HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-051 Pulte Home Corp TMap CITY OF DUBLIN PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA STATEMENT/STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: May 4, 1987 TO: Planning Commission t~ Staff a FROM: Planning SUBJECT: PA 87-051 Pulte Home Corporation - Betlen Drive Tentative Map request for a 25 lot single family residential development involving an 8,4+ acre property located along the south side of the terminus of Betlen Drive in the southwest corner of the City of Dublin, GENERAL INFORMATION PROJECT: Tentative Map application for a 25 lot single family residential subdivision, APPLICANTS AND REPRESENTATIVES: Mi tch Moughan Bissell & Karn, Inc, 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 204 Pleasanton, CA 94566 PROPERTY OWNERS AND REPRESENTATIVE: Richard Steele Pulte Home Corporation 4655 Old Ironside Drive, #320 Santa Clara, CA 95054 ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 941-115-14 PARCEL AND SURROUNDING LAND USES: The proposed residential project covers Parcel A of Parcel Map No, 2795 located in the southwestern corner of the City of Dublin, The 8,4+ acre site fronts on the south side of Betlen Drive and extends from its western terminus for 700~ feet, The site is bordered on the west by the Valley Christian Center complex, to the south by the slope easements and road right-of-ways for Dublin Boulevard and Interstate 580, on the north by existing single family residential development, and on the east by the partially developed eight-lot single family residential subdivision approved under Tract 4929, The Gross Residential Acreage (GRA) available for residential development is 9,1+ GRA (includes one half of the fronting right-of-way for Betlen Drive), PROPERTY DESCRIPTION, ZONING AND LAND USE: The existing elevation range of the site ranges from 555+ feet in the northeast corner of the site to 660+ feet in the northwest corner. Grading has previously occurred on the site as the southern half of the site has been previously utilized as a "borrow-pit". The site is currently vacant and is zoned R-I-B-E, Single Family Residential Combining District (10,000 square foot minimum lot size; 80 foot minimum average lot width), A previous 25-lot Tentative Map approval covers the property (Tentative Map 5588 - City Planning Application PA 86-056 - see Attachment #5), ZONING HISTORY: The subject property was rezoned from A-2, Agricultural District, to the R-I-B-E, Single Family Residential-Combining District by Zoning Unit 510, approved by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors on November 27, 1986, --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM NO, ~,y COPIES TO: Applicant Owner File PA 87-051 On November 16, 1978, the California Conference of Methodist Churches received approval from the Alameda County Planning Commission for a two- parcel Minor Subdivision under Tentative Parcel Map 2795. The parcel split was requested in anticipation of the submittal of a Conditional Use Permit application for the development of a church on the 8,4+ acre subject property (Parcel A), The plans for development of a church on this site never materialized, Parcel B of the Minor Subdivision was subsequently split into eight single family residential lots under Tract 4929, On September 2, 1986, the Dublin Planning Commission granted Tentative Map approval (Tract 5588) for a 25-1ot subdivision, APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: A, SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Title 8, Chapter I, Alameda County Subdivision Ordinance as adopted and amended by the City of Dublin, reads in part: 8-1-2 INTENT, It is the intent of this chapter to promote the public health, safety and general welfare; to assure in the division of the land consistent with the policies of the Dublin General Plan and with the intent and provisions of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance; to coordinate lot design, street patterns, rights-of-way, utilities and public facilities with community and neighborhood plans; to insure the area dedicated for public purposes will be properly improved, initially, so as not to be a future burden upon the community; to reserve natural resources and prevent environmental damage; to maintain suitable standards to insure adequate, safe building sites; and to prevent hazard to life and property, B, GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION AND POLICIES The site is designated by the City of Dublin General Plan as Residential: Single-family (0,9 to 6.0 units per Gross Residential Acre), General Plan Development Policies for the site are as follows: Site: Acres: Minimum-Maximum Units: General Plan Residential Designation: South side Betlen Drive, West of Prow Way 9 9-54 Single Family Residential Applicable General Plan Policies include the following: 2,1.3 Residential Compatibilty Guiding Policy A, Avoid abrupt transitions between single family development and higher density development on adjoining sites, Implementing Policy B, Require all site plans to respect the privacy and scale of residential development nearby, 3,3 OPEN SPACE FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION Guiding Policy E, Restrict structures on the hillsides that appear to project above major ridgelines, The present undisturbed natural ridgelines as seen from the primary planning area are an essential component of Dublin's appearance as a freestanding City ridged by open hills, -2- Implementing Policy F. Use subdivision design process and the site design review process to preserve or enhance the ridgelines that form the skyline as viewed from freeways (I-580, 1-680) or major arterial streets (Dublin Boulevard, Amador Valley Boulevard, San Ramon Road, Village Parkway, Dougherty Road). 5,6 SCENIC HIGHWAYS 1-580, 1-680, San Ramon Road and Dougherty Road were designated scenic routes by Alameda County in 1966. These are the routes from which the people traveling through Dublin gain their impression of the City, so it is important that the quality of views be protected, Guiding Policy A, Incorporate previously designated scenic routes in the General Plan and work to enhance a positive image of Dublin as seen by travelers, Implementing Policy B. Exercise design and review of all projects within 500 feet of a scenic route and visible from it. 9,0 NOISE ELEMENT Noise exposure contours projected for 2005 based on anticipated traffic volumes increases indicated noise in the 70 CNEL to 75 CNEL range at the south side of the property, Guiding Policy A, Where feasible, mitigate traffic noise to levels indicated below: Land Use Compatibility for Community Noise Environments Land Use Category Normally Acceptable Conditionally Acceptable (Noise Insulation Features Required) Residential 60 CNEL 60-70 CNEL PREVIOUS APPLICATION SUBMITTALS: Previous PD, Planned Development Rezoning and Subdivision Map applications were submitted covering this site and proposed development of a 44-lot single family residential development (City Files PA 86-010,1 and ,2). The requests were withdrawn prior to any action being taken by the Planning Commission, The withdrawals were prompted by direction given during the course of the public hearings from the Commission that the 44- lot layout was considered inappropriate for the site, and that a project redesign reflecting the existing zoning requirements (e.i" 10,000 square foot minimum lot size, 80 foot minimum average lot width) and existing development constraints (topographic conditions present and access constraints) should be considered, The project was resubmitted in mid-1986 proposing a 26-lot layout conforming to the existing Zoning Standards, Under that Tentative Map application, the request to rezone the property to a PD, Planned Development District was dropped, The design was of the 26- lot layout subsequently further revised by the Applicant in an attempt to balance the cut and fill grading involved with the project, The adjust- ments ultimately lead to an elimination of one lot, reducing the proposal to 25 lots, That layout was ultimately approved by the Commission on September 2, 1986, -3- ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The City proposes to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance which finds the proposed project will not have a significant impact on the environment (see Exhibit A - Draft Resolution regarding the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance and Background Attachment 2 - Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance), NOTIFICATION: Public Notice of the May 4, 1987, hearing was published in The Herald, mailed to adjacent property owners, and posted in public buildings, ANALYSIS: This latest application submittal by Pulte Home Corporation involves a modified 25-1ot subdivision covering the 8,4+ acres located at the top of Betlen Drive below the Valley Christian Center complex, The principal modification from the previous subdivision layout involves the elimination of off-site grading activity on the adjoining Valley Christian Center property. The review process for the previous application submittals covering this site focused on the following issues: 1) General Plan Policies and Zoning 2) Site Layout and Dimensional Design Criteria 3) Traffic