HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.1 TriVlyTranspDevFee .. . . . "' CITY CLERK FiI e ,. [l][fi][{;l[Q]-[2]lQ] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 5,1997 SUBJECT: EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee (TVTDF) Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, J>ublic Works Director 1) Draft letter to the Chairperson of the Tri~ Valley Transportation Council (TVTC) Letter dated July 7, 1997, from Sharrell Michelotti, Vice Chairperson of the TVTC, together with Draft Resolution 2) RECOMMENDATION: 1) tQl\V 2) Review Draft Resolution and Staff recommendations Review draft letter, modify if necessary. and direct that the letter outlining the Council's recoIimlendations be sent to the TVTe. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Land Use Cate~ory Single-Family Residential Multi-Family Residential Office Retail Industrial/Warehouse Other Uses If the TVTDF is implemented through adoption of the Draft Resolution by all participating jurisdictions as proposed, new regional development fees collected in the Tri-Valley Area for transportation projects will be as follows: Currently Proposed TVTDF Fee Rate Previously Proposed TVTDF Fee Rate $1 ,500/Dwelling Unit $1 ,050/Dwelling Unit $2,582/Dwelling Unit $1.555/Dwelling Unit $1.00/Square Foot $l.OO/Square Foot $3.82/Square Foot $1. 15/SF(more than 200,OOOsf) $1.38/SF(less than 200,OOO~f) alR/SF $ .75/Square Foot $1.500/AM-PM Average Peak Hour Trip Not Listed Tl.tal Estimated Fees To Be Collected: $65 million $145 million ------------------------------------------------.------------------- g:agenmisc\tvtctdf COPIES TO: ITEM NO.--Z.1 . . This money will, in turn, fund regional transportation projects necessitated by new development; . however, it will not fund all of the projects listed in the Draft Resolution. The 1-5801I-680 Flyove Project will be given number 1 priority, and the rest of the projects will be rated later for the development of a funding priority list. The City of Dublin's existing Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee already includes a regional component. The adoption of the TVTe regional fee will result in a reduction of approximately $11 million (or approximately 9%) of Dublin's existing TIF because some of the projects are included on the project lists for both fees. The impact on Dublin to collect and administer the TVTDF is unknown at this time. DESCRIPTION: The TVTC has been working for several years on common transportation issues, as well as the proposal to establish a regional transportation fee which would be collected on new development. On June 3, 1997, the City Council reviewed a proposal from the TVTC setting forth the guidelines and fees for a proposed regional transportation fee, to be known as the Tri- Valley Transportation Development Fee (IVTDF). After reviewing comments from all of the Tri-Valley jurisdictions, the TVTC revised the proposed . TVTDF and some of its policies, most of which are in line with Mayor Houston's suggestions. The amounts of the TVTDF have been reduced from the :first draft, and the Town ofDanville and CIty of San Ramon have now agreed that any Development Agreements or Vesting Tentative Maps which e>"'Pire or undergo significant changes after January 1, 1998, should be subject to the TDF. Significant changes are defined in Paragraph 11 of the Draft Resolution. Staffhas reviewed the Draft Resolution and recommends that the following revisions be made: 1) That the project to provide HOV lanes on 1-680 between SR 84 and the Sunol Grade be listed as project priority number 2 behind the 1-5801I~680 flyover project. This highway segment has rapidly become one of the most congested transportation routes in the Bay Area. 2) That the effective date for the imposition of these fees be January 1, 1998, for all 7 participating jurisdictions. This will put all jurisdictions on the same timing for the beginning of fee collection. 3) That a sentence be added to Paragraph No.8 of the Draft Resolution stating: "The three Contra Costa County jurisdictions shall not withhold any TVTDF collected until the TVTC establishes a list of priorities for obligating the TVTDF funding for these projects." Contra Costa eounty, the City of San Ramon, and the Town ofDanville want to insure that . projects in Contra Costa County receive funding. The above sentence would preclude retaining fees if the projects are not in the fmallist of projects to be funded. Page2 .. . . . Since Dublin will collect the largest percentage of the fees of the various participating jurisdictions, Staff is proposing that Dublin offer to administer the collection atld disbursement of the funds generated by the TVTDF. As indicated in the Financial Statement above, projects that are common to both Dublin's Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) and the final approved TVTDF will be eliminated from Dublin's TIF. resulting in an estimated $11 million reduction