HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 Mimi'sCafeSiteDevReview
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File # IQJ
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P A 97-029 Mimi's Cafe (a part of Hacienda Crossings) - Site Development
(Report preJ?ared by: Jeri Ram, Associate Planner) ~
Project Plans
Written Statement
Resolution approving Site Development Review
City of Dublin Site Development Review Standard Conditions, City of
Dublin Public Works Typical Conditions of Approval for Subdivisions,
and City of Dublin Non-Residential Security Requirements
Receive staff presentation and public input
Adopt Resolution approving Site Development Review (Exhibit 3)
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The fiscal impacts of this project were addressed as part of a fiscal
analysis performed for the project. The City Council reviewed the fiscal analysis as part of the PD Rezone and
Development Agreement applications in January of 1995. In summary, the fiscal analysis concluded that this
project is consistent with the fiscal policies in relation to provision of infrastructure and public services of the
City's General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment.
This application for Site Development Review is for the Mimi's Cafe. Mimi's Cafe is proposed to be located in
the Hacienda Crossings Entertainment and Retail Center near the entrance to the Center off of Hacienda Drive at
Pad Fl (Exhibit 1). The proposal consists ofa 6,500 sq.ft. restaurant on a47,116 sq.ft. pad in the 53 acre
Commercial Center. A project site plan, floor plans, landscape plans, and building elevations are located on
Exhibit 1.
COPIES TO: Opus Southwest
Swit Corp.
Alameda County Surplus Property Auth.
Internal Distribution
.. -
The Santa Rita Commercial Center project (now referred to as Hacienda Crossings) has included a PD Rezon!'
to a General Commercial Planned Development, a Development Agreement between the City of Dublin,
Alameda County and Opus Southwest (originally Homart)., and two parcel maps. Auto Nation has an approved
project on the eastern 20 acres of the original 75 acre site and Opus Southwest is the new developer of the 53
acre commercial center. On January 23, 1995, the City Council approved a Mitigated Negative Declaration for
the Project. On January 31, 1995, the City Council approved the P .D. Rezone and Development Agreement.
Two Parcel Maps have been approved on the project site; one separated the AutoNation Site from the proposed
commercial center; the other separated the center into four lots, one of which is for the propc>sed theater. At the
public hearing on the PD Rezone, the City Council approved conditions that require approval of the Site
Development Review Application for this project be made by the City Council at a public meeting.
In June, 1997, the City Council approved the Site Development Review application for Regal Theater, a 20
screen theatre plus an Imax. On October 7, 1997, the City Council approved the Site Development Review for
the Retail and Entertainment Village portion of the project.
Design Team:
Mimi's architects are Scheer, Tanaka, Dennehy (STDA) from Irvine, California. STDA worked with the
architects for the Center, SGP A, and staff to refine their standard design for the site. Mimi's landscape.
architects are Stan Smith Associates of Laguna Hills, California. The Applicant will be present at the meeting
to answer questions regarding the project.
Site Plan:
The entrance to Mimi's Cafe would face east on the site. The rear of the building would face in towards Pad FI.
These two pads would share service areas. The west side of the building would face Hacienda Drive. Parking
will be provided along the front (east elevation) of the building. As part of the design of the Center, convenient
vehicle and pedestrian access to this area was planned. A pedestrian path will connect the restaurant areas (pads
PI and F2) to the Enterta.i.Iunent Village and the Retail Area of Hacienda Crossings. The restaurant is part of
the Retail Center and will have joint use of its parking facilities, some of which directly abutt the restaurant.
Mimi's Cafe has a country Prench cafe theme with a New Orleans influence. Their architecture reflects this with
gable roofs, dormer windows, canvas awnings and shuttered multi-pane windows. The proposed materials
include a base of stone and stucco walls and terra cotta colored roof tile. Colors proposed for the restaurant
include shades of teal and blue. The building is embellished on all four sides and reflects a 360 degree design.
The rooflines, chimney, windows and variation in wall planes will provide variety and interest to the building.
Colored elevations and a color and materi$! board will be presented at the meeting.
The landscaping for the restaurant has been designed to accent and compliment the architecture. Mimi's Cafe has
paid special attention to the Hacienda Drive elevation and has enhanced the landscaping with colorful shrubs,
ground cover and trees. The landscaping along Hacienda Drive will shield the service wall and accent the design
of the building.
Consistency with the General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and Zoning Ordinance:
The proposed Site Development Review application is consistent with the City of Dublin General Plan, the
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment and Zoning Ordinance. Development of the
proposed shopping center and associated restaurants will implement goals of the Dublin General Plan and
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The process of Site Development Review is consistent with the requirements of
the Zoning Ordinance and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. Additionally, requirements of the Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan for design review will be satisfied by this review of the design of the Project by the City Council.
Environmental Review:
This project is a component of a larger project ("the Santa Rita Commercial Center Project"), which also
includes a rezoning and a Development Agreement that the City previously approved on January 31, 1995. The
Santa Rita Commercial Center Project, in turn, was within the scope of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and
. General Plan Amendment, for which a Program EIR was previously certified (SCH No. 91103064). A
Mitigated Negative Declaration (SCH 94113020) already has been approved for the Santa Rita Commercial
Center Project which, together with the Program EIR, adequately describes this project for the purposes of
CEQA. Since the Mitigated Negative Declaration was adopted, the City has identified no changes in the Santa
Rita Commercial Center Project or in the circumstances under which the Santa Rita Commercial Center Project
is to be undertaken or any other new information which requires revisions to the Mitigated Negative Declaration
or to the Program EIR.
Departmental and Agency Review:
This project has been circulated for review to the various commenting agencies and City Departments. Their
recommended conditions are included in the Resolution approving the Site Development Review (Exhibit 3)
The City Council's approval this evening would allow for the development of the Mimi' s Cafe as part of the
Hacienda Crossings Commercial Center. The restaurant's design and theme will work with Hacienda Crossings
to create a new entertainment and retail center for the City. It will be an exciting addition to the City of Dublin.
. Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a public meeting, deliberate, and adopt the Resolution
approving the Site Development Review for the Mimi's Cafe at Hacienda Crossings.
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SCHEER "L\;, '\K '\ D'=--NNEHY ARC! u ~TS
In,~ru,r Design
18201 lIlcDurmo
In:ine. CA 92714
Phone: 714.863.,
Feu:: 714.863.3](
The Mimis Cafe chain of restaurants has been in business for over 20 years and is a privately owned
The style of the restaurant is family-oriented, serving food and drinks in a cas~'a' sit-down
The theme of Mimis Cafe restaurantS is a French Country Cafe with a "'New Orleans" influence. The':
exteriors emulate a quaint French Cafe, with smooth plaster walls, a gable style roof with a warm
blend of,mission tiles, colorful window awnings, accent trim, and lush landscape with meandering
walks and inviting garden seating walls and benches.
Within the restaurant, the theme is continued, with heavy exposed beam trusses of natural wood.
Natural wood ceilings and walls, brick wainscot, and rich fabric arid tileJinishes , accented with the
colors and artifacts of N~w Orleans giving a fun and relaxed ambiance. The restaurant has three main
theme dining areas each a separate experience: Garden Dining, The Bistro Room, And Patio Dining
(Sun Room).
Mimis Cafe Restaurants are a savory treat for the eye as well as the palate.
. R~A~tn"~~ .
r' ~U6~~~
WHEREAS, Swit Corp., has requested approval of a Site Development Review application for
a restaurant on pad Flat Hacienda Crossings; and
WHEREAS, the Planned Development that was approved for this site requires that the
application for Site Development Review be approved by the City Council at a public meeting; and
WHEREAS, the Site Development Review for the site is a component of the Santa Rita
Commercial Center Project. That project is within the scope of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and
General Plan Amendment, for which a Program ErR was certified (SCH 91103064). A Mitigated
Negative Declaration (SCH 94113020) has been approved for the Santa Rita Commercial Center Project.
