HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-100 Oil Changers Car Wash CUP CITY OF DUBLIN PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA STATEMENT/STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: August 17, 1987 SUBJECT: Planning Commission MO# Planning Staff ~ PA 87-100 Oil Changers Car Wash Conditional Use Permit TO: FROM: GENERAL INFORMATION: PROJECT: Conditional Use Permit request to operate a drive-through car wash in addition to the drive-through oil change, lubrication and smog certification facility previously approved at 7194 Village Parkway. APPLICANT/REPRESENTATIVE: Seth Bland Lube Management Corporation 386 Railroad Court Milpitas, CA 95035 PROPERTY OWNER: Shell Oil Co. P. O. Box 7004 Lafayette, CA 94549 LOCATION: 7194 Village Parkway ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: APN 941-210-1-7 PARCEL SIZE: 20,291 sq. ft. GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Retail/Office & Automotive EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USE: C-2-B-40, General Commercial Combining District, Vacant Service Station Site SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: South: East: West: C-N - Service Station C-2-B-40 - Restaurant C-2-B-40 - Service Station C-2-B-40 - Drive-through Dairy ZONING HISTORY: C-1533 Alameda County approved a Conditional Use Permit for a service station May 19, 1965. PA 87-048 Dublin Planning Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review for Oil Changers to construct and operate an oil change, lubrication and smog certification facility on June I, 1987, APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: Section 8-49.1 of the Zoning Ordinance permits auto repair garages in the C-2 District. Section 8-49.2 of the Zoning Ordinance requires approval of a Conditional Use Permit for drive-in businesses in the C-2 District, COPIES TO: Applicant Owner File PA 87 -100 ITEM NO. c:o . t{ Section 8-94.0 states that conditional uses must be analyzed to determine: 1) whether or not the use is required by the public need; 2) whether or not the use will be properly related to other land uses, transportation and service facilities in the vicinity; 3) whether or not the use will materially affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity; and 4) whether or not the use will be contrary to the specific intent clauses or peformance standards established for the district in which it is located. Section 8-94.4 states the approval of a Conditional Use Permit may be valid only for a specified term, and may be made contingent upon the acceptance and observance of specified conditions, including but not limited to the following matters: a) substantial conformity to approved plans and drawings; b) limitations on time of day for the conduct of specified activities; c) time period within which the approval shall be exercised and the proposed use brought into existence, failing which, the approval shall lapse and be void; d) guarantees as to compliance with the terms of the approval, including the posting of bond; e) compliance with requirements of other departments of the City/County Government. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The City proposes to adopt a Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance which finds the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment. NOTIFICATION: Public Notice of the in The Herald, mailed to adjacent buildings. August 17, 1987, hearing was published property owners, and posted in public ANALYSIS: At the June 1, 1987, Planning Commission meeting the Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review for the Oil Changers drive-through oil change, lubrication and smog certification facility at 7194 Village Parkway. The Applicant is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to operate a drive-through car wash in addition to the uses previously approved by the Commission. The initial Site Development Review approval was for a 2,700+ square foot building with four service bays, an office with restroom facilities, and