Circulation 4) Site Grading 5) Architecture and Landscape Architecture 6) Environmental Review The following sections update previous discussions concerning these six areas, 1, General Plan Policies and Zoning The project density, at 25 lots, remains within the density range established by the General Plan for this site by the Residential Single-Family Land Use Designation, The proposed density of the project is consistent with the General Plan Implementing Policy that calls for an avoidance of abrupt density transitions between adjoining residential developments, The remaining General Plan concerns tied to this project proposal involve the potential visibility of future residential units at the southern limit of the project, as seen from the adjoining 1-580 corridor, and to a lesser degree as seen from the City's major arterials lying east of the site (see General Plan Guiding Policy 3,3 F cited above), The Grading Plan ultimately utilized for the southern portion of the project should include use of intensive slope landscape treatment, should provide for effective location of the masonry sound-architectural wall, and should provide for the judicial selection of residential building heights and locations, These items should be considered through the Site Development Review process to provide assurance that these General Plan directives are attained, A previously identified concern involves the proposal to create building pads at the southerly limit of the property which may potentially lead to the creation of homes which will be visible from the adjoining 1-580 corridor, The latest lotting plan/grading plan appears to further mitigate this situation by lowering the finished grades of the proposed lots in this area, With lower pads, use of 2:1 (horizontal-to-vertical) bermed screen slopes at the rear of the lots may be possible, The existing slope itself, by way of the steepness of its face and its location deep in the respective lots, will limit the visibility of the homes ultimately placed on these lots as viewed from the immediately adjoining section of 1-580, The Applicant acknowledges that views back to the project from points -4- further east and west along 1-580 will still yield partial views of new homes. The Applicant has indicated a willingness to establish extensive landscaping along this slope area to provide additional mitigation to potential visual impacts related to this project, The Applicant has prepared Exhibits to depict the potential view of units located at the southern portion of the site as viewed from the 1-580 corridor, 2. Site Plan Layout and Dimensional Design Criteria The proposed Gross Residential Density at 2.7 dwelling units/Gross Residential Acre has a density similar to existing surrounding residential projects. The proposal to eliminate one cul-de-sac bulb from the project (reduction from three bulbs) reintroduces some Staff concern regarding potential on-street parking problems, Those problems would be mitigated by adjusting the layout of the northerly cul-de-sac to reflect Lotting Plan - Alternate 2 (see Exhibit D), Observance of the lotting pattern modifications shown on the Alternate Plan would reduce the number of lots loaded on the northerly cul-de-sac from 9 to 6 lots, and increase the length of the cul-de-sac, A minimum area of 1,350 square feet of useable rearyard area was required to be supplied to the lots approved under the previous subdivision covering this site, This standard was based on the application of the same standard on the nearby 88-lot Dolan School Site subdivision, This figure was derived from assigning a minimum of 15% of the average lot size in the Dolan School site subdivision (9,000~ sq, ft,) to be reserved for use as a level rearyard area, Within the Conditions of Approval of the previous subdivision request covering the subject property, another requirement was imposed calling for a minimum level rearyard depth of 15 feet (with the bulk of the lots to provide 18 feet) measured from the rear of the unit to the nearest change in slope, While the concept of setting a minimum square footage standard for rearyard useable area is not derived from a zoning regulation, the concept warrants consideration to assure that each lot is provided a minimum, functional rearyard area, Staff recommends that these pre- viously applied standards (1,350 square feet rearyard useable area and 15-18 foot depth for level rear yards) be applied on this proj ect, 3. Traffic Circulation The City Engineer continues to recommend that a cul-de-sac be constructed at the intersection of Betlen Drive and proposed "A" street (generally situated at the current terminus of Betlen Drive), This would allow for the elimination of the non-functional right-of- way stub currently present at the terminus of Betlen Drive, The Conditions of Approval for this project should require the developer to initiate the necessary abandonment proceedings to provide for the City's consideration of abandoning the westernmost 35~ to 85~feet of the right-of-way for Betlen Drive, The area, if abandoned, should be incorporated into the subject development proposal and should be utilized to allow a modified grading plan to be prepared for this portion of the project to provide for rounder slopes yielding smoother transitions into surrounding natural surrounding grades, The Applicant has indicated that proposed Lot #25, the lot nearest the cul-de-sac bulb, will have to be developed with a custom home or modified production unit as the pad size and configuration shown for that lot will not accommodate any of the three models planned to be built at this site, Development of the cul-de-sac at the end of Betlen Drive should be required to be done in a manner that provides for the development of a modified driveway connection to the adjoining DSRSD water tank. -5- 4, Proposed Site Grading Under the revised lotting plan/grading plan, the 8.4+ acre site would be regraded to create a large interior pad area (proposed individual pad elevations ranging from 605,0 to 630,0), The grading plan reflected by this latest submittal "softens" previous grading plans by eliminating any off-site grading within the adjoining Valley' Christian Center property, The grading plan would also serve to partially mitigate previously identified visual impacts that would have been present to viewers from the Valley floor and travelers along the 1-580 corridor. Staff recommends the revised grading plan be required to be further adjusted to accommodate the following design goals: - In conjunction with the use of slope landscape treatment and the respective building heights and footprints utilized for units located at the southern side of the project, adjust the project grading to minimize the visibility of structures developed at the southern edge of the project as viewed from the adjoining 1-580 corridor, - Adjust the grading plan to reflect the revised lotting plan shown on Lotting Plan - Alternate 2, if that plan is chosen by the Commission as the preferred plan, 5, Architecture and Landscape Architecture A Preliminary Landscape Plan has been prepared for the subject proposal detailing the proposed treatment of slope areas across the project, Planting of these areas is considered necessary to mitigate the visual impact of the height and visibility of the slopes and to soften their engineered appearance, The planting plan utilized for these areas should incorporate the use of a mixture of five and fifteen gallon sized trees to provide a balance between the desire to maximize the number of trees planted while also providing planting that will provide some level of planting mass within a three to four year time frame, Maintenance of the tree planting should be made a responsibility of the developer and should be done in conjunction with the development of a maintenance agreement requiring that the developer care for planting for a minimum of a two-year period to assure the majority of the landscape planting will establish a foothold and will have a higher probability for long-term survival, A minimum ratio of one tree for each 1,500~ square feet of planted slope area is recommended for the four slope areas identified in proposed Condition #72 of the Draft Resolution for the Tentative Map (see Exhibit B), 6, Environmental Review As indicated elsewhere in this Report, Staff is recommending that a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance be adopted for this project, An Initial Study prepared for this project identifies the following four Environmental Components (see Background Attachment #2): 1, General Plan Policies and Zoning 2. Soils, Geology and Seismicity 3, Traffic Circulation 4, Noise -6- The Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance has been formatted in a manner that presupposes the Applicant will agree, through the course of the public hearing process, to project design changes and/or to enter into binding commitments that address and mitigate each potential significant environmental impact identified in the Initial Study prepared for this project, To assure that the architectural treatment of residential units developed in this project are consistent with the character of the existing neighborhood, Staff recommends that Site Development Review approval for the project be required prior