That Mitigated Negative Declaration together with the Program EIR adequately describes the total
project for the purposes of CEQA; and
WHEREAS, there have not been any identified changes in the Santa Rita Commercial Center
(now known as Hacienda Crossings) Project or in the circumstances under which the Santa Rita
Commercial Center Project is to be undertaken or any new information which requires revisions to the .
Mitigated Negative Declaration or to the Program EIR; and
WHEREAS, a restaurant is a permitted use under the Planned Development District for this site;
WHEREAS, the City Council held a public meeting on said application on Qctober 21, 1997;
WHEREAS, proper notice of said public meeting and a ten day public review period was given
in all respects as required by law; and
WHEREAS, the staff report was submitted recommending the City Council approve the Site
Development Review application subject to Conditions of Approval prepared by Staff; and
WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use their independent judgment and considered all
said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council ofthe City of Dublin does hereby find
The approval of this application (P A 97-029) is consistent with the intent/purpose of
Section 8-95.0 (Site Development Review) of the Zoning Ordinance.
The approval of this application, as conditioned, complies with the policies of the General
Plan, with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and with Planned Development Regulations
for P A 94-001 which would allow a restaurant as a permitted use at this location.
The approval of this application, as conditioned, is consistent with the design review
requirements in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and the City of Dublin Zoning
Ordinance as in effect prior to the adoption of Ordinance 20-97.
D. The approval of this application, as conditioned, is in conformance with the Mitigation
Monitoring Program for the Santa Rita Commercial Center Project Mitigated Negative
E. The approval of this application, as conditioned, is in conformance with regional
transportation and growth management plans.
F. The approval of this application, as conditioned, is in the best interests of the public
health, safety and general welfare as the development is consistent with all laws and
ordinances and implements the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan.
G. The proposed site development, including site layout, vehicular access, circulation and
parking, setbacks, height, walls, public safety and similar elements, as conditioned, has
been designed to provide a desirable environment for the development.
Architectural considerations, including the character, scale and quality of the design, the
architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, signs, building materials and
colors, screening of exterior appurtenances, exterior lighting and similar elements have
been incorporated into the project and as conditions of approval in order to insure
compatibility of this development with the development's design concept or theme and
the character of adjacent buildings and uses.
1. Landscape considerations, including the locations, type, size, color, texture and coverage
of plant materials, provisions and similar elements have been considered to insure visual
relief and an attractive environment for the public.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council does hereby approves PA 97-
029, Site Development Review for the Mimi's Cafe, a portion of the Hacienda Crossings Entertainment
Center, as generally depicted by materials labeled Exhibit 1 of the Staff Report, as well as the color
elevations, displays, model, perspectives and material board, stamped approved and on file with the
Dublin Planning Department, subject to the following conditions:
Unless stated otherwise. all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of
building permits and shall be subiect to Planning Department review and approval. The following codes
represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of
approval. (PLl Planning. fBl Building. rpOl Police. rPW] Public Works. fADMJ Administration/City
Attornev. fFINl Finance. (FJ Alameda County Fire Department rDSRl Dublin San Ramon Services
District. (COl Alameda County Department of Environmental Health. rZ71 Zone Seven.
1 Except as specifically modified elsewhere, PA 97-029 PL Ongoing
Mimi's Cafe Site Development Review is approved for
the construction of 6,500 sq.ft. restaurant at Hacienda
Crossing Center. This approval shall generally conform
to the plans labeled Exhibit 1, consisting of 6 sheets,
prepared by STDA Architects and Stan Smith,
Landscape Architects, dated received September 30,
1997, and a color and material board dated received
by the Planning Department on August 25, 1997, and
stamped approved.
2 The Applicant is responsible for those Conditions of PL Ongoing
Approval of Resolution No. 6-95 for PA 94001, the
Santa Rita Commercial Center Planned Development
Rezone; those obligations of the Development
Agreement Between the City of Dublin and Homart
Development Co. and Surplus Property Authority of the
County of Alameda for the Tri-Valley Crossings
Project/Santa Rita Commercial Center, adopted by
Ordinance No. 3-95 for which the Applicant is
responsible; the Conditions of Approval of PA97-003, .
Phase I, Regal Theater Site Development Review, and
Phase 2, where applicable; the Conditions of Approval
of Resolution No. 3-95 (of the Planning Director) and
Resolution No. 4-97 (of the Community Development
Director for PA Nos. 95-013 and 97-003 approving
Tentative Parcel Map 6879 and 7116, and any
amendments thereto relating to zoning regulations,
subdivision, and improvement of the property.
3 The Applicant is responsible for complying with all PL Ongoing
applicable mitigation measures of the Santa Rita
Commercial Center Project Mitigation Monitoring Plan
approved by the City Council on January 23, 1995,
relating to the subdivision and associated
improvements of the project site.
4 Minor modifications to location and size of buildings on PL Ongoing
the site plan may be approved by the Community
Development Director. Modifications that improve the
quality of materials may be approved by the Community
Development Director. Modifications to overall design
concepts and/or reduction in quality of materials may be .
made by the City Council.
5 The Applicant shall comply with all applicable B BLDG
regulations and requirements of the Uniform Building
Code and the State of California, Title 24 provisions.
6 The Applicant shall comply with all applicable City of PL, PW, PM&
Dublin Site Development Review Standard Conditions, PO BLDG
City of Dublin Public Works Typical Conditions of
Approval for Subdivisions, and City of Dublin Non-
Residential Security Requirements. In the event of
conflict between any of these conditions and the
attached conditions, these Conditions shall prevail.
(Exhibit 4 to the Staff Report):
7 Approval of this Site Development Review shall be valid PL Ongoing
for one year, until October 21, 1998. If construction has
not commenced by that time, this approval shall be null
and void. The approval period for the Site
Development Review may be extended six (6)
additional months (Applicant must submit a written
request for the extension prior to the expiration date of
the permit) by the Community Development Director
upon the determination that the conditions of approval
remain adequate to assure that the above stated
findings of approval will continue to be met.
8 The permit shall be revocable for cause in accordance PL Ongoing
with Section 8-961 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance,
effective 10/3/97. Any violation of the terms or
conditions of this Site Development Review approval
may be subject to the issuance of a citation.
9 Prior to the issuance of building permit all applicable B, PL, BLDG 45-59,
fees shall be paid. These fees shall include, but not be ADM 119,
limited to, those fees required by City Ordinances such 286, 165
as Traffic Impact Fees, Traffic impact fees to reimburse
Pleasanton for freeway interchanges, Noise Fees,
Public Facilities Fees, School impact fees, Fire impact
fees, Affordable housing in-lieu fees, Specific plan
implementation fees, or any other that may be adopted.
The Tri-Valley Transportation Council is presently
studying the development of a Regional Transportation
Impact Fee. If this fee is adopted by the City of Dublin,
or incorporated into Dublin's Eastern Dublin Traffic
Impact Fee prior to building permits being issued, then
the unissued building permits shall be subject to the
new or revised fee. The present City of Dublin TIF will
be calculated at the time of issuance of Building permit.
In addition, all fees required by DSRSD, DRFA or its
successor, Zone 7, shall be paid in accordance with
those Agencies' ordinances and regulations. If the
development agreement approved for this project
conflicts with this condition, the development
agreement shall prevail.
10 The Developer shall comply with applicable Alameda F,PW, Ongoing 8,18,
County Fire Department, Public Works Department, PO,Z7, 20, 120,
Dublin Police Service, Alameda County Flood Control DSR,PL 122,
District Zone 7 and Dublin San Ramon Services District 138, 155
requirements or as determined based on specific
characteristics of the theater. Prior to the issuance of
building permits applicant shall provide documentation
that all such requirements have been met.
