HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.2 I-580InterchngFee . CITY CLERK File # D[B][Q][Q]-[3][Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 23,1996 SUBJECT: EXHIBITS ATTACHED: RECOMMENDATION: ~ . FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Establishment ofI-580 Interchange Fee for Eastern Dublin General Plan Area Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director Resolution establishing a Freeway Interchange Fee for future developments within the Eastern Dublin area, including: Exhibit "A": Land Use Map Exhibit "B": Report of Cost Sharing ofI-580 Interchanges at Hacienda Drive and at Tassajara/Santa Rita Road Exhibit "C": Fee Schedule 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Open Public Hearing Receive Staff presentation and public testimony Question Staff and the public Close Public Hearing and deliberate Adopt Resolution Establishing a Freeway Interchange Fee for Future Developments within the Eastern Dublin Area. This fee is proposed to collect $7,384,000 from future development in the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment Area to repay the City of Pleasant on for Pleasanton's advancing costs over its "fair share" for the construction of two interchanges on 1-580. DESCRlPTION: In the early and mid-eighties, Pleasanton, through the funding of its North Pleasanton Improvement District, constructed several freeway improvements which benefited Dublin as well as Pleasanton. These include the interchanges at Hacienda Drive and at Tassajara/Santa Rita Road with 1-580, which were descirbed as existing improvements in the environmental impact repuct for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan (SCH No. 91103064, pp. 3, 3-1) Pleasanton had requested that Dublin pay its "fair .share" of these improvements, as the improvements would help Dublin's future eastern development to take place. The two cities undertook a benefit study in 1989 entitled the Dublin Extended Planning Area Infrastructure Study, prepared by John H. Heindel, Consulting Civil Engineer (the "Heindel Study"). .------------------------------------------------------------------- ... COPIES TO: ITEMNO.~ g:\agcn misc\intcrchg II. December of 1989, the Dublin City Council accepted the concept of assigning cost sharing on the basis. of benefit to the traffic generated on both sides ofI-580 and determined that Dublin's contribution would be subject to actual development taking place north ofI-580 and within Dublin. The Council also determined that funding mechanisms be established within the Dublin Extended Planning Area. These commitments were reaffirmed by the City Council in January of 1995 by Resolution No. 7-95. Several meetings have been held with the property owners of the Eastern Dublin General Plan Area regarding the method of funding this reimbursement. It was decided to establish a new traffic impact fee specifically for the purpose of repaying Pleasanton. The consensus of the property owners at one of the meetings was to update the Heindel Study but to cap the exposure to the previous estimate of $8.5 million. Staff has now updated the study, based on the adopted General Plan and Specific Plan. Average daily traffic assignments on the various interchange ran1ps were determined using the Tri- Valley Transportation Commission Traffic Model for the Year 2010. The raw traffic information was then assembled into tabular form to determine traffic percentages assigned to the various jurisdictions. The various costs and cost estimates for the interchange improvements were assembled and the "fair share" costs for Dublin and Pleasanton (Exhibit B of Resolution) were calculated based on the relative traffic assigned to each of the two jurisdictions. The cost split is based on the traffic from all areas of the two jurisdictions as that is the w~y that the model was able to break down the traffic at these two