HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 1997 Goals&Objectives ,I ... .... CITY CLERK File # D[JJ~~-IJ[Q] . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 7,1997 SUBJECT: 1997 Goals & Objectives/Budget Study Session (Report Prepared by Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager) EXHIBITS A TT ACHED: Excerpt from 1995 Goals & Objectives Year End Report 3. Determine if the same approach used in establishing the City's Goals & Objectives in 1996 should be used for 1997 and provide Staff with appropriate direction. Establish a special meeting date for the Goals & Objectives Study Session during the week of February 24, 1997. Determine if the Budget Study Session should be held on the same date as the Goals & Objectives Study Session or at a separate meeting. RECOMMENDATIOif 1. 2. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None :.DESCRIPTION: Annually, the City of Dublin City Council has held a special meeting to define the City's Goals & Objectives for the upcoming year. This meeting has been typically held in late February or early March in order to provide adequate time for the City Manager and City Staff to incorporate the Council's direction regarding its Goals & Objectives for the upcoming year in the Preliminary Budget. The format for last year's Goals & Objectives Study Session included the following elements: A PRIOR TO GOALS & OBJECTIVES STUDY SESSION 1. A status report is prepared by Staff on the current year's Goals & Objectives. 2. The Operating Departments prepare Goals & Objectives for the upcoming year for Council consideration. 3. Councilmembers individually rank the Goals & Objectives proposed by the City's Operating Departments with a ranking of high, medium, low or no priority (delete) and also identify any additional goals they would like to see the entire Council consider. Each Councilmember completes their respective prioritization of these Goals & Objectives and submits them to the City Manager prior to the date of the designated Study Session. .------------------------------------------------------------------ :-,_ COPIES TO: ITEM NO.--8J g/cc-mtgs/qtr-ll 1-7-97 Ig&odate So GOALS & OBJECTIVES STUDY SESSION 1. 2. 3. 4. Staff and Council review the progress on current year Goals & Objectives. Staff reviews the proposed Goals & Objectives by program area for the upcoming year. The Council hears public comment on the Goals & Objectives. The City Council deliberates and collectively adjusts the priorities of the Goals & Objectives by each program area. C. POST GOALS & OBJECTIVES STUDY SESSION Staff prepares an implementation plan for the City Council to adopt its Goals & Objectives which is presented as part of the Preliminary Budget and the Five Year Capital Improvement Program. If the Council is interested in changing the method of developing Goals & Objectives as indicated above, Staff would like appropriate direction. If no change is desired, Staff will proceed with the format used in 1996. BUDGET STUDY SESSION Last year, the City Council held a Budget Study Session on the same evening as the Goals & Objectives Study Session. This Study Session was used as a means of Council providing Staff with guidelines for development of the City's Annual Budget for the upcoming year. Staff feels that this Study Session was very useful and eliminated a lot of the guess work in putting together the Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 1996-97. Staff suggests that the City Council once again hold the Budget Session on the same evening as the Goals & Objectives Planning Session. Direction provided to the Staff in the Budget Session will be beneficial in preparing the Budget for Fiscal Year 1997-98. ". , -.. . .,:. ..:. . . . ,. .. CI) UJ > -I- 1-0:: ~o o"'"')c... 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