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Review of Site Development Review Standard Conditions.
- Preliminary Draft Revisions: Site Development Review
Standard Conditions, February 2, 1987
- Site Development Review Standard Conditions
Consider and provide direction to Staff. tr
Since the City incorporated in 1982, Staff has been responsible for acting
on Site Development Review (SDR) applications. Since that time, Staff has
prepared and applied SDR Standard Conditions. Although the Standards have been
subject to periodic Planning Commission review, it would now be appropriate for
the Planning Commission to consider revising the Standards to reflect current
City policies, objectives, and actions.
Staff has prepared Preliminary Draft Revisions for Planning Commission
consideration. After receiving Planning Commission input, Staff will bring
Draft Revisions back to the Planning Commission along with a Resolution as
appropriate. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission provide direction on
the Preliminary Draft Revisions and direct Staff to bring Draft Revisions back
at a subsequent meeting.
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1. Final building and site development plans shall be reviewed by and Zoning
Approval secured from the Planning Department Staff prior to the issuance
of a building permit. All such plans shall insure:
a. That standard commercial or residential security requirements are
provided as established by the Dublin Police Department and are
subject to Police Department Staff review and modification.
b. That ramps, special parking spaces, signing, and other appropriate
physical features for the handicapped, are provided throughout the
site for all publicly used facilities.
c. That continuous concrete curbing is provided for all parking stalls.
d. That exterior lighting of the building and site is not directed onto
adjacent properties; the light source is shielded from direct offsite
viewing; and lighting characteristics including footcandle levels,
uniform units ratio, and glare avoidance, are subject to review and
e. That all mechanical equipment, including electrical and gas meters, is
architecturally screened from view, and that electrical transformers
are either undergrounded or architecturally screened.
f. That all vents, gutters, downspouts, flashings, etc., are painted to
match the color of the adjacent surface.
g. That all materials and colors are to be as approved by the Dublin
Planning Department. Once constructed or installed, all improvements
are to be maintained in accordance with the approved plans. Any
changes which affect the exterior character shall be resubmitted to
the Dublin Planning Department for approval.
h. That each parking space designated for compact cars be identified with
a pavement marking reading "Small Car Only", or its equivalent, and
additional signing be provided if necessary.
i. That each parking space shall have double four-inch stripes
approxmately two feet apart between spaces.
Page 2
j. That all visible exterior architectural elements not detailed on the
plans be finished in a style and in materials in harmony with the
exterior of the building.
k. That all other public agencies that regulate the project, such as the
Fire Department, be supplied with copies of the final building and
site plans, and that the Applicant shall supply the Planning Staff
with written documentation from the other public agencies stating that
the appropriate regulations have been (or will be) met.
l. That all trash and construction debris shall be contained on site and
all adjacent streets kept clean and free of dirt, mud and constuction
m. That if, during construciton, archaeological remains are encountered,
construction in the vicinity shall be halted, an archaeologist
consulted, and the City Planning Department notified. If, in the
opinion of the archaeologist, the remains are significant, measures as
may be required by the Planning Director, shall be taken to protect
n. That all ducts, meters, air conditioning equipment and other
mechanical equipment on the proposed structure shall be effectively
screened from view with materials architecturally compatible with the
main structure.
o. That areas undergoing grading, and all other construction activities,
shall be watered, or other dust-palliative measures used, to prevent
dust, as. conditions warrant. Provision of temporary construction
fencing shall be made subject to review and approval of the City
Engineer and the Building Official.
p. That the design of the trash enclosures shall reflect dimensional
criteria deemed acceptable by the Livermore-Dublin Disposal Service,
and shall incorporate use of a concrete apron in front of the
enclosure to facilitate the District's mechanical pick-up service. If
wooden doors are utilized, the doors shall be trimmed with a heavy
metal lip. Raised concrete curbing shall be provided inside the trash
enclosure area to serve as wheel stops for metal 'trash bins to protect
the interior walls of the enclosure.
q. That a grading and drainage plan shall be prepared and shall be
submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer. Calculations
(hydraulic) shall be prepared by the developer for review by the City
Engineer to detemine the sizing of drainage lines.