a basement area, Approved improvements included perimeter landscaping, a trash enclosure, and eight parking spaces. The Applicant does not propose any modifications or physical expansion to the approved site plan or building elevations. To date the vacant service station on the site has been demolished and the underground tanks removed. The Applicant proposes to operate the automatic drive-through car wash within the previously approved building square footage, reducing the number of oil change service bays to three, and utilizing the fourth service bay for the automatic car wash. The proposed car wash will be a recycling type system in which the wash and rinse water collects in the wash bay drainage pit, then flows to a 1,500 gallon tank, and then to another 1,500 gallon tank, The two- tank recycling system results in the large dirt particles settling out of the water while also reserving the water. The proposed water recycling car wash system utilizes approximately a total of 7 to 10 gallons of fresh water per wash/rinse cycle, in contrast to the 15 to 20 gallons used in a standard car wash facility. The Applicant estimates the car wash will service 20 to 25 cars per day using an estimated total of 200 gallons of water per day, roughly equivalent to the average single family home water useage. -2- The oil change lubrication, smog certification and car wash uses as proposed by the Applicant will involve a completely drive-through service in which customers, upon entering the site, are met by an attendant who directs them to a service bay. Customers drive their own vehicles into the designated service bay, remain in the vehicle during the service, and upon completion, drive their vehicle through the rear exit of the building. Adequate on-site circulation is provided, allowing customers seeking more than one service per visit to obtain those services without exiting and re-entering the site. As a drive-through auto related use the proposed car wash is compatible with the previously approved uses for the site. The proposed drive-through car wash operation is consistent with the approved site plan, as the automatic car wash use will not alter or conflict with the site layout or circulation. As an auto related use the proposed car wash is consistent with the City's General Plan land use designation for the site and is consistent with the Downtown Specific Plan. The Applicant's proposal has been reviewed by the applicable public agencies and City departments, and Conditions of Approval are included within the Draft Resolution. A condition has been included to require all run-off to be collected internally and to prohibit flow across sidewalks or driveways. RECOMMENDATION: FORMAT: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Open public hearing. Hear Staff presentation. Hear Applicant and public presentations. Close public hearing. Adopt related Resolutions approving PA 87-100, or give Staff direction and continue the item. ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the attached Resolutions approving the Conditional Use Permit and Negative Declaration for PA 87-100 Oil Changers, ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A: Application and Ryko Environmentalist II Information, dated received August 4, 1987 Exhibit B: Resolution Approving Negative Declaration for PA 87-100 Exhibit C: Resolution Approving Conditional Use Permit for PA 87-100 Background Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Plans -3- '( ,~ , ".' o CITY OF DUBLIN r\ ~. :~,;.j , ~.,,,.. '87-10C P,O, Box 2340 Dublin. CA 94568 Planning Department 6500 Dublin Blvd. Suite D Dublin CA 94568 PLANNING APPLICATION FORM RECEIVED vuL;) i987 DUBl.lN PLANNING (415) S29-4/i(JO (415) 829-4916 Eff.: 1/84 Notes to Applicant: * Please discuss your proposal with Staff prior to completing ~~e Planning Application form. * All items related to your specific tYFe of application ~st be ccrnpleted. * Since this is a comprehensive application form, serre of ~~e ite~s might not apply to your specific application. * Please