to the recordation of the Final Map, The Site Development Review permit should also entail final review of the site's Grading Plan and Slope Landscape and Irrigation Plans, The Applicant has prepared an alternate lotting plan (see Exhibit D) to reflect changes shown in a previously prepared Staff Study, The modified plan would adjust the location of the northerly cul-de-sac and allow the elimination of the proposed "flag-lots" shown on the original plans, The alternate lotting pattern plan lists the advantages and disadvantages perceived by the Applicant to be associated with the plan, As previously cited in this Report, Staff feels the creation of more on- street parking and the reduction of the total number of lots shown on the cul-de-sac represent another advantage of the modified plan, In considering the Tentative Map application, the Commission will have to determine which lotting pattern is the preferred plan, or whether they feel comfortable to give the Applicant a choice of choosing either plan once he prepares his Subdivision Improvement Plans. RECOMMENDATION FORMAT: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Open public hearing, Hear Staff presentation, Hear Applicant and public presentations, Close public hearing, Consider and act on two Draft Resolutions: A - A Draft Resolution regarding the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance; B - A Draft Resolution regarding the Tentative Map application (indicating which lotting plan alternate is to be utilized), ACTION: Based on the above Staff Report, Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the following two Draft Resolutions: Exhibit A - approving a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance, and Exhibit B - approving the Tentatve Map application (PA 87-051), ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A Draft Resolution regarding the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance Exhibit B - Draft Resolution regarding Tentative Map Exhibit C - Tentative Map Submittals Exhibit D - Lotting Plan - Alternate 2 -7- Background Attachments: 1) Applicant's Written Statement and Environmental Assessment Form 2) Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance 3) Letter calling for Applicant to provide project redesign or binding commitment that addresses and mitigates each potential identified environmental impact 4) Zoning Maps 5) Previous Tentative Map Approval - Tract 5588/PA 86-056 -8- RESOLUTION NO. 87 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE FOR THE SUBDIVISION HAP (TENTATIVE HAP 5777) REQUEST FOR A PROPOSED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF 25 LOTS PROPOSED OVER AN 8,4+ ACRE PROPERTY FRONTING ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE TERMINUS OF BETLEN DRIVE, REQUESTED UNDER PA 87-051 PULTE HOMES CORPORATION WHEREAS, Pulte Homes Corporation submitted a request for Tentative Map approval to subdivide an 8,4+ acre property into 25 - lots to accommodate the proposed single family residential development; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), as amended, together with the State's administrative guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and City Environmental regulations, require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impact and that environmental documents be prepared; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21000 et, seq., a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance has been prepared by the Dublin Planning Department with the project specific mitigation measures outlined in Staff's Initial Study of Environmental Significance dated April 24, 1987, regarding: 1, General Plan Policies and Zoning/Visual Resources 2, Soils, Geology and Seismicity 3, Traffic Circulation 4, Noise WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did review and consider said Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance at its meeting of May 4, 1987; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given as legally required; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission determined that the project, PA 87-051 has been changed by the Applicant and/or the Applicant has agreed to provide mitigation measures resulting in a project that will not result in the potential creation of any significant environmental impacts identified in the Revised Initial Study of Environmental Significance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission finds that the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance has been prepared and processed in accordance with State and Local Environmental Law and Guideline Regulations and that it is adequate and complete, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of May, 1987, AYES: Commissioners Barnes, Burnham, Mack, Petty and Raley NOES: None ABSENT: None Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Planning Director EXHIBIT A ~f1~~JJ)T/~ f.t': ~tr'~. 1Jt'tt. tl~, · RESOLUTION NO, 87 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING TENTATIVE MAP 5777 CONCERNING PA 87-051 PULTE HOMES CORPORATION - BET LEN DRIVE FOR A PROPOSED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF 25 LOTS PROPOSED OVER AN 8.4+ ACRE PROPERTY FRONTING ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE TERMINUS OF BETLEN DRIVE WHEREAS, Pulte Homes Corporation requests approval of a Tentative Map to allow the subdivision of 8,4+ acres of land lying in the southwest corner of the City into a 25-lot subdivision for proposed development with single family residential units; and WHEREAS, the State of California Subdivision Map Act and the adopted City of Dublin Subdivision Regulations require that no real property may be divided into two or more parcels for the purpose of sale, lease or financing unless a Tentative Map is acted upon, and a Final Map is approved consistent with the Subdivision Map Act and City of Dublin Subdivision Regulations; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on May 4, 1987; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, the May 4, 1987, Staff Report was submitted recommending that the Tentative Map be approved subject to Conditions prepared by Staff; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports and recommendations as herein above set forth; and WHEREAS, pursuant to State and City environmental regulations, a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance has been previously adopted for the subject Tentative Map request (Planning Commission Resolution No, 87- ); and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds that the Tentative Map will not have a significant environmental impact; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Planning Commission does hereby find: A. Tentative Map 5777 is consistent with the intent of applicable Subdivision Regulations and City Zoning and related Ordinances, B, Tentative Map 5777 is consistent with the City's General Plan as it applies to the subject property, C. Tentative Map 5777 will not result in the creation of significant environmental impacts, D, Tentative Map 5777 will not have substantial adverse effects on health or safety or be substantially detrimental to the public welfare, or be injurious to property or public improvements, E, The site is physically suitable for the proposed development in that the site is indicated to be geologically satisfactory for the type of development proposed in locations as shown, provided the geological consultant's recommendations are followed; and the site is in a good location regarding public services and facilities, F. The site is physically suitable for the proposed development in that the design and improvements are consistent with those of similar existing residential developments which have proven to be satisfactory, EXHIBIT B r;btpr teSoLJmDtJ ~: -r~. ~~p G, The request is appropriate for the subject property in terms of being compatible to existing land uses in the area, will not overburden public services, and will facilitate the provision of housing of a type and cost that is desired, yet not readily available in the City of Dublin. H, General site considerations, including unit layout, open space, topography, orientation and the location of future buildings, vehicular access, circulation and parking, setbacks and similar elements have been designated to provide a desirable environment for the development, I, This project will not cause serious public health problems in that all necessary utilities are, or will be, required to be available and Zoning, Building, and Subdivision Ordinances control the type of development and the operation of the uses to prevent health problems after development. