HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-019.1, .2, .3, .4 Amador Valley Lanes CUP CITY OF DUBLIN PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA STATEMENT/STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: May 4, 1987 TO: Planning Commission ~ Staff FROM: Planning SUBJECT: PA 87-019.1, .2, .3 and .4 Douglas W. Bradford (Applicant)jAmador Valley Lanes (Owner) Conditional Use Permit, Site Development Review, Tentative Parcel Map, and Variance requests, 6000 Dougherty Road. GENERAL INFORMATION: PROJECT: Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review requests for the proposed remodeling of the existing 3l,000~ sq. ft. Amador Lanes Bowling Alley (6000 Dougherty Road) and for two new single story commercial stuctures (6,000~ and 3,000~ sq. ft. respectively). Proposed uses for the complex include auto and motorcycle related sales and repair uses. Concurrently submitted are Tentative Parcel Map and Variance requests for the division of the 2.8~ acre property into three parcels with the following variances from the M-l District requirements: 1) Minimum Lot Size Variances (20,000 sq. ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 9,115~ sq. ft. and Parcel B - l8,230~ sq. ft. requested), 2) Median Lot Width Variance (100 ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 86 ft. requested), 3) Front Yard Setback (20 ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 8 ft. requested and Parcel C - 4 ft. requested), and 5) Side Yard Setback (10 ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 8 ft. requested). APPLICANT: Douglas W. Bradford 3180 Crow Canyon Place, Suite 120 San Ramon, CA 94583 PROPERTY OWNER AND REPRESENTATIVE: Robert Feuchter, President Amador Valley Lanes, A California General Partnership P.O. Box 60729 Sacramento, CA 95860 LOCATION: 6000 Dougherty Road ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 941-205-21 PARCEL SIZE: 2.8+ acres GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial/Industrial - Retail/Office and Automotive - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- COPIES TO: Applicant Owner File PA 87-019 ITEM NO. s.s EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USE: PD, Planned Development District allowing M-l, Light Industrial District and C-2, General Commercial District Uses as established by the l4llth Zoning Unit, which applies the M-l District development standards. The site is currently occupied by Amador Valley Lanes (Bowling Alley, Snack Bar and Cocktail Lounge). ZONING HISTORY: On March 26, 1975, the Alameda County Zoning Administrator approved Conditional Use Permit C-2913 to allow a Commercial Recreation Facility (bowling alley, snack bar and cocktail lounge) on the subject property, at that time in an M-l, Light Industrial District. On October 4, 1979, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors rezoned the subject property as part of a nine parcel - 40~ acre Rezoning Study, placing it in the PD, Planned Development District. On December 15, 1986, the Dublin Planning Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit request for the proposed operation of an auto rental service in a 288~ square foot portion of the Bowling Alley (the area previously used as the pro-shop at the southeast corner of the structure). SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: PD, Planned Development District - Mini Warehouse Uses East: PD, Planned Development District - Mixed Commercial and Light Industrial Uses South: C-2, General Commercial District - Pac 'n Save Shopping Center West: M-l, Light Industrial District - Business Park APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: Section 8-1.2. (INTENT) of the City's Subdivision Ordinance states: "It is the intent of this Chapter to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare; to assure in the division of land consistency with the policies of the Dublin General Plan and with the intent and provisions of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance; to coordinate lot design, street patterns, rights- of-way, utilities and public facilities with community and neighborhood plans; to assure that areas dedicated for public purposes will be properly improved initially so as not to be a future burden upon the community; to preserve natural resources and prevent environmental damage; to maintain suitable standards to insure adequate, safe building sites; and, to prevent hazard to life and property." Section 8-49.2 (CONDITIONAL USES) establishes, in part, auto and motorcycle sales, service and rental as conditional uses in the C-2, General Commercial District. Section 8-51.5 (BUILDING SITE: use in an M-l District shall be on a not less than one hundred (100) feet (20,000) square feet. M-l DISTRICTS) establishes that every building site having a Median Lot Width and an area not less than twenty thousand Section 8-51.6 (YARDS: M-l DISTRICTS) establishes the following Yard requirements in M-l Districts: Depth of Front Yard - not less than twenty (20) feet; Depth of Rear Yard - not less than twenty (20) feet; Width of each Side Yard - not less than ten (10) feet provided that where the abutting Lot is any R District, the width of the Side Yard shall not be less than thirty (30) feet. -2- Section 8-93.0 (VARIANCE) indicates that the strict terms of the Zoning Ordinance may be varied in specific cases upon affirmative findings of fact upon each of the folloiwng three requirements: a) That there are special circumstances including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, applicable to the property which deprive the property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity under the identical zoning classification. b) That the granting of the application will not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zone. c) That the granting of the application will not be detrimental to persons or property in the neighborhood or to the public welfare. Section 8-93.1 - .4 establishes the procedures, required action and effective date for granting or denying a Variance, and indicates the granting of a Variance shall be subject to conditions, limitations and guarantees. Section 8-94.0 states that conditional uses must be analyzed to determine: 1) whether or not the use is required by the public need; 2) whether or not the use will be properly related to other land uses, transportation and service facilities in the vicinity; 3) whether or not the use will materially affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity; and 4) whether or not the use will be contrary to the specific intent clauses or performance standards established for the district in which it is located. Section 8-94.4 states the approval of a Conditional Use Permit may be valid only for a specified term, and may be made contingent upon the acceptance and observance of specified conditions, including but not limited to the following matters: a) substantial conformity to approved plans and drawings; b) limitations on time of day for the conduct of specified activities; c) time period within which the approval shall be exercised and the proposed use brought into existence, failing which, the approval shall lapse and be void; d) guarantees as to compliance with the terms of the approval, including the posting to bond; e) compliance with requirements of other departments of the City/County Government. Section 8-95.0 states that the Site Development Review is intended to promote orderly, attractive and harmonious development; recognize environ- mental limitations on development; stabilize land values and investments; and promote the general welfare by preventing establishment of uses or erection of structures having qualities which would not meet the specific intent clauses or performance standards of this Chapter or which are not properly related to their sites, surrounding traffic circulation, or their environmental setting. Where the use is proposed, the adjacent land uses, environmental significance or limitations, topography, or traffic circulation is found to so require, the Planning Director may establish more stringent regulations than those other- wise specified for the District. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The City proposes to adopt a Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance which finds the proposed project will not have a significant impact on the environment. NOTIFICATION: Public Notice of the May 4, 1987, hearing was published in The Herald, mailed to adjacent property owners, and posted in public buildings. -3- ANALYSIS: The 2.8~ acre subject property fronts along the northwest corner of the intersection of Sierra Lane and Dougherty Road. The site was developed as a commercial recreational facility (bowling alley, snack bar and cocktail lounge) following approval of Conditional Use Permit Number C-29l3 in March of 1975. A recent Conditional Use Permit approval (PA 86-125) authorized use of the 288~ square foot area at the southeast corner of the structure (the "Pro- Shop") as the office for an auto rental facility. Use of 20 existing on-site parking spaces for the car rental facility was also authorized by that permit. The Applicant proposes to discontinue the commercial recreational use operating within the existing 32,500~ square foot structure and to refurbish that structure for use as part of a retail and automotive center. Proposed uses for the center are described in the Applicant's Written Statements of February 9, 1987, and April 2, 1987 (see Attachment 2). Along with the refurbishment of the existing structure, the Applicant proposes the construction of two new freestanding structures (Building A - 6,000 square feet and Building C - 3,000 square feet). While the proposed uses are considered appropriate for the site (all except motorcycle and/or car sales are allowable uses for this site), careful consideration should be given on how to appropriately condition the project to regulate exterior activities to avoid problems known to be occasionally related to car repair facilities. Staff's review of the Applicant's initial submittal materials prompted the preparation of a Staff Study. That Study was accompanied by a detailed memorandum recommending specific modifications to the originally proposed Site Plan Layout and to the proposed architectural treatment to the three structures. The Applicant subsequently submitted the Revised Site Plan which responded to a majority of Staff's identified concerns. Additional modifications are recommended by Staff and are detailed in the Staff Study _ Parking Plan/Landscape Plan (see Exhibit F) and a second study labeled Staff Study - Building A (see Exhibit G). The changes recommended by these Staff Studies, and as elaborated within the Draft Conditions of Approval for the Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review requests, fall into the following sub-categories: 1. Site Plan Modifications 2. Site Landscaping 3. Project Architecture The major adjustment recommended to the Site Plan involves a recommenda- tion that a 30-foot (minimum) setback be observed for proposed Buildings A and C. While this setback standard exceeds the minimum called for by the site's M-l District zoning criteria, a 30-foot setback is considered appropriate to provide a setback matching the minimum utilized by the adjoining land uses, and which acknowledges the site's location along a major arterial (Dougherty Road). Additional changes recommended to the site plan constitute "fine-tuning" of the site's parking and driveway system to meet the City's dimensional standards, to