11 Any signage on the site shall be in accordance with an PL Ongoing
approved Master Sign Program.
12 The restaurant shall institute a solid waste recycling ADM Ongoing 103
13 City Staff shall review and approve a utility siting plan PW, PL GRAD
showing that transformers and service boxes are placed
outside of public view where possible and/or screened.
14 Building plans shall include water efficient fixtures to B BLDG 125 .
City standards.
15. All parking shall conform generally to the plans shown PW, PL BLDG
on Exhibit 1. Prior to issuance of building permit a
detailed parking plan shall be submitted~ Public parking
spaces shall be double-striped with 4-inch wide stripes
set approximately 2 feet apart as shown on the "Typical
Parking Striping Detail" available in the Planning
Department. Handicapped, visitor, employee and
compact parking spaces shall be appropriately
identified on the pavement and designated on the
parking plan. The Developer shall provide a minimum
one foot wide raised curb or equivalent on landscape
fingers and islands adjacent to parking stalls. All
landscape planters within the parking area shall
maintain a five foot curb radius to facilitate vehicular
16. Bicycle parking shall be provided near all building PL, PW BLDG
17 All ducts, meters, air conditioning equipment and other PL, B BLDG
mechanical equipment that is on-site or roof mounted
shall be screened from view of all public rights of way. A
\ \
screening plan shall be submitted for review and
approval by the Community Development Director and
Building Official prior to approval of Building Permit.
Said screening plan shall show that all ducts, meters,
air conditioning equipment and other mechanical and
utility equipment shall be effectively screened from view
with materials architecturally compatible with the
materials of the structure.
18 All trash enclosure areas shall be constructed with roof PW, PL BLDG
coverage on concrete pads. A ten foot concrete plan
shall be provided outside any trash enclosure area.
19 Service areas shall be properly maintained. All trash PL Ongoing
cans must be stored inside the service yard at all times.
20 All masonry walls, including screen walls shall have PL, B BLDG
masonry caps instead of metal.
21 Analysis of the on-site storm drainage shall evaluate a PW GRAD
100 year storm event in order to establish minimum
floor elevations.
22 The first project that gets a building permit at Hacienda PW GRAD
Crossings will be required to construct frontage
improvements (sidewalk and landscaping along Dublin
Boulevard and Hacienda Drive) and the signal at the
Hacienda Drive entrance to the shopping center.
23 A final pedestrian circulation plan shall be submitted for PL, PW BLDG
approval when the site plan for the Center has been
24 Construction of the project shall be conducted in such a PL BLDG
manner as to prevent potential conflicts with pedestrian
and vehicular traffic.
25 Prior to delivery of combustible materials, the required F,DSR, BLDG
water storage and pressure shall be available at the site B
to the satisfaction of Alameda County Fire. Developer
should note that the present interim water system is
capable of providing a maximum of 3,500 gallons per
minute of fire flow to the site.
26 During construction, access shall be provided to all F,PW BLDG
areas of the site, completely around structures. The
access road shall be 20 feet wide compacted 95%
paved roadway or equivalent.
27 During construction combustible or flammable waste F Ongoing
materials or rubbish of any kind shall be permitted on
any yard, vacant lot or open space.
28 A security system is highly recommended for this PL, PO BLDG
29 The Developer and/or Property Owner shall keep the PL, PO SLOG &
site clear of graffiti vandalism on a regular and Ongoing
continuous basis at all times. Graffiti resistant paints for
the structures and film for windows or glass should be
used. Any graffiti appearing on the building shall be
removed within one week from notice by the City of the
30 Permits shall be required for oversized and/or PW,S Ongoing 268
overweight construction loads coming to and leaving
the site. If soil is to be imported or exported from the
site, a haul route plan shall be submitted to the City for
review and approval. All construction traffic may be
subject to specific routing as determined by the Public
Works Director, in order to minimize construction
interference with regional non-project traffic movement.
31 Exterior lighting shall be provided and shall be of a PW,PO, SLOG
design and placement so as not to cause glare onto PL
adjoining properties or onto adjacent roads. Lighting
used after daylight hours shall be adequate to provide
for security needs (1.5 foot candles). Exterior lighting
shall be provided around the entire perimeter of the .
buildings to provide "wash" security lighting of
doorways. Lighting shall be required at each exit door.
A lighting plan shall be approved prior to the building
32. A final detailed Landscape and Irrigation Plan (at 1 inch PL, DSR, SLOG.
= 20 feet or larger), along with a cost estimate of the PW
work and materials proposed, shall be submitted for
review and approval by the Planning Department.
Landscape and Irrigation Plans shall be signed by a
licensed landscape architect. Final landscape plans
shall indicate the common and botanical names,
container size, growth rate and number of each plant
and all other requirements listed in the Planned
Development Zoning District for the site. Landscaping
shall be chosen for its compatibility with recycled water.
Landscape and irrigation plans shall provide for a
recycled water system.
33. The Applicant shall complete and submit to the Dublin PL SLOG
Planning Department the Standard Plant Material, .
Irrigation and Maintenance Agreement.
34. Known water wells filed with Zone 7 and without a Z7,PW GRAD
document of intent of future use are to be destroyed
prior to any demolition or construction activity in
accordance with a well destruction permit obtained from
Zone 7.
35. The Developer and/or Alameda County shall map the PW,Z7 OCC
extent and depth of overland flood flows from Tassajara
Creek in the event of the 100 year flood. The
Developer shall mitigate the potential for flooding of
buildings should they be affected. Mitigation may
include raising the height of the west berm along
Tassajara Creek, flood proofing buildings or providing
an overflow into the storm drainage system at the
south-west corner of the project. Mitigation shall be
completed prior to final inspection of the first building.
36. The use of any temporary construction fencing shall be PW, B BLDG
made subject to the review and approval of the Public
Works Director and the Building Official.
37. Prior to opening for business, Mimi's Cafe shall provide FIN OCC
a list to the City of the number, type and salary level of
employees for the business in order for the City to
implement the required housing and employment
monitoring system required by the Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan.
38. To apply for building permits, the Applicant shall submit B,PL BLDG
six (9) sets of construction plans to the Building
Department for plan check. Each set of plans shall
have attached an annotated copy of these Conditions
of Approval. The notations shall clearly indicate how all
Conditions of Approval will be complied with.
Construction plans will not be accepted without the
annotated conditions attached to each set of plans.
The Applicant will be responsible for obtaining the
approvals of all participating non-City agencies prior to
the issuance of building permits.
39. Use of Herbicides or rodenticides should only be used PW, B Ongoing 221
in consultation with review by a biologist to ensure
sensitive species are not at risk.
40. Prior to the issuance of building permits for the project, PL, PW, BLDG 289
Phase I (and if necessary Phase II) environmental site B
assessments shall be made available to the Community
Development Director, with appropriate documentation
that all recommended remediation actions have been
41. Measures shall be taken to contain all construction B,PW Ongoing
debris, trash and materials on-site until disposal off-site
can be arranged. The Applicant shall keep adjoining
public streets and properties free and clean of project
dirt, mud, and materials during the construction period.
The Applicant shall be responsible for corrective
measures at no expense to the City of Dublin.
42. A structural control, such as an oil/water separator, PW,B BLDG
sand filter, or approved equal, may be required to be
installed, on site, to intercept and pre-treat storm water
prior to discharging to the storm drain system. The
design, location, and a maintenance schedule must be
submitted to the Director of Public Works/City Engineer
for review and approval prior to the issuance of a
building permit.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21th day of October, 1997.
