HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-103 Murray School District CUP CITY OF DUBLIN PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA STATEMENT/STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: August 17, 1987 SUBJECT: Planning Commission Planning Staff ~ J:r- PA 87-103 Murray School District - Conditional Use Permit Request for School District Administrative Office and Corporation Yard uses of the Fallon School site (amends approval granted under PA 86-024.2). TO: FROM: GENERAL INFORMATION: PROJECT: A Conditional Use Permit request for the proposed use of a 5,4~ acre portion of the Fallon School site (covering the area composing proposed Lots #19 and #20 of Tract 5616) by the Murray School District for Administrative Office and Corporation Yard uses. This permit proposes a modified site plan layout from that approved for PA 86-024.2. The Conditional Use Permit request covers the area to be retained by the School District. The substantive changes detailed in this new submittal involve changes to the proposed Mechanic Shop/Carport Structure, as regards both the size (increasing the area of the structures by 50%~, or 2,500~ square feet) and the location (moving and splitting the proposed facility from a centralized location to the separate locations adjoining the rear of surrounding residential lots). APPLICANT AND REPRESENTATIVE: Akol & Yoshii Architects Attn.: Kayo Yoshii 2059 A Mt. Diablo Boulevard Walnut Creek, CA OWNERS AND REPRESENTATIVE: Murray School District Attn.: Stanley Maleski 7416 Brighton Drive Dublin, CA 94568 GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Public/Semi-Public/Open ZONING: The site is currently zoned R-l-B-E, Single Family Residential Combining District (6,500 square foot minimum lot size, 65-foot minimum average width, 20-foot minimum front setback, and 6-foot minimum sideyard). PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND LAND USE: The 5.4~ acre irregularly shaped property con- tains the existing Fallon School facilities and has frontage along Larkdale Avenue. The site is currently covered by six permanent buildings, The site was created by the recent recordation of a three-lot subdivision which partially exercised the approval for Tract 5616. The ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ITEM NO. <6.,3 COPIES TO: Applicants Owners PA File 87-103 three-lot Final Map grouped the 20 lots approved under Tract 5616 into three lots according to anticipated land use. The three lots created included one parcel for the future City Park, one parcel encompassing the planned future 17 single family residential lots, and a final parcel encompassing the holding to be retained by the School District. ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 941-181-27-1 (Portion) SURROUNDING LAND USE: The site has street frontage along its south boundary (600'~ along Larkdale Avenue). The site also has limited street frontage along its east boundary on Bristol Road (a 20-foot stem access between #7908 and #7890 Bristol Road). A total of 10 existing single family residences back up to the subject property. Land uses in the immediate vicinity of the site are single family residential. ZONING HISTORY: 355th ZU - The subject property was rezoned from A-2, Agricultural District, to the R-l-B-E, Single Family Residential Combining District, by the 355th Zoning Unit, with an effective date of December 8, 1960, following its approval by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors. Tract 2286 - The site consists of Lots 14 and 27 of Tract 2286, which also created the adjoining 25 single family residential lots, (A total of 186 of the nearby lots were created by Tract 2286.) C-2308 - A Conditional Use Permit processed by the Alameda County Zoning Administrator to allow the construction and operation of a neighborhood park on a portion of the subject property (Kolb Park improvements). PA 83-040 - The Dublin Planning Commission granted (August 15, 1983) a Conditional Use Permit request for the operation of a l20-child Christian Youth Academy and Tri-Valley Church involving the Administration Building, the Multi-Use Building, "B" Wing and the developed outside area of the Fallon School. PA 83-043 The Dublin Planning Commission granted (August 15, 1983) a Conditional Use Permit request for the establishment of a 50-child educational program for developmentally disabled youths within the kindergarten portion of the Fallon School (Kaleidoscope Center). PA 84-013 - The Dublin Planning Commission granted (April 16, 1984) a Conditional Use Permit request for the operation of a pre-school, day care and elementary school operation in Building C-C on the Fallon School site (Fountainhead Montessori). PA 84-061 - The Dublin Planning Commission granted (November 19, 1984) a Conditional Use Permit request for the operation of a l20-child day care center for children from 8 weeks through 10 years of age (Growing Tree preschool) in Building C-A of the Fallon School. PA 85-104 - The Dublin Planning Commission granted (January 6, 1986) a Conditional Use Permit request for the continued operation of the Kaleidoscope Center approved under PA 83-043. PA 86-024.1 and .2 - The Dublin Planning Commission granted (August 18, 1986) a Tentative Map to subdivide the original l4.0~ acre School District holding into a 20 lot subdivision, and a Conditional Use Permit to allow use of proposed Lot #20 of Tract 5616 as the Administrative Offices and Corporation Yard for the Murray School District, and to make continued use of one of the existing buildings by the Kaleidoscope Center approved under PA 85-104. -2- APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: Section 8-20.10 of the City's Zoning Ordinance defines a Community Facility to include storage garage, repair shop or corporation yard. Section 8-26.3 a) requires approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a Community Facility in an R-l, Single Family Residential District. Section 8-94.0 states that conditional uses must be analyzed to determine: 1) whether or not the use is required by the public need; 2) whether or not the use will be properly related to other land uses, transportation and service facilities in the vicinity; 3) whether or not the use will materially affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity; and 4) whether or not the use will be contrary to the specific intent clauses or peformance standards established for the district in which it is located. Section 8-94.4 states the approval of a Conditional Use Permit may be valid only for a specified term, and may be made contingent upon the acceptance and observance of specified conditions, including but not limited to the following matters: a) substantial conformity to approved plans and drawings; b) limitations on time of day for the conduct of specified activities; c) time period within which the approval shall be exercised and the proposed use brought into existence, failing which, the approval shall lapse and be void; d) guarantees as to compliance with the terms of the approval, including the posting of bond; e) compliance with requirements of other departments of the City/County Government. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The City proposes to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance which finds the proposed project will not have a significant impact on the environment (see Exhibit A - Draft Resolution regarding the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance and Background Attachments #3 a - Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance and #4 - Letter calling for Applicant to provide project redesign or binding commitment that addresses and mitigates each potential identified environmental impact). NOTIFICATION: Public Notice of the August 17, 1987, hearing was published in The Herald, mailed to adjacent property owners, and posted in public buildings, ANALYSIS: In December of 1983, the City Council passed a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to proceed with negotiations with the Murray School District for acquisition of surplus property at the Fallon School site. The Murray School District formally advised the City on November 9, 1985, of its intent to dispose as excess property a 9.6~ acre portion of the 14+ acre site. The City Council on January 13, 1985, adopted a Resolution advising the District of its interest to purchase a five-acre portion of the site for use as a future neighborhood park. The City also indicated interest in securing the O.4~ parcel containing the Fallon School Multi-Purpose Building. With its initial noticing of the availability of excess properties, the School District had put together a preliminary land use plan detailing 17 future residential lots over 4.0~ acres of the site. The City Council's action included a request to the District that the layout of the future residential lots be modified to reflect a different lotting pattern, The City -3- Staff prepared a schematic alternate subdivision layout which consolidated all 17 lots into one portion of the site. (That proposed layout was ultimately reflected by the approved Tentative Map for the site.) Conditions of note established for the approved Tentative Map include the following: Condition 18 - Calls for the prov~s~on of a pedestrian/bicycle easement from the 20-foot stem strip from Bristol Road for access to both the future park site and the planned future City Senior Recreation Center. Condition 20 - Calls for the provision of pedestrian/bicycle access from Larkdale Avenue across the District's Administrative Office/Corporation Yard to the planned future park site. Condition 58 - Requires the observance of a tree planting program at the perimeter of the Administrative Office/Corporation Yard parcel where it abuts existing or future residential lots and where it abuts the planned future park site. These Conditions shall remain in effect with the new Conditional Use Permit. The Conditions of Approval established for the previous Conditional Use Permit were drafted in a manner to allow a variety of information to be submitted prior to the issuance of building permits. This approach was implemented in resonse to the schematic nature of the plans submitted by the School District, Items put off for later review included: review of the land uses to occur in the Corporation Yard, the type and amount of exterior storage and vehicle parking in that area, a review of what trees can be retained within the proposed parking at the northeast corner of the site, the determination of adequacy and design of proposed drive aisles and parking areas, the determination of design and location of new project landscaping, review of project fencing, and review of a project pedestrian system. The submittals for the new Conditional Use Permit address many of the above listed concerns by providing more detailed site planning information than has been previously submitted. Items remaining for subsequent review include the review of the land uses and types of storage and parking in the Corporation Yard, and the details of project fencing. As indicated previously in the Report, the substantive changes detailed in this new submittal involve changes to the proposed Mechanic Shop/Carport Structure. Under the current submittal, changes to the size and location of the structure are proposed. The size is proposed to increase 50%~, or 2,500~ square feet. The location is proposed to be changed from a centralized location to two separate locations. The Mechanic Shop is proposed to be moved to the northwest corner of the site backing up to the rear of existing residential lots along Larkdale Avenue. The Carport Structure (retitled as the "Equipment Shed") is proposed to be moved to the northeast corner of the site backing up to the existing residential lots along Bristol Road, Additional proposed changes include: the provision of gates to separate the western portion of the parking area from the remainder of the site, the elimination of the previously proposed new Larkdale Avenue driveway, the creation of a formalized drop-off/pick-up area for the Kaleidoscope Center, the provision of a larger, more intensely landscaped parking lot area, and provision of a more formalized pedestrian pathway system. The proximity of the Mechanic Shop and the Carport Structure to the rear of residential units raises some Staff concern. Staff recommends the setbacks for these structures be increased from 10 feet to 20 feet to provide addi- tional buffering between the uses. Observing the 20-foot setback may also allow the structures to be built without special building requirements. (The Building Official has advised that the walls of the Bus Mechanics Shop which are less than 20 feet from the property line must be l-hour construction and have 30" parapet walls. He has also advised that the walls of the Equipment Shed which are less than 20 feet from the property line must also be I-hour construction. A final comment from the Building Official is an indication -4- that additional information regarding the proposed fertilizer storage in the Equipment Shed will be needed, and may prompt an even greater setback from the property line.) Consistent with the actions taken in conjunction with the previous Planning Applications covering this