promote improved pedestrian and vehicular circulation, and to allow increases in the size of on-site landscape areas. Although the entire site has been previously developed for the commercial recreational facility, the on-site landscaping established is considered inadequate when compared to recent commercial entitlements in the City. Internal landscaping areas should be established to break up the expanse of the parking areas and help better define parking and driveway areas. Perimeter landscaping along Sierra Lane and Dougherty Road should be upraded and should include use of landscaping mounding. Special attention should be given to landscaping installed along the street-side elevations of proposed Buildings A and C. Staff is recommending that the Applicant be required to pursue authorization to install off-site landscaping adjoining the north elevation of proposed Building C. This landscaping is considered necessary to soften the visual impact of the structure resulting from its -4- close proximity to Dougherty Road. Efforts should be taken to assure site development does not impact existing off-site landscaping. The loss of trees along the west side of the existing structure (to allow the creation of vehicular access) should be mitigated by the construction of a screen wall or fence to mitigate undesirable future views of the rear of the structure as viewed from the adjoining office-research facility. Efforts should be taken to retain some of the existing trees along the southern portion of that building elevation (subject to review and approval of a narrowed driveway section for part or all of the rear driveway). The proposed architectural treatment for structures of this project will be of an integrated design. The design of the two new structures is planned to match the proposed refurbished design of the large existing structure. The design of the fascia bands wrapping around each of the three structures is considered the key architectural element of the project. Staff feels additional architectural detailing is warranted within the fascia band. One option for this supplemental architectural treatment would involve the use of tile band inserts (or some equivalent manner of alternate trim detailing). Due to the proposed locations of Buildings A and C, these structures will have a high visibility from off-site traffic. The southwesterly elevation of Building A and the northerly elevation of Building C should be upgraded in response to their high visibility. For Building A, Staff recommends that the adjustment involve the use of columns and store front glazing for the southerly 70'~ of the structure's proposed southwesterly building elevation (see Exhibit G). Similar treatment, or some alternate method of architectural detailing, should be provided for the easterly 1/4~ of the north elevation of proposed Building C. Since the Applicant has to date been unable to provide Staff with details of the proposed Freestanding Signs, these signs will have to be processed under a separate Site Development Review submittal. The Applicant is proposing to subdivide the 2.8~ acre property into three parcels. Staff recommends that no variances to the applicable lot standards be granted, and as such recommends that Variance request PA 87-019.4 be denied. The lotting pattern for the three-parcel subdivision should be modified as generally shown on the Staff Study - Parking and Landscape Plan to assure compliance with the applicable lot standards (M-l District Standards apply). A second concern regarding the proposed subdivision of the property involves Staff's concern that no division occur until development of the site as an integrated project is assured. To this end, Staff recommends that the Final Parcel Map for the subdivision not be allowed to go to record until building permits are issued and construction commenced for Buildings A and C. Application of a condition of this type will provide assurance that the parcels created around proposed Buildings A or C are not sold off and developed in a manner conflicting with the overall concept and layout of the remaining portions of the retail and automotive center. RECOMMENDATION: FORMAT: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Open public hearing. Hear Staff presentation. Hear Applicant and public presentations. Close public hearing. Consider and act on four Draft Resolutions: A - A Draft Resolution regarding the Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance for PA 87-019.1, .2, .3, and 4. B - A Draft Resolution regarding the Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review requests PA 87-019.1 and .2. C - A Draft Resolution regarding the Tentative Parcel Map request PA 87-019.3. D - A Draft Resolution regarding the Variance request PA 87-0l9.4. -5- ACTION: Based on the above Staff Report, Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the following Draft Resolutions: Exhibit A approving the Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance for PA 87-019.1, .2, .3, and .4, Exhibit B approving the Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review requests PA 87-019.1 and .2, Exhibit C approving the Tentative Parcel Map request PA 87-019.3, and Exhibit D denying the Variance request PA 87-019.4. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Draft Resolution regarding a Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance for PA 87-019.1, .2, .3, and .4 Exhibit B - Draft Resolution regarding Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review request PA 87-019.1 and .2 Exhibit C - Draft Resolution regarding Tentative Parcel Map request PA 87-019.3 Exhibit D - Draft Resolution regarding Variance request PA 87-019.4 Exhibit E - Conditional Use Permit, Site Development Review, Tentative Parcel Map and Variance Submittals Exhibit F - Staff Study - Parking Plan and Landscape Plan Exhibit G - Staff Study - Building A Background Attachments: 1 - Zoning Map 2 - Copy of Applicant's Written Statements 3 - Environmental Assessment Form 4 - Site Photographs and Photo Key Map 5 - Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance - PA 87-019.1, .2, .3 and .4 6 - Pertinent Agency Comments 7 - Site Plan and Conditions of Approval for C-29l3 8 - Site Plan and Conditions of Approval for PA 86-125 (Enterprise Rent-A-Car) -6- RESOLUTION NO. 87- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN - - - -- - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - -- --- -- - - ---- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE FOR PA 87-019.1, .2, .3 , AND .4 DOUGLAS W. BRADFORD (APPLICANT)/AMADOR VALLEY LANES (OWNER) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW, TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP, AND VARIANCE APPLICATIONS TO ESTABLISH A RETAIL AND AUTOMOTIVE CENTER AT 6000 DOUGHERTY ROAD WHEREAS, Douglas W. Bradford filed Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review applications for the proposed remodeling of the existing 3l,OOO~ square foot Amador Lanes Bowling Alley (6000 Dougherty Road) and for two new single story commercial structures (6,000~ and 3,000~ square feet respectively) with proposed uses of the complex including auto and motorcycle related sales and repair uses; and WHEREAS, Douglas W. Bradford concurrently submitted Tentative Parcel Map and Variance requests for the division of the 2.8~ acre property into three parcels with the following variances from the M-l District requirements: 1) Minimum Lot Size Variances (20,000 sq. ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 9,115~ sq. ft. and Parcel B - l8,230~ sq. ft. requested), 2) Median Lot Width Variance (100 ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 86 ft. requested), 3) Front Yard Setback (20 ft. m~n~mum required - Parcel A - 8 ft. requested and Parcel C - 4 ft. requested), and 5) Side Yard Setback (10 ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 8 ft. requested); and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State Guidelines and City environmental regulations, require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impact and that environmental documents be prepared; and WHEREAS, an Initial Study of Environmental Significance was conducted finding that the project, as proposed, would not have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance has been prepared for this application; and WHEREAS, public notice of the Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance was given in all respects as required by State Law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did review and consider the Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance at a public hearing on April 6, 1987; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Dublin Planning Commission finds as follows: 1. That the project PA 87-019.1, .2, .3, and .4 Conditional Use Permit, Site Development Review, Tentative Parcel Map and Variance requests will not have a significant effect on the environment. 2. That the Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance has been prepared and processed in accordance with State and Local environmental laws and guideline regulations. 3. That the Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance is complete and adequate. llHr f&LJJrt6N EXHIBIT. ~ NC6: ~oF eNlli~ u/4-!J,r:, J Lf I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin Planning Commission hereby adopts the Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance for PA 87-019.1, .2, .3, and .4 Conditional Use Permit, Site Development Review, Tentative Parcel Map, and Variance applications. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of May, 1987. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Planning Director -2- RESOLUTION NO. 87- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ APPROVING PA 87-019.1, AND .2, DOUGLAS W. BRADFORD (APPLICANT)/ AMADOR VALLEY LANES (OWNERS) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATIONS TO ESTABLISH A RETAIL AND AUTOMOTIVE CENTER AT 6000 DOUGHERTY ROAD WHEREAS, Douglas W. Bradford filed Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review applications for the proposed remodeling of the existing 3l,000~ square foot Amador Lanes Bowling Alley (6000 Dougherty Road) and for two new single story commercial structures (6,000~ and 3,000~ square feet respectively) with proposed uses of the complex including auto and motorcycle related sales, rental, and repair uses; and WHEREAS, Douglas W. Bradford concurrently submitted Tentative Parcel Map and Variance requests for the division of the 2.8~ acre property into three parcels with the following variances from the M-l District requirements: 1) Minimum Lot Size Variances (20,000 sq. ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 9,115~ sq. ft. and Parcel B - l8,230~ sq. ft. requested), 2) Median Lot Width Variance (100 ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 86 ft. requested), 3) Front Yard Setback (20 ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 8 ft. requested and Parcel C - 4 ft. requested), and 5) Side Yard Setback (10 ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 8 ft. requested); and WHEREAS, this application has been reviewed in accordance with the prOVisions of the California Environmental Quality Act and a Negative Declaration has been adopted (Planning Commission Resolution No. 87 - ) for this project as it will not have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing of the project was provided as required by local Ordinance and in accordance with California State Law; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending conditional approval of the applications; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on May 4, 1987, to consider all reports, recommendations, and testimony; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby find that: a) The uses serve a public need in that the uses will expand the City's retail and service commercial base by establishing a new retail and automotive center. b) The use will be properly related to other land uses and transpor- tation and service facilities in the vicinity in that daytime activities will be commensurate with present use of properties in the neighborhood. c) The use, under all circumstances and conditions of this particular case, will not materially affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, in that all applicable regulations will be met. d) The use will not be contrary to the specific intent clauses or performance standards established for the District in which it is to be located in that the rental car business is consistent with the character of the commercial district. e) All provisions of Section 8-95.0 through 8-95.8 Site Development Review, of the Zoning Ordinance are complied with. f) Consistent with Section 8-95.0, this project will promote orderly, attractive, and harmonious development, recognize environmental limitations on development; stabilize land values and investments; and promote the general Pf(1tf ~T1tN C04) S sr>1l.. EXHIBIT _ e? Ph 8 7 .. o,q t , ~ ,~ welfare by preventing establishment of uses or erection of structures having qualities which would not meet the specific intent clauses or performance standards set forth in the Zoning Ordinance and which are not consistent with their environmental setting. g) The approval of the project as conditioned is in the best interest of the public health, safety and general welfare. h) General site considerations, including site layout, orientation, and the location of buildings, vehicular access, circulation and parking, setbacks, height, public safety and similar elements have been designed to provide a desirable environment for the development. i) General architectural considerations as modified by the Conditions of Approval, including the character, scale and quality of the design, the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, building materials and colors, screening of exterior appurtenances, exterior lighting, and similar elements have been incorporated into the project in order to insure compatibility of this development with its design concept and the character of adjacent buildings and uses. j) General project landscaping proviSions for irrigation, maintenance and protection of landscaped areas and similar elements have been considered to insure visual relief to complement buildings and structures and to provide an attractive environment to the public. k) The project is consistent with the policies contained in the City's General Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission does hereby conditionally approve PA 87-019.1 and .2 as shown by materials from the Planning Commission Staff Report dated May 4, 1987, labeled Exhibit E and Attachments #2 and #3 on file with the Dublin Planning Department, subject to the following conditions: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the initiation of the requested land use activity, and shall be subiect to Planning Department review and approval. 1. Redevelopment of the 3l,000~ square foot Amador Lanes Bowling Alley facility and development of two new single story commercial structures (6,000~ and 3,000~ square feet respectively) shall substantially conform with the plans prepared by Frank Rupert Bryant, Architect, consisting of six sheets, dated received by the City P1annng Department February 6, 1987, as modified by the Revised Site Plan prepared by Frank Rupert Bryant, Architect, consisting of one sheet dated received April 7, 1987. Redevelopment of the existing structure and development of the two new structures shall reflect the changes called for in these Conditions of Approval. Approval for the Conditional Use Permit shall be until May 15, 1990. The approval period for the Conditional Use Permit may be extended two additional years (Applicant must submit a written request for the extension prior to the expiration date of the Conditional Use Permit) by the Planning Director upon his determination that the Conditions of Approval remain adequate to assure that the above stated Findings will continue to be met. Approval for the Site Develoment Review shall be valid until May l5, 1988. If construction has not commenced by that time, this approval shall be null and void. The approval period for the Site Development Review may be extended for a period of up to six months (Applicant must submit a written request for the extension prior to the expiration date of the permit) by the Planning Director upon his determination that the Conditoins of Approval remain adequate to assure that the above stated Findings will continue to be met. 2. The parking and driveway layout for this development shall be made to substantially conform to the Staff Parking/Driveway Study dated April, 1987. 3. The building footprint locations for proposed Shop Buildings A and C shall be modified to observe the following changes: -2- a. The location of proposed Shop Building A shall be adjusted to observe a 30' setback off of Sierra Lane. b. The location of proposed Shop Building C shall be adjusted to observe a 30' minimum setback off of Dougherty Road. c. The location of proposed Shop Building C shall be adjusted to observe a 10' minimum sideyard setback off of the north property line. The revisions to the size and lot footprint of Shop Buildings A and C caused by the above Condition shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Director. 4. Comply with the City of Dublin Site Development Review Standard Conditions and the City of Dublin Police Services Standard Commercial Building Security Recommendations. ARCHAEOLOGY 5. If, during construction, archaeological remains are encountered, construction in the vicinity shall be halted, an archaeologist consulted, and the City Planning Department notified. If, in the opinion of the archaeologist, the remains are significant, measures, as may be required by the Planning Director, shall be taken to protect them. ARCHITECTURAL 6. Exterior colors and materials for the new structure shall be subject to final review and approval by the Planning Director. All ducts, meters, air conditioning equipment and other mechanical equipment on the structure shall be effectively screened from view with materials architecturally compatible with the main structure. 7. The southwest building elevation of proposed Building A and the north building elevation of proposed Building C shall be modified to provide additional architectural detailing. The additional architectural detailing for Building A shall include the use of "store front" glazing and cement plaster half columns (two) along the southerly building elevation as generally depicted on the Staff Study - Building A, dated April, 1987. At the Developer's option, these windows may be "false" windows. 8. The southwest corner of the refurbished structure shall be cut back to match the treatment proposed for the northwest corner of that structure. 9. Additional architectural detailing shall be supplied within the proposed fascia band proposed around all three structures. The detailing shall be a colored tile band(s) inset, or other detailing determined acceptable to the Planning Department. DRAINAGE 10. A grading and drainage plan shall be prepared by the Developer and shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer. Calculations (hydraulic) shall be prepared by the Developer for review by the City Engineer to determine the sizing of drainage lines. 11. The area outside all buildings shall drain outward at a 2% m~n~mum slope for unpaved areas and a 1% minimum in paved areas (with a maximum gradient of 5%). 12. Roof drains shall empty into approved dissipating devices. Roof water, or other concentrated drainage, shall not be directed onto adjacent properties, sidewalks or driveways. 13. Where storm water flows against a curb, a curb with gutter shall be used. The flow line of all asphalt paved areas carrying waters shall be slurry sealed at least three feet on either side of the center of the swale. -3- DEBRIS/DUST/CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY 14. Measures shall be taken to contain all trash, construction debris, and materials on-site until disposal off-site can be arranged. The Developer shall keep adjoining public streets free and clean of project dirt, mud, and materials during the construction period. The Developer shall be responsible for corrective measures at no expense to the City of Dublin. Areas undergoing grading, and all other construction activities, shall be watered, or other dust-palliative measures used, to prevent dust, as conditions warrant. 15. The Developer shall acquire easements, and/or obtain rights-of-entry from the adjacent property owners for improvements or construction activity required outside of the subject properties. Copies of the easements and/or rights-of-entry shall be in written form and shall be furnished to the City Engineer. 16. Cross access, cross parking and cross utility easements shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer prior to the issuance of grading or building permits. These easements shall allow for practical cross vehicular, cross parking and cross utility service access over the three proposed parcels. FIRE PROTECTION 17. Prior to issuance of building permits, the Developer shall supply written confirmation that the requirements of the Dublin San Ramon Services District Fire Department have been, or will be, met. GRADING 18. A grading permit shall be obtained from the Public Works Department if more than 150 cubic yards of grading will be done. 19. Grading shall be completed in compliance with the construction grading plans and the soil engineering recommendations as established by a Soil and Foundation Study prepared for this project (subject to review and approval by the City Engineer). The report shall discuss the compaction of soil under the proposed structures. 20. Where soil or geologic conditions encountered in grading operations are different from that anticipated in the Project Soil and/or Geologic Report, or where such conditions warrant changes to the recommendations contained in the original investigation, a revised Soil and/or Geologic Report shall be submitted for approval by the City Engineer. IMPROVEMENT PLANS, AGREEMENTS, AND SECURITIES 21. Prior to filing for building permits, precise plans and specifications for street improvements, grading, drainage (including size, type, and location of drainage facilities both on- and off-site) shall be submitted and subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 22. The parking and driveway surfacing shall be asphalt concrete paving. The project's Soils Engineer's structural pavement design shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. The Developer shall make tests of the soil over which the surfacing and base is to be constructed and furnish the test reports to the City Engineer. The Developer's Soils Engineer shall determine a preliminary structural design of the road bed. After rough grading has been completed, the Developer shall have soil tests performed to determine the final design of the road bed. 23. The Developer shall enter into an Improvement Agreement with the City for any public improvements. Complete improvement plans, specifications, and calculations shall be submitted to, and reviewed by, the City Engineer and other affected agencies having jurisdiction over public improvements prior to execution of the Improvement Agreement. All required securities, in an amount equal to 100% of the approved estimates of construction costs of improvements, and a labor and material security, equal to 50% of the -4- construction costs, shall be submitted to, and approved by, the City and affected agencies having jurisdiction over public improvements, prior to execution of the Improvement Agreement. 