interchanges; however, it should be noted that the bulk of the traffic will be from and to the Eastern Dublin area and Pleasanton's eastern area due to the proximity of the interchanges to these two developing areas. The result of the updated study is that owners of property in the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment area should be required to pay fees when they develop their proprety to generate funds to pay Pleasanton $7,384,000. .:' It is proposed that this fee use the same land use traffic generation factors and schedule as the existing Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee (Resolution No. 95-1). The proposed fee is based on the relative trip generation for the various uses. The resulting fee for low (0 - 6 units/acre) and medium (6 - 14 units/acre) density residential uses is $214.60 per unit, for medium-high density (14 - 25 units/ acre) is $150.22 per unit, and for high density (over 25 units/acre) is $128.76 per unit. The fee is $21.46 per trip for non- residential uses (see Exhibit "C" of proposed resolution). Staff will need to do periodic review of the fee to see if the land use assumptions are following the original General Plan and Specific Plan densities. Once the fee is established, Dublin and Pleasanton will need to enter into an agreement to transfer the fees from Dublin to Pleasanton. . S,;'ffrecommends that the City Council conduct apublic hearing, deliberate, and adopt the Resolution Establishing a Freeway Interchange Fee for Future Developments within the Eastern Dublin Area. ...:. Page 2 . . . RESOLUTION NO. _-95 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A fREE'VAYINTERCHANGEFEE FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN THE EASTERN DUBLIN AREA \t\THEREA.S, the City Council of the City of Dublin has adopted Ordinance No. 14-94 \vhich creates and establishes the authority for lmposing and charging a Transportation Impact Fee; and WHEREAS. the Eastern Dublin General Phn Amendment ("GP All) and Specific Plan ('15Pl) \Vere adopted by the City in 1993; and WHEREAS, the GPA outlines future land nses for approximately 4176 acres within the City's eastern sphere of int1uence including apprmjmate1y 13,906 dwelling unit.s and 9,737 million square feet of commercial, office, and industrial development; and WHEREAS, the SP pro'\:rides more. specific det.llled goals, policies and action programs for approximately 3313 acres 'within the GP A area nearest to the City; and WHEREAS, the GPA and SP areas ("Eastern Dublinlt) are shown on the Land Use Map contained in the GPA (attached hereto as Exhibit A) and exclude the area shO\vn on the Lmd Use Jv'lap as "Future Study Area/Agriculturell; und WHEREAS, a Program Environmental Impact Report ("EIR") was prepared for the CPA and SP (SCH No. 91103604) a.nd certified by the Council on May 10, 1993 bv Resolution No. 51-93, and two Addenda dated Mav 4, 1993 and August 22. J J 1994 (ItAddenda) have been prepared and considered by the Council; and 1 V\THEREAS, the SP, EIR and Addenda describe the freeway, freeway interchange and road improvements necessary for implementation of the sr, along with transit improvements, pedestrian trails and bicycle paths C'NecessalY Improvements"); and WHEREAS, The EIR and Addenda assumed that. certain traffic improvements vrould be made ("Assumed Improvements") and that development vvithin Eastern Dublin '\vauld pay its proportionate share of such improvements~ and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the E~terIl Dublin Traffic Impact Fee by Resolution No. 1-95 on January 9, 1995, to fund the cost of the Necess3.lY Improvem.ents and the Assumed Traffic. Improvements; and WHEREAS, tl1e City of Ple:v::::lnton has made improvernents to the I- SS~/Hacienda Dlive and 1-580fIassajara/Santa Rita Road Interchanges ("1-580 Interchange Improvementsll); and '\VHEREAS, the I-58G Interchange Improvenlents