site (PA 86-024.1 and .2), and as indicated elsewhere in this Report, Staff is recommending that a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance be adopted for this project. The Initial Study prepared for this project identified the following Environmental Components (see Background Attachment #3): 1. General Plan Policies and Zoning 2. Soils, Geology and Seismicity 3. Tree Preservation 4. Emergency Services 5. Traffic Circulation 6. Noise/Nuisances The Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance has been formatted in a manner that presupposes the Applicant will agree, through the course of the public hearing process, to project design changes and/or to enter into binding commitments that address and mitigate each potential significant environmental impact identified in the Initial Study prepared for this project. A letter to the Applicants outlining design changes and/or binding commitments that addresses and mitigates each potential identified environmental impact has been prepared and is included as part of Attachment #4. RECOMMENDATION: 6) Open public hearing. Hear Staff presentation. Hear Applicants and public presentations. Close public hearing. Adopt Resolution regarding Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance (Exhibit A). Adopt Resolution regarding Conditional Use Permit - PA 87-103 (Exhibit B), or give Staff direction and continue the item. FORMAT: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) ACTION: Based on the above Staff Report, Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the attached Resolutions (Exhibit A approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance for PA 87-103, and Exhibit B approving the Conditional Use Permit application, PA 87-103). ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Draft Resolution regarding the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance Exhibit B - Draft Resolution regarding Conditional Use Permit - PA 87-103 Exhibit C - Conditional Use Permit PA 87-103 Submittals Background Attachments 1) Applicant's Written Statement 2) Applicant's Environmental Assessment Form 3) Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance 4) Letter calling for Applicant to provide project redesign or binding commitment that addresses and mitigates each potential identified environmental impact. -5- 5) Zoning Map 6) Pertinent Agency Comments 7) Site Photographs and Photo Key 8) Staff Study - August, 1987 -6- RESOLUTION NO. 87 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE CONCERNING PA 87-103 FALLON SCHOOL SITE (AKOL & YOSYHII ARCHITECTSjMURRAY SCHOOL DISTRICT) WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), as amended together with the State's administrative guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and City environmental regula- tions, requires that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impact and that environmental documents be prepared; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq" a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance has been prepared by the Dublin Planning Department with the project specific mitigation measures outlined in Staff's Initial Study of Environmental Significance dated August 12, 1987, regarding: 1. General Plan Policies and Zoning 2. Soils, Geology and Seismicity 3. Tree Preservation 4. Emergency Services 5, Traffic Circulation 6. Noise/Nuisances WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did review the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance and considered it at a public hearing on August 17, 1987; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given as legally required; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission determined that the project, PA 87-103, has been changed by the Applicant and/or the Applicant has agreed to provide mitigation measures resulting in a project that will not result in the potential creation of any significant environmental impacts identified in the Initial Study of Environmental Significance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission finds that the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance has been prepared and processed in accordance with State and Local Environmental Law and Guideline Regulations, and that it is adequate and complete. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of August, 1987. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Planning Director Plm- te"SGL. "~A'T. Ner;,.~, ~i~ A of etJVn':. ',.,.loJ . RESOLUTION NO 87 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CONCERNING PA 87-103 FALLON SCHOOL SITE (AKOL & YOSHII ARCHITECTS/MURRAY SCHOOL DISTRICT) WHEREAS, Kayo Yoshii, of Akol & Yoshii Architects, on behalf of the Murray School District, request approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow use of Lot #20 of Tentative Map 5616, covering the Fallon School Site facility as the Administrative Offices and Corporation Yard for the Murray School District and to make continued use of one of the existing on-site buildings by the Kaleidoscope Center; and WHEREAS, the adopted City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance restricts the operation of a Community Facility in an R-l-B-E, Single Family Residential Combining District until a Conditional Use Permit is secured; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said application on August 17, 1987; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, this application has been reviewed in accordance with the prov1s1ons of the California Environmental Quality Act and a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance has been previously adopted for the project (Planning Commission Resolution No. 87 - ); and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds that the Conditional Use Permit, as mitigated, will not have a significant environmental impact; and WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending that the Conditional Use Permit application be conditionally approved; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony herein above set forth; and WHEREAS, the proposed land use, if conditionally approved, is appropriate for the subject property in terms of being compatible to existing land uses in the area and will not overburden public services; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Planning Commission finds: a) Use of the 5.4~ acre site (covering the area composing Lots #19 and #20 of Tentative Map 5616) for the Murray School District's Administrative Offices and Corporation Yard and to make continued use of one of the existing on-site buildings by the Kaleidoscope Center, serves the public