24. An encroachment permit shall be secured from the City Engineer for any work done within the public right-of-way where this work is not covered under the improvement plans. LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION PLANS 25. A detailed Landscape and Irrigation Plan (at 1 inch = 20 feet or larger), along with a cost estimate of the work and materials proposed, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Director. Landscape and Irrigation Plans shall be signed by a licensed landscape architect. 26. The Developer/Owner shall sign and submit a copy of the City of Dublin Landscape Maintenance Agreement. 27. All efforts shall be taken to assure that the proposed site work along the west property boundary shall be of a design, and shall be installed in such a manner, as to not damage existing off-site landscaping. 28. An effort shall be made to retain up to five of the existing on-site trees located along the western property boundary adjoining the south half of Building B. The trees that are to be retained are those situated more than l8 feet west of the existing western wall of Building B. Retention of the two southerly trees shall be made only if a narrower drive aisle (16'~) along that section of the building is determined acceptable by the City Engineer, DSRSD Fire Department and the Planning Department. 29. The Developer shall diligently pursue the necessary approvals to provide the installation of off-site landscaping within the adjoining property to the north (10' strip running 50~' along the shared property boundary extending from the northeast corner of the subject property). If, upon demonstration that a diligent effort has been made by the Developer to pursue the necessary approvals for the referenced landscaping improvements and no approval can be secured, discharge of the requirements of this Condition may be granted by the Planning Director. 30. The perimeter landscaping strip to be established along the north property boundary shall be a minimum width of five feet for that section of the property line within 40 feet of the northeast corner of Building B. 31. A perimeter landscaping strip of a minimum width of three feet shall be established along the west property boundary adjoining the west elevation of Building B, and along the portion of the north property boundary adjoining the north elevation of Building B not addressed by the previous Condition. 32. A combination of mounding of landscape areas and intensive shrub planting shall be established along the property's Sierra Lane and Dougherty Road frontages to provide screening of the adjoining parking areas and to compliment the two new proposed structures. Existing landscaping along the frontage shall be removed in conjunction with the introduction of landscape mounds. The Applicant is encouraged to enlarge the Dougherty Road frontage planter by 2'~ in conjunction with on-site repair of the linear north-south cracking - failure within the adjoining parking area. 33. One parking stall at the Sierra Lane driveway (the most southwesterly stall) shall be eliminated and the area devoted to project entry landscaping. LIGHTING 34. Exterior lighting shall be of a design and placement so as not to cause glare onto Sierra Lane or Dougherty Road, or on to adjoining properties. Lighting used after daylight hours shall be adequate to provide for security needs. Wall lighting around the exposed perimeter of the new buildings and along the west and north elevations of the existing structure shall be supplied to provide "wash" security lighting. Photometrics for -5- area lighting shall be submitted to the Planning Department and the Dublin Police Services for review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. SIGNAGE 35. A modified tenant sign program shall be prepared and submitted for review and approval by the Planning Director prior to the issuance of building permits. The tenant sign program submitted with the project application shall be modified to decrease the height of wall-fascia mounted signs on proposed Shop Buildings A and C to a two-foot maximum height. The tenant's obligation to conform with the approved tenant sign program shall be incorporated into the individual tenant lease agreements as a binding tenant requirement. 36. Freestanding Signs established for this project shall be subject to review under separate Site Development Review applications. The proposed Projecting Sign at the southwest corner of Building B shall be subject to review under a separate Variance application unless modified to conform with Section 8-87.33 of the Ordinance. STORAGE AND EXTERIOR ACTIVITIES 37. With the exception of authorized motorcycle display (to occur only within the 18' x 23' raised concrete pad within the parking lot area at the northeast corner of Building B) all demonstrations, displays, services, and other activities associated with the new structure shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed structure. No loudspeakers or amplified music shall be permitted outside the new structure. Any additional car or motorcycle sales involving exterior display shall be subject to review under a separate Conditional Use Permit. MISCELLANEOUS 38. Five-foot flares shall be provided on the new driveway connection to Dougherty Road. The existing power pole proposed to be retained within the center of the driveway median of the new Dougherty Road driveway shall be removed unless the City Engineer determines its removal costs are economically prohibitive and retention of the pole in the current location will not constitute a traffic safety hazard. The existing Dougherty Road driveway at the northeast corner of the site shall be removed. 39. New pedestrian walkways established throughout the complex shall be of a uniform design. The pedestrian circulation system shall include handicapped access to meet the requirements of Title 24 of the Building Code. 40. The detailed design, placement and construction materials of on-site trash enclosure areas shall be subject to review and approval by the Livermore- Dublin Disposal Service and the Planning Department prior to the issuance of building permits. Concrete apron pads in front of each trash enclosure area shall be supplied with the design and location of the aprons subject to review and approval by the Planning Department and the Livermore-Dublin Disposal Service. The location of trash enclosure areas shall be adjusted as necessary to assure that at least one trash enclosure is present within the boundaries of each proposed parcel. 41. All improvements shall be installed as per the approved landscaping and irrigation plans and the drainage and grading plans prior to the release of occupancy of the new structures. 42. If the project is developed in phases, all physical improvements shall be required to be in place prior to occupancy except for items specifically excluded in a Phasing Plan approved by the Planning Department. No occupancy shall be allowed until the entire area, or approved phase, is finished, safe, accessible, provided with all reasonable expected services and amenities, and completely separated from remaining additional construction activity. Any approved Phasing Plan shall have sufficient cash deposits, or other performance guarantees determined acceptable by the Planning Director, to guarantee that the project and all associated improvements shall be installed in a timely and satisfactory manner. -6- 43. The Developer shall be responsible for correction of deficiencies on the existing frontage improvements to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. This work shall include, but not be necessarily limited to, correction of sidewalk cracking and uplifting involving a 20 foot ~ stretch of sidewalk directly north of the southerly Dougherty Road driveway depression, and repair of concrete curbing and asphalt failures in vicinity of the northerly Dougherty Road driveway depression. 44. The design, materials, height and location of any proposed perimeter fencing shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Department and the Dublin Police Services Department prior to the issuance of building permits. Appropriate keyed access to the secured portion of the site shall be provided to the appropriate emergency service agencies (e.g., Police, Fire, etc.). Fencing in disrepair shall be repaired or replaced. 45. The design and use of any vehicle wash/service areas shall be subject to review and approval by ACFC & WCD - Zone 7 and DSRSD prior to installation. 46. The cracked/uplifting concrete slabs adjoining the west side of the 288+ "pro-shop" section of the existing structure shall be replaced or shall be repaired in a manner approved by the Planning Director. 47. Handicap parking spaces at this site (five spaces minimum) shall be modified as necessary to conform to the Site Development Review requirements for Handicapped Accessibility outlined in the State Building Code. 48. The Developer shall construct a six-foot (minimum height) masonry wall or solid wood fence along the west property line extending from the northwest corner of the site for a minimum distance of 375 feet. The precise location, height, design and materials of this wall or fence shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Director. The wall/fence shall be established to help screen the rear of the refurbished building as viewed from the adjoining office-research complex to the west. 49. All tenant occupancies in the retail and automotive center shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Director prior to their respective occupancies in the center. Said review shall serve to verify compatibility of the uses with zoning district requirements and to allow determination on the adequacy of available on-site parking. Occupancy of the three structures shall conform to the numerical parking requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance. 50. Existing failures within the parking lot and at driveway entrances to the site shall be repaired in conjunction with the proposed new development. 51. The Conditional Use Permit shall be revocable for cause, in accordance with Section 8-90.3 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance, at any time during the effectiveness of the approval. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of May, 1987. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Planning Director -7- RESOLUTION NO. 87 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ APPROVING PA 87-019.3 DOUGLAS W. BRADFORD (APPLICANT)/AMADOR VALLEY LANES (OWNERS) TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBDIVIDING 2.8~ ACRES INTO THREE PARCELS, 6000 DOUGHERTY ROAD WHEREAS, Douglas W. Bradford has filed a Tentative Parcel Map and Variance requests for the proposed subdivision of the 2.8~ acre Amador Lanes Bowling Alley Facility (6000 Dougherty Road) with the following variances from the M-l District requirements: 1) Minimum Lot Size Variances (20,000 sq. ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 9,115~ sq. ft. and Parcel B - l8,230~ sq. ft. requested), 2) Median Lot Width Variance (100 ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 86 ft. requested), 3) Front Yard Setback (20 ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 8 ft. requested and Parcel C - 4 ft. requested), and 5) Side Yard Setback (10 ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 8 ft. requested); and WHEREAS, Douglas W. Bradford concurrently submitted Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review applications for the proposed remodeling of the existing 3l,000~ square foot Amador Lanes Bowling Alley facility and for two new single story commercial structures (6,000~ and 3,000~ square feet respectively) with proposed uses of the complex including auto and motorcycle related sales/rental and repair uses; and WHEREAS, the State of California Subdivision Map Act and the adopted City of Dublin Subdivision Regulations require that no real property may be divided into two or more parcels for the purposes of sale, lease or financing unless a Tentative Parcel Map is acted upon and a Final Parcel Map is approved consistent with the Subdivision Map Act, and City of Dublin Subdivision Regulations; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on said application on May 4, 1987; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearings was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending conditional approval of the application, with modification involving changes necessary to eliminate all the requested variances; and WHEREAS, this application has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act and a Negative Declaration has been adopted (Planning Commission Resolution No. 87- ) for this project as it will not have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds that: a. The proposed Tentative Parcel Map request, as modified, is consistent with the intent of applicable subdivision regulations and City Zoning and related Ordinances. b. The proposed Tentative Parcel Map, as modified, is consistent with the City's General Plan. c. The proposed Tentative Parcel Map, as modified, will not have a significant environmental impact. d. The proposed Tentative Parcel Map, as modified, will not have substantial adverse effects on health or safety, or be substantially detrimental to the public welfare, or be injurious to property or public improvements. WAA" ~~ EXHIBIT 'firNrAn"F ;",.eeL IMP c ,-J:iI;1a e. The site is physically suitable for the proposed development. f. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development in that the design and improvements are consistent with those of similar existing developments which have proven to be satisfactory. g. This project will not cause serious public health problems in that all necessary utilities are, or will be, required to be available and Zoning, Building, and Plumbing Ordinances control the type of development, and the operation, of the uses to prevent health problems after development. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Planning Commission approves PA 87-019.3, Tentative Parcel Map request subject to the following conditions: 1. The proposed lotting configuration detailed on the Tentative Map submitted with the original application submittal shall be modified to eliminate all the requested variances to the M-l District standards (lot size, median lot width, and front, year and side yards). The resultant lotting configuration shall be as substantially shown on the April, 1987, Staff Study, or as otherwise approved by the Planning Director. 2. Prior to recordation of the Parcel Map, a soils investigation report shall be prepared which shall include recommendations to make the building pads suitable for future development. 3. Prior to issuance of building permits for the structures, the recommenda- tions outlined in the soils investigation report shall be completed under the constant inspection of the soils engineer, and shall be certified by the soils engineer as suitable for foundations. 4. The Applicant shall provide DSRSD with plans showing the water and sewer services to the lots. 5. The Applicant shall pay all sewer, fire and water connection fees prior to recordation of the Final Parcel Map. 6. If, during construction, archaeological remains are encountered, construc- tion in the vicinity shall be halted, an archaeologist consulted, and the City Planning Department notified. If, in the opinion of the archaeologist, the remains are significant, measures, as may be required by the Planning Director, shall be taken to protect them. 7. Roof drains shall empty onto paved areas, concrete swales, or other approved dissipating devices. 8. Cross access, parking, and utility easements shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer prior to recordation of the Final Parcel Map. These easements shall allow for practical vehicular and utility service access across the three proposed Parcels. Accompanying these documents shall be copies of a cross maintenance agreement addressing ongoing maintenance responsibilities for parking and driveway areas and for project landscaping, irrigation lighting and drainage facilities. This document shall also be submitted for review and approval by the City prior to recordation. 9. All improvements within the public right-of-way, including curb gutter, sidewalks, driveways, paving, and utilities, must be constructed in accordance with approved standards and/or plans. 10. Copies of the Final Map and improvement plans, indicating all lots, streets, and drainage facilities within the subdivision shall be submitted at 1" = 400-ft. scale, and 1" = 200-ft. scale for City mapping purposes. 11. Electrical, gas, telephone, and Cable TV services shall be provided underground to each lot in accordance with the City policies and existing ordinances. All utilities shall be located and provided within public utility easements, sized to meet utility company standards. 12. Prior to the filing of the Final Parcel Map, the subdivider shall furnish the City Engineer with a letter from Dublin San Ramon Services District stating that the District has agreed to furnish water and sewer service to each of the dwelling units and/or lot included on the Final Map of the subdivision. -2- 13. Water facilities must be connected to the DSRSD system, and must be installed at the expense of the developer, in accordance with District standards and specifications. All material and workmanship for water mains, and appurtenances thereto, must conform with all of the requirements of the officially adopted Water Code of the District and will be subject to field inspection by the District. 14. Comply with all zoning provisions, including Zoning Ordinance and Conditions of Approval for Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review applications PA 87-019.1 and .2. 15. Building permits shall be secured and construction commenced for proposed Buildings A and C prior to the filing of the Final Parcel Map. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of May, 1987. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Planning Director -3- RESOLUTION NO. 87- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DENYING PA 87-019.4 DOUGLAS W. BRADFORD (APPLICANT)/AMADOR VALLEY LANES (OWNER) VARIANCE REQUESTS FROM THE M-1 DISTRICT STANDARDS (LOT SIZE, MEDIAN LOT WIDTH, FRONT YARD SETBACK, REAR YARD SETBACK AND SIDE YARD SETBACK) PROPOSED IN CONJUNCTION WITH CONCURRENT REQUESTS FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW (PA 87-019.1), FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (PA 87-019.2), AND FOR A TENTATIVE MAP (PA 87-019.3), FOR A PROPOSED RETAIL AND AUTOMOTIVE CENTER AT 6000 DOUGHERTY ROAD WHEREAS, Douglas W. Bradford has filed a Tentative Parcel Map and Variance requests for the proposed subdivision of the 2.8~ acre Amador Lanes Bowling Alley Facility (6000 Dougherty Road) with the following variances from the M-l District requirements: l) Minimum Lot Size Variances (20,000 sq. ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 9,115~ sq. ft. and Parcel B - l8,230~ sq. ft. requested), 2) Median Lot Width Variance (100 ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 86 ft. requested), 3) Front Yard Setback (20 ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 8 ft. requested and Parcel C - 4 ft. requested), and 5) Side Yard Setback (10 ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 8 ft. requested); and WHEREAS, Douglas W. Bradford concurrently submitted Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review applications for the proposed remodeling of the existing 3l,000~ square foot Amador Lanes Bowling Alley facility and for two new single story commercial structures (6,000~ and 3,000~ square feet respectively) with proposed uses of the complex including auto and motorcycle related sales/rental and repair uses; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on said applications on May 4, 1987; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, an Initial Study of Environmental Significance was conducted finding the project would not have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance has been prepared and adopted for this project (Planning Commission Resolution No. 87 - ); and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending denial of the Variance application; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission heard and considered all said reports, recommendations and testimony as hereinabove set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby find that: A) There are no special circumstances pertaining to the size, shape, topo- graphy, location or surroundings, applicable to the subject property which would deprive the property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity under the identical zoning classification, in that the property, identified as APN 941-205-21, is commensurate with other property in the vicinity under the identical zoning classification. B) The granting of the Variance requests will constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zone, in that the observance of the established standards from the M-l Distict for the minimum lot size, minimum median lot width, and minimum front, rear and side yards would not adversely impact the developability of the subject property. No special circumstances peculiar to this subject property exist relating to size, shape or topography. DtAf.r ~1I11,.J EXHIBIT v> v'~At(CF C) The granting of this Variance application may be detrimental to persons or property in the neighborhood or to the public welfare, in that establish- ment of substandard parcels may ultimately lead to the development of marginal land uses inconsistent with the intent of the property's underlying zoning designation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Planning Commission denies PA 87-0l9.4, Variance request. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of May, 1987. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Planning Director -2- ," : i . " ," '. ..' .. " . ~ . " ." . .' " ,,; I " ... . . . .' ,.. ..... ..,. I. , r: .... '. . "," ..',.. ;.1 . .... .' '.: '. , . . :'.. .. . @d "":'~:~"~~W.r;J.t:r ,... ":'ii;:;' ,;.' ft., .~ \ . ~ . '. \U Affl,rWJl'.s\fl . "Wl~ED . &~ fLirtJ 1l1illE - -- ------- -. -~.:::.: . ' '. .. l , ....:, h. ~ '..' ,,~ .' :'.:. ~I I ~ cet' ,:cl , ><'- ;,,, I .<; j ....... - ~L" ." ~ ~ . '.: \I .1 · \;It ~t ~ ", "',: ;," "-." ;'~~~~., .