HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.04 TCI Cable&TV UpgrdeQtrlyStatRpt ;,~.,,_.~ . ".. -", CITY CLERK File # . AGENDA STATEMENT . CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: (September 16, 1997) SUBJECI': Quarterly Status Report ofTCI Cable TV Upgrade Construction ~ (Prepared By: Paul S. Rankin, Assistant City Manager) EXHIBITS ATIACBED: 1. June Construction Report Dated July 14, 1997 2. July Construction Report Dated August 11, 1997 3. August Construction Report Dated September 9, 1997 RECOMMENDATION: - ~ Receive and file Construction Reports. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The cost of the construction is being borne solely by Tel as required by their agreements with the City of Dublin. It is expected that the availability of increased programming will result in increased cable rates. Neighboring cities where the upgrade is now complete pay approximately $3.68 per month more than the current Dublin Rate. . DESCRIPTION: As required by the aurrent Agreement between TCI and the City of Dublin;. TCI has begun physical construction on the system upgrade. Attached to this report are Progress Reports submitted by Tel for the months of June, July and August. -. CONSTRUcnON PROGRESS Pursuant to their Agreement TCI must have the upgrade completed and be offering the expanded service by December 31, 1997. Therefore, it is critical that the construction continue in a timely fashion. The construction involves both the installation of a main :fiber optic 1rUnk line as well as the connection of the coaxial lines to the new trunk. The new system -also involves the addition of above ground pedestals. Given that the physical construction got underway in July the Staff report will focus on the July and August Construction reports. Tom Baker, TCI General Manager has indicated that the design of the new system requires above ground locations when electronic equipment is being housed. The Company est1mSltP-s that the current 100 pedestals in Dublin will be increased to approximately 120, when the system is complete. The use of below ground vaults result in less than desirable environmental conditions, which can affect the life and operation of the electronic equipment This in turn results in a deterioration and potential increased service calls. Typically a system upgrade is intended to reduce the maintenance service calls, and improve the reliability of the system. .-------------------------------~----------------------------------- COPIES TO: Tom Baker, General Manager - TCI Tri Valley ITEMNO.~4 g1r:abletv/cnc:llrv/AGCONS.doe Tel consults with the affected property owners as the site for a vault is selected. The location is within an existing utility easement, however, the eOmpany recognizes the need to work with homeowners to work out any placement issues. TCI also has a rebuild hotline recording, which can be called by customers. (606-2205). The recording is updated daily and advises them as to where crews are working and streets where temporary outages may occur. ... . In the August Report (Exhibit 3) Mr. Baker indicates that progress has continued at an acceptable pace. TCI has decided to launch their expanded line-up and digital products as each node is completed. This means that some residents will begin receiving the expanded service well before January 1 st. Preliminary plans anticipate that several nodes will be completed to allow the newprogrammine to begin November 1, 1997. This allows them ample time to notify customers of the proposed changes in the channel line-up. The expanded channel line-up is identified in an attachment to the August Report. As previously noted, with an expansion in services it is expected that there will be a rate increase in the Spring of 1998. This will most likely result in rates similar to those paid by Livermore and Pleasanton customers. In addition to the expanded channel line-up TCI will also make available the new Digital TV services. Initially these will be offered to homes which already have a programmable converter box. In 1996 Tel had approximately 3,380 converter boxes in use in the City of Dublin. As noted in the report Dublin will be among the :first group of cities offered this service. Staff recommends that the City Council receive and file these reports. Staff will continue 10 monitor the progress on the construction and will report to the eity Council in the event of major changes. . . - ),- .