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File # DiJl2l[Q]-~
Comments on the Contra Costa County's Tassajara Valley Property
Owners Association General Plan Amendment and Related Projects
Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) cA<.C-/
(Report Prepared by: Carol R. Cirelli, Senior Planner)
Exhibit 1:
City's Comment Letter on the DEIR (w/o
~ r Receive report
The City received the Contra Costa County's Tassajara Valley Property Owners Association (TVPOA)
DEIR for review and comment. Comments were due July 7th and the attached exhibit is staffs DEIR
comment letter.
The DEIR evaluates the environmental impacts associated with the 4,491-acre TVPOA project involving
a general plan amendment, rezoning, and other related project requests for developing 5,950 dwelling
units, 300,000 square feet of commercial/office space and 2,646 acres of parks and open space areas. This
project is located in unincorporated Contra Costa County known as Tassajara Valley, east of the
Dougherty Valley Planning Area, and north of the Alameda County line and the approved Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan area. The development would be constructed in phases over a twenty year period.
Our major areas of environmental concern were traffic and circulation and flood ~dldrainage.
Regarding traffic and circulation, the project took into consideration the planned roadway network
approved as part of the Tri~Valley Transportation Plan (TVTP). Both Tassajara and Fallon Roads, as
shown in the TVTP and the City's Circulation Element of the General Plan, will have enough lane
capacity to handle the TVPOA project traffic.' However, the DEIR incorrectly states that the number of
lanes planned for Dougherty Road north of Dublin Boulevard is 8 lanes, whereas the City's General Plan
states that 6 lanes are planned for this portion. Dougherty Road south of Dublin Boulevard could be up to
8 lanes. Staff is requesting that this information be corrected.
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Furthermore, the City's comment letter states that the DEIR should contain language specifying that the~ '" ...
project will pay its fair share of the traffic impacts on Dublin's roadway system. Dublin's roadway
improvement policy requires that project developers pay for and construct roadway system improvements.
This includes City of Dublin developers and other jurisdiction developers (e.g., TVPOA) whose projects
will impact Dublin's roadway system. .
Regarding flood hazards and drainage, staffwas concerned with the project's impact of increasing storm
water runoff within the Tassajara Creek watershed. The project would result in increases in peak flows
and total volwne of runoff that could increase the flooding problems in Alameda County. Staffsupports
all the DEIR mitigation measures that reduce the project's impact of increased runoff to a less than
significant level (e.g., construction of detention basins), and staffrecommends that the project create a
reservoir to control the amount of runoff within the Tassajara Creek watershed.
Staff includes other comments regarding land use planning, biological resources, air quality, noise, growth
inducement and project alternatives. For example, staff requests that the DEIR include a statement that
the project developer should pay its fair share of mitigating noise impacts caused by TVPOA's
development traffic in the City of Dublin. Other staff comments correct factual information regarding the
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and staff generally supports other mitigation measures, such as those for
biological resource impacts.
Staff recommends that the City Council review the TVPOA DEIR comment letter and provide staff
additional direction ifnecessary.
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James W. Cutler
;'.ssistant Director of Comprehensive Planning
C::mtra Costa County - Community Development Department
651 Pine Street - North Wing - Fourth Floor
Martinez, CA 94553-0095
R.=-: Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEJR) for the Tassajara Valley Property Owners Association
(TVPOA) General Plan Amendment and Related Projects
:::>ear Mr. Cutler.
ihank you for providing the City of Dublin the opportunity to comment on the DEIR for the TVPOA General Plan
Amendment and related projects. Due to the TVPOA project's close proximity to the Eastern Dublin planning
area, we have noted certain areas of environmental concern, especially traffic and circulation, and we offer the
following comments.
As an overall comment, the DEIR refers to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan when analyzing the project's
potential impacts on the City of Dublin. Some of the information describing the Eastern Dublin Specific
Plan is incorrect In May of 1993. the City approved a General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan for
Eastern Dublin. The General Plan Amendment covers 6.920 acres of land and includes 13.906
residential units for a total buildout popUlation of 32,510. The SpecifiC Plan covers 3,300 acres and
includes 12,356 residential units for a total buildout population of 27.550.
The DEIR should be revised to reflect the correct figures as noted above (e.g., Table 5.3-1; "East Dublin
Specific Plan~ text on p. 4.1-26 and 27; etc.). The last sentence on p. 4.1-26 should also be revised to
include not only office and retail, but light industrial.