__~,..i.... . . ..' .!. '., . . S.D_ . i .- I I , l. ..'r'. ~. " . '. ..... . ~.. '. \ .,.... . . .\ ,I I I I' '1 i i I .\ I " I ~--~J - I I I '. ." . . .' ,,..- ,,',::',. .: ... . .' ." ~ e;ulLOIJ.-tC? ...1'5" . . .. 4l ~114'"70 . ~ ',.' '. ) '.:.. . \'.~ '0 . ' ?~':i' .,' ~ '/ ..,t'.. .,' '~~'~::~'.:""- .... . l"': '. \ ., . 1" .::.. \ ~f~'" ., ~" . '" '.:frr(;;~~'" -.-.",. ~. - - - ~<. 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CALIFORNIA ATTACHMENT 1 ~,~(:( Mf'rr .J I ( "" (- " ; ~,. DougIS!~_fn22ford 6 Associates - February 9, 1987 REClfV~D FE8 9 1981 DUIUN ftANNtNG Mr. Laurence L. Tong, Director City of Dublin Planning Dept. 6500 Dublin Blvd. Suite D Dublin, CA 94568 Re: Amador Valley lanes Rehab 6000 DoUgherty Road ....;,. Dear Mr. 'Ibng: By the enclosed application I am requesting approval to rem:x:lel the Amador Valley Lanes BcMling Alley into an Auto Care and Sales Center. 'Ihis:ri!qUest follows the owners decision to sell the facility ana close the business. The follcwing is a detailed description. of the project together with the rationale behind it. The project concept has care to be known as an Auto Care Center - essentially a shopping center for auto (and rrotOrCycle). related sale ana repair uses. The increased custarer' crossfeed characteristic of a shopping center can be expected in this relatively new product as well as other benefits such as coordinated and canpl:in1entary architecture and landscape planning, better planning for overall project access, circulation, parking and signing as well as other user controls typically set forth in CC&R's and camon area maintenance agreenents. Another feature of this concept is the interinixing of a few typical retail or food service uses to offer the auto serVice Custarer sanething to, do while waiting for his car. The project concept basically seeks to take advantage of the increasing need for auto care facilities convenient to the hares and/or workplace of the local population.'Ib a lesser degree auto sales and rental will be provided because of the overall needs of the ccmmmity, the establishment of similar uses in the area and the unique feature of these uses desiring the parking spaces close to the street-contrary to the other tenants. Another basic reason relates to the reuseability of the building. Auto oriented users are slightly larger than typical light industrial or retail users and rrore importantly, are characterized by sales areas separated iran repair areas. By creating circulation and car entry access around the back and sides of the building the excessive depth and uneven floor levels of the bowling alley can be utilized. This would be done by placement of the sales areas in front of the building and repair areas in the back and sides. The potential benefits to the city would be to convert a structure fran an un.econanic use and potential nuisance to a viable use that can nore efficiently utilize the site through additional pad develq:m:mt and daytime use. This canes at no increased cost to the City and would generate additional sales taxes and property taxes. " 3180 Crow Canyon Place, Ste 120 · P.O. Box 65 · San Ramon, California · 94583 (415) 866.0404 ATTACHMENT Z (JJ(Iy Dr MllchlT~ UJ(Q'ff{N <fTkrENt'NTS ,.oJ Mr. Laurence Tong Februarv 9, 1987 page 2" (" (~ A 'final aspect of the project contemplates subdivision of the property for the addition of 2 pads which would lend econanic feasibility to the overall project by ultimately translating to lower rents to the deep space users <5fi the b:lwling alley shell and/or making it possible to attractdesireable tenants who may not be available without the ability to own or ground lease their respective pads. This same rationale applies to the ability for the project to obtain the ' financing required to go forward. CC&R's and cross easanents would assure that the overall project concept is not conpranised. I hope the above provides sufficient insight into a new product designed to meet the gro.ving needs of our auto oriented society while still providing a well planned reused facility on a highly visable key corner to the City.. I ranain available to answer any questions you may have. VfI!Y truly yours, . ~ftw.~!::fJ J)T'1B/lgd ~ Cc' I(~& c/ DougI2~]{9t2ford & Associates April 2, 1987 Mr. Laurence L. Tong, Director City of Dublin Planning DepartIrent 6500 Dublin Boulevard suite D Dublin, California 94568 RECEIVED APR 6 1987 DUBl.JN PLANNING Re: Arredor Valley Lanes Rehab 6000 Dougherty Road Dear Mr. Tong: As a follow-up to our rreeting' last week I am submitting herein changes to my original February 9, 1987 staterrent on the above referenced property. I have set forth below a rrore detailed concept of specific uses to be included in the project. Since only one anticipated tenant, Dublin Kawasaki , involves a conditional use pexmi t I am hereby requesting that their specific CUP be processed separately. .' Basically the uses anticipated fall prim3rily into two categories: autarotive (sales and repairs) and retail. The autarotive uses will be located in Building B in spaces 1-9 as shown on the attached plot plan. Retail uses will be placed in Buildings A and C. Of the retail uses, approximately 4,500 square feet will be in fcxXi oriented use - in particular, Building A will house a 3,000 square foot deli/sandwich shop and Building C will house a l,500 square foot take out pizza operation. The sandwich/deli will dedicate approximately 40% of their area to sales and/or sit down area while the take out pizza will dedicate less than 10% of their area to sales. Of the aforerrentioned Building B tenants , only Dublin Kawasaki occupying approximately 5,505 square feet will be sales oriented (rrotorcycles, jet skis, and electrical generators). Of their total square footage approximately 3,500 square feet are in sales, 1,400 square feet in service, and the balance in storage and restrcan facilities. I hope the above has given you new insight into the direction the project is going with respect to use. If you have any questions regarding the project concept, please feel free to call either John Orr or myself. truly yours, V<J !]~/ Brapd DWB/nd Enclosures cc: John Orr '" ---" ...~~ - -- - . 3180 Crow Canyon Place, Ste 120 · P.O. Box 65 · San Ramon, California · 94583 (415) 866-0404 .. :;i..~~: o " ,.. ID '''.'-4'' " 0 CO -' "' ID 0 . . -& " Cll "ID .... ID 0 (:;) W r-- Z '" > CO Z en .- Z w c S ~ () 0:: Z W C- ::J a: a3 ~ ;:) C :r I- a: o z I I :: . :: = . " ~ ~ - ID < X w a: . . Z ., w <( z.o ..J ~U ... )0 . UJ wZ -' - I- -,-' Cij .o"' >::> a a: 0 a < :> < - I/) 0 UJ <( I- 0 <( a: <3 0 >- .1/) l- I/) ffi <( :r od Cl :: 0 :J a: 0 ~ 0 0 lL ~ 0 Q <( a: aI I/) :5 Cl :J 0 0 - I f/) UJ U s: a: .. UJ '" f/) ...." w. I> I- w'" ID Z ~<:: " i:!i .,U" z -" z <~~ Z 0.. z 0 ~~CJt < ..J -' zuVi .. W > ..,....- ..,::>. W .,X- 0 --' < 0 ~ Z <( ..J . I IT r z Q i al'~' ~ ~ - - " : - - " " I I I I I 2" $ . " .. .-. I' . ":':000 ~'. ~ ' -- . ..... ..;. ::J" ~ - 'r. . . .-..... .... .' CITY OF !lUBLIN .. ( ":.R'.C"E.IV.ED.. . }(B 9 .!9B7! . ~~ No. M.-ol? DUBUN PLANNING .' ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT:-FDRM ll-lTEf<.lM (Pursuant to Public Re~ources Code Sedion.21 000 et sec.) . ' .. The state CEQA (California Environmental Quality'Act) Guidelines reauire the city .to take an active role in preparing environ- me~tal documents.. This comprehensive Environmental Assessment Form is designed to assist the City in preparing a complete and accurate environmental as~essment in a timely manner and in conformance with the state CEQA Guidelines. The form has three sections: General Data, Exa~ption, and Initial Study. . The applicant is requested to com~lete Section 1, Generai Data., The Planning staff will prepare e~ther Section 2, Exa~ption, or section 3, Initial Study. please type or print legibly in ink. SECTION .1. GENERAL DAIA - - - to be com~ leted by the APPL!-CANT 1. Name (if any) cnd address of project: . 600Q Dougherty Road Mul titenan.t Auto Care, SaleS and Rental Proposed use of properly: 2. . - cnd tele;::r.cne of Applicant: .-Douglas W. ...Bradforo 3180 Crow Ganyon Place Ste120 .... .:l. Ncme,' ccdress, '~L . .' 'San_Rarron, CA 94583 'N d' . t I' c~ c....r,'...,c. 00" ..... I" erne, 0 cress, C;10 e er:ncne . ~..~. persc.n 10 CCCHlen iO c~o Icent or o insteed or ap?lic:::;.,~: JOM T. err, land D~veloPrent S~ic~s l533 N Main St., Walnut Creek. CA 94596 5. A~tod~ed plans ere 0 prediminci)' or 0 fully, developed.' .. 6. Building ere'::: 40,000 sq.. rr.. 7. Sire aree: 2.79 Dsq.fr. ~r~acres'. 8. (ui.enr::o:1ins;: PD (wi M-I & C-2 uses) 9. Ma;<irnum Building Heighr' 45 Q fr _ or Dsrcr:es. 10. DesCiibe ~...eun: .or CG ily r.cffic s;enercred. by m.!r;;b~ r ;ype' cr.c time cf ccy: ApproXllllately 120 trips at Peak hour (5:00 +-0 h.nn PM) , .. . -,. 11. Number or cff-srreet pc.:<Jr.s spcces provlcea:.l.4.6...- 12. l'lumber of locding focit iries provided: No specialized loading facilities provided. Deliveries may be made through tenant d' oors . % ~- \ .' _ ... n.' __......_ .........,~.....:r:,._....,...:----..,..~-..,..~..".:::-.(.;.:.~--~'"Z"""'......":~..._~~........,.... - .... ,'.. , - ....~~~~.'"'::':.~.~~...-:-. ATTACHMENT 3 hMbN. ~S~SS. ~M " . .f"'. ..\>. .- . ~ . . :...-....,..~.... ,...r: . .-* . ';.f' - ~ ( r ~ . 13. Proposed developm~nt schedule: ,b.eginning: J~e 1, l~~bmpletion: . Nov. 30, 19~7 '. . 14.0. IF residential: number' of new 'units i number of existing units bedrooms i unit sizes ;rcnge of 0 scile prices or 0 rents ewell.ing Osingle fc~i1y D duplex 0 ~tllt.iple. , 14.b. If commercial: 'scope of projedI:il neighborhood, 0 cily, 0 resio~al : sales 'area 12, 000 ~ sq. ft. or 0 acre~ estimated employment per shifl" 40 . ..: operotion 7:30 A.r-i. to 9:00. P.M. ' inu!f1ber of new ; type of ; hours or 14.c:. If industrial: m~tericls invcl-=-ed hours of oper~ l'ion . '. " . A I h'~ , eSdmcre_ ern? oyrnent per s lit . i estimcted ern?loym~nt per sh iff' J ,. o' i.nours or opercnon ' " 14.d. If institutional: major Fundion estimated oc:upCi'lcy 15. Describe Ci~1 per'mil'=> required: on 5ite. ~e'lilopW\e"':- ~V"i-c.'^J; 0 Va.';';a..~c.~.; . o AclWliVlis{Y''?''-n\le. CoY'Gli1iorW (.ls~ f..e.rMd"j 0 R:~l<Ssrp'cxf.CI".. Cre.ZOl'l:~ j D Pla.V\~ pe."~lopr~e....r.-j IX\. CoV'GtiTioV\OJ Use. fe..r-M'ITj 0 Si~p'\ 010\ l~ ~ on O+'",e."'" SU}:Ylivision for ? P::II'l", .- . , . .. . 16. Describe other pub Ii:: cpprove Is required: 0 ur.Known; 0 locd c~:ndesi 0 regiond . D' .. 0-' I . r agencies; sr~;.e cgenc:es; I recerc cgenclesi .cr ... CER,TirIC~TION . ., L r ., ~ _0: ~ ..~. d'~ t.. _2 -.... L" lot.. ' ,," k I' 1 herebv cer~liY ~ilC~ ~r12 1i1,O,m....rIO:l !u....:tn.re I~ .ue Ct."" c....,..ec. .0 .lIe C2~. or my :'lov'.e~se J ." .." - I' E' . I A I end belief. I undersr:::1o rr:cr tne ilr.C:ngS Oi tnrs nVlrC;;;;;ei'liC sses.;;;ent CFr: y only fO The . d"" prcie-:: cs escnoec c:::o'/e. Oc-A [J, J S ig:1c ~~r~: Date: rd.. 9; l'i~ 7 NOme (print or type ,: . % ..- J:. ..... :~ ~.. ,. - .. ;. .. ..~ :.:. -:;-.. 'r,' ;.... . I DA ..., ~ .. ; c ;0 : : C :I:=> m tl3 c: -0 0 Z ;;:0 % .\1' -n c:> m ~ 7- -" < t.D Z co Z -.J m , (;, 0 :l: ~ ~- _z" ~c'" -...... ~o;z ~~3: ~m~ 7.70.z :OUl ..~... ... " .,m ~m ...... .. .. r- ,. Z o o m < .. m ,. r- ~ o ~ "0 Z Iii " ~ ~ In m :D < o m In o o c: G) ~ In lD :D ,. o ." o :D o po ,. In In_ o o :;: -l m In ~ 3: ~ o o " g ~ "'~ !: ,. Zm . '" ~~ m '" . " m X ~ '" ~ . ~ In ::j m "0 r- ,. Z ~ :: : .. $ z o :D -l ::c m ... m ", " m ... .... - ~ 8OJj= m. CD e- ~ c .... o 3: o .... ;;: '" ... o .; m CD m 01 .,1'-,1"1 m ..., m CD w o /?tblP H7A~ ~~ ~TJA!M!~;- 1 .