- -. . ~ ~. ..: .. - ~. . Tel . . July 14, 1997 City of Dublin Attn: Paul Rankin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 tlTY OF DUBLIN JUL 1 4 1997 FINANCE DEPT. RECE'IVI:D RE: Construction Report - June 1997 Dear Mr. Rankin: 1. Enclosed find an updated map of our construction routes and priorities. Our routes have changed slightly and fiber nodes have been renumbered, so please refer to this new map and discard your other one. Much of the pr&-construction work has been completed. We have begun the process of notification to customers if new vaults or pedestals must be placed in easements (or older ones replaced). Our rebuild construction team will be working out of our old facility at 6640 Sierra Lane in Dublin. 2. As of today (July 14~, we have begun initial construction on the Dublin/San Ramon project. The first area of construction is up and down Dougherty Road above Interstate 580. We have notified all the business owners along Dougherty Road of the construction work so as minimize disruption to their businesses. Work will be done in San Ramon and Dublin concurrently 8S construction activity picks up. - 3. Customers in nodes DGF, DGC, DGB, SGH, SGG, and SGJ (Dougherty Road fiber) have been notified of impending work in their neighborhoods via postcard (enclosed). Work in these areas will commence In the coming days. Future progress reports will give progress In teRnS of mileage completion by node. . 4. Our rebuild hotline (606-2205) has been activated. This line has been set up so that customers and local officials can get daily InfORnation on what areas we are working on during that particular day. 5. Channel 30 carries a readerboard notice of the rebuild. It talks about service interruptions, the rebuild hotline, and gives our service number if service Is not restored by 4:00PM during any particular day. 6. I will be on the 580/680 News tonight to further educate our customers about the impending rebuild and channel expansion. 7. We are still examining our method of giving service interruption credits to customers. While it Is relatively easy to identify large pools of customers when construction is being done, the small pockets of customers are more difficult. The TCI basic service rate per hour (If one does the math) is only $.04 per hour. We will be addressing how to handle these small pockets In the coming days. If you need further infORnation as we commence construction, please give me a call. Sincerely, -riwt ftL Tom Baker General Manager Tel TriNalley Tel af California 2333 Nissen Dril/e WI/ermore, CA 94550 (510) 443-0470 FAX (510) 443.3618 / Trl-Valley System Offlr::e EXHIBIT 1 An Eq/,/J//I Opportunlry Employer s.rCI 2333 Nissen Drive livennore, CA 94551 Bulk Rate U.S. Postage PAID Tel e -, Important Information About Your Cable Service EB e.. - IMPORTANT NOTICE As part of our Cable TV channel expansion program, our crews will be working in your area over the next several months. Once we .begin working in your neighborhood, you may experience short periods of.. service interruption for approximately two weeks. Work will.be done during daylight: hours, so a small section of homes or individual streets may experience limited service interruptions during this time. If your cable service is not working after 4:00 p.m. on any given day, please notify our Service Department at 443-0500. For up--to-date information on Cable TV expansion activities, call our Cable Expansion Hotline at 606-2205. e:. We appreciate your patience and value the opportunity to serve you as your cable service provider. The Staff at Tel A I f ) :# ..../'). 