print or tYFe legibly. * Attach additional sheets if necessary. I. AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER A. PROPERTY Ovi'NER: In signing ~'1is application, I, as prc~=ty cwner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize t.'1e filing of ~:-'j,s a;;:plication. I understand. that conditions of approval are binding. I agree to be ccund by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during ~'1e ap~eal period. Name: Shell Oil Company Capacity: Prc~e=ty Owner/Seller Address: P.O.B. 7004 Daytime P!:o::e: 1415) 676-1414 Lafayette, CA 94549 ( ) Signature: Date: B. APPLICAi\lT arHER THlI.N PROPERTY CW~"ER: In signing ~'1is c:;:pHcadon, I, as applicant, represent to have obtained au~'1orization of t.'1e prc~erty c~~er to file this application. I agree to be bolli1d by conditions of a::;::;::oval, stioject only to ~~e right to object at the hearings on ~~e application. If this application has not been signed by the property owne::, I have attached separate docur.e:",taticn of full legal capacity to file this application and agree.ment to conditions of a::;proval, subject only to ~~e right to object at the hearings or during t.~e appeal period. Narre: Lube Management Corporation . Capacity: Buyer Address. 386 Ra-ilroad Court DaytiJr.e Phcne: (408) 945-7611 Mil~S CA ~3.~ .:JIA.! '1 ( ) Signature: '--)~"- b{{ rl'WX Date: ~ 1987 Seth Bland . II. CERTIFICATION I certify that I have the au~'1orization of the property c~~er to file this application. I further certify that ~'1e information and exhibits suJ:mitted are t..--ue and correct. Name: Lube Manaqement Corporation Capacity: Buyer DaytiJre Phone: (408) 945-7611 AddresS' ~;6 :ailroa: Cid Signature: ~~, {ilN\C Seth Bland sd ~( ) Date: -Jle:l' ~ 1f}, 1987 (OVER) o ,'[ <l..~ ;;:W'5~YS r:'~YIIIR. .1. T ,/11,' n I ..' .. "l,,~'_'''M ... fA ~l~ IDD ^Pf\iC4ful'\ <5 ii:.. C~It~e fS " ~I._ GENERAL DATA REQUIRED 0 . 00 , A. Address or Location of Property: 7194 Village Parkway, at. the SW corner of Village Parkway and Amador Valley Boulevard B. Assessor Parcel Number(s): 941-fl21O-.eet-El7 , C. Site area: approx. 20,291 s.f. D. Present Zoning: C-2/B-40 E. Existing Use of Property: Shell service station, vacant and soon to be demolished. F.. Zoning and Existing Use Of surrounding Property: Zone Existing Uses Amador Valley Boulevard Commercial Village Parkway Commercial retail - North: - South: - East: - West: ---------------------' --------------------- G. e sheet if necessary) N. TYPE OF APPLICATION Check type of planning permit(s) beir.g resuested: [] Administrative Conditional Use Pe~t [] Boundary Adjustment ~conditional Use Permit [] General Plan llr..enerr,€nt [] Planned Developr.ent [] Other: [J Rezoning [] Sign ~ Developr.ent Revie':l [] Subdivision Map o Variar:ce v. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Planned Development: (See Planned Develo!?rr.ent Rezonir:g Sul::mittal Require.rr.ents) B. Subdivision Map: (See Subdi vis ion ~.2.!J Submittal Re<;.Jirerr,ents) C. 'Any Other Planning Permit: (See C-er.eral Sul::mittal Resuire.rr.ents) VI. PROCESSING (See-Planning Application Cover Letter) nI. REFERENCE PHONE NUMBERS Most questions related to the Planning .".;:plication should J:e directed to the Dublin Planning Department, however, sorr.€ concerns might be addressed directly by another appropriate departrr.ent or agency: 1. City of Dublin: Building Inspection: (415) Engineering: (415) Planning: (415) Police: (415) 829-0822 829-4916 829-491:5 82)-05,; ,j 2. Dublin SarI Rarr.on Services Fire: (415) Water, Sewer, Garbage: (415) District: 829-2333 828-0515 3., Zone 7 - Alameda County Plead c-:-:':::::: (415) 443-9300 ," CITY OF DUBLIN (.7-) .::.:_:) ~..:...-"' (4j,,:, ,or"~'",;!. .,A::::":./ PA No.11.