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission approves Tentative Map 5777 - PA 87-051 subject to the conditions listed below: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Unless otherwise specified the following conditions shall be complied with prior to the recordation of the Final Map, Each item is subiect to review and approval by the Planning Department unless othewise specified, GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. This approval is for a single family residential development for 25 lots over an 8.4~ acre property. Development shall be generally consistent with the Tentative Map labeled Tentative Tract 5777, consisting of one sheet prepared by Bissell & Karn, Inc" Civil Engineers, and dated received April 6, 1987, and the Preliminary Landscape & Development Plan consisting of one sheet, also prepared by Bissell & Karn, Inc" Civil Engineers, and dated received April 29, 1987, Development of this site shall be modified to substantially conform to the Alternate Development Plan covering Lots #1 through #11, consisting of one sheet also prepared by Bissell & Karn, Inc" and dated received April 29, 1987, The pad height for proposed Lot #6 shall be further lowered to allow an increase in the depth of the rear yard, Site Development Review for the proposed residential structures, Final Grading Plan and slope landscape and irrigation treatment for this project shall be secured prior to the recordation of the Final Map for this subdivision. 2, Except as may be specifically provided for within these Conditions of Approval, the development shall comply with City of Dublin Site Development Review Standard Conditions (See Attachment A), 3, Except as may be specifically provided for within these Conditions of Approval, development shall comply with City of Dublin Police Services Standard Residential Building Security Requirements (See Attachment B), 4, Approval of this Tentative Map is for two and one-half years (until November 13, 1989) as is specified in Section 8-2.9 of the Subdivision Ordinance, 5. Minimum dimensional criteria for the single family residential units established in this project shall be as follows: a, Front yards 20-foot minimum b. Side Yards 8-foot minimum flat and useable l6-foot minimum aggregate flat and useable l2-foot m1n1mum street side sideyard with 7 - foot minimum flat and useable c, Rear Yards - 20-foot minimum with l5-foot minimum to be flat and useable, d, Pad Areas 50' x 90' minimum, with the 50' width measured at the front setback line and carried through to the rear of the lot, e, Minimum Rearyard Flat and Useable Areas - 1,350 square foot m1n1mum (measured from the rear face(s) of the respective residential structures to the adjoining toe or top of slope), The Rearyard Flat -2- and Useable Areas for Lots # 6 through #9 shall be subject to review and approval through the Site Development Review process cited in Condition #1 above, In addition to the above, a majority of the two-story units built in this project shall observe an additional front yard setback requirement whereby the building face of the second story shall observe a minimum setback of an additional five feet ~ from the building face of the garage, Two-story units shall generally avoid use of shed-type roof designs, but rather shall generally utilize roof designs which serve to mitigate possible visual impacts resulting from the height of the units, ARCHEOLOGY 6, If, during construction, archaeological remains are encountered, construction in the vicinity shall be halted, an archaeologist consulted, and the City Planning Department notified, If, in the opinion of the archaeologist, the remains are significant, measures, as may be required by the Planning Director, shall be taken to protect them, BONDS 7, Prior to release by the City Council of the performance and labor and materials securities: a, All improvements shall be installed as per the approved Improvement Plans and Specifications, b. All required landscaping along and/or within public streets shall be installed and established, c. An as-built landscaping plan for landscaping along and/or within public streets prepared by a Landscape Architect, together with a declaration that the landscape installation is in conformance with the approved plans, d, The following shall have been submitted to the City Engineer: 1) An as-built grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer, including original ground surface elevations, as-graded ground surface elevations, lot drainage, and locations of all surface and subsurface drainage facilities, 2) A complete record, including location and elevation of all field density tests, and a summary of all field and laboratory tests, 3) A declaration by the project Geologist or Soils Engineer that all work was done in accordance with the recommendations contained in the soil and geologic investigation reports and specifications, and that continuous monitoring was performed by a representative of the Soils Engineer, 4) A declaration by the project Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor that the finished graded building pads are within ~ 0,1 feet in elevation of those shown on the grading plan (or to any approved modified grades), DEBRIS 8, Measures shall be taken to contain all trash, construction materials on-site until disposal off-site can be arranged. shall be responsible for corrective measures at no expense Dublin, debris, and The Subdivider to the City of 9, The Subdivider shall keep adjoining public streets and driveways free and clean of project dirt, mud, materials and debris, and clean-up shall be made during the construction period, as determined by the City Engineer, DRAINAGE 10, Drainage facilities for this subdivision shall be provided as required by the City Engineer and shall include the following: -3- a, Concrete drainage ditches shall be installed at the rear of Lots #17 through #19, A storm drain shall be installed to connect this ditch to the proposed storm drain in the adjacent street, b. All lot pads shall drain to their own street frontage, 11. Roof drains shall be tied into the storm drain system in a manner approved by the City Engineer. 12, A minimum of 12" diameter pipe shall be used for all public storm drains to ease maintenance and reduce potential blockage, 13, Where storm overflows would flow through lots rather than follow the street, the storm drain system shall be designed for a major storm to avoid the flooding of lots, 14, Side slope areas and rear slope areas shall be adjusted as determined necessary by the City Engineer to accommodate the location of the proposed storm drainage facilities and easement, EASEMENTS 15, Where the Subdivider does not have easements, he shall acquire easements, and/or obtain rights-of-entry from the adjacent property owners for improvements required outside of the property. Original copies of the easements and/or rights-of-entry shall be in written form and shall be furnished to the City Engineer, 16, Existing and proposed access and utility easements shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer prior to the grading and improvement plan, These easements shall allow for practical vehicular and utility service access for all lots, 17, Public utility easements shall be established for the electric distribution system and to provide for lines for the Telephone Company, ENERGY 18, All units shall contain standard and currently available energy saving devices, and shall be insulated in accordance with Title 24, State of California Administrative Code, All buildings shall be designed to comply with Title 24 Energy Regulations. FIRE 19, Development shall be subject to the requirements of the DSRSD - Fire Department as stated in part by the District's letters of March 24, 1986, and August 26, 1986 (See Attachments C and D), The Subdivider is advised that DSRSD has determined that the subject property is within the District's Third Zone Pressure Area, As such, the development will have to develop in accordance to the Third Zone Pressure Conditions of tying to the Black Reservoir and construction of a new pumping facility, or in an alternate manner determined acceptable to the District, 20. All materials and workmanship for fire hydrants, gated connections, and appurtenances thereto, necessary to provide water supply for fire protection, must be installed by the Subdivider and conform to all requirements of the applicable provisions of the Standard Specifications of Dublin San Ramon Services District, All such work will be subject to the joint field inspection of the City Engineer and Dublin San Ramon Services District, 21, All dwelling units within the project shall incorporate smoke detectors within the structure and spark arrestors on fireplaces, Roofing materials for the structures developed within this subdivision shall be Class B or better, as defined by the Uniform Building Code (as pertains to the fire retardancy of the roofing material), -4- 22, Fire hyrdants at the locations approved by the DSRSD - Fire Department shall be installed and operable, to the satisfaction of the DSRSD - Fire Department, prior to combustible construction. Provision of raised blue reflectorized pavement markers shall be made in the center of the private vehicle accessways at each fire hydrant, 23, Each building and residence unit shall include a lighted, clearly visible address. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS 24, Improvements shall be made, by the Applicant, along all streets within the development and as required off-site, to include curb, gutter, sidewalk, paving, drainage, and work on the existing paving, if necessary, from a structural or grade continuity standpoint, 25, Betlen Drive shall be terminated with a "knuckle" cul-de-sac of a design, location and side slope gradient determined acceptable to the City Engineer prior to recordation of the Final Map, Access to the DSRSD water tanks shall be provided for by the design of the new cul-de-sac, The Subdivider eveloper shall initiate the necessary abandonment proceedings to provide for the City's consideration of abandoning the westernmost 35~ to 85~ feet off the right-of-way at the terminus of Betlen Drive, The area, if abandoned, shall be incorporated into the subject development (in part or in totality) to allow the project grading plan for the area above the planned cul-de-sac to be developed with rounded slopes yielding smoother transitions into natural surrounding grades, GRADING 26, Any proposed off-site grading shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer prior to the recordation of the Final Map, 27, The manner of assuring on-going maintenance of the drainage ditch to be constructed at the western property boundary shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer prior to recordation of the Final Map, 28, The six foot (minimum height) masonry architectural-soundwall called for in Condition #43 shall be established at the rear of Lots #15 through #19, and shall be sited in such a manner so as to aid the screening of the proposed development as viewed from the adjoining 1-580 traffic corridor, Prior to the recordation of the Final Map, the Subdivider shall document that the necessary design changes have been made to minimize the visibility of new development as viewed from the adjoining 1-580 traffic corridor, Residential units developed on Lots #16 - #19 of the subdivision shall be of a single-story design unless the Developer can demonstrate through the Site Development Review permit process that additional project design changes (including the adjustment to the lotting configuration of lots along the south portion of the project, the careful selection of alternate unit types [as regards building footprints and building heights], the use of project landscaping and the use of site grading) have satisfactorily addressed the goal of minimizing the visual impact of the development as viewed from the adjoining 1-580 traffic corridor and thereby allow some, or all, of the four referenced lots to be developed with split level or two-story residential units, Prior to the recordation of the Final Map, the Subdivider shall prepare and submit the necessary project sections verifying that this Condition will be met, 29, The Subdivider shall document that a diligent effort has been made to secure the necessary approvals to perform off-site grading to provide a smooth transition of slopes at the intersection of the rearyard slope of Lots 2, 3 and 4 of Tract 4929 and proposed Lots 5 through 8 and 13 through 15 of the subject project, 30, Cut or fill slopes of a height greater than four feet, which are proposed to be established adjoining existing or proposed public right-of-ways, shall be redesigned to observe a flat and level area of a minimum depth of five feet as measured from the back edge of the sidewalk, An exception to this standard may be utilized for the slope extending up from the project's Betlen Drive frontage, where a flat and level area of a minimum depth of five feet measured from the back edge of the sidewalk may be utilized, -5- 31, Prior to any grading of the site, a detailed plan covering grading (including phasing), drainage, water quality, erosion and sedimentation control for construction and the post-construction period shall be prepared by the project Civil Engineer and/or Engineering Geologist, and shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer, Said plans shall include detailed design, location, and maintenance criteria of all erosion and sediment control measures, The plans shall attempt to assure that no increase in sediment or pollutants from the site will occur, The plan shall provide for long-term maintenance of all permanent erosion and sediment control measures, Toes of fills and tops of banks shall be locates as required by the City Engineer, 32. All foundation design, grading operations and site construction work shall be consistent with the recommendations of a site specific soils report prepared for this project, Said report shall be submitted for review by the City Engineer. This report shall address the potential presence of springs on the site, 33, Where soil or geologic conditions encountered in grading operations are different from that anticipated in the soil and geologic investigation report, or where such conditions warrant changes to the recommendations contained in the original soil investigation, a revised soil or geologic report shall be submitted for review by the City Engineer, It shall be accompanied by an engineering and geological opinion as to the safety of the site from hazards of land slippage, erosion, settlement and seismic activity. 34, Prior to commencement of construction of any structures, site grading shall conform with the recommendations of the project Soils Engineer, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. A declaration by the Soils Engineer that he has supervised grading and that such conformance has occurred shall be submitted, 35. Prior to final preparation of the subgrade and placement of base materials, all underground utilities shall be installed and service connections stubbed out behind the sidewalk, Public utilities, Cable TV, sanitary sewers, and water lines shall be installed in a manner which will not disturb the street pavement, curb, gutter and sidewalk when future service connections or extensions are made, 36, Any grading on adjacent properties will require recorded written approval of those property owners affected, HANDICAPPED ACCESS 37, Handicapped ramps shall be provided as required by the State of California Title 24 and/or as determined necessary by the City Engineer, IMPROVEMENT PLANS, AGREEMENTS AND SECURITIES 38, All improvements within the public right-of-way, including curb gutter, sidewalks, driveways, paving and utilities, must be constructed in accordance with approved standards and/or plans. 39, Prior to filing for building permits, precise plans and specifications for street improvements, grading, drainage (including size, type and location of drainage facilities both on- and off-site) and erosion and sedimentation control shall be submitted and subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 40, The Subdivider shall enter into an Improvement Agreement with the City for all public improvements, Complete improvement plans, specifications and calculations shall be submitted to, and reviewed by, the City Engineer and other affected agencies having jurisdiction over public improvements prior to execution of the Improvement Agreement, Improvement plans shall show the existing and proposed improvements along adjacent public street(s) and property that relate to the proposed improvements, All required securities, in an amount equal to lOO% of the approved estimates of construction costs of improvements, and a labor and material security, equal to 50% of the construction costs, shall be submitted to, and approved by, the City and affected agencies having jurisdiction over public improvements, prior to execution of the Improvement Agreement, -6- NOISE 41, Prior to issuance of building permits, the Subdivider shall submit the appropriate documentation through preparation and submittal of a site- specific acoustical study to demonstrate that all proposed development shall meet or exceed applicable State and Local noise attenuation requirements. 42, Prospective purchasers or residents of the lots proposed on the southern perimeter of the project shall be supplied with a written document, as applicable, indicating that exterior sound levels of between 65-75 CNEL may be present due to traffic noise generated from Interstate 580 and/or that construction of the units were required to be of a nature to assure that interior noise levels do not exceed the 45 CNEL with a window-closed situation. 43, The Subdivider shall construct a 6-foot (minimum height) masonry architectural-soundwall along the southern perimeter of the property (500+ feet) and along the southerly section of the western perimeter of the property (100~ feet), The precise positioning of this wall shall be determined following the preparation of a project acoustical study and shall be located in a manner to maximize the wall's sound attenuation capabilities, 44, Sound-rated windows (Sound Transmission Class to be determined by the acoustical study required in Condition #41) shall be provided for all dwelling units where the sound-architectural wall is determined inadequate to provide noise attenuation to assure interior noise levels do not exceed the 45 CNEL level with a windows-closed situation, PARK DEDICATION 45, Park land dedication fees shall be paid prior to the issuance of building permits or prior to recordation of the Final Map, whichever occurs first, The City Engineer shall calculate the in-lieu fee based upon the Subdivision Ordinance, For in-lieu fee calculation purposes, the preliminary park dedication land required is approximately 0,275 acres (0,011 acres/dwelling unit X 25 lots), Final calculations shall be made by the City Engineer at the approval of the Final Map. STREETS 46, The m~n~mum uniform gradient of streets shall be 0,5% and 1% on parking areas, and 2% on soil drainage, The street surfacing shall be asphalt concrete paving, The City