01- ~ T1.s :tt-<J DOUGHERTY ROAD ] . .::... . :3. IA~ l.I. .0 .2.1 8_ Tel CITY OF DUBLIN AU6 1 4 1997 FINANCE DEPT. RECEIVED August 11, 1997 City of Dublin Attn: Paul Rankin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 RE: Construction Report - July 1997 Dear Mr. Rankin: 1. Construction has begun in earnest in Dublin and San Ramon. There are two elements of our construction plan. One is the fiber construction and the other is the coaxial construction itself. The fiber construction has already begun on five nodes and coaxial work has begun on two. Final construction Is not yet complete on any node and we. don't count mileage benchmarks until construction Is totally complete. I can say that our construction Is Slightly ahead of the Intemal schedule that was provided to you last month. 2. When we must upgrade existing units or install new pedestal or vaults, we are notifying those affected customers using a doorhanger several days before planned construction. Based on our conversations over the last couple of days, I have reinforced the necessity of this with our construction crews. 3. Above ground pedestals are used to house electronic equipment. Vaults are used when no electronic components are housed at the location. If we used vaults for all electronics, there would be more intenuptions of service and outages because groundwater will short out the electronics. Obviously, that's exactly what we try to prevent in a rebuild. Because of the increased capacity of the system, we have to add about 20% more pedestals or vaults within the system in order for the network to operate. These units also are not placed arbitrarily but must be placed in specific locations. While they are in public utility easements, they often abut customer yards and it does cause concern. We do our best to make them as aesthetically pleasing as we can and work with the customer as much as possible. I think that both the cities of Pleasanton and Livennore would agree that those issues were minimized in their rebuilds. 4. Customers in nodes DGE, DGD, and OM will be notified of impending work in their neighborhoods via postcard this week. This represents an additional 3,000 homes approximately. Work in these areas will commence in the coming days. 5. Our rebuild hotline (606-2205) is being updated daily about potential outage areas because of rebuild activity. 6. We have not yet detennined our final course of action regarding channel introduction. Because we intend to offer digital service as well in Dublin and San Ramon soon, we II!n want our channel introduction to include this service. This is very premature however - I will keep you infonned. If you need further information as .we continue construction, please give me a call. Sincerely, ~~ Tom Baker General Manager TCI Tri~Valley i TCI of California 2333 Nissen Drive Uvermore. CA 94550 (510) 443--0470 FAX (510) 443-3618 Tri-Valley System Office EXHIBIT 2 An Equal Opportunity Employer . . .. ~ '.'. .-. --- - .. ."---' - ., .' -.. ~-1~( 1aL;4~ t-t<UM VIHLU'1 11<1--vHLLt::Y IU 8336651 P.02 . . . r'; r." ~ . ., ,'. .' ".' -. - "." r.-, ..... -:; _ -.-:. ..", "...:; ;." '_ : .. .. s_ Tel :- September 9. 1997 City of Dublin. AUn: Paul Rankin 100 CMc-Plam Dublin, CA 94577 RE:: Augum: Cons1ruotion Report! I I I i 1. Fiber construction is 88% ~Plete on the fiber serving East Dublin and San Ramon. Rber construction is 22% complete on ihe fiber serving West Dublin and S.n Ramon. Coax construction is complete on one node with more to follow laterthlalmonth.. 2. OUr Intent Is to Introduce new Basic and Expanded Basic service by node. We are tentatively schedunng nl!W programmlng to begin; on aoine nodes .. ..r1y as November 1. The number of CLlstornlQ that will receive this new PTQgrammlng wlll.depe~d on our constTUCUon progress throughOut this month. ttwe are reasonably sure nodes win be comp~ bror1y Ootobef", we will informing customers in eompl.t.d nodec ofth. programming changes by Septembei' 30'" to comply with NderaI channel change notice requirements. We expect that appraxlmatefy 4 nodeS out at the 22 in both Dublin and San Ramon wm receive new programming 85 of NovembW1et: . . . 