~ 100 ~ ENVJHONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM, iNTeRIM (Pursuan~ to Publ ic Resources Code Sedio;'l, 21 aao e~ sec~) The State CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) Guidelines require the City to take an active role in preparing environ- mental documents. This comprehensive Envi~oncental Assessment Form is designed to assist the. City in preparing a complete and accurate environmental assessment in a ti~ely manner and in conformance with the, StateCEQA Guidelines. The form has three sections: General Data, Exemption, and Initial Study. The applicant is requested to complete Section 1, General Data. The Planning Staff will prepare either Secticn 2, Exemption, or section 3, Initial study. Please type c= print legibly in ink. SECTION 1. GENERAL, DATA - - ,- to be cor.;pleted by the APPLICANT 1. Name (ir any) and address or project: 10il'Chanqers"; 7194 Villaqe Parkway 2. of a four-bay, ten' .JiL( '* ,-fIt i, 'rtrvJ -'c}/ttJ . 3. Manaqement ,4. Name, address, and telephone of c:::r.;cc: person p.in=~":":;ricn-ta~Ii~'Or'lr-of' o.-il'l~,o;'-a?-?llc.:::nt.; See above 5. Attac~ed plans are 0 pred imincry or@ fully ceve!ope::!. . '. 6. Building area: 2,700 sq. ft. 7. Sire area: 20.291 ~sq.ft. orDccres'. 8. Currentzc:-:ing:C_2/B_40 9. Maximum Building Height' 18. fiX! ft. or D s:-cr:es. 10. Describe ~mount of daily trcffic generated by nur.:::er, type cr.:: time of day: . We estimate about eighty cars per day, evenly distributed.. Th~J """"",bt,v-- w3.l ~o1- b... \Vv..~ bj C.(H\"ex-S'~O"" ort- 0",," b~ f<. a CovY w4Sk. Number of off-street parking spaces provided: 8 11. 12. Number of loading foci! ities proviced: N/A RECEIVED ,! :1 "'(".27 '.'V c, , I~, l- - \ DUBlm Fl.Ai'!Nll':v o t:..~tA';;i .:......'1f/ Q \:~~' .13. Proposed development schedule: .beginning: 8/-1/87 completion: 10/31/87 14. a. If residentia I: number' of new 'un its ; number of existing un its bedrooms ; unit sizes ;rcnge of 0 sele prices or 0 ren~s dwelling Dsingle fcmilyD duplexD multiple. ;number of new ; type of 14.b. If commercial: scope of proiectl2Ql neighborhood, 0 city, 0 regio~al sales'areb N/A Dsq.ft. orDac:e; estimateder::::loymentpershirr'6 ; hours of operation R:On AM tn 7:00 PM 14.c. If industrial: m~~erials invol'(ed hours of opercl"ion . , ; es~;:::=~ed employment per shift- 14.d. If institutioncl: maior funcHon estimated oc~upanc,/ ". " '.~ I · h'~ , es.l:TIC. e_ em? oym~nl per S lrr ,. ,. ,- . ;,nours or opererlcn 15. Desc;-ibe eft)' permits required: ~ 5ite. 'DevdofMe....:- ~\J"'<'''V; 0 va~a..~c.~'; . 0 A~W\iY\istr~+\\Je. CcMi-no~ Llse. f: 'j f;2C.lo.sS I'. :flcl" Cre.Z!mi~ j o Pla.V\~ pe.v€.{opr.1e,^"Tj CcYldi-nDv1.OJ USe. fe.JMIT" 0 Sl~'" 01/\ I~; o o+he. y- 16. Desc:ibe other pub Ii:: c?provc Is required: 0 ur.knOWOlj 0 !ocd cf;endes; D regioncl . D . D~' I . r agencies; s~cre agencIes; iecerc csencteSj .0: i l)~\ M./~a,....- I . ~~ '1<'C\.V\'\ov-.., _ 'i'/V ,c.I'-S' U~~+r"~ CERTlrlCA TION . . . b . ~ L L" , . .." rl' , ..,..' I .' k I' I here y cer~lry tiler r..e Imcrmcrlcn suc:miie~ IS .rue ane C::lr.ec. .0 .ne oes. or my ~ow eCf;e and belieF. I undersrcnd rr.cr the findings of this Enviro..;;:entcl Asses;;;:en~ CF?ly only to the , proiec~ as describe": cbo'/bl n .'J'..1: <1, " Sisn-=~ure: ~df", !SlfM~ Dote: ~~l-')1El, 1987 Na;;:e (print o~ :ype): Seth Bland A~~ :J"y';,: """, ...;.1...' '.: I....:. .' , 'f": , '!'~.:~ . , !". "',.' .. ". " .'~" '''.1 'v' / 37tJD ,. ':~': "'.' 'i. g",- .. ,,~::.' Ayko Manufacturing Company. 2531 Dean Ave.' Des Moines, Iowa 50317. Phone (515) 265,9631 . TVVX 910.520-2546";, iI.?~...LMA~ . ..'-,...~ '14 (j{ ), 1fJu'. Id{ I io!:'"~M.I""'~ .)1',..... ..'...,...!'. .:7r:'~,-t,... ,- - 't: r."-:: ":>.':," RYKO Environmentalist II Wate~ Recycling System . . The RYf~O Environmentalist II is on economical "later recyc1ing system that is ideal for locations where local codes require the conservation of water or a.minimum of sewage. The Environmentalist II system is also desirabl~ where water or sewage costs are extrecely high. The Environmentalist II is normally supplied as an original equipment option on RYKO car washes. If this system is ordered fer an ex~sting car "lash, the price will val'y and this information may not be 100% correct. The Environmentalist II system works only with RYKO car \'Iash equipment. Contact the filctory for more information concerning retrofitting. Benefits Because the [nvironnlentalist II is a recycling system, car .