were funded by the City of Pleasanton through the North Pleasant on Improvement District; and v\?HEREAS, a report entitled the "Dublin E.xtended Planning Area Infrastructure Study," dated November 1989, was prepared for the Citie.s of Dublin and Pleasanlon by John H. Heindel, Consulting Civil Engineer ("Heindel Study"); and \t\THEREAS, the Heindel Study was considered by the City Council at its December II, 1989, meeting at which time the Council by motion: 1. Acknowledged that Dublin's Eastern Planning Are.a, when. developed, will benefit frorn the new interchange work being funded by Pleasant.on through the North Pkasanton Improvement District (NPID); 2. Accepted the concept of assigning cost sharing on the basis of .. bendit to the traffic ge:nc.ratcd on both sides of 1-580; 3. Determined that Dublin's contribution be subject to ~.ct.ll.a.l developn1.ent taking place north of I~58G and vvithin Dublin; and T1I' llc... 1 2 . . . . .'. . 4. Deten:nined that funding mechanism(s) be established ...,,;Sthin the Dublin Extended Planning Area; and \VHEREAS, on JanuaIY 31, 1995, the City Council reaffirmed its December 11,1989 motion by Resolution No. 7-95; and VVHEREAS, the SP, EIR and Addenda assmned that the 1-580 Interchange Improvements \vere e.xisting improvemeIlts; and \'\THEREAS, the City (:01.111ci1 adopted a. "Mitigation 1\1onitoring Prograrn: Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/Gcneral Platl Amendment" by Resolution No. 53-93 which requires development l.vithin fasteIn Dublin to pay its proportionate share of certain transportation iIrlprovemenls necessary to mitigate impacts Clused by development. within Eastern Dublin; and WHEREAS, the SP, ErR and Addenda describe the impac.t.s of contemplated future cle-velopment on e..xisting public facilities in Eastern Dublin through the year 2010, and contain an analysis of the need for new public facilities and improgements reqllire-d by future development ,vi thin Eastem Dublin; and vVHEREAS, a report was prepared by the Public Works Director of the City of Dublin, in a docum.ent dated December 1995, entitled "Report of Cost Shaling of I- 580 Interchanges at Hacienda and at T::1ssajar2/Santa Rita Roadll (hereafter I!Study"), \vhich is attached hereto as Exhibit B; and VVH:EREAS, the Study sets forth t.he relationship between future development in Easten1 Dublin, the 1-580 Interd1an.ge Improvements, and the costs of the 1-580 Interdlange Improvements; and VvHEREAS, the Study ,vas available for public inspection and review for ten (10) days pIlar to this public: hearing; and \^lHEREAS, the Citv Council fmds as follows: '" A. 111e purpose of the E:1stern Dublin 1.580 Intercllange Fee (hereafter "Feel!) is to reimburse the City of Plt:asanton for e...'>.-penditUl'es previously made for the 1-580 Interchange Improvements, which improvell1.ents have already been constructed 1'1F Re'.<>l 3 and are needed to reduce the traffic-related impacts \vhich \vill be caused by futore development. in Eastern Dublin. The I-S8G Interchange Improvements :ue improvements to the Hacienda Drive and Tassajara/Santa Rita Road interchanges v\.'ith Int.erstate 580 and are hereafter defll1cd and rcfe.rfe<.l to as "Improvements and Facilities". The Improvements and Facilities are needed to accommodate new development projected ,vithin Easten1 Dublin along with existing and future development in the City of Pleasanton ano othel' development in tile nearby vicinity, including future development in Contra Costa County, and development \vithin Eastern Dublin \\ill pay its f::liX' proportional share of such Improvements and Facilities witi1 the implementation of this Fee. B. The fees collected pursuant to this resolution shall be used La finance the Improvelllents and Facilities. C. After considering the Study, the Agenda Statement, the GPA, the SP, the General Plan, t.he EIR and Addenda, the Heindel Study, all