposed ordinance but would like to offer a few recommendations for your con- sideration: 1) Require smoke detectors in all present homes - cost $15-30 per unit (they: are already required by state law in new 'residential developments). 2) Require spark arrestors on all fireplace chimneys on a retro- active basis - cost $15-25 per home. 3) In areas of high risk~require that brush or other vegetation be cut back and maintain an excellent weed abatement program. Lastly, let me re-emphasize that BIA is a non-profit organization which serves the Building Industry and the consumers of our product - homes that look good, serve a need, are safe, and are affordable. Re~;ectful~ n Jt4:t {Ud:- ~ ~fry . curtola, J~ Execu~ ve Vice President TAC!mga Attachment cc: Board of Directors, BlA, Eastern Division Dean La Field, President, BlANC Mayor and city Council, city of Dublin ____~_._~_..<._~_______""''''~~'L.."'_''"''__"....~.......",..."..'''.......,..,..___."".,_.'~'..i:t""'-"";"'-"""'___~"",,::l"~"''''''77'''''-'':,_-.-'~ '." :,''':,,"...,p-.,'':;-:''''''-~+"'''o'll''-'.'.o<:c ~., .-..:-- . ~U!llWUw ~ij1r FireSaie ~~oImO' ;;::l POBOx U I WALNUT, CALIFCR'.." 91:t< 18001962~5~O . (8141 965-6JJO . 17\J1 5~.J2:; .., 1=XHt 6li I-I July 16, 1985 Jerry Fever American Wood Treating P.O. Box 515 Sumas, ~ashington 98295 Dear Mr. Fever: RE: CFFSR Brouchure Sponsor \.,1e hope that you are aware or the activities or the COMl-lITTEE FOR FIRESAn: ROOFING. If not let ,me explain. The COl-1MITTEE FOR FIRESAFE ROOFING has spent a great deal or time and money over the past rive years in the educatio~ or bu~lders, contractors, rire services, building departments, C~ty Councl.ls and homeOwners as to the need to specify fire retardant roofing products. The percentage of households in Southern Calirornia now cover~d by an ordinance requiring riresafe .roofing has increased rrom 15i: in 1980 to over 85i: in 1985. This 'dramatic shift in legislation has been due to the activities or the CO:lMITTEE FOR FIRE5AFE ROOFING. ' Unrortuna tely, al though we have won many battles, the war has to continue to be fought. Every day the well-financed wood lo~by, representing wood shake and shingle manufacturers, aooears be:ore influential groups or agencies in California, trying' to build-up momentum to reverse previous decisions and allow the use or untre~ted wood shake and shingles. Indeed, t~o communities have reversea previous decisions and mor~ are waivering.We simply cannot let t:::.i ha?pen. We need to continue to provide both speakers and literature to back-u? the respective fire services in their efforts to rnain:=ain favorable, current restrictive ordinances.'. 'Furthermore, in all or r-;orthern California, only abot:t 15: or the area is now covered by firesafe rooring ordinances. The right is just beginni~g in that area and we are already mak:.ng progress. Last year, we open~d an office in Northern Calirornia and have retained the services or a hiahlv o _ respected fire consultant to generate interest in the passage or stronger rooring ordinances. 5i nee the COMMITTEE'S in'ception, our only piece or color literature . has been a reprint showing alternate firesare roors from a magazine now out or business. We desoerately need and consequently have developed a new brochure. It'shows pictures or alternate riresafe roofs,' as well as clearly spelling out our message. In the quanti ty .. T .._,~, "_~..~,,. ',.,;~. ,~-O_'.l"-',":"'~-"~.",- CFFSR Brochure Sponsor July 15, 1985 Page 2 '" we believe we require (250,000), the lOwest quotation we have received to print chis four-color, six-page brochure, is approxi- mately $0.12 each. "Units" of 25,000 brochures will cost $3,000 to print. We hope that your organization will sponsor at least one unit of brochures and more, if at all poss,ible. We will see that this informatlon gets into the right hands., We will pay the cost of han,dling, envelopes and postage for direct distribution to fire stations, building depart- ments, trade shows and hundreds of other locations, such as Banks and Insurance Companies for example. ~ This request is different. All of us are co'ntinually being asked for donations for some worthy cause and although protecting the lives and property of millions of people is indeed a noble purpose, our caese is not charity. Your investment; se brochures is ouaranteed to hel 'your business-:-we helieve that this ~s the best tor::! "ec- ::ic'Je,t:i sl.~avai13ble to you. ~ve!'y single brochure wi 1 bp c;i1entlv ex;;",.,ciin2 t:he sales or vQur......!ll9_cuct bv promot:ing r~p t!~ of firesafe roorin,g materials. We are ready to go to print now. Each day's---ceI'ay -ioleans 105 t oDDoruni ties. Please call or wri te to me as soon as possible con~irming the number of units you will sponsor. It is our wish that you give this request your earnest consideration. ~e look for~ard to hearing from you. "- Very truly yours. \ CO~E FOR/F~RESAFE ROOFING /'pytJ}4-iGk aL RaquerrMontova I~ _ ~. j)'- v ~xec~t~ve Lrector R'!:/dh