in the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee. Staff recommends that the eity eouncil review the Draft Resolution and Staffs comments, suggest modifications, if necessary, and direct that the draft letter outlining the Council's recommendations be sent to the Chairperson of the TVTC. Page 3 . . :. . DRAFT August 6, 1997 Councilman Hermann Welm, Chairperson Tri-Valley Transportation Council clo City of San Ramon 2222 Camino Ramon San Ramon CA 94583 SUBJECT: Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee Dear Mr. Welm: The City Council of the City of Dublin would like to congratulate the Tri-Valley Transportation Council (lVTC) for the development of the draft Transportation Development Fee. Our Council believes that regional cooperation has eased the way to solving future traffic congestion in the Tri-Valley area. Dublin is supportive of your Resolution with the recommendation that the lVTC address and clarify the 'following items: 1) Due to the fact that 1-680 over the Sunol Grade is one of the most congested Freeways in the Bay Area, the City of Dublin requests that this project be rated second on the project priority list for TVTC Funding behind the 1-580/1-680 Flyover project. 2) Paragraph 12 should be amended to read, "That these Principles of Agreement for the TVTDF shall take effect upon their adoption by the seven member jurisdictions of the Tri-Valley Transportation Council, to be effective January 1, 1998." 3) As part of the SCCJEPA Area, Contra Costa County jurisdictions shall not withhold any lVTDF collected until the TVTC establishes a list of priorities for obligating the TVTDF funding for these projects. L'i~U~~~'T li'" Jk .._,_td"",~.; lid \lli18i /. - August 6, 1997 Hermann Welm, TVTC Tri-Valley TDF Page 2. It is anticipated that a member jurisdiction will be designated to administer the collection and disbursement of funds generated by the Fee. The City of Dublin hereby offers to provide this service to the TVTC member jurisdictions. Again, I would like to thank the Tri-Valley Transportation Council for the long hours spent on the task of improving the quality of life in the Tri-Valley area. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact my office. Sincerely, Guy Houston Mayor GH/LST/mb cc: Bill van Gelder g:\agenmisc\welmltr 2_- . . . . Donna Gerber Supervisor Contra Costa County (W) 820-8683 Scott Haggert)' Supervisor Alameda County (W) 272-669] Millie Greenberg. Councilmember Danville 837.3231 ~Gu~' Houston .,~iayor Dublin (W) 828-3337 (H) 828-2152 Sharrell Michelotti Council member Pleasanton (W) 462-2419 Tom Reitter, Councilmember Livermore (W)422-1468 (H) 443-3326 Hermann Welm, Vice Mayor San Ramon. CA (W) 262-4846 (H) 838-8261 . TRI-VALLEY TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL Traffic Engineering P. O. Box 520 - 200 Old Bernal Avenue Pleasanton, CA 94566 July 7, 1997 TVTC Members Attached is the revised "Principles of Agreement for Adoption of Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee" Resolution. The language is the result of discussions in our June 18 meeting and refinements as added by the nlTc TAC. Please bring your Board or Council members' comments on the August 27, 1997 meeting. Given the many and varied discussions about this Fee, It appears that this current resolution is acceptable for forwarding to each of your Councils and Boards. If there is any further significant need for revision please contact me so that we can notify each jurisdiction prior to their resolution enactment. The passage of this resolution should allow us to proceed with the final fee draft ordinances and procedural refinements. cSL/2cE~- Sharrell Michelotti Vice Chair tvtc\herm.sam.sm ~ EX;r;["~~~ IT- 2 .~ .,.......;.:.~!I. ..~~!t; - .q: ~~~~)~ ~ , i.' ~ 1i..~' &; - _ - RESOLUTION NO. 97-XX (Draft as revised 6/18/97 TVTC & 7/7197 TAC Meetings) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY/COUNCTYITOWN OF APPROVING PRINCIPLES OF AGREEMENT FOR ADOPTION OF THE TRl-VALLEY TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FEE . WHEREAS, The City/CountylTown of has joined with other Tri-Valley jurisdictions to form the Tri-Valley Transportation Council (TVTC), and cooperatively participated in the development and adoption of the Tri-Valley Transportation Plan/Action Plan for Routes of Regional Significance (TVTP), and WHEREAS, The TVTP identified improvements to the Regional transportation system necessary to accommodate traffic growth from ongoing development in the Tri-Valley Area and elsewhere, and 'WHEREAS, The TVTP recommended the adoption and implementation of a Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee (TVTDF) to fund all or part of the necessary transportation improvements identified in the Plan. and WHEREAS, The TVTC has directed the preparation of studies and documentation for the adoption and implementation of the TVTDF Regional Fee program, and 'WHEREAS, The City/CountylTown of supports solution of