Engineer shall review the project's Soils Engineer's structural design. The Subdivider shall, at his sole expense, make tests of the soil over which the surfacing and base is to be constructed and furnish the test reports to the City Engineer, The Subdivider's Soils Engineer shall determine a preliminary structural design of the road bed, After rough grading has been completed, the Subdivider shall have soil tests performed to determine the final design of the road bed and parking areas, 47. An encroachment permit shall be secured from the City Engineer for any work done within the public right-of-way of Betlen Drive where this work is not covered under the improvement plans, UTILITIES 48, Electrical, gas, telephone, and Cable TV services, shall be provided underground to each lot in accordance with the City policies and existing ordinances, All utilities shall be located and provided within public utility easements, sized to meet utility company standards, or in public streets, 49. Prior to filing of the grading and improvement plans, the Subdivider shall furnish the City Engineer with a letter from Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) stating that the District has agreed to furnish water and sewer service to the development, -7- 50, Secure DSRSD agreement to maintain the system excluding individual laterals, acceptable to DSRSD, on-site sanitary sewer collection The system shall be designed as 51, All utilities to and within the project shall be undergrounded, 52, Prior to final preparation of the sub grade and placement of base materials, all underground utility mains shall be installed and service connections stubbed out beyond curb lines. Public utilities and sanitary sewers shall be installed in a manner which will not disturb the street pavement, curb, and gutter when future service connections or extensions are made, WATER 53, Water facilities must be connected to the DSRSD system, and must be installed at the expense of the Subdivider in accordance with District standards and specifications, All material and workmanship for water mains, and appurtenances thereto, must conform with all of the requirements of the officially adopted Water Code of the Distict, and will be subject to field inspection by the District, 54, Comply with DSRSD, Public Works requirements, particularly regarding: a, The elevation of the storm drain relative to the sewer lines, b, The location of the sewer man-holes. They shall be in parking or street areas accessible by District equipment, c, Dedication of sewer lines, d, Location and design of the water system values, 55, The project shall incorporate all reasonable water conservation measures including water conservation appliances and separate metering of gas for hot water heaters, The project Architect or Civil Engineer shall provide a letter to the Planning Director or Building Inspector stating that water conservant toilets, shower heads and automatic dishwashers with low flow cycles will be installed in the units in this project, MISCELLANEOUS 56, The Subdivider shall contribute $250,00 per dwelling unit towards future traffic improvements along Dublin Boulevard, west of San Ramon Road to mitigate traffic impacts for this project, 57, Copies of the project plans, indicating all lots, streets and drainage facilities, shall also be submitted at 1" = 400-ft, scale, and 1" = 200-ft, scale for City mapping purposes. 58. Maintenance of common areas including slope area tree landscaping, graded slopes, erosion control plantings and drainage, erosion and sediment control improvements, shall be the responsibility of the Subdivider during construction stages, and until final improvements are accepted by the City and the performance guarantee required is released, 59, There shall be compliance with DSRSD Fire Department requirements, Flood Control District requirements, and Public Works requirements, Written statements from each agency approving the plans over which it has jurisdiction shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to issuance of building permits on lots of the subdivision or the installation of any improvements related to this project, 60, Unit address information and directories shall be provided to the satisfaction of the DSRSD - Fire Department, Postal Services, and Dublin Planning Department, 61. The Subdivider shall be responsible for the installation of street light standards and luminaries with the design, spacing and locations subject to approval by the City Engineer, -8- 62, The Subdivider shall furnish and install street name signs, in accordance with the standards of the City of Dublin, bearing such names as are approved by the Planning Director, The Subdivider shall furnish and install traffic safety signs in accordance with the standards of the City of Dublin. Addresses shall be assigned by the City Building Official, 63, Street trees, of at least a IS-gallon size, shall be planted along the street frontages, Trees shall be planted in accordance with a planting plan, including tree varieties and locations, approved by the Planning Director, Trees planted adjacent to sidewalks or curbs shall be provided with root shields. A minimum of an average of two street tree per lot shall be planted. In addition to the street trees, the Subdivider shall be responsible for one additional tree per lot to be planted within the front yard area of each respective lot, 64, A current title report and copies of the recorded deeds of all parties having any record title interest in the property to be developed and, if necessary, copies of deeds for adjoining properties and easements thereto, shall be submitted at the time of submission of the grading and improvement plans to the City Engineer, 65, Any relocation of improvements or public facilities shall be accomplished at no expense to the City, 66, The Subdivider shall confer with local postal authorities to determine the type of mail receptacles that are to be utilized for this project and provide a letter stating their satisfaction prior to the issuance of building permits, 67, Information detailing the design, location and materials of all fencing, and of retaining walls over two feet in height, shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Director prior to the approval of the Final Map, The proposed design of perimeter fencing (with the exception of fencing along the south side of the project which shall be a six-foot [minimum height] masonry architectural-soundwall) shall be modified from the proposed "good-neighbor" fence design submitted in conjunction with PA 86-010 to a design which will provide a low maintenance fence with a more substantial appearance and design, No project fencing shall be developed at the toe of slope along Betlen Drive unless developed as a low see- through fence (such as a four-foot ~ vinyl-clad cyclone fence) which is approved as far as height, location, and materials, through the Site Development Review process, Project fencing developed at the rear of pads established for Lots #1 through #5 shall be located at the top of slope located above Betlen Drive, or as otherwise approved through the Site Development Review permit process, The Subdivider shall be responsible for the installation of the rear and sideyard fences throughout the subdivision, 68. Slopes for areas adjoining both public and private roadways shall be designed to maximize the level areas available for landscape treatment and for general safety consideration and shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Director prior to the approval of the Final Map, 69. Signs established at the entrance to the project for identification purposes, if proposed, shall be subject to review and approval by way of a separate Site Development Review application to determine sign location, copy construction materials and design, 70, The project shall be constructed as approved, Minor modifications in the design, but not the use, may be approved by Staff, Changes to the proposed finished floor elevations and site grading for the proposed single family residential lots shall not exceed a maximum deviation of five feet from the pad elevations indicated on the Tentative Map, 71, All physical improvements shall be in place prior to occupancy of any unit in the project, If occupancy within the project is requested to occur in phases, all physical improvements shall be required to be in place prior to occupancy except for items specifically excluded in a Construction- Phased Occupancy Plan approved by the Planning Department, No individual unit shall be occupied until the adjoining area is finished, safe, accessible, provided with all reasonable expected services and amenities, and completely separated from remaining additional construction activity, -9- Any approved Construction-Phased Occupancy Plan shall have sufficient cash deposits or other assurances to guarantee that the project and all associated improvements shall be installed in a timely and satisfactory manner, At the request of the Planning Director, written acknowledgements of continuing construction activity shall be secured from the property owners and any and all occupants for the portions of the project to be occupied, and shall be filed with the Planning Department, Said acknowledgements for a subdivision shall be part of the settlement documents between the Subdivider and buyer. 