Land Use and PlanninQ Policv
Impact 4.1-3 states that the Tassajara plan does not provide a compatible interface with adjacent
communities. We support Mitigatbn Measure 4.1-3(a) promoting community .separators," D~ use of
open space buffers and landscaping between the TVPOA development and the Eastern Dublin
development. This measure provides for a 500 foot open space buffer extending north from the County
Mitigation Measure 4.1-3(b) states that ~Dublin should be urged to require a buffer zone in Alameda
County that would help in the transition between the two jurisdictions: The existing Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment land use designations that abut the County line include:
Rural Residential/Agriculture (.01 du/ac); Low Density Residential (0.9 - 6.0 du/ac); Open Space:
Medium Density Residential (6.1 - 14.0 du/ac); and Stream Corridor (open space) (see atta:::hed map).
There might be some land use confiicts with the City's Medium Density land use designation and the
proposed open space buffer just north of the County line. The City will analyze this pDtentia! impa:t
when pro:::essing future zoning, tentative map and site development review applications for properties
with Medium Density land use designations.
L In 1995, the City annexed 1.538 acres of land east of Tassajara Road (see attached). This information
should be included under the "Dublin" paragraph on p, 4.1-26.
':"::mmisualion (:;10\ 623-6550 . City Coun::i: (510\ 633-66D5 . ;::man::e (510) 633-6540 . Building Insoe::lIDn (:.iO S3:;'-55.2D
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5. We sUP;>::l:! all mitigation measures that require the provision of affordable housing units th,::lJfF1::l:.J: the
project site, especially very low and low income housing units. .
Growth Inducement
6. The ~Growth Inducement" section of the DEIR does not adequately address the growth inducing impacts
that Highland Road, a two lane east-west road providing access to N. livennore Ave., may have on the
open space and agricultural land uses east of the project site. The DEIR should also address the
possibility that Highland Rd. may require widening, especially if North Livennore development takes
place, resulting in further development pressure from adjacent landowners.
7. The DEIR should address the impacts of higher density development (Le., 8M - Single Family Medium
Density) near the County's Urban Limit Line in tenns of conflicts with uses outside the boundary, such as
farming operations, wildfire potential, etc.. and explain why a transition/buffer zone with lower density
uses is not proposed for the SM-designated areas.
Flood HazardslDrainaoeNVater Quality
8. We are concerned with Impact 4.3-1 regarding the storm water runoff increase in the Tassajara Creek
watershed. The project would result in increases in peak flows and total volume of runoff that could
increase the flooding problems in Alameda County. This development should not increase the amount
of the Q of stormwater coming from Contra Costa County to Alameda County. Therefore, it is
recommended that the project create a reservoir to cDntrol the amount Df the Q.
We also SUPPDrt Mitigation Measures 4.3-1 (a) through (I) that reduce the project's impact of increased
runDff to a less than significant level. .
Biolooical ResDurces
9. The TVPOA project wDuld result in the alteratiDn and fragmentation of wildlife habitat and corridors, and
wildlife use would be disrupted. Particularly, important water sources fDr wildlife, Le., seeps, access to
creeks, loss of stock ponds, etc.. wDuld be lost. which could substantially affect wildlife use within the
We concur with the DEIR's project revisions requiring wildlife corridDrs throughout the proposed project
area, especially utilizing the intennittent drainage areas with natural channel banks and bottoms
supporting dense riparian forest These corridDrs will serve as a natural focus for wildlife movement.
We strongly advise that the project recDgnize Tassajara Creek as a significant wildlife corridor. Last
year, the City approved the Eastern Dublin Compreh~nsive Stream Restoration Program, which was a
requirement of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The program cDntains a comprehensive set of
guidelines and criteria fDr grading, hydrologic stabilization and restDration/revegetation of the Eastern
Dublin Specific Plan area stream channels. in particular. Tassajara Creek, and guidelines for plant
species, planting densities and long-term maintenance and responsibilities of all stream channels. The
program will be enforced for all new rezDne and tentative map applications for properties IDcated within
the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area.
We support Mitigation Measures 4.4-3 (a) thrDugh (h), especially as they relate to Tassajara Creek.