-' wash operating costs are reduced. Compared to a standard car wash - operation, \'Ihich uses 15 to 20 gallons per each Speed Hash or 30,/ .. to 40 92110ns per each Super Hash, the (nvironrncntill ist II system uses only 4 to 5 gallons of fresh Wi: ter for pach \-Iash cycle. Re- ~ycled ;Iater is used for the majority of the l'iilsh. Fresh \'Iater 1~ used to rinse the vehicle to prevent SllottinQ \'Ihich ctin be cau:ed by the recycl ed \'iater. Ouri ng a normill I:Jsh ~Ii th the Envlronc:entalist II s)'stem, 3 to 5 gallons are replaced by the rinse cycle. If desired this system Ilia)' be adjustru to eliminate overf1 0i'1. . Operating costs are further reduced because detergent needs :0 be <lddrd le~s often, as detergent is si1\'ed ilnd reused curing the recycl i ng process. T!:c detergent tank on the Cilr "lash feeds artly the foa~cr which requires a minimum of detergent sulution. Deter- gent is also added to the was~ water by du~pin~ detergent into trr second underground tcnK. One quart is addcu upon initial machine startuD and then 2c1l:r>:' 0nl)' l'lhen nl~cc,:sC\r:, to pr'ovicc for pro;icr vehicle cleaning. . :~, '~~~ '1"1l'#( ~ ,;' ~t 'I I... w,.,"",,,~~=..:; :'}",,,, ~ i fA 87- 100 61 '- Ch~U~ c u ? ThD r=".')o;:"' _)""'r1n LAJ;lC'.'" ~\/~f(lmc: I"" ..'..,. ,: 'r . .. ,"'\; , ;.~ ',/,:.... '~J, ,,' i...' " ,. '" ", ,. ';:: , ..~. .,~)l " ;-.' :<~' F,.<." ~.- J. .'. " i'. "".,,, . . :.\- ". '....,. .', ,', .. '. Installation Requirements Equipment Supplied By RYKO r. .~.: "" .,":"flo't -. ,~ ,'; .~\~o"~~:~'(,"r!"~_ , ,~." "'it:';~;:i1;r,, ~i' " ~i/~-' I., \ .' .' " . ,';'f;::'::; . .' ! ;;',Or-o' .' '~,~ a::, " ~;;:.~ ~;, ,. . I.:, t. .', With the purchase of an Environmentalist II system the Environmentalist II pumping assembly is provided and the . car wash is modified to enable it to control the recycling system. Mo1ifications to the RYKO car wash include a controi ,panel modified to operate the Environmentalist II system and a second manifold and umbilical hose attached to the machine ... " ' ~:,. to be used for the rinse water system. The Environmentalist ,;.,:f II pumping assembly can be located against the same wall as the",\i'., ..... wash bay terminal box, near the exit end of the track, or'in;,;\',,: another bay or utility room. The ~ize of the pumping assembly': is 50" wide X 92" high x 16" deep. . " "" ,.', ,,,;,'-:" .,t ;'!" '" .. .'.' . '~; """~/-';';,:, , ,'::,i:::;;~~ ...,:.::.::~\.;}:,,:::;~: ;, . . . .:',. :. . . ".'-0 ..,. Customer Responsibility " .), ,-""', . .11" ":, "t ~ '!;.. .,. ..'.' " '., : The drainage pit and two 1500 gallon underground tanks are to be supplied by the customer. These t~nks can be pre- cast or cast-in-place concrete or some other material. Recommendations for.tne dimensions of the tanks will be supplied by RYKO upon request. These dimensions will be suggestions only. Local codes must be consulted for specific requirements. The tank capacity m~y vary in accordance with' " the projected car wash usage. Lcw and average US<1ge locations will us~ the two 1500 gallon tanks while higher usage locations may require larger tanks. . '-11> ",fi, f', .~ A manhole access to each tank is suggested to provide a means for cleaning and flushing the tanks and cleaning the foot valve and strainer located inside tunk II. Periodic cleaning and flushin~ may be necessary due to the buildup of sediment and road salt inside the tanks. The frequency of this cleanout will depend upon climate, locale, etc. The customer must supply a 2" pipe from tank II, to the Environmentalist II pumping assembly. This pipe must be equipped with a fc~t v~lve and str3iner located inside tank II, 1'6" from the bottom of the tank. An 8' distance or less is recommended from the foot va]ve to the surface of the wash bay floor. 16' is the TIUximum distance as this is the maximum head that the 2~ h.p. pump c;:J,n pull. A greater distance will prohibit the pUr.lp from functioning properly. The 2" pipe should come out of the floor as close to the Environ- mentalist II pumping assembly as possible. . '-." ." " . ~.; .,: ......