City Clerk
G: \P A97 -029\ccres
The Developer and it's representatives (engineer, contractor, etc.) must meet and follow all the
City's requirements and policies, including the Urban Runoff Program and Water Efficient
Landscaped Ordinance.
1. If, during construction, archaeological materials are encountered, construction within 100 feet of
these materials, shall be halted until a professional Archaeologist who is certified by the Society
of California Archaeology (SCA) or the Society of Professional Archaeology (SOP A) has had an
opportunity to evaluate the significance of the find and suggest appropriate mitigation measures,
if they are deemed necessary.
Developer shall provide Performance (100%), labor and material (50%) securities and a cash
monumentation bond to guarantee the installation of subdivision improvements, including
streets, drainage, grading, utilities and landscaping subject to approval by the Director of Public
Works/City Engineer/City Engineer prior to approval of the Final or Parcel Map.
3. Prior to acceptance of the project as complete and the release of securities by the City:
a) All improvements shall be installed as per the approved Improvement Plans and
b) All required landscaping shall be installed.
c) An as-built landscaping plan prepared by the project Landscape Architect and a declaration by
the Project Landscape Architect that all work was done under his supervision and in accordance
with the recommendations contained in the landscape and soil erosion and sedimentation control
plans shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer.
d) Photo mylar and AutoCAD (or approved equal) electronic copies of the Improvement,
Grading and Storm Drain plans along with the Final or Parcel and Annexation Maps, if any, .
which are tied to the City's existing mapping coordinates including all as-built plans prepared by
a registered Civil Engineer.
e) A complete record, including location and elevation of all field density tests, and a summary
of all field and laboratory tests.
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Rev: 9-97
f) A declaration by the Project Civil Engineer and Project Geologist that all work was done in .
accordance with the recommendations contained in the soil and geologic investigation reports
and the approved plans and specifications.
4. Upon acceptance of the improvements and receipt of required submittals, the performance
security may be replaced with a maintenance bond that is 25% of the value of the performance
security. The maintenance bond is released one year after acceptance of the project and after the
repair of deficiencies, if any, are completed.
5. The labor and materials security is released in accordance with the City's Subdivision Ordinance
and the Subdivision Map Act.
6. All lots shall be graded so as not to drain on any other lot or adjoining property prior to being
deposited to an approved drainage system.
7. 18" minimum diameter reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) shall be used for all public storm drain
main lines and 12" minimum diameter RCP shall be used for laterals connecting inlets to main
drain line.
Storm drainage facilities shall be designed to meet the following capacity:
Drainage area
Design Storm
less that 1 sq. mile
1 to 5 sq. miles
over 5 sq. miles
15 year
25 year
1 00 year
9. All streets shall be designed so that the 15-year storm is contained within the gutter and shoulder
area. In addition arterial streets shall have one lane of traffic in both directions of travel above
the 100-year storm level
10. No buildings or other structures shall be constructed within a storm drain easement.
11. Developer shall provide "trash racks" where storm drainage improvements intercept natural
drainage channels. An all-weather maintenance road shall be constructed to the trash racks.
12. Drainage in all concrete ditches shall be picked up and directed to the bottom of an approved
drainage channel. The slope on these ditches in open space areas shall not be less than 5%.
All subdrains shall tie into storm drain catch basins or manholes at the downstream end of the
subdrain. There shall be a clean-out at the upper end of all subdrains.
14. Streets and parking areas designed with sump areas shall have a curb inlet at the low spot and
two additional inlets shall be installed in street areas within 50 feet of the low area.
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Rev: 9-97
No drainage shall be directed over slopes.
16. The storm drainage system shall be designed and constructed to the standards and policies of the
City of Dublin. Design calculations shall be submitted to the City, reviewed by staff and
approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of any approvals, grading permits, etc.
17. All concentrated storm drain flow shall be discharged into established drainage channels, not
onto slopes. Concentrated flow on-site shall be conveyed overland (not in paved areas in pipes)
via concrete swales, ditches or curb and gutter to an approved drainage facility.
18. All public streets shall drain into storm drain systems before being discharged into established
drainage channels.
19. All median islands which will have landscaping installed shall include subdrains to capture and
convey water away from the adjacent street.
Areas undergoing grading, and all other construction activities, shall be watered, or other dust-
palliative measures may be used, to control dust, as conditions warrant or as directed by the
Director of Public Works/City Engineer.
General Construction:
For projects disturbing five (5) acres or more, the applicant shall submit a Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for review by the City prior to the issuance of any building or grading
permits. The SWPPP shall be implemented by the general contractor and all subcontractors and
suppliers of material and equipment. Construction site cleanup and control of construction
debris shall also be addressed in the SWPPP. The developer is responsible for complying with
the SWPPP. Failure to do so will result in the issuance of correction notices, citations or a
project stop work order. For projects disturbing less than five (5) acres an erosion control plan
shall be submitted with the grading plan (169 & 201).
Prior to the commencement of any clearing, grading or excavation resulting in a land disturbance
greater than five acres, the developer shall provide evidence that a Notice ofIntent (NOI) has
been sent to the California State Water Resources Control Board.
Construction access routes shall be limited to those approved by the Director of Public
Works/City Engineer and shall be shown on the approved grading plan.
Gather all construction debris daily and place them in a covered dumpster or other container
which is emptied or removed on a weekly basis. A secondary containment berm shall be
- 3 -
Rev: 9-97
constructed around the dumpster. When appropriate, use tarps on the ground to collect fallen .
debris or splatters that could contribute to storm water pollution.
25. Remove all debris from the sidewalk, street pavement and storm drain system adjoining the
project site daily or as required by the City inspector. During wet weather, avoid driving
vehicles off paved areas.
26. Broom sweep the sidewalk and public street pavement adjoining the project site on a daily basis.
Caked on mud or dirt shall be scraped from these areas before sweeping.
27. Install filter materials (e.g. gravel filters, filter fabric, etc.) at all on-site storm drain inlets and
existing inlets in the vicinity ofthe project site prior to:
1) start of the rainy season (October 15)
2) site de-watering activities,
3) street washing activities,
4) saw cutting asphalt or concrete
Filter materials shall be cleaned or replaced as necessary to maintain effectiveness and prevent
street flooding. Dispose of filter particles in an appropriate manner.
Create a contained and covered area on the site for the storage of bags of cement, paints,
flammable, oils, fertilizers, pesticides or any other materials used on the project site that have the
potential for being discharged to the storm drain system. Never clean machinery, tools, brushes,
etc. or rinse containers into a street, gutter, storm drain or stream. See "Building
Maintenance/Remodeling" flyer for more information.
29. Concrete/gunite supply trucks or concrete/plasters or similar finishing operations shall not
discharge wash water into street gutters or drains.
30. Minimize the removal of natural vegetation or ground cover from the site in order to reduce the
potential for erosion and sedimentation problems. All cut and fill slopes shall be stabilized as
soon as possible after completion of grading. No site grading shall occur between October 15
and April 15 unless a detailed erosion control plan is reviewed by the Director of Public
Works/City Engineer and implemented by the contractor.
31. Fueling and maintenance of vehicles shall be done off-site unless an approved fueling and
maintenance area has been approved as part ofthe SWPPP.
CommerciallIndustrial Developments:
The project plans shall include storm water pollution prevention measures for the operation and
maintenance of the project for the review and approval of the Director of Public Works/City
Engineer. The project plan shall identify Best Management Practices (BMPs) appropriate to the
uses conducted on-site to effectively prohibit the entry of pollutants into storm water runoff.
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Rev: 9-97
The project plan BMPs shall also include erosion control measures described in the latest version
of the ABAG Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook or State Construction Best Management
Practices Handbook, to prevent soil, dirt and debris from entering the storm drain system.
