HomeMy WebLinkAboutPre-Hearing Staff Analysis PA82-015 Valley Christian Center
Planning Director
MEETING DATE: Nobember 18, 1982
Project: Conditional Use Permit to allow
Ste. A9l40, DublinCA 94568
Location: 10800 Dublin Blyq.. . _ .
Assessor Parcel Number: 941.-.2.2.-.2-4
Existing Land Use: Church,~ .S.cJl.?p.l, and related facilities
Surrounding Zoning and Lan~. Use.:. .
North: Ai agricultural
South: Freeway
East: R-l-B-Ei single famdl' dwelling units
.. ~ , y
West: Ai agricultural . ,.. ..
Site History:
January 25, 1978: Conditi~~al Use Permit C-3220 granted to construct
and operate a church ~nd Fe~ated school and support facilities.
August 23, 1982: Modified Co~ditional Use Permit C-3220 granted to
phasing of landscaping. .
Applicable Regulations:
an 88-foot wind generator.
Finzell, 11883 Dublin Blvd.
A privately operated wind-electric generator requires a conditional use
permit in the agricultural ~~s~rict (Zoning Ordinance Section 8-25.3).
A conditional use requires special review and appraisal to determine:
1) whether or not the us~is required by the public need.
2) whether or not the us~will be properly related to other land
use, transportation anfl se~vice facilities
3) whether or not the useJ under all circumstances and conditions,
will have a substantial adverse effect on health or safety,
or be substantially de~rimental to public wel~are or injurious
to property or improve~ents.
4) whether or not the us~~ill be contrary to the specific intent
of the zoning distric~ (Secti~n 8-94.0)
The stated intent of the ~gri~ul~ural district is, in part, to provide
space for and encourage su~h, ~~es in p~aces where more intensive
development is not desirable o~. necessary for the general wel~are
(Section 8-25.0)
Bnvirorimental Review:
Categorically exempt, class II, ,Accessory Structure.
Notification: Public notic~~a~ given by publication and posting
The Valley Christian Cente~ i~ seeking approval for an 88-foot high wind
generator. The wind generato~ tower will be behind the school building
near the water tower. The,9r~~nd eleva~ion at ~he tower is 736 feet.
The top of the propeller wou~4pe at 824 feet. The oower is proposed
to be constructed approxi~te~y 5~~ feet west and 250 feet north of
the existing school, and 3~ !e~~ !rom the western property line. A
school play area is ultima~e~y proposed near the tower. The contractor
for the applicant indicate~th~~ the electricity that is generated will
be used by the school.
1) The project is required by the public need for wind energy as an
alternateve to the use o~fo~sil_ fu~ls.
2) The project of properly sit~~ted in relation to ooher agricultural
and single family land us~~~n the vicinity.
3) The project, as conditioned, will not have substantial advefse effects
on health or safety, or be' substantially detrimental to public
welfare or injurious to PFoperty or improvements.
4) The use will not be contrary to the specific intent of the district
to provide space for and encourage such uses in places where more
intensive development is not desirable or nedessary for the general
welfare. . . -
It is recommended that the project be approved subject to the following
1) Application for a buiJ8~ng permit for the wind generator shall
be accompanied by engineering data which certifies compliance with
seismic and s~uuctural des~~npi~vi~ions of the Uniyorm Building Code
and applicable provisions oj. ~h~ Uniform Electrical Code.
2) The tower climbing apparatus shall be no closer than twelve (12)
feet to the ground. _ . ~. . ' :. . .
3) The wind generator sh~~~ b~ ,set back 110 feet rrom the western
property line (a distance o~ ~.~? feet for every 1 foot of structure
height) .n order to ensur~~pa~ ~th~ structure will not fall across
property li88s.
4) aAn 88-foot setback (equal to the structure height) shall be
maintained from any above-9~~un~ utility line.
A) A minimum distance of 10 feet shall be maintained between any
on-site structure or outBo~r ~p~~vity area and the wind generator.
6) The wind generator sh,!il~l only .be installed after issuance of ~he
necessary building permit a~d ~py permit required by the local electr1cal
utility.agency in complianc~ w~th State P~lic utility Commission rules,
regulations, and specifications.,
7) All electrical dJ.stripution lines shall be \.ulder grounded.
8) The wind generator shjll,l be equipped with both manual and auto
controls to either &imit the rotational speed of the blade at or below
the design limite of the r~~9r,~f to shut down the wind generator
in the event that winds exceed. its designed capacity.
9) No signing, other than safety signing, shall be placed on the
wind generator. .
10) The color of the wind generator shall be subject to review and
approval of the Planning Dired~or.
11) Other than lighting required by a regulatory agency, the wind
generator shall not be ligh~e~. - .
12) MaineBnance and inspection records shall be maintained on si4e
and shall be made available ~or :inspection by the Building Official
upon request.
13) If the wind generator is not maintained in operational condition
for a period of three (3) months, or if it poses a potential safety
hazard, it shall be deemed .abandoned and the owner shall take expedious
action to remedy the situat~on. If the City determines that the wind
generator has been abandon.ed p.r, poses a_ safety ~zard, the system shall
be removed by the owner withip~ .45 days of written notice to the owner.
15) The wind generator shall not be installed or operated in a
manner to cause disturbance of micro wave, radio transmitting or receiving
devices, or other devices w~ic~transmit or receive signals.
16) Installation and operjlt_ion.of the wind generator shall be as
conditioned and in substantial accord with the approved plans and
materials on file with the .p~la~n:nin.gDepartment.