-. ~"' ,.,: , ,. ... ~~ . .- " . J' " ',.. '.' '.-. · ' ';: <,::';',,';',"~:')?~;/i~' Precautions should be taken to prevent against freezing': ',,:! ,'/~( of th e Environmentalist I I pumping assembly and piping in ~~. '.~' \;" cold :::::t::::S~st supply tho utilities to tho E~~ir~Z'<:'~,J mentalist II pumping assembly. This includes a 3/4" water; ,', " line at 40 psi from municipal water supply (the 'standard 1"': ':,,~'~;,";;: wat~r line to 1 , the ca) r washlis n~t necess~ry with t~e )', "~,:.,.,'!.;.,i>..". Env1ronmenta 1st II and e ectr1cal serV1ce of: 3p, 230 v~',~ ~ 15 A.: or 3~, 460 v. 7.5 A.: or l~, 230 V.. 30 A.. in addition',,)' to the car wash electrical service. Conduit and 4-#14 AWG" ,'. wires must be supplied from the wash bay terminal, box to the ''''', Environmentalist II electrical box located inside the pumping" asse~ly. . Typical bay layout drawings are suppli~d to demonstrate possible tank layout and dimensions and the location of the Environmentalist II pumping asse~)ly and car wash. '. " . :~: ":1';,' . . -,,:', I;' .... ". ;,.~.,',' :' ,.:~:. ' ,J... :,."" , ' . . r :-. .t,' ; -, .,' ' : ~ ..' . .}.:.... : : . j, ' .,i ~ I' .....t:;;. " " , ~.'" Dc~cription of Operation Hazh and rin~e W<lter colle:cts in the ...l;}r;h bay dra.inL1ge "pit. From the drainage pit the :vater flows through a 4" pipe to a lSOO gallon underground lank and then to a second 1500 gallon underground tank. ~lese tanks serve 2 purposes: 1) to allow large dirt particles to settle out of thewateri 2) as reservoirs for the system. ..~"~ ::",:>';",:,~}f ,_.t " , " ::) ", 'r ',' .:"-:; .! . l'"~ ,!-.~: l' .~~ <:/ , " . " 1" :;'1'. ~ . '\' ~?'" From the second tank the wa ler is pu lIed through a foo!: :" '., h , ' valve and two strainers by a 2~ h.p. pump. The foot valve .: .';01..., sel."ves to prevent the pump suction line from draining between ":.t.(' wash cycles causing the pump to loose prime and is locdted inside the second tank. The strainers are used fofilter dirt p~rticles from lh e wa ter to prevent dilmag ing anc premature wear of the pump. The first strainer is located inside tank II and the second strainer is located inside the Environmen- talist II pumping assembly, at 111C suction side of the pump. The pump then boosts the wa Ler t:hrou<Jh a cyclone separ?. tor. '~-. The cyclone separator extracts any remaining particles to as sma 11 as 74 microns t.o assure tha t the \-lash wi 11 not be done with an abrasive solution. The cyclone sep~rator is equiPFed wi th an auloffi.'l tic blo'",,-down and SllOU ld be set at 2 to 3 seconds. This blow-down dischargcs directly onto the ,wash bay floor. It may be desirable to install a drain pipe frc~ the discharge to a suitable container. From the cyclone separa tor the now recycled water <Jocs to t11C car ...lash thrm.:gh a 1" flexible rubber hose to be used during the wash portio:! of the car wash cycle. "Jhen the w.J.sh portion of the cycle is completed, the recycled water is shut off. At t~i" time the rinse water is supplied from the mu nicipal watcr system by a l!i h.p. pu:r.::. ~,,: rinse water is pumped throug:'1 a 3/4" flexible rubber :;C~e to a manifold that is located on the car wash and isolatec from the wash water manifold. 1~e rinse ffi.'lnifold noz::leE ~re sized to rinse t~oroughly while using only 7.2 gallons-per- minute comp3.red to the standard Clr ....'Lls11 \.,aler lTDnifold ',.;;;ich al:ows l7 to 20 gallons-per-minutc. Each nozzle on the ri~se manifold is equipped with a chec~~ valve and nozzL: "aimer". The checx valves are provided to prevent the manifold frc~ drainina Lctwecn washes and the "aimcrs" cnZlble the nozzle spray t~ be directed to give thc most efficient rinse pOEs:.::le. . ~~,~.;r: 1.~. ~ .... '-' .... ... 'd' -~ ~'. . ~~ r.', ~ . , . " "~l"'}~' ,:.. ' .- :";iI.~:~~'" . '1'_,', '." '\ ~y ';,~. '. "f. ii",~.. 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I ,h v> .,. ..