34. The developer is responsible for ensuring that all contractors are aware of, and implement, all
storm water pollution prevention measures. Failure to comply with the approved construction
BMPs will result in the issuance of correction notices, citations and/or a project stop order.
35. All washing and/or steam cleaning must be done at an appropriately equipped facility which
drains to the sanitary sewer. Any outdoor washing or pressure washing must be managed in such
a way that there is no discharge of soaps or other pollutants to the storm drain system. Wash
waters should discharge to the sanitary sewer. Sanitary connections are subject to the review,
approval, and conditions of the Dublin-San Ramon Services District (DSRSD).
36. All loading dock areas must be designed to minimize "run-on" to or runoff from the area.
Accumulated waste water that may contribute to the pollution of storm water must be drained to
the sanitary sewer, or filtered for ultimate discharge to the storm drain system. BMPs should be
implemented to prevent potential storm water pollution. Implement appropriate BMPs such as,
but not limited to, a regular program of sweeping, litter control and spill clean-up.
All metal roofs and roof mounted equipment (including galvanized), shall be coated with a rust-
inhibitive paint.
Trash enclosures and/or recycling area(s) must be completely covered; no other area shall drain
onto this area. Drains in any wash or process area shall not discharge to the storm drain system.
Drains should connect to the sanitary sewer. Sanitary connections are subject to the review,
approval, and conditions of the DSRSD.
39. All paved outdoor storage areas must be designed to eliminate the potential for runoff to carry
pollutants to the storm drain system. Bulk materials stored outdoors may need to be covered and
contained as required by the Director of Public W orks/City Engineer.
40. All landscaping shall be properly maintained and shall be designed with efficient irrigation
practices to reduce runoff, promote surface filtration, and minimize the use of fertilizers and
pesticides which contribute to runoff pollution.
41. Sidewalks and parking lots must be swept weekly, at a minimum, to prevent the accumulation of
litter and debris. If pressure washed, debris must be trapped and collected to prevent entry to the
storm drain system. No cleaning agent may be discharged to the storm drain. If any cleaning
agent or degreaser is used, wash water shall not discharge to the storm drains; wash waters
should be collected and discharged to the sanitary sewer. Discharges to the sanitary sewer are
subject to the review, approval and conditions of the DSRSD.
A structural control, such as an oil/water separator, sand filter, or approved equal, may be
required to be installed, on site, to intercept and pre-treat storm water prior to discharging to the
storm drain system. The design, location, and a maintenance schedule must be submitted to the
- 5 -
Rev: 9-97
Director of Public Works/City Engineer for review and approval prior to the issuance of a .
building permit.
43. Restaurants must be designed with contained areas for cleaning mats, equipment and containers.
This wash area must be covered or designed to prevent "run-on" to, or runoff from, the area. The
area shall not discharge to the storm drains; wash waters should drain to the sanitary sewer, or
collected for ultimate disposal to the sanitary sewer. Employees must be instructed and signs
posted indicating that all washing activities be conducted in this area. Sanitary connections are
subject to the review, approval, and conditions of the DSRSD.
44. Commercial Car Washes: No wash water shall discharge to the storm drains. Wash waters
should discharge to the sanitary sewer. Sanitary connections are subject to the review, approval,
and conditions of the DSRSD.
45. VehiclelEquipment Washers: No vehicle or equipment washing activity associated with this
facility shall discharge to the storm drain system. Wash areas should be limited to areas that
drain to the sanitary sewer collection system, or the wash water collected for ultimate disposal to
the sanitary sewer. This wash area must be covered and designed to prevent "run-on" to, and
runoff from, the area. A sign must be posted indicating the designated wash area. Sanitary
connections are subject to the review, approval and conditions of the DSRSD.
Fuel dispensing areas must be paved with concrete extending a minimum of 8' -0" from the face
of the fuel dispenser and a minimum of 4' -0" from the nose of the pump island. Fuel dispensing
areas must be degraded and constructed to prevent "run-on" to, or runoff from, the area. Fuel
dispensing facilities must have canopies; canopy roof down spouts must be routed to prevent
drainage flow through the fuel dispensing area. The facility must have a spill cleanup plan. The
fuel dispensing 'area must be dry swept routinely. Dispensing equipment must be inspected
routinely for proper functioning and leak prevention.
47. All on-site storm drain inlets must be labeled "No Dumping-Drains to Bay" using thermoplastic
lettering or as approved by the Public Works Director/City Engineer.
48. All on-site storm drains must be cleaned at least twice a year and fossil fuel filters shall be
replaced annually; once immediately prior to the rainy season (October 15) and once in January.
Additional cleaning may be required by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer.
49. The developer is responsible for the construction site and construction safety.
50. All public sidewalks must be within City right-of-way or in a pedestrian easement except as
specifically approved by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer.
Special paving or concrete paving a minimum often feet wide shall be installed an private streets
where they intersect public streets. No special paving or concrete paving will be allowed in
public streets.
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Rev: 9-97
- ;;.. I
All of the plans, including Improvement and Grading Plans, and subdivision maps, must be
designed to the City of Dublin's standards plans and specifications, policies and requirements
using standard City title block and format. Minimum lettering size on all plans submitted shall
be 118". All engineering plans must be designed and signed by a Registered Civil Engineer.
Plans are subject to the review and approval of the Director of Public Works/City Engineer, and
after his approval, original mylars or photo mylars with three sets of blue prints must be
submitted to the City.
53. All approved Plans, Maps, etc. shall be submitted to the City of Dublin in electronic files. The
files shall be AutoCAD release 12 format or approved equal.
54. The minimum uniform street gradient shall be 1 %. The structure design of the road shall be
subject to approval of the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. Parking lots shall have a
minimum gradient of 1 % and a maximum gradient of 5% unless approved otherwise by the
Director of Public Works/City Engineer.
A registered civil or structural engineer shall design all retaining walls over three feet in height
(or over two feet in height with a surcharge) and a building permit shall be required for their
construction. A maintenance and inspection program shall be implemented by the developer or
homeowners' association for the periodic inspection and maintenance of all retaining walls that
could possibly affect the public right-of-way.
56. Minimum sight distance for public streets, including intersection sight distance, shall meet the
CAL TRANS Highway Design Manual.
57. Prior to filing for building permits, precise plans for street improvements, grading, drainage
(including size, type and location of drainage facilities both on and off-site) and erosion and
sedimentation control shall be submitted and subject to the review and approval of the Director
of Public Works/City Engineer.
58. The Contractor shall be responsible for acquiring permits required by other agencies. (Fish &
Game, Army Corps of Engineers, Zone 7, Etc.)
59. The design shall include a twenty foot (20') wide maintenance road constructed at the toe of all
slopes and behind single family home fences (when applicable) to allow future access.
Prior to any grading of the site and filing of the Final Map or Parcel Map, a detailed construction
grading/erosion control plan (including phasing); and a drainage, water quality, and erosion and
sedimentation control plan, for the post-construction period, both prepared by the Project Civil
Engineer and/or Engineering Geologist; shall be approved by the Director of Public Works/City
Engineer. Said plans shall include detailed design, location, and maintenance criteria, of all
erosion and sediment control measures. The plans shall provide, to the maximum extent
practicable, that no increase in sediment or pollutants from the site will occur. The post-
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Rev: 9-97
construction plan shall provide for long-term maintenance of all permanent erosion and sediment
control measures such as slope vegetation. The construction grading/erosion control plan shall
be implemented in place by October 15th and shall be maintained in place until April 15th unless
otherwise allowed in writing by the City Engineer. It shall be the developer's responsibility to
maintain the erosion and sediment control measures for the year following acceptance of the
subdivision improvements by the City Council.