regional traffic . problems through implementation of the TVTP and the TVTDF Regional Fee Program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT The City/CountylTown of does hereby endorse and adopt the following Principles of Agreement for the establishment and implementation of the TVTDF: 1. That the TVTDF shall be used to fund all or part of the following Transportation Improvement Projects in the Tri-Valley Area. It is acknowledged that at the proposed fee rates, the TVTDF will not fund the project list in its enurety: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 1. J. k. tf 1-5 8 Oil -680, Interchange Improvements Improvements to State Route 84 between 1-580 and 1-680 1-680 Auxiliary Lanes between Bollinger Canyon Road and Diablo Road West DublinlPleasanton BART Station 1-580 BOV Lanes between Santa Rita Road and Greenville Road 1-680 BOV Lanes between SR84 and Sunol Grade 1-5801Foothill Road Interchange Improvements 1-680/Alcosta Boulevard Interchange Improvements Crow Canyon Road Safety Improvements west of Bollinger Canyon Road . Vasco Road Safety Improvement north ofI-580 Express Bus Service in Tri-Valley Area 2. That the highest funding priority for the TVTDF shall be the 1-580/1-680 Improvement Proj ect "Local Match", which shall be funded at 100% ofremaining local responsibility ($5.5 million). . 3. That the following criteria shall be considered in establishing the priority of other projects on the TVTDF funding list: a. Project Readiness: Examples of proiect readiness milestones include: completion of environmental documentation, inclusion in RTIP/STIP preparation of Plans, Specifications and Estimates, right-of-way acquisition, etc. b. Project Funding: Ability of project to "leverage" funding, eligibility for e,.~ernal funding, and/or commitment of external funding. c. project Effectiveness: Ability of the project to effectively address Tri-Valley traffic congestion ;mdJor safety problems. 4. That the TVTC Technical Advisory Committee will prepare a Strategic Expenditure Plan for delivery of the improvement projects. The Strategic Expenditure Plan will include preliminary cost and revenue estimates for the TVTDF, a prioritization plan and a timeline for project delivery. The Strategic Expenditure Plan will be reviewed and approved by the TVTC, u e ue t r v' ewe d a v bv t e ve be" die' 5. That the TVTDF Fee will pay for. portion of some or all of the previously-listed projects, on the basis of the following Fee Schedule: '. Land Use Cate~orv JVmF Fee Rate Single-Family Residential Multi-Family Residential $1 ,500/Dwelling Unit $I,050/Dwelling Unit Office Retail Industrial/W arehouse $1.00/Sq.Ft. $1. OO/Sq .Ft. $O.75/Sq.Ft. :.Other Uses/Alternative Rate $1,500/AMlPM Average Peak Hour Trip .~ te: for ~e~ u: n~ listed shall be b~ed u~ ~e ~e ~IP~ pe~ hO: :f ~en:~o~~:;: e~:at:d ov "<; :: ~i;t e~i~o:, o~ ~e ~: Trip Generation Manual. ec c. r ed ~ r the calcul TOF fees w1l1 be adol!~ed by the TVTe .J . " . .L +,. The 1-680 Auxiliary Lanes and the Alcosta BoulevardlI-680 Interchange Improvements are included on both the TVTDF and the Southern Contra Costa JEP A project lists. The amount of the TVYDF collected in the SCeJEP A Area shall be reduced by the amount earmarked for these projects in the TVTDF, not to exceed .lQ;u)% of the TVTDF fee amount for 1-680 Auxiliary ~,..mill not to exceed 4% for the Alcosta Boulevard 1-680 rnterchan~e Imp;;v~~;~t proiect. L-8-:- That each TVTC jurisdiction shall levy the TVTDF on all Tri-Valley development n.o.1 leC'allv precluded from the fee. lJ!. That each TVTC iurisdiction shall levv the TVID ~ or;,:;,1l ~ri - V a~~v ~ev~lop:e~t with current development a,greements/entltlements whIch mclu e I gu oe re In g t at r S"lOnal transportation fee be paid when enacted. .l.L~ That the TVTDF shall be applied to all significant changes to existing development agreements or other entitlements approved after January 1. 1998. The TVTDF shall be applied to all components of a project which are the subject to the amended or renewed development agreement/development entitlement. Significant changes are defined as follows: a. Change in Land Use Type (e.g., Office to Retail) b. Intensification of Land Use Type (e.g., increases in square footage of approved Office) c. Expiration ofTenn of Development Agreement(s) d. Reduction or Removal of Project Mitigation requirements/Conditions of Approval . Other, "non-significant" amendments to development agreements (e.g., Architectural changes or changes to site plans with no net traffic increases) shall not be subject to the TVTDF. 12. That these Principles of.AilT=ent for theTVIDF s~~-;;: e;:ct :on their adoption by the seven member IllnSdlctlOns of the Tn-Vallev Tr 0 tl Co ell. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED AT THE CouncillBoard of Supervisors of the City/CountylTown of votes: , 1997, meeting of the by the following AYES: NOES: J\BSENT: J\BSTAIN: ATTEST: By: . Mc\resprin.sam.sm rev 07/09/97 ~