~ ) . ~~- 3 (f (1- 'b 1/- <J 1 (1 AMADOR BOWL ----""-' i j 4 5 r) /! 1, 1 - () I {'1 AMADOR BOWL ~ NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR: PA 87-019.1, .2, .3 and .4 Douglas W. Bradford (Applicant)/ Amador Valley Lanes (Owners) Conditional Use Permit, Site Development Review, Tentative Parcel Map, and Variance Applications (Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21000, et seq.) LOCATION: 6000 Dougherty Road Dublin, CA 94568 PROPONENT: Douglas W. Bradford 3180 Crow Canyon Place, Suite 120 San Ramon, CA 94583 DESCRIPTION: Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review requests for the proposed remodeling of the existing 31,000 ~ square foot Amador Lanes Bowling Alley (6000 Dougherty Road) and for two new single story commercial structures (6,000 ~ and 3,000 ~ square feet respectively). Proposed uses for the complex include auto and motorcycle related sales and repair uses. Currently submitted are a Tentative Parcel Map and Variance requests for the division of the 2.8 ~ acre property into three parcels with the following variances from the M-l District requirements: 1) Minimum Lot Size Variances (20,000 sq. ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 9,115~ sq. ft. and Parcel B - l8,230~ sq. ft. requested), 2) Median Lot Width Variance (100 ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 86 ft. requested), 3) Front Yard Setback (20 ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 8 ft. requested and Parcel C - 4 ft. requested), and 5) Side Yard Setback (10 ft. minimum required - Parcel A - 8 ft. requested). FINDINGS: The project will not have a significant effect on the environment. INITIAL STUDY: The Initial Study is available for review upon request (Planning Application File PA 87-0l9). PREPARATION: This Negative Declaration was prepared by the City of Dublin Planning Staff, (415) 829-4916. SIGNATURE: DATE: Laurence L. Tong, Planning Director ATTACHMEN~ ? /Je&. liFe, F?;~ Pfr87-01 q i \ .'DUBLIN SAN~AAMON SERVICfS DISTRICT General Offices: 7051 Dublin Boulevard · Dublin, California 94568 · (415) 828-0515 March 3, 1987 City of Dub I in Development Services P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 Attention: Mr. Kevin Gai ley - Senior Planner Dear Mr. Gai ley: This department has the fol lowing requirements for PA 87-019. 1. Any part of the existing bui Iding used for the repairing of vehicles shal I be required to have an adequately designed automatic fire protection sprinkler system for this type of occupancy. A signed letter, by a licensed sprinkler contractor, stating the above shal I be submitted to this office prior to remodel ing. 2. Do to the proximity of the existing bui Iding to the property line no parking or storage of any kind wil I be al lowed on the west and north side. "No Parking" signs shall be posted at these areas. 3. Bui Idings A and C shal I be sprinklered if ~ flammable or combs$t$fu4e I iquids are used, stored, or handled, or any painting operations are performed. 4. A permit is required by this department for any structure to be used as a business for repairing motor vehicles. 5. Premises identification shal I be instal led on al I three bui Idings. When proposed bui Iding floor plans are submitted for approval more requirements will be supplied. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Sl"cece~ ~'--/ ~ H~ve' Fire Inspector Fire Prevention Bureau A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. PROVIDES MUNICIPAL TYPE SERVICES TO CITIZENS OF AMADOR~L1VERMOAE AND SAN RAMON VALLEYS % ALAMEDA AND CONTRA COST A COUNTIES ATTACHMENT {; {i.t1lNertr A~y u"'~. ~ r (' DUBLIN SAN RAMON SERVICES DISTRICT General Offices: 7051 Dublin Boulevard · Dublin, California 94568. (415) 828-0515 March 9, 1987 RECEIVED MAR 11 1987 l)U8UN PLANNING Mr. Kevin J. Gailey, Senior Planner City of Dublin Development Services P. O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 Subject: PA87-019, Dougherty Retail & Automotive Center - Conditional Use Permit/Site Development Review/Tentative Map Dear Mr. Gailey: Reference is made to your letter dated February 17, 1987 regarding the proposed remodeling of the existing 31,000 square foot Amador Lanes Bowling Alley and con- sideration of two new structures totalling 9,000 square feet. Please advise the new owners of the two buildings that sewer permits are required as well as related fire and water permits prior to construction. Yours very truly, ('~'--t ~~ou.- Emi 1 Kattan Assistant Civil Engineer EK:dh '" A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF ThE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. PROVIDES MUNiCIPAL TY?E SERViCES TO CITiZENS OF AMADOR.lIVERMQRE AND SAN RAMON VALLEYS ALAMEDA AND CONTRA COSTA COUNTIES. AI..AMEDA COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPART~ENT ( ( .. From: Sgt. DiFRANCO #534 Date: 2/19/87 R !' C e, V E " FEa 191987 . DlI8tIII, Pl.ANNlNa Cars and parking are the issues here. Will there . be enough parking for automotive repair or sales in the parking lot. The proposed building "A" will take up a lot of parking room. There is no"," "back lot" in this location so all vehicles under repair and junked will be parked in the front, open to public view from Dougherty Rd. Lt. Severini To: Sub ject: Cite review old Amador Lanes The total number of shops, type of shops, and projected parking requirements should be look~ at most carefu1ly~. There sou1d be a zoning requirement of abatement for junked or dismantled vehicles open to public view within a set time limit. The area in question is going light industrial anyway so there is no conflict with this project. We do want to avoid an eyesore and 10852 cvc, 594, 459 pc auto problems. There is no indication of in the submitted plans. I~:V cf) lighting proposals &fit U.tfi; ~.z-U/-Z; / f,A;,;a ~ al/J1~ /7 /, )' C; ./0}1//JIfi/ 1--10-91 ML-36IREV.1-721 %. Development Services P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 CITY OF DUBLIN APPLICATION REFERRAL Planning/Zoning 829-4916 Building & Safety 829-0822 Engineering/Public Works 829-4927 Date: February 17, 1987 Re. Planning Application #: PA 87-019 Dougherty Retail & Automotive Center Conditional Use Permit/Site Development Review/ Tentative Map Finance Control #: 32134 Project/Site Address: 6000 Dougherty Road Assessor Parcel Number(s): 941-205-21 /.., "' , .~ Lee Thompson - City Engineer Vic Taugher - Building Official John Severini - Police Services Paul Ryan - DSRSD General Manager Phil Phillips - DSRSD Fire Department Emil Katan - DSRSD Water Department Lou Holveck - P.G. & E. L. F. Woods - Pacific Bell Vince Wong - Zone 7 S. Lee - Caltrans Bill Brandi - Livermore DubIn Disposal Service Myrt Jones - Viacom Cable Television FROM, Kevin J. Gailey - Senior Planner~ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review requests for proposed remodeling of the existing 3l,000~ square foot Amador Lanes Bowling Alley (6000 Dougherty Road) and for two new single story commercial structures (6,000+ and 3,000~ square feet respectively). Proposed uses for the complex include auto a~d motorcycle related sales and repair uses. The current submittal is a Tentative Map request for the division of the 2.8~ acre property into three parcels. , (;-/. ........, " .....~':.~;-,:~:..,... ". 1".- -~ ~ ~:' ~:j~-~~> '~.~c<~/ . / .. '-), , '\ -<- " ... '/':> .. .;-) /\ > ./ " ./ V<t' ,"> ~-'J , /\ . ~0//.' "/ <.;, TO: the ATTACHED FOR YOUR REVIEW ARE: - Copy of Application - Environmental Assessment Form - Applicant's Written Statement - Site Photographs - Zoning M.ap - Site Plan, Floor Plans and Building Elevations PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM WITH COMMENT TO DUBLIN PLANNING BY: ~r~~ A tU~~~ 7/~ Q ?~ ~~dP ~~~CA-~ /h4 4&t:~/ /6 , # (/V-, . /Z~~.z~ ~ &<J -d:~. . ~~~f/ (,2,.0 ~~ . ~ /~~ //-L/ _;:/~~4~) c^-CC~_ L z//%/r-7 ~1---vV ~.P .2~~ .~% V ~ -?yLrc~jI t; r7~dI4 J~-- ~~ j MEMORANDUM RECEIVED FES 2/11987 DUBUN PlANNING Date: February 24, 1987 To: Senior.Planner From: City Engineer Subject: PA 87-019 Dougherty Retail and Automotive Center l. sidewalk, plans. All improvements within the public right-of-way such as curb, gutter, and driveways, shall be constructed in accordance with City standards and 2. Deficiencies in existing frontage improvements such as cracked and offset sidewalk shall be repaired as required by the City Engineer. 3. An encroachment permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer for all work in the public right-of-way. 4. Landscaping at driveways and at the intersection of Dougherty Road and Sierra Lane shall be such that sight distance is not obstructed. Except for trees, landscaping shall not be higher than 30 inches above the curb in these areas. 5. If any areas of the parking lot pond water, the ponding shall be eliminated. A plan for this work shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval. 6. The existing unused driveway on Dougherty Road near the proposed new driveway shall be removed and replaced with curb, gutter, and sidewalk. 7. The existing fire hydrant which is located in the new driveway shall be relocated as required by DSRSD. LST/gr Development Services . P,O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 f- CITY OF DUBLIN ~: APPLICATION REFERRAL Planning/Zoning 829-4916 Building & Safety 829-0822 Engineering/Public Works 829-4927 Date: February 17, 1987 Re. Planning Application #: PA 87-019 Dougherty Retail & Automotive Center Conditional Use Permit/Site Development Review/ Tentative Map Finance Control #: 32134 Project/Site Address: 6000 Dougherty Road RECEIVED FES 201987 OUBUN PLANNING Assessor Parcel Number(s): 941-205-21 Lee Thompson - City Engineer Vic Taugher - Building Official John Severini - Police Services Paul Ryan - DSRSD General Manager Phil Phillips - DSRSD Fire Department Emil Katan - DSRSD Water Department Lou Holveck - P.G. & E. L. F. Woods - Pacific Bell Vince Wong - Zone 7 S. Lee - Ca1trans Bill Brandi - Livermore Dubln Disposal Service Myrt Jones - Viacom Cable Television FROM, Kevin J. Gailey - Senior Planner~ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review requests for proposed remodeling of the existing 3l,000~ square foot Amador Lanes Bowling Alley (6000 Dougherty Road) and for two new single story commercial structures (6,000+ and 3,000+ square feet respectively). Proposed uses for the complex include auto a~d motor~ycle related sales and repair uses. The current submittal is a Tentative Map request for the division of the 2.8~ acre property into three parcels. TO: the ATTACHED FOR YOUR REVIEW ARE: - Copy of Application - Environmental Assessment Form - Applicant's Written Statement - Site Photographs - Zoning Map - Site Plan, Floor Plans and Building Elevations PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM WITH COMMENT TO DUBLIN PLANNING BY: March 6, 1987 / -d /' ;/ L ,;/ ,_ i"~' cA'Ul'J;1ft~J ~c/J ~o~,: /Juh~, t ~:L /-:- -13t~ ~tf J!U~kd ' ~~Uvt.- ~{Jd/ cCc-c /~'-" ~;1 i4/.;4"j ~JJ c~;;~~~~~Lr/ ... i..... ! ;'1>. , ""T1 . : . :t 1 .~.'~~: ; ..1 I'" :1 ) "\ .~'t; ! ~'::I ;~~ : ~ ! ~~d ~-t.'-,-'" :,',in <{ " I .~ __~_ ill N _I ' !..:.: ..iI -, If't I 1'-: ,"- I I" ,'~'I,- t,- - : \l Ii (;';'(!. '- f -- i ~. f ~,~ ~~ .J--~~ r~' . . .I( __H_ -----~- -..J- i'r&~~\ - -1--. D- . ~i -:U-. ...-~. . -, .\ ~~~ =+= l-~/ \--c~~~lT~rTrr"~rTrlTi) f~ \. \ / . ,'S':;). 'l ~ -<~'i:.., '", '</ '\",/. .::~:t.J! I I ; I I' ~!I . " \~ . ,"': ~'~~~"://,/" zS.(~",-'~,.-_-t\n-r(!I'-'I-"'-I-'r.h -'J--"-- ....1- "l-h: ,,' ' ~. ""..-'"" '" . I ' J' I. .-. :/ ' ~ <-',/ - ~. I! I: \(:...'~-' --~Lb:. ' <(> \ I : j I J' 'J 'i I'I~) <" /, ~/ tV ~ · L..