61. Prior to filing the Final Map or Parcel Map, precise plans and specifications for street
improvements, grading, drainage (including size, type, and location of drainage facilities both
on- and off-site), and erosion and sedimentation control, shall be approved by the Director of
Public Works/City Engineer.
62. Submit three (3) sets of approved blueprints and approved original mylars or photo mylars of
improvement plans, grading plans, and recorded Final/Parcel Map to the City of Dublin Public
Works Department. Upon completion of construction, the City's mylar shall be modified to an
"as-built" plan (mylar) prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer. A declaration by a Civil
Engineer and Soils Engineer that all work was done under his supervision and in accordance with
recommendations contained in the soils report shall be submitted to the Public Works
For storm drains outside the public right-of-way, a "Storm Drain Easement" or "Private Storm
Drain Easement" shall be dedicated on the final/parcel map.
64. A current title report and copies of the recorded deed of all parties having any recorded title
interest in the property to be divided, copies ofthe deeds and the Final/Parcel Maps for adjoining
properties and easements shall be submitted at the time of the submittal ofthe final subdivision
65. Existing and proposed access and public utility easements shall be submitted for review and
approval by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer prior to approval of the Final/Parcel
Map. These easements shall allow for vehicular and utility service access.
66. A 1 O-foot public services easement shall be shown on the Final/Parcel Map along all street
frontages, in addition to all other easements required by the utility companies or governmental
agencies as required by the City Director of Public Works/City Engineer.
67. The boundary of all lots and the exterior boundary of the Subdivision, as well as the centerline of
the streets, shall be survey monumented. At least three (3) permanent benchmarks shall be
established. Plats and elevation data shall be provided to the City in a form acceptable to the
Director of Public Works/City Engineer.
- 8 -
Install fire hydrants at the locations approved by the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority in
accordance with the standards in effect at the time of development. A raised blue reflectorized
traffic marker shall be epoxied to the center of the paved street opposite each hydrant.
69. All materials and workmanship for fire hydrants, gated connections, and appurtenances thereto,
necessary to provide water supply for fire protection, must be installed by the developer and
conform to all requirements of the applicable provisions of the Standard Specifications of Dublin
San Ramon Services District and Dougherty Regional Fire Authority. All such work will be
subject to the joint field inspection of the Director of Public Works/City Engineer and Dublin
San Ramon Services District.
70. The improvement plans must be approved by the Alameda County Fire Department as indicated
by their signature on the title sheet.
The developer shall comply with Alameda County Flood Control District requirements.
In the 1 OO-year Flood Hazard Zone, all residential units shall have their finished floor elevation a
minimum of one foot (1') above the 1 OO-year flood level. Commercial buildings shall either
provide flood-proofing, or have their finished floor elevation above the 1 OO-year flood level.
Dedication of land shall be made to the City of Dublin such that it conveys land sufficient for the
approved streets' right-of-way. Improvements shall be made, by the applicant, along all streets
within the development and as required off-site including curb, gutter, sidewalk, paving,
drainage, and work on the existing paving, if necessary, from a structural or grade continuity
74. The design and improvements of the Subdivision shall be in conformance with the design and
improvements indicated graphically, or as modified by the Conditions of Approval. The
improvements and design shall include street locations, grades, alignments, and widths, the
design of storm drainage facilities inside and outside the Subdivision, grading of lots, the
boundaries of the Tract, and shall show compliance with City standards for roadways.
Grading shall be designed in conformance with the approved tentative map and the approved
soils report. Final plans shall be signed by the Civil Engineer and the Soils Engineer prior to
final approval of the City Engineer. The grading plan shall incorporate the recommendations of
the soil report. The grading plan shall conform with the City specifications and ordinances, City
policies and the Uniform Building Code (UBC). In case of conflict between the soil engineer's
recommendations and City ordinances the City Engineer shall determine which shall apply.
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;. :/
76. Prior to final preparation of the subgrade and placement of base materials, all underground .
utilities shall be installed and service connections stubbed out to property lines. Public utilities,
Cable TV, sanitary sewers, and water lines, shall be installed in a manner which will not disturb
the street pavement, curb, gutter and sidewalk, when future service connections or extensions are
made. All public and private utilities shall be undergrounded.
77. Grading shall be done under the continuous inspection ofthe Project Soils Engineer. Grading
shall be completed in compliance with the construction grading plans and recommendations of
the Project Soils Engineer and/or Engineering Geologist, and the approved erosion and
sedimentation control plan, and shall be done under the supervision of the Project Soils Engineer
and/or Engineering Geologist, who shalI, upon its completion, submit a declaration to the
Director of Public Works/City Engineer that all work was done in accordance with the
recommendations contained in the soils and geologic investigation reports and the approved
plans and specifications. Inspections that will satisfy final subdivision map requirements shall be
arranged 'with the Director of Public Works/City Engineer.
78. If grading is commenced prior to filing the Final Map or Parcel Map, a surety or guarantee shall
be filed with the City of Dublin. The surety shall be equal to the amount approved by the City
Director of Public Works/City Engineer as necessary to insure restoration of the site to a stable
and erosion resistant state if the project is terminated prematurely.
Any grading, stockpiling, storing of equipment or material on adjacent properties will require
written approval of those property owners affected. Copies of the rights-of-entry shall be
furnished to the Director of Public Works/City Engineer prior to the start of work.
Street grades shall be designed and built in accordance with the General Plan, unless otherwise
approved by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer.
No cut and fill slopes shall exceed 2:1 unless recommended by the project soils engineer and
approved by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer.
The developer shall keep adjoining public streets free and clean of project dirt, mud, materials,
and debris.
Where soil or geologic conditions encountered in grading operations are different from that
anticipated in the soil and geologic investigation report, or where such conditions warrant
changes to the recommendations contained in the original soil investigation, a revised soil or
geologic report shall be submitted for approved by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer.
It shall be accompanied by an engineering and geological opinion as to the safety of the site from
hazards ofland slippage, erosion, settlement, and seismic activity.
Grading plans shall indicate the quantity of soil that must be imported or off-hauled. If soil must .
be imported or off-hauled, the Applicant shall submit details as to how it will be done and routes
of travel for the Director of Public Work's approval.
'P RV . 9 - 97
- 10 -
All unsuitable material found at the site shall be removed from the site or stockpiled for later use
in landscape areas.
86. The project civil engineer shall certify that the finished graded building pads are within:t 0.1
feet in elevation of those shown on approved plans.
87. Handicapped ramps and parking shall be provided as specified in the American Disability Act
88. Obtain copies of and comply with conditions as noted on "City of Dublin General Notes on
Improvement Plans" and "City of Dublin Improvement Plan Review Check List."
89. All improvements within the public right-of-way, including curb, gutter, sidewalks, driveways,
paving, and utilities, must be constructed prior to occupancy and in accordance with approved
City Standards and/or Plans.
90. Complete improvement plans, specifications, and calculations shall be submitted to, and be
approved by, the Director of Public Works/City Engineer and other affected agencies having
jurisdiction over public improvements, prior to execution of the Subdivision Improvement
Agreement. Improvement plans shall show the existing and proposed improvements along
adjacent public street(s) and property that relate to the proposed improvements.
91. The Developer shall enter into an Improvement Agreement with the City for all subdivision
improvements prior to issuance of improvement permit. Complete improvement plans,
specifications and calculations shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Director of Public
Works/City Engineer and other affected agencies having jurisdiction over public improvements
prior to execution of the Improvement Agreement. Improvement plans shall show the existing
and proposed improvements along the adjacent public street and property that relate to the
proposed improvements.
92. All required securities, in an amount equal to 100% of the approved estimates of construction
costs of improvements, and a labor and material security, equal to 50% of the construction cost,
shall be submitted to, and be approved by, the City and affected agencies having jurisdiction over
public improvements, prior to execution of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement.