--': ~ ,<C ,.'r. ;:"." . ~;~":.,~~~'\~~~ : !. ~ _~'~ . :,. ,': ~-,',l; . \ ',i>i~~ ~.: /' '~i~};i- ( :. .' ~.".',.', -"t'( :. ~ .~~ . . ,;, ~' ," : ~~.~~~\.~'~,~. . ':~. ~"r .... ,!;,.' . ':tr1\ ~j;~,:<; " ", .':,Hi;?~ ...,. '~'-) ."i ..:~ .3.1' , j-': :.~,~ ~ ,(, " ;it " .} ", "~-'. ";1;' . ~:,;, -. " ..~. Yo;, : "j-~ . ", " " , ' , ", ,I ,.~::L ,...: ;'.i . f", .:.J. ;,,:'"\.. 'f. ., ;,:~~ ' ~10-"'" ,fJ . ..: ,::.~:. e-' ";',:, "" A garuen 110se attachment is. pr'ovidcd for priming the \>Jash pump suction line [or initial Inachjlle start-up and for tesling t:he ":Jash ":Ja ler pump. <\0,6-,_'.'>" J.! . 7"~~' :;~~ '.~, ~;:4 , . \,:,,:E: Once the system has been in operation for a ":Jhile, '. tl}e underground tanks may begin to cmit an undcdrable odor. 'This' ;"',;/(': odor can be eliminated by ~dd:ing a small amount of a general',':i',A:<'- qua t-'La!::e di~in[eelanl or qua ternary <lIl1CJ!) i um cl1loridc compound""Y," to trle tanks. These chemicals can be purchased through, most,. .,' ?:>. loca 1 jani lorial suppliers. The use of these chemicals 'will'",;",;':~; usua lly boost the foaming action of Ole detergent, providing , _ ',' furthc;r savings as the use of detergent C<1n be cut down even .,iIi.~ more. . ,~. \,; ',; ,~I~ . j . ',~ '.."" ',,:, , I, . RESOLUTION NO. 87- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE FOR PA 87-100 OIL CHANGERS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A DRIVE-THROUGH CAR WASH AT 7194 VILLAGE PARKWAY WHEREAS, Seth Bland, a Representative of Lube Management Corporation, filed a Conditional Use Permit application to permit a drive- through water recycling car wash facility at 7194 Village Parkway; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State Guidelines and City environmental regulations, require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impact and that environmental documents be prepared; and WHEREAS, an initial study was conducted finding that the project, as proposed, would not have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration has been prepared for this application; and WHEREAS, public notice of the Negative Declaration was given in all respects as required by State Law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did review and consider the Negative Declaration at a Public Hearing on August 17, 1987; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission finds as follows: 1. That the project PA 87-100 Oil Changers Conditional Use Permit will not have a significant effect on the environment; 2. That the Negative Declaration has been prepared and processed in accordance with State and local environmental laws and guideline regulations; and 3. That the Negative Declaration is complete and adequate. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED adopts the Negative Declaration for Use Permit application. that the Dublin Planning Commission hereby PA 87-100 Oil Changers Car Wash Conditional PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of August, 1987. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Planning Director ,,~ ffi'tBIT" , ~:~.' ~~.~. t.~ if,.'., ' , ~}j~j: '. , '.j' .- -,(' ~,<~ ' " ' - ~-~ pIt87-{oO O/L-~~ Cv-p lJ,p R&5t), RESOLUTION NO. 87- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- APPROVING PA 87-100 OIL CHANGERS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION TO ESTABLISH A DRIVE-THROUGH CAR WASH FACILITY IN ADDITION TO THE OIL CHANGE, LUBRICATION AND SMOG CERTIFICATION FACILITY PREVIOUSLY APPROVED FOR 7194 VILLAGE PARKWAY IN THE C-2-B-40 DISTRICT WHEREAS, Seth Bland, Representative of Lube Management Corporation, filed a Conditional Use Permit application to permit a drive-through car wash facility in addition to the drive-through oil change, lubrication and smog certification facility approved on June I, 1987, by the Planning Commission for the site at 7194 Village Parkway; and WHEREAS, this application has been reviewed in accordance with the prov1s1ons of the California Environmental Quality Act and a Negative Declaration has been adopted (Planning Commission Resolution