need by providing for the operation of a needed multi-use Community Facility. b) The uses will be properly related to other land uses, and transportation and service facilities in the vicinity, as the proposed use will be a relatively low intensity land use, with exterior activities adequately screened and/or set back from adjoining residences to minimize any adverse visual or acoustical impacts. c) The uses will not materially adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, as all applicable regulations will be met, p~~. CtJ f 1>/r 81"ID~ ~L 8 d) The uses will not be contrary to the specific intent clauses or performance standards established for the Distrct in which it is to be located, as the proposed uses will be compatible with adjoining existing and planned single family residential uses and the proposed neighborhood park uses. e) The approval of the Conditional Use Permit will be consistent with the Dublin General Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission does hereby conditionally approve said application as shown by materials labeled Exhibit C and Background Attachments #1 and #2 from the August 17, 1987, Planning Commission Staff Report on file with the Dublin Planning Department, subject to the following conditions: Unless otherwise stated, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to issuance of building or grading permits and shall be sub;ect to Planning Department review and approval. 1. Development and operation of the Administrative Offices and Corporation Yard for the Murray School District on the 5.4~ acre site (covering the area composing proposed Lots #19 and #20 of Tract 5616) shall be substantially as shown on the Site Plan and the Floor Plans, Roof Plans and Exterior Elevations prepared by Akol & Yoshii, consisting of two sheets and dated received by the Dublin Planning Department on July 7, 1987, Development shall be subject to final review and approval by the Planning Director prior to the issuance of building permits for remodeling of any of the existing facilities or building permits for the two proposed new structures, or prior to the relocation of any of the Corporation Yard activities or storage. Development shall be subject to the conditions listed below. The setbacks for the proposed Mechanic Shop and Equipment shed shall be increased from 10 feet to a minimum of 20 feet. 2. The current Conditional Use Permit for the Kaleidoscope Center (PA 85-104) shall remain valid and shall continue to be subject .to the Conditions of Approval established under Planning Commission Resolution No. 86-002. 3. The permit for the Administrative Office/Corporation Yard facility shall be valid for a period of five (5) years, at which time it shall be necessary to apply for renewal. Failure to establish the uses within one year of the effective date of the permit will cause the permit to become null and void. 4. The hours of operation of the District's Corporation Yard use shall be restricted to the hours between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. 5. No loudspeakers or amplified music shall be permitted outside the enclosed building. 6. Prior to the relocation of any of the Corporation Yard activities or related exterior storage, the School District shall supply the following information for review and approval by the City Planning Department: A. A generalized summary of items proposed for exterior storage and an indication of the proposed general location of said storage. B. Details of the number and types of School District maintenance vehicles proposed to be parked on site with a generalized indication of the location where said vehicles are proposed to be parked or stored. The list of activities, and their general location within the site, may be supplemented and/or modified upon 30-day written notice from the School District, with the Planning Director maintaining review and approval authority over any new or modified activities to determine whether said uses are consistent with the intent of this approval and with the Findings of Approval established for this permit. -2- 7, All signs directly visible from Larkdale Avenue developed for the proposed Murray School District Administrative Offices/Corporation Yard facilities shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Director as regards size, location, copy and construction materials and design prior to installation. 8. The parking plan proposed at the northeast quadrant of the site shall be modified to drop two parking spaces in the central parking area, as generally shown on the Staff Study dated August, 1987. An additional modification shall be made to accommodate the increased setback for the Equipment Shed called for in Condition #1, above to retain as many of the major existing trees in this area as reasonably feasible. 9. There shall be no evening classes, meetings or other evening uses on the premises above and beyond those typically associated with a school and as provided through the Civic Center Act of the Education Code without prior review and approval secured from the Planning Director, Approval of said activities shall be based on the Planning Director's determination that said functions are consistent with the Findings and General Provisions of this Conditional Use Permit. 10, All activities shall be controlled so as not to create a nuisance to the adjoining single family residences (existing or proposed) or the future, adjoining neighborhood park. 11, Prior to the issuance of a building permit the developer shall submit a letter documenting that the requirements of the DSRSD - Fire Department have been satisfied. 12. Development shall comply with the City of Dublin Standard Site Development Review Requirements and the City of Dublin Police Services Standard Commercial Building Security Requirements. 13. Any change to the exterior architectural appearance of the existing Fallon School Site structures shall be subject to consultative review by the Planning Department prior to the changes being made. 14. In conjunction with the proposed tenant occupancy changes, the exterior of the existing buildings shall be upgraded to an acceptable "first-class" status as regards any upgrades or repair to provide a clean and safe working environment. 15, Handicapped parking spaces located on the property (a m1n1mum of three spaces) shall be established with the required identification, width and ramp access, to meet minimum State requirements. 16. The Applicant shall develop an on-site striping plan to indicate the portions of the on-site parking/driveway areas to be marked as "No-Parking - Fire Lane" areas. The plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the DSRSD-Fire Department and the City Engineer. 