Copies of the Final Map and improvement plans, indicating all lots, streets, and drainage
facilities within the subdivision shall be submitted at 1" = 400' scale, and 1" = 200' scale for City
mappmg purposes.
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"RPV. 9-97
The developer shall be responsible for controlling any rodent, mosquito, or other pest problem
due to construction activities.
95. All construction traffic and parking may be subject to specific requirements as determined by the
Director of Public Works/City Engineer.
96. The developer shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Dublin and its agents,
officers, and employees, from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Dublin or its
agents, officers, or employees, to attack, set aside, void, or annul, an approval of the City of
Dublin or its advisory agency, appeal board, or legislative body concerning a subdivision, which
action is brought within the time period provided for in Section 66499.3 7 of the Government
Code of the State of California. The City of Dublin shall promptly notify the developer of any
claim, action, or proceedings.
97. In submitting subsequent plans for review and approval, each set of plans shall have attached an
annotated copy of the project's conditions of approval. The notations shall clearly indicate how
all conditions of approval will be complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted
without the annotated conditions attached to each set of plans. The Applicant will be responsible
for obtaining the approval of all participating non-City agencies prior to the issuance of building
Bicycle racks shall be provided at each facility on site.
99. Applicant shall obtain Caltrans' approval and permit for any work performed within their right-
of-way or impacting their facilities.
100. An encroachment permit shall be secured from the Director of Public Works/City Engineer for
any work done within the public right-of-way where this work is not covered under the
improvement plans.
101. The developer and/or their representatives shall secure all necessary permits for work including,
but not limited to, grading, encroachment, Fish and Game Department, County Flood Control
District, Corps. of Engineers and State water quality permits and show proof of it to the City of
Dublin, Department of Public Works.
102. Construction and grading operations, including the maintenance and warming of equipment,
shall be limited to weekdays, Monday through Friday, and non-City holidays, between the hours
of7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. The Director of Public Works/City Engineer may approve days and .
hours beyond the above mentioned days and hours. The developer is responsible for the
additional cost of the Public Works inspectors' overtime.
- 12 -
e- /
103. During the construction, noise control and construction traffic mitigation measures within
residential neighborhoods or on public streets must be taken to reduce noise and use of public
streets by construction traffic as directed by Public Works officials.
104. Park land shall be dedicated or in-lieu fees shall be paid, or a combination of both shall be
provided prior to issuance of building permits or prior to recordation of the Final Map or Parcel
Map, whichever occurs first, in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance.
105. The street surfacing shall be asphalt concrete paving. The Director of Public Works/City
Engineer/City Engineer shall review the project's Soils Engineer's structural pavement design.
The developer shall, at his sole expense, make tests of the soil over which the surfacing and base
are to be constructed and furnish the test reports to the Director of Public Works/City
Engineer/City Engineer. The Developer's soils engineer shall determine a preliminary structural
design of the road bed. After rough grading has been completed, the developer shall have soil
tests performed to determine the final design of the road bed. In lieu of these soil tests, the road
may be designed and constructed based on an R-value of 5.
106. Street light standards and luminaries shall be designed and installed per approval of the Director
of Public Works/City Engineer. The maximum voltage drop for street lights is 5%.
107. The developer shall furnish and install street name signs, bearing such names as are approved by
the Planning Director, and traffic safety signs in accordance with the standards of the City of
Dublin. Addresses shall be assigned by the City Building Official.
108. Street names shall be submitted and processed through the Planning Department and shall be
indicated on the Final Map.
109. The Developer shall furnish and install street name signs, in accordance with the standards of the
City of Dublin, bearing such names as are approved by the City. The developer shall furnish and
install traffic safety signs in accordance with the standards of the City of Dublin.
110. Street trees, of at least a 15-gallon size, shall be planted along the street frontages. Trees shall be
planted in accordance with a planting plan, including tree varieties and locations, approved by
- 13 -
RF'v' 9-97
the Planning Director and Director of Public Works/City Engineer. Trees planted within, or .
adjacent to, sidewalks or curbs shall be provided with root shields.
111. The City of Dublin is currently studying the adoption and implementation of a regional traffic
impact fee for roadway and street improvements in the Tri-Valley area. This fee will provide for
Public Works projects to improve traffic circulation for accommodating new development within
the City. If a regional traffic impact fee ordinance is approved and enacted prior to issuance of
any building permits, the Applicant shall pay its fair share of this regional traffic impact fee.
112. All new traffic signals shall be interconnected with other new signals within the development and
to the existing City traffic signal system by hard wire. In addition, conduits with pull ropes shall
be installed along the project frontage to accommodate future extension of the interconnect
system. The extent of this work shall be determined by the Director of Public Works/City
113. Multi-family and non-residential facilities shall provide bike racks. In addition industrial and
office centers shall provide car and van pool preferential parking spaces as required by the
Director of Public Works/City Engineer.
114. Non-residential facilities shall provide pedestrian access from the public street to building .
entrances as required by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer.
115. Electrical, gas, telephone, and Cable TV services, shall be provided underground to each lot in
accordance with the City policies and existing ordinances. All utilities shall be located and
provided within public utility easements and sized to meet utility company standards. All
utilities to and within the project shall be undergrounded.
116. Prior to the filing of the Final Map or Parcel Map, the developer shall furnish the Director of
Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer with a letter from Dublin San Ramon Services
District (DSRSD) stating that the District has agreed to furnish water and sewer service to each
ofthe dwelling units and/or lot included on the Final Map of the subdivision.
117. The Dublin San Ramon Services District shall review and approve the improvement plans prior
to issuance of a building permit as evidenced by their representative's signature on the
appropriate plan sheets.
118. Any relocation of improvements or public facilities shall be accomplished by the developer and
at no expense to the City.
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119. Water facilities must be connected to the DSRSD or other approved water system, and must be
installed at the expense ofthe developer, in accordance with District standards and specifications.
All material and workmanship for water mains, and appurtenances thereto, must conform with all
of the requirements ofthe officially adopted Water Code of the District and will be subject to
field inspection by the District.
120. Any water well, cathodic protection well, or exploratory boring shown on the map, that is know
to exist, is proposed, or is located during the course of field operations, must be properly
abandoned, backfilled, or maintained in accordance with applicable groundwater protection
ordinances. For additional information contact Flood control, Zone 7 .
121. Developer shall design, incorporate, and institute water conservation measures for the entire
project. Refer to "Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance # 18-92."
122. Developer shall design and provide infrastructure for recycled water use for landscaping in
accordance with DSRSD and to the satisfaction of the Public Work Director.
123. Developer shall design and construct the water and sewer system in accordance with the DSRSD
124. All commercial, office and multifamily projects shall provide bus passes for employees and/or
residents per Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LA VTA) requirements.
- 15 -
Rev: 9-97
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p.o. Box 2340, Dublin, California 94568
City Offices, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, Caiifornia 94568
City Ordinance No. 21-89
1988 Building Code
Section 4101
1. Doors. Exterior doors which are located at the rear, or side, or away from the
primary entrance shall be solid doors with no glazing and shall be installed in
metal frames. Exterior wood doors shall be solid wood construction 1 3/4"
thick or hollow metal doors.
2. Locking devices. Exterior swinging doors which are exit doors as setforth in
Chapter 33 shall have cylinder dead-bolt locks which shall be openable without
the use of key, special effort, or knowledge. In Group B occupancies, a double
cylinder dead-bolt lock may be used on the main exit door if there is a readily
visible, durable sign on, or adjacent, to the door stating, "this door to
remain unlocked during business hours." The sign shall be in letters not less
than I inch high on contrasting background. When unlocked the single door and
both leaves of a pair of doors shall be free to swing without operation of any
latching device. Doors which are not exit doors shall have the inactive leaf
secured with flush-bolts at the top and bottoms. The bolts shall be hardened
steel 1/4" minimum diameter and shall engage a metal strike plate to, a minimum
depth of 3/8 inch.