No. 87 - ) for this project as it will have no significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, notice of Public Hearing was published in The Herald, posted in public buildings, and mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the project in accordance with California State Law; and WHEREAS, a Staff analysis was submitted recommending conditional approval of the application; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a Public Hearing on August 17, 1987, to consider all reports, recommendations, and testimony; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby find that: a) The use is required by the public need in that it provides a drive-through automatic car wash service for residents and business persons in Dublin and surrounding communities. b) The use will be properly related to other land uses and transportation and service facilities in the vicinity in that the site is located on the corner of two major streets, and the daytime activities of the project will be commensurate with the present use of surrounding properties within the neighborhood. c) The use, under all the circumstances and conditions of this particular case, will not materially affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity or be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood as all applicable regulations will be met. d) The use will not be contrary to the specific intent clauses or performance standards established for the district in which it is to be located, in that the car wash facility is consistent with the character of the General Commercial District. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission does hereby conditionally approve PA 87-100 as shown by materials labeled "Exhibit A" on file with the Dublin Planning Department subject to compliance with the Conditions of Approval and site plan for PA 87-048 Oil Changers Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review and to the following conditions: -1- "~,XH, ,1.'o,"'I'T. --,- .. ~ , ." "... " Pfti87-!tJO()IL ~ cvp ~-~_..:, ~670. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building and grading permits or establishment of use, and shall be subiect to Planning Department review and approval. 1. PA 87-100 Oil Changers Conditional Use Permit shall supercede all previous Conditional Use Permit approvals for the site (7194 Village Parkway), with the exception that PA 87-100 shall supplement PA 87-048 Oil Changers Conditional Use Permit (Planning Commission approval June 1, 1987). 2. In addition to the uses approved under PA 87-048, the following use shall be permitted: a. Drive-through water recycling car wash facility. 3. All washing of vehicles shall occur indoors. 4. The Applicant shall submit to the City Engineer for review and approval a grading, drainage and improvement plan. The site shall be graded so that all run-off is collected internally and there is no flow across the sidewalks or driveways. . 5. The Applicant shall comply with all DSRSD Fire Department requirements. 6. This permit shall expire June 11, 1990, and shall be revocable for cause in accordance with Section 8-90.3 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. 7. The approval period for the Conditional Use Permit may be extended two additional years (Applicant must submit a written request for the extension prior to the expiration date of the Conditional Use Permit) by the Planning Director upon his determination that the Conditions of Approval remain adequate to assure that the above-stated Findings will continue to be met, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of August, 1987. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Planning Director -2- :,tt SHtH 213 n :0 ~~ a ~ VI ,..., ,..., ':!! h: ::: = -I '-- =- ":'-- , ~m ~:- ~~ '....;;; -- / ,,' / '~ ' ;:;-;----...... -......... ~~ ... '", ~ L/' ?'" rl :Y---- l"tl o ">~:.., .."' ..//;= :' -; /" ::"0 ~ f 9 //? / - / I / .... ~/ "tl o ,--------- .,~,... ~. '~'I\;""."~ (. 'I'~ .' 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