correspondence received and the testimony received at the noticed public hearing held on January 23, 1996 (hereafter the "record"), the Council appl-oves and adopt.s the Study and incorporates it herein, and further finds that future devclopIIlent in EaSLelTI Dublin '\-"ill generate the need for, and "vill benefit from, the In1provements .and Facilities and the Improvements and Fa.cilities are consistent with the GPA; the SP and the City's General Plan. D. The adoption of the Fee does not have Ule potential for causing a significant effect on the environment because the 1-580 Interchange Impmvements are already e.'>isting improvements. The COlutcil therefore determines that the adoption of the Fee is not an activitywhkh is subject to the CalifOlnia Environmental Quality Act. 111is determination is made pursuant to CEQA guidelines SS 15061 (b)(2) and (3) and 15273(a)(4) (Title 2, Calif. Code of Regulations) and Public Resources Code: ~ 21080(b)(8)(D). 'ITF P.c.~l 4 . .....: . . . . . . E. The::: record establishes: 1. That there is a rcasonabk relationship between. the need for the Improvements and Facilirjes and the irnp::l.cts of the types of development for which the corresponding fee is cha.rged in that ne\v development in Eastenl Dublin -- both residential and non-residential ~- \-mIl generate traffic ""hich conn-ioutes to the need for, and benefits from, the Improvements and Facilities; and 2. TI1at there is a reasonable relationship between the Fee's use (to reimburse the City of P1c:asantoll for the construction of the Improvements and Fadlities) and the type of development for which the Fee is charged in that all development in Eastern Dublin ~- both residential and non-residential -- generates or contlibutes to the need for the Impl'ovements and Facililies; and 3. That there is a reasonable relationship between the amotmt of the Fee and the co~t of the Improvements and Facilities or pardon thereof attributable to development in Eastenl Dublin in that the Ft>e is calculated based on the number of trips generated by specific types of land uses, the Wtal amount it cost to construct the Improvements and Facilities, and t11t> percentage by \-vhich development 'within East.ern Dublin contributes to the rtccd [or the Improvements and Facilities; and 4. That the costs set forth irt the Study are reasonable cost:; for comtnlcting the Improvements and FacjUtks, .in that they are the actual c.osts and tile Fees e.xpected to be generated by futtlre development ,,,ill not c"I:ceed the costs of constnlcting tl1e Improvements and Facilities; and 5. The method of allocation of tlle Fee to a particular development bears a fair and reasonable relationship 1O each development's burden on, ~Uld benefit from, the Improvements and Facilities, in that the Fee is calculated basc:d on the nUInber of automobile trips each particular development '\vill generate. TIF'R.<o! 5 NO\\' THEREfORE, the City COUl1Cil of the City of Dublin does RESOLVE as follows: 1. Definitions a. "Developmenttl shall mean the construction, alteration or addition of any building or structure \vithin E.qstern Dublin. b. "East.en1 Dublin'! shall mean all property within the "General Plan Al11endment Study Areal1 as shown on the Land Use Map (Exhibit A hel'eto) excluding the property de:>ignated as "FutUl'e Study Are3/Agriculture.11 c. "Improvemell.ts and Facilities" shall include tb"e 1-580 Interchange ImpTovemenLs Lo the Hacienda Drive and Tassajara/Santa Rita Road interchanges described in the Studv. ~ . 