3. We will be introducing. our diblt8l service as nodes are completed. We Will have a contract sales crtNI that will introduce thIs.servlce to curr~nt customers with addressable converters. The service will be 8\'Bllable to AlL Dublin .nd s.n R.mon cuotb~ but it will not be aggressively marketed tQ non-eddrenable customt!:tlS. This service was introduced in PIMsanton and Uvermore in July as well as Castro Valley in August I am happy to announce that Dublin and S$n Ramon wilt be two Dfthe ffNI markets In the Say Area with this service when. it Is . intrvduced. .: 4_ Because we are iotroducing ~siC and Expanded service by node. the Expanded Product Tier and"_othDr prarn~um and P?V channels fNDI be available to those who either hew a new Jerrold or dlgJt81' cable converter. If II cu:;tomer" does not wish our digital prodUc;t, we will be.wttchlng out hlslher Zenith c:onverter with tne new Jerrold corMMter. The Dlg"'l and J&rrOId eorMNt8I's .Bow oM-touoh PPV ordBring, on screen display, - wall as enhanC*d panmtal control1eatures. J am enclosing 8 chen"" card that shaws what serviC!!S will be avaIlaDle 10 den'OId andIor ~ customera. s. I am happy10 roporttl)at. upItoth~ poinfln tim., I hay. ~ onlytwc calls about &elVfce intemlption and/or construction activItiesi. Our C8II center is handling the INIk of these calls, and wt have received underrJtancf.ng and ooOperatlbn from our customers regarding these issues. 6. You may h8Ye noticed. in the!newapaptn that Tel b doing.. customer .urvey {Q n_r1y 811 Bay Area cu&tomef'G via 8 bill stuffer to gst their input on programming. In Dublin and San Ramon we have chosen not to do the survey at this time because tPuch oftha wry programming ~ would ask for wID be introduced later this yeer. As you Jotvwwe hM already done. sm.n sample swvey 10 the .spring Which gsve us a lot of good programming Jnformatlon. We haW not ruled otat a survey to aD customers sometime -rly ned: ynr after programming has been intrOhuced. . I If ~ou have 8n)' questions about t~is report. please can ~ at 606-2272. , Dear MI'. Rankin: -' SincerelY," ~~ Tom Dsiker General Manager Tel Tn-valley TCJ of c.Jifomia '1'ri-VaUey $y.tem 0fIlce 2333 Nlaen Drive ~. 0",,",550 (5'O)44~ FAX (010)+l3-361e NlI!qIQI Qpp(HIUIIIry f!~ 5 EXHIBIT 3 -.- '.- .... e'3-0l3-19':::f ( ~d : 4SI-'M ,," - ~ t 8336651 P.03 ._Tel ~-I : ! ..: LIVERMORE, PLEASANTON CHANNEL GUIDE ~..." * 1 THE MOVIE CHANNEL +. 40 ~.LEARNlNG. CHANNEL'. 2 JcrVU 2 + ,41 TNH' r ":~,, .. . , . . ...,'..; '. . , '. . -.. . . . . . ~ If< 3 lliEDISNEYCHANNEL ~'.. 42'.airv:',::;\ (. '. ..;:,:" . 4 mON 4 ~:, ~ USA ,:" . . .~~.; i 5 KPlX5 +:: ~ ~~ ":::::' :" ! .'>:' I 6 K1CU36 +, 451HE.WEAlHER'CHANNEL.. ! " ' .,.' ,.- :, j 7 KG07 +' 46 CSPAH" ,.; * 8 HBD t' 47 ~Ea'GA.RDeN ;'..',:. f 9 KaeD 9 ~ON ,. * 10 SHOWTlME ~~ 48 ~!QUEST 1 l' KDlV 14 - 49 REQUEST 4 12 UPN 44 - 50 ~QUEST S 13 KDFY 20 51 CAUFORNJA CHANNel. . ,~ ~. 'J ' ; '.' ,i, ' (M-F. 9AM-3:45PM) + 14 ESPN : ~ ~,',~ ";.', ., '.' ,"!. ", : ' 51 c.sPAN 2 (M.F, 3:45PM- + 15 N1CIO:i..OD~' ,.:' ,'; :. 9'AM; set,& Sun 24 HRS) -t* 18 SPOR'J'SCt.W.m:(, .\< :,' 52 tiNEAK I'REYUE . " " .:. '!" ... 17 CNN .....; ::'.. ';:' ::, ,~' 63 PREVUECHANNa + 18lNT ~,',:',' . '.:." ':, * 54 HB02 + 19 A&E' .~' , , :. .:: ", * 55 t'At~AV .. "I ~ + 20 ANIMAL PJ..ANET + 21 CARTOON NETWORK : + 22fX 23 KeNS 38 24 KSTS 48 25 KTEH 54 28 KTSF26 " 'Z/ KCSM 60 28 TBS .29 KT'NC 42 30 TC/30 31 KPST 66 32 DISCOVERY CHANNEl. + 33 CNBC~ ~,;>;,:';'~ . ..... . ~ , .,\,.,. "'.. + 33 C()MBJy.CENTRAL: .,..> ' , (5P~ ",:!:.~:,.:. ,+ 34 VK-1'"'.':~~~< ,.' //:: ::..=. + 35 BAYlY .;:. . ..-:' I:" ~ f' . . .. . 38 HEADUNE" 'NEWS.' ", .' . " + ,-, " '. "." . . ~ t .. 37 FOXNeWS .., . f4;":" I,:. " + 38 ESPN2' ::' ";':",.: : + $ l.JFE11ME. ':-: ';:": - - .-.'-, .. r~ V!HLUM I~!-VHLLEY TO . ! 5G DRAVO 57 THE HtSTORY CHf"'N~;[L ~5 TURr ;:::1'1 ClASSIC i.:O'.'IES "I) SCI FI CHMliHi:!. t;;.! ft(r.1: ~.;OV!=s FHa:.: FOX ..... 61 REauEsT2 - 62 REaUESt3 - 65 KLXV-65 6i P.UBUC CPUCAnON.& GoVERt8IENT 70 "UBOO EDUCATION " GOVERftIIENT .. _: 71 QV' C ~"\.::: :. ::,' I', ., t -- . i'~'''"-:, ' '75 REsSnrm . .. -*71 PLAYBOYlV - 78 SPICE + . smPmre 'yu Pai:kIg& +*. ~ ~ KS, GiIfInIS, . Wairlon; and ShaJQ gema * . Premium 0mmeI Pay.fIer.VJew ChameI , V-",-UE p,l.C,,;,GE LVJPl2l97 TOTAL P. 03 ~ " i . . i I -j ~ 1 i -- ~ .i ! 1 1 .~ .