Page 3
r. That the area outside the building addition shall drain outward at a
2% minimum slope for unpaved areas and a 1% minimum in paved areas
(with a maximum gradient of 5%).
s. That roof drains shall empty into approved dissipating devices. Roof
water, or other concentrated drainage, shall not be directed onto
adjacent properties, sidewalks or driveways. No drainage shall flow
across property lines. Downspouts shall drain through the curb of the
concrete walks around the building.
t. That where storm water flows against a curb, a curb with gutter shall
be used. The flow line of all asphalt paved areas carrying waters
shall be slurry sealed at least three feet on either side of the
center of the swale.
u. That all improvements within the public right-of-way, including curb,
gutter, sidewalks, driveways, paving and utilities, must be
constructed in accordance with approved standards and/or plans.
v. That the developer shall be responsible for correcting deficiencies in
the existing frontage improvements to the satisfaction of the City or
County Engineer.
w. That any relocation of improvements or public facilities shall be
accomplished at no expense to the City.
x. That parking and driveway surfacing shall be asphalt concrete paving.
The City Engineer shall review the project's Soils Engineer's
structural pavement design. The developer shall, at his sole expense,
make tests of the soil over which the surfacing and base is to be
constructed and furnish the test reports to the City Engineer. The
developer's Soils Engineer shall determine a preliminary structural
design of the road bed. After rough grading has been completed, the
developer shall have soil tests performed to determine the final
design of the road bed.
y. That an encroachment permit shall be secured from the City Engineer
for any work done within the public right-of-way, where this work is
not covered under the improvement plans.
Z. That the developer shall acquire easements and/or obtain rights-of-
entry from the adjacent property owners for improvements or
construction activities required outside of the subject properties.
Copies of the easements and/or rights-of-entry shall be in written
form and shall be furnished to the City Engineer.
Page 4
aa. That existing and proposed access and utility easements shall be
submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer prior to the
issuance of grading or building permits. These easements shall allow
for practical or vehicular and utility service access for portions of
the subject properties.
ab. That the design and placement of service areas and utility boxes shall
be compatible with the site's overall design and landscaping, and
shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Director as
part of the landscape and irrigation plan.
ac. That lighting used after daylight hours shall be adequate to provide
for security needs. Wall lighting around the entire perimeter of the
building(s) shall be supplied to provide "wash" security lighting.
ad. That the number, height, design and location of light standards shall
be subject to review and approval by the Planning Department prior to
the issuance of building permits. The concrete base of new light pole
standards shall be finished with an aggregate pebble finish, or
equivalent, as determined acceptable to the Planning Department.
ae. That the materials used across the site for pedestrian walkways into
the new building shall be of a uniform design and shall be subject to
review and approval by the Planning Director. The pedestrian
circulation system shall include handicap access.
2. Final landscape plans, irrigation system plans, tree preservation
techniques, and guarantees, shall be reviewed by and Zoning Approval
secured from the Planning Department Staff prior to the issuance of the
building permit. All such submittals shall insure:
a. That plant material is utilized which will be capable of healthy
growth within the given range of soil and climate.
b. That proposed landscape screening is of a height and density so that
it provides a positive visual impact within three years from the time
of planting.
c. That unless unusual circumstances prevail, at least 75% of the
proposed trees on the site are a minimum of 15 gallons in size, and at
least 75% of the proposed shrubs on the site are a minimum of five
gallons in size. All trees shall be double-staked.
d. That areas between two feet and five feet above the paving surface
needed for vehicular or pedestrian visibility are generally kept clear
of landscaping, except for tree trunks.
Page 5
e. That a plan for an automatic irrigation system be provided which
assures that all plants get adequate water. In unusual circumstances,
and if approved by Staff, a manual or quick coupler system may be
f. That concrete curbing is to be used at the edges of all planters and
paving surfaces, with each corner adjacent to a drive aisle having a
three-foot or greater radius.
g. That all cut and fill slopes in excess of five feet in height are
rounded both horizontally and vertically.
h. That all cut and fill slopes graded and not constructed on by
September 1, of any given year, are hydroseeded with perennial or
native grasses and flowers, and that stock piles of loose soil
existing on that date are hydroseeded in a similar manner.
i. That the area under the drip line of all existing oaks, and other
major vegetation not specifically approved for removal, shall be
fenced during construction and grading operations, and no activity is
permitted under them that will cause soil compaction or damage to the
j. That a guarantee from the owners or contractors shall be required
guaranteeing all shrubs and ground cover, all trees, and the
irrigation system for one year from the date of installation.
k. That a permanent maintenance agreement on all landscaping will be
required from the owner insuring regular irrigation, fertilization and
weed abatement.