2. Eastern Dublin 1-580 rnterchan~e Fee Tmpo.sed. a_ . An Eastern Dublin 1-580 Interchange Fee ("Fcc") shaIll>c:: charged and paid for each reSidential unit constructed \X.1.thin Eastern Dublin no later than the date of fillal inspection for the unit. b. A Fee shall be charged and paid for non-residential buildings or structures c.onstructed \-Yithin. Eastern Dublin by the date that tl1e building pemlit is issued for such building or structur~, exc.ept 'where th,e building or structtu.c Vvilll'cquire a later stage of disa-etionary approval by the City before it can be occupied, in vvhich case, wit.h the approval of the Public Works Director, the Fee for that building or structure may be deferred for payment to the date the City makes t.he h<>t. disc.ret.ionmy approval which is l.equired prior to occupancy. 3. Am.ount of Fee. a. The amount of the Fee shall be as set forth on Exhibit C au.ached hereto and incorporated herein. 4. Exemptions Prom Ee.e. a. The Fee shall not be imposed on any of the following: Tll' Resol 6 . . . . .' . ..,..., . ..v ... V. ........,1 11_.........L_,'ultlo...ol )},.),~II....,l..'^.......J,L....'t ~ LILL ISVI VJ.V VVJ. .1U.1 ). (I) Any alteration or addition to a residential structure, except to the e..nent that a residential tmit is added to a single family residentialtmit or another unit is added to an existing multi-family residential unit; (2) Any replacement. or reconstruction of an existing residential struclure that has been dest.royed or demolished provided that the building permit for reconstruction is obtained \vithin one year after tl1e building was destroyed or demolished unless the replacemem:, or reconsuuction inneases the square footage of the structure fifty pel"Cent or morc. (3) Any replaCe111eIlt or reconstruction of :m e..xisting non- residential structure that has been de~troyed or demolished provided that the building permit for new reconstruction is obtained Vl.rithin one year after the building 'was destroyed or demoHshed a:nd the reconstructed building would not increase the destroyed or demolished building.<> trips based on Exhibit C. Use of Fee Revenues. a. The revenues raised by payrnent of the Fee shall be placed in t.he Capital Projects FW1d. A separate and special account 'within the Capital Project Fund shall be used to account for such revenues, along 'with .my interest e:m:ungs on each account. The revenues (and interest) shall be used for the folloVi.ring purposes: TTFRe<,,) (I) To reimburse lhe City of Pleasanton for design. engineering, right-of-'\vay acquisition and construction of the Improvements and Facilities and 7 ...,._oJ ~... ~v ...",., ...V.1.-' IlL. l L..l U......., 1 U 1 V L.. J 1\ J. L/l ,VnUV.L L V I 1 Ill) l1VI ,J.:.V ...J...Jl '1:"--tU! 1 , VVf .LV n::asonable costs of outside consu1t.<tnt studies related .' thereto; (2) To pay for alld/or reimburse costs of program development and ongoing administration of the Fee program. b. Fees in the account. shall be expended only for the Improvements and Fadlities and only for the purpose: for which the Fee \vas collected. 6. MiscelhDeous a. The standards upon which the needs for the Improvcments and Facilities are based are the stalldards of the City of Dublin, including the sLandards contained in the General Plan, CPA, ?p, EIR, and Addenda. b. The City COUlKil determines that the need for the Improvements and Facilities is generated by new development .....':ithin Eastem Dublin and other e..xisting und ne.w development in Pkasanton, Contra Costa County and in the vicinity, and therefore, the Study h~s deterrnined the proportionate share of the cost of the hnprovemcnts and FaciliLies for which development within E::lstem Dublin is responsible. 7. Periodic Review. .0, a. DUling each fiscal year, the City 1\1anager shall prepare a report for the City Council, pw'suam. to Govenlment Code section 66006, identifying the balance of fees in. the aCColmt., b. The City COUl1Cil shall make findings t".;'lch fiscal ye.o'U' pUl'smmt to Government Code Section 6600 1 (d) identifying the pm-pose to which the existing fee balance is to be put and demonstrating a reasonable relationship between the Fee and tl1e purpose for which it is charged. .: .. TIF R=l 8 . .. . 