These measures complement Dur prDgram to the extent that they would allow a continuous wildlife
corridor beYDnd Dur Eastern Dublin project area into Contra Costa County. As the outer unincorporated.
agricultural lands of CDntra Costa and Alameda counties become developed, it is essential that
jurisdictions protect and not disrupt wildlife habitat thrDugh the restoration and preservation 07 wildlife
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We also support the 100' structure setback requirement from major creek channels for flood :o:'m:>:,
wildlife enhancement and wildlife c~rridor purposes.
Proiect Description
10. The discussion on p. 3-26 regarding the project's preliminary phasing plan, does not explain how the
phases were determined. An explanation of this should be given within this section.
Public Utilities
11. The DEIR assumes that the Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) will provide water and
wastewater services for the proposed project We are concemed with the project's cumulative water
and wastewater service impacts, especially the project's impact on the existing treatment and disposal
facilities. As the DEIR notes, insufficient capacity exists in the existing DSRSD sewer system to
accommodate the proposed project and other future development projects within DSRSD's service
The DSRSD has already committed to serving the recently annexed Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area.
We would like to know what impact the proposed 1VPOA project would have on Dublin regarding water
and wastewater services for the Eastem Dublin area.
The DEIR analyzes the Eastern Dublin area as the proposed project's "Off-Site Alternative.. The DEIR
states that the reason for choosing the Eastem Dublin area is because it contains sizable acreages that
are planned for Eastern Dublin development and it is within the market area of the TVPOA project.
Although the off-site alternative would reduce or eliminate impacts within the Tassajara Valley region,
certain environmental impact areas, such as traffic and circulation, geology/seismicity/soils, air quality
and cultural resources, would be greater within the Eastern Dublin area if this alternative were
implemented. Also, the environmental impacts associated with the 1VPOA project would now occur in
another location, Eastern Dublin, versus Tassajara Valley.
We request that Contra Costa County not consider the off-site:altemative as a viable project alternative.
If implemented, this alternative would impact the policies and aC:tIpn programs of the Eastern Dublin
General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan, and would conflict with the Tassajara Valley and Eastern
DUblin landowners' desires and goals for developing their land.
Traffic and Circulation
13. Please follow the City of Dublin's Circulation Element for the roadway cross sections and number of
lanes. Based on the City of Dublin's General Plan, Dougherty Road north of Dublin Blvd. is planned to
be six lanes. Your plan calls for 8 lanes. Therefore, this segment of Dougherty Road cannot be B lanes.
However, Dougherty Road south of DUblin Blvd. could be up to eight lanes.
14. Gleason Drive is planned to be a 4-lane arterial street. Therefore, the Dublin Boulevard intersection with
Tassajara Road cannot have 3 left-turn lanes.
The Environmental Impact Report should contain language specifically stating "This project will pay its
fair share of the impact to the City of Dublin's roadway system: Dublin's roadway improvement poli:y
requires that roadway system improvements be paid and constructed by project developers, Le., Dublin
developers, especially Eastem Dublin developers, and other jurisdiction developers whose proje:::ts will
impact Dublin's roadway system.
.~ ." ..
15. The City of Dublin is planning to construct a bicycle path east of Tassajara Road from Dublin Blvd. all the
way to the Contra Costa County line. East Bay Regional Park District, as part of their Master.
would like to see this bicycle path extended farther north. As part of the Environmental docu
construction of this bicycle path and pedestrian path east of Tassajara Road should be considered.
17. The Environmental Impact Report should state, aThis project will mitigate noise impacts caused by
development traffic in the City of Dublin. An example of this mitigation would be for the developer to pay
its share of constructing a soundwall or rubber asphalt, etc..
Air Quality
18. The Environmental Impact Report should include language to state, . As part of improving air quality and
reducing the number of trips, this development will construct a Park-and-Ride lot. This Park-and-Ride lot
will be served by mass transit and will be connected to BART:
Other General Comments
19. The paragraph titled MNoise. on p. 5-8 of the DEIR refers to Table 4.6-7. There is no such table.
20. Figure 3-6 of the DEIR should not show the Urban Limit Line boundary extending south into the
unincorporated Alameda County area and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area. Dublin does not
currently have an .urban limit line..
If you have any questions, please feel free to calf me at 833-6610, or MehTan Sepehri for traffic-related quest;.
at 833-6630. .
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Eddie Peabody, Jr. / I
Community Development Director
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cc: Richard Ambrose. City Manager
~~"il Engineer