17. Raised end aisle concrete or asphalt curbing or raised landscape planters, shall be provided across the site as generally depicted by the Site Plan represented in Condition #1 in conjunction with the adjustments to the site for the introduction of new driveway and parking areas. Installation of the planters may be phased if approved by the Planning Director. 18, If a gas pump facility is proposed in conjunction with the development of the new Corporation Yard, the location and layout of the gas pump facility shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Department prior to its installation. 19. No exterior storage shall occur within 10 feet of the rear boundaries of proposed Lots 14 through 17 of Tract 5616 and Lots 9 through 13 and 18 and 19 of Tract 2286. 20. The design, location, height and building materials of any new fencing or gating established in conjunction with the proposed Administrative Office/ Corporation Yard complex shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Department, City Police Services and DSRSD-Fire Department prior -3- to installation. Special attention shall be given to fencing around the proposed Equipment Shed and for fencing supplied to control access to the central quadrant of the Administrative Offices Complex, 21. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for new construction or for remodeling of existing structures, the Larkdale Avenue driveway located adjacent to the southeast side of Lot 13 of Tract 2286 shall either be removed and replaced by standard curb, gutter and sidewalk or blocked off by a raised concrete curb at the back edge of the sidewalk. 22, The project architect or engineer shall provide documentation of the adequacy of driveway widths and turning radii for truck access into and through the Administrative Office/Corporation Yard facility. Adjustments to the driveway locations and widths shall be made as determined necessary by the City Engineer to provide safe, smooth truck access, If determined necessary, said adjustments shall include the installation of a driveaisle connection around the northeast side of proposed Lot 19 of Tract 5616 (the planned future Senior Recreational Center). 23. The structural design of the on-site parking and driveway areas shall be subject to consultative review by the City Engineer. If repair or resurfacing of part or all of these areas is deemed necessary, the nature and extent of the proposed improvements shall be subject to consultative review by the City Engineer. 24. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for new construction or for remodeling of existing structures, the Subdivider shall prepare and submit a detailed pedestrian circulation plan for pedestrian circulation from the proposed City Senior Recreation Center to the future neighborhood park, and to provide for pedestrian circulation reflective of the easements called for in Conditions 18, 20 and 21 for Tentative Map 5616. Walkways shall be constructed prior to occupancy of the Mechanic/Carport Building, 25, A Site Lighting Plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Director and the City Police Services Department, Light Standard details, prepared by a Civil Engineer or a qualified lighting designer, including photometrics that indicate footcandle distribution, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Director. Exterior lighting shall be of a design and placement so as not to cause glare onto adjoining properties or on Larkdale Avenue. Lighting used after business hours shall be adequate to provide for security needs. 26. The design and placement of service areas, trash enclosures, and utility boxes shall be compatible with the site's overall design and landscaping, and shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Director as part of the Project Working Landscape Plans. The size, number and location of trash enclosures shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Director. The enclosures shall have a minimum inside dimension of 8' and be designed with a concrete base and extended concrete apron. 27. A masonry or prefabricated concrete wall (six foot m~n~mum height) shall be installed along that portion of the project's boundary which directly abuts existing or planned residential uses, or which abuts the planned future neighborhood park site. The timing of the installation of the wall shall be generally consistent with the timing of installation of perimeter landscaping called for in Condition #58 for Tentative Map 5616 (Planning Commission Resolution No. 86-053). The wall to be established at the rear of Lots #18 and #19 of Tract 2286 shall be of a design and location determined acceptable by the City's Police Services Department. The wall to be established adjoining the proposed future park site may be constructed of an alternate type of material if deemed acceptable by the Planning Department and the City Park Designer (if applicable). The exact location of this wall may vary according to the arrangements made between the Subdivider and the respective adjoining residential property owners. Design specifications for the wall (six foot minimum height above rearyard pads of adjoining residential lots with an architectural pattern on both sides of the wall) shall be submitted for review and approval at the time building elevations are submitted. Where located at the property line and adjoining an area with a higher grade, the wall shall be designed to retain a minimum of two feet of back-fill material. The necessary back- -4- fill material to level the grade behind the wall shall be supplied by the Subdivider at the request of the respective impacted adjoining residential property owners. 28, The front page of the Building Plans shall identify site development data, including: zoning district, address, assessor parcel number, lot size. gross and net floor areas by story, parking calculations, amount of landscaping, floor area ratio, and additional pertinent development data, 29. The uses established under this permit shall be reviewed at the one-year anniversary of initial occupancy of the Administrative Offices and/or Corporation Yard to determine compliance with the above conditions or what additional requirements may be needed. The Planning Director may refer the matter back to the Planning Commission for disposition. 30. At any time during the effectiveness of this approval, the approval shall be revocable for cause in accordance with Section 8-90.3 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. PASSED, APPROVED ADOPTED this 17th day of August, 1987. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Planning Director -5- - 0:- ,___ - -1- - \)' <;) \L , ~ , " ~ ~'\ '~ I ,. , z 0_ - ~ ~ > ~.. .J ,1'1 .u -~ - n ~ :t ,1 U I} ./,\ ';\ ", r" ( ~! <:> -'I 1)\, I I j I I f I ~I ---'~-~'=-c_=L-==_, .. ..__,. -i---. -1 1\ 1 v \ ~Ii ~ "- 7 X ! ij\ \.~ /IU fk!: 7 ,i J -,' -. " \1) I; Ill> " > II ~~ II ~i I: Ii II ri ----- "''\ \ I "'I;;) Ii II:) I: -(1) ~ ! ~ -4 !j' " I' :! !! ii ~ o - 02- II I " ~ ''0.-) c6 o-s-z " I o - 6~ Ii I . ,~ ~ ;:: :rf= .~ . 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I-U) ,5k ,tJ) \l'~ ~ i -i- ~ - ------: --==:, ~_-:-_~ --'-~--,~==-t ~-~ ~ : =:...~ t5 "'" i I t=;::~ '1 ~<:::-,~ ,I >_\~ I w- , I i . ...J _" llW~ I I- CJ " - ,I tJ)~ ~-'..\ 1..\ ~ \Ci ;=rr= l .. ('- ( MURRAY SCHOOL DISTRICT RECEIV.ED " :j L 1 7 1987 Written Statement Describinq the Project DUBUN PLANNING This project is the remodeling of a portion of Fallon School for use as district offices by the Murray School District. A conditional use permit for this project has already been granted. This resubmittal is for the specific purpose of obta i ni ng approval to move the 1 ocati on of the proposed grounds equi pment garage, and mechanic's garage to a location that is different than was shown on the original plans, 'a7 - 1 03 ATTACHMENT .i>, .MltfA(/rS w'tt~~ j'X /" \:\ \,/ ". \, \ !if~ f"=W>>I! I . 1~\'''W..t / ~~~! ,. ,. / ..?. / . ~K;7 / ~~ . . ,'~ I " , ,tll\-r~JMfE:~' '" '-. ' , 27' "-!~ I ~-" ':+l'*) f'L- !:,~ , .,1'.....' ~... I "{ ~} I Jl.. " ~ ' , VI -\ " .,.., ....---J-\' r' \ .....- ~ . ~--- . ~ '. - '\... v . ~:.: ~ - Q -<'0 I>- ' . ' 'p - '" ,.....\1 . __ ..,' \ k~~ .".'. " l" i - t ~ " 'IIIPIHl t:<) D~I~!!::l. ~'~i ~Jfl!i<~ ~lfi ';;::1-1101"- R~1"\GH CE!Me.~ "I ' (11) .7M!><>I'<{'( W4u.. (E) L~w>4 , ---- .. ._.. -,---- .,.....-<: ., ..,. ~. ... ..--~...-.. -..---- ,. C-~'_'.D_U.. ........... . ~-, P L. ''''~ I rrefelVo>la 10 ,0 '" 20 ~ 40 !'<: 1\o"-iK _" 't!^.--.~~ .: c:;; R~fl'\ ~ :5o&",:.s. ',u . "iu u..uu MURRAY SCHOOL DISTRtICT ADMINISTRATIVE 'CElNTER DUDU!\. CALIl'ORNIA aMln Tn.... , $ITIi ~:'J...t-1 "JO&MO. .81-' ....rc J'-'\.'116.tl - AKO!: AI-:D YO:5HIJ "'. '1,4, .,. ",J ""I ,\ ,:c....... /:.....:...:.:. oa-_n ...... .. "~.." ',:. ~,:';'~" ~ !~'j ,:).:~' ~~~~.~~,:~ ~:;:/~,~.:'l \',}/ :" ., ,:,':j' -, . , . ::,.;! '-. 10. CITY OF DVBLlt-! R .E ;C E I V E 'D. , 'JUL 1 7 1987 ( DUBLIN PlANNING p~ N'al:. 1 03 o. '.. - - '._"-~---'~"'" ....., , ENVJ~ONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM, hlTeRlM (Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section, 21 000 et sec.) ...---... .-.---- The State CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) Guidelines require the City to take an active role in preparing environ- mental documents. This comprehensive Environmental Assessment Form is designed to assist the City in preparing a complete and accurate environmental assessment in a timely manner and in conformance with the State CEQA Guidelines. The form has three sections: General Data, Exemption, and Initial Study. The applicant is requested to complete Section 1, General Data. The Planning Staff will prepare either Section 2, Exemption, or Section 3, Initial Study. Please type or print legibly in ink. SECTION 1. GENERAL DATA - - - to be completed by the APPLICANT 1. Name (if any) and address of project: 7425 larkdale Ave" Dublin, CA. 2. Proposed use of property: School district offices and maintenance' yard . 3. Nome, address, and telephone of Applicant:' Murraf School Oi stri ct ' , 7416 Brighton Drive, Dublin, CA 94568 415) 828-2956 '4. Name, address, and telephone of con~act person [XJ in addition to applicant or o instead of applicant: Akol & Yoshii, Architects, 2059A Mt. Diablo Blvd. Walnut Creek, CA 94596 (415) 934-5522 5. 6. Attached plans are~preliminary orDfully developed.' 6 ' - bus maintenance: 177 sq. it. . '8. 'ld' ' 'ft equipment shed ,enclosed:, 400 sq. f'h. UI 109 area: sq. . ' covered: 2350 sq. ft. , open: 500 sq. ft. Site area: 13 0 sq. ft. ~r og acres'. 8. Current-zoning: public school 7. 9. Maximum Building Height '17 I:iI ft. or m stories. Describe ~mount of daily tra~Fic generaJed ~h numbe~ txBe ~p time of day: ~-4:30 . 30 ; 30 occasslonal; ~u~~st~n~iv~ 1?~-9:00 am; 2:00 _ 3.30 pm. 11. Number of oFF-street parking spaces provided: 84 plUl;; 30 spaces at front of site. 12. Number of loading facilities provided: none ...'.... :...~., "..~~..':'.~~,~"':,....~:-':".:..'. ,'..r':-"''',,,:,,,,~.-at''-''''r.''''':____ '~i..""ettf".~ EV"'.;" .:;..',"1'..'. "", ~\!! "!;;;j ~.' ;v ~ , ' . .' ~~ iluH .~N ~ ~"=~,==~"~~~.. e:,,,.j,IoN.,1sSt=~ ~ . - ....-.+-.-.""----'...--.'--.......'_~..fl_'l...,...,,;' ..'. ,/ ('- .(-- ,13. Proposed developmen~ schedule: beginning: 10/1987 completion: 8/1988 14.a. If residential: number' of new 'units i number of existing units bedrooms i unit sizes ;range of 0 sole prices or Dren~s dwelling Dsingle familyD duplexD multiple. inumber of new i type of 14.b. IF commercial: sales area operation scope of projectD neighborhood, 0 city, 0 regional CJ SCJ. ft. or D acrei estimated employment per shift i hours of 14.c. If industrial: materials involyed hours of operation' i estimated employment per shift school administrative o~~ices & maintenance ~aci1iti 14.d. If institutional: major function ' i estimated employment per shift '3~+ , estima~ed oc<;=upancy '10apprmr ihours of operation 7:'30 to 4:10: occassiona1 meetings 2/lQ.onth approx. 15. Describe City permits required: d SHe 'DevilOfMe.4" Rev-.c."V; 0 Va.ria..~c.~,,; . 7-1Opm, o AelW\iV\istr~ti"e. CoMi-tio~ Use. f.err.\rr; 0 ~cto.ssifi~t\oyo,. (rezot'\i~ j o PlaV\V'\€.J. De.\Je..lopmewtj Gl CoMitioV1oJ USe. R:V1'y\lTj D Sl~"'" O'^'!1,; o lJi{..e'r 16. Describe other publ ic approvols required: D unknown; UQ locel egenciesiD regional agencies; D state agencies; D Federal agencies; for CERTIFICATION I he'reby certify that the information submitred is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I unders~ond that the findings of this Environmental Assessment apply only to the project as described above. '. S;gnah"e, ~Ml ~ u . . . Date, Juq ~,1987 Name (print or type): Kazuo Yoshn, Architect; AKOL & YOSHII '. ,.,......1.'.. '-",'~" '<., ',., '~,_...... .,.._.._..._,....._...__...,_ .....___ _..... '......