HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.4 ApptWheelsAccessAdvComm .. ... CITY CLERK File # e: AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 13.1996 SUBJECT: Appointment by Mayor of Dublin Member to LA VTA' s "Wheels Accessible Advisory Committee" (W AAC) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: A) Letter from Wheels General Manager dated February 6, 1996 B) Application of Mary E. Gibbert RECOMMENDATION: ". .rI ConIinn Mayor's appointment of Mary Gibber! to W MC and ~ - ~irect Staff to notify LA VT A - OR - provide other appropriate direction to Staff FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: On January 9, 1996, Cm. Moffatt, who serves as the City's .':'" representative on the LA VT A Board, advised of an opening on LA vr A's Wheels Accessible Advisory . - . .:.: Committee: At that time, the Council directed that the Senior Center Advisory Committee be advised of this opening. Dublin resident Mary Gibbert has applied to fill the remainder of the tenn previously held by Carrie Staehle on this committee. Staff recommends that the City Council confinn the Mayor's appointment ofMBIy Gibbert to LA VT A's Wheels Accessible Advisory Committee and direct Staff to notifY LA VT A of this appointment. EVcc~fonD~agd'lhbtdoc 02/07/96 WED 10:54 FAX 510 443 1375 LAVTA 14l 002 February 6, 1996 Mr. Richard Ambrose City Manager City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Richard: In October 1994 the Dublin City Council appointed Carrie Staehle as a member of LAVTA's llWHEELSH Accessible Advisory Committee (WMC). e:~ ..' Carrie Staehle has resigned as a member of this committee. LAVTA solicited applications for membership in this committee to represent the City of Dublin as per Section 3.3(d)(iv) of the committee's bylaws, and Mary E. Gibbert has applied for membership in this committee. In accordance with Section 3.3(d)(i) of the bylaws, it is requested that the Dublin City Council appoint one member immediately. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 455-7555. With best wishes Sincerely, V~J~ Vie Sood, General Manager Attachments 1: Bylaws of LAVTA's WHEELS Accessible Advisory committee 2: Application for membership e:. Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100, Livermore, CA 94550 · 570.455,7555 FAX 570.443.1375 EXHIBIT A 02/07/96 WED 10:5~ FAX 510 443 1375 LAVTA 141 011 " Liwntronl AIIftIdtH VoUq T rtIIait A udIt1rity 1J62llu,.n Courr. SUIte 100 LivemtOrf!!. CA 94550 r-tt~~ 2 .J A ~.~ 3 1 ~996 '. I.'VER"'I:~ ..,.\MACOH V^~T TRAi~I;jIT AUTHORITY APPLICATION FOR MEMB~tllf' OF LAYrA'S ACCESSIBLE ADVISORY COMMITrEE" (WAAC) LIVERMORE/AMADOR VA.LI.EY TRANSIT AUTHORrrY "mutt OF f~ POsmON: Radent Dublin R-......r CHECX ONE ~ PleasanlDll P....,dall LA VT.' SctVicc Nw. Pni~ \For Alameda County MemQerJ ~ G~..r~ 1NI'01IMA11OH NiIIIIC: (;./13 {3 E !J.. -r 1 ~ f.1 1t-;2. 'J f. ~ # AddIaI:' Ie g If If 's A r;. 5 (!,-r City:_ D U /!; L / Iv' Home I! t~ 3 -if 5 ifl Wotk I: Ale you . le.Dr' (60 yean of ap or okIa')? lfI:!:!- Positioa (Cbect One): V Saior t.~ Disabled Other ~ . ENDO.4~_""'I~ NlIImelOI...u~....rinn Coomer. Addn!:SS :eJJonc 1.DJJ8LIN SEIdIO f( CLAJ7t.R. !3oJJlJle LeoAldrd 'if 3, ;f ~M S':J. 9-1>3/1 , I,.I~ ::.~ ~S~ fp1Jr1flA\L. p~- ~ lf3"~~ e.. '16"2-76 '1.3 3.Jk.1hu-r;. (f~ ~ ScAt ~ 7~g, (awtruifIc J!.d. ?J:S - / ! '-I-b ~ ASSOCIA'OONS Namelt'lrftftt72hon Contac::t Addn!!s Phone 8':l. fi-!{,SJ 11JJ;/)LIN FIAl! A-Ilrs tlJtltlWol( i, N J It.. J:. 7 ~ (J fCi.AlJ..rx. 6u.L ~ ='~OJ~ ~-r1MMLw:r;;.. /Iht{&~c.f. ~c<g~..?4Ci~. , . ~ -- }.~ ~~~..15~ 'lL/w. g()e~~~~ (Jt-CJ6/fh ~ EXHIBIT B 02/07/96 WED 10:59 FAX 510 443 1375 -- .- ~ .-,. .' LAVTA I4l 012 " cd\wp51 WI' W AAC Applica.tion Pale 2 of 2 QUALIFICATIONS: 1. Do you use dial.a.ride? H YIS, how often? ~. cJ-Ju.d~~' 2. Please explain your qualifieations for m,em~ip on thw!S; briefly ~ -d ~ ~-o....~~~/~ . ,t:ItP:t .!iJ ~ ~ ~ ~ .:b ;l!U v~ 3. ~~~~ ~u~~Is~O~~J",-. ~ ~. .~~ du.;Pu.-u~) ~,_~.(.L~~ ~.... .:q...~' . ~:ti!:!t. ~ j:c d-f. I-fAA, ~ 4. Wh attributes or al ties do you ha't'e to offer the Committee' ~~a. ~ - 8.3 ~-t)~ ~ p).U.~ ~}7Uf . I 09 ~ ct..~~ dJ~wiZl~. _ g~eH'V s. Wil~ ~crm~during regular business hours? How = i~ your schedule? ~. lh(J ~. J 0.-;>. Please !nclude any additional information that may R~ljist the d~ision making process. J- fL1'I-r... ~~) H-I ,f5lLr":: ~~ a.. ~ ~ .wtti. vlIo ~~. ~ ~~ ~ ~ r:I...nu.. u~ ..i--- ~ ~ ~ ~/7'i'\~ ~~. PLEASE DO NOT WRITE IN TIllS SPACE