8. Effective Date. ", This resolution shall become effective inunediately. The Fee provided in Sections 2 and 3 of this resolution shall be effective 60 days from the effective date of the resolution or the date the City enters into an agreement with the City of Pleasanton for transfer of Fee revenues, whiche'\'er is later. 9. Severability. Each component of the Fee and all portions of this resolution are severable. Should any individual component of the Fee or other provision of this resolution be adjudged to be invalid and unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall be and continue to be fully effective, and the Fee shall be fully effective except as to that pOltion that has been judged to be invalid. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this _ day of January, 1996, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: MAYOR ArrEST: CITY CLERK J:\ WPDJ\1l'.'RSW\114\RESO L\FREEW A Y,RES TIF Resol 9 .....-''''.......i.':L,,,..._., ~-........~ . _.-........._~---- ..~_-I . . . * General Commercial may be permitted by a Planned Development Zoning Process (see text tor complete discussion) * * Will convert to Future Study Areal Agriculture where determined inconsistent with AP A (see text for complete discussion) EXHIBIT 2 (of Staff Report) Exhibit A of Resolution Land Use Map ~- ~:Wk ',. "'. G41neral'Plan ~Eastern EXtended Planning Area ~:. \( <.. . LAND USE MAP . L(}gend COMMERCIAL . ~ Neighbcrl100d Commercial ~ General Commercial ~::~~l Carrous OffiGe ~l Industrial Park RESIDENTIAL CB:J High Density 25- dulac ~ Medum-High Density 14-25 dulac [IJ Medium Density 6-14 dulac IT] low Density D-6 dulac ~ Rural ResidentiaL/Agriculture 1 dul1QQ ac PU8L1C/SEMf-PUBLlC/OPEN ~}4J*1 ~ ~ [E[].,. ..:.. :".:: ~'- '.'" ~t....."...._ .:..;;)--:::-:.~.~ ~ Public/Semi-Public Facility @ Elementary School @ Junior High School @ High School @ PubrlC/Semi-PubUc Parks & Recreation o City Park @ Community Park @ Neighborhood Park Neighborhood Square Open Space Stream Corridor CIRCUlA TION -- Arterial Street '. CoBector Street EASTERN ":Q,Y.,~.~~N', .. , Walace Rooerts &: Todd . . '.~ .'.. ..t'..: "::. ~:...., >. "~ ~.;':';;":::'" ';,i.:"."'.:';" .~::.." ;. '. :'~ Transit SDne SOl Boundary Genera!. Plan Amendment Study Area . Specific Plan Study Area .( ~ay 10, 1993 rtgtr828 -= .::' ;"(. ::.'..~.,.,~.t.,>~.{~~I"t~~~ . ,. _ _. 'B:~.i!.:.c.!'-. . 40 31< .. '1" . ~,_ . EXHIBIT A OF RESOLUTION . . ... ~-~ ".1'~' .. ;;....<:.,,~I ,,:r.. ~.! . REPORT OF COST SHARlNG OF 1-580 INTERCHANGES A T HACIENDA DRlVE AND AT T ASSAJARA/SANT A RlT A ROAD (December 1995) Prepared by Lee S. Thompson, City Engineer City of Dublin It is the intention of this study to establish the fair share costs between development within the Cities of Dublin and Pleasanton for the construction of and improvements to interchanges with Interstate 580 at Hacienda Drive and at Tassajara Road/Santa Rita Road. The City of Pleasant on has already purchased right of way and constructed the basic improvements for the two interchanges. Dublin will need to complete the two interchanges as development occurs in Eastern Lublin, as the two interchanges will be needed to serve development in Eastern Dublin and were assumed as existing improvements in the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan EIR (SCH No. 91103064, page 3.3-1). Funding for the interchange completions is already included in the existing Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee (Resolution No. 95-1). Dublin proposes to establish and levy an Eastern Dublin I-580 Interchange Fee for the purpose of repaying Pleasanton for the amount of money over and above Pleasanton' s "fair share" costs of the total interchanges that Pleasanton has advanced based on the relative projected traffic from and to each jurisdiction at the two interchanges in the Year 2010. The property owners in Eastern Dublin should not . pay Pleasanton interest on the "advanced money" inasmuch as