_._ ,_ '_, .. MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE FOR: PA 87-103 Fallon School Site (Akol & Yoshii Architects/Murray School District) Conditional Use Permit (Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21000, et seq.) LOCATION: Fallon School Site Dublin, CA 94568 PROJECT: A Conditional Use Permit request for the proposed use of a 5,4~ portion of the Fallon School site (covering the area composing proposed Lots #19 and #20 of Tract 5616) by the Murray School District for Administrative Office and Corporation Yard uses. permit proposes a modified Site Plan Layout from that approved PA 86-024.2) acre (This under APPLICANTS AND REPRESENTATIVES: Akol & Yoshii Architects Attn.: Kayo Yoshii 2059 A Mt. Diablo Boulevard Walnut Creek, CA 94568 PROPERTY OWNERS AND REPRESENTATIVES: Murray School District Attn.: Stanley Maleski 7416 Brighton Drive Dublin, CA 94568 FINDINGS: The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. The mitigation measures outlined in the Initial Study of Environmental Significance dated August 12, 1987, document the steps necessary to assure that the subject property will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment, INITIAL STUDY: The Initial Study of Environmental Significance dated August 12, 1987, provides a discussion of the environmental components listed below. Each identified environmental component has been mitigated through project redesign or through binding commitment by the Applicant, as outlined in the Mitigation Measures Sections of the Initial Study of Environmental Signifiance. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPONENTS: 1. General Plan Policies and Zoning 2. Soils, Geology and Seismicity 3. Tree Preservation 4. Emergency Services 5. Traffic Circulation 6. Noise/Nuisances SIGNATURE: DATE: Laurence L, Tong, Planning Director 4;~'t'w"'l"~Aj'. '~\4.H'''' iil E..' ,1' ' ., ..,..~.,.,f'. ~. '.. " ,~/ ~.. ':l2 ... ~i~~ ~,' ~ '~ ~, 'i.," ~ i"~ I I;; 1I ,~, '. n I =,==,,~'M~='~" ~ Afr: ,In;. M.tJF I!'1-h),.r/~/F'; Development Services P,O, Box 2340 Dublin. CA 94568 CITY OF DUBLIN Planning/Zoning 829-4916 Building & Safety 829-0822 Engineering/Public Works 829-4927 August 12, 1987 Kayo Yoshii Akol & Yoshii Architects 2059A Mt. Diablo Boulevard Walnut Creek, CA 945 RE: 87-103 (Conditional Use Permit Request) Dear Mr. Yoshii: The application and environmental materials submitted for your application, City File PA 87-103, have been reviewed concerning the potential environmental impacts of the proposed School District Administrative Office and Corporation Yard uses of the Fallon School Site. This data, and the department's review of it, indicated that your project may have the potential of creating significant environmental impacts if specific mitigation measures are not incorporated into the project's design and ultimate development. By this letter be advised that, in light of the information submitted to date, this office cannot prepare a Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance for this project. However, it is the position of this office that a Mitigated Negative Declaration may be possible and consistent with the State of California Enviromental Quality Guidelines, Section l5080(d) 2 of the Guidelines allows a Mitigated Negative Declaration to be prepared instead of an Environmental Impact Report where the significant effects of a project, as identified in an Initial Study, are clearly mitigated to the point where it is reasonable to find that the significance is no longer in effect. In order for this office to prepare a Mitigated Negative Declaration, the project plans must first be revised to reflect changes that eliminate the potential for the significant impact, and/or an enforceable commitment from the Applicant must be made that shows the specific mitigation measures that will occur. The following changes to your project have been determined to be necessary to permit this office to prepare a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance. '.''''.~..'.-':~ ..,..:j".". ~"'''''''''~. ~',.'>.'.. ;.':'... 41.'. ,.<11...." .'''... '~~'.1,.' , If '" /"'i '.'\<1t"N"l"'" '^< ~ ..., '. ~)t:'~r ~7-tIJD" ~TD Mr. Kayo Yoshii August 12, 1987 Page 2 There are having the by CEQA: six (6) areas of your project proposal which have been identified as potential of creating significant environmental impacts, as defined 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. General Plan Policies and Zoning Soils, Geology, Seismicity Tree Preservation Emergency Services Traffic Circulation Noise/Nuisances If the project plans are revised to incorporate the following features, and/or if the Murray School District provides binding agreement to provide the design components as indicated below (or that achieve the same effect of the items listed below), this office will be in a position to issue a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance. 1. General Plan Policies and ZoningjVisual Resources Consistent with the Guiding Policies of Section 2.1.3 - Residential Compatibility of the General Plan, steps shall be taken to assure that. privacy and scale of existing residential development is respected, To that end, buffer landscape planting shall be provided between the Administrative Office/Corporation Yard facilities and new and existing residential uses (see Condition #58 of the Planning Commission Resolution No. 86-053 for Tentative Map 5616); hours and days of activity at the Administrative Office/Corporation Yard facilities shall be controlled (see Conditions #4 and #9 of the Draft Resolution for the subject Conditional Use Permit); setback standards for the location of exterior storage shall be observed (see Conditon #19 of the Draft Resolution for the subject Conditional Use Permit); and a masonry or prefabricated wall shall be installed along the project's boundary which abuts existing or planned future neighborhood park site (see Conditon #27 of the Draft Resolution for the subject Conditional Use Permit). 2. Soils, Geology, and Seismicity The recommendations of the Preliminary Geotechnical Reconnaissance Report prepared by Purcell, Rhoades & Associates, dated January 2, 1986, shall be observed as regards site grading, drainage, foundation design, etc. A project specific Soil and Foundation Study shall be performed to further address the concerns outlined in the report, to determine in detail the sub-surface conditions at the site in order to provide soil parameters for foundation design, recommendations for earth work and site drainage, and suggestions for site maintenance (see Condition #27 of the Planning Commission Resolution No. 86-053 for Tentative Map 5616). Mr. Kayo Yoshii August 12, 1987 Page 3 3. Tree Preservation A concerted effort by the Subdivider shall be made to retain as many of the on-site trees as reasonably feasible (see Condition #8 of the Draft Resolution for subject Conditional Use Permit request). 