72, Detailed planting plans shall be developed and submitted for review and approval by the Planning Director for the four open space slope areas identified as follows: Area 1 - slopes between Betlen Drive and the pad areas of Lots #1 through #5; Area 2 - rearyard slopes behind Lots #6 through #8 and #13 and #14; Area 3 - slopes between the 1-580 right-of-way and the pad areas of Lots #15 - #19; Area 4 - slopes at the rear (east) side of Lots #9 and #10, Trees in all four areas shall be a mixture of 50% fifteen gallon size (minimum) and 50% five gallon size (maximum). 73, Physical improvements that must be in place prior to final inspection and occupancy of any units shall include, but not be limited to the following items: a, Storm drainage facilities shall have been installed as approved by the City Engineer, b, Fire protection devices shall have been installed, be operable, and conform to the specifications of and inspections by the Dublin San Ramon Services District Fire Department, c, Cable TV hook-up shall be provided to each unit, d, Street name signs, bearing such names as are approved by the Planning Director, shall have been installed, 74, Ongoing maintenance of landscaping and irrigation installed in Areas 1 and 3 (as defined above in Condition #73) shall be provided for through the establishment of a lighting and landscaping special assessment district or a project homeowner's association, If a homeowner's association is created for this purpose, the City of Dublin shall be named as an "active third-party" participant in the project's C. C, & R, documents as pertains to the mechanics established to assure for the ongoing maintenance of project landscaping and irrigation in the subdivision, The Subdivider is advised that the formation of a private homeowner's association to provide for ongoing maintenance is the approach preferred by the City as the alternate approach, a lighting and landscape special assessment district, is not seen as a viable approach due to the small size of the project, 75. If a homeowner's association is formed to cover the ongoing maintenance of Landscape Area #1 (as defined above in Condition #73), then Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (C. C. & R,'s) shall be established for the development. The C, C. & R,'s shall be approved by the Planning Director and City Attorney prior to the recordation of the Final Map to assure that: a, There is adequate provlslon for the maintenance, in good repair, of all commonly owned or maintained property and landscaping, including but not limited to common open space, landscape and irrigation facilities, fencing, and drainage and erosion control improvements, b. Payment of dues and assessments shall be both a lien against the assessed land and a personal obligation of each property owner, estimate of these costs shall be provided to each buyer prior to time of purchase, An the c, The Association shall keep the City Planning Department informed of the current name, address, and phone number of the Association's official representative, -10- d, Payment of the water bills and maintenance and repair of storm drain lines shall be the obligation of the Homeowner's Association unless paid for through a lighting and landscape special assessment district. e, Each buyer is to sign an acknowledgement that he has read the Constitution and Bylaws of the Homeowner's Association and the Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions applying to the development. f, The Homeowner's Association shall contract with, or be advised (as to how to handle maintenance operations) by, a professional management firm, 76, As-built drawings showing the locations of all underground utilities (water, storm and sanitary sewer, gas, electric, telephone and cable TV) shall be provided to the City, 77, The narrowed curb-to-curb widths, shown at the entrance to the northerly cul-de-sac, shall be replaced with a standard full-width street section. The use of special entry pavement at the entrance to the subdivision is specifically disallowed. 78, Each driveway shall utilize a driveway with a maximum average slope which is less than or equal to 14% slope. 79, Should occupancy of the units in the project be phased: a, The undeveloped area shall be maintained as acceptable to the DSRSD - Fire Department and shall be kept free of trash and debris. b, A road system of a design determined acceptable to the City Engineer and the Planning Department shall be installed, 80. Construction and grading operations and delivery of construction materials shall be limited to weekdays (Monday through Friday) and the hours from 7:30 a.m, to 5:30 p,m" except as approved in writing by the City Engineer, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of May, 1987. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Planning Director -11- o Cl UJ D. <C U (/) Cl Z <C ..J Z o :;: :;: o u ;i -, , .. . 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W .... 0 :J: ~ :z 0 Cl !Z ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ o I- a: I- ~ 9 ~ g C I I I C C\l a: .... C ' Q) E 0- o a> > Q) o Q) .... C\l C. ... Q) - <( EXHIBIT P L.D",N'~ l~hJ- ~1!fF ~ (' /- I B-U BISSELL & _ KARN,INC, 4637 Chabot Dr., Suite 204 Pleasanton, CA 94566 (415) 463-0660 Apri 1 3, 1987 Subdivision 5777 Pulte Home Corp. WRITTEN STATEMENT The propsed project is a request to subdivide an existing 8.42 net acre vacant parcel into twenty-five (25) single family lots; The project site is located at the end of Betlen Drive. The division of the 8.42 acres into 25 single family lots (averaging 12,370 square feet) is consitent with the present zoning which requires 10,000 square foot minimum lot size and with the General Plan allowance of up to 54 lots. The improvement of the vacant parcel is compatible with the adjoining residential area in terms of lot size, price range, dwelling unit design and provision of attractive entry landscaping. Views of the site and from the proposed lots are enhanced by the proposed project. Attachment 1 '" ATTACHMENT I ~('",N -SrJtTE,t\e"tJT tetJ\J. "$S~S& FtJRI/\ .,' RECEIYED APR '61987 , . !A No.1)1-oo I ENVIHDNMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM, ll-i"'fCR1M (Pursuant to Pub I ic Resources Code Section. 21 000 et sec_) DUBLIN PLANNING CITY OF DUBLIN The state CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) Guidelines require the City to take an active role in preparing environ- mental documents. This comprehensive Environmental Assessment Form is designed to assist the City in preparing a complete and accurate environmental assessment in a timelv manner and in conformance with the state CEQA Guidelines. -The form has three sections: General Data, Exemption, and Initial Study. The applicant is requested to com~lete Section 1, General Data. The Planning Staff will prepare e~ther Section 2, Exa~ption, or Section 3, Initial study. Please type 0= print legibly in ink. SECTION 1. GENERAL DATA - ~.- to be cor.;pleted by the APPLICANT - . 1. Nome (if any) cnd address of project: 11303 Betlen Drive, APN' Q41-115':14 2. Proposed use of property: 25 un i t rp<; i r!pnt i ill r!pvp I opmpnt wi th 0 i1rrp Iandsrilpprl i1rp~ (ea~QmQnts) ,4. Neme, address, end telepr,one of Appliccnt: . Pulte Rome Corporati on 4655 Old Ironsirlp nrive, #320, Silntil rlilril. rA QS054 (408) 748-1640 Atto: Richard St~el~ ' ." Neme, address, and telepnone o~ ccr-.ce. person IX] In cedition to cpplicant or D im~ead or applicant: Bissell & Kilrn, Tnr" 4fi37 Ch;;lbot Drive, ~lIite 204, Pleasantbn, CA 94566 Attn: MHchMol..LClOOn 'I' .' rVl f II . I A~tcched plans creU pre Imlncry orLAl u y ceve.cpe:!.' '. , 3. 5. 6. Building crea: sq. ft. 7. Sirecreo:8.42 net o sq. ft. or@ acres'. 8. (urrenl' zoning: R-1-B-E 9. Maximum Building Heisht . I' 0'. rl" r.. cr ~ s:cnes. 10. Describe ~mount of daily trcffic generated by nur.:::er, type and time of cey: . Assuminq 10trios/day pE'r unit ?11 x'10 = ?I1D trips 11. Number of off-street perking spcces proviced: 2 covered min. and 2 open per unit. 12.t'-lum6er of loading facilities providec: N/A '" 1>-- t , . , .~ . -." . (- ~ ( .<t. . . 13. Proposed development schedule: .beginning: Fall 1987 completion: Summer 1988 14.0. If residential: number' af new 'units?l) i number of existing units 0 ;number of new 3-4/[lJ bedrooms i unit sizes irange of 0 scle prices cr 0 ren~; N/A ; type of dwelling Gsingle femilyD duplexD multiple. 14.6. If commercial: sales 'orea operation scope of proiedD neighborhood, 0 city, 0 regio~al o SCj. ft. or 0 ace; estimated e~?IcYr.lent per shiFt. ; hours af 14.c. If industrial: m~terials invol~ed hours of operation' , . esL\'--'ed ~I y L ' 'Ot , . ..,_. er;;;- 0 men I per sn If 14.d. IF institutional: major FuncHon e~timated occ:upancy .' . L' '.' , t h '0 , es. mlC. ec emflloYr.l<!n per s H t i.hours of operdion 15. Describe City permits resuired: [j 5ite. teve:lofMe~ ~V'i<."V; 0 VQ.'~a..;"'c.~.; o ActW\IYlistr,,-til1e. CcMi+io~.u USe. f~r~~j 0 Rsc.l~;ifi~-flcY'o (~Z!mi~ j o PIClV\~ De.\I€..lopri\eY\'j 0 Ccv0.moMl USe.. f'::.JMITj 05'5'" CV\ l~; rn O-PAe.y- Tentative Map .. 16. Desc:-ibe other public epprovcls required: 0 unknowniY locd csencies;D regior~d agencies;'O srete cg~ncies; 0 recerel c!;~ncies; fer water & sewer - Dubl in San Ramon Servir.p District. CERT1FlCA TION . 