The dead bolts shall be hardened steel and shall have a m~n~mum of a one inch
throw. If the cylinder of the lock protrudes from the face of the door it
shall be fitted with a cylinder ring geared so that it cannot be griped with
pliers or other wrenching devices.
Vehicle door, overhead doors, and sliding doors shall be secured with metal to
metal locking devices which prevent the door from opening.
3. Strike plates. Strike plates for wood jambs shall be the high security ty~e
and shall be secured with a minimum of two wood screws 3" long which shall
engage the door studs.
4. Jambs. Inswinging doors with wood jambs shall have rabitted jambs. The jambs
on the strike side shall have solid shims above and below the strike plates and
the opposite jamb shall have solid shims at the level of the strike plate.
Both door studs shall be reinforced with horizontal solid blocking at the
approximate height of strike.
5. Hinges. Exterior doors shall have non-removable hinge pins.
6. Sliding glass doors. Sliding glass doors shall comply with Chapter 54.
Sliding glass doors shall be fitted with a locking device that shall engage the
strike sufficiently to prevent its being disengaged by any possible movement of
the door within the space or clearances provided for installation and
operation. The bolt and strike shall be reinforced by hardened material so as
to prevent their separation by pulling, prying or similar attack. An auxiliary
locking device shall be installed on the door which may be a pin, lock, or
similar device of not less than 1/4" diameter. The pin shall be of hardened
Administration (4i5) 833-6650 . City Council (415) 833-6505 . Finance (415) 833-5640 . Building Inspection (415) 833-6620
Code Enlorcement (415) 833-6620 . Engineenng (415) 833-6630 . Planning (415) 833.6610
Poiise (415) 833-6670 . Public Wor't<s (415) 833.6630 . Recreation (415) 833-6645
material and engage the metal
device shall be operable by a
panels shall be locked at the
device as described above.
portion of the sliding door. The primary lOCk.'
keyed or code lock inside. Doors with 2 slidi
meeting rails and shall have an auxiliary locking
8. Windows. All accessible windows which are not located at the front or main
entrance side of a non-residential building shall be made secure as follows:
a) Sliding glass windows shall be secured on the inside with a locking device
capable of withstanding prying or wrenching. An auxiliary lock shall be
installed on each sliding window that prevents movement in the sliding
b) Louvered windows shall not be used within eight feet of ground level,
adjacent structures, or fire escapes.
c) Casement type windows shall be secured with ~ letal to metal locking device
contacting both frames of the window at the l1ieeting edge. Auxiliary locks
such as a pin that penetrates both frame strn!::tures shall be installed on
casement and double hung windows.
d) Windows shall not be located within 40 inches of the locking device of any
door not located on the main entrance side of the non-residential building
unless the windows are glazed with 1/4" tempered glass.
Openable transoms. All exterior openable transoms exceeding 8 x 12 which are.
not located on the front or main entrance side of a non-residential building
shall be protected with a steel grill and 1/4" minimum bars not more than 2" on
center or by a screen with 1/8" diameter wire mesh not more than 2" on center
mounted on the inside.
Roof openings. All skylights on the roof of a non-residential building shall
be protected by:
a) Iron bars 1/2 inch minimum diameter not more than 811 on center or;
b) A screen with 1/811 diameter wire mesh not more than 211 on center.
All roof access hatches of non-residential building shall be protected as
a) If the hatchway is of wooden material, it shall be covered on the inside
with at least 16 gauge sheet steel or its equivalent attached with screws at
611 O. c. ;
b) The hatchway shall be secured from the inside with a slide bar or slide
c) Outside hinges on all hatchway openings shall be provided with non-removable
pins when using pin-type hinges.
roof or exterior .
shall be secured by
All air duct or air vent openings exceeding 811 x 1211 on the
walls of any building or premise used for business purposes
covering the same with eitherof the following:
a) Iron bars of at least 1/2" round or 1" x 1/4" flat steel material, spaced no
more than 8" O.c. apart and securely fastened.
10. Exterior ladders. Exterior ladders to the roof are not permitted.
All projects approved by the City of Dublin shall meet the following standard
conditions unless specifically exempted by the Planning Department.
1. Final building and site development plans shall be reviewed and approvec
by the Planning De~artment staff ~rior to the issuance of a building
permit. All such plans shall insure:
a. That standard commercial or residential security requirements as
established by the Dublin Police Department are provided.
b. That ramps, special parking spaces, signing, and other appropriats
physical features for the handicapped, are provided throughout the
site for all publi~ly used facilities.
c. That continuous concrete curbing is provided for all parking
d. That exterior lighting of the building and site is not directed
onto adjacent properties and the light source is shielded from
direct offsite vi~wing.
e.. That all mechanical equipment, including electrical and gas
meters, is architecturally screened from view, and that electrical
transformers are either undergrounded or architecturally screened.
That all trash enclosures are of a sturdy material (preferably
masonry) and in harmony with the architecture of the building(s).
g. That all vents, gutters, downspouts, flashings, etc., are painted
to match the color of adjacent surface.
h. That all materials and colors are to be as approved by the Dublin
Planning Department. Once constructed or installed, all
improvements are to be maintained in accordance with the approvec
plans. Any changes which affect the exterior character shall be
resubmitted to the Dublin Planning Department for approval.
i. That each parking space designated for compact cars be identifiec
...7ith a pavement marking reading "Small Car Only" or its
equivalent, and additional signing be provided if necessary.
j. That all exterior architectural elements visible from view and no:
detailed on the plans be finished in a style and in materials in
harmony with the exterior of the building.
k. That all other public agencies that require review of the project
be supplied wi~h copies of the final building and site plans and
that compliance be obtained with at least their minimum Code
.7 {
Final landscape plans, irrigation system plans. tree preservation
techniaues, and guarantees, shall be revie~ed and approved by the
Planning Department prior to the issuance of the building permit.
such submittals shall ir$ure:
Dub 1 i:1
a. That plant material is utilized wnlcn ~ill be capable of healthy
growth within the given range of soil and climate.
b. That proposed landscape screening is of a height and density so
that it provides a positive visual impact within three years from
the time of planting.
c. That unless unusual circUmstances prevail, at least 75% of the
proposed trees on the site are a minimum of 15 gallons in size,
and at least 50% of the proposed shrubs on the site are minimum of
5 gallons in size.
d. That a plan for an automatic irrigation system be provided which
assures that ~ll plants get adequate water. In unusual
circumstances, and if approved by Staff, a manual or quick couple=
system may be used.
e. That concrete curDlng is to be used at the edges of all planters
and paving surfaces.
I. That all cut and fill slopes in excess of 5 feet in height a~e
rounded both horizontally and vertically.
g. That all cut and fill slopes graded and not constructed on by
September 1, of any given year, are hydroseeded with perennial or
native grasses and flowers, and that stock piles of loose soil
existing on that date are hydroseeded in a similar manner.
h. That the area under the drip line of all existing oaks, walnuts,
etc., which are to be saved are fenced during construction and
grading operations and no activity is permitted under them that
will cause soil compaction or damage to the tree.
i. That a guarantee from the owners or contractors shall be required
guaranteeing all schrubs and ground cover, all trees, and the
irrigation system for one year.
j. That a permanent Eaintenance agreement on all landscaping will be
required from the owuer insuring regular irrigation, fertilizatio~
and weeo aDatement.
3. Final inspection or occupancy permits will not be granted until all
construction and landscaping is complete in accordance with approved
nlans and the conditions reouired by the City.