1. That a detailed landscape and irrigation plan (at 1 inch = 20 feet or
larger), along with a cost estimate of the work and materials
proposed, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning
Director. Landscape and irrigation plans shall be signed by a
licensed architect. A site specific horticultural report shall be
prepared to assess the current health of existing on-site trees and
the impacts to those trees that will result from the project's
development. The report shall establish mitigation measures and a
tree preservation program for the trees shown for retention.
Page 6
3. Zoning Approval for final inspection or occupancy shall not be granted
until all exterior building construction, landscaping, site and public
improvements are 100% complete in accordance with approved plans and the
conditions of approval.
The only potential exceptions to having 100% completion prior to Zoning
Approval for occupancy are:
a. The Planning Staff, at its discretion, may consider granting Zoning
Approval for a Specific Phasing Plan. Zoning Approval shall not be
granted unless Staff finds, based on fact, that each phase shall be
complete and adequate even if other phases are not eventually
b. The Planning Staff, at its discretion, may consider granting Zoning
Approval prior to 100% completion for only the following incomplete
1) minor finishing landscaping
2) minor finishing site improvements
3) minor finishing public improvements
Zoning Approval shall not be granted unless each of the following
findings of fact are made by Staff:
1) Delays were caused by unusual or unforseeable events.
2) Delays are beyond the Applicant's control.
3) Granting Zoning Approval will not be contrary to the intent of any
City policy or regulation.
4) There are adequate guarantees that the City will not be held
liable, and that the project will be completed by the Applicant in
a timely manner.
(Rev 2/87)
All projects approved by the City of Dublin shall rreet t..'1e foll~..ng standard
conditions nnless specifically e.v::e.rnpted by the Plan.ni.ng Cepartrrent.
1. Final buildinG and site develccrre..'lt plans shall be revie..;ed and.:' aocroved
bv the PlanninG Ceoart::rrent staff orior to the issuarlce of a buildinG pennit.
All such plans shall insure:
a. That standard ccrrrrercial or reside.'ltial security require!r.e.'1ts as
established by the Dublin Police Cepartrrent are 9rovided.
b. That ramps, s'f€cial parking spaces, signi.r.g, a.-:d ot'1er acoropriate
physical features for t'1e handicapped, are provided thrc\,;.ghout t'1e
site for all publicly used facilities.
c. That continuous concrete curbing is provided for all parking stalls.
d. '!'.b.at e.v::-'"...erior lightL."1g of t..'1e building and site is not dir~....ed onto
adjace.'lt proFer-.i.es and ti:e light source is shielded f.r.....m <'I; ""ect
offsite vie~ving.
e. Th"t all rrec!1a.."lical equiE=IT.e.'lt, includir.g elee-...!:'ical and gas rreters,
is architecturally sc=eened f=an vie',,;, ar.d. t~t elee-...=ical t=a.'lS-
fo:cre.rs are either ur~c.ergrG~'"1c.ed or arc:u.~ura.lly screer,;.ed.
L That all trash er:closu=es ar2 of a sturdy mc.te::.-ial (preferably
rrascnrj) and i... "1 h;= ""'T.cny w-i t. '1 t.':e arcm tect'J.:'2.of t.'1e buildi..!1g (s) .
g _ 'J.11.a tall ve..'1ts, gut'ters, dC'.oJIls?Juts, flashi.."".gs, etc. r are Fainted to
rratch t.he color of adjace.!1t su=::ace.
h. 'J.11.at all mc.te=ials and colors are. to J:e as aF?reved by t..':e Dublin
PlanninG J::er::crtrrent. Cnce c::::nst...."-uct-=d or ins-...:.lled, all improve.'f.e.'1t.s
=e to te rr~t-:=;neC in accordance wit.'1 t.":e aFproved plans. 'P-ny
char.Ges which affect t.'"'.e e.v::terior charac"'...e.r shall be resubnitted to
t.he Dublin Plan.n..i..ng J::ep2...L ~,.e.'lt for apprcvc.l.
i. That each parki11g SpaC2 desi9".ated for c,-",~c't ca.rs J:e identified
witi1 a pave.rr.e.'1t IToar};:ing readi11g "&call C2r Only" or its esuivale.'1t,
ar.d. addi ticnal si9".i.r.g J:::e p=ovided if necessarj.