1 L' 0 L' ,'.,.. t ' L L L' , . - k I' I hereby certify tilGt tile \n;CrffiG,IOn SUGr.lIO;e-:: IS rue one c:;rrec. ,0 ,roe cesr or my r'.ow ecse ond belieF. I understcnd th:::t the findings of this Enviror....entd Assem~ent C?pty only to t~~ pro(ed as described cbove. SiS:1o~ure: ~ ~ Date: April 3. 1987 Name (print 0; type): Robert R. Graham, Alep Bissell & Karn; Inc, = A-?-- 0.' MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE FOR: PA 87-051 Pulte Homes Corporation - Betlen Drive Subdivision Map (Tentative Map 5777) for proposed 25 single family residential dwelling units. (Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 2100, et seq,) LOCATION: The 8,4+ acre site is located in the southwestern corner of the City of Dublin, consisting of Parcel A of Parcel Map No, 2795 and fronting 700~ feet along the south side of Betlen Drive (APN 941-115-14). APPLICANT AND REPRESENTATIVE: Bissell & Karn, Inc, Attn.: Mitch Moughan 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 204 Pleasanton, CA 94566 PROPERTTY OWNERS: Pulte Homes Corporation Attn.: Richard Steele 4655 Old Ironside Drive, #320 Santa Clara, CA 95054 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Subdivision Map application for a 25 lot single family residential development (Tentative Map 5777). FINDINGS: The project, as now proposed, will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment, The mitigation measures outlined in the Initial Study of Environmental Significance dated April 30, 1987, document the steps necessary to assure that the subject project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment, INITIAL STUDY: The Initial Study of Environmental Significance dated April 30, 1987, provides a discussion of the environmental components listed below. Each identified environmental component has been mitigated through project redesign or through binding commitment by the applicant, as outlined in the Mitigation Measures Sections of the Initial Study of Environmental Significance, ENVIRONMENTAL COMPONENTS: 1. General Plan Policies and Zoning 2. Soils, Geology and Seismicity 3, Traffic Circulation 4, Noise SIGNATURE: Laurence L, Tong Planning Director DATE: ATTACHMENT 2 p~ 11.1i&A(60 Ne'lf'. OR. · = April 30, 1987 Mr. Dick Steele Pulte Homes Corporation 4655 Old Ironside Drive, #320 Santa Clara, CA 95054 RE: PA 87-051 Pulte Homes Corporation - Betlen Drive Subdivision Map (Tentative Map 5777) Dear Mr. Steele: The application materials and environmental materials submitted for your application, City File PA 87-051, have been reviewed concerning the potential environmental impacts of the proposed 25-lot single family residential project. This data, and this Department's review of it, indicated that your project may have the potential of creating significant environmental impacts if specific mitigation measures are not incorporated into the project's design and ultimate development. By this letter be advised that, in light of the information submitted to date, this Office cannot prepare a Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance for this project. However, it is the position of this Office that a Mitigated Negative Declaration may be possible and consistent with the State of California Environmental Quality Guidelines, Section l5080(d) 2 of the Guidelines allows a Mitigated Negative Declaration to be prepared instead of an Environmental Impact Report where the significant effects of a project, as identified in an Initial Study, are clearly mitigated to the point where it is reasonable to find that the significance is no longer in effect. In order for this Office to prepare a Mitigated Negative Declaration, the project plans must first be revised to reflect changes that eliminate the potential for the significant impact, and/or an enforceable committment from the Applicant must be made that shows the specific mitigation measures that will occur. The following changes to your project have been determined to be necessary to permit this Office to prepare a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance. There are four (4) areas of your project proposal which have been identified as having the potential of creating significant environmental impacts, as defined by CEQA: 1. General Plan Policies & ZoningjVisual Resources 2. Soils, Geology, Seismicity 3. Traffic Circulation 4. Noise :r - ATTACHMENT ~ ie~~ 7D ;1PIt/alNT Kr: ~/r. "err: PE~. Mr. Dick Steele April 30, 1987 Page 2 If the project plans are received to incorporate the following features, and/or if Pulte Homes provides binding agreement to provide the design components as indicated below (or that achieve the same effect of the items listed below), this Office will proceed with the preparation of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance. 1, General Plan Policies and Zoning/Visual Resources a, Further adjustments to the proposed grading plan for the proposed cut slope at the west property boundary shall be incorporated into the project design to create as"natural an appearance as feasible (see Condition #25 of Draft Resolution for Tentative Map 5777), b, Project slopes along the south perimeter of the project shall be intensively landscaped to provide a visual barrier of the proposed development as viewed from the adjoining 1-580 traffic corridor, A six foot minimum height architectural masonry soundwall shall be supplied at the south end of the project. Additionally, the finished grading plan, building footprints and/or building heights for structures placed on Lots #15 through #19 shall be of a design to minimize the visibility of structures as viewed from the adjoining 1-580 traffic corridor (see Condition #28 of the Draft Resolution for Tentative Map 5777). 2, Soils, Geology and Seismicity A project specific Geological-Soils Investigation and Foundation Study shall be prepared which expands upon the recommendations outlined in the September 17, 1985, study prepared by Harding Lawson Associates entitled "Geologic Evaluation for Feasibility Analysis Pulte Homes Residential Development, Dublin, California", and the supplemental report by Peter Kaldveer and Associates, Inc" dated April 9, 1986, entitled "Preliminary Cut Slope Recommendations - Subdivision 5588" (see Condition #33 of Draft Resolution for Tentative Map 5588). The Study shall address in detail site grading (including phasing), slope stability, drainage, water quality, and erosion and sedimentation control for construction and post-construction periods. 3, Traffic Circulation a, Donlon Way at Dublin Blvd.: A contribution of $250,00 per lot shall be made towards street improvements along Dublin Boulevard west of San Ramon Road to mitigate traffic impacts along Dublin Boulevard which will be cumulatively aggravated by this project (see Condition #56 of Draft Resolution for Tentative Map 5777), : .. Mr. Dick Steele April 30, 1987 Page 3 b. Modification of the current terminus of Betlen Drive to establish a "knuckle" cul-de-sac shall be the responsibility of the Developer. Construction shall contain curb, gutter and other necessary longitudinal drainage, paving, sidewalk, street lights and street trees, Said construction shall also make provision of driveway access to the D,S,R.S.D. water tank site (see Condition #25 of Draft Resolution for Tentative Map 5777), 4, Noise Due to existing and anticipated future noise levels along the adjoining 1-580 corridor, the single family residential structures developed in conjunction with this project that may be affected by noise levels in excess of residential noise standards shall be constructed to provide the necessary sound attenuation to insure interior noise levels in compliance with applicable standards as set forth by State and local regulations. The sound-architectural wall along the south side of the project shall be located to maximize its sound attenuation features, These recommendations are made for environmental purposes only. The design, engineering, and land use aspects of the project will receive additional review, Recommendations regarding their merits will be prepared and incorporated into a staff report to be presented to the Planning Commission along with the environmental determination, Please provide us with plans and information that gives us the assurance that the potentially significant environmental aspects of the project have been mitigated, Questions concerning this matter may be directed to Kevin Gailey of this office at (415) 829-4916 at your convenience. Yours very truly, Kevin J, Gailey Senior Planner KJG/ao cc: PA 87-051 Lee Thompson - City Engineer Mitch Moughan - Bissell & Karn, Inc. '" (" = .",".000 :~ i , , , , , I \ , , , , , , , , , , , , I . , I , , , , , I V> '"'" m ~ r; m '"" '" > ~1 ' ~. ( '.:: ~'~ .- -, ,... I- I.... .... n < ~ . ~ 5 :J> . . ~ ( ..,Ol>> , ~0 0;0 ""0 c!:~ ~I t. :... ~ , , :r 1..0 0... c;.....,. Ro...... c_...... C~Il....'- 94518 A PART OF THE ZONING MAP THE CITY OF DUBLIN CJ) :r '" ~ 0 . C . '" r Z -- CITY OF p~umN OCT 2 19~~L1FORNIA ar.. SANTINA.. ,.:s~~ ::J,; THOMPSON INC. DUBLIN ... ~.._, ~_-'-I..__~.... I.... .~ ATTACHMENT 1- CONI N f:r 1ft It/) ,;J.~'" _ _,' .J:~:";" .___.~ _,_,~~ w I' . N' W ell c,; I~ o I '" I~ ~ \ ,~ ;\ 11 N' :l ...... ..\\ .... ~)': --- . .... ------ i -..-: . --.-- '~,\ _._~ ;}--- ;r I -