Pleasanton has the benefit of the exclusive e::. use of the interchanges until the Dublin development comes on line. Following is the calculation for establishing reimbursement due Pleasanton from property owners in Eastern Dublin of $7,384,000: Assumptions 1) Cost split based on all of Dublin traffic vs. all of Pleasant on traffic using the interchanges. (Note that the bulk of traffic using the two interchanges will be from Eastern Dublin and Eastern Pleasanton and the interchanges are required for the level of development approved by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan.) 2) Dublin and Pleasanton to pay 100% of costs based on their relative share of the traffic using the interchanges. 3) Traffic split is based on TJKM analysis of the Barton-Aschman Tr;- Valley traffic model run for the Year 2010 (attached). 4) Pleasanton's costs for constructing the interchanges (based on Pleasanton cost breakdown): Hacienda Interchange: $18,716,000 Tassajara/Santa Rita Interchange: 9.846.000 Total: $28,562,000 5) Dublin's future costs to complete interchanges already included in the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Resolution 95-1 is $9,656,000. 6) Total project cost is therefore $38,218,000 .: Page 1 EXHIBIT B OF RESOLUTION From TJKM analysis: Pleasanton's share of total traffic using the Hacienda Drive interchange Dublin's share of total traffic using the Hacienda Drive interchange Other jurisdictions' traffic Total: 46%... 36% 18% 100% Therefore, with the assumption that 100% of the cost is split between owners of property in the two jurisdictions, the cost split for the Hacienda Drive interchange calculates to be: Pleasanton Dublin 56.1% 43.9% 100.0% Pleasanton's share of total traffic using the Tassajara/Santa Rita interchange Dublin share of the total traffic using the Tassajara/Santa Rita interchange Other jurisdictions' traffic 43% Total: 36% 21% 100% Therefore, with the assumption that 100% of the cost is split between the two jurisdictions, the cost split for the TassajaralSanta Rita Road interchange calculates to be: Pleasanton Dublin . 54.4% 45/;% 100.0% The cost obligations are then as follows: Hacienda Interchange: TassajaralSanta Rita Rd. Interchange Pleasanton Obligation $12,775,000 (56.1%) Dublin Obligation $9,997,000 Total Interchange Cost (43.9%) $22,772,000 $8,403,000 (54.4%) Total: $21,178,000 $7.043.000 $17,040,000 (45.6%) $15.446.000 $38,218,000 Reimbursement due Pleasanton: Pleasanton Advance: less Pleasanton Obligation: Reimbursement due Pleasanton from property owners in Eastern Dublin: $28,562,000 ($21,178.000) . $7,384,000 Page 2 . The fee will then be based on dividing the expected number of trips generated by the Eastern Dublin development (344,078) into the total monies to be generated ($7,384,000) to obtain the fee per trip. The 344,078 trips estimated is generated from the Eastern Dublin General Plan/Specific Plan study of 346,525, modified slightly downward by redefining the density tiers for residential development from two levels to four levels and the resulting refinement of the traffic generated at these density levels. The calculation is then: $7.384.000 344,078 trips $21.46 per trip For residential units, the fee would be: Residential Category Low density (up t06 units / acre) Medium density (over 6 to 14 units / acre) Medium high density (over 14 to 25 units/ acre) High density (over 25 units / acre) Non-residential uses (based on trip generation schedule) *Trips Per Unit 10 10 7 6 Fee Per Unit $214.60 $214,60 $150.22 $128.76 $21.46 per trip .. ..... ., * TRIPS PER UNIT - These trip generation factors were developed by the City's Traffic Consultant, TJKM, using the Institute of Traffic Engineers case studies. . Page 3 ~ Transportation Consultants April 12, 1995 The charts below illustrate the source of traffic, by percent, using each of four 1-580 interchanges: 1) Hopyard RoadJDougherty Road; 2) Hacienda Drive; 3) Tassajara Road/Santa Rita Road, and 4) Fallon RoadlEl Charm Road in 2010 according to the Tri-Valley Transportation Model. In the first chart, the amount of traffic to/from each of nine Tri- Valley areas using each of the four interchanges is shown. In the second chart, only the traffic to/from Pleasanton and East Dublin is considered. .' Dougherty Tossojoro Pleosonton N,Uvermore Uvermore E,Dublin Dublin Volley Valley Son Roman Donville Total 1 42<;1; 3%. 