-~-:- =L~:c::J--:~:...J-=j:J /r <.,//~. ~:'(<.~)10cr~~~j < /'\ ~~ ,. //// ATTACHMENT 1 ~I~ ft/rfJ-~f~ /j !!L'f{S FiJI- U C · /"''3 i I 1 I : I \ +,9Z~ " J r ~ i I , i i I -+\ \ ~ \ --~ !!l -+--. . , Ii '\ . --.- ~ ,C;;; ~' /~ ,../ ..J / ~ ..".---- ...;.....-." . '.:.:_;r~_7':~..<.~;::--=::..- :.-..~~I.'..!,::} :.~:.:..-:-.:'" .- .' / /' --"'-/'" ','. -..( . , . . , . ., U o [( )- )- Ii tl I ,& ] G Il .Y' . . .i' THE ALAMEDA COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION HA YW ARD, CALIFORNIA RESOLUTION NO. 79-67 - AT MEETING HELD AUGUST 6, 1979 . Introduced by Commissioner Cheng Seconded by Commissioner Tully WHEREAS this Commission did initiate an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Alameda, California, to reclassify from the M-l (Light Industrial) District, and the PD (Permitting C-2 and M-l uses) District, to other districts as specified in said ordinance, property generally described as: 141lth Zoning Unit, Planning Commission initiated reclassification of nine lots containing a total of 39.75 acres, zoned M-l (Light Industrial) and PD (Permitting C-2 and M-l uses) located from 5971 to 6289 Dougherty Road, both sides of the street, from Sierra Lane north to the Southern Pacific right-of-way, Dublin; bearing County Assessor's Designation: Map 941, Block 205, Parcel 25, 21, &. 23 and Map 941, Block 550, Parcels 7-1, 5-1, 4, 3, 2, 1-2; as shown on the map labelled "Exhibit A, 1411th Zoning Unit, dated June 18, 1979;" on file with this Commission at 399 Elmhurst Street, Hayward, California; and WHEREAS this Commission did by its Resolution No. 79-51 dated June 18, 1979, set said proposed amendment for public hearing; and WHEREAS this Commission did hold a public hearing on said proposed amendment at the hour of 1:30 p.m. on Monday, the 16th day of July, 1979, which hearing was continued to Monday, the 6th day of August, 1979, in the County of Alameda Public Works Building, Auditorium, 399 Elmhurst Street, Hayward, California; and WHEREAS notice of public hearing was given as required by law; and WHEREAS this Reclassification Petition has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Enviornmental Quality Act and a negative declaration has been filed with the County Clerk with respect thereto; and WHEREAS it is the finding of this Commission that reclassification of the herein described property is in the public interest for the reasons that: 1. The use of the combined M-l and C-2 designations will allow greater flexibility of uses. 2. Plan goals of improved tax and employment bases will be enhanced. 3. Development limitations resulting from storm drain deficiencies will be reduced. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Commission does hereby recommend to the Board of Supervisors reclassification of the herein described property from' the M-l (Light Industrial) District, and the PD (Planned Development) District regulations prescribed by the Zoning Ordinance for said districts with the following exceptions: 1. That the yard Medium Lot Width and Minimum Building Site Arrea requirements for each property shall be as prescribed in the M-l' District; Resolution No. 79-6. August 6, 1979 Page Two .. 2. Prior to issuance of a Building Permit or filing a Final or Parcel Map for four parcels located between Dougherty Road and the Southern Pacific Railroad (941-550-1-2, 2, 4 &. 5-1) there shall be constructed along the easterly boundary of parcels affected a storm drain of a design approved by the Alameda County Flood Control and water Conservation District, Zone 7, and located within 1 10' wide easement dedicated to said District. The rear (easterly) 2/3 of these parcels, or such lesser area as may be approved by the ACFC&.WCD at the time of submittal of detailed grading and drainage plans, shall remain undeveloped to serve as a ponding area for augmented flow until the entire downstream storm drain is completed and operable. ADOPTED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Tully, Tissol, Shockley, Rusteika, Cheng, Bernhardt. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. EXUCSED: Commissioners Upshaw, Douglas. ABSTAINED: None. WILLIAM H. FRALEY - PLANNING DIRECTOR &. SECRET AR Y COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION OF ALAMEDA COUNTY .~ ~ G ~.:.; (0 :f: CO '- en -:;, .- 2: (,,-0 c::~ ~ .......1 -, ..i. Q '-. L!...! [::; , .--,.' ,- r.'~1 "-' ~~.J .; . rnu I ~ ~ I I .:. - ~ - - - . . - - I _.=::.~- 0.._____ ~._o.._.. ...1."1:;1088'" O"3uyZZ'\:t >" 0; 'O, m W C:;.... Z ~ oJ l!l Z J ~ 0 m f ct II 0 0 III ru- M Ll ~ <: > .. ~ r.... : -<< . . . ~ < '. _n r-- .....iI i ~~ r- I ., ~ ~., '-- I H? , I , "' 1../ o- j <6 L- =F , '--- I C ----i ~ , 0 =:j II --l > i ----i ... --< II w I l!l -. :J ----' 0 ----' 0 I --, =:j 0 0 I 0 --l lD ~ ~ ---! ; , "---. > ... > I I ; I ! ! , I j I I <: ~o CAIt fA ((J<liV6 fo~ ~ i"7dt1.rJIf tiN c ~ E,,,T /'r (..41\ ---: :-- /, ! i \ 2 <t .J D. ~t'lE'- e\E'- ~.p.P- w .. - Ul ~ ~i . . , ~' '-1- ~ - - - , . ~ , .. j ; r. .. ; j f "l ~ :a 1..- ~ . .. ATTACHMENT a S'TE' ItAN t (M.1l)t71h\lS flJ/l.. fit S fD-rz~ (~~) r ! RESOLUTION NO. 86 - 078 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ APPROVING PA 86-125 ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR (APPLICANT)/ AMADOR VALLEY LANES (OWNERS) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION TO ESTABLISH A RENTAL CAR SERVICE AT 6000 DOUGHERTY ROAD WHEREAS, Enterprise Rent-A-Car has filed an application for a Conditional Use Permit to establish a rental car service in a 288~ square foot portion of the existing Amador Valley Lanes Bowling Alley; and WHEREAS, this application has been reviewed in accordance with the prov~s~ons of the California Environmental Quality Act and a Negative Declaration has been adopted (Planning Commission Resolution No. 86 _ 077) for this project as it will not have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, notice of Public Hearing of the project was provided as required by local Ordinance and in accordance with California State Law; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending conditional approval of the application; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 15, 1986, to consider all reports, recommendations, and testimony; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby find that: a) The use serves a public need in that the use provides an automobile rental service. b) Th~ use will be properly related to other land uses and transpor- tation and service facilities in the vicinity in that daytime activities will be commensurate with present use of properties in the neighborhood. c) The use, under all circumstances and conditions of this particular case, will not materially affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, in that all applicable regulations will be met. d) The use will not be contrary to the specific intent clauses or performance standards established for the District in which it is to be located in that the rental car business is consistent with the character of the commercial district. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission does hereby conditionally approve PA 86-125 as shown by materials from the December 15, 1986, Planning Commission Staff Report labeled Exhibit C and Attachments #2 and #3, on file with with the Dublin Planning Department, subject to the following conditions: ~ -1- : " ~~ -'CII! n....._ "--- J. r~ f CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the initiation of the requested land use activity, and shall be subiect to Planning Department review and approval. 1. Development and operation of the Rent-A-Car Service shall generally conform to the plans submitted with the application proposed by Azzarello Associates, consisting of one sheet and dated received by the City of Dublin Planning Department November 20, 1986, and as further described in the Applicant's Written Statement, also dated received November 20, 1986. 2. The rental car lot shall be limited to a maximum of twenty (20) rental cars on site at anyone time. 3. Hours of operation for the car rental lot shall be limited to the hours between 6:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. 4. On site maintenance of rental vehicles shall be prohibited, including cleaning or repair of vehicles. 5. The Applicant shall provide the Planning Director with a copy of the lease indicating location of the parking area reserved for the exclusive use of the Car Rental Service. 6. Any new project signing or lighting shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Director prior to installation. 7. With the exception of parking of rental cars in the subject parking lot, all demonstrations, displays, services, and other activities associated with the Car Rental Service shall be conducted entirely within the existing structure. No loudspeakers or amplified music shall be permitted outside the structure. 8. The Developer shall be responsible for correction of deficiencies on the existing frontage improvements to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. This work shall include, but not be necessarily limited to, correction of sidewalk cracking and uplifting involving a 20 foot ~ stretch of sidewalk directly north of the southerly Dougherty Road driveway depression, and repair of concrete curbing and asphalt failures in vicinity of the northerly Dougherty Road driveway depression. 9. Overhead security lighting shall be installed and operational during all hours of darkness to light the area utilized for overnight parking of rental cars. 10. The five concrete planters not currently in use (excludes only the two planters which currently have trees planted within them) shall either be removed form the site or be replanted and relocated in a manner approved by the Planning Director. 1l. The cracked/uplifting concrete slabs adjoining the west side of the 288+ "pro-shop" section of the existing structure shall be replaced or shall be repaired in a manner approved by the Planning Director. 12, Handicap parking spaces at this site (five spaces minimum) shall be modified as necessary to conform to the Site Development Review requirements for Handicapped Accessibility outlined in the State Building Code. 13, Except as specifically altered by the above Conditions of Approval, development and use of the site shall comply with the Conditions established for C-2913. -2- .... 14. This permit shall expire December 31, 1988, and shall be revocable for cause in accordance with Section 8-90.3 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. The approval period for the Conditional Use Permit may be extended three additional years (Applicant must submit a written requ~st for the extension prior to the expiration date of the Conditional Use Permit) by the Planning Director upon his determination that the Conditions of Approval remain adequate to assure the above stated Findings of Approval will continue to be met. This permit shall be invalidated if a redevelopment proposal for the bowling alley facility is authorized and pursued to the construction stage. 15. The Applicant shall work with the Property Owner to provide for the installation of appropriate on-site signage to designate the subject property as a "Private Property - Customer Parking Only" site. Signs shall be subject to review and approval by the Police Services Department prior to installation. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of December, 1986. AYES: Commissioners Barnes, Burnham, Mack, Petty and Raley NOES: None ABSENT: None Planning Commission Chairperson -3- .1 1