4. Emergency Services A. The Subdivider shall work with the DSRSD - Fire Department and the City Engineer to develop a plan for on-site striping to indicate portions of the Administrative Office/Corporation yard facility to be marked as "No Parking - Fire Lane" (see Condition #16 of the Draft Resolution for the subject Conditional Use Permit request). B. The design, location, height and building materials used for project fencing and project lighting shall be determined following review and input from the City of Dublin Police Services (see Conditions #20 and #25 of the Draft Resolution for the subject Conditional Use Permit request). 5. Traffic Circulation The project engineer shall supply documentation that the lane widths and turning radii proposed for the Administrative Office/Corporation Yard facility are adequate to provide easy access by emergency service vehicles (see Condition #22 of the Draft Resolution for the subject Conditional Use Permit request). 6. Noise/Nuisances All activities at the Administrative Office/Corporation Yard facility shall be controlled so as not to create a nuisance to adjoining residential uses (see Condition #10 of the Draft Resolution for subject Conditional Use Permit). These recommendations are made for environmental purposes only. engineering and land use aspects of the project will be prepared incorporated into a Staff Report to be presented to the Planning along with the environmental determination. The design, and Commission Mr. Kayo Yoshii August 12, 1987 Page 4 Please provide us with plans and information that give us the assurance that the potentially significant environmental aspects of the project have been mitigated. Questions concerning this matter may be directed to Kevin J. Gailey of this office at (415) 829-4916 at your convenience. Yours very truly, f(~~ ~ LaurenceCJ Tong --- Planning Director LLT/KJG/slh cc: File PA 87-103 Murray School District Attn: Stanley Moleski '. ~ '\ i ( \ <.'1 SEE SHEET 2A " III 0 :r =< -- IT1 ~ .. ~ CITY OF @ SANTINA. _"C=. IT1 0 -l ... DUBLIN THOMPSON JNe, 5 " PRINTISO N c '" '" .- OCT 2 1986 0."'"',"''' ,....o...e..-....... c___ (..._.. ""1. f:: Z Oll"ll~ \;', "" ~I,J~ A TT ACHMENT . "~>" AtA-P ,_-1l.. ALAMEDA COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT AUG 6 I\jB7J . From: Det/Sgt. D. A. DiFRANCO 11534 Date: 8/6/87 T~: Lt. SEVERINI Subject': Relocation of Murray School District Offices. The submitted plans call for the relocation of the Murray School District Offices from their present location on Brighton Dr. to the old Fallon School. This move is needed because the city has bought the land at the current location for the expantion of Kolb Park. The new site will call for the remodeling of an abandon school in depressed condition. Two new building will be built; a bus maintainance shop and a large equipment shed. A new masonry wall is called for on the West end of the complex. The area to the east near the equipment shed is open to public access, and there is a bike path proposed to run through the complex from Larkdale Ave to the expanded Kolb Park. The business office and part of the senior rec. area would be unfenced. This c~ld be a problem, particularly in the area of the shed. IThere is a breezeway that runs by the southeast corner. This should be closed with fencing or routed to the rear of the building with fencing that would extend over the top of the pat~ The shed area should have a security fence around it to prevent burglar~ pbe fencing in the area of the business office should extend to the parking lots and be secured with gates to pervent burglary and vandalis~ Overhead lighing should be placed in the bus parking area in the southwest corner of the complex. Door security'hardware should be brought up to current code requirements. Any louver windows should be replaced during the remodeling process. -,-:f '1\4L.-36 (R.EV.1_72) tf11,WA-~ . f- 9-&/~7 AITACH trtl~(Q PctTtNt?1, ~cy ~.s. ---"01:1\o .-..----'-'-.'- --- ._,'.__n,__._._'_.___n."__'_,__,~ _ ._','_ '.... _. _-.___,____. _' _ ._____'._ __ ____'_n' __'_'__,__,__._~_'..._,_,__~ ____~____ - --. ----,--------- -~-.-------- -.--- ---"------,___~__._ __'n _ __~___n'___ ,.':T6.u:, .4~~,~_-:-2~-_~~mm----,--u-,-" -L-, ~.-ift;..Z~ '~'...===..=-==--~.-----~==u. -.-- -----'-------_._.~-._-,-----_._'" --.----.-------.'-..-----.----- ---~-,--,-,---_._--- . - ..)J;d; __f/1.~'L /tl3-"!1~7-:-dckLJ9~~.. --,--- --,--,---- --,--~--,..~---~~-/U-r~--~--d~,,~:l u.,. -.. nn_ -- j)~t. -~,id-4~u-~-n(Jz-/~d;" ------------------ -y~L----~~~---f'-IiL~'?h---~--deL,: t~ _..___ -'----~---------_._-~------------,--,--,----_. ---,----,-,- ----------, '-----------~'-----~"-'-~~-------~----,-------~-- -"-'.' -----,----- --'_._-'-'._-----'-'----~-----,-,- '- -'~'-----~------'-~~---------------,---,-------~----~. . I. . CLr--LJif .k.~lac.,.Lt '-y'/?L:'{' ~.,,:;f_ - ..... --~,~ --k-r~~f-~ n.... . . --,,-__,~~dei!,,-d.. ~L., ~._~ --~~>.~~#Z -/:-~.. - ,_~0< -!;.-,~---~~---!7_/r/l.:~.lu-,_+--~--, _ - . -c.:y C-,/<c.~v... --- __ -------__.m -- '---- ---- --. ,----'----, -. -, ---- ____'_'__n_'_~__._ _____ ___'n___' ___'_~__.______'_'____,______,___,__,____,_____ z, . ~.. .ch';".d -_~jL1~.'Y'7-. ;,~ - -. J. ~rvd_ - -~A-~d'----,42<l,)-.- u, ~-l''1~~~' , a _,;.fIa- L "WJ,C&'t tz~ii..~ .. __ c;&-_tt.l--"~fL' _ " :Civet ~()L .;/1_/ - A J. 'ri- I - - /)~ ~ .'~ ~ -- ',.-.. ., _ . -.. .-. clue. k.c'-{ --_ ,p,~-"f:i:~-fC-:-:.d;j&Ci!.. d(-1..1-,t..7c'.:~L:.A,;--., OLe '1 -' I . (/ f' _,Jlc: ..({/!t,/.:!t..J<' 'J' {rL_-_d!'U~(7~-,L- ....,,_ .",_ .~ TO: FROM: Kevin Gailey Victor L. Taugher SUBJECT: FALLON SCHOOL SITE DATE : August 13, 1987 1. The wall of the Bus Mechanics shop which are less than 20' from the property lines must be 1 hour and have 30" high parapet walls. 2. The walls of the equipment shed which are less than 20' from the property line must be 1 hour. 3. Additional information regarding the fertilizer storage is necessary. Depending on quantities and types of materials the fertilizer storage may have to be in a separate building 60' from property lines. ".", ., .. J.a"'> . ~',P'"N8 .---- j)/ (~(:.t .~'; :::~l ""'.1&,,,"'f' i!7!.OO ...... ./:::. .... :':"'~ . ,- .: A IT ACHMENT 7 S.")? p/ffJTrJ fr&tPH.sJ /'AftP Ke'7 """*",~ ;:i ~'-~ ~~~~, .....;::--........~, .~~ ~~;-, ~ .::.,. "- ". '" '" 8 9 /0 If ":~~~~ .,.'..... ~- ---. ...-= ~ '''-.., '------... ,:i~~~~~~7i~:~7f' '_1-~ .-11.- 4ara~ -, It t3 1'-1- ,-",--,. ~-1 ;'-r,.,.,..,...;o. ....,T'''..~., < '~':,.c<1~;~~:t,~:',.-:~~" "'''.:~ /5' 17 /8 I~ -. '.~ ' -. -'~7- -,... - .'-:--..~ ].0 tl jt , , ~ UGH I ST-NJP r$ '" '~ E'R 'F1><..(tJR~ ---.:-:..",'~ --/"~ - :..;.::::::--- :'\\~ I, ().... . 8:? \ ----- 1~' _'-c .:;:::: \10- \ I ~ \\~~~. . . -: - ' -LJ ( z:. L -' rt\ \ ~ . 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