100:. 7%. 26%. 6%. 1%. 3%. n 100%. 2, 46%. 4%. 9'% 1 32%. 4%. 1%. 2<;1; 1%. 1%. 100%. .' 43%. 5%. 11%. 33%. 3%. 1%. 3%. 1%. 00:. 100%. A 21%. 7%. 23% 3B% 2'l, 5%. 1% lOX, lOX, 100%. Pleosonton E, Dublin Total 1 85% 15%. l00't 2 59'% 41% lOO't 3 56%. M'X, 100't A 36OX, M'X, 1 CXl'X, 157-066 PAGE 4 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 214, Pleasanton, California 94588-2754, (510) 463-0611, Fax (510) 463-3690 Pleasanton . Sacramento. Fresno. Santa Rosa . . . . 1-580 INTERCHANGE FEE FOR EASTERN DUBLIN GENERAL PLAN AREA Low Density Residential (0 to 6 units per acre) Medium Density Residential (over 6 to 14 units per acre) Medium High Density Residential (over 14 to 25 units per acre) High Density Residential (over 25 units per acre) Development Other Than Residential: $214,60 per unit $214,60 per unit $150,22 per unit $128,76 per unit $21.46/trip (Based on the following table) LAND USE (Non-Residential) ESTIMA TED WEEKDAY VEHICLE TRIP GENERATION RA TE* (WITH PASS-BYS) HOTEL/MOTEL OR OTHER LODGING: 10/room OFFICE: Standard Commercial Office Medical/Dental . 20/1,000 sf 34/1,000 sf RECREATION: Recreation Community Center Health Club Bowling Center Golf Course Tennis Courts Theaters Movie Live Video Arcade 26/1,000 sf 40/1,000 sf 33/1,000 sf 8/acre 33/court 220/screen 0.2/seat 9611,000 sf EDUCATION (Private Schools): 1,5/student HOSPITAL: General ConvalescenUNursing Clinic 12/bed 3/bed 24/1,000 sf CHURCH: 9/1,000 sf INDUSTRIAL: Industrial (with retail) Industrial (without retail) 16/1,000 sf 811,000 sf * Source of information for Trip Generation Rates: Based on Institute of Transportation Engineers and San Diego Assoc. Government Trip Generation Rates, These trip generation rates are based on averages, Retail commercial has been given a 35% pass-by reduction, Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT "C" OF RESOLUTION TRIP GENERATION RAT::S LAND USE (Non-Residential) ESTIMATED WEEKDAY VEHICLE TRIP GENERA TION RATE (WITH PASS-BYS) . RESTAURANT: Quality (leisure) Sit-down, high turnover (usually chain other than fast food) Fast Food (with or without drive through) Barffavern 63/1,000 sf 133/1,000 sf 511/1,000 sf 100/1.000 sf AUTOMOBILE: Car Wash Automatic Self-Serve Gas Station with or without food mart Tire Store/Oil Change Store Auto Sales/Parts Store Auto Repair Center Truck Terminal 585/site 70/wash stall 97/pump 28/service bay (no pass-bys) 48/1,000 sf (no pass-bys) 20/1,000 sf (no pass-bys) 80/acre FINANCIAL: Bank (Walk-In Only) Savings and Loan (Walk-In Only) Drive-Through/ATM (Add to Bank or Savings & Loan) 91/1,000 sf 40/1,000 sf 65/1ane or machine COMMERCIAL/RETAIL: Super Regional Shopping Center (More than 600,000 SF; usually more than 60 acres, with usually 3+ major stores) 22/1,000 sf .~ Regional Shopping Center (300,000 - 600,000 SF; usually 30 - 60 acres, w/usually 2+ major stores) 33/1,000 sf Community or Neighborhood Shopping Center (Less than 300,000 sf; less than 30 acres w/usually 1 major store or groce!)' store and detached restaurant and/or drug store) 46/1,000 sf Commercial Shops Retail/Strip Commercial Commercial with unknown tenant Supermarket Convenience Market Discount Store Lumber Store/Building Materials Garden Nurse!)' Cemete!)' 26/1,000 sf 33/1,000 sf 98/1,000 sf 325/1,000 sf 46/1,000 sf 20/1,000 sf 23/1,000 sf (no pass-bys) 4/acre Page 2 of 2 g:\formslintrfees.xls . EXHIBIT "C" OF RESOLUTION TRIP GENERATION RATES