Tr.at all exterior =chi tect.'..1I'al elerr.e.'lts visible fran vie'.... and not.
de"""; led on t..'":e plans J:e fi...'1ished in a style a."'1d ;n rnc.te=ials i.'l
harrrony wit.'1 the e.v::terior of ti1e building.
k. That all ot'1er public ac;er:cies that require. revie.... of the project be
supplied wit'1 copies of the final building ar.d site pla.'1s and t.'1at
c::mpliance J:::e obtaine:i wit.'1 at. least their mi."'1il'iR..."t1 Cede require.'Tent.s.
DP 83-13
2. Final Landscace Plans, irriqation system plans, tree preservation tech-
niques, and guarantees, shall l::e revie..ied and aporoved bv the Dublin
PlaI".rUnq cepartrrent prior to the issuance of the buildinq pe..rmi.t. All
such sul:mi ttals shall insure:
a. That plant material is utilized which will be capable of healthy
grcwtb. within the give.'l range of soil and c1iroate.
b. That proposed landscape sc=ee.."li.ng is of a height and de..'lSity so that it
provides a positive visual in;pact wi t..'1in t..'1ree years fran the t.i.rre
of planting.
c. TJ:1.at nnless unusual circumstances prevail, at least 75% of t..~e pror:Osed
trees on the site are a miIu..'TIUIll of 15 gallons in size, and at
least 50% of t..'1e proposed shrubs on ti:e site are mi..niIin.:.-n of 5.gallons
in size.
d. TI1.at a plan for an autmatic ir:dgation syst.e:-:l l:e provided w-r.ich
assures t'1at all pla.T'lts get adequate w-ate.::-. L-. li.T'lusual c; "-C',.:rrnstances ,
and if ap,!?roved. by Sl-"f'f, a TI'anual or quick ccupler syst.e!n TI'ay l:e
Tr.at concrete curbing is to l:e used at t..':e eeges of all planters ar.d
Faving surfaces.
That all cut ar.d fill slcr:es in e.v::cess of 5 feet i..'l height are rounded
bot."l horizontally and vertically.
That all cut and fill slo'f€s gradee and not ccnst..--uctee on by Septe.'1'.cec: 1/
of any qive.T'l vear, are hvcrosee::ed. with cere.,,-,-u.al or native grasses
and fic~:~~s, ~d t.."1E..t st2ck. piles of lco~e soil e.v..isci.r:g en t..'1at date
a2:'3 hydroseeee<i in a si.:.7.ila= ~c..nr;.e.!".
h. TI".:.a.t t.~e area ur~d.e!:" t..~e d=2.? 1; r:.e of all e:<isting ca,s I \'Jc.lr:.uts I etc.. I
which a=e to 1:::e saved. are fe..'1ced. duri.."".g const...--ucticn a.-:d gra"::; r:g
q:e=ations a."".d no activity is per::d.tted. u.-:de.::- t"'.e.rn t':..=..t will cause
soil ccn;:action or da.cage to t."'".e t=ee..
~. That a guara.T'lt.ee from tl:e c..mers or contractors shall l:e required
guara.T'lteein<; all shrclbs ar.d grcur.d cover, all t=ees, ar.d the L""ri<;at.ion
syste.rn for one year..
] ..
TJ:1.at a per.rrane.T'lt maintena.'1ce agree.'!'e!1.t on all la."".Cscapir.g will 1:::e
re<;:uired from cree c...mer insuri..'1g regular i..-risation, fer-~lization
ar.d weed abate.rr.ent.
3. F; Tlal ; nscection or CCC'.l;:ancv cer:ni ts will not l:e <:ranted tmtil all
ccnst...."Llction and landscaci..TlG is cCIT'Dlete i..'1 accordance ...;it.'1 a-ccroved clans
and the conditions rec;uired. 1:::'1 t..'1e Ci tv, or a bond has been posted
to ccver all ccsts of tf1e unfinished 'NOrk, plus 25%.